. ,-. . , ' . " i ' ' n - ... Jf-- . ..l-.-. ---w-r- -- ' - -' ' ';' v ' 1 - ' " - ... ' ' ' . ' ,- ' . : ' . . . - v ' 1 . . . U 1 t ' ' , . "SOSORTU, XQ SOCHI. XQ KIST.KO TVgST"-QCawuUL& uuim. .41 . v . . . - . HENDERSON VILLE, N , . ' ' : . - - HENDERSON PIONEER Tki lliobaa-.. I)". U k lblil'4 vk 1 m tki Mix ocpr it o.iu,. . iJm " f . . " t 00 " I . ' . ' . oe Bisf Cuia. ' l . rictly la AdTano. " JCHEDULf OF lOVUnSlltC IITEI t4 flui. All of lit Mat in .huh lb in .turret tun bed i-i-trd im.nudlr amended lliclr IJcOtmkJV('n,iiultuti. to lo mak. Ihnu eulif.itni lo tht gre.l rhani lhaa iffrvl"! In lb or-mlc law (if il lamf, dvtlared null and vui.l all or dinanre in J la, of aofe-aum: rrpulitJ all PUM-.llV).li0I wi.i hi iH S F0 OOI . ou Itou.n wi -.....l I 10 I ko l00 II WI'IIK' ; 7 - I - . l 1 1 ' . ... ....I H (Ml II UU Ifl W-.9 V 1 10-1. K (XI .OM)! JO (HI 1 1 00' 1 100 1 00. 00 M 00 Mc.nr Hm.i ISi tl tl I on I M 8 W dT To oaaclaf t Jt fof Ctxta'y of- it r.r maattia i mw1iUi for Sum ' 4 09 nrjob work don Willi tMti.til flU!ut I ahxl MJIc, l frlc CurrriOnJiB Ilk tbi lm. "Vit u Tk -.k Bini Inniliblr KVnilnr IIr- d. ii. liktr lur Ucrli.lloM or JclliB- Jub woik lo I I4 Moo dtll'frjr- . n..M i mU lU 1'P ofjUfta IllMMri.ms il kg !nc iiV riutt.., nd aii.l.Arali.ini of IbHiswa Imni lh ' Mo, biv W W ' ' I. . . I I La i Vlltll. ill lrrlui. own mubr"iiJ niif. '' Ike cnH-ur rc ol iw lliihli, cil iirmlcr." Wkfo. Kvniinr fit lprwiiili jwrtii liii rrtil hrati ol iltrlivn, hi "f (I tftiro U iumik n nnro- i.l.ttiii.ii.a rrraitsl fot lot or r.-K.inl; or, liouM llirre I the rttilifiiti7 prw i-f llifl liwirrctllun.lllow o ki r.biliiy.hii crtpiUI in J ifororJtfJ, !!,- .1 Tiilb, H" ciiivl-lU rrfrrrrd Tor mrliiiliMi to tU iiTmin airtil M mrt.urrt Ut h .f..lrclion iix! i.f tiunMr. Iflmiltod to cil, H mimi linrdion f ih too'lUHHt f ! .l..rr.l m bo ! iJ iUfrViil. 10 OKn.-,fc..0trrr,r.l l-.iu.trJ to i.lmil my of hi. b bt iil. rmn c.i,i.iui.iil ' ii l i f " . . .. I thrM Milwlo rrotwhUlMHi; ana ll WM.ana H-pai ijn.'iur.M. uu( until lU ibc ck tf llt vijililb tuwrtiti ut iko oi Ii n (bit rirofli" J I" fr of TmiHif, .y Ibo .iiniwlon of tci Srnalow and Ilflrroiil!ilivra. 1jJtlu it a kul jril of liiiifniiml rrprci lhal t on-Mrai ! lliiii lr Uilrd w i.ium la pton C.i DECEMBER 18, 18GG' ir. ll..ir anut.it ikoncb lan of ikvir'csam llo,lbir .iJoni, l llwir nairiujUio. tomj ttrtU riJ'irmliul liom loeir ivmmm,l I u uiuUU ll.rm in luvo of country ooj f tt fur the O'iMiiinlian anJ lit . Tke rtport of lb Hmrtory of tbw retnnj (UJ ttiwrb InfonnalUm reveling I bo r h aoJ ontiimrivi of lb couutry. Ilia iew Lk ihi furrcney, n4 wilb rcfercsc rnjr a.ljutu4rol ol oor '71 .t..l u !t ai Iuipm4. art coaimr hi ooraful cofnOcratlu ol K tTa. io wj If rru4 i'lmi : ... L. f. . f.f l nit a rria nm to (be (lovoramrnt, ool rlon4 to Mi i MiMMWii inr T7 " otilucnta, tbrf aro o.lnMibp.l lhi nml bm'irM () ihw wiljort. I o y i-r-nnaUal'lOlhornilrdh-UIca ill U t-0ali UcBlioO 10 lU octy of WTJt Ucl v.f in tbo I-rtiJutiva (VnnriU of!Ty Irp.H.tt.cnl of Ihi (rtnmoni y .1,. .ium ...d iho i.l.iir.l mmrr and moral' frm olniiid ifcuiintibility, Ihromjk rewnc .i.l...ii...,..,r.,..,...-.ril.ui r(TtPiil wciitaid oin rcawowr. clcrP lo.Wrtairah.MluUtohK.itlilli- ol 1 in tb. Mrmli if fcy; ijr to in. Uof- 0.l rw o.a.o.l WW tbec, from lim. to 1iw, U WJ .kJao qo.ni.y .w.cd by b. r ,k. wuoUtod WJU U.r lo lb. fnt.ro ItnRlk ol lb. tirlai"'WfM'it Tim iin wJoUl nU 6p.-k to U . dndr-rtabinif Cir. In l f. t'l "J : cuUJ w.ib rtMMabb n.'!y. h lied pmrtirw to rtlb.lr.w Irow mwkrt 1U m mum pi i-.-. - - , ,,'l,,L, l.lltor within ha ormion j 1'billoliO.U, hib, ..ul W.w rt.on dwUl I laln y Co.t, trii "-Wcd by iht tivtrrrury of lh Ny ' H,u Ui..w fr ibl clwoj ol oU. Il la lmi-rUBt that uilalli ptiWi. iti lion ohouhJ b f.rwiM for lb Iron tUd lert. llUiotondrd lUl Ibwn 1 nball k4n pro!r coodtiiun for any fucrRcufr, nd il i 'icwi.lle Ibal tb. LiU LP laod fu kl pnrpaor., tb IU of IUjr ontaiivr at in loot hold ..I ...V. .1 iwriod. In orjrf ibit I, President's Message, NUSSAUE OK TllK I'ltCSIDEXT OF TH K UXITKD STATES TO T11K TWO HOCSES OI- COXCREXS AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF TUE SECOND KESSIO.N. , . . O.'i'M otb Stt4 ami JUutt ItrfrttlUtr: Aft n brief rntcrtil lb Concrw of b I'nited Utca rrtirof il annual lrtilUtivo labor. An aU i uJ morrifu. rrivi.lriicr ba bitcd tb rtilnc which vinild . oar .bona, (raving lU ciUmiitom tract upon loms nortioniof ror eonntrr. I'mc. ordt-r, Irin- ... . 1 I I Iiliiy, ina ivh auiuoruj w locl.roil to xit throtiuhout lh whol. of the Unit! Btt. 111 vfthtKutei civil thority ba uprMdcl lb coercion of arm, a ixl U poU, by ib.ir oloiiUry action, r uaiutaiomir tbeir trotrernJicnti in full at-tiri- V . a i . i ai .. .iui ..ui !rttiibfltii nmiiti luiriiiv loiiiai i num. irnnrwr, .. r,t-.. .u .... -. -f!-1,L . .j.Cr.iiuo of our. Kvcou Tea. ?t.t-iM.na M.a onr I m, ot " ' " "? ! I h.,. .iih tb. Llio Wth. and t a. . . l . .i . a -. a i., 1 1 1 it n .mi iiaj iwi niaiirurT ui uai iMwa-un i w mi w wmvt-. . IH'HT NHIMUt f I n ohm wo oow..w j-- I . "r ti...; lb a-t of lifty lumn in lh IIoimc form of ifwvcinn.ciit. my eoimcUon., bcrrto-..flU-i rrci.lilivc.ind of lci.tv m.i..Ur iu furc cprrwd, bav imdno ao cba lb Kualc arc .t cat not ly tl.cir own.but, on lUcootrmry.lbeir furwlnrM bMbeca; UT 7Viaaynraaaaj ww mw " fc tb uu of tb arnica, on lb lH-Uwar rirr. Tb Nval Troiion fund n.minU to II M.'.Mtf k.vinir becw incrrad 2,7W,- 1 t . I . 000. during Hi year. T tpn.mr. w ui ----noti I oondiuon. ableb 0k" to l,- louU woik a ff. imr of cUun l I ... ...... .... -,-xvl tBrl of I,. Imdi m wunurawn ow. umtnl, ly tuU uf ikclUio.-lnt. UjOoolUuoid I h.Uh Dcirt" b f'-lJ' aauuijxrfwta, I. ... . u-ri '."il mn. Ik. rauuuln . jar,., . "SiVnii lr.c.i ii-. n lor in Cowing .aiuwn. w . , IT. a .. J.;-, u to our oratt.cn. and U.c uuc.n.plc lb li-iiuiit ud occconary nanti of lb (io aomrrt. Tbcrcport prcocnlia mocb mora aallfa lory .Hiini ol our Bnanr4toin on. jvmr . ... ii i ..i!.;.iut in lh ra-'iro thmol tonRuiu eouU bav "'e'l1 Im and ! During the fiwal year uJina th 30th Ji Uxl. UKf, IlitUndilO wunura litl. to lh Ue.U eoovjH which mua.o ov 40. lprralioai aai Uia ea?al lm l k ba pconM-m d viijur d nc. en CiOtn ol U ny oct.r, . i- f nd iuipro..n.,nl. Tb. JR" u cUnplctcd Utora tb cl'iitin bcbairrflbi.dcorrigclof.rWW- "j! ' i, Cgrc " , i,.i rmMll .n-ended to tb fat c,r tb. P-J llnut r.t tonC ilSn .nX ..urnct. tbirlcen niiliion b-jr b a, U I,. Janiion ol Lonars oc,it w iou ., , . . ., . tl. n lol ol t opcm to areq mnr crurn jmiiii oi k.i .r...M... . ...I. 1 .. r b II la Li'l.tfTCJ. WOUIJ ikprriiv lioion VI . wsit- . .. : i nRt ... i..i ...fi.r in. wr. in nuuuo ncra,w" '- . - - . k.i.m. war iijci . in. bavaccoii.lUl.cdu.iKbloi.aiJ. the rcucnal prdicnt yar ago, h w no "P" '' " "j ..iVi nn 37 .-,1 0- U SM!rnuw of lb Itoprtnieat lr tft. Tear . ana V"""" . i .n,lro(li' and .Irmj.MLcDing of our uUlwaaa on. d..nt now. If H... anoino!.. cun.l.t..m (a. ... '"J ' a,(j .,, ao ft 1,330.0-6. and lh ro U Th. rnt.r. ; rlft and Lw M-ri..u. c.u for di-on.cnl riKbt now-if, in lb. cct anad.itoa of tbcK loWr, lJ. I '"J ,'mlitarea WJk52.(-7, .bowing n rxcr- rr., Jui.a 3U. '''Vw.n. on the rrt of tb. iahabiunu of lh K.tc Si.lea at th prcnt t.me, i i. Ualul to 7.4). On th. 2M of Mol . .p,,,,,,, f ,r.tll , 10MI,, .even b Jj. It would bav ccoid.d wiih lh irr.at princi chid tbrw fiora wprno-ni.tion I t'unot been tJuccd to l2.Rol.HIO.oiio, tka ,kU 4Dciener. borr. a .peciJ a.proirU-10. Ubi. l.U form., o wltu,f..7- I Vnunctto-I to" . 1 WUratHH. Amcri- th.t the rjucion wa. to I clumped lj the tloa, .knnj Wff1 J' u 2' iagrr- ith. ac't Vltrr. .inking poof of lb. 2, rialndrwrnUnrr- tlat no c..la oug!.l t.. clllu oftnue. T.n yc.r. bnc., if 0,. mcnc.ij pl';. 'r Ij SOi in4ia; Uc "'"""g .fcftf , , U()inu th n.ndu.g ap. cat lb. conM.ttiHon.1 ntb.i y 'n,',.f'J tb.riKMofItc,.rcu..l.ou. It wuld b.vr cnl.tionn. Ib.no ..ronp.-r-.h.r.gbt ol ,!. IfcaU t J7mn lhat .lrinff h'i. J I lcg.liu.af rrtion of lb. revenue, jctr ,.wp. of fUl . been in con-manc. with tbo rxprra prwU- clunon mil I. no weaker. flame, il - I" "K u im,in MMpde,!. lh. .etual deficiency lor ''tUu Mliff.r. i.tof the foniUtutum. tbat "r.' b Futcal.aU The Conrti'ution of jl. I niled State, m.lc tbrt iu.rter. of tb E-.l year co. .ng I . g. turn wiib.n ilultb.itythria nu.h.Hi 'r"." 11 ",r"! . KVl ti 5 Utivc- nd ,.t bc duty of tb .Went to recj-u. me.4 J-J- J ZSlR TvSVJlm io tb. .nun. cd to meet lL. ' no Hat. aiihrmtiiacaatont, .ball b. .l,,..i. tb i eouki-Uratof Cm.m 'n.h naar $112.r9f9li. o '.1 rqrl of 1-C1. Tb. docreM. ol reveonr..c. during lh. utU Mr cloliue.u.U(rr.ill.S.n..c.- Ibcor1.. b. U..II jadga MH'ef . 1 j V ' TJ- V Trea.ic b.v. bc.n ' proUi.M.. were intm-lcJ to rccur. to ury 'know of ao n,c....rc nH.r. imper.iiv.ly d- lb, year laria Lac. f ";; VheCeiiflb rr cent., ami lb. inereaa of c.rHJllM who, .nliced into araid -PI''? U and to the ,-4,0, every U.e, the in.ncd by every ..d.,., a iil tiaw.i! - . . ., i . aai.ai neiithf ainii at'i aax uihii wn,. ----- pre-, and in.U..t ... it demed by the the .dmiuu r Iov.J mr-mbcr. iiu ti. noweau, turn ,;d .hc'eeoL On tb 30tU of Junc.U.t. th.r, were fucV.oflueConM.lu.;onth,ilh cju.l.ty ,.n re printed .tM lb., would oonaiim. xa, l.b,l:t, ""P-J S SUn Icr aSr'ia o,er..ioo aix ihonvand nio hundred and intietu. wuiaoi r.onnioo, ..... vrr. o imp..... ... v .J..' . I'.i.irt mail rontca. W lb an .Cgreffate ienin "2Ht of lb kwa b do longer "oUtrucled in any SuU bf cowbinntion. too pow.rful to b aurprowd by tl.oordin.ry win of jodwial proccdl.KS,, nA n'"''i''' enRBner11 ly th. war .re mjidly ywHin- in th. benrfi vickt li.llueneca of ourlrec iiililulion., and to tb kindly effect, of nnre.trictcl ocial ami ial iuurconmc. An cntir rctora- M l..t.-ril fcclimr mut be tb earnest wiali of very iwtriolio heart; and w will bnvc accomplwhol our prandeat national acliicve mcnt whin, forpi lling th. wd event, of the jt. nd n-mciiiUrin!; only their inatruclivc iconi, we rem ni our onward career M a fiee, i itwerou, nod unit.d feopl. In my niiwaa;,' of the 4ili of December, 18 Co Cm.groa u ii,f..riiied of th. tm-aaurea which bnd been Inatitnted by the Executive with a view to the Rrn.liial restoration of the Ht.tc in which the itunrreelion -. irnrred to their relation, with tbo Gonciul Government. IWinional Governor, had been p)ilited, Cuiivciilioli. called, (Jovernor. elected, Le;i lati.ru. noM'titldod, .nd cHiiator. and Ilopri acn tulicvt cIiohmi to tl.o('oiigresi of th United Htutc.. Court, bad been nKiicd for ll.o e-n-iorcemcnt of bw lonR in abeyance. The Mocka.1 had boon rcinovad, ci.rtom lioune. re-eKlaUi-heil, mid the internal rcv.'i.u law. put in force, in order that lli peoplo mjht con triruto to the notional iiic.m.p. 1'ontnl ci-r lion bad boon renewed, ami effort, were be ing made to rc.toro them to tl.cir tonner con diuonof ifliciency. Tbo 'eitatc. thiiiwlvfi M..V. ... , . thorltr, and nwn.foti-d n an:i acir,ior renewal of friomlly rel.liona. ( ' During theywr mling 5eptomlr 80, ISOO, ight thoiwand acren h.mbod and alxteea t-i bail been ahked to Uko part m Ilia high tunc lion of mending the Coiirtiuition, and of iIiiih Hinctiui.ing the extinction of African slavery n. one of the legitimate .result of our ii.tor.ie cine Ktrujigle. '.'.- -, i Huvina nrocrcaed tlmn fnrf tlio, Lxccutive Department found tb.tjt had accomplixhc.l nearly nil that was within tho .copo of itacom titutional .ulhority. One lliioff, bonev.r, yet remained to be done before the work of re storation could bo completed, and 4bat waa the Bdmisioii to Congrew of loyal rScnator. ant Ileprcscntntivc. j'romtheJStiitc.whoe "people ba.1 rebelled ugainct the lawful author ity of the General Government. ThU ques tion devolved upon the respective House which, by the Constitution,' re made the Judges of the elections, returns, nd qnnlifi tionsof their own members; and its considera tion at once engsged the attention of Con gress. ... In the meantime, the Executive Dcpart fcfcntno other plan having been proposed by Congrcssr-cootinued its efforts to perfect, as far as was practicable, the restoration ot the proper relations between tho citizen, of the respective States, tbe States, and the Federal. Government,' citeftding,' front time to time, as fhe public interests seemed to require, the ju dicial, rev'cnuo,, and postal systems of the country.' With the advice and consent of tbe Senate, the necessary officer were appointed, nd appropriations made by Congress for tbe -paymeut.of their salaries- The proposition to mend the Federal Constitution, noes to pfe wit th existence of slavery within the Uni ted gutea or any place subject to their juris diction, was ratified by the requisite number c States; and on the 18th day of December, 1865 it wa officially declared to have become talid'a i put tf tha. Constitution! f Je.Uai- I 4 . Ired nd twenty-on mile, aa .gltrat for nmru invnuon. ...a owp- ,uJ,r.,,.lKTu,ionoftovcBt,-ou.n.il ft b..l.o .saumcJ tbat lbr.i- ..y of their in.U.u.ion. ' It , would bind n. Jnn. 1-Cfl, tb. i receipt. . lXoI .Ua, a-J ' bundr.1 nd twrnty.igbt tbon-nd and am. J 8t..e. ... t.,mi.,.Ud bv the- more cloacly together M . nation, and .n.hl. a.d ibe "ly. , rJJ0' U ii l.nnn.l coat, including .11 .xpenditme. of fH - dollar. ; :t. of tbeir inhabitant a,, that u. to .how lo lh. wntld lb Inherent .nd rec- .. avaiUfch nqdu .of J-", "UlO.181. Tb. length of railroad rout- i. A, , Briject wbicb depend, an imv . tion b.ving been wyyVJZJ tou0,lTi. ?t rtlWaf'wwit anawi... - CZZZ&Z. J L J 1 . . ..I?.;UJU umi twiin '' ia- w-Uia)iiryr S3G .nd thlt th. er.di uri will reach the th. annual tr.portaUoa thirty milluX'VJ9 , cd terriV.rieV Tb. Ixgi.I.t.ve, hgenee. Our fi tAmTCTl theTrcur, hundred and nine tbou-nd four hundred and!,. U t9ecnM t&. pr-r- i ind Judicul Department, of r"!"'?" ,m' milcfc Th length of .tcamboat o( Ul, 0f jiia-iipuTriver. 4 bave.bowever, with great diMinct- the fa la j iform con...lrncy, refilled to sane- he recipw will amo'unt toM.W.000, andjlorty-ix mile .nd lh .nnnal traporUt. , ihoulJ u uk not 0D , ,0 .dd to th. aiption ut incompatible with the den l.y lh encinie oi repm.iitan h'""""''"-1,!"","- L.,-..i;ii,M,- ,i S'liM) 47 G41 thre million foor banlre1 and vlerwa thou.- V OT e nc. of these barrier. g. nM dcrtmctir. . 1 rn publican ay.U. .ml w i.h the The admtooa of lov.l rmbcr. ftom tUt ha 1 ?7W S i f.VoV of!.rnin. ha.dred .nd iil.r ..o mile Th. g bat for lh. reniv.l ol .11 obro.; i J ject.ofth.war. . ThrongW.1 the H. te. now J JaJ-lSrCovmimeT Thcw cs'im.Jd recuipujm.il service i, rpidly increang thronghou, tion, l0 .0 .d aaf. .vi,.ioa ofth.i ; btionofOmgreM,tbe uu.len.able "f "I'P reduction ol est'b. lh. whole country, .nd .U .tea.Ty extension , eUoneU( trad, .ndmmcrc. . .... liapparcni,l.lal.uc.v p liUnj Import duties; but after all neccswry re-'m th. Sonera Mate, imncaie. men-con.wn- xb. District of Columb... nder rxurting; num.ie. are nothing ku l ' ' !'t;::,;r,,Ct " Vn.!.! 1 L....d J .;o f.lUc,tio,:Vll.aII bsv. been made, the revenue oHy improving condition. Tb.grow.g .mpor- . . enlhM , tl)at wprMPBtltlo.- in. mcnt of the rebellion, each Iloiine dcclore.l, with a unanimity icmail.abw a. il was ig niliculit. thakllic war a not. "nligcl, UjM.ii ...irr.n.t il. BI.V .Hint (ll 001 1 SUl.'ll llOr Ml . . i - - - I COIUI of those Mates, ami, ly 'inducing emigration, aid iu the .clllcme.il of fertile region, nowun cultivalcd, and bad t iaff iucreiafd produc tion of iIiohc .isplc which have ad.i.-a fogrcai" the preocnt ana 01 louowiug yean, win u.ui Ictk b .uffuioiit to cover .11 legitimate charg es udoii the Treasury, and leave a large niiu- nual aurplu to be applied to tho payment ol lion. Tb Iot OOioa Department of Great Britain, and Our own, have agreed npon a pre liminary bai for a new 1'ostal Convention, . r . . ... i . i . . which itw believed will prov. cminenuy oen- ihe several State unm.piire.1: ami mat as wH.li j u ........ ... i"-;:; - ',..1. ...... n ,.t,.M....r. I IviiiL-dom: tho establishment of uniform an .a the. obiecU" were "accmplmhcd the war Government ....; Comtito-e o, 1 1 I ' " 1.7.. '"; " Tl . !ir..nable ch.rce. for tfi. and torri ouuht to cease." In some iu.lances, S na.ors by reM.:M.tIlo,..e. to ,vcTc permitted to cominuc the.r .Iat,vc they pr or o - .owance t0V.cI, ,W Office lui.ctions, while in other instance iieprcseii- cau..n, ..... . v - " , ; f '.. )roviJ.M -with ni(.jicfti trct. of the iiK1it to use all mail communications .olives weieclected and admitted to m la- spor.U of hreatciied .1 s m y H' lS'td suited. S U to1 .nblinhcd under the .o.hority ol the other ter their States had toima.lv judaic, "Z "n" ' ,.f .;.! h. fWnUl.ed with breech-Lmdinir small aruw the dispatch of correspondence, e.thcr in rii-ht to withd.aw from the I nion, ami w9ro, poii.ii., . ...m.y , tlrnnii, nr ,h a5ion ha. Wen or cl.med mails, on the same terms as those. . . .1 a..: . 1.1... r..k..a .l nt If.ill (IHI I III H'lr .Itllll' IUI llllilNiv.ii a uw . i .,.. .... . - . . a- . t . I F.I l..rl,A .L.tt 'I hnm c.mhi nrtnr t m.r,iy io mo wcunn ........ ......... -- '"."" i -i - - . , .,:., ,,,. ......nercbl interest of the Uni- .'r. :.f nvenl.ro wimr or intcrferrmg iili : i.itrcrt ol the worm, .cw nei... en.eipiiw uo . ".r. - " I,,., ilinrh a. it cuntoainlalea a re TOu IctterW o bultodcand,, KH'. ma".-ul ino loimuiuiiuii - . i i .. ... t m ..t c. ............ ..r iv. r..r 'ni.o wnn an oincr couniric. io am. ir.nn ..... nuLiinneo thereof, and to i.rcrv. the Uiii.,.. once, cffaccil loriu the Bi.n.u oi our cunnuy, ... r. ' . . .. . . .. -..I .J. ,. ,,f UllC .JIU.l'Mi: nun iii.T.wi van. ....--,-- witli a tho Uiiiiuiv. ci naiiiy. ami ngi... w. .... ... . ,7r l,: lwHn.n..f urn . or In closed mails tnronen me none . i.i .i ........ . ii. .ti a iik iiviBrvn "inn ii ii 1 1 v in rfiriiiiii: u inu niii nuu"" , torial and Department es- for open P" plicable to fie inhabitants of tho country pro viding the meuiis ot transmission. Tho report of the Secretary of tho Interior exhibit the condition of those branches of the public service which are committed lo his su pervision. During the lost fiscal year, four million six hundred and twenty-nine tnonsana thrco hundred and twelve acres of public land were disposed of; one million eight, huudred and ninety-two thousand five hundred and six teen acres of which were entered under the homestead act The policy originally adopt ed relative to the pnblio lands ba undergone essential modifications. Immediate revenue, and not their rapid settlement, was the cardi nal feature of our land Jsystcm. JLong experi ence aud earnest diseussioiniav. resulted in . .i ..: .! . i... r... ....,.(' il ,.. if.i endeavoring to maiiiiaiu mm iig... vj i.. yt" biiiis. All of the States ho.-c pcop.e were m iiwurrection. fl. Stale, were liic lunoU in the mil- e .. . l: ..... ..r Bn.i.unllHPIiL III IIIC IlirCC. 111. . J inns of dollars nnnnally lai'l upon the United i.,i.Hi l.v llie act ORM-uted fith August, 18- 01. Congress,' by tho act of Mnrch 4, DC, and by the apportionment of representation thereunder, also recognized their presence, a Siaiwiu tbe Union; and tbey have,.. for... judi cial purrses, been, divided into districts, o. States aloue can be divided. Tho same recog nition appear, in the recent Icgiidution iu ref erence to Tennessee, which evidently rests up on tbe fact that the functions of tho State wore not destroyed by the rebellion, but more ly suspended, and that principle is of course applicable to tho.e States which, like Tennes see, attempted to renounce their place in the L'n'"n- .... . . Tbe action ol the Executive Department ol the Government upon thih subject lias been ctiuullv dofmite aud uuilcrin, and the purpose of the'war was-specifically stated in the Pro la mation issod by my predecessor of the 22d day of September, 1802. It was then solemn ly proclaimed and declared that "hereafter, a. heretofore, the war will be prosecuted for the object of.praotically restoring the constitution al relation between . tho United States and each of tbe States and tho people .. thereof, in which States that relafiou is or uiny be suspen ded or disturbed." f The recognition of the States by the Judi cial Department of the Government- has also been clear and conelnsive in all proceedings affecting them as Stute, had in jlio Supreme, Circuit, and District Courts. In the admission ot Senators anil Represen tatives from any and allot the State,, there can bo no just ijround of apprelieiision tbat persons' who arc disloyal will be 'clothed with the power, of legislation; for t'.ii -could not happen when tl Constitution and the laws aro enforced bjr a vigilanV anil faithful Con-, 1,1,1... TI .... ... .1. f .... ......;-. f liw lit. .Ii.1.r.rnff nf Ynlnntei.r.. flip anil witn il an occasion .or .n unnw u. ""-, ..r...j'..v-. .v - "-is . i . , ers of doubtful coiistitntionality, wo fchoultl: disposition ot unseniccanio orperisuaoie siore. i..:n.. t..i.r;i.nlff..iliitiii within the boun- and the rotrcnchmont of expendituro. Snffi ilurics nrescribed i"y the Constitution, and to'cieut war material to meet any emergency lias return to the ancient landmark established' been retained, and from the disbanded volun by our fathers for the guidance of succeeding' tocrs standing ready to rcsjiond to,. the ualiun irenerntious. "The Constitution which at nnyjal call, largo armies can be rapidly organized, .;..,..-;-! ....til i.1.miiwiI bv nn explicit and eciuiiited..and concentrated, fort meat ions oi ...... v..--i . . . ;, . .... . i i- Uui coast, ana irouuer nave rcccivuu, or uru uu . .... ... .. ... U...I.M V aiHhcnuc aei oi me ..- i.tilicntorw unon all." If, in the opinion of tho t'cotde, lite distribution or moilitication of tbo constitutional powers be, in any parti?u lar, wrong, lot it be corrected by an amend ment in the way in which tbo Constitution designates. ' But let thcto bo uo change by usurpation; for "it is the customary "weapon by which free Governments aro destroyed. ' Washington spoke these words to his coun-tHi-mnn. when, followed bv their love and jrrnt-. itiule. bo voluntarily retired from the cares of public lilo. "lo Keep nil tilings witoin i pnlo of our constitutional powers, and cherish the Federal Union as tho only rock of safety," were prescribed by Jeflcrsdn as rules of ac tion to endear to bis" "countrymen the true principles of their Constitution, and promote a union of sentiment and action equally auspi ciuus to their happiness end safety." Jack son held that tho action of the General Gov ernment should always bn strictly confined to tho Rpliero of its appropriate duties, and jnstlpr and forcibly urged that our Government i not to be maintained nor our Union preserved "by invasions of the rights and powers of the several States. In thus attempting to make it weak. Its true strength consists.in leaving individuals and States as much as possible to themselves; in making .itself felt, wot in its power, but in its beneficence; not in its con trol, but in its protection; not in. binding the States niore.closcly to the centre, but leaving cacirto move unobstructed in its proper con stitutional orbit." These ore the toachings of . . .. .. .. J . . 1. .A..,!,,.. I..... n.n.ln men wuoso uuvue muu aw..w jil iug prepared for moro powerful armament lake surveys and harbor and river improve ments uro in course of energetic prosecution. Preparations have been made for the payment of tbo additional bounties authorized during tho recent session of Congress, under such feguIttlion5os wilPprotcct the Government from fraud, aud secure to tho hoiorablc-dis- charged soldier tho well earned reward of his faithfulness, and gallantry. More than six thousand maimed soldier have received arti ficial limbs or other surgical apparatus; and forty-one national cementries, containing the remains of 104,526 Union soldiers, have al ready been established. The total estimate of military appropriations is $25,205,6G9. It is Btated in the rcporf of tho Secretary of tho Navy that the naval force at this time con sists of two hundred and seventy-eight vessels, armed with two thousand three hundred and fifty-one guns. Of these, one huudred and fiftoen vessels, carrying one thousand and twenty-nine girns, are in commission, distribu ted chiefly among seven squadrons. The num ber of men in the sorvico la thirteen thousand gix hundred.. Great activity and vigilance hare been displayed by .11 the squadrons at.d their movements have been judiciously and ef ficiently arranged in snch J. 'manner as., would best promote American commerce, and pro tect the rights- and interests of onr country, men abroad. The vessels unimployed are un dergoing repairs, or are laid up' until fherr ser vices may be required. Most of the fron-dad fleet is at League Island, in tbe Ticiaity of history, ba. been imifriruly ecordc4 to aach- Territory established from lint, lo lima "''07 1 the conviction that the early development of our agricultural resources, and the diffusion of 1 ar. energetic population over onr vasi territo ry, aro objects of far greater importance to the national growth and prosperity than tbe pro ceeds of the sale of the land to the highest bidder in open market. The pre-emption laws oonfee upon the pioneer who complies with the terms thcylnipose the privilege of purchasing a limited portion of "unoffered lauds'-' at the minimum price. The homcsted . enactments relieve tbo tcttler from the payment of pur chase money, and secure bim a permanent home,' npon the condition of residence for a terra of year. This liberal policy invites em igration from the old, and from the more crowd ed portions of tho new world. Its propitious rcsnlts are undoubted, and will be more 'sig nally manifested when time shall have given to it a widorovclopment w.' i . : ' r Concrress ha made liberal grants . of public land 10 corporations, in aid of the construction t)f railroads and other internal improvements., Should this policy hereatter prevail, more strin gent provisions will ' be required -to secure a frfiibM arrmlieation if the fraud. The title to bad should not gmas, by patent or otherwise, in our limit. It maiuuiu j ccult.r ref.tion. to PflnrrrpM. to whom tb Constitution ba granted the power of exercising cxclnsiv leg- I.1B1.00U1.I .... l.. f"' . .. fellow-citizen residing in tho District, who. interest, arc thus confided to the special guar;, . , dianshipof Coiigr., exceed in.oumbor tb, nnnnbition of several of our Territories and no just reason is perceived why a delegato of tbcHr choice should not Maumiiiea to a omi .a , llauuuf Henrcsentativc. Ko mode sCenu. so' appropriate and effectual of enabling them . -- to make kuown their peculiar conuiu w . wants, and of securing, the local legislation a-' lapted to them. 1 therefore recommenn tno passage of a Uw 'authorizing tbo elector or th District of Columbia to chojsc aulcgate, . to be allowed tho samo l ights and pi iv ilexcsa' v a delegate rcprescuiing a .lnnUory: Ilia in-, creasing enterprise and rapi(Vlro"res of mi- provcuient in the District ure miry--palifjiJ ing, am! I trust that the efforts of the mnniui- pal authorities to promote the prosperity of tb j 1 national mctroplis will receive the efficient and '. generous co operation of Congress. ' " The report of the Cmmisikner of Agrfcnl-' ' tore review the operations of his Jtepartmont. during tbe pwt year, and ask. tho aid of Con- ' . j giess in it efforts to encourage . those State - J which, scourged by war, are now, earnestly en- gaged in th reorganization ot domestic in- dustry. . . iris FstibjecT of congratulation, tbat no for-. eiirn combination acsinst'our domeslie! peace and safety .or our legitimate influence among the nations, have beeu lormetl or aitemptea. While sentiment of reconciliation, loyalty,' , and patriotism have increased at home, a more. just consideration 'Of our national character .... 1 : . and rights Has Dccn manuosiea vj joreigu uo- tions. " "- . , The entire success of the Atlantic Tetcgi apU vi between tbe Coast of Ireland and tho Provi- denoe of Newfoundland, i an achievement , which has bee'n justly. celebrated in both ncm- . isphcres as the" opening oTan era in th.e'prog- -ress of civilization. ' There Is reason to ex- ii 4 j r J pect tliat equal success will attend, . nd even I greater result, follow, the enterprise- for en-V ;r nocting the two Continents through tho Pad fic Ocean by the projected line of felegrajdi by the pro ectci between Kamschatka and the Bnssiao possa-.. won. in America. . -, j;,,'jo The resolution .of Congres. protesting .a gainst pardons by foreign Govcrnin'etits of per sons convicted of infamons toffentcs, 'oh' eon-''' anion OI emigrauiijfwuur -vin..rjr, ii... weej. j 1; : .J .1. .iV. ...I.L.K V. maiutaia interoourse, and the p'raetioa,aojuaV-.A : ''is

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