THE TRIBUNE. JT. ABXER 1IARRELI,, Editor. THURSDAY, DECEMBERS 1871 There is no man however stupid can fail to consent to the assertion that the Farmers Council which as sembled in Petersburg last week, was composed of men of as high rank and possessed of as much ability, as any body of men which has met any where upon Virginia's soil for many years. The country fl 1 T" A 1 f all arouna i oiereonrg, ior one hundred miles, both in this Stale and Virginia, sent its best talent there and work has been done which will bear fruits of country develop ment, and place the farming interest ot the two States in a more dignified position. Scarsely can we enter the com pany of any man, or any set ot men but the first question asked is: are we going to have war with Spain? Our mission has e?cr been that of place, but in the recent Cuban affairs, together with otlur difficulties we have had with Fpain, it seems to us, "gentlemen may cry peace, peace, but there is no peace." The United States has fou ud several counts in indictment against Spain, among them: Xhe ovhaulmg of the United Srates schooner Lizzie Major on the 2Gth ot March, 1SCS, upon the high seas, by a Spanish frigate, and tak ing two passengers from on board to Cuba. Proclamctiont of Captain General DeRodas in May, 1SGS authorized the search of vessels on the high seas, in definance of a treaty with Spain. The seizure, on the 21st of Jan nary 1S69, of the United States stea mer Colonel Lloyd Aspinwall, while in use as a United States despatch boat, by the Spanish man of war Herman Cortes and her detention ior ninty eight days. Fpain paid the owners $19,702.50 in gold. Outrage to the flag unatoned. The seizure of the United States schooner Mary Lowell by the Span ish war steamer Andalusia in iiri tish waters, March 1G, 1S69. Attack upon and slabbing of Johnston and Foster, citizens of the United States, in the streets ot Havana Feb. 6. 1S70, by a Span ish mob tor the "crime,, of wearing blue neck-ties The muderer ot the German citizen Green wald, at the same time, for being in their com pany and on suspicion of being an American. Insult to the .American Ah" in the outrage upon U. fctates Consul Phillips, in March 1870, at Santia go de Cuba, by a fc'panis mob, and forcing him to fly. The confisca tion of Consul Phillips estate. Murder at Santiago de Cuba of the 6eamen Speakman and Wyeth citi zens ot the United States who were shipwrecked on the Cuba coast, and guilty of no crime. Embargo and confiscation of the property and estates ot American citizens in Cuba under Valmaseda's proclamation in April, 1871. Inhuman proclamation ot Valma seda in April, 1871, ordering every male over 15 years of age in Cuba foundjaway from his habitation and not having sufficient motive there for, to be shot. Diabolical proclamation of Val masedain April, 1871 that every un occupied habitation and everv house not flying a white flag should be re duced to ashes. . Mention of eight boy students m Havana in November 1S71, by orders ot a court-martial under the bloodthirsty dictation ot the Spaa ish volunteers for an imaginary in suit to a grave. Condemnation of the American citizen, Dr. Houard, in December, 1871, to imprisonment on talse charges and sending him to Spain in chain?. Summary arrests and imprison ments of American citizens, milita ry executions without pretext, arbi trary embargoes of property, and other acts done by the Spanish au thorities in Cuba to the persons and properties ot citizens ot the United States, in violation of the Treaty of fl. 1795. The fentehery of the wounded and prisoners of war and mutilation of the dead in encounters with the Cuban forces. The repeated murders of Cuban women and children suspected o! sympathy with the Cuban forces. Seizure of the Ui.ited steamer Virginius, on the 31st of October, upon the high seas, taking her 10 oanuago de Cuba and there 1 .1 ... .... w - uuicucnngine citizens ot tnc United 1 .i ... i .t .I uicuvsj anu ouier, under me protcc tion ot our flag found her. The Lvjlction Killed iTATE TkEASCKV THROWN Wfi lln filicli mmi ...t York, will l,ere.ftcr. rcn.c.l , rjurth Caro.ina cannot have Lcr xicaMirj rockeu up to satisfy Mtv&o holding Josie bonds or any other sort. e are in f':ivnr V..ri. " 4,v" Carolina paying every dollar honest- iy owing, mat Her credit mav stand in time to come, as it did in Hay of yore. But we will never consent that one man shall sneak in our midst, and ittjunk the Treasury. SO W A It-I. VI ED. Secretary Ilsh and Admiral Pol J-ires ir-full J'ai-liculars of the Agreement. upon and eigned a piotocal which the iattcr soon after telegraphed to mo government. As conflicting statements have appeared in the gofauons between the United son-; of l-coO m..nranee, ,d in INC. I'l.K.M l!I.V,4 .4... crn7,J . ;1 j It J . '; states and bl, to tl,e g,od order. The fcu-jgr w.scquatlv 13 IS. ( V. J.,rJ.,.V ' J.'-1- l! i..;.,,!.-.' 1 ...... questions growins out of tl,c capture new, on tl.c oM ftjlc, l.igl, back, Union tttvet. !.. Anv,:. , s w, Mrv""" v..... A ot the Airginius were brought t a fqnare feat and f....t, will. Geo. A. iVW.WX I.! i"'SV"'J.- ,f-,,'5!" ' N'i' w..r- coneiusion to-day. See.etary Fi.d, Au:SlevV name ..graved on .date fl- I "j. 'X, ,1 ' T " ?t"f 'r' and Admiral T,l. l..,:.,.. I i :.. i " . , lHtll.U-. L,ai, M,.. V.,,.,.. l..r,..Vfrt-"liv.'- X l-i. newspapers regarding intclligeme received last night and also today, it can now be pusitivclv stated that the terms are substantially as fel lows: "First, the innm dint,, .h.i;. very to the United Mates of the v - ""a' V-t ship Virginius and all the sum vim passengers and an,, erew ??ond a 1 .1 salute to our i nagon inetliot Dec. next unless in the meantime Spain . l shall satUfythe United States that the American flag was improperly borne on that vesel and further, that she had no right to the Ameri can flag or American papers. In 1 v' e sion- bpain is this event the salute is to be taneously withdrawn and to formerly disclaim anv lntinti.innl f J -"VII indignity to the flag in the acts committed bv S pain against the irginius. 'Jhird if it shall thus be ...v, , '.,,1111110 iiitu iiu ri'iu to carry the Ameiicun fing and papers the U. States will institute proceed- R nwn t in ViMinfn.. ings against the vessel and thn snr. thelawsof the United State, and fcpain gaurantees to institute pro ceedings against any of her authori ties who may have violated either the law or treaty stipulation. The mPtter ot reclaimation fur damages is reserved fortnture consideration. In addition to the above it can aho be positively stated that within the next two Ua)s, Sceratarv FUh and the Bp.nlbMii.i,ter will detenuiM the port at which the Virginius and the survivit g passengers and crew shall be deliverd to the United Slates. The words "immediate re lease," as applicable to the unlivery ot the V liimus and the surviving passengers and crew implies, Si course a reasonable time for its exe cution a some days miut elat sebe- t t lore Uavanna and Santiago deCuba can be reached. '1 he agreement is regarded in oihYial qiiaters a cov ering all the points ofonr original demand, thou-h in a nnubfi. l t TcliJir. it ; - : i i . . I ivhi.e it la considered respectful ad honorable to both oountiies. The Axing of 25th of December " " Wi ot'ij;,uur nag 13 to allow the necessary opportunitp to Spain to show that the Virginius improperly carried tho American ns tlin tirim frT cnlniii. i. g and American papers. There is a sensible relief in all quarters that the negotiation has thus peacetnlly ended. Seerctarv and Admiral Polo have for two two weeks past, been cn-ad ?n pacing tins result, on which ... 00 tney received the congratulations of their resoectirAfrln,,,!, i ' - w ug, Capt. Hester at KitrelR ?. " ..v mo i """cu consnmnmri k, - t night last. J 6 It is much colder to-day than it was yesterday. We hope it will not long remain so. t,iJ Caiu find llia wifc? 0 W,U anwcr Rv que, lion in 0nr ncxt h' n o don'1 furn- Keverdy Johnson, who was on the Treasury Injunction c.m and the Chapman Sitters who have been performing in Kalei I 1 passed through here YC6tcrd.iv " J' . .... ,. " V"?. . down with her 225 of her iwu-rxcr ami omn r,f f!,. ,.r.. seven persons were saved. I i. . .i, . . i n is uio grcaien ciiauuir fincc the h, of ihn l.,,v HVav , Nov. 20, 1873. f Dkai: Sic I had ttolcti from me nt South Ini!on Depot, on Monday night the 24th inst.,a llorc, Ihigy and llhnic5s, the horse wr.s a large light thcft nnt sorrcll, little fwav liack, star in furthcad, somttiims in wnlkin-' Rtrikr hi r.Vht - l- - lion in re-aid to the uM'vi will thankfully received. I oiler $75,00 for any informath-n leading o tin ir recovery or proportional reward lur either. Very respectfully, W. II. Dickknu. IQIJAICO MAlflCkT I -r- - - m m s m I'nii:f r.t i n. Ih c. 2. Tobacco remain dull. V e qiiute I li?f ,t i", '.n T r . - . f ilL . f .III III .11 I' I'lllilFIIllTI T - cin t., COTTON MARKET. Isi.w Vmi:k, Dee. 2. Cotton quite; fP.cs 2.'it lule at 15 Orleans 10 1-S cents. I'-alumi i:k. Dec. 2. rotton ilull and lourur. middling 15 1-2 low middling 10; strict good ordinary 14 1-2 cts. Wilmington, Dec. 2. Cotton dull, middlings 15 12 cts. XVrf.Jt- n.. o r .m...s.. " , In 1 o o -t. Ijvi:i;rocL, Dec. 2. Cotton easier- Uplauu'a S 1-2 to s bJ Orleans S i-S. raDC" iaylCr, - njcnniare m. rr irrttr;, V. (OIJ Suid ol Branch, llcibcrl !t Cu.) Commission Merchants ami nLti.rtt i (ii'ivci .. . .... , On hand Soluble Sea Island Guanc, Guanapc Peruvian Guanti, Ground Bone, Plaster, Agricultural Lime, fcc - i rVir iwiaU,fc,r 13 ;" I BIStlOIA Ull4.( t. Groctr andCOMMfION' MERCttANTS NTS. 1 iv-, cji Jiniin- run I, rCTElMti'liO Solwa-vnl ror tUe V.r.tTAtuii; IL rertitizt r 111 iiiu .M4rkCl. THE BIST ASSORTMENT of rumpt, Incladln the ExceUior, Lurtka, Drlv andbUUiJcf' uvu, uu 1UUUU ftfc Spauldii g & Guy's, Plumbers, Steam cfc Gas Fitters, 2S Bank Street, 2Corfotk9 Va. A FULL otSteimbrait ritlca'ar attention u in rntliojc ple to tneaaurtmrbt or iLn lor Milw. Boats. Ac Su.m eu.! tri 2 J 'TriSl PmM. . ,orB - . . . " ' 7 8 " M 0 00 10 v&0 13 " M 10.AO li " " 14 U 21 " " is 03 ripe per foot i S PAULDING A GU. 23 ianZ rrf, Aoc.'.:-, Fa. Stpt. is lj NOTICE. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS!! t UTlfM r - .. 7n!S Ktureiri aoto ttjf!f!ali L'i"1.' "IJP. cm o,c.r vuinn, ireta ia iixeti un riht iiiiv me a Ull. : ... . r on board of lu- ? Havuh.- ;mMc,. lUlu Unm KM ? uruVZ&Uu""1" Un the 15th ot Govern licr thctcam- IIore Clothing. Lip Ac. S. C.nt. l?.r thin 17? da llarr. .nhil from Also. Farm V,.....i,i " I - i .... i i Vitrii i t Wvr YnrL- I..- 11.. .. 11.. .1... hllU U-4 I U'UC J.I.Hlt. 2itc V. Wl.t ..... .. ..... ..I AfiOCJ f.'i ff.tntt I t Vfc UJ.i A. F. STANTOX. Klltrrira, jr. C., Not. A. WltENIT. No. 2 land 20 Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. M amifacttirrrnml Dciler i:i Car- '.""l-va indu,,. nflsfcJ pt. Il-ly B. A. HAP? & CO., Miiiiiiiac.-urcr nn.l Dlcr in nor At n ic:xacics Is IT. W. H. M0EIH3 & SONS. a.ii aw. ' Ccmmirnion lil-YChtc . ii i "rtttf 1 Vn. I I A'rh. Star Jerry W,.,rf. XOH FOLIC V I mc nix-rat :i.Jva:ui-. un Hiuceor ;ui Lading i !MtJ,!. large m,h i l i:,gin- and f I iO. . CUI.fiinhlll !ti , .. I . t ' k iinu 1 ir ( n, Corrc.ndenec elicited. 'pt IMv . .MI. 1 1 ii-c lb. L.t.M,iiilrhrr!i xoiuviic r.i bteniDfj T. Oliver, UXDKUTAKEK. Corner Cborth ttd Cote s:ct. V..i. IicpjTiiiio tl; rtra try JH H ir. to ri'i:Ntrri:r e A.M for FI5K t;miVrri frf'JiViS - :1:10 ptM;iALf-5?i Li re r tfcCjK ,art:'tcJ " lit lire. S.T. OLIVERS r.c.IJcoce. No. rpt. llr. h. D. Brickhouse, Manufacturer and Dealer in ALL K1V or Fan ei J fnirs eh Cartp, aim Cart WhccN & Axles, fchiuglo and Ih,rrow, liar- wY- tliili' median, Halter t iii, uainoA, lc. lUpairing in nil its bran promptly attended to. cues ISO WA'IEUSTriEIIT, Va. pUlr lit. HTS ly C. A. WOiJDAUD, or .iouh i uiousa. writ! G7ATHMF.Y. D?.T R Piwrn W""iHaA? rOCOIa. ringc. Jhi...Mt4. Sli: rt IRr.tar or rrtt tiaroi,. ---- - m m m m a m .1 a at a A Li: - ,r- - V--. .., r I V!',. ,v, I A t t ltl ... I , a i. -nmti i i.r-s in ii i . " - 5 - - . t" ' 3 I Orders f,.r MOXimrvTs r;;'- ,::eVrlr, ) O k ot Hit kind,, KXKCUTEI) , . rCfe Trt , VT C in nest Manner. fc 15 '0 (rr-r" Satisfaction in Woks and r,::c c tr;i XG rLl 5 gnamnti id. - - vC ;- - ' 1 Sept. II. Ir. T'-'T0 "4 ,1; xoi:folic vj. Sept. 11, 173-It Walter C. Harris, tut ltL.ji.i mM4 A Largo Stock of FALL GOODS, ctjItirr of RT COOM ftMitK, HAT. CM HALElUn, N. C, 1 lfli'i. . i ... t Oct :. J. W. I t U.IK C. V. I a 1 I f I X T7. Fuller, Cc Co t srnoi.x, va. 1 i t rr (J:rr-. n:i J i.-a,-r i , xI I.m;r. A g.J nluWc ;u,! t . . V,- I . . - .... i iw rv (fun. Ctiu i! i tri J. t pi I- i.":n. Gillmcrc Sogers. CO.! MiS.-K X tVXH . .T. A'ik V.i ,v;;,vvAf i:.M.Tri'Ji:: .v,,. JiU?i IJKi end (I ..... . . ""v. . ii .... . ; . " : ' " vi.; . . i :i i.. N rrVif . 3:i riia-i- tt4 fi 4 Slade, Etevona : Co., -i. 11 tii 13 Cw.i t.urs S'ruft A'OLW'OLIC, VA. UfAo f? Itt I Ihlt'rr. CI;. IVt i:cv Aptdc, and ftll Kii.d of Countrv rnJmv. We ins to a frial;'iy rf r?;; New YvrZ Dairy V.utu r. n I ce ronianjiy on i.nii.j a Mil ttc k all grr.dn. C'fii 'nintnt i f I!- . . . . 1 . . . fu.IlltttJ UT Vilitc'.i V.CgUfAt.tCJl!;c u 11. if 1 nmrKCi J ficr. t"Vpt. 11-ly DAVIS & BRO., Wholesale Grocers Atn Seniors in liquors. ra;t Ft out IJintditt; SO:IOLIC. VA. Sep?. ll.-Iy HYMA.WS DAXCV, Col I ON rACToCI &XU Commission Ulercliants Xo. I I' 'rrutinn (i'lmnn and other Standard I crtilizcn, 51 Waitr Sintf, AV;-f IV. IUTHEE 8HELB0H, Sashes, Doors & BUi2d5 - t !- v'7' ' nl of ctcry If ctr, a ore., tl CBiltI, SI.UUJ J I3LEIL1 Ccmmfssion Merchants XOKFoLK, VA. Henry Eustard, ni:.iif:i:so.vf x c. 1 II ' ''". tl kr ix T . v.. n:.u, lU:.i.fv:-rrr an J Dealer in FURNITURE. i:a Lilian x r. J. e. ca&wroBD. DEXTIST, It A I u II, .Y. C spfilrS.-Iy. Extraordinary. r a cf t n ihi ta ar r to t k r c uc, New Storo AD NEW GOODS. Z?ry Mi, .Wy J CTuKm?. 2.V, AWft and Si j f i cu .7... . ; t .a.,.J t tb.:l ..j,-. ..... . .. tf t J. SOLOMUX .1- CO. I lender ton, . Oct. 2-1 1 Public Sale. ml Ct. T, .. L--'. '-' H'c)i Ji. . Nor. 0 5w IX C. EATO.V.

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