i f" ' I J L. II II J I - . "V A THE TRIBUNE. THURSDAY OCTOBER 16. 1873. Home Affairs. Parham & Dunn, has an English clerk. STATE NEWS. The people ot Oxford, are turn ing out in large numbers to day, to ro to he State Fair. 3 Cass Medling, living at Pacific, Rev. S. P. G. Harris, has com menced to add to his dwelling A new map of the city of Wil- It has neve heen our disposition m"gton has been printed. to say much either for or against a Circus, but in all things the devil The Lunatic Asylum at Italeigh should have his due, and we can 18 ovcr crowded. say with truth, that the New York Hr. Bonner living near here, lost CJircus- owner, L. B. Lent, is as The track of the North Carolina his smallest child on Monday last. oa 11 no1 ine Dest lrAVeung uir- central xtailroad has been coinple- cus in existence, xsen. o. rotter, icq to vi aaesboro. whom all in this section will reinem- uer a3 uib iaui ucKei eeuer, ever a stone anarrr ia to hn rmnn,l passed through this country, has near Durham, by some Raleigh gen- ecvcicu ma tuuueuuoa Willi UlC I tlcmeil. Great .Eastern and is now with (R & G. R. R.) on yesterday in at- ' 4 w- " 01 ,c r ii nnest leaders ot a band in America, tempting to jump trom the cars, tell .... , , , m ' A t r i i while the whole band was of the and broke his neck. . . , . , nnest musical talent, Uilly Jiurke, The Ginhouse of Col. Harris, has Chas- See7 and Geo- Conrad were tne Clowus. and well did thev all the Col. goim? down to it, prepara- tboir art' re'leDtIy ;'al on Tuesday by Eugene Uolli 00 ' L I ..... ii i .. . . tlftV. Until rtartica rirnnl- tnrv to working .11 mVht. peaieuiy maKing inousanas laugn i v CI I i .. n.it n . i i wim immoaeraiion. uiuv i;atcuci " I rri . -c ,-iii .:t, or nerformRd t.lm trnnrfnrfnl fpt nr aiiem are niniy ionr granjres in xiivciv li at ii 13 luttucu Willi pfiasuu i - . - lit; gers for the State fair. Where will turning two Summersets in the air the State in operation and five dc they all sleep? Is a question ihat na- one tune. rank Aston, though w turally presents itself to our mind, yonng is one ot the hnest tumblers I ii . ij Ji ti i i. iu me wona, ana ne win no aonoi improve as age comes on. "We hope Mrs. Burke will excuse us when we say she is a very finelook- Jndge Henry will hold the spe cial term of Guilford county Su perior Court in December. Henry Taft, of Pitt connty, was The Drug Store of Messrs. Young & Co., of this place, presents quite a beautiful spectacle. A good busi ness in their line, no doubt awaits them. Edward Carswcll, tho Canada Temperance humorist, will viit North Carolina in December. woman. We have torgotten According to the Pioneer a lady tho performers who built a pyramid in Asheville gave birth to triplets of bottles and then with outstretch ed arms stood upon the same, also the name ot the dois tamer. last rceck. villc. That will do lorAshe- B. S. Johnston, of Lincoln, has raised a second crop ot apples from A colt, two years old, from the county ot Northampton, passed tnrougu nere on Monuay lasi ior ihe Hxecdtive Uommittek of the State fair, which it is said the State Agricultural Society de- the same tree. The first camo iu can trot a mile in three minutes. sire to preseut Dr. Blacknall with June, the second in September. a watch and chain He prizes the AhG apples are large and hue. Mr, Alexander of Kentucky, pass compliment but rehises the gift At ed through here for the State Fair a recent meeting of the Executive "Old Whitey," Gen. Zack. Tay- on Tuesday 1 apt, having with him Committee ot the State Agricultural lor's celebrated war horse, wai a na a heifer which he said cost twenty Society, it was voted to present Dr. tiveof Caldwell county, in this t,, A.r. , G. W. Bktknall with a wsitoh snd fctate. So claims tho Piedmont ficvcu iiiiuociiiu uknais, oyj aici - i :.,(,.,r,A I chain as a rp.cnTmitimi at lii.t nr'tjvo! -I reSs. iiuui mcu. i . o . and unwearied efforts in bchalt of rrt . i i tt . xnc case oi me western norm Carolina Railroad to force it into Tv , .i the State Agricnltural Seciety and Do you want a nice watch, cane, . & . . J .i. i i, the lair. In this action the v i tc a i ii Committe is endorsed by all bankruptcy has been continued ' tt nuhr Tta(r)l olir citizen. They appreciate his by the Fcdaral Court now in scssi- t i n. zealous labors in behalf of the ou at Greensboro. sen to, or wors ior you upon reason-i ... See his advertfemcnt lrair auu J ' testation ot esteem and able terms in anolhei column. Who is it buying so many goods? We have never seen the like! Wagon after wagon, load at the R. R. Warehouse dailv and awav thev eofor some point in the country, ciety's appreciation ot your valua No panic strike where so many bl aid rendered in various ways apprecia tion. Hie following is the corres pondence which ensued: Raleigu, N. C, Oct. 5, 1S73. Dk. Geo. W. Blacknall: Dear Sir; As a token ot the So- Hickory Press: The railroad tax in Buncombe was voted on last week and canicd 'almost nuaniunnsly. The only fear is that a majority ot the qualified votes have not been cast. Private boarding houses in Raleigh goods go, can't be. for months past, and for your zeal are making preparations to accom-j and great efforts in behalf ot our ap- modatc vUitors to the State Fair, as proachingFair, the Executive Com mittec at its last meeting unanimous ly voted to present 3'ou with a hand- Mr. Bobbitt, living near this place, has picked out fifteen hundred poun is of Cotton from one acre, at J . . . , . ... -.r -r . - some watch and chain. tne nrst picKings. jvir. iassuer ot this place, picked out two thousand pounds from one acre, at two pick ings, so we are informed. The undersigned, appointed a com mitee to purchase and present you with this gift, have fixed Thursday (Jet. 15, at the lair Uronnas imme diately precaeding the Grand Gift It is folly to recommend Fair- Concert a3 an appropriate time and hanks Scales to any intelligent per- place for presenting to you publicly son. They can be found in the I the testimonial so wroierlvconfcrd. , rf storehouse of most merchants, and tradesmen of any kind, E H. Flum mer & Co., of Petersburg, has these Scales for sale. See their advertise ment in another column. Respectfully yours, Signed R. J. Hawkins, J. M. Heck, R. F. Hoke. TEE TIUBDjSTE. ' v m- , vtooo 3 STACK. I ; 1 - 1 i ;- V m It - Urn mi IM t tw I ! mm lew iim i in it u Mm Ilf ) t awl mtm tf I T I V ft I Umtm in lnm I GEO.O. STEVENS & CO. 7iK"t--cJslJALTlMOlU:RS-0rKi,.fi 8picutwr 4s Hut tt tt t It C fect rzur9 7 " 8 10 12 1(1 20 M Ot tt mm m l'ip. per foot. Coupling Pipt?, Extra Band. ri:i:i,- J Extra Valcf, J v Extra Bucket. the numbers will undonbtly be greater than the hotels have room for. Tho Argus - says a Presbyterian church will be established in Wades- boro' Saturday by ordaining Dr. W. C Ramsay and Captain J. C. Mc- Lauchlin to the work and office of ruling ciders. Bio Ikgix. Tbero will be about thirty or more Cherokee Indiana here this week, who appear bef oTa the Federal Court in the case of the United States vs. J. G. Blount, J. T. Dewese and others charged with conspiracy agaiust the Chcrokccs. From the Piedmont Press: The shall have become one of the most brilliant stars of her calling. It was our pleasure to visit the Collegiate Institute, in Wilson N. C. Prof. Hassd is President, be side a full corps of teachers in every branch. His recitation room has many objects to attract ones atten tion, of which a more full discrip tion will be given hereafter. The accomplished Miss Carrie Jenkins of Granville, has a depart ment in music. 1 r ? I"! j.vi; " ! ii ' j' I Nt,i Nozzle Braces, rMiriut or Blatcliloy's Improved rrcoincR rtnm. $ 7.00 7.50 i:.o 10.50 14.00 1S.0.) 22.00 .20 .50 .15 .15 l tiic HAnir or atADisu. I hAtc no time to rcd, U the 1 1 common complaint, aad cipcclallj v ff women, tthiMC ccopatiosi am i uc!i w to prevent continuous book much attctilion to bovk & they are cuti.MctvU to dctu'.c to their aroca tiatit, that they cannot rcaj any thing. But iLU U m great miiuVc. lilt the 1voki o uih at a tilting hich do us tic c-wt 2 1 1 Ikc wc devour ia the od J I uiimcnt Llfadoxcn pat ai m - time, often give ut tuorc ilUfActioa, t and arc more thoroughly dictated than these wo make a particular i eUurt to rcul. I he men Lo LaTo inaic their maik ia tho world hare 1 1 irr.crllr been tha taca who have in bothooU formed the hbii ol rv&ding at every avaiULlo tna men!, fjr five tniautcior five hoart, It it tho habit of rcadia, rather than tho time at our comaiaa J, thai All Pmupa cut and t ready for mc. m IHIIIIIflVtUI U it'll evil Mb .IVMMVtM liVVI i - every kind of Datvt.u Wtu. Pcur. i - 'g All kind Stc,n and Water Pipes and Fitting htlpi on the rood to leorsirg. n Trrra G.tta Drain PijKr. Sink. Cc. Pool. IUtl Many t f the inot cultivated per--Tub4,c. W.E F0STEP&COM MCff Loc 0m Ute Uea faxa- A I If III W V ifl 111 Jfum rrr, Xerjo!l Va. c Sept IS. 1S73 Cm J a v out ttuJcuf, have giica calj two or thret? Lours a day to their took. If e make uie cf ipm) t t K1S wtmflr, O yaL-i mfmKfmX filial fc TBKtT 1 " ..." - . ' i. I p a ra m a 1 L. SALISBURY, sanroLU, va, Dtr la PINE FURNITURE, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mttin, Window Sbadct and Wall Papers. X hiT a new tod wtll trcted itock of tbe ibov rtxx5m4 w 11 U tlta l low rtrt. le tne rail b(or parcLiri tUber. Ode ib4 9iuioa S0 t4 Mils wttU Norfolk, Va. , t, 1 ea Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 7, 1S73. Gentlemen: Your polite and Mi. Editor. Ton in your last complimentary note has been receiv- issue did not say anything about the ed. It is very gratifying to uiy lecl Greafc Eastern Circns which visited insrs to know that mv efforts to aid Henderson on the 2d. Allow me the State Agricultural Society have production ol iugot copper from the through your columns to say, it was called forth such a flattering recog- works at Dftcitown in 1872, was a- the largest humbug that ever went nition. bout 750 ton or 1,500,000 pound, through this country. I assure yon gentlemen that what This was extracted in great part Tours &c, 1 have done has been short of my irvui abiugioopvuiuK, uuumiUO E L. Parribit. wishes and I regret that I have not Tennessee mine vrnicn naa ocen been able to do more. 13ut what ever wrought to a depth ot over 400 tcct. It was nnr nlfinsnrfi tr, meet at service I may have rendered, ha3 the Henderson Fair, Miss Mary been rendered freely, voluntarily The Winston Sentiuel say: Mr. Pearl Pendleton, who has made and without any.hope or desire for Pattersonlaughter o! cx-Prcsident ouite an enviable re.nntatinn nnon reward of any kind, other than to see Jolmson, the lady who presided the stage. Miss Pendleton is a our fair a grand and noble success; over the White House during his native of Granville conntv Mav an honor to the city ot Kaleigh and administration, was at the Wiuton she continue to improve until she an honor to the State of North Car- Hotel last week. She brought her I I . . . T" . olina. daughter to tuo&aicui remaie a- Believing that I have only done my cademy. duty as a member ot the Executive Committee and a citizen of the State, The North Carolina Tobacco As- I do .not feel at liberty to accept sociation met at Greensboro' on tho the handsome present oflered me by 7th, Dr. T. W. Kecne presiding. the Society, but, while I decline There was a lull representation. the giit, I appreciate the high com- Purpose declared to make it a me- pliment contered and shall ever dium for the transportation ot in- cherish it with gratitude and pride, formation and a trade union. I am gentlemen yours, &c.. A commitee was appointed to in- G. W. Blacknall. vestigate freight rates. Several To Messrs. Hawkins, Heck and addresses on special subjects were Hoke. 'made. mimmc r lie I - ' : .i 5 . mmwmmwm - minuteja t!ic u;;dit ot our work, 4 and read a little, if but a pae cr a . paragraph, trc shall tin J oar br&ia ) quicicncl and our toil lthtcacd I by jut o much increased satlafac- ir help alon tho ruoso'.ouor dailv tound so rauch &s frcth ard striking thophU to be coaiidcTtd while cur I. audi are Luy. A new Idc-a from a ucve volume is like oil ul.'ch reduce the friction cf tho maehiiury tf life What we re. member fn ui britl impK Into book cO.cn serve as a stimulus to action, and become one of tho racul b I precious uei4::s in tho trtajary cl t t made up cl small pait, which would ecui ini:uicaut in them fcKu, but which, talc a together, are valuable wcaa far tho rniad and substantial armor for the foaL 1 1 l!cad anjthii.entiuuouilytsys c I Dr. Johmon, and yoa will bo IcanicJ. Tlc odJ rniuulc which c arc inclined to waite, If careful o lra;!ixl for attraction, will, t. in the o,z run, make poldca hours and p!dcti day thai we shall be ccr ihankfal t-r. I r v c .1 c Ball's Hand-Screw Presn, for Cotton and Hay Cheapest Press in the Harket bcuablc, mnrLK amd rowsariLiAR olt arBKwacax ic PRICE $140 OX CAftS lit UK These screws operate with double peed, preying 1 14 inches at every turn, and so powcrtul that two Kght men can pre a 500 pound bale in C to S minute, Into a space ol CO by Zj by 24 inches. we cure arc ly BEceaMUXD THE BALL COTTON PIIESS, MANUFACTURED BY TAPPEY LTJMSDEN & CO. It is so simple that any man can understand its operation at a clancc. It makes a heavy and compact bale of abnl 500 lb, with two men on a 3 fect lever. Our was dry cotton re packed. JOHN DON NAN fc CO, D. ALKXAXDElt, W. W.TOWNES, with Green & Allen, W. E. LEWIS, with Arrington A Sous. Tiir. Polau Biuft. Tho Lear c! ! tha Arctic reio doe cct hu like other lean, but bite at Lis op lineal; ar.d he decline to cat hli eaptivc until life i quite Clticc!. I9 1 like a eat ho pUvs with his victim. I Amon the, Eiuia;aax ol u rtea land he p!y strange praukj, oAca crecpir. upon the hunter whllo bwiy fencing a eal,aud tappir hini on the shoulder withhU pocrfcl paw. It ia then tho ur.fortcualo mar. cue to -f cipri dead, sa thai when llruwr.ic retreat a tew pacta to t:j v th prujHCf l of hU iaUudcd ti.tal, the un can be got rc-auy bc turj he return a.ain to the attack. T c c a o n v c .t c Or.cc tshen IJcaa Hickman was ! I doun, writes a correspondent aad I really starving I gavo hitn a dollar and seeing me about to baf a cigar, he tcj j-cd up and a;d; "Allow rr.o sir, to srtcyou, ar.d taliu up two iKcr.tv-fitceeat c;rt he presented ' 1 1 the one and tvk the other actually - pat in - halfof hc dollar I Lad jail I scn hirn I r tie cir. lkaa, I :4tonaro cxtravarani, l caa l aid Two men can rack a bale of cotton welching 550 lb. Todo r.r.l ,r -n ..t i:v-- - it with ease, when nearly down, lay aaido the hort jticksand for t!c:;5A3 he cvoily replied, take two longer. I have seen a cood many presac, bat yours . I istheUst. C. E. AltQUE, IIwduiox.XU Ti.c tjatemcut cf tho United We would recommend Tour Ball Prets to all persons wik r desire convenience and dispatch, and would notexcaange lucra for any wo have ever seen. J. H. & JNO. 110I1EUTS, Gatwvilli: N. C. STEAM AND WATEIt POWEll PIIESS ES.Pfttcs $275. Messrs. Tappty, Lumsdcn k Co PUrburg Va. GcxTLtiiLx: I am using one of your Powrr Prre ar.d am Tory much pleased with it. I have no trouble in pack'ta bale weighing 500 lb.; two hand parked all the Cvttuii pinnrd by two largo gins, without difficulty. I take plcasute in recom mending it to all persons who use steam power. Goldsboro,N. O. E. B. BURDEN. Isrlats, UU1 Work A TeVsceo Macitatrr oti t4 aai tx4t la ct4tr. TAPPET & LUMSDEN c CO. Aug. 7, lS73.-3m I'etinlwty Va, rgc tty cr tw. s a .nd jet ia kn ace Htate pabli debt howi a redec tion during tho mouth of Sep tea Ur tf $11.4C7, which males tic total redaction since March 1, 10?, -53,CC3tSl. Tl;o aacaal c f coin in tho poeioo of Uo Treaiury i girea at 10,215,757, while on September 1 tho sua wm $7,U-tl5. The gold certifcatei outtandirg Sftajut this coin sv mounted a rr.oath ago to tZ3,fjlZt 4, and cow it is rtportod at 1 1 1,-4r.3,C-X