lhfLUiERS couicuu:i! N m m H i j. ."0 'r NO. 12; i L ;2 f $ ; yMM-' V i V i HE N DEBSOft V JLLE, N?&-. JU LY 31, 1867. T H E FI'Oin E C R , k, ; T 5 xr 31 The nsTimiO!Et wilt be published mtlV. f at the following fates r - ., - r, ; neeopr 12 moTith, (fifty nnrober?) . . ; $2 00 Single Cic8,-., ,i;iSi:i4' 1T ; Strictly in adxaruytf? ISESDERS03T COUNTY. . Superior Cojirtof Law, Mi Tcri, A. D. Miller, Taylor CoV ? I xi. V J-Orldcal Attacbmcnt. Bttrtt.Mlg1iloWer..y : j . RATES OF. APVERTISlNQ, Advertisements will be inserted for $1 per square Yf 8 line, a nil SO ents forach sutoequent iuser- V)P For Announcing a aniUdU for- a Coriirty ofHce, ; "T. . 2 53t)0 For anftnuncinc ' candidate for ! . r State office, V . .. . -. . . . " . 5 00 "JpU work done itb nentuets an4 disiiateli . X phort notice; atfvrices Currcsnondlnff wfilJ the . tSST' The c.nh must Invariably accompany all r- xti'rn, vllhor lor subscriptions or alrertisiiig. Jul work to be pil for onj deUvery; .1867 TT IS ORDERElX'br the Conrt In the above case. JL that publication be made in Ui Henderson Pio neer for mx sueceesfve weeks, etvinr notice that the defendant, Enrre! Ilightowcr, appear atbe next term of thU Court to be be!i Jor the 'County of Hc'Ddrr0n. at the Court House, in Henderson rille, on the 3d .Monday after the fill Mi.wl.iy in Sj.jember next, then and ! there to replevy, plead t nwer or denjtrr, or judgment will bo taken agahisi hnn,pro-coplf8ao. i M f v , WiVkess, fiUWaldrp, Clerk of TJtrtirt, at Office tue S i Mondny after the 4tb niday-jn April, A. D- 1 : T, issued June12, 18G7. - 'y All persons ofderfng held ruMponsible for the same. advertisements arv Prr fe $9. I Jjine I-.- 1 19 Gt STATE OF WOBTH CAEOMNA. HENDERSON COUSTY. May Term, A. Q.t 1867 W; W: ROLtirJG, ' ; u. . s.; Claim ag.'t., r ! MARSHALL, 27. C. : v T TAKE this method ito- inform tfie public that I 1 have located tn MARSHAL!', XJ .ajid will at tend to the prosecuting! of all h gil claims against hc Govurnmtut for. f ' r ' , IJack Pay, Bounties Pensions, &c., kc. Any pi;ron having riaim hi my, lisiid, will call oy mc in iTot'i or address ine by. Irttt-r. AH Ict tT pronl5r nsWeniby returu maif and full par-Jh-wlArs'givcH-. j' XVl chilinattts are notified as soon as their claims (are Allowed or n-jreted ions are mle. W..W, UOLLIKS 4' ft -. . J 'Superior Court of Lav A Ml Miller, Taylor & Co. -- - m IIcnrfK. Xane. IT TS ORDERED by the Con rt in the aborc cart", that publication be made in the Henderson 7V meer Tor x' suecesMTc wet k, giving, notice that the defendant, Henry E, Lane, appear, at the next term of tl Court, to b held for the County" ol Hendersonrot he Cnrt IIoiiw In'irendiTSOiiTnie, on the Third Monday after the Fourth Monday in Svptrmber next, then and there to replevy, pK-a l, answer or deniur.to said suit, or judgaicnt wil be taken against hi.apro-cf nfi-sso. WiTKF.w, S-Wa'.drop Clerk of fM C4.yt, at 0pce the 3dMunday after the 4th Monday iu April, A. D.. 1867. i j . June 12, 18C7. ' . S-WALPKOP, Cterk. Prt's l'et.9 ... !. 2 G - Ct Xo fet-a unless Collee April 10 S. V. PiCICEWS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR In the Town o! Hendersonvillc. STATE OT JIORTH CAROLINA. HENDERSON COliTV. . . -! . M " , Superior gmtrt of Jaw, May TormA- ., 18G7 A. F, Xo. 41.11 V if." Miller, Taylor &-Coi ! V t t t ' J; i J-OirjjiiKil Attaclinrcnt. jolin D. Cant. - J IT? IS ORDERED bythe Court io the alw.ve case, that iitiblicMion'be. made in the Henderson Pio neer fir sij snccesfcive jwecCs, giving notice' that the delendifnt John D Corn, app-ar"nt the nrxt term of this Court,. to beheld for the County of Henderson. i at the Court House in Hendi rsonvilre, nn the 3d General CheUlss 4Spcccb.- 1 . . A itc 6ia d trie 'fcrllimi C the t' .nd - on the Citadel green on the4d) of July, tha 'prb cession ihored to the Residence tSf the "Com manding General" on Charlotte street ' and In response to loud and -repeated calls . Crum ' the assembled maltitude, General BIcJklcs appear ed and addressed thera a follows: " " Mr Friends: I am happy to receive yoar demonstrations of "regard, i gratify iog io observe yonr hearty appreciation of this annt veraary. For rou the declaration: of Indepen dence had a pccnliar significance.'- To the na tion it brought Kberty: bat toyoa iUrcitored maplicKxl.-' It i trne enough, M-oar race lias atfaited -almost a-hunilred- veara f3r the" fulfil uicpi m mc picrige maue to civiiizaupn uyiue immortal aotlt&rs of the Declaration of Inde pendence. Jefferson a'nd his colleague had more faith in humanity than their immediate successors. The statesmen ofther epoch of the revolution desired to-fdrmla permanent xmion of estates, to establish instieej t Insure domes tic tranquility, and secure the blewngTof lib erty to all the children of the Republic. To day the, musical bells of. St. . Michaels eelc- ttacumentdbrate in fit tin 2 chime our progress io the woik, beUQ a 'century ajo bv the fathers' of the Republic. To day, the naj: which floats unchallenged I h roughen t the Carolina, is the symbol qf justiccand -liberty to alL (lod cheers.) . ; -4 ' Your, old, ma3efs a:vl you lcg;n.. to kno each other better It is with .yuu and fliem as with'North and South, iietter cViuairiiance promote koou nnacrdianuinc xv.very uaj more kir.djy feeli tigs are expressed maKil you astrcemen. as tree laborers, ani as tens. Errors and illusions afo passing In 1805-CO, I fas ailmonisUcd not to permit von to celebrate yOHr holidays in multitudes, 'with nocesMons and banner!, and maic, and marshals, and bonnrcs, and firearms, ami ore works. Because it was. said you 'Qold Tise lii insurrection. A?,n'it whom ? lor what? I demanded. Not againsb the au thority of the Uniled States ; for that authori ty has madeHhcm fieC. Nor against their for-V mer masters ; Tor as slaves thejjitd not rebel. Not against me ; fdr.l am here to proteVt flieni from injustice.',No: I as tyld the . colored people would hove laud, and they would sejxe itiandMrivc awaj the lawful owners of the soil. Timcs'have chanred,: inodrrection is on iVr'aitrtlldda BoT freedom, neither cruelty or wrong, vas or want; time or separation, have anymore changed the elements of your orien tal character, than the climate of toe temper ate rone has altered the native hoe ot your African-, complexion. To-day, the colored race of the South are the same confiding, faith- iui, ana coak?uieu peopte inai vrouia ralner beirfbah rt3tst, that wotild rather trust ami wait, than to hasten and compel. Your pa tience and faith have been rewarded. Still bavi patience, never wvcr in the faith that the same eiaciooa Providence that haa borne yoo harmless and in triumph out of bonds ire. .-it : : It:. 1-- 1 ' .1 ; wui, m uuje, icau you 10 tne promiseu land orrcgeoeratioo. (Loud cheers ) .Political events are near tt hand in which. for the fint tme, too will exercise the high prrvitege of American citizen. You inuit try-to discriminate well and choose wisely be tween the xrL od the bad examples yta see. RcraembcvlUiriis in all ..thins, au.eveiilcmpfand a respectful demeanor to-- ward? our auvcrsancs detract nothing from the ardor of bur convictions, nor from the ten acity with which we press our purposes ; equa - 1 . - . . - uinmy ana courtesy always a triDute to tne soccesa of oar undertaking. Doyot remernher Abrahsm l-itrcoln? (Cric of Yes,' " Yes?) Will jon ever for- get bi ta r (bond in aeenring the triumph of. that party, and the triumph of a lyal and free nationil tJoien. Of that be aaanred. Brotncr Scatttet, b t i'mionut. . Rrpeat and d yoar rt work rrer. -Loyalty is the chief of the first fruits of repen tance, feritig it and lay it upotl the alter of ronr conntry. "This w the strr (we- wauld . A CUrtUnff Disci; Hayabju JdW 19, tia Nrr CnixrLJ- ly 17.-NVhea A Ver Crex, SiSU jltmi held two interview with General : Tabo&!i and Peres Gomez, of a aomcwhal coa&deatial . character. ' - ; - It is poshircly ajserted by persona who nw anJ read the document, that at 00 of the. i trrieki Santa Anu informed the IaaneTtal aulboritie that he retaraed to Mexico wllK quote not irreverently) which was set at nanghUp -Currenc of the United Slitca, ifi'4 hi by you bnildera, which is become the ead ofjexVibited a written document covering three ilw r.wwtr Kther is there aalratiotfin ant foolscap Paces, aignsd by President Jokmsoa - other, for the nation' Int! people thereof, Come out boldly, and maintain Ihb Republican party and Congress. IoTeatitaUon of BebelCrneltly to TJn- Ion Prisoners. -The following circular will explain itself: Room of ike Commitit on U Drtttment cf rruoutrs of War uA Union Citusit ' Wasthsotox, D."C Jnly 17, 18C7. Inj)ursnancc of a serie of resolutions pas sed by-the Houae of JepresenU!iv July 10, 1807, the underaigwed were appointed a com. mlUee to intetitfate the Hreament of rriao- ehouts.'of No" " No," ners of war ami union citizens nem oj uie No, never-never. , You must not ccasa to Confederate autiiAnttee aanogio. reueiuo. -til 1 ' a 0 . A T1 in fWlSU!Afl Al lmftOltlDt llVlOr- ilil s. 1 wae a a-'v'-- - - w matioa udoo eitlier of theae snbjeeH are earn e5tly requested to atldrtsa Ibe comxsillee rlirecteU below, staling. - - First. The name, age, and pot fEe d cherish and heed the leaghings of that genial natuce, thosij simple mcthoils, the. noble heart, and the sniff less example of rour giKed and lamented champion. Lei ha. a"1f remember and beiTeco t!id last ward.4 f bi last addreu . .' Itn tt.a wnfvt m l..va.rvn9 a.rvwl n. w.U n rl d TOM of the WliteT. lA.r wbhnf h. .lmot Mer life wm a aarrifice. Second. A full statement of alTficU known v f Tn. . wiu wM h. fl.n mrtu'to the writer touching Iris own mpiisoamenl tlc'cords offaemory. stretching from every or treaimn and Uisi 01 etneeiincr somier battl.o-EeM; tod every patrbt grave, fo cvcryJorcitisenf ginag,as far as rceaible, iame, living: heart 4nd hearthstope,' touched again asjp'aces, ana eaic. wua nw !.. 11 cn.Itu k hio inmit rf; officers in ehsree. nnmtlnr.: ihil m-1I II, a ihnrrt ,A l)ni . 1OrrCTIWIHlfllU liwm w """"J r-. ...w.v, Of-... v.. ..... - .... - t, ITn'.n t1rAMKrt t1. ,n, " fl.riat - ArulVSniS. iewieiaev. UC lew a re. Mar, lam 1. i c r,la,,c i . I irtriinav ortn uaroana, renin larouos, , 1... a ... . im. -i 11. f : vt:-.: , , lOCOigia, V loriua, ;viiuim, jmn ' ' iKitmi. Arkiwu. Texas, and the btates and . From Ws :Acir Bern ReuhUean. Territories lving weet eHhe Rocky' Mountains, . ' a a w w- mm f a - a me m Contrrosi-iSoutherii Loyalists aadiwut please auarcssjonn x . u-ou, v Thrf Raleigh Sentinel. paaningw,.. - ly remembered as a nightmare - Whenever colored matuwanis laifa, it "is seen tfiat he . V . ' a 11. t.: -L 1 JU . j v Monday afn-r the4th loiiday in Sptember next.J i,Uyfl t fJODj anv one trilling to sell; or hires ' i I - Hien and there to rnlevy, pIoad, answer or demnr, 1 j if h'e can findenv one willin" tO-lctit to -7ILI, jiraitice In tint 8th Ju.Hcinljpitvut.- V.r judgment will be, taken ag.rinst him. pro coafesso. a.nd PhM a ' ' VV Prompt attenti--nj will ib-giv all business Witness, S. WiTldrop. Cleik-f-f sid Court. atOf- V; j ,ffr Th-.t entruited m him, hopi,, by industry and ht.-griy ficc tl8(1 MomiRy aft.r tlm 4th sltmdav.in Hcre w of?er a suggestion. .There are o merit natronae.. J . T Anrii A. t867i isiA June 12. 1807. many plantations in these States not cultiva- lW'VVK:i& HEN'DERSO!Ty.LE, N -C.-a . J 'S.t-WALDROP, CKrk, ted at all, or only Jialf cultivated. Ai the ow- lay 18th. 180. 1-tf. -pf'sfeftO. Julie 19 l 2 6. . 0t or ho eAn'neither nlant nor afford to keep would . Tlie great manger back Corresnondenta from Mirsonri. Iowa,' Kao the political !aa. Nebraska. Nevada, and the Territoric ill sua res vi Iv. Ctmcapondent from Illinois, I ndianaYU Lronwn. and Minnesota will addreaa Afcner C r . . . Ilsrdinir: M. C. Mjnmouth. Ilk 'r?.irrinnnrlenta from the New EneUnd States will ajdresa" Aaron JrVStcirena, M. iXJ ' and r Th 40 - THE HOTEL j heretofore kiiown :s .the. Planter's Hotel, ' Two , -half-acre Ljt. ' off n-d for sale, Hotel cotitnios 11 l.-je w ell vt'iitirhited lomin. t- whid'i Is attached TWO IEAT OFFICES. On tha nremies are a CM'k.-Hoaet a fir?t-r:te well o water, coinmodiou Staftles. Cribs, and.othcr Necessan itbnildins, : The majority of tho iuirovements are nearly as U od as new, havin'' Acen .completed since the com nteite'emcnt of the late tehetlion. 1 ' For further particulars, enquire of the Eilitor of this paper. ' . I , . - - ALSO A" Tr;u t of Wood Land, containing about K5 Acr nitu ite about three imh Kist of HendcrsonvUh This Trai t of Lnd Ul bo sold foi cash. May Ioj ISoG. j . , ' m " M A S.p N I C . TMSO AH Lodkre.Xo 100. F. A. M., hold their rep- jlr nlar meetings in Uedersonville. on he FIRST "V EDS EriDA Y in each month at 7 o'clock ,.p. m. notice, and please jittend By order of the-' Lodge. ... s. WALDROP, scy. Tlendersonville C. Nov. 1 1, I860. 27 STATE OIIIOllTn-CAIlOMHA. MADISON, COUNTY. Court f Pleat and Quarter Sc. s:ois, M'y. 18G7 -'-- their lands idl, f PleiU and Tenn Martin Rash, i'. Ati Win. Lunfi T IS "ORDERED by divide their useless Scuthenr'-itog in over his.cnimbV comfort tlron-'east of the Rocky Mountains w . ii. . ,.m t o. t : lurnrte 1 1 nam-a. rue, ji. u,ou " Whatever csy. be aid of the nintli section of' the "Supplcrncutary Act, that hss just. pass ed both Ilortics of Congros, there is this cnmilr oixoutort in it: It corrrs tknn ,with t he aamtf bUsKet mat it sLtraas over ircanvi v tt v I - a . eao ii itea . a 1 w a lj a 1 . alt me nativtf wnite citizens 01 tne oiaic. The cannot fill tho oflice for which their gree dy souls arc hankering. They are left as.ef- nd Secretary Sewsrd. and Learing their oXS eial seals, to the following effect: That if to Anna wuold return to Mexico and esf ahlilE dm!! a's Pltrident and Dictator, the Uaked State wotild rrcogTilia tha a the coustitn- iionai ncaa 01 in uorrroot&s ismvaa Bias with loans to the amount 'of 1200,000 pet month and whaUrer arms and munitions 01 rsr be might recjn!re,-is addltlow ta grantia him permissioe to rattuit troop is th Usiled Sutes. . My inforpatiouiia answer to tae inqmirj iedier tha amid doenmenta mi?ht be if Cirrtfw declared ernphaUcaUy of tftir It!t!bdg.taai tt was gen ma e. Taey lurtner ttjertw as their belief that the prod action of this icibonty tT Santa Anna fad acedia sction of Ceeunaader Roe, of the Tsjctmey. SAICTA ASJIA KXrOKTSO 9V(S. New OniKaws. Jnlr 18. Ths rtUiifctf -Lucia aiuITIerotoe confirm lh llpofi of Hha death of Santa Anna. General favor has about 700 si a and Ci- oales about AO mea'pt Tampico, aad recruit ing is ttiH going otr. Cor. llcia. CAsWc Alfew Oedga to Prrront tTca Ilea fro pi VeUsg. We are In receipt letter from NortH CaroHna whfcls state that an organised UTort will be made by the rtbela to prevent III pet sons from voting who bare failed to ply. Id their Uses by Ibf day prescrioea 07 om cimiv Isws. The writers ask Jbe. intervention of Coogresa. V sUt tn reply that the . rtcos Brnction act will fix the quaUfieaticw ef votart, and that State regulations in .the svoHreecnJi . rtrarted Stste ljav nothing to d wilji f hii elections. The pre tended cut taiaoriucs can neither adnut nor reject Toter The rt4ratioa rolls will be tho gnide, and if tue a will see to ttthatall therotm arere istered ander the lawa of Coogrtsa, tUir.T04e caanot be excluded for noa-payBnt cf "taxes, of br reeWef any oilier ecetended disahility under State uwa. achmcn arida into small forfns of twfn?T prrfu , f"r!l -ifcctn xWp 'fiSi 1 ri. IMS I T I be made in the Piower, a newspaper published the Court that publication iu the Town of llendersonville. Nj C . for six suc- eessive wrt ks, commanding the defendant, .Willium Lnnsford, to appear at the next term of this Court hi Id for the County of Mttdison, at the Lonrt House inMarshaU on the 4th Monday s.fler the 4lh Monday ir. July n'Xtt and ph d answer or demur, or judg ment will le tkn pro confeseo. i Witsks, E. J. Tweed 4JIerk of ti corneal Onirein Marshall, the 41 h Mondai alter the 4th Mondav in April, A. D., 18CT. Issued Jdne 27, 18?. ' I - M J E. J. TWEED, Clerk. PLf'ife. 59. Jiilv 10 I "2-C 6t and Bell them at fair tiricca to honcat, indnv trious and thrifty laborers, the cty of 4 confis cation ' would soon be lost 111 the glee ol busy Isiljor the noise of landless agitators would . . I jbe nusiica iu mc rco?5c 01 n wuwhu-u, "uri. Levied pnI4uil.;iasmtry. (Cheers.) . hen Lwa sent to tne Carolina-, m autumn of 18C5, 1 was t(ld that tluj freed people ould never work for wages that they could" not Jjc made to underftamd what it was to work for wqges. Now, I hear a differ ent complaint that the freed people would not . work without wages. (Loud cheers and laughter.) T was told, also.- that it wonld never do .to admit .colored people to. the courts of justice to assert their rights by suirs-at law ; or to - give testimony in controversies between man. 'and man : for it was said voiKcoold not comprc- oath, STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA. . . HENDERSON COUNTY. - Mcmbcrs -will take due prompt'i serior Court of Luc X STATE Of. NORTH CAROLINA MITCIIKLL COUNTY. ..' Superior 'Court of lair, Spring lrm, I8C1. ' ; '-;VfvJ ... Mat Ttrm, A D., TSV, hend the mcauina and obligation of on or the forms of iudicial rfoccetlings. .Noav I hear that'unle&s a colored man has ,a lawyer. and a lawsuit, he docs not consider himself a f respectable cuizru. iauguicr.; I was told, aW that it would be useless to llish ychools for the instruction of the man in tho fatc. whom they bespatter wi their filth a "traitor What a very political Siting Uog : "lhui u effectually cits off so called Southern loyalists who-cannot take that oath, (the oath of officv) as it does otlcr pcrsous." Will the Smtmel tell his readers and supporters Southern Dcm-1 ocratis (woull be,) Worthitr. anti-Repnblr-can Whigs, opiwncnts of erantinj political power to be exercised by auy but the Anglo- Saxon raceopponents of reconstruction on any terms except snch as might perpetuate thcro-in power and the offices for which 'heir greedy souls are (ever) hankeripg whether iu the Union or out of it who these Southern loyalists are ? He knows them. Arc they traitors? o.' Dolhey write or pcak any- lliingin a spirit or tone of disaffection againM IsL iscato the regiHraticn. Let. aU b riXttrA ar nufled OrTesnondeota from OHk,-Michigan. Ken-1 i. When the time for Tot!r arrivesi tucky, and Tennessee will addreaa V Imam BTrfy Wistrred man C .poll.. Mnngen, U. U., 5indleyt Itmeoca county, jTi Le h elc.iaioa n--4r .LUU .UW4 w Communicationsaddicsfccd to -the several mcniVcrs of the committee will be free of foa tago. It is the intention of the committee to col lect all facta necessary to make a thoroughV ofiicial history of tlUa aoltject. The various newspsprr throaghool the cnntrr are requested te give thia cirrtilar a gratuitous insertion, toother with sach notieel 1 1 iasMhcy may deem proper. JOHN P. a SHANKS, WILLIAM A. PILE, AUNERC. HARD1NO, AARON F. STEVENS, WILLIAM MUNGEK. K;,n.if ahc national uovcmmcni : o. es tab! Original Attachmeut. blacks, it was insisted. they were not capable of learning their heads were too thjck, tlieir brains toomall. (Loud laughter.) Now I hear that so manv free schools for colored 'children arc filled with colored pupils, Urght ..l.r. nHt lorm f . hv -r.lrrwl ttfAeheri that 'public opinion "i u llie Indian atiairs were resumea sno 111 ljbill finally pasaciL It provides for a commls . sion to obtain pesce if poaaible, otherwise for- portancc of providing for the ioor whites I Nay, more; in mnA invf.lvn thm lfAilt tliflf lOOCC- 'e- - J e- 11 "j ij: r ah:-. their J - J menf add will and conscience against cd. fil'i f e S9. June 19 3-6 A lit! ill .IinL-ftn 1 r..- iiiliiion.ior iwmtr. John Jack-on, ) . "FT ATPEARlSG to he aatisfartlon f he 'Court, that the Defendant, Joh Jackar-n, is - a nqn.-reMdent .f the Statl-, and n alias Sdbpocna having been returned ; I , t Itis therefore ordered by the Court that the "4erk of this Court c;,use publication t be made for six'isnco'aaive weeks in the Pitnctr, notifying t he defendant to appear before the Judge of ur Su Davis, on the 6th Monday after the 4tU Monaay in 'iVptember next, then and th'tr .to pled. answer, or demur to p'etit'oners I complaint, or judgment pro confessor will be lad against .him, ami the oiirt will act according to law. t Witness,J. W. BowmU, Clerk of raid Court, at Ohice tho Gth Monday aftosthw 4th Monday in. - ; . April, 18G7,and in tSlie 91st year of our Inde pendence ; issued the 12ib of June, 1867. V J; W. BOWMAN, Clerk. P'rt'a f e 9. . June 19 26 61 Ripley, rs. Win- P;ttn. J -. I IT IS ORDERED by'Jic Court in the iv ove case, thf nuhlication be made in the Henderson PV- neer for six successive week, giving. not ke hat the; i(niant. xwm. I'aiion. aoneaT uie v't thi Court, to he held for the Uouny of Ib nd. ron. , arouscd to the iui 1 1. crt iiimi tit Tlftidersonrilie. on' tlte od, j .cUn mvir Monday after the 4ih Monday m fceptember -st. n ..i..thc school houses fdr the ciJorrd all tliat they could do, into their present directing the Secretary of the Treasury -y .roart.nr dt-mur Io I hi Mill. T luusiuvm . .... i . . taken against him, pro confesso'. . ' VlTK:a. 5. Wahlrop, Ulei X ol S:.i-ltoin, v'w the 3d Mondav after the 4th Monday in April, A TV tr isniMl the 12th dav of June, I8G7. - ' - ) P. WALDUOP, Clerk. From Wsshln (ten V - WAsnisOToy, July 18 r. M. Fx.xAtE. A: ioint trsolniton was introdu ced, extending-the steam mail service to Chi na. Do .they openly or secretly denounce Con-J ' The ecmniittce th foreign relstions directed tires, "RadicaliO or their government because! enquiry as to how man Mexican soldiers ,cy are d.sfranch.,cd, or because they arc, .. iotr(xaceJ m retuIation Und leftascffeTtualljrout.inthccold as any onein? Me,iclllg. Referred for consideraUon. named man in the State, who did what he, q-i,. Indian affairs were resumed snd the could to precipitate the State in the late civil Mr. Tiiomas V. Coswat, who. has just eoroplelcd an extensive toox through the South , engaged in the work of establishing tha ,Uo ion Leagues io that section, haa just made bis ' report to Ho'n.-J. M. Edmunds. The report will be read to the Executive Committee of the Union Republican Congreaaiooal Commit lee thimorwniT. It contains the gratifjio: hhtelligcnco that two thousand Uaioo Leagues I . ? . L f have been csiabiisneti ana are now id wovamg order throobout the Sooth, with an eatimated mcmbersliK) of two hundred thousand, all or whom are loyal voters Mr. Conwsy will retain to the Sealb with ont delay, ni will devote most of bis time 1? the fcHate of Loubaoa, Texas, and Mississippi. Tha UsiosTLesgue appeals to be adapted to the wanta of the loyal men of the South,, and, judging from ka past experience, w may hope for greater results m the toinre. freroonstnince.ptotcsts-r)er8uasion, entreaty HorawMr. SchoncM offered a resolution tt Tace-ncctl the protection of my bayonets : and I am aSsnred'it cohered penjicoouia not learn, society woul.l not hate their teacher, nor fear their schools, and mobs would not attack and destroy their school houses. (5cnsatiou.) I ten told also, that it would be absurd to nake citizens of freed peoplct becauso they An Important Proposition. would never know: anything about politics ; i , t f . 1 that they would be led to the ballot box -like lion. G. W. Julian, chairman of the Com- , without caring -whether they mittee on Public Lands has I hear a. ; : Kin n t r ri nas i h in u u inncT ' 1 ITS IMIl IJBIIL. I 1 1 1 1 . n IIILII - " - i . UIVMV J to unfortunate dilemma ? No. withhold the payment of $3,000,000 for cotton a A t tn. Srtn. nrn lfttalUt a raMedklaims. awarded by the court of claim. He ..w ... .j , ill. ' j i. .U- isaia tnai tne ctairos co-u uc raanDcu vj n nrorer commrtiee next seuo. iwi ut r r - - . . because before the war they opposed war ! that the colored people divide their spare time ! i . 11. 1 . .Iin .n.l nnliliM aDOUl equally ueincwi ic"niv i are atom the M a iem. I.p Tt rtr.ividea for the continuance ot the! , .v-t thev are Almost as particular about f t . . , . - -tonr: ...- - . Homestead Law ot .June zt, ",u I" y thc-politicisin they tmT as they ar tiibits 'the disposition of any of the public j preacn4.r ti,- choose to pVsy for tl t ,1a nee and lauffhtcr. - Heie, my fricnVU, is the lesson I wish to. jinrirf: HTon VOI1T miou. l 1U u or for the nn-con class STATfi OF NOMH CAROUNA. ' CHEROKEE COUNTY. Superior daurtof L, Spring Term, A. D., 1867. Jackson, Miller & Verdery, V ). - ' r . - - . . f lands in the late rebel States, except to ,i ionic ateadrctu;jl settlers, and extends its provis ions to all lands forfeited to the United States fiw non-rjavment of taxes, struction of railroads. ! The "latter io .Ua will anionnt to some five .r.-- - " , - IN. u..w..0-. - - . of acres. The bill also provmes ior iue " i who look with distrust and fear upon your aa th lluitcd States ot supported the Union ; hucause during the war tlrcy yieMcd to and obeyed "the powers tha' be," but, "for the sals vf the rJjett, viz.: the ttalnracnt"crthciT no'mol", rightful and Con stitutional plsce initio Lnion," stooa ever", ready to embrace the opportunity, sfforded by I spproprution if correct. The resolution pass ed. , Mr. Robinson asked leave to introduce a preamble and resolution to remove th tax on raw cotton Allison and Benjamin objec ted. ' Resolutions sympathising witb Csda v the surrender: again bvthe receot lecUlation were nassd. of the Republican party in Congress, of reach- Mr. Dinrham sent to the del k' desk and in "home, at no remote dar. had fcad the following telegram, received by All oati Isrtrs5CX- A gtotleraes, lec'i turifigin the neighborhood of Loodo, said Everybody has influence ; even that littlS ebild, pointing to a little girl ia her fetter's" arm. "That 's true T cried the msa. I At the close, be said to th lecturer, "I bea youx jardon, air f but I couia not neip ,speax tng. I was a dranksrd but, as I did not Hke to go to the publie-BOoae alone, I tfted w Sf ry the child. As 1 apprcecbed lit pobHe houe one night, bearing a ret noise tnid( she said Don't co. fatheT.'" ui Hold ytmr tooroe,. chnd." Mnise, fstheY, isn't ge. -lipid your trngue I say." Presently-1 felt a birf tesr falling on my cheek. L eovid doc go a itep farther, pit I torned round, aid went home ; and have never been in a public-boose since. Thsak God Tor it I 1 am tsow a Err7 msar nV; smd, this little girl has done it . all acd, when fou said that even ' ah Kad USo- enee, I eojia no neip saying, - ibui itbw, sir.". 1 J Tire Sentinel knows them. But the Srnti nel msdc the mistake snd so has. milled supjorttrs thst the country should be lU or himself bvtlsy , frenn Gen. Sickle: "Thsnks for your handsome reply te Mr Eld ridge. You may relieve bis anxiety with 'that your Tace is' capable of progress mlthn mn will have the nnht to share in - ----- - - n IiVm Mnanlintr inlurmatioo that tor enuinare . ..r-m. ....V1 Ia rontt rnt Ail Ctt I A.lr-r I a rr A', vl.iv. I . . t . jr. 3. c w 'i".c,u. , .v-v, j tus not coat mm or ajiy qi. nis lncno mjlji;. " ,;i v; I, VkMl Tk ogre; .n,i:.,cad,cnW.t,tb.t ,1k th, W-Mll;aPg!M i --ii- .r ,v. w-l.:.j a r-. . I 4 : : Pu. be! yon fire doHsr,'' said MaeaHy you cat repeat th Lot d's Prayer, new, .if( yon try. . xnc!"aaidKoikxh, "done!" sad, - turning a deeent gravity tor th tnocnect, sum. , . . I. I! t I u,iHi?ns I that belongs to civilisation. And to. U rs. S. Coleman, tho public lnn-.L ie. me-sav to them that education hn State of Texas, and extenas tne.. then and to all. 1 too re than I SlllO V v ' - . ' 1 1 Homestead principle of those isnas also. iKIc Kill Wnme a law it 5 will faisei .. j -. : fti-ite:. sumect to. it ; ncJ to tell mc thai Jsmaies. iinrvicrn(T but one-nan . oi , nmro anvthinc ttm mm ma iicnu,u: . iei ino oHt couiinue w nn to yon, as to then and to all, i more than powerit is security! is wealth; it ii refine ment ; it is virtae ; it is pea'ce. (Cheer.) it n to tell me thai Jsmaies, and l,!o1 rf th nolitieal rorx to poiiucai uogs anouia oeiica, ana incrrwiin vc kept from "but in the cold. Mistaken politi cal p!aycr t 'lag-rar peopla did otc!ap hint.' The government muat, indeed, be Ma rope ,1 i. rpilE DEFENDANTin thw case, will take aotlee . JL that a petition has been filed ia this Office, to make a record of a judgment; recovered against him, in favor of the plaintiffs, ami entered, on rec rd at the Spring Term for Cherokee Co'untj, A. D, 1861, on an Original AtUchment; and that the record of said judgment was destroyed by fire dur ing the late civil-war ; and that unless he appear at the next term ofaaid Cdurtjtolie held on the 2d Monday in September, A. p., 1867, and hw cause to the contrary, Uie said judgment will oe reeoraea on the Minutes according to the declaration made 'in this petition. --v'-. j " . . ' ; ;-;' , T ithxss, J. C. Axleyl Clerk of said Court, at- Of fice the 2d Monday ia'April, A. D., 1867, and in the'91st year of our Independence- J. V, AXLEY, Clerk. Prt'a fe $9. )' , Juno 19 26 6t " . -v: vl l.n tit th" ?rnh. fhe I . T . present era; and sapposmg u. 5 --. r. mVxl T' r.X iVi. ihewfrface to be arable, it wouui i1Ns,n lur-t-"" ,"',.,u1"r vv' itatoo . . v a . ar . . . -.a. i . U.-toal of wcrhlv acres Caen jo me uuu -omal naminwiraiion lliesd United State, dred thoubd famlliesVnd l.lomcsteads ot Spanish America, Algeria and the ?.:ltrt one million families. With 'lined illustrations cthe hi.teneal .1 fHvi'TM to one million such a statute -thore need be nf landless pco- ,Xample. th CZmrlt KeimbiiC jjj v a as Bssw av ----- x le races I A Good ThIq riion rBSTics ICUiBiV tz . . As well migt l bKi"ul lhat I of Mcxfc aniraraguay, andN Granda, are unlit ! lei B.The first tbeir political systems ito, who se: na.tu o w thet ew patrons Fa power, whence they ought to be bur hich all the biz' of my colleagues of the Thud Army Corps-' Mr. Logsn exuerea a preamble and rcaoio lions, which were pasted lacking tk general rumor that armed "expedition are being -or gs rrirvd in this co a a try agxrost BepobUe of Mexico, at variance with the wishes aad feei- r'ing of all good ciu'xena ef the United State, i - - - t t - snd contrary to toe tousn4 puxme policy, snd rcarteetfnllr rej nesting th PtsskUat to tary otv 2 numerous issue a proclamation warning all mill' 'cer of the U. H. against such tmlawfal or? ah led iadefinirely like as of old, the courteous host thst i rations being formed, ann! advising all par- "Tags evury seateace with some fawning word unfit! far civilization, beeanse I . . . f i ...,; are In' constant ferment "- wuy w.u u recouiiruc tett, with the sympathy, aid and oos who depart from the United States in! v ' j:.: .1. -. .1 - :ii r r . tutu capwiuona, um iut aiu twrivik m nghts to protection under the laws of the L v- ry etn! a 1 oe I bsT It : . "Now I trVtsadown UsIst, , I pray th Lord say tool to keep ; II I should die before I wake, ' . I prsy th Lord cy scml to tsia- . "Ther! I told yow I ecmld. " , "'Well, I pre trp, beat,' saod riacarty, par. tng otct the nxmey ; "I wtmlda't bar thocjtt yon could do iL S A pair of them, to be far : "Car neither of - them knew h, i rill succeed (Enthusiaimi ) because you ceeded from Adam rxt inercu - Tt mar be the destiny of your race to carry ar they rajscniei upu- w.-: tK4iiback to the unknown tributaries ot tne uejTUdiealsof th South" airt who ar J w r mm sniMi f b-m vr a aw-. " -w t - . - a . a a . mm a m. i honest and willing hearts of the Soathern loyslists. These who constitute the mueh-despiaed too of ten besmattered with the filth of big-dop; "trai tors. A subaiitute offered Tor th Senate bill guaranteeing equal right is the District, stri king out the word KVit wbertrcM. occurred in'the Charter ordinances of laws, passed f alter whica th boose SdjoarnexL "CaDitsl weathenMr Jones, canif al weatk Hl . - r i- ii- I - xuc -c.parx oi me nepuDucans er My wife s cot socb a erdd she caaU bruredthn for gold. It seems tUt ni-rartr of America, and they will bare a prtreak. I lib sock weather ' t Ay Irish ram asks a L6egIslaad women tne price of a pair of fowls, and Is told, '- - " A dottar. - j - -Aadt dollar b if, tajdarlint? Way, & my conntry yjoq' might buy them for sixpence mm ilmrM " lv- i And why didn't yon stay ra thai -blessed cbesp country V j ' Och, faith, and there was no sfrsestce tlortj ' to be- tut 7 f equekh the old Boy