! ;t iwii; i m r l w-r m . v --r , , r " i v r v i i r-1 -i I - I I -111 I I I II . I I.I I 'J ' ' I I . X. 'V' I I " l I I V I ' 7 - T 1 1 I I I , f I ' . I 1 I - I I 1 I III. I III I XaSORTff, ,X0 SOUTII.iSO, R.VST, SO WEST OUft WUOLK COOKTRY.'--'-;- i "..''''"";." " I . , ? " ,T .- " , , HENDERSON VILLE, N. C, MAY 8, 1867- VOL;'l. NO, .50 (ValxiabTe Property for' Sale - In the Town of Ilendersenyilic. rSnpremo Court ' Th Soprtme Conrt Rili igh Keml-aotinal!y, or Jane and second Monday - .... OFFICER-S. IT. M.r?arop, of VjuJkin tice, salary, W II. Battle, of Orargf, 1 iind' Tw 1ialf-cr IMS I a tp or . jE. G Rie, of Terson, Tli! IloteJ contains I" wre well mutjiiro 1 , ... . - fh which i atlacM TWO? EAT OFFICES.' On t gjf(B n. Rogers, of Wak the premiss are Ck Hiet a first-rate well ofj Gf.n,.rfi, -water, cojnmodioiw Stal.Jes, Lnb, ana otlier , , , r jg p Phillijis, of Orng 1 ! J- KBOWIT : tut P la nterls Hotel, 4 gx:.. - t i r. - . , . iciril, v.. IUI 1. V . ml in iirci .roiier. t w - i In.ML.m W.l- f?, nt wl " . .Dower. - . llh i t . ....... -i umiiinu, arim -anu, - - . I . i i. t.i:.. . . t ti i . ...i-r . ... .. . . tama. . r t . . i ir .miw : i iiiikuii . in ue cnmnisniiMi - r - -si i . i rwr :rn i .Mir .ni ..i & u f. . r . i ' Associate I. mt , . . 1 ciol,t . C. (iarriswi;Coii)Mnv AOth L".S.irterf iltat&,nt 0f the tame. That rm , I V. Asociatr Jo- Attorney . Necessary Outbuilding?, a rt . r ihit liniirnrrmfll are narir ,d a new, hin be.cn imintcted since the conv tiienreMV-nt f toe aterelelliv ' ' , " .For fnrther jiarticulara, enquire oftlie Editor of .x't. W W .Ad .iniff. ront.iiin cr annt C6 Arr tinfctf kh.Mit thre init E:tvof H - 1 fvxehisive of fe,l I Edmund IJ. Freeman of Wane, I.-rk, 2,509 00 f exclnsire of fera,l James Litchtord, of Wake, C00 CO One copj 12 month, 6 . Sing'e Copies, ' fir S!riet!y in a lxence. 2 00 1 00 " DO 10 Starvation. . . TVe r cltllf tro-3ta of -rnfJertrir an.l io (le ?Qth ,j atirrailoa. Ift A!a South Carolina, Georgia. nJ untie cih." State,, dozens of men, women ami children quelle met the gtim fienj of rorertr nd avalrr, Headquarter, and CotuiW E. Pth'm.rricd 'woman !..U U entitle to W ihfrJ his r;-Vl ri I. 0. The Military.rH at Fnvetltrllle In cm- UmcdU of Licl, her hUn. or- nay Le! ?L1 ?5 JJi j!',1 1,1 rn;l brace the Uouotics. oi CumbcrUnd, Haroctt, 'J at ai.r.tlmc durit- orJt7VV:Tj"r;7f vtJM " r rshal. CO COi 5 United ' States Govcrmont.' , - EXECfcTIAK)i)EPAlfTMEXf. ' ' The 20th PresTdential Trn iK f air vears ncl n'lerso:jr!H-!f,e eUbiishmetit of the 0ve'rinnt of the United i RATES Or ADVERTISING. &C Advrtiemeut will be injerti-d fi.r $1 er ffjnare of 10 litre, and .tO cents fur each suWcquent Inii-r lion. .. : j ' annonnciui a cvndid.itt fir a This Tr-t of Land till bit liold oi cash. " May 10, lifGiJ. , i ... ; - '. " . , M A S 0..N I C 'TrSi.4n n Lod. Xo. 200.F. A. M.; h.ld their resr JL u'ar meetingH In Ileadcrsonvilleon the FIRST WEDNESDAY in t-ach ': month at 7 o'efock, p. m. - 'Mt-wUers willtake due notice, nnd please attend Uy order f the Lode-. , ' -. -WALDH0P, S c'y. IlenderfonviHe.N. C. or. 14, 186i. 27' Ii j .1. . ri .. u. jii. iOlllUll, ngiHT lilt Vl"lfll,"u"l 'St"" I'nn"'- " !tar if March. 1863, and iriU expire ou the 4:h d:iy ..f Manh, 18G0. . ; ' . . ANDREW JOilXSON.of; Tennessee,- President, salary, William II..Soward. of Kew-Yort SecraUrr f" State, -tii. i . ,of IlUnoii, pecre- 1t rer For Conn'y" oflc. . . j . . : '. . . . Si 00 jf For ami'inncin;' a candidate fwr A , Statu office, . . . j . -.. . . . o 00 t"V-'0 work doai? with neatiiess and dispatch at s!os-t n.itlcc, at prices Cirrvsjoiidtng with the times. --'.-(. The cash must ir.iriali!i arromnanr all or- 000 00jUir3 i'ltiier tor snusciiptions or a-trcrliiitig. . Jn " .' - work to he pail for on ellYery . -- .- 'pro.njft'y. Ilnsk McCoulloch lary oi me ireasury. MIE NOUTll CARfRINAtSTAXaARDr -J . : - ,BW W. II.i.Dr & gos. -;vV PUBLISHED' XUi-WEEKLV AXD WEELY . nALn:aii,N. c. ; . Tift? SUri.tard is an "nnraistakablv" loyal sUui.rn yjier.: It U iu '"favor 'of the re-or$raHizatioti of the) Ji-.t.". an that mirnemilp may Iinve nermanetitlr a' p ...... wi.. j.- "" .) . - t , ffiyal eiv'll overiiM,'nt whh-h wisifiroU'Ct the lives priiperry f'll and do j ustice talk . - ; ,Th ui.Mio of the Standard i "Liberty and Uajtw . now and forever, o?ie and inseparable . ' ' , .' ,' ' n addition lu is poli'ica! ; informal ion, the St:n ;l;ird will contain choice rea'dinjr pfatter, the latest new-g ot all kind, f ho market sj" &c. " ' '- ; . Term: . ; ' ' Tri-Wjjklv r-r raxr : -- r C. 00 ;.."'"',''; . . ,sx months, - ; Wu. Ulv. nor ver. , i . . ".I 00 six ni-.iilli..' ' 1 50 Five ropien of th?' Wekjy on-year, 12,0- dol- lar. Ten ipUs one ye.-ir. 22,00 dollars: Persons Binding clnhs of fiv. rtrin6ic will be entitled to the pip utnyVar fr-c ofchaige" ' ' ':' : The tuhscrihers app:il to their friends " to' aid them in I'&tfiHltng the, ck-eilationf ihepaper.',v, '-" V . , V. W. HOLUEN k BOX: , ,,: . 38-tf. Edin M.' Stanton, of P. nnFy'vaina, Secratiijy; of war, ; i : , i '? Gideon Wells, of Connecticut Sccre- ' tftry 'of the Navy, . " j I" ! ; L ' . Oliver II. Browning, of Indiana, B-crc- .-tary of the Interior, r- ' . X A. W;. RamUIl, of,WUc nun; IVst Master General, j II J. A. II. Stansbury, of Ohio j Attorney fienejai, 8,000 CO 8,000 00 8,000 00 '8,000 00 8,000 00 . 8,000 00 8,000 00 J! All p"rnas ordering advertisements he'.d responsible for the same.. arv SELECTED POETRY- 'Unquestionable it lie best sns t ained work of ,t!ie lilnt! In v ; tiicwoild." ' v -;V :" , : harpers NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. . Critical Noluts of 'the Ptesz. . . ;. It is lue foremost Mrtgaz'.ne of the iay. TLej 3 xri "reside tiever had a more! delightful coinpai. ion, nor i nn the million a rntn e enterprising fiiud, than Har per's 'Magazine. Mrthodift Profrsfant 1 Baltimore.) The mt poiiuhir Mtnthiy iu the wurWU A'riri Y'trt Observer. . - We must j-t-for in trrns and vniu-d ' excellences - i : The Battle Cry of Freedom. . Yc?, we'll rally roand ihe flag, boys, we'll rally .once aca;r,. .-! (-.. . v Shouting the battlo-cry of, Froedou:;v . U c will rally from the hill-s.de, . wc 11 gather from the plain j Sliouting the' hattte-cry of Freedom. v " C'ftorus. -The Union forever, ' r ' " - - Hurrah bov.t lnirrah! Down with. thefrattor. ., , up with the Mar; , While we rally round the flag, .bovs, rally r;jjo!e and almost insd ith her sauciifc?, tit lin," terly wee-Vinii iverher little which aha Iner keep ahvc cj nourioneot. no aenaation storic the?. lr tttti luuiui-, vueuwuM?f uiuiwiir aua oiuer ihj-' j , , r - 7 Ti.- T. rri. . . I .1 i ,t .. ... .""'r1""" wi tmiu.nunc. iuu .i,...,, x m. u vKMUftuoro , lf m. hu,u..v ucaiiiK.Dg fr jTM:rra:a. t v,llM . . .v.t brace t he f'oiintie nf .V... TV,. inir- nhlrh IhinI tnterrat ahatl t,. 1. . " ' '.. . ' " . . ' v v... , - - - -w. - v - mtwm. ijiiu iimij.i i - av ------- w w - l a - commandctl rr Urcvct-Uolonel Milton Cocs-'endM the dwci.m hooie! ir, whiei he r 1 n t v j a & a a a as w 1 a-iH.'iiw. r w r wma jm w iimii m. ai nil a .a m maw . a . h & m awm ii an h ri w m a- v w n 1 a- ! r.',.4.-..;n- v n L- ;i : i . . .icou4ino -(. - .' - -, . . . finer ire i gin jiiiiiiiii t. or -Wayne. Johnaon. ,nrJ f m . l . . "v w .a Mit auuut a. UiKiUiOTK v.rcene, .n nanux, Aort hairton. .ara op cxccb ma T.r i:,e payment ol an auwfS :e w lfM - lhcr . u- hd-eeombe and Lenoir, to he commanded by debt of her nnband, dunn the term cf her . r kT:..- a i.r.t, quarter. .Ooluabom .NO. OamC Uach tu anv and. tUtm.y Uvc bceu .j They arc calk, -Mcuioriar and tiauies I., G, and II, 40 Infantry. , ufr conveycl by the hnlu!jd pretivns !o the': r- . ur i . X'VZrltr TV"1-'"". -.money in hating the dead Confe.lerate.aoi ...v. xsv .. j'iuiih it k. t xtM ll :il klllM I . i f urf4r in,' ,. r I i Kobeson, Bladen, New lanovcr, Dophn, tnd:leniatio the'liusVind.-wirti Afwithit cou Pampson; to be commanded by Drcvet-Lieat. veyanta of varrAntr. nftder proriilun It 'tUU wrs cxlmmcd aud teiatatcd Jrcm, ttLe bale- tal YaBkeei."- Tlio 'Rc!icr accwoo!att iVevanta nf trarrantr n.if f,r,-U it i,r i vi n i.t . .1 rn,:Ai r T vt, tii'r r 1 i t J . .7. 4 . . iiuuuNainj in uu.ur, riui woica .suras inrr terlaWifnl f'v w fartllfr tffcct nvC thC .baaor cf bnil ling elegant mansW, qaantersatA llmipgtcn,.N,CV O.rntowCoa, Uiao l.RalU Uva-thmUintcrraio iLiuuc, for Confederate Umcala TnJ .ff.r . t nr. Kffntv; .1 1 o 7; aiml t?xn.rin? 40lh i WW, TUt ;on the wife Joining wiUi herchac the re?e. of the imnKntal Arch l!eb Kvo , " - $!U0MCl!at '.loriUuiaUad in the-.Ued. acknowledging the CI,' JrfT. Davia. Vet tie brothers cf " thc O -n,J. :iV n , w . mmc, wonlms to ihe rrwwnw cf r t ting -LaUful YauleeC bating in.ult upon iusnl; v 'J S ' a7r,Vsl riymontlitloemLracciUwt Lein?imvately-eMaiinr.l toachiug hcr.hurled to their facca by the. e people at the the V4m.nt, cf. V" 'A; ahM,?too Martin, free eoc5eut in the execution uf aaid caati7.. Suuth. throw or en their lumVand do allthev Jjcrtie, llcrtlord, Oates, Chowan rrrouiman.lance. nnv or all of Mid land mar be old in.l'.in -t;..y.. -.1 u- jV w. . 4 . v i wv a vai v uiv uiii?a iivl iT iiiaui3fl x asquoiaiik, LamueD, ana L'nirtlnck. to te conveyed, asd that the Chairman of the Coart!0f their eneie. commanaeu ry urevet-Liieut. Vlunel Ucutzotii,!ol I'ka j -wfca Aiiiauiry, iirafKinancrs nt j'lv- loraici in nioath, X. C. Garrison: Company 11. 40lhlhe same mianiry. . - . . as is now iu. jue military it of ..Newborn lo cm- nrrcme and buperior Contt, . nnd the ccr- their aa.kc. sh old aoltcn or shame tljem iutvs Gratitodealonegratitade . 1 !.... 4." : . ..11 i . urn u.iiirr.ci-Tc:niv ni 10 me ianu(to l0 OoTenixnent Icr, IU rnetey in Unn tueir respective onntic.'hainiaTe:!!. ,.t ih..Tr f..m,f l-r nrl m l-wcr to conduct och cxamiruition vtrt.ern men and women -who pitying t'ven l.y law to the JuJ'T nf tlK :.mu make ihelr charitah!e handi liberal '-fur . 1 a a a7 . - a ai laa . . k . . A oracc iue mntica 01 graven, Unslow, Cortcr- tihoatc ot fnch thainnan, touching land M;tiTrncP. yct they tav the OovcrnmeutU mean cr, except rori juacon) Jonea, Ueaufort, I'itt, their rrpettive Coantte-, fchall have the fme!and omresVive. snd .tennoncc all wholote the -r.... :rt:,. i 1.. . :.. 1 . onco aoam. MEW YORK" TRIBUNE THE L AUG EST & CIIE.vl'E.ST. of eulojry to tlie h?jrlt tone of Uarper'i" Marazine a titi!St:iid.iiic the fu t fiat the size of TuE: Tf ir.t'NK has h eu iiii-ri-itseil nm e ihnu oiiiiuarti-r, 'Cli pi icof will reniiiiii th saiuc. 1 KQW ISJHE TIKE TO SUDSCH12E FOR ;r The (jcrrnt Fiiiniiy XewspnpcK ;':".' " ' . t ii k " ' '"'"' York Weekly tribute printed. 01 a l.ire doijhle nioduim sheetj making journal with a-monthly circulation of alw.ut- 170.. U00 copies in whose pagi"? are to be found ' some of iho choicest light and en;r;ii resding t.J the day. We speakfof this work as iuh evi lence of the Ameii can People: and the popijl.ritv it liAs aeqlijred ! rrcriie-f. Each" tinrube.- touLniai fully 144 pages oT reading matter, nppmpi .1 .1 : ... .. . Wdiiu eiiisiHiiu 11 eoiiiini rs in uen rrnrrmniii .1 ly and the more philosophical quarterly. Mended !' felavc uith titernltue (ure, Zsmtfon.- j : ! ' ' , The volniaes hound cons'i'nte of ili;msc!rcs ft li hrary of miscellaneous rrftdinjr such as ran not he found in ihe same com pa iiiauj" other puhltca tio:i-that has com? und.r unr uotke. Button Covr- -1 ; . Shouting the battle-cry of. Freedom! ,. - "! We arc springing to the call of oar Brother. gone before, fronting the battle-cry of Freedom! And Avc'll fill the, vacant ranks with a million Freempn rnore,. . - Shcutinir the battle-cry of FrCcdoiu! . Chorus. " Ve.uUl welcome to our nnOibera the loyal, true anu uravr, - . r e, fco,ta,as ru.iy 144 .geso ShoutI nVtnQ liattlc-cry of Freedom; " ' pi lately illustrated with good . , f , , . 3 V ... ' lines in itself the racy mo,,Vn. ADa aUli? M tiiay be roor he shall UQVcr I lophical nnart, r!y, Idendcdj felavc, . i" , the lcst fe'aiurea of the daily jonmai;' It has Shouting the battle-cry of Freedom! . power iii the di.s,eniiiiaiioii . l-,ve ot. pure , Chorto. I lure. Trulares (Jiit?eu(6 : AmcrlcnH UicpA ; r ? it. : I " SUBSCKIPTIOKa jTTe Fn0n?ners nac jir-n-v tort n ?i .tern rr wwrmt- liiurVv-which tln-v can aUi'p'r the, .;Mazazine and Weeklr vtomvflu to ' thosej :a Ii iwi fer to receive from. the QITice of Puhli- i I et'tit ofsf 1 tirnioi cofnrtrrt rci. If flll the iinnnrlant Editonalsi'oiihli-ihed in The I)ai!u -'iYibnnc exe pt of merely local interest; o Literary and .Scientific I:itcliigiMiCi j Kcvii-w-i of the uvost. lotereMVi.aifd.' iiiiixirlaiil -New 'Hook; the . .e.ms Th- pstae on'narrla Magazine is 21 cents ' 1 .? , ' - , - " . V-,,",r:ve;,r,Avhic!nnu3t bapaid at the s:ibfcnber$ itost i i ,i 1 1 n 1 1 villi I J ' I vc , 1 11 V miuriij . uu liiiiii 1 of all i;iiportaut lute 13 !!e in this city nnd elsr- j where; a Syriopsi of the; proceedings of Ooiicess' oud. Mate L i itur, wh.'n'jaSessn.j,; the Fineiirn N.t-ws r .vei'ved Uv every' stv'amcr; Ese'nivi: Hetiorf. if iho IVocecditig'ot two .''Farmers' C'UiVof the A- thVir pc-i iodicals tjirectly eation. iffice;. of mrr'u-rtd histitiilft Talks " :ih ill 'Fruity and other Horticultural information essential to country res id "its; 'Stock "Financial, Cats.le Dry Uo. d a:.,d Geii -enil M rket Re;tij t; Vu ikiiii it, both for variety : "K:id .coinpleti-nesi, alUigetht r me most vaualk ititerest'ms and iastrtiCtiv? . iVuilif X- urspaucr jwih lislwiFi'i the world. i - " ' TUV Foil "Reprt--oflliv.. 'American' lustitnfe Far- m.Ts' Cl'uh, nnd thrt rarinm Agi icu'turaf. ttMiii Terms tlnrncr's Magazine, one venir . ! $4 00 A n Extra Cony of either ihe Jf-tabtuc or Wcelh, will he sjip-ilied gratis for ErH y "CI ut of Fire Sub- criler s-a: $4 0teach,'in Ooiiits for ilo 00. - IS.trk Xu-mbers can he .supplied at any time A Complete Srt, now cmpriKitt TJKiri yme Vol umes, in neat cloth hindii g. will.be sent .hy'expn-ss freight at expense of purchaser, for 2.2' per :Vtd nine. , Single . Vutu we, bj ;uiail, p'sljaUI S5 00. Jloiii cases, T.r bindin?. ,d3 c. nts, tiy mail. no?t- ami II vile; to be enmmanded by Brevet Major force and etTcct a if Mgned by a judge. jflagaa nnt.riucipled kne and ilUeis1rs of u- ' J Av" x ' rVt nfa.ut,,ea,VH Sec. iJ. 21$ it fur'her ejteciH, That in caw ;arna tion.-istln Qlterttr. ,t 7 ' , r" ('nou: ConMvfthc failure or insolvency of thohuaand.hUl - ry- 'GoTBtEs, Yoc, Mr Littl F.lW " try, the latter otcuiaiu at I ort Halter., N. claim i. by obtaining ju.rgment for U;e same, I A cr5 VJ u ir w ,tririn- to pek up 11 FortMieon tn rnnVtnte a r..-'' ' "7i r? ,a TUme old clothe, that Lad been thrown-from IVt "to be rornmai, led bv Cant Chi V til f. tll C1 h the w;nd,w, lcn a crowl cf rnde Ur gath- .'a'ki I 4Uth Infan n- (5 a- r!l b fi 1 '''t "' ftfrtU, ' U,C mfwA . mimicking Li, awkward nTove." . 140th I ii fa n rr m.. Company snd amouut of their .claim, and 1;art,cnUrly ment,, hoolUl ,t hT, and , 11ieh"Xi7 InUnfr1 "m 1T",,'U Prcently a noble IUUc fellow time ur. - bc e tablifi 1? 1H ' am? el V "'t 'l-'? -laVf .F'V .1, rinz rhroa.h the crowd, helped the oc lauiia ica nt uaicign, . ami l. -Vim? thai the one-third tntercit-of the wile, in i - ' ' ,1 - l i ,i. , av a 1 A. Mile,, 40th Infantry, will command hi ic which .hall be comprehended the VcVi-T. i" V? 1 -n? xl"'f---L .ii!.-.. i-Y. v.- i-- nv wMijiuauwui V4 -u ..v,"nt.ccd them in a bcndle -rhen.hriunz a piece a: andi So we'rd "spring to the cn'd from the cast from the wes, ."" f . ' '" ' " ' ' Shouting the b.ittlc-crv "of Frcedorr.; ' And'wt'Il hurl the tcbl crew from the1 land we lore the best, j ShoutingHhe battlc'CTy of frcedcni! " v ' ' . ' Ch'rns: " 1 '- ' " " i ixi t 1 1 l in nun ir icin in i n i n ir nninn: i in ri i a l. i t i.tt a . a W VII of th s wdcr " . i WT V 7 a"rl, w "' of .Hur into l.ui band., he w-runnm2 away nrapj, JI. ol th.s onlcr. - and ?ct aprt to her, by proper mete? asd uhcn a vpicc far aboVJ hIni .ftIllf ..Litle b- ' (bouudn; whrrv'u:on the Con:! fchall ivus a ,r:,t. o..,,!,! 11- lai? lranimr Brevet Major General X. A. Mile, Colonel Vrit to the Sherkof the County, commanding J! i WMoU .STm " ;riMlr ' CI 4-Cth lufantrv. Assistant Commissioner of thcJ hi,,. irv ,f fire frVe.T...!.l.r, nlf J nM:!,in?Tv"J? f ' i . ... . , ... , hifMa ron inv miie iriicw: taw will birs uiHvaii wi Hi-tiirci--, i recumcn anu oa noon connected with the particw hy conangniiy or r r ti' , . '.v -.-vi ,unfT Letharhtbo- c. landforlh Cr!inv HclVrtcrJ.nbU ai naieign, Vy. oali, nduunu-tercd to them bv the.Sheriir.fhaU;,! ir. thrinohtof the toorberar'a mte- Comnvtiiding Ofiieer will, a, heretofore,, in ai,ot aod RCt tff , the ifJ one-thitd iirt.5f .fZL.t Zlw compUaneowith exiting order, extend . nil Klj the land, in aid County, which her bo-Jr ami la't ami Wttcr tlwnll. fc enld d' oiiis remittance; - or " Sixj iters uiini, hum him Tarmuj Kiicu'turai. ueimriS, iJIolli cases, tr In each nuinbvr, are richly woi'th a year's sulscri-1 p.id. Add: ea H Alt PElt ! & BROTHER'S, .. Franklinj .inare. New York. y . -!(; .i'M-, -A : tioni ; " - TERM 3-' - ". - - " - -'.' M il snhscriher. vinpWeopy 1 "'year 32Xos; 2 00 Ten coi ie addressed to nanteV'of subscribers It 00 THERURALAHERICAN FREE 2,0 copies, a litresse-l t naiucj of subscribers 34 00 rae.oiea to on "address, lt tio .2u cpfa'to one addles, ;Q au An extra copy will be Vent' to each clu of tea. . ' Tuq 2faw York iemi-Weekly Tribniis is fHiUHshed every TUESDAY and FRIDA Y, and contain all the Ld'rloriil art i't lea, not mereiy hm! iiMMiaractcr. tJtcr.iry Kctiws and Art (;rilenm-' Tuxe-AMERICA? Gol bless our nativo land:. , ; Firm may she ever Ktand, . Through gtornV antL night; When the wild tempest rave, Kulcr of wind nud wave lo thou our country save By thv great might '." : ' ' " ! : . "... 1 ' For her enr prnytsr- shall rise To God, above the shies; On him wc wait:'" '; . "' Thori who art cvr ntjih, N Guarding with watchful eye, " To thec aloud wd cry,' .. " God s:rve tlie-Siatc. properiac.iitie.nn.t protection to tuo urucen Land mar be njIzc and ccrt; nnd in 'o hear bU HeavenJr Father rhiKtlng. a.m itgcnw o, me iurcau o, i.cugee-, i rcfu-ch may :e in more c.mcUes than ooe,:, nu4i.-il.. Ifnl f.tW al alUbtain yoa have, an fel ter.u'e'I i to .the " " ' ivwimwivi in uisvii.irgCithO JMlCtlll Ol tlie WOUUty, in WDlCll lUC l-Ctl-;' f I U.m ,,.l,r u hetl. rtxj o.v- j.r k.;. - - .. . . - j . r . . ?nierct. i.uie reantv. (neu. " rostConnnarider?. cn the V-.Trrm, .iUffl-im ,r may amnion a jury ,.n. wcur w- ' -H-V jjCoJimissioner otAFsitant Commissioner of necessary, have surveyed of "faid land, tl!j5,r baU ti be- the Bureau, will, in addition to their peientlshall Dot bo rCJ'r'cted h rc' diOcrrnt trapO .iimf c.u:nB me tuu.c 01 ui-.ssisiaiu bnf mar allot the fame ir.-.m one or aorci -j, j, Powrt cr tnr FtTtr.r ConvmiFhioneniof the Bureau, for the territory trat ta. in. In.lin thn dwcllin? : and i-hall t.ut' . t. . . .' . -r t.-..' included within the hnuts of thc;r Post,, . rcs-,hc wife in possc.oaof th5au;e. An.lwheai rch n Xcw yot. n,t in Ui l'lu,,n . tnc procitan:gH ua;i nave uecn retorted 10 ,t-f-tw.rt lf,.i. fL.win m inton l.i .ill . ft ? - ' I r...--. -.1.11 ,"J - r l v line V.OUTI uy mui jury, anu inc vuuii ennii Tlib'Falc of ppiritnous liquors by any person Shave confirmed the nanic the title to th land or persons to soldier. Railor, or marine?, iu!w allotted nd et apart to the wife s-hall W dccmod.to have vetcd in her by virtus of her THREE H0NTHSI-CH0ICE VINES, PIANTSt &c, FREE -TO SUBSCRIBERS!" .. - The Rural America iiy published at - Utiea N. Y., on tlie 1st, and loth of each month, will commence a new jvolnmn (XI). January If V 1HG7.' i No other rural painr in this conn- j " iiit vii t in.: i. - . .a ;; Letters from our large corj.x of Foreign and Domes-jtrv equals it in jn-acvlal 1 vaiUC, to 1 armevs, tic Correnjiou lents; tfpet-Ul and Associmed Press (ardener', - Fruit Growers, Stock Breeders, ielegrapnUijiaiches; aenreful and TOuiplfttvtium-l mary ot toreign and UonM-stic Newr, Exclnive It-ports f the Prcei dings df the Fa'-mera' Clab . of thn American Institute; T-dka abont Fruity and other Horticultural and --; Agricultural I nfonn.it ion; ; Stoca, Finamrial, Cathie, Dry Oood-t and (eurai Mark. ttepo:t, w hichare ptthli'shed ui the DAILY TttlDUXE. THE SEMf-WESKU' TltinCXK also HvcS, in the course or the year, TURES or FOUR of the , . . .. .. . .' , BZST AD LATEST P0PULAS K0VELS, hy living auMiora'. Thec5tof thesealone, If hough iu book form, would be fom six to' eight dollars. Ifpurchai.el in tha ENGLISH M 0AZNKS, from which they are carefully selected, the ct- woul- e tht ee or fou f tinn-a that sum. Xnnriiert else eau much cn'rivnt'lH.tfIliice.nd pertna'uent UWrn r mtirer Me nail al so rlo-an a rale a in - THE LJUII, .1-1. ...... - ' ,111.1 cr..UIVht.lvL,t TlUUU-r;. Those whohHiev h, principles and approve of the character offllE TRI BUNE can increase its power and intinence bv jdining with their tieijlibors in torminy club3 to the service of the Unitml Stite. is.h ere by pro hibited; and any person ro offending, pncur ing for, or. giving away to, any oldicr, ai!6r, or marine,, any spirituous liquor, will l e brought to trial befire a military tribunal, and shall be fined ina um not exceeding one hun- 4 . . i .1 f rs. urea dollars nor jcm man uity Huiiar, or im- marnaa. Sec. 4. fit it fartlur a firt.J, That jhc pro cecdincH fchall be in a summary manner, and the Conrt at the first term hear and de termine . tho ame aa to them aliall aecui jut and rizht. JVeti'ttrd. That the husband and In my judgment rccvnt event dcioonlra!o beyoud dontt that there are two great nations now 1'vcniinrj np to dispute the fntnro bistorv . of the world, and they are Irn5sa and Amen rt. France will ditilrtU l e alwava bravn Mihscribe, for Tub .SrmMTkekly Edition. iu im It wHi mi imi way oe supplied to them at the lowest price vfor.wbi. b such a pajict can te printed 5 - aWriberi,-1 copy I year, 101 mim tiers 5400 ' " ? eonies : --710 Uil. - - i"' rci p it aw . iiii ,iiiiiniin mr i copic 5:50 wjii receive MB extra ov ft.r n.....i. persons reruitiing fw , 15 copies $45, win receive '.v.'..-, extra copy one year. ' " ' 'the kew.yosk daily tbtbttke is published every mornin? and ereiiing (Suiidava excepted) at W per yer, for six moniha. J - Terms, cash in advance. . " ffU New York, or Past OfTTe onlcra wv,. We to theorder of TUB TRIDUNK, being Bafei?; , prcfVrabV to any otlter ,!,. 01 remittance a-illii!35 ' ' " TIIE TRIBUNE, New Vork Iee Keepers, It is A tiiioual in ita char acter, bchig as vrdualh; in j Maine, Iowa, Mary land, &e., ai? in the Sfatc vt Xew York. , Jt is a spleudidtfr pagc .?w io publication, hearrtifuHy illustrated, larger than any other paper of its class, on d goffered at only Osjs Uullar-asd FirTY Cents a Yr.An", !jTnd cv ery snbRcriber receives free una fost patdha ia actually worth from Uueto Two- Dollars iu .omox)f the choicest Grape sines, s, Strawberry and Raspberry Flanta, ICarly G.xxlrirck Pota toes (the best ever grovn)md splendid Steel I'late Engraving?! . tj i . Club Agexxs WantedI .r, .. i he IVcmiums sent to Clob Agents are tru ly magnificent, and worth three times as much as any tdher publisher offers.. Besides all the OJajve atticlcs. thev receive "nwjcnlendi firhl Pens and all. the high priced Magpziness,! aud the Xef York Veekly Newspapers year-., to commence at any.JiuicJL ..j Club Agent 1 are wanted in evcrytown, in every State in the union. All you have to do, is to send for sample copies, Show: Bills'and Blank f?ubsc'rip lion Lists, which are seatcr, and yort can proceed to get up your clubs. " 1 Tns Paver Fkee: Turks Months! - hvery Kobseriber for 1S67. whoTemits SI.. 50 singly, or in a club, before' Dec. 15th. 1SCG. will receive the paper' Free Iroui the tuue his. injury-.s receiveu, to ti:e cud ot the present Imuortant Order of General : V j Sickles. ; 7.; Military Posts in North, Carolina 1 Ve publish hcrewithrfor general informa tion sach portions of jGcheral order, No. 12, dated Head4nartcrs 2d Jli'itary District; Char lestonV' C, April 20. )l$&7, " as . affect this State,' '" - , , K , - -j. . .. : -;-Ye invite-the ctlention of or.r . friends and readers to tliis order, especially. I. thosej-who hftve addrevscd us private letters - respecling prisoned for a period not ex eve-din:; twol wife shall have had ten days notice "previous to mouths. .Any person giving information of! the sctlln-' of Mtd Conti, and be served with the appointment of llegistcrs. Jt will be gecn that Major, p. Urban jcomniaods the Post, Not the violation of thi order, shall, npoti couvic- tion of the person accused, be entitled to' re ccivc one-fourth of the fine imposed and collec ted. . -- ! i ' 1-.-; . : ' " Pa)S Commanders will require ShcrifCj, De puty Sheriff, Constables ami the Police force within tneir command to report to them any violation of military order ,and arrest "the guilty -parties. ' " ' . " Post Commander will exerciso a supervis ion over all Magistates, Sheriffi, Deputy Sher iffs Constables and Police within their com maudsj and will, whenever neceaary. far the preservation of order . and r.tho ,cniciont dU-eharge-of their duties, .assunie : cpmmand of the Police force. A. D. C.and a. aV. A. iJeuerab year; If received by October 1st, ,t;ie paper; Cb8J'V. free three mo.itkL a:id,iiuvrom;ttion forlbury, N. C 1, and his "Ucavrqnarters is at . Mojganton . at j iy comniand of ' which Dointhe-:an be; addressed: -- . Major CxsEa.lL D. E. SjcJkle. . HEADQUjkRTBlis 2ND MILITARY DIS-l J- W. CLOUS, Ccl.38 Infantry, : v: TRICTI V : ; 1 t Charleston, S. S., April 20,1867. ; General OitPEit, ) - I - I.Tlic Military Sub. Districts of North Car olina ami South Carolina are hereby discon tinued. 'l v ; i; Il.: The territory enibraecc within this com mand is divided' into Post, as follows: "i N011TII CAROLINA. . : ' 1. .llio Military Po.t of Morganton, to cm brace the Connticsof Burle, McDowell, Ruth erford: Pol 1c, Yance-Vf-MiUhell, Madison, Cun- cotnbvi IJctjderscm, Trarby Iraoia, T II jy ti-pod. Jackson, Aiacou, i.Uiy anuLhcpkec; . to be commanded by Brevet-Major G. urban, Cp- . i. ... .. tarn otti uavairy, Headquarters at Aiorganton ton1, N. C, fiarrison, Company I, 6th Carslry. 2. The Military Ptr?t of Salisbury, to" em brace the Counties of, AVautanga, Cahlwcll, Alexander.j WilkegAsh, Alkghany, Surry, Yadkin,. Iredell, Pa vie ami Rn van: to Le com manded bviBreyet-Coloncl J. IV . Ldie Ltl will go free three months, and.iikiiro'iottiou for ja late remittance! i. ' " . Over ei 00,000 woith cf 1 Gratuities, have been sent to mr subscriber?, .within , the last Infantry., SI Infantry, Ileadqnarters at Sali: Garrison, Company AJ 8th U. S. 'Tw :i -J T a. . a. ' laMB. . 1 " a a.- - ' . ; 1 uuiiea ataie3 iiistrict Court : fhW'Tc--.. iKwr veara,.and l.iwie- have on hand St!ft-(.Oil.'L,nco:a, Aipston, jjccKieDuar?, i. nioa, A ' r i . '-.Caroliaa..: ; . worth, which t am rcadv to send (at Ihe rron-irot Srauley, and Ansou ; to be comma n ' . ' 'm'Z&TS'Z Liuotaakr; i;iVfc, er. time) to. all who aubscrihA forthp TJnfal A. Crevd-Major U.M. I.azclle, CapC Stli :Jea WinW:2faiiaL rli n ni-rt' Ch"rimriPa. which U admitted univerwdlv to beJJ, Headquatters at Charlotte, NI C. G me 6et. bnt TtMESOF HOLDIXO THE tYmnta Tk. 11.1 c . . . uunea oiates uistrict Courts are held -gdenton, t wctrbern, ' e Vilaiington, '. rr; :,: ' i - , - 3d Monday in April and OcU.'oer. 4th v ' " " " t after. also the cheapest paper i not onlv of the kiml "ut the ooun'trr. Ad.lresT. . MINER, Clixtox, Oxeida Co., N. Ar.t m editorial office, being thete, neat Ptica. - - l ' 3. The Military Post cf Charlotte, to em brace the' Counties' ; of . Cleaveland, Catawba, uauir- Idl by In fan- am- afV ar.A.aa m ' J sm, Company 11, Mli infantry. 4. The Military' Pot of Greensboro, to em brace the Counties of Stoke?, Forsythe, Dav idson, Randolph, Guilford,-Rockingham, Cav well anA .Alamance : .to be cormnandeu - br Iniportnnt toDistUlcr. We have been showr. by Vasistant Assessor, Thos. Gibb, a circular. Tho following, from the Salem Qbttrur ha reference to the sjr.ic: I ..- " '. '. -' : A spccul circular, announcing the adoption of a mrire Sox the use of distiller, has been is sued from the office of internal ; revenue. It gives notice that tlie Secretary of the Trcaso ry bas adopted arid prescribed for ue in du. tUleries a metre, and that regulation for the introduction of die aarnc will .be.. isauetl in a few days; ' Each collector mnst notify erery distiller who applies tu make payrrfent vt the special tax for the year ending may 1st, -'C5, Hut he will not be allowed to continue, in ope ration after the fifteenth day of May, unless he shall, before that time, have made application ior a metre, ana accompanies uis application with adequate security for the payment of the ueccssary fipense, whiek will probably -vary. according to th size ot the distillery, Iroin uc hundred to enc thousand Uohara. We venture to ?iy there will be bnt few distilleries continued "in this State. Thie that do co on. having procure! a iiietre will fin 1 it impossible to avoid ono cent of the Ie gitimatc tax fox the metro u tell too tree a tale. The pric of liquor w;Il be fr beyond the reach of ordicary purse. acopr of the prtitiyn See.1 5. J. V fnriler ena:ltlf That on the coming in of the report -by. tlx . jury, ami it conSmiition by. thc Court, the plaintiff may hare an order Ibrjale of tips redence of the land including the Tcvernon, after the .cter m inn tion of the life estate.. - . I See. 0. Le il f-rlher eacltJt ,That all la w and c'.au;es .of Luva coming in con2u:t with ih nrovisions of thia'act be', and the Mind are hereby rcj-ealed. " j See. 7. Tie it f$trtfirr rAelti Thst the pr iions of liii act thU .be iu fotceand tike affect feJtn and after iu ratificaliotu. , Jtatiliud March. 2d: 1G7.. . . . , . LraiiiinS.Iuida.. . v . :; A corrcspornlent write: 44 1 tiiJi acricul- taral writers in recommending a. certain coutsc. would Mate the tutvuuatt rcnlt exjiccted; thcrcfrofn ;'thcn "if one'ennnet cany tut the plan, he may vary or Vcn" larent different methods of accomplifhiag the, came Tesnlt---Lay down gntralprncijUt and wc can judge whether thcr are applicable to cwrsoil and enr cron as well as to ttHrt. i nave noiiccu, tin want particularly in nnscicson umicruraming;. Our garden la?t Vummcr sa;rgeted an idea on thi inbject, tha ediTextncM oi which. I would lika to ace vouched for by ora one who kr.owr. Tlie String wa rery wet-p!ants formcl their roots uear the surface, anU when tne nry, not weather came, were not prepared o lraw and potent. And will probably crntrol a largei portion of Sonthwetent Kuropct an I Grtat Ciitain will maintain for a long time if eM influence but lWsna i- to be the gTat Lur oreari Power ct the ctcre. ' - . - ; To know that there are wtno asult, Vesrt and tninds.here arnl tliere. who titut n, An whom we trust : iraf who knowr u. and whom fwi know ; aome on tvhom we can alwaj rely. and who will rely on make a jraui oi thispreat world. The only really solid thing iii this tmivcre ia lr-ve. TliH make our lifo really life. Th'w makes na Immortal while wo arelierc. Tlii make U aare that death ba no end, but only a beginning to, as in 1 to a!l t live. .Certain unchartised rebels are indcl?irg itf the harpy delusion of a -l't ditch." m heanl a great deal abont thia fabled ipot dur Inc the rebellion, from Jeff. Davi and . others. Thi time, however, explorer trr Mi?f Sharker; South Carolina Terry, .and Georgia . Jenkin. Tliee gentlemen and these who are fxlih eaooh to follow them will poatrr finxl the object f their aim in Thad Jeua gt. vens'a eonGjcaticn I ill. H otS. Oron. Oh! boasted American liberty, whlticr Lai thou fled? Salulmry Bonner. . The Southern rrt of American liberty wa shot off frcm the cannon aimed stFort Sum ter, in April, 15C1." The whole of it ha net ret ln.TecoTered- AVe are finding it slow- ly, and will hate it all again after a while ' "While crossing a field where lae-Wd was being played at Meridan, on Satnrday,! John Logan, twelve years old, wa Mruck i tLe head and killed. rrioisture frcm the ;c!ayer reacroir below. Docs not aaderdrainfr.-by drying tho aurtacc, coax tlie rooU to atnke dcrpcr utoil lor tbcmselvesl end thereby be puma independent of aTitO surface drooth. ." " ' -REMAaks.--The 'supfositlon that plants which find safrtcient'rno'rttnre at th antface will not s?nd down their rootsin tearcLofa opplya donUltfM eurrecU -.To enable rjts ta penetrate the uloil, anl to draw , thence mnixtnre a well as nutrimcataad two of the nioat irnpoitar.t adva'nUe ol nnderJramin ; but the latter Ly" bating and lowering the earth, also enable the atmmpherc to circulatf . . . a freely .therein, irtd to;iep'it mouiure npou, the colder surfaces of soil ; and it is. fyr this reason' principally that plant "growing In nn derd rained land never suffer frouidrvuth. A the above writer. srcwdJj ?ngget the fact that thuv rwnetratA; dect-er rnto the ender- drained oil. and Inn obtam mohtnre from the anbjoil, affords a additional argament in favor of drainage If erfftny J-antur, SciciDr is Wilkes CorTT--Mr. Alfre4 Foster, a. highly rcpccUble and tucfol eitiretj of Wilke countr, we are informed, committed suicide by hanging hhnsclf to a Lean in hia Urn. last week. No caue can I rorije etcred for the rah acL. The deceased wa setersi years a member of the Legislature. He leave a large tamuy. " Two ynnng girl were carried off by Cam snche Indian frnn the Ticiaity of FicdrtirA Lnr Texas, aneral months c- Ore a tuurdcted on the read the mber, after suffer- -t t . . ' . rmrff, llv' - rV lcase.1 on payment of a ranscra. - " . Begisters in Bankruptcy " Tl.n tSmniins aTrJitici have been re eeivctl by the United State vosndvall cf th ?npren Conrt lor me fomB ttjjwi- u bankrartcy. There are less than two btmdred and fiftv appointments, and it minirei. the la bor cf a corpa ofcletka to file and end one thi rapeTf. . i :--Jt . .,1, 5' -.! -f I