iS" - -"W V.- a. A'EEKLY RECORD KTBtiSHXD EtXBT THUBSDAT. tHe RECORD Pub' Co X V. STALLING S, Editor RATKS OF SCBSCRimOX. OmIw 1 ...13 00 Mi Months 1 00 Three Months & Sabeeriptiocs in all ease payable in advenes and no paper continued after the expiration of the time paid for. Remittance should be made by Money Order or R"f itered Letter at oar risk. NRW ADVERTISEMENTS. BBUCE WILLIAMS, Attorney and Counsellor at La, LILLINGTON, PENDEU CO , N. C Collections at'tiywliere in North Caro lina specialty. H, jr. HANUUN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law Post Office Bichlands Onslow Co N 0 Mptoiai aUsntion fivsn to las soUtction claims. , EDWIN T. MoT"TA13. Attorney ana Ooinsdor, E1IZABETHTOWM, (Baden County.) , ' - . " ' . t, ftriAftefnM- unTwIirre ' In Cs.rcltns n Mp)is.lity Btfrr by permit Hon to Messrs. Kinaldi Co Local Merchants. Dll. WALTER C. MURPHY r ill return to hia offioe in Sanipaen on the T V" lath tnsl., ana nopea oj a "" Utitiest (Uncharge or amy, o '"" uance ef public conldence and patronage, feb. litw. e Fimrr runs. 25 stvle. with name, 10 ZDnat paid. J. B, Hunted, Nassau Reuse Co., . I. feb 2 4-w With a Cold ia alwath DAaornor. TTMT1 wELL'S CAEBOLIC TABLETS, a mire remody for COUGHH, ana all disease of the Thhoat, Lumos, Cbext and Mccocs M HARE KOLM Wy ALL DBUUG1MTH (!. N. CHITTKHTON, 7 Sixth arajina, New A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS- .4- w j ivr 5 10 mobs riBar-CLAHS Sewixo MachijeAients. and 500 im or bnerot akd AB1LITT TO LEAJ?l mi'w w otuj.iu .Scvrixa Maohioks, Coxpeosatibn Liberal, BCTT VABTIWO ACCIBDI!IO TO ABILITY, CHABAC- Fxa a.xd QnALincAiiora oc thb Aoent. Fob PARTiruLARS, Address WriioiSEiiis w khiie Co,Cmicu. ftJ7 4 829 Broad say, K. T. er Kew Orleans, La, feq. 3 4-w J)AA A Month. AGENTS WANTED on JJp 2 V V our THREE GREAT $2 BOOKS. The Story of Charley Boss. a full account of thU Great Mystery, written bj liin Father, bouts Robinson CniBoe in thril Utic iutprest. The IlluRtratod hawl-book to all r.?gijn$, a Complete Account of denomina tion) nud sect. 300 Illustrations. Alae the ladies' medical fpjide, by Dr. Vanooast, 100 111 UHtrutions. These books aell at vight. Male ncl Fernnle Agents coin moucy on tUem. Par- tjuilais fn-c. Copiso by rnnil 91 each. John 1.. I'ottcr .t Co., VhiU. mar. l-4w A HOME .fcFARM r t!i hue of a OliKAT RAlLUOUlwith f,.od mari:rts 1 o'h EAST ami WEST KCW IS THE TiVEJO SECURE IT. ili'ii riimate, Frrtiie Hoil bout Country for Mock Ruining in the United f-'tteH. V- Mujis, Full inf orinatitin, lio " TllE S" lit fit c ti ail pu ts i.f tho world. a,!,1i.,hj o F. UAVi.-t. Lai'.,'. ui.i, F. P. V.. K. 11. ar. 1 4w Oil All , NK.R. WONDER F T 1. M" V ss; 2 -,,0(10 ,,r t'i CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION. Ttiwc-riln-il tiifl 1 1 hi-' r.i I i. SiM in 00 iluTs. It lui i-,' tLe only I'MMi'iinr. - f, iiv ti-o'rt f 770 ;?. iku ). trr,.t- 1 ti o! tin' emir ln-r niY, t;Htii ii'ii.k:n'i. .-v urnri'i. kxiiiiii tk. runtcsi riRs, ihik r ; , s 'tr. ; ii.i.ustra 1 r.i, aii'l l clii-aj.or th in a!i .'li. V ; rK.r.ittimDV Tns 7. lino iin aprn"'. . V r of :Co iu 4 WKEKW. 3.0(10 .. )r. -I'-inU-d S.- iiil ijuii khi lor rnooK ,!,(, re, ()1 i.-aoiiM of R;ci:i!.. clei b.v. and prrn, Bumpio paes, full I't'Bcrintioii. aiul our kxtiia thiuh. Hi biivih iu ''iMFiis. XubliHbfi'M. 7:WSunnii Mieet 1 " -:i elplno V. feb. 'i 4-w i i TTT'TriXT Beware of M,oU- V 1 IV11. claim,.!, officiHl aii't wortt'l bohVii Send fir or. EST Mi. t..u Cold 'welry Combina ion c ut. Consist ing of tli-sant latch cliain.UdieB unJkoine broooh, enr c'rii'. pir b'tit j;ohl Btonp l-eve buttons, vt 'I'ii-jl tud, collar is tiuiioo. htavv plain woildins n". uJ -ent Fai mu ilinmon.l p:n. Tl e i ti. le ntnt ivisi-iieid, for St) I'T.. b-ip b-en i'''ildfir R;ii:ki'pt sliHik sad iniist 1 bo''1- olid Mllti, C..ld W"t.-be. 1 10 sacb. 'or speculative pMinoics, Ood tini r-i. .-fial in -ippoHruD'-. to 1 W'il genuine cold. -His r-Uitatiau for boii. 'itv. fir rienlim; and lib. mbtv is uncoupled ! v any s.lvf rtiser in th e i'T.'' .V. ! iAc .'..' IU-r. Hi, 1K7C. mar. I FosraF. STrs "kki as cash r. :.!'( "'KUAN. B0N! ST., York. KatavfeltMiie'l 1Hi36. 6ILM0RE&C0., Attii'HCT.? at . r t ClalaD, It , m .- jt Co 629 F Street, Wln-ton. D. c. Amerieaa tad Foreij : Ta'.jatj. Patent procurvd in nil i-xnn ri- . , - x itVAKCl. No char;u ..: il.r p,:m granted. No f fur puk n p v;..-,i:-i"v aminaiiom. Sperial .11 11 lo ferouce Gates Wefors 1.1- 1 f siona before Uoani'n.. Infniijcjuai 1 terent State, and all l.iiuwn a.ttr tut t Invention er I'tKirj Sm .roir ,m j. rSLKT OK SIXTY nun. United Butts Court zr.i Departrae 11s. Claims procecnteU in lit N n.i . . ,! ih. United SlAte. Oonrt of I'ljimt l -w:; Vm mlaoioaar of Alabama 'la,.Ti. .tacii.ra ("i.udx. rjommiMian, and all u , ,n.n. tor Ute Ixeaiiva Im: it. an Arrears of Pay and Baan .y OmCKRI, MLD-IKK ui.l , .,.;a . ; .., war, er tkeir heir. ar- in innv ... ii irj , money from the Ourrwni, f in.-h i, i. . , BO knowlaxige. Wru fnll :, t,f ,,-rvirr -a, J tat auaoootof mt nd b,. m r oioee stamp, and a. full rrt.K , Afi.M . x.un ... a ,- will beglvea jrou (ra. Pensions. All orriesas. wui;i.hj im ok w.,i.,i. ruptared, or injaranl ia u.a lot war. lior..,,,' slightly, can oataia a 1. soar aw icn- lng peasion are saliud 10 sj - s-n-l tltrn and iufonaatiou w.b i fiirnialiail f: Claimants, whes )in;ii,n hm. arm ended, will be gralnoiiily furm5aeU wuSi fall isformation and projar ia(Mri on sj.p il;.n.r. . . As ws ehaxge ro fa nulr uccaful. for return pottaj tUeul.i bo ui Ms. United 8Utet General Land Offie. Oeoteated Land Cat, hunt I.xnj cumi. Mining, Pre-emiHUaaiad Homrtipa.ic'ax. pi ecnted before the Onrol Land o.iioai jvo.l 1 partmeat of the lalentr. Old lonaty Land Warrants. We pay eash for thana vr :,.r. auin:aia i . taperiect w civ iatrucuiM 10 p-lct iaia Mall Coatraetrs mid oUira. We act as atierner for turn in oroenrinr con. -racts, making coUctio, nr.otia:int loiun xud attending to all bnins cngied to u Liibenvi amnemat mad with aiaoiB it all classes of bunnau. Address GILMORE 6b CO., P. O. BOX 4. rrjiB, D. e VituianMif II C ' we V a . r . . 1 ake pleaaur in xprinx ravLire ouifl- see In th rai6ififv and jtdtlity ( th 'W, Patent and Collection House ef tin una . . i . flTO XI T, Tar m-pp kisr ftns Htitinal JtttrpltluH gem O) VOL. HI- Y. Hed Hp lake ev Man if the atomy winds should rustle. WhilV rA the world. hiW, Htill acainst them brayely tussle. Bo? aad labor day by day; VMot, no Better whether There 1. annahinf , tonn or oaum, And in every kind weather, Hold yoor head up like a man. If a brother should deceiTe yea, And ahoald act a traitor s par. Krr let hia treaaon Krievo you, Jeef aloaff with Kehteome heart ; Veetnae aeldom fellow fawninf, Boldness ia in the plan. EofHBf tor a better looitir for a bettor di Sotd yoar neaa np ue Earth, tbonxh e'er so rich and mellow. Ydanot for thewerthle- drone, ' Bat the held and aoaest fellow, He caa shift and etand alensjl fcpara the knae 0 erery acW Zltwy do WtM can TT An wtter yoar atatien. Hold jour head op like a maa. SEUCtEDSTORy. XHE TREASURE HTJHTERS, OB THE Search for tho Mountain Jflne. (Continued.) Tli' queli"iia tht-a W,,1C lir cusMfd with Adams werclh. se Should thev prrs on ? or, 8 aoon as it bgan to prow dunk, seek (or a hiding-place the rcks, and lie t!ure till tli.-ir pur-UTs had passed them, trmt injr ufrerward to their own skill to a 8' Cond fii:ouDter ? Tlie latter plan wn tlieonf decided npon, as in a long pursuit the KCyiin drels mut sooner r Jat-r overtake thf-m, hearily laden as V eir mules were. So th".v kept sti adilv en, tak ing care to keep as low down in the valley ag they could. Larrv was now deputed tohelpTke with the rnuh s, and tryf to pet the weary beasts on a little iasr.-r, whicli th Iriflhmtn d & bv coaiiiir; and pattine ihera, and HaTinp; a few en couraging words, while Ik on the eontrarv, seemed dippoe'l to tense and worry them. There was one mule in particular the animal that had kicked and bitten at Larry, which Ike had ronsed np to such a p't :h of ani mosity that he had only to advance a hard as if to touch it, when tho ani mal would shake its head and squeal ' Tit a sort of defiance. This tho fellow k- pt up veiy now and then, till Larry went a' d talked on the other sids of the mul", ulty r a laugh ins; look at. Mrs. Ad;v."t. land Iflvi.ig- lisnd upon ihf animal'H bridle, he stooned d-iwtvua if" Uston i t to a remark. 'lie avs h 'U 1'C oHe-trcd if ye'll s' to: thim thrick-'. Mi ther lkV .-aid Larrv, aloivl; and he's a-k d me to ta1 e his pri if ye wo. i t.' The h 'lf-bre'd looked -it him w:th a n-tuliiir ir in npon liis conn' n- nncc; but he said nothing. Hi? let :he mule jog on, howrvi r. mi pc ivid after proc edinyf another mile P"vvs.ii came to the front ;m l (mIK-iI a halt. 'We'll shift in t ' tho m li. re,' h" sid, quietly, 'aid cmii.' 'B it the ino.-n vrill bo .liM'sn; f ill Un that sid in an lioii'-,' s Ad-ft-ns 'and the otliT s'vlc will bv in tho shade.' 'Thi- very re ifon chv vc should pick this a d'',' sa d Dawson, in r vhi-p- r. 'There is p'enty of mom j for i-o-'c.-a'nio'i': and they are -ifo to i exarnim- the dark side iu pr-f rnce i to tin- H rl.t ' j Ad im.-t nod le ', a-d thev cu-'ullv ; I d tin" nudes thrmgh the vtoi-v 'ahv : n'nMi to a h -How tv arty .-ur-.und.'d by rcks-, and ly'nr about h hiv ilr d 1 yards to the l"-ft rf tho track tlwv had muh" s f..r. line, by the tim they lad teti ercd th rti'ilos. nud "ivo'i t' em hv,.l, t e moon vr;lo r)) ning foil with a bright silvorv clear in ss almost "iki- tli t of du : b it th r ck thr- w the p-.rt wb-r- tl v h-ul Ciimp.'d into a 1 1 ;ck a shado"'v as w t t b s.-cn on tho otln r side of th- v.ilioy. Tt Wis a rn.'srod I ttlr holh.w f at sh ch thev had oh..e-'ti. f-rtifi d f-r them !y na.uiv; and while th-v culd ( uc'i in th thick shad. n -J. lion ifl Ovll'd v:, ti-'ti.. n tnivid'r a lO'ig ' a e tr toh of f e valley almost fr e from bt'in a DW! . BJ, ..Pt l.V.JT i:, h s arr .nr. tn nts f r t! oir tl ff.-s Sll Ubl d- fev.-a.' prove !,.( - TV. lk- u H 0 ', n- il .hied on ov... :d,. ' I Aarn-, iv aicsr tli- n.ul.-. while Larry, -av':, , . to t..k: o'he- ap ', than l.;s -t ok. was pi ic- 1 to d fend an op nVg l otwon a .-o;ip!e ' ro(.Va. J)aw..i!i c'vnx'nc n pot nui-:e ii'j con U 0 r.l'mmd th an l pi" ,1"'! of t!.,. t.I" hat w. u'd I v t. w:d a p-ii.i'' n.uitere i Larrv. as he o k li g pi to t r Paws'n hnd b ; in ..K. i ; 1 spk n 6' arjdy to r llcv in jji vijii-T n ,, . i..ii i t.ia ou3i Sum- 1 niigi t shoot moa If or soni" -b-d else: and if I d dh't, poo! s-z he jiit wfi.:ist; and thin wh-veareye? i hat's the good ov it' vo can't st' rike .. ,1 n..i. i , " . . . a fcoou mow w :a n, and its m ver way. I, mi, lniecd! what wodd I wn-.t w tt ;t ctm 7 'Tiie.e's somethin?: wrono-. iath.M n )t Mr. Dawson ?' said Mm v Adams, speuking to him in a whimper, that her sister miht not hear, 'Wrung 1' he said, in the jam low tone. 'Whit, because wo prulenMv f Ttify our camp at niht, now we are in an enemy's c umtrv ?' 'Mr. Dawson,' said Mary, 'y,,u are trifling with me. Are not" the women wortiiy of trust, that you keep us like this iu the dark ?' 'If we do,' he said, in a low, soft voice, 'it ii because we think it for your good.' 'Never mind,' she said, earnestly. This is the first favor I ever asked of you; tell me, then I have susjected it for some hours, ever since that MAGNOLIA, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH, hurried atart are' we not pursued ?' 'Miss Mary Adams has bat to ask of me to have,' he said, softly 'If sbe bade me give up my life I should do i 'Mr.' Dawson, I ask y a a simple question,' said Mary, whoae voice trembled m spite of herself 'Can yon not give me a plain ansirerr Yes." 'We are punned V 'Yes.' 'By tboe -e undrels who attacked nir 'I fear so.' 'And there is great danger f 'For them yes if tbej trj to molest us.' K)h, my poor sister V 'Miss Adams Mary,' be whispered, ii,len. There is y-ry liUle J.o -fista, Tbs sobuudi e't might pans as a dozen times without thinking of searching more here than in any other part ot the ralley. By the morning tbuy may be miles away, and iu this great region the chances are a millioa to one that we never see them again.' 'But there is something to fear ?' 'Well, yes, a little : but cve.i if that happened we could beat them off.' 'VV'hat, theD, is there ts teal ?' 'The mules ' 'How - the males ?' ' Tf tbey made a noise or whinnied when those fellows were passing it wuuld betray us ' CHAPTER XI. HOW 1KB WOULD HAVE TICKLED THE MULES. Mary Adams had returned to her sister, who, poor thing, tired out with the hot, wt-ary journey, was slet p ng placidly, witli her head rusting upon one of the packs, and a rug spread over her to protect her from the night dew. Adams was at his post, stern and watchful, and Ike and Larry were at theirs. The silence was even aw ful in the midst of that etraugu weird Valley, all piled up gray rock, silvered by the maon, and sh iwmg clean c it black shadows. Ovcasiou ally th" soft munching noiS" of oue of the mules could be heard as it tasted over again in faucy the evening's ra tions; then all agaa was silence, till Daws m in a whisper pasaed the word to Adams that their pursuers were in sight. ' Tell Larry and Ike to be watchful and silent, keeping' Well in the 8liad- ow. Your wite and sister are. I hop, aslcp.' 'I'll see, and warn them,' wan th -reply. ' Ho crept !cro to where his wifr si. -pt, and Mary 1 nd her upon Ids ;n in. 'tiive ni'' apis'ol,' she whispeie 1. A wha !' 'A p stul,' hhe said dimly. T might wain to proper your wife' He l.e.-itai d b-r a monifii', and tli "ii p'ai.vd on.- ii her ! an i, b fur--g.):ng on to tind ljurry and Ike both f a'chful. 'All depends now, L irry, 101 s:lc:n-e of tiio inui. s,' wlii-p-.od 'Docs if, Sni? Thin th" b:.s s hettber h-iwld their ttn er nos, the it il a-d i he he the woise .or t!i 111 1 Ad ins re'urned ti his hiot, i i ! as he ui.l so he bovine aware ... , ol ! faet that there w. r-; h-avy footslCllS s:ii;nuiiiur alongover Hie broken ! m. nits ofioelc, and lli.-n there wis a C.illIUseU UUZZ ut Vi'let-S Fioiu w her he crouei e 1 le could ly conmian I Ii v; but in a n tiro s rp o ih the eieue, thonili i.o'r pur9 n-rs s in a sub iu d tone of voice, every word w .s per.ect ' audible 'I'm pr-tiy mi re,' sad one voice, wiih an accoman;. in o.,th, 'that vi-'ve pafs-'d ' in, a .d thai they're nid. ii",- s m where back.' 'il"w .-Jin t.iai b , when not five ' u-.dr-d yrds l a k there vaas a jiatch off e ri.-'-?' 'Ma e a e.-ip t tl trail to hunt Vm by, eh. lads A . 1 jin con dn't do ie be :er." I'm g t ii g preo'- us 1 d, ' g owl ed mi-it er, 'an i 1 shu 1 vot w. c imp down b'foic w go uiuc'i a Ihrr. 'Nuns r wr eh.l C it .li eui ill anothi r ii i T ie pos tion of li e n w a fa', ;md ih lu.ut'vs was in- n f 1; ih,- innf u o s i'i p S'e;ilin cr down iheir fac. tt s igouiz Hi? s ispen e. i hey wa-t-il iu Il w.-s only a ipi-t:on o'. ni .men S b it tln-y S-e:i;-to be dra'.rn out int h nip, n-i the pariy came stragloi on -t:. mo r'ghl ubi'enst of w.ieie 'h v were hid vvi no nearly parked (j ore pns d. Thank Heaven. thy wire -a e .' IViwsiiti's lent sh iik d to have s!i!!; and t . r a !e.v iiiu:.ieuln h. ii t! Lei ii liiamiii.r'!.iii;i il foi n cut i ig the thl'oat-i oi ,M- inwles. It w oi :ti nave m en a .si i-;.i;ii net, ;t .i. I n- as :h ir i r je.:t v. a - c n e: n d. olid imit hive itMlllt-il in ;t letum t" Fii-co; but what was that as c:ii;iAied wiiu the t.aivty tf tiiuse won-'u? IIoever, th? ec um lrels were past, aud the mules had b en silent ; the ast m-m was alreadv some doen I ya as i.eond the rock, trudging I J, s!oa1v db. little t!iii. "ki-iir ihat there - i was the barrel of a rifle, resting up n a roek, r -lleciialiy covering h m, and tint a step in a c rtain direvti-n would have been the signal for a sirup brigiit burst of rlame from that brrel, aud a lea ten me senger to geek his breath. Safe th. n, and ; 'Hallo! what's that?' cried a rough voice. For there rose on the still night air a sharp hollow noise as of a howl, and Dawson felt as if being choked, f r the noise had come from the di rection of the raules, and it seemed to him as ii one must have kicked another. He listened for a sharp, whinnying WIIKLf ' voice and more kicking, but all was tiil, save the talking-of the scoun drels, wno had uow come to a halt in the bright moonlight, and their words could be heard from beginning to end. It came from over that side," said one. "I tell you it dida't; it came from thia side. ' "It don't matter which i da it came from," growled a lOther. "it was a bit of shaley stone fell from one of the rocks. I re heard tue same thing scores o times." ' I believe it w&p, or . ke kicked against a rock," laughed another. 'Or you butted that od blank yourn again one. was tne reior "Wall liil'a liavo a ,Aa said the voice that seea.ed to belougl to the leader. " They may be hiding here Look to your weapons aud come ou Now, then, you." Tliia was directed at a couple of the men on ahead, but iLej shouted in reply, It's all right. Come on.' A hai g right?' 'Here's the trail again.' 'What the rice V 'Yes; and it leads on rijbt away.' 'Gome on, lada,' the leader growled 'we bhall boon nail 'em now, and then, Master Paddy ' The end of hid speech was inaudi ble at he tramped on, and Dawson saw him stoop again and ya n in the moinl:gut, as it to exine some thing ti. at was pointed oat to hiru on the ground; then the noise of foot steps grew ta uter, like the burjing of o ces, and at lu8t all was silent. What was that noise?' said Daw sod, as soon as' the party had con gratulated itself upon its escape; 'and wnere's Ike?' 'I tliiuk it was one of the two mules kicking,' sai I Ada ns. Tt is wonder ful how qui.'t thty were. If tliuS" scoundrel had any mules they would nave been sme to whiuuy to one ano ther.' 'But where's Ik. ? said Dawon aga n, i an under-ione, for Mrs. Adams w.;B sleep ng calmly through out a 1. 'sure he' lyin' down there, Sor,' said Larry, pointing toward the uules. 'Asleep?' 'Well, iio, Sor, not exactly aslape.' 'Did you hear tha: noiae. I.airj ?" aid Dawson. 'Faith, S -r, an' I did. I couldn't help bea. m' it." 'And w is it the mtiie -V "AVeil, no,iSoi-, it wasn't th" mules; bud it very ne.u ly was tue niuie.s; f .r wanst w an uv thim bad besrun to qi-ae, ine hol 101 would have start ed' 'What a ronndaboit fe!'.ow yon are Larry!' add Dawson. 'Sur-, ver honor, an' it's tiiin a a hu;dh- I ;.ra.' I'ut, tut! Yo i hea d that noise, didn'i you!-'' 'I did, yer hoiirir ' 'Au I yuu kno wi.a it was?' 'I-'aoha.-.d 1 do.' ' flu n hat was it? AVe 1, yi- see, Misther D wson, Sor ihat th. r.."Le has got a bad hajii ov Uckl ng wan ov the mule3, tint bttle kiekmg d vil, and it mskes him sqna'e ' Tube sue; lv- ccm hm at it out of p ne nnsi hief.'said Dawson 'ilii rn at him no-, jer h n r, aid Lany; 'and n t th-t crobhat v- evi denci.?' 'J'here, go on," s-id Dawson. To b- sine 1 will, yer honor," naid Larry 'Wei', j at s thim b-ys was a-n'o ng by, yer honor, I eo-s M athfr lk-y crt-p-; toward the raules and he. wa jut about to tickle tuat little kicking r.iscai. h'n I opens me mouth io say Lave him a!om ! .n a voice of ihunder, whin, 'Arrah Lnr ry.' I sez io meself, I se., 'whai will Aii-tl er Daw.-onsty it yesphake now Give the spa'pe-u a h nt, and s--, vi r h- nor, 1 dnl." 'Vo i gave him a hint! 'fo be Mire I ei i tl , ye h nor, wis! me s; ick, j st on , ho b .ck ov Lis head, -n i it p. rsyaded him so i h tt he Uy down and hasn t m -Y-d since, whil, S y-r honor ki ows, the inu'es didu t squale at all. CUAPTER XII. FK 'uXKi.iTk.Rt Nt? TO SOME FL'Rl'OSE. Dawson r nnained silent f.r a (e x moments, dn ing which lie w. nt and t. r ed over Ike, who was lying q ui'e Mill, and w-ho gave a faii.t groan on being touche L 1 li.ei t know what, to s.iy, Larry,' he miitt.'ici at list, d ti u-tiiijd, a n an in r.l e. d 'ni il i it t.iiil-. '1 don t Use whom 1 !.;.v- Hut sio-.i !' he sa il: "that lice !' W--II. Yer ho ior.' said La. u v. 'Mas j ther Ik.- !-t his ki.l e in O the i and dr bbb-t! it all tiio way along. st I a bit faither an 1 I t .ok i: in mr p- o c- ets, and kept dhroppiug a bit for tu!f i 1 r . .. . t. . . a nine oe. -re wo -.-in io va c i. D.iW.s-n stood uu. in doubt, but Adams spoke up .ti .1. -i a. . i-i- :. ! -D awson, iaaiu, my me on i , you may trnst Lairy. Daws m oil n t if ply, but stood gnawing big bps. It was i3.1ier hatd npon lr.m to bo called 6 id leuly to b lievc tuat the man in whom he had t uted had triel to b"tray them a mn whom he had known for years, whi'e Ids intercourse with Larry had b?en f very brief duratiou; and, arter all, tids might be a bit of jea'oasy between tho two, and the cunning Irishman had s ized the opp rtuuity to strike a loul blow. U is honor Misther Dawsm dor't peem to belave me,' said Larry. 'Well, and I dou't ask him to. Only look here, ltt him kape his eye on the gintleman himself.' 'I will, Larry,' he said, qaietly; and then, after seeing to the man's inju ries, arrangements were made by which Frank Adams kept the watcrv; and the real "ay down to sleep in tol erable secuiity, for thsre was not much prospect of tue ruffians retu ru ing now to search the hollow where tbey were hid; in fact, the chance were in that long da'e of wild hollows and pded-np rocks that they would not be able to identify the sp t again. Adams kept his lonely watch as the shadows cast by the moon graiully veered round lrom west to aorth, and then toward the east Hardly a sound met his ea , sava now and again the low dixmal howl of the c yot. , that shirking dog-like wolf i f the fat West; o 'Ce Oi twice, too, sou -ids arose to Wi.ich he c-u'd not give a wa ne, an t he lis'ened in a somewhat awe str cken way ti l the absencj of S?a made ,heir iniory grow faiiit. . Ii ws a rrangely weird sight, that rocky valley by mool gnt, and it was hard work to keep thinking that ia every bbck s adow there Wag not a watching desperado taking careful aim wi;li his pi ce. But the small h-urs arrived with out an alarm, and then L.triy w.s r eused up to take h a master's place ching 1 11 the first streak of g .Id appeared in the sky, when the whole pariy was awaken, d and a hasty meal prepared though they dared not light afl.e, for fear ofdrawiug attenton trj their position, if auy ot the iu? iafis were soil in the neighbor: ood. 'Daw ou epoke a few woids to his man ab. ut quarreli. g with Larry; and the lellow's eyes glittered as he loi k d f .11 in h.s u aster's, trying to rcid how nmrli Larry had said. lt is inipos-iiile t r our expedition tojttticcecd,' s.iid Dawson, in conclu sion, 'if you and that 8 Uid Ir s'mian gk to 1 gerhead.-. And mind this: d. n't yi u attempt to touc'i him, or I shall take his part.' Then h b behavior List night was not put down to treachery and the iu had s aid nothing. So much the better I r him. Aa . any s a t was deni able, before the bun grew hut; so vahile the mules Were being laden a t isk which Daw sou himseh sujierin'ended. carefully watching, as it to see that Larry and Ike of the tied-up head did not quar relit lell to Ad m to take the glass and o Ou Straight down the Valley ai d i Coniioiire. Til s he did most ear. fully, ascend iiigeimiieiice att. r emoienc, s" as to ;et a go d hweep widi the glass; and i.erei uri ed at last with the news tlia' throe were no traces of the enemy iu fright, so ihe little train went lor- vrfm, lie difference that, Ks ead . t Dawwoi. and I. airy forming a rear guard, ilny went b.r iu advance as bC u s. Uary A.'ams Lad trembled that in r i-. as she thourht of her c n-ver.-aiii n du ing the n ght with Daws n; b iL in bad preserved toward ner a quiet, re-pi c lul dem-anor, and Mr-. Ad.uu, who had f. It d s;nsed io bant r her soue what about their i-ava.i. r, ma d i, iittl ilii.iki"r f ill.' da- r t . which thev had b n extiost d during ihe niglu. Adams, as he ph.ddod on by tin si 'e oi the n. tiles, seti g to the coiu f -n t oi the Women, and that all went rgui, took not ce of moie th.n one i .. ut tut day. First y, he ob-erved, ihat the ric did not burst the b ig, iind trickle slo -v!y out. upon the stony t:ac-; S'.'couaily, ti.e muies s fined to v.0 for aid at a much brisker pice, Ike he ng, in sp ie of h s son- h a 1, full i f animation, and c n er ng t'r snre-foo d bttle bea3ts uii th-ir wny, t i-y responding -aed in spite of the. r heavy b .rtle i and the heat. 'it is ciinou,' sail Adams' to h'm sell, as be looked firmly at the mule te- r, wi osr eager . yes were a .par cut 'y always en ttn-watch, p e.i g t . right and left, and a.vav forward to ward 'he. end ot the valley, which, as far as ihey could s e ior t e g a-e ot the sun, S3- mod in the diaianee to be opening out ihe tail scarp d rocks o i cither s:d- d .v nulling d wn i do the plain. A d ti en the yomig Englisi man's ti ong its too i a very s m rc tu n. for Ii s suspicions had be -n aionscd, and once aroused, ii was not w. In nature f i r thvdoutits to be ea-ily al layed. He kn -w Lairy, or th g d he did. At all vents h - trut d liim. La-iy looked upon th s i.ab breed as icady to betray them; so Adms, in his sombre mood, mide a sort ot debtor aud creditor c. ounc, s-'itog the saiety of the two wonie.'. without taking into cons d- rati-.n the success ot their expedition, aga nst i trie lite ot this m.n; nui t .e Lu i lishnian's briw knit as be toid self th at it wo.dd be a cjc oi duty, i o? ster i necessitv, the -.c of -a i npon a uuleiac o alld ne s id, b: tW "11 hlS left: . 'Let t-liuw one s gn of tie eh t ry. and I'll sho it him oke a dog !' Heih ip-t not by syinpa.hy, hut from the r.'SUit of h s own a-gtun nts. C.i 1-b Dawron liad c me to the sni ' ! determ natiorj; but he had ao made an addi ion, including in the broad I ... -a T swi cpoi ins id a oi just ce La ry l.'aiey, wh , wish hin twig under his arm, was trudging stoiidiy along by his side, making au .admirable s out. 'iupp .sing you run back no -v, Liny,' he said, 'and scj if all s well? 'Sure, yer hoMK, there s no runnin back wanted ihey re close here. Y'isterday, whin those ppaiptens w ere behind us, the floor bastes ov mules hung back as if they was loadstones; and to day, as ihe immy ia in front, it's all the other way, and they re ready to run over thim.- It was as Larry said ; and Dawson frowned to fiud how clce they were. 'You came on too quickly,- he said roughly, to Adams when they closed up, 'It is not safe.' '1 he mules seem very fresh," was the reply; and after receiving orders to halt lor a quarter of au hour to 22, 1877. allow .he s outs to s i well iu id- Vance. Dawson hnd L.rrv went to -ward more, the glass being brought into requisition at every suitb'e spot, but only to show clear way. The mffians bad evident ly push. d right o..; and at list Diw on pulled out his chart and compass beneath tue shade of a ro k, and set to aud studied it far while Yes, hegidto hin.sef, this val ley e.ids here, g..rgrB stiikin? off iu ui.c-e directions then we hive tocr as an alkali dsn due snitneast, to stiike another rai go of niouutins. 1 hat w i I do, and we cau giv these fellows the B.ip." Th heat wag friht lit', but they toiled o-, Lar.y seeiiiing indeiatia bl. ; aud at las', about mid-day, thry ca ii: tO"wtaerirthe vatley ended in a sort uf chaos. Deep gorges, high pitched rocks, steep escarpineuta, a legnlar natural for ification, wher -au'a my might, have been hid, aud the hills fell to the p ain, which f ro n where they fitc d sh on meied gray and white in the haze of the Min. For the last hi ur the laud h id trended upward, and now, sc. ing a spot wnere he could view the sur ruttiiciing plai i, Dawson adjusted h:s glass, and began to crawl up to a higher point, vvhjn suddenly ne felt some one spring upon him, his aims were pinioned to his side, and he and hi assailant rolled over and over down s .me twenty fe-tot steep shpe nto a e'e t amo.ig the rocks. 'You treacherous do ,! he gasped, as loosinjr bims -If by a tremeuuous smuggle, he C3ughi Larry by the ihioat. 'Wlrsr, Misther Daws u, Sor, and aise ye s-lf off-me, for its heavy as lead. Ve'el be breaking 8 iue ov me bom-s. Arrah, sur that B .tupid little p siit l away. Didu t ye see as ihe divils were jut below, and if I had i t have pu'led ye back they d have seen ye? Dawson 6tared at Lis companion, who r. 8ponded with a giiu; and then he crept cautioUaly to the edge i t a crag and peered down into a broad rift which seemed to be the way ..ut into the plain; aud there were the very men thry sought to avoid clustered together not ffty yards below, smoking, driukiug, and one group playing with a pack ol tards. Tuey were evidently blockading the sole exit from tue valley, feeling Mire that they had pissed then quan'y on the Daw sun crept back unobserved, ana r joined Larry. 4 b.g' your pardon, Larry, he said, frankly," h dding out lu hanl. "Heda I, an, I,d have given it to ye wiiiouL yer bt ineaniu yeisiU to b g Misther Dawson, sor I tuk ve by surpiise an, in return. e've t;ik all the shkin off me poor shin. .Shall I run an' stop them at waust?" ''No; watch i.e. e. Larry. Take my i ifl ; Yes y- s, take it I can run bak b -tier wi; hunt it.'' Harry tuok ih .- ieee with an air ol d e .ii.-gust. 1'uii must watch, and if thine is a ,y change of posit on c m - and warn us. I'll get Iheui back into a place of safety," "K in, thin' yer houor;bud, bedad, they, re close on us ariiu. Listen!" There was the f nnt click hctrd ol alulie; a a mule's houf, and far np, n:gii. r iracK vna.ii ti.oy uan come, mey Could sec the mult - li iver some dis tance in advance. Kvident'y fi um h s el.-vatcd posiiiuii he h id just emgh: si,4lu i f the men in the ravi n-, f.r, ill iliing foiWard, h; tied a haud ken iiicf io the -nd of his mule-staff and b gin to wave it in the a;r. F'.r a 1110 neiit D.tWr-Ou sei ni d par a'v.ed; then he sua'ched toe r tie :r uu Harry's hand, dr p d ou one kll -e, all I tuok a ion.' all I C ireful .t m, nes t il d. drop cd t e pitCc ill t.. the bulh .v.- . 1 , is a:m it Was to It n v a shot. Til" nex in-taut i.c tinned o Lar iV. " O ,iik !' h cr'ed : Midi w me. The t ... 1. .1 I. , .1 gun .'s up, but we'll di.- 1 k. ni n. C1I U'THIt XIII. OCT UK TIIK VAI.I.KV. Harry g ve i e glan e cag b -hin 1 him, 10 - in: !: sco nnirc's I clow were in v r- t e .at t e or.eci iiiieoiisi io is u ss of wi.a on upon the m tl o nin th-m tla-lied after his w.t- goi.g . 1 .p , an 1 l a ior; but b lo.eth y had gon -- nia .v th'-v sto. p d. as if see 1 bou a : us d b the's g t wi.ich nvt their i -y-s, lor th'-y ii..d .a-en Adams suddenly r is!i f -rward a-ic! til an .1 te n- down the sign il. lieX' mo nelit he und the ra ileteer we.e engaged il .1 feirfill strugb; ujion wua' s em u :o be quite - narrow lidg . luc mines Wft' lilted t-onv ms anc ; ba k, and from the c-'iujM s d way on wh ch the j w o neii kept th. ir plac-s, it was t v - d n tnat the sight w is i.i ideu fioni j i hem by um- i.itei posing cr .g .t w.'S a di i e struggle out ni I not las: ab-.vea minute, during whic'i I th.; two men h ave I and swayed heie and there, 1 11, reselling the edge they r-mained bent over, trying hard to recover their balanc-; th-'ii they fell, and rolled over and over down tlie steep side, to disappear the tieXt mumnt from their v:ew. Lirry uttered a hoarse cry as they disapdeared, and bounded forward, closely lollowed by Dawrsou. The way was very painful, th .ugh, and s on bee ime a climb down to wheje at iast they found Adam3, looking very pale and dazed, sitting upoa.a fragment of rock. And are ye killed, masther dear? cried Lrry, fc-ling him all over. 'Not a bone bruk, he cried, joyfully; 'only his head, and that don't mat ther a bit.' 'Xot much the matter, I believe,' fa d the youug man, giving himself a shake, and taking a little whiskey NO. 11. frita Dawson's flsnk. 'Ai d tha. tre ich -rous Seoundrel,' exciaim.-d Daws n; -h i hasn't esca pedr Adams txiinted down into a rift from which ho had crawled. Lairy sprang m, the in-tan t, t -oome back alter a few minu'es, with a struge, dry loot upon his COUIienauce. 'Dead V sa:d Dawson, in a h a se w lns,er. Ar there a y crows and bastes ov t' at kind in tin ov the coun'hry, r r a .id La ry, evading the qut s' t on. Dawson niddcd 'Yes,' he said 'pi nty.' 'Thin, be the sane token, I hope the black-h- aned villain wou't disa gree wid th m. There s the ladies a beckoning ov ye. ('om ; along, for tnim cliaos uuy nnke thim o itafth er uL.' 'Was he quite d-ad, l!arry V paid Dawson, hanging back to speak to tlie Irishmtn, as they climb d tow a d the edge where the muh -s siod, as patient as so mnv s neep. Sun-, I didn't 1 kc U s y s bef- re the masther, bud ihe biste fell legs upwai da, and',' he added hi a whisper, 'he hadn't got; any head left worth spak n' about.' Damson shuddered, a id fie next minute they were leading the mules back in'.o a place of safety, which they found among the rocks, where at le tst tln-y could count up .n be ng set ure from observation. 'Here, whd- the mules w e e resting and partaking ol the r provender, a conned of war was cal e 1, and t ie mater arg icd in a I t be ..ring--. It was imp .isilile t- Ii de Ir un the women that they were in ike m dst ot danger ; but they b eeit all wi h fortitude, and a look of admiration more than once stole ac:oss Dawson's face as May made 8 me qvnet sensible re mirk. Two courses seemed "pen to t'lem to retreat and give up the project for the time, at t ic valley wat op -n in their r ar, or 1 1 go f r .vard and tiyeithev U find a way of g-ttingout on ti e plain on the right, or baldly pass by the ruffians' c nop. 'Weil, Harry," said Dawson at last fur that individual had sat sucking the end of his s ick and listening at tentively 'well, Larry, what do you say ? 'Sure, yer h mo-, it isn't for the ii ces i v m : to in ike plans, only to take ordheri.' 'Never mind; tell ns what you'd .do. .Wou d yj-u go back!' Wi uld i g. back V said Hany, in ioi e of couicmp - 'J jist wouldn't f.r Iikcs ol i liim !' 'Then would you do?' What would I do, yv honor? I'd iiivint a sthr.rij m, a d dcludhor the varmints. I'd jist lade ihe basics f ti I lo contintni ii , and muzzle, their fate, mid ih in s'ale l.y the ill-lo king ruftiaiis, laiigii ng n me si ive at thim for a si.t ov iu d-, b ggi"g the ladies' p il dons.' 'I'm lor Larry's plan,' said Dawson. '.-iu am I,' .-aid A I. .ins. '.nd I'll toil yju wliat it i--, Larry, only let us have g .od luck and net to tin; si. ver regiuH, it's no 1 ttie sum you s'uill have to lake b n:k with y u to ihe old countrv, if you want to e' 'Sure, y.T honor,' Riid'iy, w.tli a cock i f his eye, "and i-n': it a bad plan io b";rin gi ng aw.y what v havntgot?' ' JL ileie Ta : g-1 some !eep, ruid D iw- son, lauglnng, "and ill lake ne Watch.' I Obj'-'C i ni wi rc- mid-, but over- I rahd. 1 'Un'ess you li ne rest ; ;i cuino ! get liirough th ' ta.a lon glit,' sa il ! Dawson; and tue f rc-j of his ks : was p ite .t t a 1. Toe hu.i cemod to c me down . with jr liter f rco t .an c-'-r as the , aft r o hi woi: on, and Dawson saw I lrom who e h watched a couple uf 1 the i-no my cjnie up twice, and tak : j a lo g o k down the val ey; but th -y i so u r tue I, a .d he, in his turn stole ' I r.tard, an I creeping from crag to ; crag.k eping Ii mself wc 1 under cov , r. thoroughly injdo- hi nself mast, r of the bearings d ihe place. wMi ! t i" r. B lit il a! h SO in loind t iat : ihr.- was no way by w .ich tie 1 mill s ! pa-s save along by ' v ii r- t ie i "iny wa ched. Ou 'foot they might i.uv cl mbed down fom i iociv bi iock and so gained the plain, bin with th ir b -asts of burden here I w s the only ope ling. lie was ie urn h g, w'.i n a de'ach- d scon fcu.idcidy ra tl d down close by li m. and in.- ha 1 ouly tim to throw h fia, on :)is.iaee i lose under a large cv g, w!: ;i he became aware uf tiie !u t iii it on.- "f the spies was up above him. d in') ng higher and big . r, .m l lo king r gut. over where ; i e lay. ! It w.'S a n trrow escap , and he l.y f r qui'e half an hour, a a are that a m vein' nt on p trt must mem be rival of his pos t on. Th n he heirl the fellow i-ri e, whistling, and he cr .'pt back in sa'ety to their hiding-place. Tlie fatigue of the party halbien so great that, save the watch, they all slept heavily nil about ten, wh-jn Adams awo-ie them. li:frcghment was partaken of, and they prepared ior trieir start. By the time the women were ready the mu its' feet had beeu cov ered with the woolen rug pads. Every arrangement possible had been made "for their safety, and they set 0 Dawson going on in advance aa ecout. Larry beannz his orders to and fro to Adams, who led the first mole. Slowly, step by step, they crept on down a precipitous ravine so cax' fully that hardly a Btoae wag moved. It waa as though a ghostly, proces- Rates of Advertising I 1 me I 8 me s'snoe 1 year linen $J30 $SM $1000 IUN '"iches 4 50 tOO 100 MM ""Asa 600 IS 00 1800 SOS il 10 00 M 00 I SO 00 0 00 (V- 15 00 SO 00 40 00 ! lcoltuan qo 4000 00 00 100 00 Tnnsiant sclTerUsaunenU will be ebarged 2 r llieh for tue ttr,t toaertiois and oeole Ut ash smbtsnuaov on Bttsineu notte, m loeaJ eolama wiM b charged 15 cents pt Unt for th, firat iDMrawa audio eents per Una Utareeftat- TERMS CiS-0s DXKA5D. Si u was on its way, the nhantoms of some former multj train; and at lat they reached the lower level, wher there was what might be termed th ? lo tiie valley tho pine: where the enemy Ifai p-tched theii mp. here they halted for a few minutes, to be joiued by Dawsou and Larry, the former giving his final orders iu a whisper to Atiams, namely, that as soon as they were out of the shad ow of the rocks he was to torn sharp rouna to the rigat, and, making the aioon his mark, lead the mules' jiht on her s lvery track for the next two hours, aud then, if not Overtaken by him, to halt -f r one hour. That spa e of time past, Dawson advised that tiy alionla trTi tin .aaaoro in, and thou aetk some safe plao where tuey e nld rest for a week;an i t'e 1 it wou'd be wise for th-m to re toru giving up the quest. ' But you, Mr. Dawsou V said Mrs. Adam 1, anxiously. ' Well, uiy dear madam,' he said, sadly, ' it will be only a bit of fate However, I am talking of the worst, and f what you mast do if those fellows stop Larry aud me, tor though we go in front now, we shall halt by tho cai:p here till you get by, and try to follow. Good-by," he said, warniiy. ' For the piesent good-by.' said Mrs. Adams'. ' lafat laaK-1 yria aa.t- IiaOaji give up , Histnot s i loud. Tlier arc not two hundred yards away, though i buy all seem to be asleep and no watch 8 -t. Give up T Oh nol That would never do.' He took a step or two to jwhere Mary Adaniv was, standing by her n.ule, and held out his hand to her without a word. Mary seemed to hesitate for a mo ment, aud then she garo him her hand, saying ' Q xxl by,' quite Calmly. Tue next niuule he gave Adams a few final orders, aud then she saw him step out f the dnk shadow where ihey stood, ami, closely fol lowed by Hrry, go silently on along the level t iward where the scarped rocks on the right rose higher, and cast a shadow light across this the narrowest part of tho 'gate.' Then taey seouied to d 8 ippear all three who watciicd noticing how coon a departing figure grow misty in the distance, and auguring therefrom well for their escape could they once pass the eneufy. CV'1' ' Up on your mule, Mary,' aad Adams, helping Iht i uow be ra4.' e 4VHafc Uwc v mind. We start in a minute.' Adams blood ran cold, for as he helped his sister to iiiotuit, the mule gave an impatient squeal, and stamp ed with one of its l.rj feet. At another time this would have been enough to set the whole train of seven i i cnnmotoi; but they were replete, and perhaps sleepy. Not another paid any heed to the skittish o1 j-.dor, and the tiroj being up. uttered on; nine word of warning-, diew h s revolver with his right hand, took the le idiug mule's br.d e with the left, and started out of the nhad w, and ihe other docile beasts followed iu siugle file, aud in (.eldest silence. Not two hundred yards to traverse they would be level with the s .ot where the desperadoes lay asleep. A I. nin' hea t tnumped heavily; but he in v r hesitated for a mom nit. Ho had s rung himself up for the task, aii I on he went, hglitly and quickly. One whinny fr. m the mules, one sbaiv kick against a loose stone, w u d betray tl em; but they pass d over nail tho distance in safety. Then, iu t ie obscur ty of the shadow ahea I,' Adams Could just make out two ling figure-", and, for aught he ,- mid tell, they might b'J a couple of in -ir enemies, lie was ccrnp. died : io believe that they were friends, and step b.ddly on, hard as was the taik. T -r e pir;s ol tho distance, in o her niinste, and if th-y were for tu i i'e they would be past. was that? Good Heavens! tiie slightest hitch wou'd now be fatal To no was a soft rustling noise, a if ..-.. in one alighting from a mule : au I as Adams looked back, h s heart S -.'nr. I to Stand sulL, iot he saw tha. Ma y. wii ride the la-"f, had leafed down, an I had taken his wife in her arms. In ted her from her Beat on the la t m de but one, and was carrying her. To n iw would have ben fatal to have loit his gnid mcc of tlie first mule as bad. A glano; decided him; he knew Mary's strength, and he led on, and in thm fashion the train went by Daw. on and Larry, both motion lets as siatuei the males led by Adams following one by "" a-id the r ar brought up by Mary Adams with her i3 cr's slight form in her arms. Hearts beat faster, hearts seemed to stand still, as the straoge gray moon-silvered train went silently by where, in a heap upon the sand, lay in the dark the wdiole party of des peradoes. The last mole past Mary past with her burden ind then, at a sign from Dawson, she was joined by Lirry, who, without a worJ, relieved ber of her faintiog load. (To be eoatitraedj A post-oPs'ic cierk was recently floored by the following direction of a letter: "Wood JOHH Mass." It was explained afterward to mean "John Underwood, Aadover, Mass." A uttlb girl of eight or ten sum mers being asked what da at was, re plied that "it was mad with the juice squeezed out." ' I X V; "0 vv.