... i q J me C. RllTTV,:- - KdUor TIIUR81MY, MAIICH 23. l7fl. Ilcligioui rcvivalH nro ported in all directions. ro Tho latest accounts we have seen from Now Hampshire give U.cny, Republican, candidate ioi viuvernur, i imijoi uj i Ity the latest count the limine stands; Republicans 207, Jfiu-! ocrats 178. Gen Pillow, of Tennenrec, is a bankrupt. I J i a line renidi'i.'e was sold the other day, but al though it was valued at $8,000, it was bought by a gentleman lor and presented to Airs, j I mow. A valuable library was also bought for $11, and re turned to Mrs. P. "Up North'', says the Southern Jfomr, Home braesy yaukee would have stepped Ju and spoiled the whole plan by running the prop erty to a high figure." Gen W. R.Cox, Chairman oi the State Deniocraie Commit tee, has been arrested by a United States Marshall, and ta- ken to Wilmington. IJo was arrested on the trumped-up charge of conspiracy in the Robeson county contested election case. The warrant for his arrest was issued upon the pondenee with the central exe- forWurd the ponies to him at affidavit of R M Normeut ;lltiv0 committee, and where ; Washington, and soon after who, it will U romerabercd! there are no county organiza- thlSi the man got apost trader , , , . . lions, prominent members of Bhip, though not the preciso was one ol the contestants be- fi, ,,,,..,,. in ,wtifu tho pn, 1 V i t ii i e the paity will uotity the com- p08t, he had been applying for. fore our late Constitutional niitt.ee of the fact, and reccom-, iie Judiciary Committee Convention for a seat in that ' mend suitable persons to eon j bave summoned General Kil body from Robeson county. titute such committee. Spatrick to appear before them. The arrest is regarded as a1 Resulvcd- Thilt the bllsis of It is said that he will testify as high-handed outrage, and has Preeentation in the .state con-; followB: H0 received a letter 4l , b, ' vcution, subject to its ratilica- from Butt-arfield offering him evidently been made for party tion, shall be the Merrimon and ; $20,000 to secure him a New purposes. The alleged offence Caldwell vote, and Uiat one del-: York appointment. Mention was committed last year, and egate will be allowed for each jnfi the matter to General Bab the fact that the arrest was 100 democratic votes and an I cock( the latter asked for the postponed until now-mBt at additional one for each fraction ;iett-r and in a few days Kii lu L. Un tuimnt . over oO votes. j patrick was surprised to find the time when the honest peo-; Rc90lved( That the nomina- fhat Butterfield got the aP- r v.. .-. ... enier upon a campaign ior its redemption from Aadical thiev- A a ,.a l- . i I ci v a iu l.uii iiiLUfi . uirn lii.lij J r , r - - the whole transaction is intend ed for intimidation and politi cal effect. W. H. Howerton, Secretary of State has published a card in the Raleigh Sentinel reply ing j, to the recent charges againsthim. Gen. J. C. Gor- man accompanied Mr. H to 1 New York and after examining . ' fe thepnees of the stationery, etc. purchased by Howerton, gives it ai his opinion that "the transaction as an honest one and that the charges are un'. . , j , . . TT founded and imaginary. How- erton haB sued the proprietors of the News, for libel laying his damages at $50,000. He the south by the republican par claims that Col. Walter Clark, ty- one of the stockholders in the! solved That we doubt not xr 1 j i- , , that all good people of whatev- News approached him about er j.tffition, will see the some advertising, and told him ba6e purp08e 0f this unfounded that if he would give it to the , News, he (Clark) would cause that paper to defend him-if not he "would open his battor ies upon him" etc. Per contra, the News claims that Howerton is guilty not only of tKe charge spoken of, W "anmlrir Mh.r r,r but sundry other and previous malfeasance m othce, and says that before it is through 'with Jum, "his own party will be ashamed of him."' The firm from Whom Oowertoi bought the stationery have accepted 4 aa r!M OQf k v, investigating committee. Col datk hai brought suit against Turner and Howerton, and bo th? matter goof, pot Dorian atandioflf and offcra tU follow ing sugo advicof V "Hrotbron, dotr brethren, pcr.uit a vcuorablo christian with gtoon gl&MGyeH, seated on u very high fotico, to suggest that your little handiM!8 were never manufactured to claw eacli other h optical organisms j ill.thlH cxiieerlxiting tvlo. An a ,1(.rn,,i of lhe g0H,,e. 0f pi!acc and goo.i oi tier, we giiiuy urn- der you the use of a battery of 12 pounders and a dozen tin- uih-K.Ma ui iiijiiu-iuiun. DU'" pi'aco or pieces I'ursuiii.t to the call, the ne Kxe.Mitive Democratic (.'oiiimitt'.e mot in Raleiirli oni tj1( 1 5th inst. After a full in- k,rchrillf,( f opinion, Raleigh Alie"M: as the place, and u.e i .u. m u,,,-uu, j n.Tno evidence before tho holding the State Convention. 1 j IIVcstigating Committee be-, The following resolutions ! gjns to look even worse for the ; were then unanimously adopt-; president than was revealed by' ed : j Orville Grant's admissions. In Kesolvod, That this commit-1 a few li0lira a witness of high ' tee in inning the call for the pergonal character will unfold state convention cordially in- to the Judiciary Committee an vile tle hearty co-operation of account of the diapositiou by all, without regard to former thc President of a frontier distinctions or personal on- post-traderwhip. The applicant sirai'.gement, who are opposed for this post informed the Pres to the reckless extravagance, ;tl011t that he had the finest glaring corruptions and dan- gerous usurpations ol the radi- party. Resolved, That the chairman of thc different county organi- stations be requested to put themselves at once in corres- Lions 101 unices euuuiu ue lunue , . 1 A 111 at a regular convention canea, for that purpose, to meet at some central noiul, of which " due and timely notice shall be given. Resolved, That the accusa tion against W. R. Cox. chair-! man of this committee, of con-' Catholic churches, they should spiring to deprive R. N. Nor- not forget the claims of the ment, of Robeson county, of many Protestant denomina his tights as a citizen at the j tions around them, who are election ftr delegates to the1 constitutional convention is, in j our Pillion. utterly groundless, , aud that the lnstlSatl0n of Pro" ceedingsfor his arrest so long I after the alleged offence, and ! 0u the eve of the meeting of this committee, is a wretched j attempt at intimidation, and 1 but an illustration of the vile ! prostitution of law and legal tQ the puq)08e of mJu. ufacturiiig political capital, so ; ircnerally practiced throughout' prosecution, and that its insti-j gators, whoever they may prove to be, will receive their " i . 1 1 P . J - merited reward of condemua-' tion and contempt. Swallowed a Mouse. An t extraordinary occurrence was ! , , u T, aV" held on the bod of tt man m , 80uth London. In a work. room where many young girls ;were at work a mouse sudden- mftde itft appearance on a ta- ; ble-ifusing- of course, consid-; TZ Z&MFZ. ;fieized however, by a young j : u u 1.: ? ent, but the mouse slipped out of his hand, and running up his 'to have a free rldQ to the Cen fileeve, came out between tuYtennial. Waietcoat and ihirt at the neck. Tho unfortunate- man bad hii mouth open, and tho mouw, on tho lookout for some convoni cut place of concealment, en tered the nian'H mouth, and ho, in bis fright and surprise, swal lowed it. That a mouso can oxint for a consideraolo Length of time without much air has jul)K boea a ,)upular bdiof, and Wlu mmiI1t,.,v nrnvtl tn ,n , fl j for t)0 m0UH(J kegan to tcar ftI1( bite inside tho man's throat ttM(i ciejt (U1(J tne refiult WM that the- unlortunato fellow died after a little time in horri ble RKony. Several witnesses corrouonucu me auove iacis, j and medical testimony as to I 1 I 1 J A jrivti a verdict of "accidental death," was returned i iv ieiii'"rav ii i ,vi o pp n ,nljr 0f Imdian ponies that he ia( eV0r seen, and desired to make a present of them to one 0f the President's sons. Tho President promptly telegraphed the post-commander near the nar where tho horses were, to nomtmont The Archbishop of Canter bury, with his usual compre hensiveness, thinks that while his clergy are discussing the propriety of holding fellowship with the Oriental and the Old more in sympathy with Protes- taut principals than those Ori- eutal churches. . In this county a colored child, two years old, walking behind its mother, holding to the skirt of her dress, and the mother carried a bucket of lye in her hands. She turned sud- denly and hitting the child s chinJwith the rinT0f the buck- et spilled some lye in its mouth, causing its death in a abort time. Salem Press. The highest clerical salary paid in New York is said to be that of the Rev. Morgan Dix. of Trinity ( Ihurch who gets $15,000. In England salaries ! are higher. The Archbishop of , Canterbury gets about ,UUU iri-tMX nnH flirt hntvi Klrtnf lr.Kn a year and the humblest Bishop about $10,000. Deans got from $5,000 to $15,000, and Canons about the same. But 8ome 0f tho rural clergy and those m the smaller towns re- ceive salaries which keep them and their familiejj down to a starvation point. Genl. W. R. Cox has been discharged, on motion of the cuti M mU , ,iU lf The old veterans of the Mex- : ican war who live in Texas ar0 CommunKU(l) vr j ' CAni-Ut ro lon IoUhoa qm to wrlU thy nra T)r thou mkrk to tbjTMlf Ilk u lioueit, i)UlnMl)ttlln(r R)nt . . CWtiiK. Hlr, 1 thnk CloU I hv titHa Kjwrell bruMgU up that I uo wrlt ioy um. w all. H liuth oaufvMod. Away wi'li hlui-ltn'i u vlllulii und ft traitor. -idi partnfKit HmT1 riAct 4, 8cm4 8. M01IKUN1ZK1. ' ' Ciiaibmak.IjcI iw alone. Dont thou bcllnva In rallro4a7 il dual tlmii pin thy grldt In on tnd or thy Muck and olioon i thw a amoolli atono from tho brook to bulanOo It withal ? CA.viirATr..-l dotMl ratlruuda. I glury in lniJ rond and a d'jitaut mur hoi. A.t. Thin l our man. a (joiitlomnn and a HOholar. 'I'lrii a tnmi should t opposod to a ritllrnuil tax la not utraiii;, hut that ho bIiouIi! hit oprxml to a rallnmd by It vi f onnidrd, Ii traiiKf lmltd, and Ui hear an InlelllKO'it man-ono who wrltm for lh prniw, loantln(r of tho "advanlaxt'M 'of bad roada und a dla titnt innrkvt Ii thn atratigeitt ol all. It B.iundN like an eohd from aoroai tho ertilurlea. 1 oll'ur a few wordn for thinking me cliKiiicM, moichaiiU, farmer and other working men. bunpoao Caldwell county entirely cat oil from the rent of tho worl I, with JiiKt the men and money we have, could wealth evaruo cumulate in the county? Would uau ey uver k1 more plenty than it Ih ? Truck for bait, r, barter for truck, with each olhr can't brink' wealth to the county aa a whole. 1 once heard of two brother being shut up in a room, that both made fortune swapping knives with ciu-h other, but I never could believe It without straining mysell. 1 could prove, by figures, thut being partially ouf oit would operute to our diHiulvatituge, but llgureH doii't bnlanco ugaiimt the "udraiititge of bad rnmls and a dbtant market " (Jommerce Is the life of any country. HuppoHe the rullrond fliiithod to Le uoir, bringing with it lhe 40 addition al merchant ami the million's worth of goods, more or less; they must have 40 storen to put ihelr goods in Here's a cl.auce for youi mechanics and day luliorers brick to make, timber to get wood and lumber to haul. They want sugar and cofl'ee and c'othing. (joiids you know, will he uway down below zero so low that I suppose a good day's work will buy shots for u whole Tamil. All the present wag oners can get employment hauling goods from the deoi, and wood and hay for the h'g town ; there will be Home ol It to do, when 4'J new stores and oilier population iu pro(ortioii come in. 1 Ue luriuor will want help to raise corn Ht$l 115 aud wheut, ut 2 per bushel. They can allbrd to pay twice as much for lubor as at present, with t' 'advuntagis of bud roads and u distant market," and when they get their money they will want to pull down their cabins and build cottages. Here. h a chance again for yoiir ine cliatjic? and day -laborers. The nier chiiils will gel part of the money for materials, aud the world will move, with $00, 00 thrown into th county every year. The above Is based upon the figures of "Procon't that is his strong "point." "I'rocon" is hard on the farmers, but would have them hu manely tared for. Now li) farmers will take care of themselves dou't fret about that. They will have a road, and when the train steums into Lenoir I suppose ' I'rocon ' will flee to the back mountaius, where, with the ' d vantage of bad roads and a distant market," he will soon grow rich. We want mi ney. To get it we must sell thepro !ucl9 of our farmland Torests. We can't get it otherwise. -liut ''Procon,' sitting on the sunny side oT the court house, minding the flies off his nose, ways "there's 60,000 bushels of corn In the county that cnn'l get a.v::y I have that consola tion,' all the while dreaming that he has cut Ills eje teeth, when, in fact, it's only what the jockeys cull "blind tuskH.' IT he don't have t em ex tracted he will be stone blind every lull moon The way to benefit the county according lo the ' I'rocon' the ory, h to blow up tle bridges and blockade the roads. 1 suppose he will aik the (Jomminsiouers lor an appro priation Tor that nurpose- There are hundreds of square miles of the finest white pine timber in our mountains, which is dying out piece meal The third gemmtion may hot reap the benefit of it. We are too poor to manul'nctiire his timber Intoshln gles, ash, blinds, etc Why? He- cause there is K),000 bushel oT corn In Caldwell tht can't rlrtd ;i market Two shingle mills hav operated in the county, paying good wages in cash today laborers and wagoners 1 the only "honest' men that Procou' mentions. One of these mills hus sus pendedthe other almost so. w hy ? Because of the "advantage of a bad road and a distant market.' Mitchell '(tu blessed of the Lord in .the way of bad roads and dlstcmt markets, could realize thousands from the cherry logs It Is burning in Its clearings,, from its buckwheat, cabbage, potatoes, butter, cheese and beeves, il they could sell to Lenoir at high prices and get goods low. Watauga and Wilkes could do the same. Burke has a road of its own. This covers the "othr counties communities and merchants,' except those of Hickory and icard those men who have sacrificed everything, bankrupted and .killed themselves oot to make moiey off us no, no, my dear frieude, but simply to furnish the beloved people of Caldwell aud Wat auga with a ''reliable market.' What ungrateful wretches we are for want- ing a railroad I Phis sounds exquis itely beautiful to one who has traded at Hiokoty Tavern Hickory and Icard, "The horse leach hath two daughters." There are thousands of acres of good vbeatlaud In tsouth Caldwell selling at $1.00 to $2.0 per acre. That is not floklgb that, hundreds cf our people oould uot rent or buy., Try 60 acres, I'ProcoQ ;V you oau soon pay for It In coru, even at .80 cents per , bushels With land at that price it it strange that any man should, look forward to. the employment of ''day labor" for blmselfand his children for all time to come f that he should deliberate?' and oontentedly take his stand there, never expecting to own ai nice kittle farm en which te live and die. Jf tr: trure Is such a tat A cbaerfully i nut that ne.ilil nsvlt need a rallnf-l of anvthlok else Ltd a generooe pu ritoOAu' Malmto tnejkk for Lsnelr. but bs don t speak tue languart of Athens. 1 was made of that dirt. I am an Athenian, but I don't under stand his languag. I love Lenoir. I know Its merchants and mechanic. They are not afraid of a railroad they are trustworthy as well as "thrifty." Ita U-aohem are gentlemen mid schol ars ; the Pioneer Library Is a success In spite of the awkward, left-handed Ihiwsi of Proooti .'' He's llko a blind adder In monHlna; time, b -etrtkes at everything that moves. 1 bore's evl. deiitly something the matter with his eyes ; he must have active treatment ; those' "blind teeth" must come out, or bo s blind, bllud, blind. THK A LPHAURT OF THE AD MINI81IIATION. Wrl'ten Tor the Instruction of Judgo Taft, Hie latest arrival, whose educa tion Is about to commence: A Is for Avery, safo In his prison. II is for Babcook, who ehould be In hlH'n. i) is for Colfax, Moblllers bead mat). 1) is Delano, who swindled the rod inan. E Is for "lOmam." on Kugland un loaded. F is Fort Hii!, that poor Belknap ei ploded 0 Is for Grant, who is partial to knaves. It Is for Harrington, expert In safes. 1 In for Ingallb' and Mrs. O's watch. J is for Joice, who a "nice thing1' did botch. K la for Ku-klux and bloody-shirt Morton. L was the Landaulet for Williams to sport rii. f it f r Marsh, whos ) rocessis nn i( N Is for No one hut Hrlfdow that's lionet. O is Tor Orville, the gu-between bnv ther. P Is for Plerrrpont, convictions to smother. Q is the QuostionM that no one must ax. It Is the Responses that koep out the fax. B is for Shepherd, his rlngius aud panders. T Is for Tax payers, whose tnonj he HqulindorH U In for Ulysses that stands by these friends. V is the Vill-lnle thnt he defends. W is the Witnesses bunted with i'elice. X the 'Xnmhmtlon which he must silenee. Y is tlio Veil from the nation (hat ring-. Z is the Zeal for a new state of thlnn. Iltilliinore Cjtizttle. llreVliirs. llinbop Uo'uei t Millmuo, of Calcutta, 1 da id. Unii binV, of DaYim orr, n ivn, liai coK lnpned. Kuron tplngrapli wire nr poQrrally blnwuiiwwii by recent itoi tun (iood Ti-nipUriirn li'all ih rog this c on in Kpnincky. Mr. Spurgeou's church mi in ler 4,813 persuni. Tliere ars 1,409 448 lav.- in I?rniil. Ed win Booth cleari-d ?.j2 000 by hii re cent S"lhern tiip-. Upwnrd of iOl.tlCO n w empevinea mot ly oi the rninin varinty, will be pUutod iu Pre too county, (Jul., tins apring. Tims fur tliii BOamm 43. 1? 0 bab's of cotton havn beon h indlcl at VtI(h i.i Tlio en lini buineka of lust tutu m amounted to on ly 82 000 balm. A Cliicago plsvteier nrit from Sun Franciaco t'lHt ho hsnu't ilin a daya work and that great mtny bricklayers and Cur potitd ri Imvo in. tiling in tlie world Itt do. Go West, young man. Tko Now YorkerH, as u.ual, Jud u big domontiatioii on St. I'uirirk'n dny. About thirty thousand Irishmen uurchud in line jirocession. , "a valuable workT The Vcnl'nnlal Hutory of thr United Statei from lhe DifCuverij if the American 'mCon!i nent to Me clow, afthe. firit cent" y ff Amer ican lnirytnienct, Hy Jamrt D. McL'ahe, Author el "A Manual of Utiural fuiory,'' ' The Unal Rrpuhlic," etc. It is a weif known fact that the trial mass o( our pi opl are ('(impelled to rely, for thuii ki'owludge ol tho history of their country, n pun tho outlinrt works intoiidid tor tho u "I "arlie wliioh by their very mittli" are brief; designed for the c. inore h.snlon of childriTi, aud in every wuy nn uited ti the 8i.tili miud. There hto long been felt a geiroine want ofa I Jittery of tlio United States, covering the whole period from the ditcovery of'the'Coritlheui' to lie pre sent day and piosmtlfii? in a.' succinct land comprohooalve form the liUtory of oar reouutry tUrdugh it variost periods, from a tocher aoa more inougriital s aiidpotut thtn would be propor lif a school hittury. Thiidemaod we aro bappy to sty in tatlt fuctorily uiot In "The OenteUilat History oT the United Statoi,'' wkirk whtch is evi dently destined H Uka rank, at tho Btand'J ard Hittury of our country. The autbori Jamet I). McCalie, ia aa able and well ku'own historic il writer. . We most heartily oolumond this boek t y our readers. It is no- dry maas of dotaiU, uo bombantrc efl'oi t to inll une tlio Datiuoal prida, but a cluar, vlTid, au.l Urillrant nari al ve of the events of our hlatpy. (ruui the ditcovo.y pf the Amaricau Continent to lbs present d v.. . It g,ve a muat intereit !ug account of the. Indians, of )orth Auasii ta, from the liaie o tlfe cproing o' tbs Whit mnn. The voyages of Oolilmbua, tb Siploraiiunt of the dillereut natlosa, En rope, and the wanderings of the gpaqdiardt 111 anarch1 Of gold and iiiiertal ,yOu.th, i are tbld with graphic bower ', The story u( the Revolution Isjelatod with all the interest of S rotaauce; then follow a clear and suc cinct account of the formation of the Feder al Ooustiotioo, the Kecoud AYar . vth Eit UnJl;.tbe Me'xlca'a SYa,' and the events pi oar bUtdry tip' to tbe coiurhenbeaieqt of the Cif il YTsr: The Ifkttor o f the 0f -A Var ta rehited ' with imenr Vigbr1; il..dr" with strict' lldellry W trptb.'jTrJa aathdr'wrltet tnroDgnoui vnirj cbiiuiicbs buu rm nlMhHa'iha MaMM arnn' Snntfr.n At- nu.tfc Tb bDkidoDtatan Appendix; giving an actdaat of the 8ppr6achiti 'Iiiterhriiionil Centennial El'ibitioo. - . It U'soiuprited' id one large "kai hand some volamts of tai1' psgo,' and' Contahi , 443 flne airUiM , m JU Uad wooj, Tks bOoljf Is ImiW t. lbs WstlenalJ Fufc. lUUIuf Oit,,)t ri)llidli)hl, wbMs latpri B Mssuarautsu lr toe ssoeUsooe elf lbs Ins lbs eksraetsr of the work, ftsd 'auk sabfrlk! It prstenWd with a kandiene llttiotraphlo eniravlng of lbs Osstenaial Et bill tion DullJlai and Oroondt. It U kld y subsorlptUs oaly, tad Ut pabiitk r mini agaoin la ovary oauaty, THE BOOK FOHEVERTBODT. llano I'reyor, Ut proprietor and editor of tho Ohio btuat ZiUmg. sod Htark Coon- 17 nmtit, wno is sio praotlotl hortlsaK lurui, Iim writin a book 00 Ortpo aod Hrall Kiult culture, which U acknowUd d by l hortluulturUt, tad bj tho proM, ai ilis licit. mit cmnprslieuilTi' tai cbaopu etboi.k publi bod. , fvhd 90 ennU Hid itimp t'i WGOKRIYEH, Osntos, O. New Adfcrtigementg. I w) a n at at homo. Agent wanted. IP 1 O Outfit nd itrmt froo. TUUB CO 5Pr mi TICKET To Philadelphia &Xi! I njin nitf (iouit 111 U. S. mI 04 UUa. 1 nrruTii -v" iioims i , ul SIC rnll d, rlt tuw U If f. ni.r Ii.i iiiim Mi I.mI.m.).!! MBIUMJ FI tn it-ulnt- frfM. h.no whrMi bmW S4. 1 ' ri il-(if l.om r m,n ...nil Ao. IOiVi I I ' K IMIIH.H.IkJI w Ro. 1 1 Vvt St., Mow Tc ram. AdKNTfi WANTED ! Medals and Diplomas awarded for Holmaa's New Pictorial Bibles. 1.800 Illustrations. Address for new circulars, A. J. Holm an a; Co., 030 Arch street, Philadelphia. A week guaranteed to agents, Male and Female In their own locality; Terms and outfit free. Add.ess P. O. VICK- HUY 4 CO., Augusta, Maine. ri'HK TANITECO., Btroudsburg.Pa A Emlky Whkrls aud Machinkbt $5 tO $20 Per ftt home. Sam pies worth ?1 free. Stinbon A Co., Portland, &le. VV A IV T I"' I Aciknth for the v J 11 I I ilJ b,.st selling Bta tlonrrj 1'afl.a1 n lhe woilJ. IicmUiat IS tboelt ppr, lb aiivrlojirR, tolrlen Pen, I'on-holdor, I'ei o 1, patui t Ynrd Mtatore, anil s jiirre ol Jnwrlry. Single puckaga, wild ptlr of oli-cunt Gold Stone Slmve Bat tni, pent paid 25 ceuU, 6 f .r $ 1 .00. This package h ia b -m ex amia-d by the1 p ibs linhi-r id the M ssr.KotR snd loaad ss ro prerfit'd worth tbo piod-j. Watcliot giu.-natmy in all "nm. ( irtui.r Iree. BKlDE C) , 7i'., Drosdway, Now York. Mind rcudinrt Pdychumwnej, jjL HlncioniKn, 8 ml Charming, MMm-i mn ami Manlike Ua:ue, showing how eitlmr sex may laacinate and.gatn the n ai.il artuoiion of any person they cboOSo in utantly. 400 agnt By mail 50 ota. Hunt A t o-, 18'J S 7th St. Phila. Ten yenm an Meaaers. Oao. P. Rowl k (io. ntib'ishd their advertising ajency in N"t York City, five years ago tbey b oibi d lhe buainoas conducted by John 11 op r, who wot tho flrtt to go Into tliii kind of onti-rpiiio Now they havj tli r satisfnetion ol controll ng the most ex. tensive RlvMriiing connection whioh baa ever be i'n secured, and one which would b liurd.y (i.HB.ble iu any other country bat tli . They have eacceuded in working il"n a complex business Into to thoroughly a si wrcm itic method that no change is the n"w spaper ay stem of America can escape ti' iice, while the widest information upon ll opics interesting to adveriiaert is placed readily at the disposal of the puhlic. NEVUORKTIMES,June 14,75 Rags Wanted. WE will pay two (2) cents per pound, cash, for good oot ton rags, nud remove them promptly, by notifying us at tbe paper mills. Lin coluton, N. C. V. & ft TIDDY, Maich If, 1876. Agents. For Sale. Two Two-Horse Wagona, and a Hpring Wagon, made of the best material. Also one railroad cart Will be sold low, for cash, or Exchanged for Young Mules or good produce. We nr also prepared to do all kinds of BLACKHM1TH1NQ Work done promptly, good materials used, and charges moderate J. 14. WILSON 4 CO . March 10. Lenoir, N. O. R. M. TUTTLE, Manufacturer of Chewing Tobacco, LKNOIR, N.C. (CPHIgrtest c ish price paid for leaf tobaet'ol special attention given to oruers Advertising in Reflioiis aid Acacflltnral WEEKLIES, For Information, address i, GEV. P. HOWELL CO., - yard. FKLT OEILINO ror rooms H'BlMjra.'. Fbr dlJouU'r arjd Sam ple; Add rei a C- f FaV .Vftntfea; $m Jetsey, 177 HALF-PRICE.