THE TRIBUNE. J. ABXER 1IARRELL, Editor. TaUPSDAY., MARCH SP, 18,73, HAKEt D04JBLJC SUAVE. How shall we conceal oyr lecling, pregnant as they are with disappro bation ot the conduct of Grant ip 1iis oniflatory letters to Messrs. Colfax ard Ames? How ,eonld jve in taking even a tempqrary abode upon the soil of the half civilized liaplanders or beneath .tle parch ing snns of 'Ethiopia, the brass to tell those peop.e,,thc Government tat tlve United States is an ornament and superior ,to therV2 Where can we find a spot npon this terra queous globe, that we can stand upon and defend that .man, who .is nominally the chief Magistrate of this nation, who, no.t only harbqrs jand winks at theft, but writes let ters, of approval 4 sj-mpaty to ffheihieyes? Where is his shame? Vhere is America's p.tfde? So far as having anv thimr to say concerning .the fifteen hundred approvers qf t,he conduct ,ot A me at Easton, or endorsers of .Uolfax, nat South Bend, is a subject we can- .not write upon, without exciting a smile of contempt. The bare nen- tion of siie, excjtes.onr most hid den feelings of disgust, nd renders ,us wholy nufit for writing. 13 ut we will say, and we think terms too mild, ;that O. Ames' jind S. Colfax stand tkejorp the en lightened world, convicted of and felony against the United 1 States. .ORPHASS OF 2CORHAROJ.IBiA. The daughters and sons of N. C, jhave ever given anattentiv.e ear, a pitying tongne, and helping hand' to her destitute and orphans. She is ready and willing to do so now, imt there lies .one danger tip the .way: procrastination .or lo-rgetnl-jiess. But feel iis we Jenay, talk swith the iiiosd;. soothing tongues to iJincck nrlir iova zrl n1A.n1 ders to the wheel vet if we Jcpmi 14 3..vr.,i ;ri Mi ..mi l ' 7 - ... , 1 1 Ac benefitted and ihn ImrtlN, i1 , ..... UwMi,,uju luwiiii-uiuiwwuniiissiyiicu more heavily le t by tiiose wii01 Jiave already comanen,ced the good; jvork of maiotainang an Asylum. i We refer to thp Asylvun now' fitted pin Oxford, an.d our own county ,4 Ajrran.ville. AVe feel like saying a great' deal. to advance the cang of an Asylum in Oxford, and would say a great no ncn 1a n f if cowao -.-n. -. x I f,.. mi. v oviira will lUllDUbU LO i ; Mow, there is an effort to have one Than uiu uiiiuc ui uiu yriuu oi rne fete of North Carolina in fi, name fiver paper f"""1 "o 40 iey want, ana we Sabbatl sted ,w ' . . ..--"? Wuf t? wnirpntiona trpm veach person tftoy meet around home, which is one hundred thousand, fjall Jiaye senf one cjnarfpr, the svlnm will receive twenty-fivp tnoian. . . . 1 ' : . J ' Yc wjJJ. end onr half .dpllar, ill vnif flinfj rlrt tli f cnip A rrsi?i ill not others dp tlje same, . Again ye urge, le us build up thpAyuin at Oxford. The Prceuj; ias snbscribef $100 an i Njce president Wilson 50 toward the (Ireeley monument. deal, but there is no wav to pmhnliVli trv. it follows as a logical con the expression-there are orphans in son that it own will- he best nib- "Jcs from tho former and 20 years in the rcmtentiary escaped uuu iiCiup uuuud. uB inn j 0ri 11 1 1 served. It is our colleges that fur- from : the latter. What is called trom Mlscn jail on last fcunday importmc rtireti tt .ik, 1 -n lttT mhthebrains that elaborate our Jeffrey.' tract rod, also runs rniD- .52. SZiSlZ d sacred lover of nght tolend our editorials, and from their walls tnrol4 Tnll. IIo 8o St S. at the Raleigh has 3,000 bales of cotton d to their niamtaumnce. must come the future editors of our " ' , awaiting shipment. Tho receipts T ,T . rn T vxvr-i t rv Though wo do not know much uMry. It is a ciiterpnze inS f tl,es ro r TI 0 bo.! V in that Sty since the first ot Sep- J. RICHARD LEW ELLEN, Aoncerninr the A,vlnm in Oxford tot only nominally so, and' cold dary line is not well defined, as it is tcmber las't have been somo 10,0m) wporie.. Ln::n lnf ;nno';;; ' . . 41 ' must be that heart that will not not incorporated, (but should be,) bales, against 12KK) for the twelve , , 1 "er 9Pe ?GT) actie in the resnond to a cause so noble. It i Kf ,..;n Mne n.,.r.l.Q tr'flio f into I u'J Market Sjnare. i . - v e an iovo ino granu oiu mma we nave inrce stores, vuu, uusn, $ v....., . oi cnarity in the name ot Mvrnf f - ,i . I. . , .i ?n .i of Mnior Jesse J. 1 catcs and Jtidpo WnnlPonlo Tl runrmof o , - , vnvni iu iau wu out perhaps mey win aurcrusc . f t . v i wvmw w,; Sr sacred law, we ask the news- the power we would drain the L:fll L i tliw nn,nlt tilp?P :n. Ravid A Darn cs men eminent in men of the State, to make lhy lool that covers the place, ' ;T .iV " .i" luc Proiws,on ouw.-4.iiw. w A. & O. A. RAKTOS lown this to the people " for hvhere her shaPe1 shafts and W 1 oncRn,S V101',1 Tiik rocTiiK UorEL.-This i-j ii .i sivp Rtrnptiirp inio cfrr Inf 1 tlf?n. 1 KPOl bv a COIOrCU II lull, ii iiiacK I 1 :.. .;. I am mm ... r-n v;il fflJH ,m . . ery man oi sense Knows sue is ueacl. I smith shop, aooui a dozen uwemngs, i town of llalitax. is now oncn for the 1 Anme.i will ho an ornnmonf t V and J"" relu,ro fllU ,lalr a a tobacco Warehouse, and two accomodation ot visitors. Mr. W. Mill be an ornament to any State, century for her to assume her pris- scb00is and a Church. Hunter Harris, the lessee, is said and lie recognized at the thorne of tine rank among the Institutions ot ft,"rcl, , to be an excellent caterer and mi- Rod. thecountry. It were mere folly All of onr stores, are doing good dctmnd. iiOW t0 15?! allS- Allow hs, (though not as a teach- l 8t?d she1tears . J rc?rrtt bnf nCSS ""f . trad.c from weett for the thorough comfort ol Otnt simply to snggest, that every lis. W,cn his m .tin .1. "l v . ll. i" h" " i bchool bUDermtendont trr nnshpathpil nnrl Mmmn cAr.l I ? . . . . . I n C were this morninrr shown a i get the parents bt children inter- Pointing ns to vict Vlow m,, llac0 01 ""J ,n0r '77rU p!co ofRold, worth between in th and let each little bov rvlilthesccuiar 1 of X.C. raise " "' " J. wana w, wiiitn ia iiic pro- i- , Vfiui I me UO , . . . ... I .nnnlltlnn i tli. A fine., tft. ... id jrirl have a little hanl- nfi.-t, 1UI " I'lei ivecau upon cv- w...r...M. ri:!. ! .WMV " though five cents At a time, or fivp.n uiant with the light of mind, to I r. . ! . .1 . I cent, wonld .. site this subject, to . y it he- ? " r-K" , ocenpy ,e ory 1C ,, ,nmb tJ,e time thousands of those nd in every way formerly owned bj J L. Jones & R ' ' . . us 01 l,10s3.c to foster and cherish it. Cro., which is sufliciently capacious, thcyhaxcat Jtlo amounts 1 are put together The ladies and children as well without enlargement. Mr. J. S. by the 1st of -9 TT f . 'I . 1 lfcVM - AUk mm V -" I a . yy ny cannot an, send one quarter, as the men have been appealed tor iK.i.i.nt ocennica J 1 Ton & wceK ironi ,W0 0,WO worth or it no more, and by the tne one now we appeal to the noble , t JC , gold. It is well known that there tenth of he people of tlS to and unselfish press of our State to Rro's old stand, is looking pleased arclargegold deposits in Korth lentil, 01 -ue ptopie ot the btate, it f , , llV. colling nurv.l,Mn. Ar,.l i, t.:.i.. EDUCATION AMD WAUE FOREST. We in to day's issue give much of our space to a very well timed let- ter from Jui.e, (correspondent or little news to write this week, the Daily JYeics) upon the subject though we have had pleasant weath of education. Jui.e himself is a er for several da vs past. The farm- fine educator, and a fair exponent of the cause he represents. Our pen and feelings echo in less euplu- niou language, the scntimeuts of his letter. Messrs. Editors. There is a mighty effort being made in our State to endow Wake Fore-t Col- lecrc. The -amirunt required is the i j i .i ,,,1 dollars. Since ihc .death of Chap- el Hill under Radical physicing, the importance of having at least one college in the State placed up- on a firm and stable fooling, lis become patent to everv intJlligent mind. The great wheel horse of this movement it Dr. Wingate, who is a man of indefatigable energy, Following in the the footsteps ol Peter the Hermit, m his attempt to rescue by a combined effort ot chrisendom the Holy sepulchre from the Turks, ho js preaching a eru- sade against the benighted hosts ot iVnorance. His clarion voice is ringing from the mountains to the ana shore, and man virallaut knights have alreadv enlisted beneath this banner, He has been elected gen- eralissimo of the forces, and even now nis rccruiiuig sergeants arc t . w i drumming for volunteers. c ob- serve that one of his colonesl has unitated .Uie sublime policy of the gQut Jorsican, and is endeavoring to iorm a resejvqa corps oi yoAing guarus. is well known that tins I ooay oiyoutimii neroes swell tue nciu oi ljoroaino oi -oearaeu lius sians, and so in nil human broba- l.i lif n mill I lAnnl f .l I ..!. I i -j:: i a.ik, the rescue of us rav moustachios. The State has been divided iuto departments, ca,ch department to mi nisn us quoia oi irooos. n is a noble -effort and deserves mcccss. Tlie lenoranw of North Carolina ii monstrous, alaxming and increas- ing. A pall of Cimmerian ploom who like another Alcnm is able t. Ha irnn 'oro 11 iin n iittH ti.l. I nf . " 1 tri II 11-1 M I SirilH. A llrAH WHS HI1 111. I 4. 1 j 1 1 1 nffirra in Mnrtreeshn.o two i,it I 1 1 . I ago,m wuicn great unanimiry pre vaued as 10 ins ways anu means 01 Mm tl.lj inOTPv Tf raising tjjis jnojiey . Jt j no pri- vate enterprze, but one ot a most public character, and viewed a- right becomes one of State impor- tane. The rcHgions iress ot thc btate is doing its utmost to ad- vancc this cause, and the secular press must assist, for m buiidmg uP the educational interests 01 a conn-1 clu - r! i. i 1 IIO llllilOlflll IIIOVC lO PrilS'l IJIVIM-I fn . .. . .7 " V son or Tnnitv or to throw another handful ot ashes nvrr thn bnril S?JTee of our once noble University. ery newspav desirous of seeing her valleys and hdls, her mountains and plains ra- i 1 1 4 li. 1 1. - i - i . i est Jclk. The will of the lato Richard F. Sheppard, of Philadelphia, leaves 1 5500 Ofo 1 ?j t $300,000 to his widow, which goes to licr grandson, now four years Old, at her death. In the event of the death of the crrandson thn estate is Nprthcn to be divided between the icrn and Southern Homes lor I Friendless children. ia rftstinn" nnon rts intrlmMnnl tin I vnr 7,sith n-F TaJ noirvliKrtra olerl . ro7on She hns drifted lu l- i,t.i I i i i V t dent oi this place, died at Union rozoji, bheiias-diatea 1al into to liavc a hearing? I am sure Depot Wilmincton N C on the torper of medievalism. The ,v TT , , Am 1 i schoolmaster is uow abroad, how, Au. " dfcrves fl08 mneh not,ce Thursday last.-W 7tme. ever, in tho person f AVintrate. iHiamboro orFaafalrassl-ork f.V .lnll-r. .!.. .rt " VtJL I 111 . I I I A I . .1 I 1 I A l.uB. KI'I'Tl rill 1 I U. Ill I'illl IIVHI I Mil U V lrB I M 1 w,.avawsa w V ftkft. mm - - m m Mill! m 1 1 M T- -vw w 1 w w mm m mm m mm mm m mr a WW mm m mmMm. ' w wBwa m Miwwf)"w kwai i 1 l I . . - 1 l !! I JV. . 1 I )er in t ho Ktatfv t hut i T in oldest ot these. Messrs. Webb Inv, oj orui Carolina, iiits IK 111 IIll? rivFCIin f)T VrtLrt aim - vtw vj 1 vniuiiiiaA uu iuu uiuiwimi JliLlItrriU COnBEHPOHDESrE OF TttiRCEE. K ttkell's, N. C, March a S, 73. Editor Tribune. We. hare but era arc all quite busy preparing for another crop, while the merchants ftnd clerks have but little to do. The foot ball game seems to bo the order of the day, with loth young at.d old, all participate from the four year old bovs, up to our M batt-hc'.ors. Old Granville . .. county seems to be alive yet, as shown by a colored woman, near Oxford, a lew days ago giving birth at one time, to thrco children, aH are tIcking 3na Joins WCH, so n. . " . , rr. Drs. Cbcny and Smith. To show what a thnfty people ours arc. there is a woman living within a tew miles of this' place, who is the inothcr of twenty-one living club , ci i dren' ho nlso SUPP dogs, and says she is the richest woman in Granville county, The bov3 here were very much amnscJ nfcwdaya ago at a fight , . , , Ar between two colored women, they soon found that the old mode of warfare between women would not do, their hair lxiing too short, they 4i . i . e:T-. f. tlicn resorted tostonc?, sticks, etc., , . nntil they luid gotten suxh a dist- ance apart UiAt they could only use their tongues. None f on r police oftiecr3 WPrc ncar to interfere. vn ronREiPo.inEM'S or TrmuxE. Tally IIo X C Martll 15 ;3 ' ' Emtoi: Tribcne: Dearer. Ihe ftrst ,ssuo of J0Mr Xlr has fallen loack of Tar.9 somehow, and by accident gotten into my hands, and 1 j gee J0U Pnv Oxford, Hendern. r... . , , , c r -c i I V ' . w . a"u ? nm r. shail, trom time to time, appear in 3'our columns. Will yon not allow e raise tincr tobacco, do more I Lm. I. a u,,?1,,c J,a ",oru viuurjirism 1 t 11 . j I 1 ciiizeiis, aiiu aoove an $maricr lauies I .l ,1 r.-.j 1 'l,r-T uu,,ws ,or "y nP ,,crc "ol 4ri. 7rtZ- Aiirl Xiiinnini-n. .1nt.1l.. I '"' "vw,v. incn; some 01 our larmers can raise 1 i i 1 1 A corn and wmns hifrh as your head (imess vou are 7 fect 7 int!losx on . xht f dd at xeT "d P"" 11,0 IIinori o can beat Tally JIo and vicinity? But let me civc von an introdnc- tion to onr la Wc, first h . x . , . , on tl,c 0xfortl n,,d IIHlsboro' road, r t . . I 1 Aieauowsotore,nsiheccniraipoini, , .. . , , . i. ana 6nJ 11 cxccnus nan mnc m an , . ' rections rom sai po . ere I & Meadows, arc now enlarging thpip ,lonM for a ncir fitoPv Mm5FS. l - - it anv of von"GranvilIian,, friends from vourwav6honldwantat4lioss" nnn on,n j, can shod in passing, our friend Lyon the rear of Webb & Meadows give them a lilt I a . .1 Our tobacco Warehouse, though not far advanced in age, is doing better than many ot more mature a-e. there bein- no lack nfhnror os'ellers, and bids lair to WJ under the" gentlemanly manage- mept of our enterprising citizens Jno. H. Webb, Ed Flemiogand E. Jones, under the fjn of Webb . . . or Fleming. Hero too. which I came near neglecting, is the horse of Tally- rand, so well known to the citizens of Granville and adjoining counties, 4i . .1 c 4 as one the nnest horses in the State. He is now in excellent condition and though 14 years old, is as nimble as a kitten, as docile as a dog, and as "gay as a lark' If this meets with your favor, I .... , , . J ' wiugivc oilier tilings oi interest before long, and in the meantime send a few copies of your paper for distribution. Our county thould . , r mxrt herjxrper. More anon. liespect fully yours, IUck or Tar." Tnisbunr has been Imvins Tab- leaux ot late. The war to make money Ad vertise in the T:ibune. Tho Banquet at the Yarboro House on St. Patricks evening was a splendid affair. Iwcr. Win. Harringcr, Presiding Elder of the Uillsboro district, is dead. Gov. Holdcn will take charge of the Post Ollicc in Kalcigh on the first of next month. Three darkies were drowned in the Mchcrrin Kiver near Murfrccs boro, one day last week. Tho Fditor of the Milton Chron icle declines to d if figure his paper by bordering its margin with .lam ing advertisement. Hon. D. K. Mclfae, formerrly of N. C, is strongly recommended for the position oi Supreme Court iwmorcu inai nicowcen, oi uie raycttCTrille wIias gone toTen- ncssce to capture a lair daughter 0f that State. -6Y(r. r v - Lll. HI At. AJUIIU, i I1I IllU'i IVBI- von jj himr is the wav the Kn lA r a f ncia juayora sposeti 01 a nero oar t V'.-J-.y. EW-..1-W twin nui. ovjjkxk uaum. -r -r. r . ... "arJCS r. Jiams will com- mPTff tbo titil il ir-?it iiiti fin Sntnr. " - , ' I ; ; , y v if 1 . . T , called the Concord own, in Concord kt r " CoMrLCTKa-CofiicldVIbrick store has been completed. Md ho will .novo in next week. Sneecs to onr enterprising Commission Merchant. -Tw. Enquirer. mui-u 01 mpiM Ilenrv Rattle, con Way robbery, and sentenced ten ('..rvuvf -Mr A .11-In il0rnnnrf oinskl.--ur. muins, incyonng man vho killed Jir.lhompson in , . . L .?. "5 pl company is composed of Philadcb ians who have invested a largo ami amount of money in it, and, with proved facilities for extract- from thcqnartz, which command, they expect July to produce per lccn to get tho metal without ! PainSlore for than it will be worth. Tliia diflicultj has now been overcome, and the search foi the precious metal promisca to be- I tinrt t I liia rliO;n..l 1. . - come and exccdtnirlv Wmt; business. Philadelphia Telegram. A Yocxo Girl Couurrs Scictpk A biD Occteuock. It has raro- MJ been our province to publish a 2dLCfnl tb On Mondav morning Ut I Sallic Lawrence, daughter of Air. James J.Xawrcaice, deceased, wai !,,Q bcfUh "J apparently fine ftpmU. At night she was a corpse, rf. ended life by her own bAnd. Xo particular reason is assigned for the tcrible act, the fact or "aic reu,B,cu J- tcrr. but fr the reason that a mem- onduin WM ,ell bj l,cr disposing ofgomeof her little effects to some of licr faniilr. The victim of this nnfortnnate nct JonfnS $T entering n woniai nuou; io,ciy, reuueu and a favorite among all her ac- nnaintances. Surrounded br all that could make life pleasant iu the future it is indeed wonderful that 8,10 mu iiavo inauo up ner mine to end her life br her own hand. Tho ion worlcJ uc u pot tal effects was laudanum and car bolic acid. Tarloro Southerner. XflhroiU ADTEBTINEXES1H. E. W. Hi)4gins & Co., mrORTEBft AXD DCALCU1 IX HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND GUNS, AV. 35 Eat Side Jfarld Sjititrr, 2IOIIFOIU. VIUWIXIA. March 13.-1 2m. K VTA II Lift II ED D. S. Cherry & Son, XAxrrAcrrncKM otiuxi is nm aid m ?ak, Cvr. lioanole i0 Water &trtf NORFOLK, VA. March 13.-12tn S. A. Stevens & Co. vO. MAIX ASD UR1SDV NrRCtlll Ophite Cu4iu Jfuus9 NORFOLK, VA. Deafen In Furniture & Carpetings MATTIXGS, wispow ftiiAnr.H Arvo rircR. . - cinni tuKu, cult roixtciM AMD UlXAtUV ilarch 13.-1 2tn. Wholesale Crcckeiy, X Hpcf1Iy c1 ttetkn f Tr to JL txij AAKtK kUJ CUlli LLTk 'TVCIk Oi China. Glass. Crcckerv ' NORFOLK, VA. March 13-12m. Em net of Letooo. p xpcrm!t aoS Ch.a& moo, rBrejorle, LAedanan, Ctcr Cl Tm1twm,n' Drtr UoAftrj'm CerlUt. rlo KUUr,Opc414oc. Swtriojl, SptA. Torp t lne, Alan. Ji&aU4i, XJolrorU, U-A'klr j, ptot, lUltcrs, I la aipbar, XpMmUlts tba'tclttvlr Dim. Eiumi Lotwtol rUTorj Kxtraet, Hop, Inks. Indtow IIftJrOUan4 tclrrallrr ofaU kaJ, Cof U Loscsgw, kfaL.U, MtUbt, V rxliage, rutaoTa'l Uws, Tr rowJcr, SklUts I'ovlra,Qla , Salipu, fiaoo sjmjs surth, Ireklog n' an4 Cop rt. H. A. a C A. TOS, . ocr:k.VA. Umbll lha GEORGE TAIT, SEEDSMAN, uroiTr.aor aid deiler is ENGLISH. GERM AX, FRENCH .VT. 4.tPlTn.v ArU AlkUIOArt SEEDS, 2fo. 7 Ma rift Sjtoire, NORFOLK, VA. a Mw..v,:n. , fLu Annual Descriptive Catalogue and on Application. I March 13-Cmp. . . mcjio AJTKKurxH raT. lleado, Orr & Co. IXfORTmil AH D If Hardware, Cutlery and CARRIAGE MATERIAL, 125 Sycamore St, rcttrbur V Uirch. tat H. T. ALLEY, ItUOLXSALK AID KCTAIL CONFECTIONER. IHC Sycamore SU Petcribarg, Ya. I uc'iA. ita E. H. Plummer & Co. DAUCK IX IROX, STEEL, AiiAiriciHnrElInilfiiciiL No. lil Sycamore Street, Pctcrfbur, Va. Harness! Harness!! Sivulk rf cf irnt t i 1 1 r Saddles, IIarncs, Driddlcs.CuIlarf, Whip, Spnr, tc iVc at low rnun. At P. ir. STEWARDS, DO Sycamore St, Petersburg, Va. M rki-lm W. H. Harri3on & Co.f W1IOLJ MALE DEt fittlkTa, Sycamore St., I'etcrsbnrg, Va. IlAl0 n rrrrlfr (.'! anj well frrln ttl 4 TU I snirlr. ! WWb k illn tkn .'f flt irUn. 4 Mrcim U rllc4. ktoti ii lkl sj-tiur litdsrrmrtiU ru b oSmU vr boMr la mm til jr. Urocrs olWUca. EMADLIKUEO in. Eobert A. Martin & Co., CS ROGERS AND COEHISSIOH MEECH1KTS a Iron Tront Itnlldlo. Petersburg, Virginia, (ire strict Personal Atttnlion to CoiiMgntucuts aud make prompt re turn. Uttb Cltm J. E. CAEY, MholmAle lealer In Crcckeiy, Chira aid GLASSWAltE. KEIWSESE OIL AXlJ LAMPS. S4 Sycamore St ViterAury. Ytf (OrJi IrM rrni4 Good4 carefully packed. W. U. GREGORY, or Granville, N. C. WITU Branch, Herbert & Co. AXDDCIUMM (iCAIO. 1Mr. rtwtillf x airWt MimuI II Alios clrra talkMlol 4m, Uv M-rrka. 1. Fornitnre! Furniture!! w. II. horriss, & co Fayctterillc Street, Raleigh, N. C. 'IRMlLRE. Alto. r&tMltttlj o t4 1 ? . 0n,cr Col'o Jt Skk. u:il "rt.i oi .umia 1 ol tk eutc U lUM lABilM oar tlOCkA. W. H. II ORRIS 8. XO.I 1BOY rsoxT. Sycamore Street, Petcrsharj, Va. rX?..W.iW '? f-f2r?i KExR JJJ.hfSJ I " rriEKi