THE .TKIBUaSTE; "aN INDKPjNDENT, " WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY J. ABNKR' II A JJRE LL TR' IT3 TTT TCP H? ' THBTKiUUNE: trcr jt Wx I TV. I avr I . 1 1 TEUM3 OF SUi.SCttieriON, One Yc. in advance, 32,00 Hot in advance,......'. 5 O0 -i t I h. VOL. 1. 1 i ft V HENDERSON, N. C, DECEMBER 11, 1S73. M t 9 B IS'O. 12. I 7 ' 1 1 I It j n ? (if 1 X. w. ii a ) m ! It to it t m t ce DRU3QIST3 & APOTHECARIES, Henderson, N. C. Feb. 27-12m YA'-'-tBOKOUUU MOCSfc, RALEIGH, N. C. O. "W. BL.ACK.Sf ILL, Proprietor. Reference made to U Traveling ' Ueutlcinen. Feb. 27-12m. m BADtJEU 11 A it IS is, Attorney at Law, Aal) XOTAIiT PCBUC. Ktf 8unreiuc iburis at KaiciiiK th" Superior Cuurta ot U auvilh-, Warren, t raut lin and VVake. Henderson. Feb. ii7-12m S. J. sEIIEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and in the Superior Courts ot Granville, r. t: tl... f..,Upo'i Pnnrfcnf t)i St-t Franklin, Warreu, uud llnlilax, coautks Feb. 27 12 in TUB NEW Wheeler and Wilson "THE SOCTUEKN FAVORITE." Tvc reDutation of the Wheeler and Wilson. .lolling taiuilv Machine, is well known, lmt THB KKW I5IPBOVf:i DBAWV EEI) eft -ri- . J, ..1.1... I.!l.ct tnium at the Worlds Fairs in London lsb2, Paris 18o7 and received the Ukand Diploma oe Honok at Vienna in ISTo. Every Machine i 3iacnine was anarucu iuc iush-ji i vrarrantt-d and thorousrh int-truetion given J. & J Carolina J. fc J. JOHNSON, Gcnl. Asjts. lor North irolina; Office Wilmiuton; BmncU Oaiceh, aleigli, Cha.lott&aud New Ikrue. Raleig LAFAYETTE FISHBACK, Traveling Agent, Henderson, N. C. 1 v Sept. lS-ly J. F. UARRI3. GEO. A. IIAI.KI3. J. P. HARRIS, CO., GENERAL M E .It C II A N T S. HENUERaON, N. 20 Ton No 1 Peruvian Guano. o, ..-"ytPJ Amiimnitfil Pluic- phate, tor Cotton. 10 " Zell's Tobacco Fertilizers. 30 bbls Syrup. 50 kegs .Nails. SO bbls. Family Flour. at J. F. HARRIS, CCTS. Henderson, Feb. 27-12m. CAY ION & WOLF, One door East or Corner Blount i MOItUAX STEt-TS, RALEIGH, JT. O. FKAC1ICAL STONE CD ITERS AN 11EUE SIN iiALi&if Aiiurtijan iuzin lio. 11 kinds of Monuments, Tombs, Head- tones and Garden fttatuary made-to Older on reasonable terms. May 1, 1S73-1J Call on Iiaac Oettinger. .48 Fayeiteville street, R.II.EIGH, N. V. For Millinery, Ladies Fancy and Famishing AJooda, lor real and lminitniion uair coons, lor Kid Gloves, lor Laees, lor Edtfin-r and Insertion, tor Corsets, lor Collars and cuffs, . .. .. .. -. - J Jor Kiooon, tor suns, veiveis im oauno, for Ruffs, 'or lioods, lor Woolen Saeks, lor .old Ladies Caps, i.r Fashionable Bonnets and Hats, lor MUbes Hats, tor t-aby Caps aud Baby Dresses, lor Baby Cloaks, lor baby backs and lor every thing in tbe Fancy line. Oct. 9 3m Henry J. Brown, Ojvposite Masonic Hall. KALEIGH, N. C, ClN.O. Undertaken Keens on hand Fisk's Metalio xveeps uu utiuu x nut and other Side range or"work,iiiJ tUgri.tduwbiSUj, w tl,,::s; "'"C the otlsprmgs o Duvpepsui. wi-nniTT RivT Me lM,tt!t'u'"l I,:uvo :l better guanmtee WIiUOUT A Rl AL. )f ks lncr;i3 tb;in ;l k:, t,,y Wood Coffin 8. Orders by -Man or Telegraph, promptly attended to. vlngust 31, 187Mt - ' - ir i Gr.UL'ial Tlwasanus proclaim Vix egai: Hitters the most wonderful In vigorar.t that ever sustained th siukii: sjsteui. No Person can take these Hitters according to directions, and remain lon unwell," provided their bones are not dc- Stroved bv niinr?r:il noinri or tithrr 'ns, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Itiiiniic. 1?pih iff nf n1 Tnfni. mittent Fevers, which are sopreva- lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the t,nitotl states, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois Tennessee, Ciunbedaml. Arkan- sas. Red, Colorado. Uraiw. U;o ( raudc, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, .Savannah, Ko- auoUe, James, and many others, with ineir vjust tributaries, througi;out our ti"tire country dining the Summer and Autuinn. and remarkablv so during sea sons of unusual heat ami dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensive dc- aud other abdominal v-sccra. In their treatment, a iurrative. exerting a pow- erful intlueiu-e up-;i these various or gans, is esentially necessary. There is no cathartic for t!ie purpose tviual to l)n. J. Wauku's Vt.Ni:i;Aii lliniius, as they will speedily remove the uarU colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functit'ns of tiie lige.stive organs. Fortify the lsiy tliseaso by purifying all its Hinds with Vixkoak RiTi'i:i:s. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or linligostio:). Head ache, l'ain in the rl:ou!ders. Coughs, Ti-'htiipss of thn f'hosr. lYiv'.nnK Sm-r Enicat io:,s of thi .stomach. Uad Taste in the Mouth. Ui.ious Attacks. Palpita- t;ltjon uf t)e j,...,,. Inji;.::,n:;it;on ,f the ..-,., Linpi . -:.,.. .! . 0tll!!l, 01 hill, White Swellings. L" leers. Hry;jnI.i. Svv-.;tl N-i k. t.oitre. .ScroHuiiUs li'. iinr-.iulit !:-:. Iiulolotil lnliai!iu:;i:iiu. A oVMio.i. OM Sores. Krujilions vX the Skin. Eviw. etc. It, tu;si. ;is i:i ,.u!tfr Cl,sljM!ti.nal Dis- eases. Walk Kit's Yik:;ak ItrrrEas l!aVc shown tkc-r ct:r:.!:vo power i ia the most o1i.stir.:ita u:u i:itraet;;'.!e t:i-i-s. For luiiantamtury :ind Chronic i;!iei:ina1 SKXU. Uou:, H.I'.ous, IUT.ut- tent ami Intermittent Fevers, lise;s!s of the il: ....!. Liver. Kul::evs nr. I lV.;;o,Iir. I .1 t :.... u .1 - . t: . . .. . vw .i tt." Mcc'iailKV.l If iS?:".S;. PerwMis en- gaged in Paints and Mineral., such as riuinhcrs, Type-set t;!.l-l.eaters. ir.i.l to paraivMs e.f ti H v:ls. To pnani again.t this, take u f V.' a lk Kit's Vis- EGA a Mttkus neeu: riori'.lr. For Skin Disi-ascs, ions. Tet ter. .;iIt-Khe;;i:i. I'loteltes. Sin.ts. Pimjilcs. Pustules, lli.ils. Cnrhur.eles. Kin-vroniH. Scald-head. S re Kyi:-. K!-yi"e!;.. lleh. ScuiTs. Diseoloratious ol" tl.e Hr.iiM.r and Iise;ies c 1" ll;a Ski:i l" vvh.iti-viT i:a:ne :r i:ature. are litem y i; ut and eicrieii out of tiit; syte::i in a siio.t li:.:e l y the u.-e of these LiUois. Pin, Tapf, i:)i vAhcr Wcnn, Imkinjr in t!;:j sytc:n ."so n:.oiy thocsauds. are olieclually dc-troyi-d a:ul ren vtd. No system d r..etiie!::e. ;i ven:;;!..;:., Wj aa-thelr.iUikM-s wiiilree Li.e .-yMeiu v.i;n like; these Kltti-rs. For Feiiiale Coir.phiints, inyounz or old. mairied r sii'.le. at the r..i-v:i of vo manhood. .r the tr.r:i of liiV. ihei Toi'ie I'ltiers ilisnlay so d-eiJed an !:i:Ii;e::eo that improvement is soon nereeptilKC. C'lcanss'ih Yit'hiteii HlaadwI-.m- ornr t-i-ti tiiil i-i iii.i-ir:rli's i)!:rsiiei' tliriuir.i t). -i.:,. : :;,., .., or Sore:,e it wht.:, v.u fiiitl U o:taictcd ai:u siuiTirish i:i the veins: e!eane it when it i fold: your eeiir.irs wi'.l tell yon when. Keep t!:e ldood pure, and the health of tlid j-y stem will follow. It. II. McOONALn A; CO.. Dnisririsl.H ninl (-n. Ats.. S.oi Kr.inci.c". CidlfurniA, auii l W;..Hlii icto:i irnl (;lj irlin St.. N. V. .!(! ? v rt ' " :-:tx jilit itiitl I aict s. Dec. 4, 1ST3-Iy Trtwpo'R T.M CQlt Or & SnTl jailicS H J-lA: fcl IL1 CCi OUIJ, I 3IXuIt( IIAXTS. HENDERSON, N. C. D?alis in Forelanand Domeallc Dry GOODS, NOTIOXJr, Millinery Goods, Ilats, Caps gboes. Boom, Frencb Mile, and Up$-r Leather, Hardware, o.,h '..tii r iM.ina. (ila?s and Qucrnswaie, Lamps, Groceries, IiU, Iron, aleel, au iior.u.. ii,.i i.ui .i v and If arming 1 til plt ments You will tied cvciy lUliitf lit re that usuany Kevi iu uim '- We would advise all pvroua to examiue our Stock brnre purchasuifC Also dealers ia Leal toba co. Agents for f ertilizers. Feb. 27-i'-in . . t . 0,u,,,a I want to my. on orders 200UUU I 1 Kn rr .rTTTTTj iud.,vUUU. J. S. MEADOWS, Hendersw, July 3, 1578.-tt PETLRSBUl'.U ADTCRTIvCnilXIII. H. T. ALLEY, WllOLEft ILE AMD KKTAIL, CONFECTIONER. ruriTs, r.txcT (i oi),tovh. TTtUdlu and Irile I nrnUUrU. 1315 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Ya. mo G. X'im L.HIAUI.IMUEO Robert A. Martin & Co., GROCEIIS AND Commission Merchants. .0. S IROTT rKWT IIL'lI.niNU, Petersburg, Virginia. (live strict Personal Attention to Consignments aud iLaku jirompt re- tun Mrcb CtCm llameSS. Xiain&SS:' IOLI6 ,.,. ,UrnrMM My, p.-r t. V.i i i , ta, r. n4 A irtfe bio.kof all rtct' Saddles, Harness, Uriddles, Collars, ' ' hips, cpurs, OCC, vve., AT LOW ftKICi:t. At P. f. STEWARD'S, Kaudle A llatntaa nunnUflnrj. 90 bycamore bt., I etersburg, a. M i bn-i m J. R. CARY, Crcckeiy, Cliiaa and XEROSES E OIL AM) LAMPS. SI Sycamore St.. reterthunj lt., (Orpolle Iran rrnl.) Goods carefully packed. Marcb C -12ia Furniture! FurnituieL w. II. mokriss, & CO., Faycttevil!c Street, Raleigh, C. Vannfacturrr aud Delr in a'.l kind cl FL'l.Nl I L I.E. A :.. rouUniljr n t.aud &n J iiunU. i vrocr. Uuvk, Cut'uu Si.mK, J SUucK m d llair MllrTj.-. rr:ui. ui tl.e Mtc wl'.l I'lwi- Slt Us 1 M" ua tMU"BC wur W. H. H0RRI3S. KO. I IRU.N IKtvr, 0a t . JcycaUtOrc Ctreei, cictsuuipj . m..i. J u, "iltf lo ordr UuUctUkli-jC iul. us branei.e All kln.i and ol uiilc Un J W 'uud Colllu, c.ilnllj wnUabd, aud alU-uded tu. AUrcii c-I-Jm, m E. fl. Plummer & Co. Ko. 121 Sycamore Street, reterabttrg, Va. lc" leave to eall attention to their Stock ol JROS A SI) STEEL, I ARM MACUSER!', LH AgncnItiirEl Iiiib itneats. iiu liidiii' in iarr. Imvrovul Montgomery Iockaroj Fan, C tUr Mttl, zmuo Cutters, A'jcnU fur L trif unite llujj'mana - , . ... It hcut Units. v, c invite tpeeial attentin to the Jut nners Ju'iiiul I'ioio I'erjtcto. uvery l'luw waneiited to j;ie-atis j 'ucjuji 0r no taiO. UrdeTi prompt- I ly tilled. Alii:. 7, IS 73. x. It. JiiuuiiE, JIAT&, CAPS, STRA IP, GOODS, FURS, UMBRELLAS ASJ) WALKSO CASES, So. 115 Scamore St t ret, PhTEivSLlUKG, VIRGINIA, luuft 27, lb73. E. R1CHTER. (Jng removed ll'li entire fctoek of WAICII K, JCITELHT 4c CIOCK from ml 3 bask strut, to I .A V. 06 cycamore wrtei, t turwury, i u. l Thankin? the nablle larlormrr t-atrne. be bo- a cnminumc to UTur um uu irrT..ur All hit work In tj lint pertooaiij aucouca to and aatUlactlcn guaranteed. AftnX lor tbe celebrated Baerk' WaUo man' Tiro Datector. MajlS, lilt -l J. THE TRIBUNE. I..- i.:i 1 v ll.V A I IUIUIV. I Mr. U. lio'.v i :iUt hiv uiv yit getting uluug, 1. will afrjtwi-r, vc are well, but getting ibi g !uw, A. will say Mr. IJ , 1 wmit a c.rt or :i Kw hoc puititod ur ;i patrol U-vti or cot! tie tl on 6uino tae, or eutuu Iuiulcr sawed, a iiuwimh :r, jitft as foon as you can ready, and I will jay yu;i will. Mr. B will g. to wvrk niol be will work in tbc night, and likely some hour jast hU uhmI tiino ti g-,: l!r,; job ready and fend Mr. A. w.ud hi job U done. Well A. will timc witli that gHid uiilco:i hi face, in a ni?ghtygtd hut-ir, like the j h. Suds no fault nt all w ll Mr. II. I have not the moticv, nut one cent to save inv life, but if vit wi'.l let me have the e.irt ur iiew;ap-r, I j Mill pav vou in a few dav. ell 1 - .. . . " . votirculumiss iJmiui tl.e u-tu i 1 1 , . . , , 1 . . ctutin t!,i tcoi lui-lor Ul.nrot, U, o,t ,!,e c!.r ,!- p. to Mr. 1. .utU a.uco mm:1, o;, JX-ftcr Un. U u,i. C,n, ' ia cthi,4iion f-r bi tsciatnl a. m.ii.ii- , . tMlr., I ur-c. Atx-at . 'I, . .. . 1 I about uin ' to hi iiucliii. aiiU t tutious is blalcd, he lmrdly knoA.. . . . i . . . J . ton ceiv aturd. Alter tht w hat to Uo, lie snyi lie i in need ol some uiMiev I hate "ol to I found h: I. will say, o!i if yn wi'.l let me have it I will bo Mtrc and pay vuu certain in a tew dav. II. wi.l will coino and pa by, and I. Iie not get hU money, it may be I. will 4 A. in ix month at H'lim public place ofTyotider; 1. will ttatt t.i p to A. and if A fee II. befute he j-cU tu him, A. will have b:iI:uti oil another way, and ' will Imc to walk ii:c mile in n few ni'ure rod to peak to A. 15. then will put on the iui!c and ay iiMiti ir A., how are yott and all. A. i pruin and can-le in jjiakin and s.av we are well and even d-c u,i a-k 11 how he doc.. I, will .i f i tl. nli.iiil tl.M. a...., . . . . -1 ... . - - owe me. A. win nt a verv tioti ....... n W I In.-.. ..... ... ! 1.... 1 iii.iiiuwi cj i t t.iitv; iiwi r ' ' wk there U a mnn lu-re who promised t 1 J , ? 1 voti before vmi have uti A.! .,, , . . will sav, voiider i u mm 1 want to; fee, I wth :c V"U aam l ehirc vu'.i leave, A. will . and il will bs? tix ui'iiith more before I! will fee A jrain, and likih A will btM;i; ! enemy and f jeak evil hint and . , 1 . , j'ib w no account, and J . .,, , . at,! will piv I when I it ' ' fay the tin idly f l .I'M. o. i.'ini'i, ii h.n i.imi e ; , . . . .1 A...... l.l.lal....l.....,,.l tu a ucuri list . ji'o, i ii iu m.T than a lieHt can A nt niht la iiokii iinuti iev 1'ieaviK'M ui nt .nu wtth a char cnccncc c-n A z t up in the morning and cxpt t the n sweet bieini:sffthe d.iv, wiln that awect arm ot the Almthly ari tind him; I fav not, no ir; but I may be - J too bold I will leave tlic answer to a oeiieruutiu iihiii wi.iti. innri . i i i .i 1 can IHJ uvaj ucaia.iiu vii iiiiiiuw Jei, out. i esiii ihnu n nun iium w hat ha been said. Your, E. L. I 'a UK mi. A Ti.uutntK Mvtrmv The Iirot'klyn (N. Y.) Evfc, tnakM the appalling statement that over three hundred bodies, with cvrry evidence of violent de i'.h tipiin them, have been found in and about that city during the past twelve month. A few ot them were rccoj;nircd by Iricnds and privatc'y buricJ, but the great majority remained uniden tified, ilaliy ol the dead were children, a few were old men, but tho ir.afd was composed ot the tna turc and ftronc ot both tcxc. In a finglc week the bodie ol twelve infants were found beneath the doeks. ThU i a terrible exhibit of one city, and that not tho largest of the Empire Sutc let A. hav. the Jub, ho will Mart otf . . tr i . lr I ' . . f touuIii. hiiutelf Uv )W'fi ll I nnd jh soon ai he m U out vl sight i . . i i . . . didn I gvt anv tnvner, 1 c lta u the protiiido i'iut ol t!t, and d.iv t . ,-, it i 4 t 1 iii jti i.l iri--tl.iiii. Hi tlt'i il-j.r u a tnri. xtuHo Hi': in- del i.vru hunter tat an tJd iii-jii or b'ii.d h. rt t'.t if?- !Ii nut Lilid till-ir lr a t4ft ul the if U"ltun,' planting icr, l.o Jro.-vvdf, ore turn" 1:1 v. t it i frvifw fur t!to:i . . . . . .. . I o, u.c joui iie, 1 4e iP'i",; to buy j.MiituT to iul on uthcrl luik l.iu. A alter dinmr, uiuu n.try evening, he 4untcri liotu hi hut, aud aUcr utc u g hi prvjrvt, ho 'Whi-w! tun iiteu 1mI; tunc lc idantin tulluii. lliul.i uti L: inula ! hii u:if!n.ri t-art, and :! I.c t hu!il lultou vtd. Weil, aSur ejUn p!(itititi( tlicti !r a tlth and hunt. Lottie June Muiidy iuurn in he wale j up ab.ut on a ir two hour by the ui, and, alter breaV ft, he hitchc up h; niitlctoir.ii ruut.d hi cx-rn; alter trvattn; hi . . t . i . r. . . he !irH.ved to ehuppii'S. lor . .. . . a:iutuer b Iruli. . to f jv tiuthm f.ul.ion he j;tl thruti.h the year lie then tukv what little cV.t"ti tu iu4i k. I he make nd vl!it fur po it.u bill, teturu hi mule tail hii plAtik and tire cjaI and L'ure thu: lie by hi phuik back up i; the cruek, and while reaehin ul fi lite pkcr to pu.l oat hi j-o'a'm fiuni tlie tire, he truk unl whittle tti hi tAVurttc "'i; Ni-er woik hard all dc yirt, W.'die m i;i t i'.e d . m ny, c. Law Rii.utNG in Nr.wr.rr St'r.-c!,:iT.".' ami Atsi ai:ai j:ive tin law a ll Ut I fe'at- ; , , 1. Iubefi!vr whu do tut ti ext'ii-'f tu'ticv to the r't.irutv. atw cn-i-i.!' rtd w.h.r:-tacu:uiU.th4H .... miim-m tin. . , ., . . . . . . !.? Iiu;:a:ho tt t!iv;r jt: Jic ptili!itt4 mty coat inn to isd t!,ei,i until ill aTrcanp- arc p. I. ll If ub :;.,r ncktt i f r .!' to talc t!i ir pcrio!tcA. fp r.i th .... .. . , I !tic- to wr.ici t.'iv v are dincxtrd, 1 , , , , ., , ... ., i -tr. I..-.1 r-...i..i!.. tilt l! I! i-t . . t I I t - S l.ave fi:t!rd thvirb..i, u 1 wrdcrni the;.i ..!;ti;iLttl. 4. If tub'vriUri ir.oc t other r , i . .1.1 J. , . , . . , , ' ' ,. . .? i i tl.rt f. rmr- !ifrf!in!l tlrfV ,rC I.e.J , , . i . a. ti.i .. . ..... i- i, tu .,. 'rrfiirr ta tc periodic! Iri-m i " . ,, Itlie i f:jv, tr rc::.iv and kaii- , . . . them ur.caUcl lor. u rifw.i J;ck . , r . . , r , , Any crM-n w!m nreivrt ; ncpa cr ard makers uie cl it whether ho ha ordered il t r nut, ii hcl-1 in lar to be a ubcrilcr. 7 If tihctibcr pay in advanrc. they are bound to j;itc notice to the ptiblidur at the end of thtir timf. if thev do iu t widi t.ontinnc taking it;othcrwic the publi.hcr U authoriz d to cnd it n and thr nb ciiWr will be rtpnib!c until an cxpre notice, with payment of ail arrvart, ii ent to the pnUuhcr. Said Mr. Jet. I'm on her return thnrvh: "When I itc the lhawUof tho'c Jidinin, and then think ol what I have to wear, il it w ain't f-r the cunKllion of rrli,ion 1 don't know whit I Would da." The St. Louie GUI predict i bread rioti if there bnt war. i t - .. i i i . i . 4 uoh to rattitrc iitk R4iu mw tutioa to rc rar.rLao, Wti!.!!;!. Cu ii tr, (J J I 7u:i;iC I0T 14TB halt uf tic r. r? xancld daaf iiuaaii;) - l e (mr.j I uiol Iu;t:tv:,ir A. tr IWr-Uto pruu9 1.l'.i Raw, rioo Utratr, frvt;i tha .Ti, VJ px cart h.Ad; grt:i oittcn mxJ, OJblcU; ub!. manure c'l fbtua b:il-v!. Th p;n itrA, cx tton Ktr-J aa4 :A !e i:;ar.:;e I l.sulcd oct ia Jan wry a: I !rct?cl truaJnul otcr lLo land, then under with t tvo hrf p-o. br-ikir ciht facie do p. Then it!i a iitcxa iucli cobtcr tun in the lo hon larrow, trv!ir frvm Itc to tteo Icc!olJ in th3 whale, thirteen to Ctteca ft ft . ft ft at it-.cnr Uccp. 1 loooca in the vj!c r ftitrusr with tho eano. r ubtll litfrox, on, till cctn pktcd. In IWu-trj 1 re;tcJ th? Ifvalii i!i l! ? itnc wanner, It it. til maiiKiirr. In 3Iart!i the au.c ai, b:cktr cj h tic:o cr.-'wi. ur in opiitcciirtxticru. In April, I har?oJ the UaJ twite, lo Ii-trd i!;c vil &r.d dnlro t!;o trldittt. Then I (httkid ll my r.oT 3 !t cacl rr, with a :::!! b;il tontjc plow, and fn the day cf ilJ, I phntrU my rttn ftd in the hill, f or ctl dr.'ppcl l-y hand tad ctrvd with lh fvS. Tic cc4 when oincJ lit r in a letch Tic -l were tl c Clatcr Cotton vit ty. 1 pnii !ii.l thcti from l)4ti 1 IIrlio, K . Ox.'ofd, Ct, tu w !.. ui I !..;;! o r.f I am in-dc'.:-.d fr sny -:it-. t actrtaln xtti.l Ti v icv". I cxinHicnt urii-!i!f bt:!e. The cttl -.Ai t!ii:vd -: atU I'i the hill in Ju'i.' ai u 1C jliri td oil do !', ii w!-I i I Ii l4j tal;. Thvu I pi Jiol with -I inc?i iet-p, !)! 1t-:i,- nry !ilhit or.c fur luv t. r.vr. jit cfMprsr tha t-rt'i c:i i'i;'i t-dtr.T the tuanr ..! &:ilrf. Ild nt cc A ! ii i?, :n Midvrt'aM i. I n ti i . ti.i? rv:iii. ii f--.t. I d t T tic fur i5r. :! tt::i :. i It tho fhdc :h,;r i j ftctrr.Jr'I all rt!- t;u a n r.i.t ir n-dcrr.eth. Wry !'; 'I'i'ltr, Ctf AlTTt 1 3f An I.nvi mi . W'Mrn A cr- mj f-!e-t d the? V,;tfr Atnrri' r ; i 3v: p'.ictbm , x now Cd, &r? t r... li ti mkc air farmer rrp!ir, j-;ij!Ijr if tht r arc tetl .tr, w!i;c!i arc ;cj.c."!?y n;ir.eJ nftrr Uit !8ar ncd tree. Ho rt ;ct1 o.c iU n't -cv5r in bark land. Whr cxa!d not tho hire lc madj nua!I:rv that it w..i:!d !.. be t;crc!try ! -c!d a p!:e ol ipn tn i:! The hrc xr.d i-nt in'-'.l l-c ir.a!e of ttrj p'ecer, anl the t int uitd in nocar to fatten the tluir. Tin, c-r wedt c'4h! l? nol ir!cAj cl Wl!, nhitti arJ p!re4 ths.1 they am hard ! u:icrcr. Wwutd not inch a roi.tiit ancc l-c aJ taccrnfal X. tho inuab!c uv tcrlh! I think 0. If uc!i sathirsewnhUpcmadU wo3lJ 1-2 of r f t!c me I paiir imco- tivn. As Eaxir Arrtau Mattcri jihanl in Arknv. An e-liur in that farcountry Uxx hi tnicd a- fJ lo : Wc hate let cr al h n r.drrd ddU n dec u fur ini4iplhf-, nd wc want them. Vc arc out .frr.rat, moMr. and c lit r iLir-. Wc are e out at lh c!U.. Vc arc c ct c! ptcncr, and inintly c nlc tr.ptate running our frn lr a!:;t two hnndrrl otal cardi with which t-J remind lhcc who owect. rycp.w i I I . i . 4 1 I . i