L i THE TRIBUNE. AS INDJS.P&NDEAT, WEEKLY NEWSP&PSi;, FUBLIaHED BY J. ABNER HAIiRELL TEUMS OF "SUl.SOttieriON, One Yr. In advaiise, 82,00 Sot In advance, 5 OO S. i. Ss H'. lOCA'Q, MISTS & APOTHECARIES, Henderson, X. C. Feb. 27-12m RALEIGH, N. C. G. W. BLACEX.1LL, Proprietor. Reference made to all Traveling Gentlemen. Feb. 27-12m. Attorney at Law, AND NO TAB T PUBLIC Practices in the Circuit Court of the United States, Supreme Courts at Kaleigh, the Superior Courts ot C auville, Warren, Frank lin and Wake. Henderson. Feb. 27-12m S. J. 8KIHNER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HENDERSON, JT. C. Practices in the Federal Courts of the State, and in the Superior Courts of Grauville, Franklin, Warren, and Halilas, couuties. Feb. 27 12m THE NEW Wheeler and Wilson "THE SOUTHERN FAVORITE." The reputation of the Wheeler and Wilson, as a leading lanaly Machine, is well known, but THE NEW WPROVF.I) DBAW.f EE from its simplicity, light running, little noise, ease of management, ready application to a wide range or work, and its great durability , is WITHOUT A RIVAL. This Machine was awarded the highest Pre mium at vlie Worlds bain in London 1302, Paris 18G7and received the Grand Diploma oe Hosok at Vienna iu 1S73. Every Macuiue warranted and thorough instruction given. J. & J. JOHNSON, Genl. Ats. tor North Carolina; Office Wilmington; Branch Olhces, Raleigh, Charlotte and New Berne. LAFAYETTE FISHBACK, Traveling Agent, Henderson, N. C. Sept 13-ly J. F. HARRIS. GEO. A. HARRIS. J. F. HABIUS, CO., GENERAL MERCHANTS. HENDERSON, N. 0. 20 Ton. No. 1 Peruvian Guano. 20 " Zell's Atumoniated Phos phate, tor Cotton. 10 " Zeli's Tobacco Fertilizers. 30 bbls Syrup. 50 kegs Nails. 30 bbls. Family Flour. at J. F. HARRIS, GO'S. Henderson, Feb. 27-12m. Call on Iaac Oettinger. 48 Fayetteville street, KALliGH, N. C. For Millinery, Ladies Fancy and Furnishing Goods, lor real ana lmuiiiaiiou uair gum, tor Kid Kioves. lor Laces, lor Edging and lusertion, lor Corsets, lor Collars uud v-uffa, tor Kihbons. tor Silks. Velvets and oatint,, for Huffs, (or Hoods, tor Woolen Sacks, lor old Ladies Caps, tr D'asnionaoie couutis aim Hats, lor Misses Hats, lor baby Caps and Baby Dresses, tor Baby Cloaks, for Baby Sacks and for every tniug in the Fancy line. Oct. 9 3m CAYT0N & WOLF, One door East of Corner Blount aud MO KG AN ST BEATS, RALEIGH, JST. G. PBACTICAL STOKE CUlTESS AN DEALE S IN ITALIAN 6 AMERICAN MARTLE. 11 kinds of Monuments. Tombs, Head stones and Garden Statuary made to order on reasonable terms. May 1, 1873-ly Henry J. Brown, Opposite Masonic Hall. RALEIGH, N. C, ALB1N.S0N-CO ClN. 0. Undertaker KeeDS on hand Fisk's Metalic Burial Cases, Walnut and other Wood Coffins. Orders by Mail or Telegraph, promptly attended to. August 21, 1873.-tt VOL. 1. peternbcrw adtei;;m:e.mn. Meade, Grr & Co. IMPOnTEHS ASO I CALLUS IS Hardware, Cutlery and CARRIAGE MATERIALS, 125 Sycamore St., Petersburg Ya. 21arca . Cm H. T. ALLEY, "WHOLESALE AND ItETAlL CONFECTIONER. F1IU1TS, FARVY ti'tons, TOYS, WetMing aud F.iriles Furntklieil. 133 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Ya. :arca ti. 12m " ESTAEIISUEB 1330. Bobert A. Martin & Co., GROCERS AND Commission Merchants. NO. 2 IRON FRONT CUII.1IINU, Petersburg, Yirginia. Give strict Personal Attention to Consignments aad make prompt re turns. March G.-llha Harness! Harness!! SINGLE Budgie Harness at fl ls V, 2. per et. ta.d 1- s t .,8, ii, u, 5, Saddles, Harness, Bnddles, Collar, "Whips, Spurs, etc., etc., AT LOW PRICES. At P. M. STEWARD'S, Sad'Ile fc llarutss MwiiuL.clnrj', 90 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Ya. Mr.h6-l:ui J. E. GARY, Wholesale lealer In Orcckery, China and GLASS WAliE, KEROSENE OIL AJS'D LAMPS. Si Sycamore St.. Petersburg, Va., (Opposite Iron Frout.) Goods carefully packed. March C-V-ini Furniture! Furniture: i AY. II. MORRISS, & CO., Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, X. C. Manjfacturer aud Dealer in all tinds ol FUUN11UKE. Ai, constantly nn hand ana made to order, fchuik, Cwt'oii cz ouuck. Jvite &Sbuck ai d llair .Mattresses, lemons vi.tinytlie "apilal ol ttie Mate will jdcuac give us t call and exauiiLS our stocks. 7. H. M0RSI3S, 3o. i iru.i rnosT, Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Ya. Manufacturer aud Dealer in all grades ol Furniture All kind ol Jiaimis u" aud made to order. Also, budei iaKiu iu i. its brauches. All kiud and tizts ui mw. aud Wood Loffins, coustuuily ou baud, aud all orders bj tcleijrpu, iut or day promptly attended to. March o.-lJin. E. H. Plummer & Co. No. 121 Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Ya. TW leave to call attention to their Stock ot " r- JEOiY ANJ) STEEL, EARAL MACHINERY, Ana Asricnltural ImplemeLls. inr.lndinsr in nart. - o . t T- T Improved Montgomery uoctcaxcay Fans, Cider Mills, ktraw U utters, Agents for Biclfordk Huffman's ) heal Units. We invite special attention to the Farmers Fritnd Plwo Perfected. Every Plow warrented to give satis faction or no sale. Orders prompt ly filled. Aug. 7, lio. T. E. MuUi.E, HATS, CAPS, STRAW, . GOODS, FUPS, UMBRELLAS AND e WALKING CANES, No. 115 Scamore Street, PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA. : August 27, 1873. HENDERSON, N. C, W. G. J0TE3. WIIOI.V.RM.F. AXIS t.TIT. CLOT'II E R, A cent Tor the riltptle Tok fitilrt. 124 Main Si.:ect, Opposite Roanoke Avenue. Norfolk, va. Second Floor Devoted Exclusive ly to Jobbing, bept. 11-otiu VT. T. llAEir.OV. CJ TE.N,l.l. Wm, T. Harrison & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Commission Merchant? AUEMH roR THE Hsiafd Pawner Co. & EtiWEn can Sc. JS'os. 1, 2, 3& l S, 12 UarriMC Wharf, nonroijc, vmgixia. !May 1, 1873-ly 7h0leSal0 DlUggiSt3. mr A n A r A MTAtl iii. ii. 6- tr. i. cll.UUa. Oiler to Slrcbauu the ftilUwluc Articles Easenccs of Lemon, rt pirmlnt and ClnnA niou, l'te,jor!c. Laudanum, Caster OH, I'.aiuinan'j I rora, Uoaf re,, ' Cordial, 1'ain Killer, r.lUi-c, Swiet ttU suts. lurvcuuiie, aIuuj, ,foilJi, Liniment-, tracking, j-j.icc. Litters, lae Mntsuipuur, Lrsoui-Saits. ba.k. lUlr Oycs, Emuct Logwood, UiToru Kxlncta, Hop-, nS8, iuvIiko. llair oila uud tu-io ?'.lvi of all kadf, CoU,h Lo2engfs &laHi'lAt Matches, vtrulluRc, Wo. in Candy. J. u.-tar J. 1'ilUof a.l kinutt, t-usl Tovrders, Stl-:l.tx 1 owders. guinlne, Suit ie tie, i f uion arup, stArch, looking laand Copjetaa. We respectfully Invite a c-i.lL M. A. A C A. SATOS, Norfolk, Va, Mtrch 13 l?ra S. A. Stevens Co. C'OK. MAIS am niMiv SitnEE-IH, Ojjvsile Cuatom House, Is OR FOLK, YA. Hea!erH In Furniture & Carcetiuss 3!ATIX(iS, WIN' OW N!IAIES AXO lPr.U- I1AN1N5H,C11I1.I S'.N'.H CM.ll.! tUE. ILT tOUXIClM s.m DittssKs. March 13.-1 2tn. XL VI A 11 1.1 II L 1 139. D. S. Cheiry & Son, MAMTAcrincKJi ami in.aw.R-. ..i Stcve3 and Tin Ware. Cor. Poanole tO Water Sired, NORFOLK, YA. March 13.-15m W . E. Hudgias & Co.. "P HA Ii 1 ' A- ... ....t.-.-t-. ivnnr.ti.C!l11S CUTLERY AND GUNS, s So. 35 East Side Market &2uarc Nonruiu, vimixiA. March 13.-1 2m. I.A.HUIUu, XV. C. Ulrkkon, T. . Wllllani. T. A. WilUams, & Co., (Mirrtkkuis to 11 lu. A Held, n ) WHOLESALE GROCERS AND No. 2 & 4 Koasokb Sqcahe, Const KoANOKC 1KCK, Provision, iluui, A Kail 1, cl-llilrM. NORFOLK YA. Feb. 27-12 in READ THIS! "rwvnJiTVvA1" 1,crlor'"C little time the elder WcUlicvcin the man or woman tratel them. Most hkely he chang UIAMUjSV, wnsiir., brother, determined to make the w!lo.i;M tncii This d.vs rot td t laces with her, q that she weal J JEWELU1, SUJL1U S1L VEll or PLA TED WA HE. ADOBLKS, Arthur C. Freeman, ji;Yi:i,L.i. Norfolk, 1 'irgin id. This ia the old-t nUblUuroeut lolhe State. i . .. . n. n t5 ladiitu uD6uri..d by mnj ouc Wnic iur ui u w. woods kext ?i ArpsMUU V, e can e iK:7o?MT?i acb at otbec INI NOVEMBER 27, 1873. THETRLBUNE. TIlURgDAT, XOVEMBEUVT. 1H In a certain part of our country, says the Falmouth (Ky.) IniUpeml ri, there lives a family in which there are two brother jtnt entering on the prime ofjuutMul manhood. A short dictat e.1 from them in fact, in the fame heighborluwKl there live another family in urhich there arc two sUtcri i in the prime of ma:d-:i h.J, beautiful, Uscinating, yurtr paH.r, wc kiu.tr exactly where and attractive. Thccyoun- people to c to jret what we want, ar-d ar being near neighbors and coming laved the inconvenience and ar.noy m contact with each other oftcural- tnco cf going all around town to most naturally, it would fcm, fell " iiu wiiitr IJ.C ClUCil bruther wuh one ot ti,c t;tcr4 and the onnger with the other. All went smoothly fur a time, and thcie young people enjoyed thcmelvc and dreamed bright dreams of the future, aud, no doubt, in iruaina tion constructed fairy palace ot love.and gardens that, paradise, should be onlv ailed with the Kau- . , rt - . flowers and fruits ol happiness .. . I .... .11. u . I ' .. r. f wnaiiocu cnjoincni. J lien. ta a matter ot eonree, the question of Hurrying aroe, which must be refcri cd to the parents of the young ladies for approval. The oJdt-t brother had n3 difficulty in obtain ing their coiutnt to his luarrvinrr the young lady, and the wedding day was fixed upon. Then the younger brother went to the pan lit?, and made knewn his attachment fur thootlii r si tcr, and their imitu al desire to splice and travel the ro.nd of life tcthcr." Hut the old folks were decidedly opposed lo having more ihan one of their girl innrry into t)iat family ,w and plain ly informed Mm that if ho wanted u wife he mitt co chcwhcrc to get her, intimating that he should dcit from pying further attention to the young iady in question. Hut the young man was resolved that if his brother married one of the girls he would marry the other. So he went to the young lady of hi love and told her the circumstances of the situation, and desired her, it she oVcj t t by running on wuii nun. 10 mis snc8grccu,i , , , , A, . I .... n. ... . . ..u iw .. ... ui;v.. they rhonhl carry out this mutual agreement. iui now comes inci I Hran-en nan oi our siory. auc iwo young iuuics resemuicu cacn 1 t I II oilier very mucu m iook, voice, Arc, and by some strange freak, when the night of elopement came and the yoMtig man went to tho ap pointed place of meeting, he found a woman there whom he thought was i uc rem I'm:, uui tuu not UneoiHeious of thus however, he took her to the place where the marriage ceremony was to le jcr- formed before he found out that he was with the wrong girl. Mott wnndetfitl to relate, he thought that alter ho had gone to all this trouble he would get married any way, so he asked her if she would have him, and she, in order to carry . .... ii . out !ic joke, satu sue woui.i, ana they were married then and there. It appears that she had overheard him making arrangements to elope wirh her sUtcr, and, knowing the place of meeting, determined to go! there ahead ot her, and thus fool the young man for whom she cn tertained a secret liking, althouh sho was engaged to bo married to his brother. Our informant also tatcs that after they had lived to- most of the situation, took untLoUnd. butil is sound. Your milk liunscu uieouicr sisur. Mr. Frank Greene requested us to advertise four weeks, his desire to rent his valuable farm. On the 6tcond anncaianccof his advertise .n f,dlfatit and . .1 vnntnn I lit! la I.tlT ono ill evidences to show that ad 1 vertising in a widely CircUiatCU paper like the Garette, docs pay. Our paper is read weekly by ten 71 O. JLO. thomand roplc. In vnlcr to con Tinco ouriclt "of the imporUncc of ldvcrtUifg icrally, and whether cruof " it-puld Jtb ttJvcrti- in vir jiajcr, tt'rmte Ucti tticoUr to ittr.y of or.r mvtl Inldlini rradcr 'whether r not tbry rraJ the advcrtim:mcntft and t!Kirtylrf ii.i one ixcet'tioti, wai Myri,' x?A c Ctul thrt b ret tetter lan??rji m thiols rho adrertlje with von than other merchant? and hr-tid after tccin- ' mn advtni,crncr.l in Utl fur ir?rm.i GiU. - V . A I10HC 1 Urftll CUQUM. Wc were talking with an intelli gent gcnlh man ntl lo:ig ajo, when he said that Lc had lived in ar.othir State once, and had travelled through many State, tut had yet to find the tate that olTvrvd to dcrirab'.o a home as North drolini all things considered. Wc hd had a similar cjjncncc and had ar rived at the same co:uh:;.,n. Of course North Carvlina present i con siderable variety ot climate and great diversity ot soil : liar t tu ry orlioti equally well favored. Uut take it all in all from seaboard t mutii.t' ins, and wc know no Utter home. For ourtelf, wc would rather live in the Northern section of our State thvn in any portion of the world. When the writer was a resident of Memphis, he was one day in the law-otiice f Heath A Lewi?, both North Carolinians, the latter now a resident ot Raleigh, Maj. A. ' M. Ltwia for like our- sell it was impoib!e far hin to stay away from the "Old Sonh Stale." Well, one day we were con versing: with the lamented JuJ-v Heath, and our eyes turned toward our old home, when the Judge said very tenderly : 1 would rather live in the Albemarle region thai any where else under the hcacns. North Carol iu i .n of the righ atamp never forget their natal fcUtc , whose merits have never Ucn ' J r.. . . . r. N c arc plcaicd to see from time tQ im lhal maiV lH:flo: who : . olUuirMivUHtut Hmlii,r . ,. , ,.. ...I. ,,t i ,i .. t. .,;ti . uwav. are constraincu at I&JI til settler, and t;.c err i. stsil leT ... . , .... , i... tt-t, I, vou I "I ,..tMt mvn Arm a !tn. vv.. .... r o tluning chain." Ralcigli io.tinl. 7: ll HAT C ACS IS I1AKD i I II 1-5. AOOI many pcnd money, aad too lcL r4rxir lf 9:nx px;and i vatu ii. Too much money is srnl wail- fully and needlessly, and loo little I saved and made productive an J ac-l cumulative. Wc arc too speculative, unr era- I pulous and ac;ually dishoucst in our ciljrts to make money. - l Too many of us prefer idleness to I industry and too few of us kn how to work and derive pleasure i . i I and prolit from our laoor. I Wc talk and read too much, and I act too little. I Wc roll about too much like stones that gather no nics, enruhmg cor rations and sj-ccu'.ating capital I Uts, and defrauding ourselves cl & - the protits of our own industry. In short, we are too much what wc ought not, and not enough what wc ougntio uc T Wttnorr xx EstHT. i ... i to- trho ctntcnt M"V4 ""v ,: V ,,- themselves w.th .imjdy doing harm, al the same tunc never anTeood. 1 l ey arc mere neguivcs. Your man of force, who doc r.ol wait for a s'onc to get cut ot his l,.rm..tiiinti.ll war l.nt mm. VK -.m at mr MTC it willbo niijtvi - - '' w J - fully roll it over, manr unintcn - - I iionany nuik aiweovuj a iwi in act; bul thousands who will have to less gii!, of I travel that way will thank him for mother fainted. THE TRIKDNE. AOSitftTiaiX ' UJklK. src a - s w. I Vr. a t 5 r -4 ii a it II ftt l 1 t Crrf i a lift t t K I 5 mm . )W( clearing tL Tho raaa or wotnia who his no'cnen;cs is generally a sleek, crreptng, ojwardly cnutcrc, carii x it no one . but Lirasdf-- sm;rkicgandcrcp!aj.U caclaro war 6 U.o aUcsriiT !.a ir.critJ- m 0 Hcadii 3:hidg to lie ccrKJcn s:cc;-t:cva co gxiU m tkc world, asd ia Ijwcrc! iaio Lis i feel o! eartJr without svAsere rrrtt frc ta ay orc. He las k&4 no oncnie; Lji haJ ho m (tiet.il - A plaits If vacant, tat not ia tor js a.?a", grate- ul heart. A fr audi ja.p!c. iohkisu tr. In spita U the Cr.ar.r?il ranic w!.!ch still rsgs amcrg the bank rupt tr.c?ehan!s and rin-.'act-rcrs NVnhrn Uilcat; cS lit nxuniary prrarr which isfJlhero in North Carolina, we arc J.apr ia bi ing at 'c to vinl to more than one induction t f a brighter tsturc; cot a say present Improvement. C3;c! among t!.rc is the cxmirg in ot immigrant from abroad to bay land and vtt!c among uk Lxl week six LnglUhmcn lsght land In the county, a Lout five tn-.Ics r.crth cf Ridge ay ; and wclcam that others will ptobablye .mp!c!c thc ctchxso of the s'uc estate; tnakirg r'ht settler, m'x? o them with farr.il ;ef, on trac! t-f aljut tiJiy acrts caili. These worthy lra: gcrs were dctcJ- d int cmii:g to North Carvlina Wy t!ie fair but taU? rom:es vt the brg!ih orch .rr cf the Ridgxrwar company s property. Hat Ln;fg diappo;nud in the ctjttatioa of finding I'l crrc urtns with gcoJ eight rvwui l.ouirs on them, they Wgari to hk arw.ind, and wc are happy totay thai they are now jwrftclly satitHcU thai their rt disappointment was a Ucilng in disguise Tl cy have made better purvhac, at cheaper rate, and arc more than content with the malt. Thry arc m.rc than ever believers iu the maxim, AU a well thai e nds well," A week cr two go, the Canadian gentlemen who in Augcit pnreha-ooi ll.n sp!i:dcd'Klgia Ktfate of lu.i-J acre, came and tj-ck Jx- I oicn; and i:tly tl.j pxit week, tho I . . i . .i . i 1 .1 ii . . 1 t.. . n-.v- I the IKijt, i:joed 1:1. In addition i I - w lUiC mfc m wir t f LngUih, Canada. Northern ar.d Trend. Jw.h. r.iUil,t! arc to cms during the Autua.n and u Tr.tr r. Ai d n j bonder. For North Caro lina, cj;a!2y this middle and the urrrr ie:gca. is me iar.u . -i i . w :.:c:i ... i v. i . flrirrt urafo-n Gz!U. Tun UoxtYU". A Yiiicnary r.cwpap:r t now tn mg to prrjie youg married p!c thai it is bet U r for them to stay rjuictly al he mo and r.ol ga wandering oSTon exhibi tion. As if any bride w ould trrga j b!ccd t rftllegs of leading her i " pr ze around with a blue rilUn tied to hU r etck m a I.otcl c r other public places where bride l meat da corgrrgate. Rut there U a legend. unauthorized, tc!d srnc-wherc of a voui'g bride who braxinly Iried to pretend she had been married years and thouzht to deceive rot.!c br $xu ttjotJd ar.d snapp hly tolcr i4lTiJndot half a day, MI wish yoa u!1M nut alwats be walkin-ta tot it rt droA." Rat totne indUcrvtiva l-c- ------- m n o I not sit in the dtaught. " . ' . . . Aladr hat ;ngsidhat:.c would no malcL;;ift a5,r a CiU:ical do r- . . rrtd.ca! -You wocU make an excellent tuatc, thtcgh." A widow said to her daughter: .- w-- m - timcenosgh todrcamol aucitana. 1 - n , iuc 1 v, .j-..- - second cr.c. l lo t 1 1 1 1

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