THE TRIBUNE. JT. ABNER HARRELL, Editor. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1873. THE WELDON FAIR. We are no parasite, nor have wo any parasitical feelings, when we assert, that it gives us inconveni ence to find words to express our gratification at the sure success ot the approaching fourth annual Fair of the Roanoke fe Tar River Agri cultural Society, Mr. Smith, the President, in a private letter to us says: "It bids fair to excel all that have preceeded it," and we learn the same from the Editor of the Roan vkeNeics,, We have heard many from this section, say they are going to "Weldon, and some too who will not go to the State Fair. And thus we might multiply evidence, that the approaching fair, which takes place on Tuesday the 2Sth of this month, will far exceed any hereto fore held at Welden, Weldon was once our home, and many genial faces and the owners ot the same are alike nnforgotten by us, and we ofier this as an addi tional reason that we will be there, in company with the largest crowd that ever left Henderson to visit a Weldon Fair, No doubt some are, or havo been thinking, what will we have to say lor the Fair which was held here lour days last week. We could sax many thiDgs both for and against it, but as we can see but little good which could grow out of any thing we might have to say, we shall say but little and let it drop. Rut we will say this, that the fair ha3 been represented abroad by some, as being an absolute failure, and that by some who claim they have al ways appreciated Henderson, We could give names, but we forbear. We oontradict the assertion that the iair was a complete failure and he who says so, does it with HQ pure motive to our peuple. " Senator Merrimon, delivered the Annual Address and we give as our opinion, that it was the best and the most appropriate upon such an oc casion. It was delivered with tell ing effect before about one thousand people, of as intelligent and refined ladies and gentlemen as ever as sembled in North Carolina or any where else. No one who was pres ent on Thursday the 9th, can say with a clear conscience the fair was a failure, while many will ever re member the pleasure experienced on that day. 1ELLOW FVB IN MKMPIIIS. The Raleigh Sentinel of the 12th r.,. A T T? T7- iuoi . o-i v o. xk. jl . jji y xu X-fclJ IUC ' r . . -L jsaieigh agent of the bouthern ix- press Company, informs ns that he nn 7 i i 1 f . , , . . '. , no city is located, has always been, has received the mstrnctions below j .-n 1 1 r i 1 o , . and 13 stl" dependent for its JJank set iorth trom the General Superin- 1 1 . tendent ot the Company. Mr. jlh vbu is iiuorinea mat me people . . , ,f ... , outside ot Memphis know little or -,.u: . . j-u.iii.ig 01 lue lernoie siiuerinzs -within it. All who could possibly get away have left and only the very poor remain. The terrible fever is surpassed by more terrible starvation and destitution. As will be 6een by the following card, the Express Company will transport free of cost whatever ma7 be sent:" "The Agent ot the Southern Ex press Company in Memphis unites "with the Howard Association in ap pealing to the charitable of our city ior contributions in aid of the sufier- ers by the yellow fever in that city. The disease is spreading rapidly, and consequently the suffering is nthftr.tipahnt!.!.i.,.a-i.- - - -o .Atiauoi.u 1 apiu- ly in alleviating the distress of the poor and afflicted. Donations will be received by the undersigned and promptly forwarded free ot charge to the Agent ot the Express Com pany, to be placed in the hands of the Howard Association in Mem phis and will be appropriately ac knowledged. A. P. Bryan, Agent. TM .11 xne iever is still ragging in Shre e xit Louisiana. The new cases are mostly among children. There are four hundred cases now under treatment. The fever is at Mans Held, f0rty miles distant from Shrevcport. The physicians advise absentees to remain away. A telegram from Memphis, Oct. 13, says: "Affairs here aro deplor able. The people die faster than they can be buried. One hundred died unattended. The stench from the neglected bodies is intolerable Nine hundred have died. 01110 of the physicians have fled. The majority of the physicians remain on duty day and night. Nurses and money wanted." KEASIVS COTTON CHOPPER AND CL'LTIYATOII. The leading attraction of the Mechanical Department of the Fair last week, was the new Cotton Chopper and Cultivator recently Patented by our friend and county man C. F. Reams, Esq., now of Raleigh. We have read with much pleasure the favorable notices of the Raleigh press, in regard to this new invention as wo ot course felt a county pride in his success. Mr. Reams, was present in per son ou the fair grounds and exhibi ted the operations of his Machine, wo are glad 10 say to the entire satis faction of the large number of farmers that examined it. The machine which will bear off, chop out and dirt the young Cotton, wiili only one horse and hand, is simple in construction, not liable to get out of order, and can be worked or managed by the most ordinary field hand, Mr. Reams claims for it, and we have no reason to doubt it, that it will do the work ot itctlue muds and Jour Aorses and do the work more thorough and complete. This machine is one of the most im portant inventions that has ever Ken made, to our Cotton farmers, and being the work of not only a North Carolinian, but a Gran villian, is entitled to the highest considera tion. The Chopper and Cultivator will be at the Raleigh Fair this week. For the Tribune. TOWNESVILLE, G KAN VILLI., ) Co., X. C. Editor Trio u n e: D f ar Sir. Please alio v me space enough in yonr paper coHiinns, which are always open and alive to the public interests', especially of Granville county, to call the earnest attention ol our capitalists and busi ness men generally, to an entcrprizc now on foot lor the establishment, so soon as our Legislature meets, 1 r-i a aua a quarter can be had, ot a Mank, probably at Henderson, possibly at Oxford, its location to be determined by comparative sub ecription, and other circumstances. All well regulated business com munities have their own Banking TiLfri itifs hut Rrnnv; o tArK. " "" "" -1 J i i I ably docs more business than anv ntIl.PfinnnH,. . . .x- , v v a uu a a UiU aw 111 illUlfll I Raei . Pctersbu , j ,.; x .1 more -Northern v 1 1 . . York bem? used. more iNortnern cities, even xxew We want an Institution with ample capital, controlled by our live and successful business men, which will be a safe depository alike for the poor man' tens, the middle mar's hundreds, and the rich man's thousand.-, and nothing would bd easier than to place on a firm basi, such an enterptize. it our own people and those ot adioininir counties, who could use it, would realize the vital importance of this subject, and devote the surplus and floating capital now partly invested in other and hss remunerative securities, to this object. The splendid success ot a similiar Institution in the ad" JJ0lulnS countJ of Mecklenburg, Va., and ot other well conducted Banks since the war, makes our success already assuried. A partial canvass amongst our business men and capitalists, convinces the writer that the importance of the fiibject is keenly appreciated, and leaves little doubt that, with proper exer- j tion, sufficient capital stock can be had to commence operations, with the advent of the new year 1S74. Very respect! ully, JOS. TOWNES. It is thought that there are about - 200 survivors of the Mexican Tar 1 now living in this State. HE APygttTIBKMEST. Call on Isaac Oettinger. 43 FayetUviU Street, BALKlttlf, Iff. C For Millinery, Lad I .a Faocj tod ForoUblrf GhhU, tor real and liniakuuott ttair good, lor Kid Uloves. lor Lacrt. lor dlB aud Insertion, lor Coracta, fur Cullara aod coCft, lor Ulhboot, for titlka, Velnrta and tUUM, tor Kuffi, tor llooda tor Woolen c, lor old L-uic Cap, lr aablonabla bonnet aod Hats, lor Mla llau, lorfcabj Cap aod iiaby Dr.s.c, lor Babj Cloak, for lUbj Back a and lor every Ihlog In the i'aocj hum. Oct. U3ui iMItlUA-kK BTA.lUAHl) hClLC. Orders for the Genuine Fair banks standard scales, all sizes promptly attcntcd to at the manu facturers prices. Ciders respect fully solicited. K 11 PLUMMER & Co., 121 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. oct i) 3m H. MAHLER. UAI.RIU1I, N, V. Manufacturing Jeweler and Silver smith, keeps on hand a full assurt- meutof all articles found in a first class Jewelry store. Makes a speciality in inanufac turini wedding and engagement rings ot all discriptiou at the short cut possible notice. Orders from a distance solicited. Oct 0 ly Julius Lewis. Nick "V. West. Julius lewis & Co., KALE1GD, N. C, FlSIIKR J-CILDIXG. fc... Dealers in Hardware, Stove?. Wagon and Ruggy Materials, Leath er and Rubber Relting, Gum and kope racking, Jilaeksmith 5 licl- lows, Anvils and Vice, House- r tirmshing Good, Iron, $tce), Nails Guns, Pistols and Sporting Goods. Uct the best Lcwir btajr White Lead. Oils. Colors. Varnishes and Brushes. Oct. O.-ly notice Extraordinary. rAcrs 1 1 porta Nr tot nr. rcnur. New Store ASD NEW GOODS. J. SOLOMON & CO.. late of Frackllnton. N. C, baa opctud tbe More hou.e JUlt oo- CUPlea by Mr. i. X. Jooes. Willi laica StOcfc. ol GOODS, rotialatlnif of nr Goods. ieadv Jlade Clotana. w v r Boots and SAot. Buyer arc rc-pi-ctfuJly Invited to an cxaml- natinn. 1 be Hock embrwera every luirijj uo aly found in a llral cU tlabHbtucot, aod will be told at a aruatl rrollt- Call aod ex amine before parcblitf eltctibcra. Jt will a&vc you moncj. J. SOLOMON & CO. Henderson, IS". C, Oct. ii-lj- J. "V. Fuller. C. W. Bailey. J. W. Fuller, & Co.. SUFFOLK, VA. Wholesale Packers of Niuisetnond Uiycr Oyster., and dealers in Shell Lime. A rfod reliable agent wanted 111 every town. I w Give u a trial. Sept. 25-Cm. Gillmore & Eogers, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the aa!e of all kind of Country 1'roduce, jlVo. 159 Wett Frail Street, BALTIMORE, Ma, Between Light and Chnrhs St f. Agents for 1 he till of Sir rent Patent Ezz Ca kefekece4 J-e eimcii'ir. K., rrel CcNuruen-ial and Farmer. lUak, U-L, .l Abell, Prot-rk-mr ,!uu." Bl., W'm PcvHea liuitirr., u. r. muiac a Co. cuicai:o lL " GUlmore-K.kut, la. Vfc Co., IUI , Alex. Kerr A Hn... tl$l, J A U No Breakage, Sell eoonllne aod packed by child reo. Price ll.CO. September SS-6ca eta b Walter C. Harris, WOULD rv-poetru'tr atmcntaca 19 tbm'. public tbat t La jvui rcctffd A Largo Stock of FALL GOODS, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, I! ATI, At ftUOLS. BOOff, RS4DT-UADS CLOTIJ1XU, CU.trCClXMUIEk , DHCaa, and ctery tllnc tLat U o11 kepi in a 8ri ilaft rcLlLtarc. 11a Laa alto adJed lo LU lock a urur lot or n're lioiom. Call and ar LSia, La takra flea tar In lo I lir bU ooda. ilcodcnoo, N. C, S?L I?-Ir Henry Mustard, HENDERSON, N. MANuriciunctt or C. 2r Al Barztc.8olMc, rarm Waxoo,Cjri. Cart Wbecl atd Aklca, SprtUI atlcoHoo kUco to !rairtfr. All ar made of tb bnl tnalrft.t, and aaiUlMlio ruaranicvo. liaa lar aala hicu, UbU acd PpieroVr 25-1 j Fall & Winter Goods. With )dea(ire I Inform tnj mtamtn at4 tlie tbbl.c al Ufcc. II it I L.ra Itul rclafct-d Irom lb NorlLtcro maflrta aud rrlls eo dUj, tuj well alt4 ..lock ol .U a4 rrrlxn and r.niMtto tila. Mmmrj it. l,ib. ui. itmmf, Uam lUt, 1 lak, READY-MADE Lt.OlttlNa laidltmrt. bodT lolncand ia)it. M lavifalka U Lvrlj t&tciidrd tw all tujr IrUtida la tali ana tee pit, ai,u io iijm nho arw o q.alolcd villi luo I woutd rtrccllo:ir qol lhm, wfcew lillrx t i-i ciljr. tu rl upMOkieal rojr Uc wl baio.. No. 3a tjcucvuie sinrl. tb(f I mUl alwaia X rljf to abow lbm tur imw., ivk ot UuwO. wbkb I lil il g t,-i can t IwBSbt to tbU Sutc. aj tat OMalla to quick liLU u iMitx ritoriia. riui itaN mcbU 1 " vtllttif ti txmalrj u i:udi.riiAL, ii. 51) I'tiydunUe Ctrett, (i doors above the market 1Iur$?,) -. a k m m . ICALLIUII. . C Oxfjid!!! HALE OT A LfAllLK UXD AR OXORD. On Tborlajr th ib day of XeTtatr. I2iiic'i uuauru an l avtir tai t uimerlbrr. a. kiN.ior of Jots c TTKrt aloui a lu'if Mt- m Ur dl'tai.l Iron miou, aii-loin tla Unoa -f wiiUwO ratr, Moae tiv.-ar ai ir mu n( ioh ot bornlrr! an I a!c I ci . t 'attaa tmu. balin.iu njurini n tr.r.i t.ou oat aimva. u.r'tH uro-iKli a Boat Orchrl n l ioj f.elra, e. Me. latent Vnm Uilrtl of lb- ariM. tnoeer rati. tt rrl atrr nl la al io bond. of Miad iftDti lor Uloc, ilb Ul . na prtri mcuiiit vim :n nri i mm icj oaa b. uo- id, tc ciavr tuonln front day or ai. Tbo liuu UIubim uulll ILo .aua twna rJI o JOUS T. TrtUMJIi, Xau fp tlf7Mw J. H. CRAWFORD, DENTIST, ii a is i; i ii, x. c omen w.i uu nitiain t-. Opplta Tncfear Unit. april 21.-1 3. Henry J. Brown, Ojymite Maionic Hall. I.ALEIGII.N.C., iJii;ri r-v-! - -V . : Ca.0. TTnrlArfnlrnr. " it a r Ivt-c on hand I iik. Mctauc u- LnCm Via,,nUt,Bt,tlr0.,l1,cr ooU Coffin. Order by Mail or Telegraph, promptly attended to. .luguat21f 1S73.-U ilDDtS CItAXUi: IS bOLI). E. RICHTER, Had removed lit entire stock of WA1CIIIM, HWtLttT A CLOCK rao-f u. 3 as aiatrr, vo 53 Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Va. Tbanklof tl tattt lar Iwarr t alrocatp. be bojMP a contioaancc to faror bin tlb ordra aa berttolora. Ail rar work la my tics ffnoeatt altf!c4 to and aalUUrtlCD rof auUtd. Aernt lur th r i Staled Hacrk'a Wait I). m.o aTiue Detector. Mat 14, 1.73-ljr. T. R. MOORE, HATS, CAPS, STB A IF, GOODS, FUBS, U MB BEL LA S AND WALKING CANFS, No. 115 Scamare Street, FETERSnUKG, VIRGINIA, -dugust 27, 1873. . '"'Wi mm in jr i .l.. i Sterling T. Oliver, UNDERTAKER. Cert dart aaj Cot Stmta, If ow rrrr4 tatitcal aa Jota tatl CaMftat Mif C4.taki Um, a4 aia trru mux biueie u ruur SKaUNU MKT A LIC BURIAL CAatS. Ay .a . t - . J i v.cia ai ta aort! tilK. fittest, nr Hwad. . T. OUVfUT i-Utta, JCa. CI Ci,t Ccpl. If, TIT I? TICH ASSORTMENT of fwmi MtaJia IW EicvUlMt. Hantia, Dot. wu a ad fcut:ia -.. a. ..- m a. m -, Spaulding & Gay's, riemntm, Strata aJ C tiUn. A fall 1U l eica bfjk fitic ar alliU im4 la rnllia Ml1 to araartisat r un for oo4Ta( &c Clcata raaT lU4 aad rNftirrd. ttct LacvtbUr racttfa. all f tied us rend WW ----- - 6 fct t rti 7 . f TM 1 CO si 1-J 9-ti tliO laoi Z3 03 1 91 - fAULD!?(! 4t CCT, Hank Strut, Xorfotl Jo. 8rj4. ISljr 2. S. Brickliouse, ..:--V.r Manufacturer and Dealer ia all Km or fUIl (it FPU! TtVZL Cartt, alio C,t WI.ccU fc Axle, Shingle and WVJ IlArruv. liar- i a nti. adllc". l cilUrt . IUhrr. I k a a a w w hip, lliitiui, Ac. LipAirin in all it branclca promptly attended to. 150 WATEU STItEET, Xurfulk, Va, ScptcmVcr 16, IblZ-lr Mm, WliK!.S & 1 1UU.1. nunur, uumu k to. J O .'FOLIC, V Ber ! la .11 !Ul IW t !! rv cvittd Itwui lViUdctbia a4 lui, a l.rr aed l mIcI.1 lk of l)KT d'HtUS. NurillS, Ar. tla a4 In krl m ful fiotti! l;a a4 llro; f""ta ol all ai4t; :Mo.d Lara IU4kt!i!, CviUr a4 elytra, Uvea I tnenra. ItUalbti., Ac. B:uii.V. t.iol aad tno la.tiurt. F.ll.ftka ft-.ii-- ik Urilnator at4 M.lfottafw; o4 for Ci log taltra. ont l ay &4tv fr ol vli' c4 rvfti)4 ol fmm. AUliadtof urrac. md;.aaad r.rijoatCla, ti ilJ to order, fMi ra.onot) Utiaa. at a&oft tollr. tfd Mr oatatJta of aay flooda - rru aaa lcj wiil tc lofafd4 tailk U ar. VI. tmr!otU a!riU Cad It ttttr la ,l 10 rail aad tn-t oar ia, t Unrat bkb rarctfalljr latitc tlir aluailoau tcfttS. tal l; B:ade. Stevens & Co., Ao. 1 1 and 13 Cmf?wrctf Street, S0I2F0LIC, VA. Dealer in Er. Unttrr. Chcc. Potatoct Apple, and all Kiavli of Lo nn try 1 'rod ore Wc male a iprtialitj of choice New York Dairy Ilnttcr, and keep coniUntiy on hand a full Hock of I all cradc. Cutuimnc&U of Ers I solicitcJ for !.tc!i weenaraot higlt luarlct price. t . . . r y LUTHER SHELDOH. DEALER IN Sashes, Doors & Blinds nt ldxsi., 4tun, taik 1IU. SCWIUI. Builders Hardware, Painri. Oilt Gls Pultr, and Roildlrc Mate rial of every Description, 17S Water Street, NOB FOLK, VA. Sept. 11, lS73. Iy. I want to nur, on orxlcr 200000 1U., cood SuoKtitut. J. S. MEADOWS, llendcrion, July 2, 1873. U C. A. WOODARD, or rat cakouxa. Of WHET. 1ST i PSfEL Wholesale Grocers. U aUr d 41 C&m.mre Si XOHFOLK. Ki. SV?.f II urn- A. WEEHH. Ncs- 21 and 2C Union Strttt KORFOLK, VA. Mancfactoirraml Dealer in Cir. riirt, Uepsicf- Solkin, Hn:e. -mw, .jAiicrr. ijmtnr. Whii A Urc and taricj ttock f -iirvry cn Hand tr or If. r. WiHHH, Or Umfm . rlM GHiDr.IJJiEJ SKLESO. Commis ion Merchants am WifAitr, (Ft,i-4 J Commerce SZrtft) soi:fulk va. . CoMpmrn!t c f rrctr I)ccn i nun vi voamrr j rvooor, UutuWr, ;,V. Sept, ll'If. I?. A. 2JAFP & CO., Mnutac:crvr mnj Desert in COOKSO STO VfiS KA.VGI2S HOT ah: FU:XACS, aso all uisoa r TIN WAKE, M ETA LIC It OOF- INC, PLUM III Nil. A C. I SOI2FOI A I 4 ' ept II-lj. MTinuitftii Isl7. W. H. MOERIS & SONS, aitkfttliif. Co YT1-TI If R1 fin Merchfinf H I WW4mutoU" iUClLliiliilU Aawaas rarraia. AV. 1 1 JVtcuori Sfrett. Sear Ftrry WAtrf. XOl2FOLh, VA. "Will mile Iilfl cjuh tu3r.L3.crj oa PrtPnco or Hill Lading in bar.-J. A Ufge lock c! lUgifjj: atl I Tir, coniuntly in store r.d far !c low. Corm pondcarc lolieiteX DAVJS & BRO.f Wholesale Grocers A3C1 Dealers in Liquors, A rait at. atl f aar Caaa oai Umm4X. fnm Ft (ml IluiUiny, evr. Water d; Cotnxxrre Sli SOBFOLK. VA. Sept. IL-Ijr JAUES O'EOFRKE'S 21 A I! Ill f. A7VD If TO ?f II It Alt li. 107 Eajt SL Panl Cturrli, A Oil FOLK VA. Hone C!ith:fj- Up Holct, dr ' A!r, Farm Wa-ont, Urtt, Cm V hctrli mnd Axlcff Karat Grrt dr Ji iif r" ? Order for MONUMENTS ard HEAD KTONrS. mp,ctfollT LMTED. MARIlLEandMONE WO!K ot all kindi, EXECUTED in Best Manner. Satisfaction In Wowc and Vticz gcirar.tecd. Sept. II. -ly.