euro The Mu rfreesboro Enjqu i rer. r-r- ! J " i!..L.... . ... ..... , ,, r t VPlrVAKD-'AXD' OX WARJ - t - i 2E (Thursday; februar hylzHTf, fol Robert Strange, of WilraiitetGii, died last- "vvic. j . i te rdturU'our thanks to our ninple repre, II. C. Maddrey for sblne docu- It seems that R. J. Gatling .Epq., the greatest gun inyentor of the a ! and an old Hertford county Bon,) is still! ing-to: supply the world with destructive weapons. He tested a new intention .of Jus at Gibraltar recently, and $ot ' being featibfied at the results, is preparSnc for a second and better trial. - . ; 1 f ' The State Grange. The next annual meetinc of the North Carolina grange, Patrons of Husbandry will be held in Greensboro, on Tuesday, iFVbru ary, C, 1877, instead of the 15th of the same month, as heretofore published. We hope every Grange in this section will be represented either in person pr A permanent head-quarters will by proxy. probably be selected and Greensboro has alelko? vvmg and will ceraiuly get it if this sectiob of be State is well represented. trjot, Greensboro Pa - - Journalistic-' Kii J, W. Albright haa-wttbdJvTO'frbci th'O editorship of the Greensboro Batriot. The Roanoke News bit been puiMliajsed by Thos. Ernry, and will ia futujrp be ed. ited by 'AndrevJ. Iiitrtoa,Esq. Wei regret toart wtthoar olr. friend, iJr. Jianning, yetV "?re "welcome our talented fricnjl Burton affix wish the iVe a larger share! ol pros perftyi . . - The Wilmingtoi. Journal haJijbeen re vived under the Control of Cicero W. Har ris, Esq., who has made it a considerable improTeincnt even upon the sprig lilly Cape Fear j We welcome the Journal fiid now recognize it as ione of the best dailik in the State, I - The Messrs. Thorp have dispose of tiiei; interest in the Ilocky Mount Mail t Messrs TV". II. & II. j). Avea, aud the nevir editors make their, bdw in a well written) and ap propriate saludatory. The North Car-linjk Farmer earned to u little changed hi form last week. Kv ft e com- mend it to the farmtrs of onr & p.te, and would suggest that they.make it tNeir State orrah. SuoscriDtion. SI. tkt veai v- There is a rumor the Albemarle pim'e.i will resume publication : sotn.. We tiuslt the report may be true Passap-P nf tliP Piarp Rill When we saw the names- of these! ster ling democrats and firm pataiotsj Hansom, Bayard and Thurman, as. members on the part of the United State3 Senate (if the (Jongressional Joint Oo'mmittee,. pointed to determine the Presidential controversy, Aye were satisfied, not only the fctterest of the Democratic party and of' tjiie South would be maintained in all honoHaiil ain .. .... . j i cerity, out that the republic itself would re ceive no detriment j I The report which was the result oi their consultations was of course a coiraSromisc: But the times are critical, antT threco an try was menaced by civil war, Jiih, we, with thousands of our fellow citiejjns, hon estly; beleived that Tildeh and Henlfricfce aie fairly elected, j'et other thousand8-ico Sdub equally conscientious were juat fcffjtjiorstrghi ly convinced of the election cf Iliyea and Wheeler. The anomalous condition of a very nearly equal division of life votinsr strengMi of the nation, arrayed 'v cither side, was an element of tremenrjpsj peril, and it carried a stuperidcu;! itScalty i l the way of satisfactory settlement- j The Peace Bill prepared by thei fcrmmir tee, and which at once'commendeJl: itself to iuc WUUIC-. tuuuirv, xori ana pomp, as eminently fair and just to both pi(Cieaur ail flections, was a triumpli of cOT5rageoas and impartial Rtatestnanship. Itsj idoklaa. by both houses of Congress, by Scinpfcatic Diajorities, has saved the nation ancl. rciidisr anything like a civil war impossiDe. Whether the final iesue shalI J be inaugaration of Tilden or of Hayed is j the now fom in i the . arbiti ation o f Proyidenceji which let us hope for the best, j pat nation, which is above all parties! and I the Pres idents, the republic founded by the biwe men and women of a hundred yea agr?,- is safe for Aeasi another century. 7xb perpeiua. , I ; , North Carolina- With us in North Carolina, ttu natioral trouble is beyond our rneana of control, we can at ieast sec that xhle ark is kept at home and duly honored. 4870 n liberty was assailed in North Carolina. and the ark was carried away captiv nch branch of the State government was cjon seating thereto the legislative an d the ex 3U ecutive by direct overt action, and the dicial by non-action. But in due . . m " ' -If"'" time uagon wa? oyerturnea, tne peopM rose as the waves of the sea rise before th tempest aiiu i uit'ujui um;k.. lueir oik wiiui inuiupu fV,icL Rejoicing. Law once-more rgnecl in ifortii Oarolina, and enly the stum:p! of pa gon was left tp hiro. And whilhejrj-should the kine dav the ark of the poples liber - tiesv if not ihto the border of North Caro JiDa4. i'a" fortress formed for fkeedom's hands." ' Where should th genius jaf liber ty guide them, i&njcl hre It was on the Uil cf North Carolitui that the foojtjof the first English colowt was planted' iu Abe er ica, and the solitudes of her-forcsteifirst of ail heard the glorious, tongue of Shiispesxe and of JMiltoi-5 it was in North (larohna that th first Wood was , Fhed in be alf of Caro. Americaa liberty ; it was in North lhja that the fnt Declaration of Ihdepen- dili.Q3. WA9 promulgated against the power of , the British Empire. North Carolina' provincial congress, first of all, instructed their delegates " to unite "in i& nationalpc laation (of jludependence jUt; jwastorth Carolina who, wftb! one Ibther JState? to assist her refused to agTee 6 a provision in the American Constitution permitting "Con gress in any, emergency to suspend the privileges ofjt tie great writ of human lilier; ty";. . jt Jvas m North Carolina, and I be beleive' onlviin -North Carolina, that in the 'midst of the great civil war of modern times, jwherj -forty mill iotis of people were engaged in desperate fctrife. amid the glsan. iu of bayoijeSj.the roaiiug of caanontLe thunder' of charging squadrons and the light of burning eities, the civil" power maintained its supremacy oyer the mi'iaryj the j ugde w As obeyed. , inter arma audie- bauturlcgexir Govs Yirnce's address ! aUgXTSTA 'LETTR" j ; AtJGiT6TA,ARX, Jan. 2(1 1877T ;! Editor Enipixrer : 1 , .' !. . News mTEBESTiNa tooue PEorLESicTr- ESS AMuiirpSESBOEO SON OKAED F20M &C. To tell the pews in Arkansas &t this time is a task that I; feel wholly incompetent to perform,, but jl will tell a littleof ft anyhow j The news here is hot like ny nef"4ibor's whiskey gojd - and better bat bad and worse.- " j'''T"l i; " : ' ' For samr iwecks Tefor& tJlirfstmas the people were gsneralJy well aud anticipating-good time, buUaJos I that dreaded melsj scnger, death instead of joy brought grief to many hearts. I have never heaid of near so muchjneumonia in all of my life, and in a majority of cases it has proved fatal. A good many people have died, and many more are sick, but the- are those who! were prostrated, from disease In the past summer. I will give the names of two of Northampton sons who have recently dk-o for the informjatlou of their friends and re lations: jWitlii'm R. Gardner, son of Mr. Jessie B. Gardner, died' about two weeks; before Ghristibas. John T. Vaugban. who has many friends and relations in North-; impton and itertfoid counties, died on the 31st day of December. On Saturday night before Christmas snow fell to Sunday I the again and con the Thursday hard 03 ever I the depth of tour inches, on snoy commenced falling inued day and night, until Ifollowro":. Evervtt;i:ie froze saw it and the snow is on tl , j-roimd yet. Notwilhstai: umc: the weather h?.S 1; extremel' cold -and disagreeable, and peo ple have been; (dying thick aud fast, heavv efforts have bi?eu made for amusement. I think for the past month there has been a ball, party, oj- a wedding every nigLt. The week before .Christmas our Clerk issued thlrteon rnari i'age liceuges, and; it is to bt hoped there are at least twenty six happy souls in Arkansas. The people here heal the world to joanre.It is all can be done to keep some of them from dancing while sit ting up with1 the dead audv dying. Mr. Editor, I think you say you are fond of dan cing, now if -ou -want an opportunitytodo big dancing ald a heap of it, just come l ight here tjij .Woodruff county, Arkansas, and if vou da not have a chance to dance ali you wish to, I will treat to a gallon ot something I like to have said whiskey, but I happened to think you might be a Good Temp!r. Nevertheless, you come out, aud you jghall dance all you wish, and dance at a - jj-edding1 too, if I have to get married myself! The cotton crop would have been gat li the bad weather tv'kich set in erecr, but for about the midjlle of December, and' stopped woik' entirely .. Cottofi is 1 Dv, and the crop -shorty bu;t I believe farmers as a gen eral thing, are as well able to pay their lebta-as they have beeu in several years. Augusta ha3 been a liyely plcethis win- terl I think Mold tii ere inj ever bbfore in' There aie six I there has been more g. ods the past fot months, than the same length of time, arge dry goods houses in Au i gu3ta, each emploMng from four to six sates Snen, all are bSy from early night.. There '.are seven lare dawn till late at large groceries, two drug stdrefr, jewelry establishment, three' bar-rons, one tailor, oue photograph gallery, liverjj stables, besides milliners, shoemakers, bljacksiniths, and restaurants a plenty and all seem to be doing a lively bUMnessu . There j will be two or three hew bustnness hoxit ?s opened in a short time. ; Politics ha! cooled down to mixed up t'mPsv and are in for two Presidents, or rlone. Some think we will have a little war: some think not, but oue thing is sure, (and a little cpnsoliug too) we paD sill stand ehber of the diemm-as aud I don't care two bits Which. I jam willing to take a bit f lioth if necessary i The handsome, aurT, fnteHTgent Pul Uill, fronj Murfiesboro, was to see me not laris since. We- hacT good old fashioned lauh; he has been to Texaa but didn't like it. I wish I had time, and couid tell what; lie say? f Texas, ; ! Cache. PITCH-LANDING LETTER. Pitch Landing, Jan., 20thr 1877. Dear Enquirer i- ' - , . i At this late day I comply with a promise made sometim since, in giving ypu a few. of the : incidents I in this" section of our county, i :;. ' --;!. ' ' We live in a -strange climate. At one time a fellow U afraid to open his mouth, for fear of beinsc frozen inside, and then before one has time to think, the theraom eter is lip to 76 0 at night, I had began to think! jthE the prediction of the late IJeatenant MafaryV of the United States Meteorological pignal Corps, that we were to have tluee very severe cold winters, com ¬ mencing the winters of '76. '77, was about to be, verified. But alas ! to all sub Iimarj" calcularoa predict that it -wiil snow and the theraometer raistd to 73q. .Would that tbera could, bi bo suddeb a changein-the election Rei urning Boards" for the! Better, and then j honesty would take the place of fraud, the; smile of har piness ! wuld gladden the cheeks of .the loferjs of peace anci good uoYernment, tlve jabilant "song of industry might he-heard from' the frozen lakes to the Rio Grande and old Piute- wobM bowl, over- hid lost prbspect of tho?e redeemed - The we ither is having its Effects upon the weak contitdtiou$ of numbers of our cili sensJ Geo. WJ, -iBrittou an old citixen, died a fevdays agb of Fneuionia, and-hi? Lelder son, I understand- has-been etricken- with the same disease and has passed the skill of the medicineman. il Mrs. Marthai Evans, mother of the iley, Jos. N. Evan, of ilurfreeslxjio. Tenn., died on Sundiy the; 14th. at an advanced old age. Drs. Thomas &'-Askew . are getting, all the prac tice they i can- attend to, and the muddy Iroads- are telling upon their: jaded horses, while they: are cf ten caught dosing m their huirgissv -)... . ", ; The Phnnny Phcllows of mdsor gave an entertainment :n Harrenstilie on the 11th. for the benefit of the Baptist church; The entertaininment was pronounced by judges to be splendid, especially the part acted by Capt. Vill A6kew, of the Stinr. Bertie ;vho in delineations of the negro i character far surpassed the great Baujist Gregory. I understand that uiicle Samueh Spruill and B. 15. Winborne, Esq., of Win ton, lot their passions get the better of their discretion a few days ago at Coleraine and uassed a Jew blowsJ . I have learned since that there ..was no harm done, qnly a little ear and hair nulling. . The hrern3i.l!LLed Miss Addle McDade wi:o has for Sometime been teaching school Jia Edsecrmbe, ha$ returned to llairell -Iviile and -will socn open a school. May success attend her efforts. ! ; - Maj. Moore handed me, a few days ago a copy of the Enquires, with the 1st. and 2nd chaDter of his histcrv of Hertford rnnntvi Thp TPJulpr of the ExdriPEP will 1 LOuntyj me reaxiers ox me ngi iu j be mxiip pleased n .learning . the early landmarks-'of -our noble old county brought to light 'by the gifted pen-of ;th8 Slajior. Ti)e Maj. hasgiven tj imself extensi ve bounds- in bring-iu: to light our earlV historv. he causes anh effects in ! The task could not have been placed in Letter hands, and the history wilV be a monument to his memory, more or stone, after he shall into dust, j "Ere this I Thinb, Asa! IIartz; lasting than brass have besn disci ved ! TII Nil W YORK ! WEEKLY HERALD; ill i JAMKS GOIVDOS BEKlsXTT, ropri.tor. I he Best &. Cheapest Newspaper! Published I -POSTAGE Tli EE. . ' r ONE DOLLAjH PK YEAR. i SOi'enl for Six 9fo5aM. An extra coi.y taj every ciab of Ten. ' ! Tlie NEW YOIJK DAILY HERALD, I TubUsbt-a every day In the year. .' i Postkg-e Free. j $10 pays for one year, Sundays iucTui'ett. $-3 pave for ov.e year, without Sundaysj 3 paye-ftir six iavuf.hs,-$un(lays itMu.i0't I S4 pays fiir six moiuhs. M'ithecSiiviays. i 1 2 piys fpr one year fcir any specified ilay of the weeK. H t 'i 51 pays for six month3 for any spscified day of th3 weekl i ' s ' s i Jl pays for one month, ShnJays inoluded. f jNEWSlSEALipiiS 8TjrPLlED. iortt!"rc Free. ! Daily Edition Pumlatf' Weetly KJition.... , r 2 14 cent pr r CopT 4 eta per Oopy. 2cts per Copy Address New York HERALD' Broadway fc Ann Street, New York. "THEE! UNION MONTGOMERY BLAIR, Editor PUBLISHED EVERY MORNNTQ (SundaT3j ex cepted.) at ! 927 D STREET N. Wf WASHINGTON, D. jC. I BY HBXJZY J'OLKIXUORS, Address, 55ox 184, City I, O. 1 ITEtUNION is spriWl Kv r-u ripr to ubscilbers at 15 cents per week, orj 50 i cents per month. . Single' S espies, three cents, 'J By mailt (iK)stago prepaid) 00 ct'titft i per month or i'7.00 per year. AM Kubscnp tious must Im paid iu THE UNION will advance. . ' j ; be sent to clabs at the rate of $8" per year, (postage paid) ;1 Rates of advertisement furnslied on ap plication!. 7 ' Newsdealers order; ng The Union will ba supplied jai tbe usua! rates. ' i Tbe money in ust iny aria biy acconipany the order. All hank checks must be stamped. Post-oflSce, orders are preferable, i All business communications I nrust be addressed to the 'Pulbl isher of the Union. THE I SUN BE-W YORK. 1877. The-, different editions of Tne SUN during the next year Will be thft same as duriivg thit nas jast psased. The dally, edition riii on week days be a sheet 1 four t pages,, and on Sundays a sheet of eight pages, or 56 broad (fcotumna ; -while the week, ly edition j will b a sheet of eight pages of the same dimensions and character that are already f arriliar to onr foiends. ; f,;. -',-. r .. j Tire pri of N the daily SUN will be 53 cents & month or$C,50 a year, post-paid, or witlr the Snnday edition T,70 a year. "f " j- ' ; f The weekly SUN, eijflt pages of 56 broad colnrnn will be furnished during 1877 at the rate of 91 T year, post-paid. ; ! The be efit of this large reduction from the pre vions rate for the Weekly can be enjoyed by ln dividral frnbscribers without the necessity of ma King up clubs. At the same time, Jf any of our friends choose to aid in extending oar circulation. we shall be grateful to thiem, and every such per. son who sends us ten or more subscribers "from one place will be entitled! to one copy of the paper for himself without charge. - At one dollar a year, postage paidthe expenses of the paper and print ing are to rely repaid ; aid considering tt e Bize of the sheet and the quality' of its contents, we are confident the people will; consider: The Weekly SUN the cheapest newspaper rcollshed-in the woi Id and we trust also one of the very best; j y . Address .t i f ',. t , . v -; v, -. TaENi V " '! 4s: 1 ;i-V j New.York City, N. Y. ub&crribe to the j i ESTABLISHED ' HIOIINTKEET A CITY TVI1ARF, PORXS3IOUTH, VA.. t COTTON .FAOTPSb, ; mi GEN E HAL COM MISSION MERCH AN T 8. ' Y '''"'' For the lG?Wr?, STRAIN, STAVES, LUMBER. DBlfcD Aud Dealer ia BailJr'a and Agriculture l ime and Plaster, Cement and bait. t ; i ' WHOLESALE DEALERS IN COALS OF ALL KINDS, Standard Saper-Phospatea and Pure n GENUINE Noi 1 PERUVIAN OUANO DIRECT FROM AGENTS ALWAYS ON HAND. t!LiiH;ral Advanoea made on Consigniaenta or Q: &o F: BARRET WHOLESALE i GROCERS CoHimlssloil Merchants, .; Corner Market Square and County Street, ..... j roKTSMOUTH, va. ' . .' '..'J '; ffer bargains to prompt payhx? buyers, and' 'ost-Offlce Box 154. jMuri'recsboro Advertisements. COMPETITION LIFE OF TRADE! ucqcss the Criterion of Excellence ! DOWN WITH ONorOLIES! BAUM & MEURYMAN taVe pJeasnrin annaunoin ra taeir ineuus uu tne .,fl.c RaeralJy that they haw rcceutiy leased and Jtted aiv-rne buiidisift corner -jaain-ann Aonn strecjea, fOTUierlr occupied by- T. . lieanj and are now jirepaied to cj --.ijt all n:atJer of vrorkiu their iiiDe iu good style aud moderaU; prcea. t 1 AZkS T'GGIES, SULXIKS. CARTS? A'AGOrss CAKT-WHEELS, Ac, ma e and-mpired. Ol FURNITURE craned, repalrwilV and var nldhei, aud new again at small cost. uHlOLSTERTNO, GLAZING, Ac, w-Hl- be exe cuted; iu a neat and reliable manner at low Crures. i Ttfr.l JJ2Tm srive.H hi personal attention to COACH aud sillGi PAINTING, aud guarantees -strttel action. f Jf'D EITTA H done in all it branch p?. We.have jest completed aK elegaut HEARSE, which we will tarnish ; FREE OICOST to all parties procuring their Coiiliw of na, CoHius all Stylos n'nl Irices, SPECIAL NOTE -Pasties ordering Coffins will ; , ' ! AttacticxJ' tr"oaT'estab2tshment is a finacl&ss HARNESS FACTORY, . whire you can have your Harness made and re paired. . i ';'"-!' SEWING MACHINES repaired' and' put In good order1. ' nr-Satisfactlon gnarantejed and ail worfc war ranted for one year. Ue 16-1 y T Tiew Advertlscmeiitiir VIK3 FLO WER and VUG ATA BLK GARDEN! Is the most beatiful work of the kind in- tbe worlds It contains one huudrcd and fifty Zafes hundreds f fine illustratioisarand six Chtutno p'ates gf flowers, . beautifully dua-wb and colored from nature Price 50 Kcentafia paper covers; $1, inelegant cloth. Printed? in German and English, Vik's Flora? Guid, quarterly 25cts a year. Viek's- catalogue S00 illustrations 3"cents. Addresw, VICK. Rochester, Y. 1877. IIKItAI,I. ' IS77. AGENTS WANTED I We desire oaegure the ser?fcfs of ener getic ladies, metii, oy aud girls to canvass for the Pee Dee Herald, a large twenty eight coliimnj2r-6ide" paper, published at Wadtsboro, every Wednesday, j We will; pay casb $jt 6et?jces, The sabscrip tion nrirft is ' t hit it is nn trnnhl tr rot nn a cltb Subnotion onlv One Doi. lar. j Send fo? eircnlars 'cad specimen cop-T pccimen cop ies ifr jouiwii lobe an agents ;' JddreaPi " . ; j .. .. ... j ; JON. T. PATRICK, f Wadesboro, N. C, JnqjSAL, HOTEL, ; I ' '.Dekfehtftil tituatedrrext to Capitol Square, TfcaLHETGH, 5T, C. .IA tfce"b3ertn$ Ui-tbbest Saloon and B'lliarjl Room ia-thecity . C.S.BKOtt 3e 29 v , "j ."- ;. Proprietor. : 1 ; "' ; ' ' ' 1 ' ' i. U are 131 ost respectful 1' invited to send ns ' 13, our orders for job printing.. i f Sale of " FRUIT, EGGS, ani alt 80UTHEUN PROD rcrs, Boye Meal and FIoir at Manufacturers Pricea. Transits. . . . -, ..... ;.-.... .. T solicit correaondeuce. 1 re lu-itrm Norfolk Advertisements. 1819 Established in 1819. URVQ. PAINT AUD OIL STORE, M. A. & O. A. SANTOS, ' Druggists, , No. 113 MAIN STREET, Norftjlk, Va. : We in fire the attention of Merchants, Drturgiata, Physicians and others to onr large aud attractive stock of all article.? embraced In onr Hue. We have the p'easure or inviting nr friends and customers to our magnificent store, having tivt! innnense floors appropriated to ,i PAIN rS. OIIA and infRSTlTFFS. FINE DftUpS and CHEMICALS, AG KlOULTURA r 3 A LTS, PJEKI?-W.MElty aMd SDKOICAL IN.ST1JU MJtNTS, WINDOW. GLASS, OILS and C?LASSWAR. JT1NEKAL.WA-I J TEltS, ag:; &J.- OX!t..2Ui , M. A. At C. A. SAvfT03. WlT. S". FllAKCIS. A. J: ;FKAJei3 PKANOIS vfe BROTHER, COTTON FACTORS : and NOIIFULK VA. Solicit Consiir tnenta of Cotton. Peanuts. Ac. Cafh Orders for Suppli-.M Promptly FU'ed Bag- . gmg aud lies at Lowest Alarfcet rnc Oct. tiii. - . ' pULLEN& PIERCE, ! ,Mna'if.icturen; ef and I?ealer? in CARRIAGES.' BUGGIES, TTABONS, FAlfMWAGONS, CARTS, ' HARNESS fn'1 3DDI.ES.- i CARRIAGE GCOOS, CART WHEELS and CART WHEEL TIMBER. Noh. 18, 2o, 22 Union street. oct 2-tin Norfolk, v- r.umm mm i 3 3 M?.lM7?.r JIM LMM M JIMM M M U M M M 'MMMMM-M MMM.MMM M M M MM M M MAI M EERKKKEEEKEC EKKKR ! EKEK . EFKEE I EEE ' KET.EE EEKKE . MMM.vrarM m mm-mm MM MM M?f M M M M M M M MM M t M M M M M . MMMM MMMMM. MM MMMTM MM M M ' MM , jirNfjrit vrar mm mm MMMM MMTiM MM MMMM M M1MT MM EEEKEJ EKKERpS T-i'rr,T.M.i" EEKEB KEEEK EKE EE EEEEE EE FP"E E EE EEKE MMMMMSr M"MM MMMMM M M M Jl'vniM KEKEEE7? SUXMM ELEEEEE REKE E iEEEE The M'urfreesboro Enquirer for It has an abe corps of corre3pottilents,! giving! new from all point, and give al! the home news' of interest, in tlie First and second Districts. It is Aj llOMK PAPEZf, j ' . pnblished at the head of Education of Eastern Carolina, and has a larger circulation in Hertford and Northampton counties THAN ANY OT mill PA PET? ! ' " Times a?e fiard" and "money is scarce.' but the prosperity of the Enquirer 'is , an indication of its popularity. rEW PRESSES r NE W TYPE I f We hope our friends will bear In-miner; when ever they wish ta have any kind of JOB PRINTING - , - donej that the ENqxttreb office has added a NEV JOB PRESS and- a fine assortment of new TYPE to its newspaper department, where they 1 can hare all manner of Job Printing. excuted In as, good style and at as LOW TRICEs as the same work can be done asywhere. - ! 0 ' LetterHeads, Bill-ITeadg, Circulars, Pos- tere Blank Forms, Visiting and.Busi- y : . nebs Cards, Wedding Invitations, -...; .! Envelopes, PAnipbleta, or any kind of Job Printing. ; Remember,- our rule 13 that unless . our , ;-. . -:-;--- ..-' . .- . , i -.. word gives entire satisfactton we wUI no' accept pay therefor. ' '.!'. 1 -l 7? invite the public to call and examine our peclmena. Address all orders ; SxqpULES,- Muffrce3borvN. . orfolk Advertlscmeuta, , ! lUlCilAAT TAlfiOR, as m fa Street, j r ' NORFOLK, VA. Nth!nc but the finest Clotha. CasRlmeri. VcsntiTtrsi.aJway on hand. And :nne bnt th- S ' III ' t r, it li ' J 1 1 ODE HOUSE, J. MANNING; Proprietor.; j NORFOLK, VA. .f .2.00 PER DAY:. mvRt). he public and traTelllng commnnlty are were thit ao palaa will be apart a to render general g isifhtctloto. fche tab'es gunolied at all tlme wit wiih thb chpofce of the market, I no 4ly J.! Erittfn, of jr. C. VT. M. Beaton, of Ya A. J. BRITTO A flo. ( OMMI3SIOX MERCHANTS far the nale of country produce trenerallr. ftfTUottcn ft speciality jrs Jill cohfignments will receive our nromDtf anl best personal attenticm. Liberal ad ivarilcefl rnal'le .on CcrxfuginieutH in band. Office kid Wareiiou Foot of Fayette St.. SELDNER. i , , ' ! j i Trhlesal Iinor Dealer, panQk Square, NORFOLK, YA. 6ft"1era tirbmniiT attendoii tn n firo!irrantR..i " " . 7 '."""ion- no 16-itm ILLETT, iUM FAbTUrtFR AND WHOLESALE AD- ALER IN .;; ;! ' OOK1NG AND HEATING 8TOTE3, Up, FIRE PLACE HEATKRS, COOKING UTENSILS, i itl KE?FONSTANTLY 5W HAND, j I A Wit ASSORTMENT OK TIN. COPPEP. SHpCET IRbf AND JAPANESE WAKE, PUMI t, MATERIAL, A Cj. Nog ,116 A'll8 VatT Bt, ' j NORFOLK. Ta. ded rfrmowtH AdverHseiiientR. OREENlWOOD. FRED GRETCNWOfiD 4 THE ASKET." i! Ft BGrREEN WOOD T?T?o . A rqil MAKERS and JEWELERS. No li? Mam Si n-i't .'Karfniv v ire and' stocK'in the city and i CLOCKS, ( .lEWFI.RYnfEPAowostt net: P m t 11 i m-r, Scotch . Ale S0StMA 116 AS- irtp-tsmoQth. va. NUWiSi' esy goods JufeTiMXEiVEi). y just recievtd a larjfP lot of FECT iaid STRAW II ATS fir LADIES, MISFIT kind CHILD.kEN, WIHCn I WILL OFFrlR AT A VERY SMALL riilCE, ' Also a lot of , BBDpS, -VELVETS, 'FEATIiKLS, LACE: SILK NECK-TIES. IU'STLIiS, LADIES' antf CI ILDRENS' FUR CAT'S. A liandaome assortment of ! ; -. . : -' i NECK RTiMFLING, COLLARS and CL'FFi?, I DjRESH FRINGES and CORSETS. KDID2 bnttonkid GLOVES, S3, OO Imping of all kinds done to orderi ami examine at , MRS. L. T"; HItt5niKG3? I . i i OXFORD ilALL, Hlgl Street,. Porteraoutfe, Va.. EIIS brothers. COMMISSION MERCHANTS and - Hay. Grnin. Lime, Cement. 4Vc; Water St, ccrnpr of London, Portsmouth, Va. iii Cos Pritifmpt atterfettou fflen to orders and Conaljr menu - -' - Oct. tm. H HtME & BRO., lERS ant! STATIOXJ'R. atreK.v?; r." PORTSMOUTH. VA.. Dalera in PIANOS, ORGANS and FANCY GOODS. Sol-agejy of this 8ectlou for the CELteRRATElV MASON and HAMLIN ORQANS' E; AMERICAN -HOUSE. On the Fnropean IMnn, j PORTSMOUTH, VA. We faKe nleftpdre' tn anrionTicitior in tnn .ih... I B M NrcTHbar 'jnd the trhvelircr pnblic we- ha vp n 5.nea the ahnvpi i.tnnwn . for traveler. We'fenv ..i.i epehS'eMi! maklfar it in every particular a flrst- r,!road ani feaniboat landings, ard oiv tnecornrr of JiA two principal streug. makes lr tne irjest cenvhfnt honse in tltp plfy. Th roonts ate neft well veiitlinted. and are furnished with fer'Hi Pd S Jitintsl BoardL 2 per dar ; Meali,.s cts. 'mm, &. IT. DIGGS 4 SOV PrnnW.t. RICHARD ! iWimrCK. T?4n of c.,,t. - flffntferii years prbpretor of rte crawrord llonne s with tasL. and riena uv i-icaeca io wr icome bis; iXY GOai)S-EARGE STOCK ' LOW PRICES ! 1' h flifiW Alii K O . mm MvwKUt.A - - . mm- aw ho "Tu'Xl X. A o A u " " 2'""' 5 1 nverwtcne i amd 8 da ware; hliD L - .jt J, mum in lar-bTtlrt, tnVS.fFinsrer Rinjrs, Earrlnr , ( ol- 1 nets , acle,. thing "Pitt's :,i5r(DAI' vimnv at fr sesthu my ptore s in Poirrtmortth. iTd ' n2 7 fn . ento repairlcgflne watch e-3 clocks U. 8. HHERWOOU; v.. jLmpoktIsb of V- KhR'sRYEand iXXSVHISKEY m:fM?VV 3V High street-, j