gfo SdbfatH IRsstcgter JHtEJC HUTTT, - - Edit, THURSDAY, MARCH a. 1876. Congress ii considering, and will probably pass, a bill grant ing pensions to soldiers of the Mexican, Florida and Black Hawk wars. A Philadelphia dispatch says a number of Episcopal reform clergymen, of that place have agreed to recommend to the standing committee7 the aboli tion of theIenfen season. Speaker Kerr a heahh has improved, and he has again re sumed his place in the chair of the House. On the 23d, the House pass ed the Banning bill, reducing the army to 20, 000. In the Senate, Morton pre sented a petition from 15,000 women and 14,000 voters on temperance, praying among other things, the requirements of total abstinence from alco holic liquors from civil and mil itary officers. Babcock has been acquitted. In his charge to the jury, Judge Dillon said that the "govern ment owes a duty to its citi zens, as well as to the revenue, and it lays in the province of the jury to acquit, as well as convict," for which suggestion, no doubt, Bab. was truly thank, ful. The following telegram gives an account of the closiug scenes: St. Louis, Feb. 24. A. t the opening of the court this after noon a motion for a new trial on the McKee case was taken up and argument begun at 25 1 minutes past 3. The iury in the Babcock case bent word that they had found a verdict and they were immediately ushered into court. On taking their seats, the foreman hand ed the verdict to the clerk ho read it as foliows: "We the jury find the defendant not guilty." Some demonstration in favor of the defendant wa made, but it was quickly sup pressed. There was a general hand-shaking, however, and Gen. Babcock crossed over to the jury and most heartily and era. We extract from the N. feelingly shook the hand ofv. Sun's account of a recpnt each juryman and thanked him kindly for the verdict. The General, and his friends then left the court and started for the hotel. On reaching the fetreet, the party was heartily cheered by a great crowd con gregated in front of the Custom House and almost very body seemed well pleased at the re sult. The National Democratic Committee have selected St. Louis as the place, and the 27th of June, next, as the time for holding the National Con vention. Each State is entitled to ft representation equal to double the number of Seua tors and Representatives in Congress. Co-operation is desired from all persons who would change aa administration that has suf fered the public credit to be come and remain inferior to Other and less favored nations; has permitted commerce to be taken away by foreign powers; has stifled trade by uujust .un equal and pernicious legisla tion; has imposed unusual tax ation and rendered it most i&zrdonsome; has changed I'.CS prosperity to wide . f-rtad suffering and want; has ' uttdered the public moueys . irckleitlj and defiantly, and psaelessl? used the power Vz thtjuld have been swift to pth crime to protect it. For these and other! poisons, the National Democratic party deem the public danger immi nent, ana earnestly desirous of securing to our country the blessing of an economical, pure and free government, cordially invite the co-operation of. their fellow-citieens in the effort to attain this object. The Committee of Arrange ments for the Methodist Cen tennial, which will be held in Raleigh, have published their programme. lne celebration will com mence on the 21st of March and continue nix days. On the evening of the first day, Bishop McTyeire, will deliver an ad dress upon "Methodism and its Founders." Bishops Marvin, Doggette, and other prominent divines will also deliver ad dresses upon subjects pertain ing to the church and its va ried interests. Our minister, Rev. Mr. Robey, we notice, is appointed to take a part in the discussion of the subjects, "The pioueer Methodist Minis ters and Laymen of N. C, their Struggles and Triumphs" and "The Educational Interests of Methodism in North Caroli' na." The occasion bids fair to be one which will be a source of much pleasure and profit to those who attend, and one which will do much towards advancing the general iuterests of the church in this State. The Committee at the conclu sion of their report, say: "Let there be a grand rally at Raleigh, and let all of our min isters aud people pray for a "tidal wave" of salvation to ,8weep over the whole State." A Mr. Rolfe, of England, a descendant of the Rolfe who married Pocahontas, has in formed the secretary of the commonwealth of Virginia that he haa forwarded as a present to the state a copy of an origi nal portrait of the Indian prin cess in his possession. It will be placed in the state library. Moody and Sankey continue to attract thousands of hear- meeting in that city: Last night several hundred persons in excess of the seven thousand for whom seats had been provided, assembled in the large hall. They were furnished with camp stools, and stood up in front of the audience, and after all the room in the body of the body of the hall and galleries had been filled they took seats in the space reserved for the reporters, and were not easily or soon removed. The platform was crowded. Many who had tickets. supDosine their seats wre to be reserved iot ihetn, and not having read the word?, "if presented suf ficiently early," did not arrive until a quarter of an hour be fore the meeting was opened, and were turned away. Some went into the other hall, where an overflow meeting was or ganized by the Rev. Dr. John Hall. Mr. Sankey sang the thirty ninth hymn, "I love to tell the story," the conerenation joiuing in the chorus, and altera prayer all sang the 'wentv-seventh hymn. Then Mr. Moody real from the gospel of St Luke the account of the blind man whose sight was restored, and Mr Sankey sang a hymn based upon the same passage, "Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." As soon as he bad finished he went into the overflow meeting in the adjoiuieg hall. Mr. Moody spoke from the nineteenth! chapter uf thef gos pel of St. Luke. No man, he said, neod hope to enter into the kingdom of God without making restitution to any one he had wronged. About fifty arose in their places, and Mr. Moodj prayed for them, after which twice as many entered the inquiry room. The congregatson sang the eighty-seventh hymn, and up ward of five thousand remained for the prayer meeting. The overflow meeting : was attended by fully fnor thou sand persons. The Landmark says the Bank of Statesville has been looked into since Mr. Simon -tons death and declared ''sound as a dollar." It will hereafter be conducted under the man agement of Mrs. S., who is sole legatee and executrix of her husbands estate. Tlie Wilmingtou Journal gets some information from Mr. Cannady, one of the commis sioners, recently returned from the head of the road. He says the contract for the completion of the Swananoa tunnel has been perfected with Mr. James W. Wilson.and the tunuel will be completed by the first of next January. This tunnel is near the top ef t'ne gap and is one hundred and twenty feet below the sup face at its lowest point of de pression. It will be nineteen hundred feet long, and between six and kseven hundred feet are already completed. This is by far the most formidible obstacle to overcome. The construc tion of the rest of the road is a comparatively easy matter. The trains are now running to Malone's Store, at the foot of the mountain and three miles beyond Old Fort. RaL News. Senator Sharon, of Nevada, was banqueted at the Palace Hotel, in San Francisco, ' re cently. More than half the guests were millionaires, and ! the remainder were in no im- mediate danger of poverty. I The bills of fare were engraved on solid silver dug from the Comstock lode, and were re tained by theguests as souven- 1 irs of the occasion. Gov. Hayes is the favorite Presidential candidate among the Republican members of the Ohio Legislature. A corres pondent of the Cincinnati Ga zette sounded (58 of the 85 members recently and found 61 for Hayes, 3 for Blaine, 1 for Bristow, and two undecided. Several were for j.orton for second choice. PouQHKEEP8iE, Feb. 24. The sleeper on the Harlem railroad was burned. Bisell the pro prietor of the Sherman House. Chicago, and his son were burned to death. There were ten aboard. Bissell had es caped but went back to save his sol aged 17. None others were burnttd but more or less injured in other ways. General Beauregard writes "only immigration can give back to the white people of the south a proper and safe control of its public affairs, and enable it to restore agriculture aud commerce to their normal coi dilion." The trial of O. W. Swepaon has been postponed and re moved from Alamance county at th instance of the prosecu tion, an action which would 8eeui to signify a weaker case against the accused than hai been popularly imagined. He ig now in custody, a trud bill hiving been fouyd against him. Trial in Orange county, thii Spring. Southern Horns. j Ames of MitfiUiippi will be impeached. 5 1 X -(Communicated.) 1 ; f THE CHESTER ft LENOliVNAR ROW GAUGE. , Mb Ewtob 1 I . did not expeotto alienee your -star" man on toe tub Jot ot the Railroad, Ofooune ht In tends to tell tit corn, and potatoes, tod applet, and egga and tiblckeae, and butter t and of ooum bj iotetide to Mil them at tho hirheet nrioe ho can got 1 and tf bo can Ox any way to ' get more bo la going to do to. 1 ax-! peot Dim to advocate everything that will raise tbo prloe of produoe, and "pack and Jam" tbo pookets of tbo jmrm, of "Caldwell county" with greeobaoke. This bo will do without regard to tbo remaining population, and without regard to too damage I done to other oouutiea and other oom- ' munltlea. Tho "farmers," tho pro ducers inn t bo taken care of. Yea, these Caldwell .farmer must have a I Railroad to create for them a market at borne wbere they may realize ! double for their produce what tbey can get now for It twenty, fifty or a hundred miles away. Aud all tbla mus' bo doue foi your "etar" man and the otr produoers of Caldwell oouo ty, even lh ugli It causes the .ly-la borer t have to work two daya for a bushel of com instead of oue, the hon est wagoner to give up his team and wagon forwent of employment, aud the generoua men-hacita. who have in ; vested so mucn at Hickory aud icard ' in order to furnish our people with a reliable market, to oloee their doom. j and sacrifice their property. Nor is . this all Even at prtsmi prices real es tate is K high tl at iiuuditdnaud thou sand out )o 1 are not able to tiuy lant or even t rwtit it And yet your "sUr ' man would create her at La iMilrxuoh a market lor produce as would liOuKle, and even triple the price of land, ty doubling the price of the products ot that laud. j But there Is otill another grave con slderation which no doubt has eiiter d the mind of the star mail, but he does not want to talk about that ucw. It does not suit his purpose He would rather keep that a ecret to him -! self for certain reasons. But he shall face it It la this .' Finish the railroad to Lenoir, aud where we have oue merchant xud tradesman now, we I will sve five. For every one lhou sand dollars worth of goods Id ur sums now, we, will have ten thou I sand. This will create suh coinpetl - 1 ion in trade as will he utterly ruin ous to the prospects of our present tlirittv dealer. Jlut this would be ex actly into the bauds of the star ruau and all his Caldwell iarru-rs who have corn, potatoes, cabbage, butler, epgt?, etc , to sell, and irou, aa t. sugar, cali co, eo.. to buy Why did not the star man bring out this point 7 Why did he not show how much his farmers would gain by t e oompetlikon created m all that they would have to buy T Because he did not waut to wake up the mer chant and tradesmen. But they are awake already. They have seen a thing 01 two lately, an I they are cool ing dowu on the railroad question. They have seen the aivauiaga of a distant market and bad roads The j town did once generoue'y "and mag naulmously st p forward lu favor of me road uuder the idea that the pros, perity and wealth ot the Country the farmers would redound in '1 reefy to iiie Of nelil ol lne town. But thev are beginning to cut their eye-teeth. They re beginning to see another side to Hie question, In spite of your eiar luaii s cunning. But the preemption ofthe star man is a fflimt subiiiii.- Ue actually sup poses tbat so small a star. can cast light on Ibis whole subject, aud he ban at ped Out aud gone to shining right alongside of the Pioneer Library waii ai tneudat-ity of a genuine lightnit g-bufr. o wouor that he cannot see anv thin out ' farmers" and the "farmers : ( f did well county" at that Let him p ckucl. ar night and shine again, aud let him cornea little closer tot town and see if he canuoi discover! somebot'y elite in the world besides the "farmers of Caldwell county." Pbocon P. S This country farmer h ''crop" on the brain so badly 'hat be 1 na transformed our name luto "no omp '' Douiie your stars and put on your "ap,ca," .iud tukf rent ai It, and maybe ye can sie something bride "crops," p. Washington, Feb. 20 n Indian ' war, the dm e nl"iis of which are sn tirnly a rnntirr peculation, aems to be mar at hand. Keports cme from th, wliii much reiteration that Mining Bull orthe North Is hehav:iK In a very unhandsome manner and some suggestions ire made tlist the I miu ng-camp In the Black HI Is Is to be attacked bv his warriors- Bitting Bull of the North' la not the Indian of 1 lie same Hum- to whom President ' Grnt last ummer mad a present of a rifle The letter Is a peaceable In dian, who is very proud o! the weapon he cftiile and immenaely fond ol b w g it and ezplalnluir mat It is the KiU "l th Or-at Father. Hitting Bull i.l th- Nor li is a young and hos tile Chief, ami his cilused the white inliabiinnti within a few huudrt-d miles of him considerable nneasluess. AN Elopement-A negro man named henry Alll-on, IMng about four mllt-s above Olit Fort, ran awav with Mies Maggl , daughter of Mr. PhMp Douovaut, a respectatils white rtisen of I hat section, laat Thursday night Gleet indignation la felt to wards this nt-gro fir thus iieooylng, from her father's bouse this besu'lful gin ol sixteen They werebeard from when Just this side of Asbevills and It la thought they were wending tbeir wet to 8 C or fust Tenn The negro weight about 196 pounds, is very bla-k,lea abo-maker, fiddler, thief, rascal sn-i lesves a wife to "thank my firs'' that b- Is gone During slavery he wsiowoed Mi Andrew Allison, who than lived two tulles from KUtee ville, Iredetl ooualy.PUdoumi Prm Bolomon Fisher, a negro lu Ports mouth, Stole a bibie from the ehurch fiuti It aod aa beeo sent to tbe peol entlar for two jeafa. The committee of the advi sory council sustains Plymouth church all the way through. Cluolnnstl baa baa! a t&), OOJ tu. v Ths Governor V- Ma'oo hi signed the bill abolishing capital punishment. - Dlptherla and scarlet fsvef are ra- glng to an alarming oiteot la Mforo Pay ii-'' ' Tho Indiana Repabltoaa State Oba. volition tavom Morton for tbo Preol dsntlal candidate. J.T. W. Davla, for a Bomber of years clerk of Btokee county, suicided at Norfolk the other day. The Wisconsin Htate Convention condemns the third term, and Indirect ly endorsee Blaine. Dvsr. oaabier of tbo Farmsr'a and radar's Bonk of St. Loula la abort 80,000 In his account. Dyer fled. A bouse wss burned at Lamars. Iowa, with 0 woman and three chil dren. Tbo husband la a raving maol ao. SPECIAL JTJ8T RECEIVED a lot of 8RKING CALICOES. THE FIRST OF THE BE BON, VERY HANDSOME and STYLISH IC7A large lot of Fall and Winter Good at uuusually low prices. M V MOORKdrBRO. For Kent, A desirable residence In Lenoir, containing six rooms with all neresnary outbuild lugs. Five scimi att ched. For p r tibulars -pply to J M 8PAINHOUR JN OTICE. The subscribers, having, n the 25th day of December 1875 taken leiters testament ty scoonllng to law on the estate of George P0W1H, deed., her". by give general notice to all creditor of said estate, to present th Ir claims duly authenticated, within the tlmr limited by law fo that pur pone, oth erwise this no:loe wM be plead In bar of recovery Debtor to the ssld rstate will also please make payment Immediately. J B. POWELL, J.T POWELL, February 15 1870. Exs ulors. New Adipriiscuifi ts. 4 I ) A PAT l I.' nil. A-M lid i' tjPiO in.tfi i.i triaw tree. Hil l 4 CO A Farm of your Own, Is The Best Remedy for Hard Times. FRBK HOMESTFADS, and the Best and cheapest railroad land are tin th line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAr, IN UBUKA SECURE A HOME NOW Full in formation sent f res -to all parta of the world, Adlr s J F. DAV.t. Lsnd Uomni'Mlouer, U. P. R. II, Omaha Neb Mind reading, P.yebonanney, KitlUH(.B. S.illl I. Jim i.. 1 1, IT Unm ra and MariiNge Guide, allowing liot aud aU'eoiloo uf any pert 'D iliy cbotm in at antly 400 n.g By m 160 cm. Hun A Ci-, 139 S 7ih St. PUn. Aeyi A week gu U 7 71 ond B JUSS": A week gusranteed to agentn iifinah- in their owt 'IVrtus and ou'li ildresa P O. VICK ERY UO., Anguata, MhIiis. $5 tO $20 Per day at home. Sara pies worth 1 tree. Btinbon A Co., Portaud, . Fits and Kpilopsy, POSITIVELY CURED. The worst cases of the longest staudrng by usinir DR, HBB iARD'H CURE. It has cured Thousands, and will give H OOD for a ca It will m benefit. A imtile-sent free to all ail drying J. E DIBBi EK, Chemist Office lSSG.B.oadray, N. , Ten jo1 1 sg Meir. Geo. P gowni) k. Co eUbliiirid tlinr adrertidDg t -ncy in Nw Yurk City, fire yean igu they abotb' d the butiuru eoaduoted by Mr John H.op r, who mi tbe fl'it to go Into thu kind of ei.wprite Now they hsTr the ntlaNctl 'ii ol ciotrolllnj fh mntt i tensiTe sNerii'io? coi rtioa vn;oh h erer been tecured, snd ess which would be hrd'y ti M Id ny other coustry bat thu. The hive mo Srdad in working dou o a eompUi banisest Into to tboroagbly s syiteiDttie method I hat so chant la the nrwapiper ra'em of America ess espe police, wbll ib wldstt iuiurmstlsa up all ouloelntrntlog to sdvsf-ilaers in plcd rewddf st tht1lp"Ml nf the wnhbe. NEV1 YORK TIMESyJune 14,75 Garden Seeds, Flower Seeds, Lnwn G.ass Seeds In greet variety, from tbe eelsbrated esisWIshmsnt of flrlgfs 4 Bro., Ro Chester, N. Y , now In at-ro and for aale by " U T. MOORE A BKO. Fob. IT. Drugs ! Drugs ! AS I Intend to rSB-ms tks trstttee it iswdfcliis, 1 wsst a farUer Is er Pircbsterof ayDre8tere. Oeeo Issa tloa aa4 gied boslasss. ' I waat also a good ridlsg serve, V. W, tAlTVIX. Ijeslr, Ne, M, f 171 AwsHid Ulghetv Me Kl nt Tienna. W Broadway, lev York. . (0pp yetrspelltaa Hottl.) " ateA(orera3aiporUraa4 dsaWl In Btereoacopeg and Viewa, Albums,Qrapboecopoo, tad Hultable Phounphlc Miterlili. We are Bsadf martsrs for svsrythlag la the way of StajtaJ ill Haiis Laitem. fidag MaaufssUrera ef ike at ero-Ssiestifle Laotsra. 8tersormateptieoa, UaifsMityBtssopUssB, Advsraiers Storeoptloss, Artoi ilssa, 8osoei Lantors, Family Lantera, Psopls't Laalsni. Beb styie being tbe bestef its slats la the market. Oata'nf oi uf Lasttras si 4 Slides with dirrotiunt ft r sting isnt aa sppliostloa. Any auteiprls ng nan on nike messy with a Mtjlo Lautsrs rJTCnt ut thii adei rtlsensaUr rebrsss F. VltSENFELD, DssUr la General Merchandise Attn 8 DOME? Lenoir, N. C. $ Hard Times No More. $ SAVE CASH money, why ta) It for i bing tbst mU ti csnta Reee r isTSmonay Th(iisat N. E. Dollar 8ls. siucs 1673 bai told goods to 135.000 people It bow has I6U0OO0 worts of new ueMat, valuub's goods on hand, It bays fcnely of firtt band and from msnnfaetur. era. It saves 9ft to 60 per cent, to its pst roii eerj timt. OUR STOCKSTU Jwlry. Silver and ii'r pUtod Wrra, GU-SWirs, Cutlery. Dry Go.kU, HMiery, Civr, Ornosrioa, Ten; Cotfees siid 100, 000 ar'lol"i In Pauoy oodMalo 4,000 el Ktai SS a d S3 books, and tboataads of nriic ea ami ILL a. fjl Sitoh. SAMPLES T ,b.ow qaIHf ! wnr "Jewelry ws will Mod ty f tb lollowing fN 1 sack with posUgo. Try una artiol. and Wh ihall hva your or. er tor I0" worth. We wi aiil One gold chord nrplaiii, wadding, ooys, moss agate aiasthyit a topes ling, only Si 113; taut' uprb bair chain. $1 13; ladio' ehigxut pvrn chain, 1.15; kolU gold Msaonio or I. O. O. P. pint, gl 08, g ut's clnvter di. mond pin, 1.08; tupsrb ladiei fall sstpiu id eai drop, either 4tild, nsmslsd, eoral bar J-i, spar, poral ins c pearl, unljr iplaodid net leova rmttoai or studs, I Uii; - egut Jetsnd old hracelett, It. 15, tioo oiil pencil, tun head 1.06. rlegat it r cup, finned and golJ, four rie platnd dasterl rpou, 1 111 BUT-BUT-BUT v' eanot --L.T .glve aii.tori0.000 rticl a. Thin puper will not hold our inv neune lint, tnnre ore tend tor osr papje, lie Almiohtt Oolls, circoiars, 4, Wo .an rri'iiiej to yon, make ten dollars go far fl'ieen. We wiu l agents In ererf wn. Apply moo. No risk. No money ivadod. Wear endarsed by 47,000 delight b.i patrons. See 500 lotten printed in our aper Ws send by nail, express railroad rOOO. Satulsction given xryour money remrnrd. No "order ii,i." ,lickeU,, or Miiiriag Remember, we sell everything n ONE CENT 8r1Dd fT1" for all aedd docu- mcun. W need 10,000 ladies as agents. Ws supply al ortt of Dry Oooda, eto. 8md Xi-w. Den't aome otber o will gal in ahead. Send only to H, OBe 4141 ON ft C , N. B. DO I LAR SALE, 33 brooaabeld 3t., Boatos. Ma a, Just Opened, A TIN SHOP IN LENOIR, Where all kind of Tinware Manufactured. 8 W HAMILTON. H. DUE. 'laving finard a copartnership, now bfv to ih- pobho- an assorted lot of Tinware, made oi tbe oeet lie ai'te, at lewstt prttee f r ca.e or a. y kiad of good barter. We propose te do all iladsof wOrk la our llnr TJtt, Copper, Sbsst Jrea, Roeflsg, Glittering, Gunaaiuing, tod Resalrisg Sewiug saehiues. Also will order oook i g and heating (toves . whes desired. Tie lenior partner bavins bad sa sapex nence of above tulrty ysars is this boilaess, i wellqualiflud to klhettiitUte bis work. S 'sclal siteoilea paid to orders and re ueiriug. UAMILTON A OUK. P. 8. Art Idea not on hand wbea arderad ill be. mad aa on aa pstsibie. H. a D. Lenoir, F.b. i7, 1876. B r. LOVI -L. R. I I M O.RB1TXS, E. P, Lovell & fio., ELK X ROADS, N. 6., Keep constantly on hand a GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Pry Koods, Groceries, Drnga, Hardware, qnoeoswaro. Boots, 8boeo, Notions, and all otber reoda nauallw bant hs coantry atoree, wh'oh thsy oCbr to tho public at LOW PRICES. Ooodj prtooa paw tor eat ainaa or ntrooaatabio produoe. ,; To Merchants ; WodeolrotaLball tho attoatloa of noroharits la th s and adjacent coun ties to Ibo bet that wo have- alaya on hsad a LAR OK AOUWT OF Manafaetvred TOSACCa- which wo oObt by tbo box at msnuntotttrero :F;tonLL4 00. Attf 8