15 Walter C. Harris, THE TRIBUNE.k,kmlias iustl-v won tL,euis1,cst A Kouian catholic priest has Call on Isaac Qettinger. i . , . esteem of many ot tlio first men ol been seni iofcpnon ior a lonnigui in 45 ruyluciUeHlre(t wnci.ii irf'ir ft v f i... c.- ,,r,. PmcJ, f.ir nub' c v urcAchiiit I MAi.i ion. . f. iu behalt of the Fair, which has tnat marriage among 1 rotcstanls it Good, ior i.d iw.iuu ut k-s done such credit to North Carolina, mere concubinage. J. ABNEIt 1IAKKELL, Editor. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, IS?3. A Largo Stock of BUtIASS. To hear men, that too of thoso Wo hear it remarked ot hit.., .hat K J!. l,o ll-ot, tl, tvt f Header- ho was not out oi humor during the - V h"".''''. tf . . . . W 1 . ATI . . . . . . I 1,1., . .-I ivi mu i u i v ivr ti, ii I liuctliuo, lf Cwct, lr CulUf. udvasj ly A I . I . Ir 11 If II ..... i-ii.i .... ..I. v i . . i ...a Mt.u. I "-t k ... ... . I It..... .la .ii 1 I r KicttMn AniKXTiitntm, fcALlTJEL D. HIUK8, (Formerly Gr&nviUo Coaoir. N. C.) Commission Merchant, suocjcoj: sui TP son daily, say they .vill do any th.ng whole . daysoftl.o l..r. k.K ticir way tl lll0 AlUnlle Sj'K'.K,?. K2 cioTnwuSiVi!,I",,,,a r-git.x. in their power, to improve the tow., and rece.v.ng questions Iron, an ,.,., ' uV.s nhr.png&tl .t! to is bitreouent occurrence, yet how and every body w.th that compos.e Ucleware. Schuvlkill r..,u,u, r..,.u .r. 'ft E'Z'jTL'S uCl "s tt. J.r. Ci backward and awkward are the known to but lew nwa. to vuto - (, ,c n,r i(J (Uui ir. 'J- ' j Ir J. r. !U means applied, to improvement, torh.m ..., and we vote lb U 1 -- -" f , ..U 'Z " ! ti; iXA. But rieht hero we would say it is incentive Co.um.ttco pay to l.m lt-tKiauii:U li..uv MUCT.- .r.m.plly uiunud ... at l..o ...a.. .- .. ' . Is . , i I tli-if ctMii w liii'li l:il)t):a so iiL'Iilv I TiiiiPi. ii lint lifflit il. il... nut lacuiivrs piu-w. wiuwr itivwi- .. i.-.r i ...... ' to nna iamt, ac- -i - I - o i m , i mnii 1. 1 un.i tuuti. not our purpose cide er lay plans for improvement, deserve We leave that with the better judg ment of our citizens. But we wi to tell of some things which are being done daily, which thoug they may seem small, yet in them selves are they momentus. Here iu this place are two law yer3, who with comtort, might make j a living, did not many ot the people of this section, get their law advice free from those who have constant- holl3cs.cmit.t.. y paid attention to decisions ot the courts and been reading law by ..ll 1 1..:.... I day or two without cliange in prices. '""-J ,.' 1V1 iti mvi c. c I A fair demand exut loth lr.nu 12i jyc:uuro bt., IMcubur, Vo. ocl U Mill Heniy rCxntard. I I, latt. Jmji 17-11. Ti I,n I"..;.. i.l fill t Mr 11 iii.lv i.ul uu Allll IV ..i h w .... , i cM'otcrs uua tio Home irauo ni our 11 loliowiiiff a "fair" item, but here 1 ............. . , .... iiuotalions. u u miuidiuai u iu h V, , . . . , , h?S.OU mostly mb to ; lair lo aflrncn tural tair isa larmer.sdauirh-P .. . . , ..... , r,. "voil leal al Mo$au.A': very gtm ter; a churcb tair is a paion 8 wile; ,. r v i.,.!,l!npj 4'.il. tllll lllt.ll II lie I II rirl he can ret hold ol: a charity Attkmi'Ikd Ultuaui We learn II. MAULER. n 4 lci u ii. , r. Manufacturing JcwcU r and Silver- jiuith. keeps on IiihI a full n-rt incut t all urlicU-i tutr.id : n kral ii e n i) e i: s o x, : c. fair is a female xuiupcr; and the lhat a man by t!ie naiii J ot LouU cla. .Icvvlry tnic 5ri.J most unpopular tair is that which Kandall, on Saturday week, i;t- Make a rpvcialiiy in iiintitifac- dSy J is furnished at cheap boarding- tempted to outrage a Miss thoual tiug ddiug and cng,gvn,cnl 1 . .. .. ... . , rings tit all di,-criptiuii nt the huit- V ly 21- ter. residing on Hie north branch ol I , ., . . tV , the tltcnandoah, about two miles advance oliciltd. cry rziitc-v Oct y ly iriiii nrr i ki'iiii in ir. k i i it inu i froara Tn him criv- and commercial teeling bth fccnicd , . , i .: . peace-meals lor ears. 10 jhu b , . . - ran around the house several tunc ing advice iree, we ask docs not wao impnacu ,eiy mucu ... d . unJ w Juuc5 such conduct take tood ana rai nciu ci ic-.uu.,. -d llU3 cimiingtho villain, irom those in our midst who prac- convalescent and a little ot it was lcd tu Lc a ,Mj 1 1 A. ...x.... .. 4h. . l!T.i .. tice law and thereby nave a icn- uu, a m-k - . ch:inicU.r in evcrv ,CUiC, and is a dency to make tnetn scck uuht uu uitiauujj m jmuuu places?, AVe think we could point market bhows a marked improve out men who give enough law aj merit. This is fully evidenced by vice gratis, which if given to our the fact that spirits turpentine ad lawyers here in town would of itself vauced 3 cents per gallon during feed and clothe them. the day, rosin 10 cents per band, AYe say we want drug stores in and crude turpentine and tar 4o town, yet every man who can, seems cents per barrel, while the cotton disposed to keep such medicines as market ruled steady. Wilmington they can sell, thereby rendering the 1 ost. dru business feeble m the extreme. Yet let those, who keep drugs they call and know to be saleable, go to The Laeoi: Stklss. Ouo oi the most unfortunate results o! the li- son of J ill Kandall, who was hung some vears ago bv the citizen ol Vort llepublic. lie has made track?, but ollic.rs are on his trail. Itii ritiju b i: ' Old ( oi;t viva- irt'iitfi. 4 k .. s. aim r.anw: k.mh. Sterling T. Oliver, UNDEllTAKEU. Coriiir CLurcb and Cuvc Street, Nick W. Wur. Julius Icvris & Co., Fi-iiri: Friu iNo. Noru!k, V. CaOiutl Making or Uuvli rt jkii line, and iliu UEPAIUING TO rUKNI TUUC. ,vc. 3110. B. JETEB, Produca CQ2HISSI0K HEECHiSY sitocKot: su men 2-1 1'. Cc: J:::r.ti a Ta, C.-i! 1 1 t;ef it tti !fu!, -4 u.'Mt .i J.o,a..J flan. fc.iuc J fvtij: t'iutftUrr.if aI!AI HAGS (str.:!.t4 j I at uul i:c u v:i J j n. Jtuil &: Winter G )ods. :ir"Atr.ir:A;-aiTuvif- I ris -.! rt t., 0O.ra (. Idlbt m I. . laMll.tuklr. ji4lt a4 (tiiMr ! . :DtV viai:.! U1 SUM? 1 .4 tc. a. 4 Ij a., li nt liwui, ., I lt. l I )K4i H' : I. t; M t, vt. 11 .-t. i tit - i-.n TVa!or in ll.tr.ittitri. Stove. Wi-gur, vju P.ng.'V MnteriaN, Ix.it ti er mul Ilitbs'er lU-liin, (luin nnd ........I.. 1 . 1 . . . .)? ..4 I . . . . ... .... . i-i tiu.uci.ii uutuv; is inu uiaiiiiii 'iu ui .4 now pre n.irru jn r j. cu:r any jovs mine , ! i hundreds of workmen from various is not always found, in a dry goods ...... store, and it thev do not get it, "."p T -r-i xhc FINEST ueauc In TW..tcr .-j;.. i. cities, me receut iieavv-uiscnarts Virginia. , f T . troin feundarics in and around sk.xU.m; mrtaliu nuniALfA?. Any Upe lacking, J arkitilth a 1cS- drng store Here, so a person migui get what he wants. Thus quite for getting that he has been keeping quinine, pain-killer, laudanum, parregome, ginger, &c. crc, there by weakening the very branch ot GTOViilL & H0iiG2;, PiG7 Fcundry. y i is ijv.i r. N "i. IW ;wUai t iw lMt4t.4 U l.it'i.MlML I (iduur.uw iu. iio::-,) James H. LiSitcr & Son. KAl.L.lilI, N. C. Philadelphia, and the previous uI c"w,Uu i".uua n .Uuiu.i .,wf AnvtU ami Vuv. H-c similar occurrences in the neigh- s-tIoliveu-s nUence. No. W7CtrcU .nrnwIjinU.ib . Irvu M,el. .Nai; borhood ot .Now ork gave a yu " ly. Octthebe.-t Irwi.' Hlig WWu- melancholy premonition of more ex tended trouble. It has now extend ed to the .New England cotton and THE BEST ASSORTMENT of Pumps Ir.ctudinc Ihe ExccUior. Kurtka. Drive uill auJ LUluUt'a I . T . .1111. y. ...... ..... ... I (iif.t.i!kliir W fti li l.iLir. J , I'll J2 1 4.14- , , ,1 WW.tU Ullii?. UlIU SU5 'VIISlUil 1.1 I . , , ... v.- KLode Island being already an- . nounced, and the liinnutacturers CitniilY r rr Sr finn'ci the name of justice, common sense, , . , ,, ,,. CpaUlulLg Ci XXy Df . Cl . i 4 j . board ot trade ot tall lliver. Alass. w . nfl nrnfih td Yourselves, to desist ' and let go the end of the rope, which ""Z . 8'J to reco.n.ncd a r.;.,. cnsnnl.l.'ili .-kl .ill lillll ticn il.f3 ... UICU.M UKM II.IVU if held on to. can -ive to vou no c iC 1 mvo cuim.,- to n.unouui or yun ur r.,,.,' , ,llU each week and to run onlv imht Puu-HI;wTc- wwa gu: tuu ua prouL or picuaiuc, uui inu?u it;H i - ' i rij-uircu. fa-l. OiUt Colo?, Vuriitslic and llrti!u . Oct. ih-ly Notice Extraordinary. esf.xd:!! kali: or tu.i ipu uo uau I 4. ikI t i .a.i' il r . t- I r f . . I. fill i k ... tn V I f l..M . ktw . t I !-. iu i k t . I V). ll. iii l--. 22i:cii45r.. tK,:. tta rMtiat4 rats rr 5;:::n'f i -., t.;t. f J . r. r I ! . . t i -.i I i.a i'. g , t i. I . 1 1S J IVii'j 1 81,1.1 m )"- lt i A t l . ttl in the death of him around whose liours l)cr tlil the other four days j ncc. Ccu,Ur rum,, ail fltuJ cP rcadT mr atlrutiou Ni.l la T AL'r.1 lUTOIlTAX T TO Til C r t H Uf. I ! -.. I'l ' I - twaa;u .. -i . ( i ' ii u ts, : - New Storo neck it entwine?. lor the present. Severn! western Aain there is an old and valued l"tll'P nU,Vo.n .rho been in this town to clirtuil cxpei:,C3f and in Haiti. r 4i . 4, more likewise action has been taken for thirty-nve vears, and to say tbe least, has given to this place, one at one or more large tstabltshmcnts thousand dollars a vear, vet he says looking to their economical work- " - K... ...i.:i 4.1 : l.pmnsfc Iphvo TTHTuIfirsr.il lffan?G Viiilie me puiuo ci.iiiiui;va. C feet Town 7 . 8 10 " 11 " li M VI " Koj c per fuot 7. CO 7WJ WJ U.'iO 10..VJ mo iti J OJ AMI NEW GOODS. J. E. CHAVi'OED. DENTIST, 1 . ' I f- XI cr. S PAULDING t GUV, The South. This is the title ot S JJanl- Mrul, Aofullr. I'd. c WTVY 'Mtw , "a. ,,,f 1 t I tuj .nl by . 1. Ju, M'.u l-s 5twk Blade, Stevens o: Co., so many merchants 6ell machine , . ... . . , III IJUW apapui iiusu mutual utui, afiord to make it. e say, besides . 1 . . . his be.ng a good and law-a-b.d.ng - recomulclld it to tllc libcrai Ac. 1 1 and 13 0.m;,. fifrf, UU4VCU, ilia Uiiuu jo n ui ui ofc itaci . . . I , . - . , . . j j ii j i patronage ot our Southern people. AOIU'OLh. YA. one thousand dollars, divided a- L . Vi- i j -v- - 1 i . mong our merchants and they have t- Dnnlrra in "F.r3 . . dfi.vi.tpfl anlchi to the promotion ot leaiers ill r.gg?. l one hundred dollars worth ot trade, I Potatoes Apples, and all Kinds ea-m. Now tell do any ot you harness . . Country I'rodticc. dealers sell one hundred dollars crU Cctl0n' es no pa; ns or w k - 1Iy of expense to represent fully the van New ork Dairv Imttcr, and keen . t T ous resources of each of the Southern I constantly on hand a full 4tiH-k ol J. W. Fclleu. UBkb ? PF;- -"t,0 State-, and has shown a highly com all grades. CWigninenU of Eggs you with a look winch says, ill ao . . . , . solicited lor which we gttarautce the T , , , ii i . t mendable eiitti pn.-e in Us uvseiin-l .... , . " nignesi marKCi price. J. s OLOMdN . co.. w.f of rtt!fioa. j crrirri vcti rtitiii jpiPil 1arkr !!. npril 2!.-ly. fats, Jjt,t$ ami Su. Dayrn are roprctlutty Itjtllc 4 la an rtjaS- raliuu. l Uv Ih-V rtiM ii.fiil.il ,; ua al y l.'ur.d la a Dr-t U uui.i.i.it. aoJ iil lv at a ml i rrl. eU atJ t Utter CllCCC I u,lu0 vur l-urcU.ii ilvUi. lliU Ilcndcrtoti, C, Oct. 2 1 v. Henry J. Brovn, KALIKUI, X. C, ... , , ii l.Tl LlUJilU tlUili tilivi I'li.-C ill .13 l SV.1 ll' r, r- I .l.inr.. I'll I . n .r mill CO W 1 1 Q T II . 1 . At . i . tive articles and i!lus:r.itio!is. js please, o one doubts that, but a it circhlale6 throughout the United xignno uo so, is ouij iuo Mm Statcsalld extenus even into the 1.4. 1 1 .. 1. .l- I iigiuyoumive iuuijuu. C0U11,r:c.. Europe it cannot fail to or to insult every man that enters do by UiQ uUcn, your place of business. We would . " ot ..in,.' i!nm;,M:lllt, to here pat in a word for the Tribune, onr T;c but no, we will not condescend to - , i..5lllf 0l.tlli w.l... remind a people of that which in- voU.d ltl il:cirul! v to tiio -OM urtli telbgence and justice tells is right. gtat- I'l.o Agrfculturnl aSociotv, j.ucic aiu auuic lucll Ol nils tuuiiun I . . i i its managers, tair grounds, vvc, re- ' J ceivea special altentiou. lliero know every thin"; that's in it, by i . i i ir j 0 wprii hue wood ruts ot tin liuiloimrs peeping over the shoulders of a 4l i i r .r. , , , - on tlic lair Grounds, 1 arboro neighbor that does subscribe. This n rp , n ., i w T.,.- , . , liousc, lucker Hall. 1 eaco Jnsti- iiiay uu iiu iiuuu. lo inu reauer oi ims . . -t-ii it t- paper who does not subscribe. They tUt- GradltC 1MlI,.g Xvcr) may laugh and then read their own and photographs ot Col. llolt, Capt. home paper for months without Fulghum, Hon. Kemp Lattlo and paying the man who prints it one Dr. JJlaeknall. cent. But we say this to you we Mr W Woodward, formerlv defy you to do it without feeling , . ... . . 1 . mean in the secret chamber ot thn ot Faycttcville, is the .associate lieart. Editor of the japer, and in that capacity, is makintr a tour ot the We would prove trnent to our Southern States, ace uaintin? him- feehngs. did we not give one word Urdf with tl.pir m..nr ..nrrr- concerning the conduct of Capt. II. ponding with his paper and, at the a.u,j.uni, iue spngmiy suitor Bame time, solicitiiisr subscribers to Sept. 11-ly C. W. ItAILLY. J. W. Fuller. & Co., SUFFOLK', rj. mmmm - rC.T 'xl -2sj C 0 C'i:Ti:U OJ AVilUtTIOl AT H. Harris, & CO'S, AtX. IN Ijtes ctenr lir d. Vit iJMs Oan-ctt JitrU KITTIIELLV, X. C. Keep on I.ard Garden Fcli. A1o a lull ft.rtrT5crt cf Cor.frc- LUTHER SHELDON. DEALEU IN Sashes, Scors & Blinds MUCl.DIXCiS, DRICUEr, KTAITl Undertaker. Kt-ep n l;aiil FiK MtTAUC I tionatic. Fvtip:io:i cA?ic!-'.!y FiutAi. Cam., Vmlmit and i-;!.er I cvi:j'UJ.uoi WtH-iI CuIiSn. Ordu hr 3!ail or I Ae-si 'sTr: .lr. in . i i.ii.i . rv... .. i I w . i . .. . . I r - - - ? - i iioicsaiu i JHKcraoi .niieiiiMini i tlegrapn, promj-liy a;ic:iucu It. River Oyster?, and dealer iu Shell Ik-ujI -I lsTH.-tt Lime. A trood rcliablo Pircnl I toii riiA.wi; ia bOLn. E. lilCHTER good wtmted in every town, (iive ii n trial. Sept. 1!5 Cm. Tho Gin Question Giilmcre d; Rogers, Iiai rcmnvol hit entire ttoc: of Alt III f, KniUT A C tOCUl SETTLED! uuuiui.r iiuj;rnui j. il I!ai:nai:dv, rri!riQv:Tiv vPifriiAVTS Ti.ai.s.itis iw rti4i i ! f - liuklr, UrdU(Ilr U lots m i.ii(k&4u' la l"J I ii. i.. i it, ui wpj . i j I I ui n i Im aw iu ! 1 Ik ta iir-lf j. A, i l i-.f i t -trs4 I irla V:t- : ii. i?u.i. A7. 15D lFr PntUStrttf, DALTIMOUE, Ma, Jhtwt(n Light a ml Ck'trh SV. 11i4c?j, tZ-(3k Enilders' Hardware, Faint?, Oil?, Klas., Fatty, nnd Fuildirg Mule rial of every iKsctiption, ITS WoUr Stffft, SOU FOLK, VA. Sept.ll,lS73.1y. I want to buy, on orders 200000 Agrof for the m! cf 9Ut t ttl Y: C fToiiitu. rrUl and l"armrr lUnk. IUi.. I. . Abrli, Hrij rlrior un. !-!., U . iKiri : Co.. l!l . AN X. rr A hrs. Ul. J .V. Ii. lloll-r. (o;stuiii, DM". II r. iwiimjr c.f t'bicaxa. IM . U II C.i'.ltaore, Kivliitk, la. ? I r ' ! ' In Mitts T. E. M00EE, and Proprietor of the State Agri- it tt u n nffMbl o-ontlomnn on liiC ..t s'M,,vyN nn Invnl T . 1 . 1 t . 1 " I ' ouuiua., aiso secretary ot we hope he ,vill becordially recoiv the last State Fair. Capt. Ful-1 ed by our people. Advocate. J. S. MEADOWS. Ilcndcrson, July 2, ISTG.-tt No Brrakag. Sell rvcolitxr atJ ca t parkrd tT tLlUrn.rrSc ILC0. Si-f UmUcr Si- Ctu ; iirs c-i, .r.M it, goods, fu:s, umhkkl la $ am) walfixg caxx, A"o. IIS .'Snimorv Sirt fktelsiiuik;, viuginia. lugmt 27, 18T3. Hie Ladies Friend KAY UK lOl.M) is txxi: HOME SHUTTLE Sewing Machine. Atx nr HAtK-ricc 34Vr u LtxV $v.u :a .:. .a4 a rsr. 4 Ci rra ai.4 4 try ay K 1U a4 . M4 c4 UI. 4Vit Ci ' i7 CJ .a.t..M al af IV rf4 0,r Aa V4v;i4 at aJ I4VU a OEOUGE J. IlEAVI, Acwr.