w i ..,. - . i . . ; i . r -S, K:.,-:i-V' 1 ."-:iJi.V. . "'--'V-. Irii I -' I' I -'.-"SO SQETK; SC. ilfn X0 BAS,f KJ WEST OCR WttOLB C0U5T&Y." i . .. :; . V-' " i li ... . ( : - . :: Y VOL. OCR WttOLB C0U5TaV HENDEIpNVILLE, N- C, MAY 30, 1866- THE HENDERSON PIONEER. which can hardly fail T'fVt ea if it be not entirely reliable. Cfii 'e. UffeiiJ" - 'x37(DXXlC6bo i a ship broker inHatana. ComdLtefc gr was prooj nur; "rXJ . Tlia Hcmdebsos Pioneer willb published week j at tht following raies: . . 1 00 . 60 On copy 12 months, 41 O ii O Xntqriably in Adya,nce. AO V ERTI 5 1 M fcMT-3Cf- rv rcceniiy went. u iiautc .a . but it ia very probable that he maiu ilsimilar magni Europe, as latterly be nas oeen out with Maximillian. j j i ! V'V' formerly one of the Iarg- Unior. ;n th TTnited States", and secufed a portion of hi3 wealth before leaving Louisiana- lla naa . a smu.ii i-mieo, uwuwu v. -.1. l.ci: .p TVt. Cm no twelve hundr the- latter sev( wise deterior: cane as ever. " General Pi corn and toba and thinks he two u lin for the urt, ana cenw ior wtu luuum- ''-mumwnw( BAwwf.. - , Liberal dcJaclIoM vi b mada to Uxose who aa- tof meani:tlieotheTaare poor,;and ; are vcrtise for 6 or 12 monUit. obliged to get theirliving as b'rt they can: For anaouncin; a candidAtB for office, 3. , Tj190Lennuli 'mentioned, with tone are two ITJob work done nfif exceptions, have gone to work witha determ. . atYbort notice, at pticei; corresponding with tte s., Trctrieve .their fortuna that bode time , .. ' L,. kr'- inndndnif -and; exereetic. ' rr-,. rl'IT 1. 1 .- , - ; Vhil wiA rare tourairecJ wnaumity, t r - iii - i-J -.j:,ft t ,a torn-, ies wnicE ThavGenl Ajiiuxca iou pt.niiters to th"c,""(Hy, thtv rh aire From ifolNem York Herald. Tho Confederate Colony at Cordova.- - Cordova, Mexico, Marcb 30, 18C6. never once revert'ins to the Jacnles wnicnuu thevuade to the cause jirhicK they ajavcouc J aJfre OlihAci ; foriuei-ly,' chief ; justice ; of Ko?na ! T1a Mikff leJudffd-' has' -also : It is soriewhat Vemarkable that with such turned author, and i enged np :onstant and regular cramumcation asexiste sheets if .wpr ennUeaJ 3on . the - last f I ef n-rt " P " It constant and regular commumcauon sneets jo V; between New Yorkand theity oi !h!our!n Tf nd eo many Americans making inejouxuev iromwtTcaw.wvuu-,, to and from the two 'cities; such ignorance ?uf Daoftho !CodertTkw the route traveled jshould eifet in the United -yxll catse a commotion ns soOn pnblished, . vu i!r.ao fmm Vpm jCwx Ait wil 'onbtlesa involve its author m. some to New York" England; France end Spain, all half dosW fights,: He is . unsparing ui his-. the lines touching at Havana.. Persons from pow, wmch his powtion as memberof the ton tho West and South1 can take a Bteanicr: at federate Senate gave; him ample 'opportunities New Orleans for Havanna, at which, port he of makiig. Ho lashes brtam Cabinet Muiis- will be detained but a few days -at , mosa- ters anu Kenerai f omcers txTemy, Will DO uewiueu um w ? - -t t,' vV .1' . . waiting a steamer for Vera' Crui; if bounX for not spar President Johnson or Federal; com Cordova Orizaba Puebla or the City pi Mex- mandera The tot will prove Vastly popular . it-1 1 : in avrA AeAzVK. nnon frntn Ua -lmlAnoniOftl fta -well S3 frOUl ltSTen- ICO the tiaveler in order to avoid delays upon from its mdepen ice, as well as iroin ltsgen rocurc a throuirhtickc to eral character-J?q a valuaoie i . - i r A ;nKnn rvthoTWioft ha t?it neilntiiri hisfnrS' - .' t - Ilia piaco o vtoi.iu wivju, wuv. ...ww - j i ... . ii nr:vcn wceks.1 awaitmor al jjlost a v the route, should procure delayed days, orptcnrweeksjtwaiting : a Most chance seat in the diliigence. ine .raiiroaa yanoiKfc is coinpidiea oniy w amisv u uw,'.- i"") uTn assistant to traveler's trials, unless he has secured his pas , . . ...... . sage in the dillrgence, Degin. - " , rii vllftv of Cordova, situated in the moun tains! sixty-five miles from Vera Cms, -is.- 2,- bOO feet above tno level ox tuo ea, au iur baj t M1Tmto Vutn-niv nf sccnerv and fertili- UUllbl VI vl J V , . I i ty, is unsurpassec any wnere iu uio wuuu. iuiu Th6 same cfescriptlbn of country extends from coa """Ibrce- Lrl.ottarar ,, in a v va, yet" the' t if such ,t bamboo in course' ira ... i. i sctuers live axounu 'Knipress. "Oordo- As 1 ccre worked, and ntvm ; huri Little else than su pthese estates, and there 0. 1 dozen haciendas of tese lands are in no 1, "tt produce as good preparing for coffee, i is an old tobacco raiser, ft me.natr.es a thing or 0aeco 18- Cf snuerior fail 'jfr pri?y Inference of theM. E. ected four of its ablest their Soule and Andrew. Kavanagh and Pierce, on ops." Finding that those ihis.QutvTvero insufiicient us andwidespread labors - . . ... . , them; and seeing Dciore .tlHlfi9 of labor vet tin f tBi3 church, they re- Li?? number four more," and WVyir. D. egget V Rev. Ihr. :wVff '3 Rct. B. Marvin for this M3' 5ibla office . - ' i-uthTjaTi l , . f ormerl v edited the Charleston, t'.fcoi ItZrJ. Ht is also well known in Sip Scale of DoTJroeiatfnn. A Wto U entitled An Act to eUalluh a Scab of Depreciation of Confederate Curnney. t IFXtfrcai, By an Onlinancc of the Conven tion, tmtitled . "An ordinance declaring what lawBand ordinances are in force, and for oth er Tnrrut " r(!fSil iCiL . r tober; A. D. 1665, it is mado tho duty of the General Assemble ciation of the, Confederate currency from the it is fuTtacr tiicreiii ucw-. Im-n .J..- for theb thftyha Siphet of . Bishop " Can pers. lie u j crisjve ana proiotma learning-, anui iacnti tae univcr- 6itv of AlabatL. iboro. in that State M V lK. was editor, for i ' w . manv vears." - dud GwirUrlu view, and now pf t Ctcr . the : Epucoptd Ia a son. and is hiflPfftAemed for his schol arship and ability I writer and jnlpit; ora tor. -- cv t . c - . - RevrH. NT Steele, tL'DL' Is' well known here; when, as cditd thaClriWa Advo cate and as the eloqlt ,'occur?t of several of our pulpits, Ko so lolattractecrowded I an- . .t. .t aicnces w xuc sanctity.' - He ixfd penal bonds payablfl:loChe State,) shall ru. i Apmid uiuvb ufuu Liavio imj uv uuv..- standing that they were solvable in money of lue BaiacBrreucy Bjwjttcicivu4w dence of f1 different intent tf tho jartics to the contract; therefore, . ' . - iht kt&l Df.Korth Caroliks and it i hereby enacted by the authority ef th same. That the lOUOWing cao o ueprcuiJ.wyu ls &uu iuv is lierebv tfi!oDtc4 and istablTshcd as the mea sure of valaa of ofie coU ; dollar in Confede: mti tnmiicv.' for each, month, and the frac- tional parta of the month of December, 1G4, fmm liTrtA Tst. dav "ot November. 18G1. to the 1st day of ilay, lbt. to wit - ScaU of depreciation pf Confident Currency Eulogy of Ex-Governor Uanly tub un Asu suvicxsor t nox. GEO. E. BADGER. i FtUoxD-eUiznu and FcEoie-wte Mrt rte If I had the intellectual or cbvileal f j j at this time to deliver an cloanant enlommn i o , opon the death of our friend, this is not the occaaion, nor this the audience for which' I aoulUUecm it necessary to pcL " Vrt life a ft intimate u D o think it, tcrhaps, nt lcapproprute to eivito l V-0,'1735, ry of 3Ir. Badger and huyircer. a !fcw that mav. rerhar. interest He was bora on tho lain ot r 1.-4 n.nnlV.V VSM 4 1 TBirH 111 K n I IS L. L J I " j o- . . wai a roor vouni? man. UAVinjr rcccivev' frnry. l,:. uncle. Bela Badcer, ol iluladelpUi-" of hu educaUon,. he c; to ewrV aJS'l studied law ia tho cl j : tis aiuuJ e late John Stanlev. Uc ce here in mcr cf 181G to obtain a licccso (Uinz oniy xweniy-ooe yeara u It was then that l nm Decame acquaiavx with him. He obtained hi license and retur .! fr Vwbrn. and. in tha mnr of that kUtav 7 va w " mcr, he was elected a member of ibelegu!- ture from the towa.pf Ixcwbcrn. lie car: .t w- 4 ul - vi. promise and attainmenu, --';v "x ,-'. , r ture from the towa.pl rcwDcrn. Jit cane tht goUloUarttmng the unit and vwuureof hcre th(j yot man in tht assembly, .value, from AVr. Iff, 1SGI Juy 1, 18C5. thouzh of rare promiM and attainments, ex- JIoj-tos. 1801. 1803 C0 1SL Jan-wry, r -r 81.20 $3.00 $21.00 hVLraaryi,r l.SO' S.00- 21.00 March;. : i:60 .400 . 23.00 April, 1.0U xi.uu May, i ' 1.50 5 60 19.00 Juail. - 10 60,, 18.00 Jaly,1. . 1.5Q9jOO, 21.00 omrl-TsiOO .14.00. 25.00 bcrXC"-. CD H.00 20.00 No? 1.00 -2.60 15.0.,30 0qv 1865. trmnrrlinarv colloauiaTabilitv and fine debating 5q qq power, and intantlyHook a position that no 50 0Q other man had knowir or thought--like a me- TO 00 tcPr Uial naa ,n01 a3?-a u"'ng mu, I frewe M Cincinnati Gasttta. Stucido of a Bobel Spy frora Vlrftixla Ilia Ilia to ry since the O a tbrt a tho Bobcllioa.. to Our readers can doabtlest.c' . .fv,i ' mind the nameof SteHnnect cl scent and iTJUfgre a art-mlniaf hu trial and evT- v r. v J T7rh are dJubteaa stiU t rc3 ia tt " ""r iU" 4 ai pa-r IT:, . -.-rday epodHls-cxL unca b y ictaal Ia order tA-ret at tie witli CTeater J fc-mrw, ft raay not la irrccr to UU5y tclPw iirngtbT-u-Vthe- leading ev vents o? hiif e, til xriltzltlrA-nt ta spriag of f CO. ; , f, ' ' . : He waJjra ia Ca-Und ia ISOi sil thcre-T fore at ti lime of liU death v:i .iMrtr-focr . Wca quite a small: cLHi his" red to An erica, and attded la' a i Virgia, about thiifv miles frora He receircd a ood education; turi7r"ehre';d.b waa ia i457 racti?: r.'Jlhi c rts of Vir. tlr:" - - fictlce of the law itfif k 1, when the" rctdoa' he t- ::ltoT and cliilsed i t tain ia the Cosfcdcrato' aer- , howerer detatched frora- received an aprxxntaent aa General (St:-?KiHv Jack- V i , 1 rcmcmbcT 10U1 mm. f - -mmr . -m -m r mrw mw I m f ; iauv a a a w a w jpwWuSr.5Uur,i aw.v - - l Mnm A Km. ind ativ there. .11 comes iroctftlus In. from wuk. bf:ii i .i- ; -V,. - J a-.x mS rr. a,u-.? in Mnrta' nt with UenerclPice as his apUia in: . Ucaare,;, vv.v; ; rW bea distmcuished as one of -my.and Berrvf. ; thatWceful ICtU t AW"-;.--V: leading members of the beY. as he was. du ythroaout the e wiW.J L; VH: ;M r . on th5 circuit (I foreet how louche V. tMhrnw W.pft ; 4' many grave and difficult dis-L tcr of Governor Turner in the 5"cr b,. IV : ' between, executora, adnunis-i f t., wuer0 he uvld but a short r souM.r:"'. C rir '-.r niT trrrt-c. anil their lef-1 . . , ' , i r L r. J.oitrt 7V4"C1. 'L-f (. T ' . . - t: -V - 7 1 jfcexore-ie.aa ctt--a ry V u Jft f, fJ0 7Slt ' ' C vT x " : iT 7; f J 1 : jlcourt. 1 rcmcmocr pcjnt; vnere ni" - orl VWrf VirA ' ,v;;Jcinent of .ek account .and wk lia Moorj, a mbeT tor7t-. lci irc CI rusts, t: Vfrnw . " -rMil nn nfOon.i. . ' L vy -J n, ;or u jqqq knowing fron whence it came. The late cluef justice RufSn, who was at 1 Tit tim a member of the Iceishiture from thft town of Hinsboro'.' was a elected, d urine m. .A T K S-aJ mmmmv mtt ilk A A Afl 4 LUai SCSblUU, a IUULTTJ Ul UlOBUWIIva wut. f . . . .... . . . . , Being attracted by the bniuant taicnt devel oped at so early a period in Mr. Badjjcr." he lliLUDoro , taiie nis oun- e and the While married town time cot VIC his aid son COT and mo: on eral A Eurx anlll jxd '1 ral - ! 1 fo:ta b r" rch Jiiiion'a U hoejital at Richrr. -il f;r rrreral Vhca he recover I La i.u r!acd doty, and ti t j tla time of Gtn ff death ho acted as, hia favcritf was aent to soni death, Kin . . - - . j mission by Jeff. Davis, d ti.ra tor eerer! canthay -J TCillTtir-'ral trina tr Cantl 1 r-f tm nr.A . n jimand of John iloVgan, thca m - i i to e deraU ."tnSBcy,'' -fr treasury . not ank, rio ipulctt' 1 1 aad " growing -LsJnrrthAt L.-vaiU and ex notes and out of pxnnKive 31r. Badger's, came let us know be was I tfri-?aiicaiay irohviatcd v- i 7 hereby c-rpowerca to k- - 1 ' "I Too-. i"v. t -f v.