wterripMn AdTne. CSingIe copies, live cents each - v 2TAftV person sending a ciluhuof five v?suUroibe accompanied by tbtf cash, will receive one copy tree, 0pae7 Vw. w. lmo. I too, t a mo. cmo. j ljr. j m... 1 00 I 130 I 8 S"l 4 00 5M I JW i i'iaZ7'99 j I 00 4 00 J 00 J 8 OOJ ifoojj? in.:; -sW.Iieo I L6 O0lJW IjOo i ooi 4 in::."r"Tbo rooi tooiioooiuqoimooi fcoU. t IS 00 10 IM 1 0 I 40 00 IW W .1 W I- TraoJnt Advert wracnu payable j la advance. Yearly advertiameata payable quarterly in advance ITotessloaal Cards, sixJioesbr leas, $IQ per an-nom-half yearly id advance. (Including paper.) For the publication of Coort aotices $t, la charged ir P1 itfadvaaoe Otherwise, IV i Advertisers may, by counting ten wordafo a Une, ind adding the aumber of display lines they wish, estimate for themselves the length and cost pf an advertisement, an, remit, according. Rcmralv ...noes may &e b' uj r f 1 letter. Conrmnoicatlons containing .Urns pi local news are respectally solicited. j Th Editor wilt not be held pesponslble for views entertained and expressed by correspon- ahnserlpt intended for publication mnrt be written on one side of the paper only and accom panied by the name of the writer as a guarante? of jrood faith. " - ! ' -We cannot undertake to return rejected raanu- crlpt.' jmmi", in in m inr----mm Important to AdvertUcravj rWThe MURFREESBORO ENQORERisthe offl cial oro-an of Hertford and Northampton counties, and has a larger circu ation in these emintxe than anu other paper. It also circulates In I fAfrtHwn elZr counties, and as an ADVERTISING MEDIUM la second to no paper in Eastern Carolina. -7 Across mark, on your P1flPrV" A, indicates that youi subscription -V-has expired, or is due. W e demand pronrpt payment, as we need what is due us to en able us to carry on our business more suc cessfully. Promises are wqrthlesSj unless fulfilled . A subscription is a small amount to a subscriber, but put together, they arc considerable to us. So please remit. JIuiTreesborb Institution.; em;i:CHfcS. j, Mcthortit Episcopal Rev F C Woodward. Ser vice every S iniiy at it 'A M. and7 PM. Prayer meetla? every Wednesday evening S.t Toclock. SundaySchool evry Sunday afternoon' at -l oclock. Baptist Church Rev A Mcnawell. Services , very Sunt) a j at U A M. and T P M. Prayer meet i! every Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday School every Sunday evening at 3 oclopk. !;, Kptscout Chorch-Rev J. A. Wepton Service-; at 7 P. M., on Monday after the fourth Sun lay in each month. tAt Winton, at 7 P. M. on Tuesday, aftel the fourth Sunday in each month.) ' j j Col led Baptist Church Rev j Washington L n mue. S-rvlces every 3rd Sunday at 1 i A M and 7 P. M. 1 Colored MethovUat Church Serv ces fy the Rev. E. obinon. . TKMPERAN'CK. . i 1 o 'O T iuvlti ubn Lode NolSJ meets in the Hail over Dr. Lew'er'a d;ug store every Monday evi irg at 8 o'clock. - MASOXIO. American George Lodge No 17 meets in the Masonic Hall tne arst Saturday in eTery month at 2 o'clock PM. '' BTlEAnOAT n An Ives at Murfreesboro every Mondav an ' Fri a.x iPflvinLrthes:me da , or on the morning o the follow Ilk dnyp. U. T. Lassitkb A So, Agents. MAIL -s ivi y: l ily, (except Sun lay,) at 5 A M. t- I' M. Arrives proreslonnl Cards i . 1 1 c. 1JOWEN, j ATTORNEY AT LAW. j Jackson. N. C. f rracMcs in Northampton anfl rt1oijn1ns conii- r !-. prnmpt attention to coiiecuon m au of the tnte. C. WAR1. ATTORNEY AT LXw Mnrfreesboro. N. C. Pr-'ct'c- in TTrtfoT'1 und sdlo'nlng counties, an- In ti S 'nrme and FxlTl courts. Prnmpt attention to "olleotlons. 1 J. 1 YEATES, ATTORNEY AT LW. Murfreebflro, N. C. - Practices in the Superior, Supreme abd Seders courts f . -. noil yVAl. BARNES. A ATTORNEY AT LAW, Murfreesboro. N. C . . i I Practices tn, Tlertford' and a11olnlng coUnties amljn the Supreme and federal Courti. rrorapi attention to collection. no S rjy R. JERNIOAN, . " ATTORNEY ATLAW, i i narreHsvlWe. N. C. I 1 1 Collections made In any part of the State. J. CRALLE, WATCIIMAUEIl AXD JEWELER. Neit d- or to Dr. tewter's New Drug Stcire Main Strict, j MURFREESBORO, N. C. Repairing prompt and neatyv executedy and rrauted, at price to suit the times..! mh 9 Just received and for sale at llie New I'rug Store a Urge supply of Liandreths ew Garden and Field Qeeds.- j Dk. JOHN LEWTEPw 1 JJnc. F. CA-MPBELL, ' . ; JG X .:' ,:,-.': " 'f i MUKFKiftSBOHO N.C . :- I i I J. CHALLE, .GV&& i 1 he Munrcesbdro:fc.nouirer.! Thursday, PiUtXS 187T Jl . '. - ' .-7 ;: J :;:.V- , ', chul . ; :- : . .;; . Next! , i :- . i y:- ' r v ' : :X , Scissors!" ! . ' :..V--- - Get up and git V ? Murfreesboro alive. ; Hurrah for the one that beats ! : 44 Wine U red strong drluk U raglng.' : Commis&ionerf' - court at Winton Mon- -3Ir." Wonell- Slayor (may you) be uappy.! The businega of the fishermen is rapidly improving. 1 -."". - - . Don't backbite your neighbor nor bo row uia Exqcike. -; iend i& your clubs Subscriptions are coming in for the dictionary. Large crowd in attendauce at tbe Magis trate' court on Saturday last. - M Don't brag on your muscle, four-legged brain lss don key 8 are even stronger, than two legged ones. . The people, of Northampton are getting on liuely m thoir faroi3. Wheat and oats are fine for the season. We are glad to 6ee our venerable towns man, James M. Trader, who has ben sick for the past , week, out again. " Don't let your angry pessions rise, keep cooi, keep a stiff upper hp, keep your head level, and don't let it get horizontal. One who has no opinion of lii? own, has no independence of character, and is gene rally a hypocrite or a fool, or bbth. Would that we could support a dozeu men for mayor, if there are that many .Ud4 want it, but as': we cau't Three. ch?er9 for E. C. Won el II A beautiful banner with the inscription of 'E. C. Worrell for Mayor," was thrown to the breeze across Maiu tit. on Saturday moruing last also- one bearing tbe inscrip tion of ' Isaac Pipkin for Mayor." The less some people speak of "carpet batrgers," the better as that expressive phrase strikes right near the home of the parties themselves. We see from the Scientific American that the patent for the saw sharpener of our countyman, Parker D. Itobins (Col.) of ilarrellsville, has been granted. The Poj tsuiouth EnteiprUe says: "Up town gir s cut off the tops of their stockings to make wristlets for their beaux." Aud do they fit, brother Porter ! Mrs. L. T. . Ilitchings of Portsmouth is getting in a line lot of Spring millineiy gwvls, and that is the olaoe for. our lady readers to send for taste, style and ecou omy combined. j Buy your groceries of E. F. Rice, your dry goods &c, of II." T. Lassiter & Sen, yourdiugs aud ' medicines of Dr.! J. T. Lewter, your "fertilizers, Ac, of Cocke & ilarreil and your riding machines of A. 1. nines. A Udyon Washington street, who is an t-nthusiasiicKepublicanf named her canary bird J.m BUiue. lie did not sing touch, but she lovt-d him tenderly, until last Sat urday the discovered thatJim Biai.ne had laid an eirg. Now she declares tliat no de depeiuience can Le p aced 6a. a politifciau Kt)ine Sentinel. The Oxford To- cliUgJd says : 'We learn that a yoUng gentleman in the northern part ot this (Granville) county, a few weeks ago, visited his sweetheart and engaged in a simple and harmless play, as bethought of licking out his tongue and she cutting at it with a pair of scissors. While thus engaged, ut fortunately, she clipped it about half off." Yes, and since the tongue ot that sirl is now the longer of the two, we'll guarantee there's a mar riage I . NOTIt'E. The public 'is heieby notified that the Enqdikkr has no advertising or individual agents, except those authorized In writing since Jac 1st. 1877. Ciiildkex. What a stale, miserable place this world would be without children. They are to tbe world just as plums' are to plum pudding they mane it the richer. You ail know what plum puduing 'would be with the plums left out, so our world would, witaout the merry children be a sort of gloomy funeral hymn ad the time. Chilorea are Of much more importance in this world than we somtitnesi think. ! Some of them preach seimons every d.ay to which a minister's long Sunday-lecture can not hold a light. 1 1 " Tilden Towysiup. The election as to whether a portion of the territory of Bertie should be annexed to Hertford county came off in that territory last jyeek; aud was cairied by fifty-four majority. The territory was the part of Bertie, joining Hertferd on the feouth, is about twenty miles in length, and six miles in width J This new additional township 't gives Hertford counts a democratic najority of about forty. Great credit is due our friend B B. Winborne for this move, and the peo ple of .ertford county greatly rejoice at the success. . i ... Little Thixos Some people are called good-forluothin in ibis world, and some poor, discouraged heart even call themselves so. All such pei sons need is a little sun shine to bring them, oufto show tkem what they are w.Irth. A kind, word,' a lift, tti encourage them. ' " ; We are so apt to forget the grwxl iu little j iugKvanJ tnc ue of little ihiogs. K ' tb We waste the Vttle minute frequently; and whea there is a chance to do a good deed, we say. we uavn't time." or "what is the usel" - Well what is the use? ,'--ivhat is the use cf breathing? It is a rep- little thing. What is the use of your heart beat in so regularly? ''help you to lively did' you say? What is your life worth if you cannot be of benefit to others? God made yon for a more unselfish purpore than simp'y to gratify your own ambition. Think of this! ' r " -' - 1 E. ; G. WOBKKIX, rOK MATOE.-f ' At Ihia writing no nomination has been made for the execulive.oflicer of our town The people seem, desirous, however, of some one who will be an honor to the tiust, and will endeavor to carry out; the laws that may be made fearlessly and independ ently. ;. - :, ., ' In this-regard, the minds of the people turn iin-ctly to the zealous gentlemen who heads this article. It is well known that Mr. Worrell has done more to upbuild Murfreesboro in the past few years than almost any man in bur midst, j The peo ple are not unappreciatrve of hisefforts and dei-ds. They desire to make him Mayor because his past record is such as to war rant the belief that : he wi!l carry out the laws in a manner entirely worthy of the people of Murfreesboro. I During the pr.st week Murfreesboro has been entirely j upset about a Mayor, and during that time (with j the aid of the oeautiful spring) our, ideas have turned to poetry. The following (long rnea3ure and of the X! eyed . ei-se) is a . specimen, and is respectfully inscribed to that! May or June, iciat don't come twice a yeai. It is seriously asllows: Twas miduight, and the isetting sua i Was slowly rising m the west; The stagnant waters swiftly run, . And lulled, the peacock iu her uest; rnlle pensive goose and playful cow Lightly skipped from bough to bough. Twas Spring, Summer s oppressive heat Barred the tenants their seed to sow, -Autumn rains incessantly beat. .The earth was all wrappe4 in anow ; While thirsty fields and feathered train All bounteously teemed. with graiii. "f was far out on a train of -cars. Far on a firm aud leaky bark, ' Sailing around, among fie stars, j "Beneutb the shades of Highlaud Park ; While the Joyful, loud death-knells rung, To the sweet songs Ihe cat-fish suug I Orn Ha i.ifa'J Letter 'Tkhmble Fikk a.t Enfi eld Loss 50,000;. Enfield N. C, j March 23 1377, I i Editor Enquirer: I mast not fall to inform you, for the benefit of your .ojular paper, of the yreat fire that occurred in thisi p'ace last night. It originated j on tLe premises occupied by Mr. J, C. Derr, ,as a bar aud billiard saloon, - and spread with ; great rapidity, fcarcel- allowing the inmates to escape. The bouses and buildings destroy, ed were, the 6aiocn of Mr.! Derr. -the store of Mr J.' il. Parker, that of W. H. McGwfgan & Co., that of Henry Bond, the Town Hall, three stores ovi ne, by Mrs. P. B Key, that of J J Robrhson, that of J Cohen and the store of Branch, Dunn & unoccupied was also destroyed.! Besides tLe above actually destroyed, there were several others more or less dim aged. The Joss is estimated at $50,000. Both help and water weie scarce, and it was with great labor that j other buildings were kept from destruction. It Is to be hoped that these buildings) may soon have better ones in their places and that our people may soon recover from their teni blelces. j S. W, M. THE MAYORSHIP. (Communicated. ) j Editor Enquirer: I have been a little surprised as well as amused of late by the appearance of a letter in the Norfolk Virginian in regard to a candidate for the mayor of our town. I am informed that one also appeared in the Raleigh Observer Of the same purport. As to the author or authors of these letters I must confess that I am gnbrant, but ven ture it is someone who is i little calculated to reflect the true character and sentiments of the intelligent people of Murfreesboro. For several years back- the government of Murfreesboro has been simply nominal (scarcely that.; For sometime back the town has rapidly improved, and it whs thought wise to attempt to take some teps to improve its laws as well as the town. It was decided to aak Ahe late ijegUlature to amend our incorporation act sons to have a Mayor and Councilmen, who would en deavor to make and carry diitsome laws of the town. I think you, Mr . Editor, drew the bdl and the Legislature ireadilv granted our petition. The question then arose a mong our citizens as to . who were the prop er persons to make and execute the necef sary lawg of out town. The question is still in agitation. No. convention has been held nor have any persons bVeii nominated that I amawaM of . Yet,K ih's newspaper writer (or wri'ers) would leave the Impres sion upon the poblifr mind that his candi date (for some reasons his, of which! will not speak,) is the favorite of the people for this office. j In the first place, I would like to ask him (or them) who of the peop!e is his candi date the favorite? In tbe second place, I would ask him (or them) is j his candidate indeed the -favorite of the; citizens! who JnruldJtate Seme opinion in this matter.. Th-is correspondent (or these correson dents) should remember that there are num bers of men, who ai e doubtles gentlemen Caa is Col. Pipkin) possessing fine military Utandins" &cii and vet for 1 some outside circumstance, are better adapted to ret'red lifp than to public turmoil. Feeling an interest in Col Pipkin, as I believe every trtle citizer in Murfreesboro does, I regret that lie allowed his pame to be brought be fore the public under the, present influ-J enea. and must say that my influence humble as it mayj be, will be used for the regular nominee of the town convention, which is generally tLougbt will be in the person of E. C. Worrell. - i i I Onncra. Murfreesboro, N C V 31arch, 30th. OUR CHO WAN LETTER. EdKntost, N. C, March 23rd, 1877. i Editor Enqu 'rer : :,. The streets of our city have presented quijte a lively appearance during the past fevy days. As you doubtless know the Dis trict Semi annual (convention of the I, O. T., has been going on from Tuesday morning until last eyemcg t Friday.) Eve rything has passed off (with one exception) peaceabiy and all the delegates with whom we have f ot med an acquaintance, express themselves as highy delighted with their visit to oar little town, so much noted for its location, scenery and its pretty young 1 adieu. To the credit of the differeut lotlgea represented in this convention, we must say, that they showed much taste in thej selection of their-representatives all of whom I am glad to be able to say be- haed in a most There were, aldo t gentlemanly manner, uite a number of fine looking young ladies iir" attendance all of whpni fceemei to enjoy themselves and re flected much credit upon the order. A thoiugh tbere was quite a crowd sti 1 the nuiinber was not near as large as was ex pected and for the comfortable reception of jivhom preparations had been made. We are giad to say that many nave ex pressed themselves as delighted with our place and pleased with the hospitality of the inhabitants. To !show their merited appreciation of the visiting young ladies and gentlemen., of Edenlon gave a balL last niglit where all who wished could join in the merry dance one of; the most agreeable methods of tak in.i a little exercise with which we have evei become acquainted. It affords us' pleasure to state that eveiylhig passed off as agreeably rs could have been wished. Owingj to the bad weather. 'and to the fact that the. convention did not aujouru until late atjnight, the attendance of the stran gers was very limited much to the sorrow aud disappointment of those who bad f-hared no pains in their power to make the daiice one of decided success and enjojr- ment to all . Among those present - who seemed to eu joyjit very much we 'may. mention Misses Hayes and NurnH of (jSatesville and Mit-s Bell of Camden Co.: and with justice to li the 3Tr4ng ladies we will state lhat their presence 1 nt much to the enjoyment of Lothtss.! There were also in attendance sev eral youhir gentlemen from differeut parts Vxf the district among them Mr. of tiatis Co.. and Mr. Samuel Wright of Northampton Co., who seemed to while away the time quite pleasantly. We would be glad to meet these young ladles and gentlemen on similar occasions here after, j They! arc now preparing to return home, and Ed&nton will seem quite lonely and dull after a few days of such liveliness. 't here is no other news in Edenton. Thej fishing business is improving slowly' but doe not compare with the numbers caught at tbis time of the reason during previous r T - years. i. Wonderful Sueeess. is reported that B ischee'g German Syrbp has since its introduction in tbe tfnijted States, reached the iminenso sale of 40 r)00 dozn per year. Over 6,000 Drug lists have ordered this medecine direct from the Factory, at Woodbury. N. .)., ard not one has reported a single failure, but every letter speaks of its astonishing suc cess'in curing severe Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Consumption, or any di.'asee of the Throat and Lons. We advise any person that has any predisposition to weak Lurigs to sro to their Druggists Lewter or Lavvrenee's and cet this Medicine, or in quire about it. Regular bize, 75 cents Sample! bottle, 10 cents. Two doses will relieve any case. Don't neglect your cough. ! T HE KENNES W GAZETTE. A MONTHLY PAPR, PUBLISHED AT ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Detoted to Railroad interests. Literature, Wit and Humor. Fifty Cents per Year. CIIROMO free to every subscriber. Address ' KKXS ESAVV OAZCTTE, 1 Atlanta,-Georgia. EW PRESSES! NE. TYPE I ! Wfe hope our fxlends will bear ia mind, whe 1 ever they wish to have anv kind of JOB PRINTING done, that the-Enquire a office haa added: a NEW JOB PRESS and fine assortment, of new TYPE. : ' . : I to its newspaper department, wnere tney can. have all manner of job Frtntin g, excused in as good style and at as LOW PRICES as tire same work can be done anywhere .-1 :-'-! . libscribe ta the uirer I lEiiq T" M arfrWeaboro AdvcrtLincnta. OOOKE & nARRELL. iiurireesporo, ii nave on hand, aud are constantly receiving; a Weil seliected stock of Dry Goods, Notion, Sfat Boots 4 Shoes, Hardware, Drug Groceries, Farm- tag Implements, Seed Oats, Irish Potatoes, Ac f ALmj Agents' f or Paclflc Unano, Tysons Phos phate, Compound Acid, Phosphate of Lime and Pure Chemicals for making: Home-made ertlll-' zere.' , j ... p ' inarUfbtj JOHN T. LEWTER, ,: AT THS , . KEWDBtjaSTOEE c Next j door to his residence.) i MURFREESBORO, N C, Deals In First Glas DRUGS & MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS D VE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY . & FANCY ARTICLES; FINE : ; TOILET SOAP, LANDRETU'S Field anc Garden Seeds, &c, Feb, 8th 77, . . - "T3 EMO VED. The undersigned respectfully informs the public;' and his customers especially, that he how occupies the store-house under tbe! where he may be found with a large select assortment of Confectioneries. Fruits and Notions, Cigars, Snuffs and Tobacco. ! ROBERT PARKER, A. P. HINES, MURFREESBORO, N. C.1 Manufacturer of Light Qarriages. Buggies,' Sulkies, jFarm Wagons. Carts, Cart-wheels, &c, &c. A limited stock of Buggies, Cart-wheels and, in shorty anything usually found in a first class, coach and buggy factory . kept constantly on hand, j All w-ork, (when not otherwise ordered, is made of tjhe best material, and is war ranted to give entire Satisfaction, BLACK SMITHING I 1 ; of all kipds, .(done in the very best manner. Horse shooing a speciality. UNDERTAKING d.)ne in all o its branches. A fine assort ment of Wood and 3Ietalic Coffins are con stantly kept On hand with prices to suit the occasion whiph will be furnished on the shortest notice. j "Two elegant hearses on hand, and coffins will joe sent to any parts of, the country jwheni desired. Address all orders, APl HIKES. Murfreesboro, NJC. J. I PHILLIPS, , CONT UCTOR and BUILDER, ; j j Murfreesboro, N. C. f tvini sarve1 1 my apprenticeship uader the wellrknown Contractor & Builder, J. W- Hoi; Es . ,T hej eby notify the lthat I am prepared tb execute all kinds of build ing, EEpiiRixo, &c in the best and j most modern ity.es "Refef by j permisRion to Hon. D. A. Barnes. Rev. B. F. 4 Wood ward and Dr. I T. Lewter. S OCIAL SALOON. & RESTAURANT, E. F. RICE, Propiietor. MURFREESBORO, N. C. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. ! t A choice stock of WINES, i I and FAMILY GROCERIES. A fine assortment of CIGARS and SMOKINC and CHEWING jrOBACCO. , I Open undl 12 o'clock every night. Mr. J. A CARTER Is wit .. me and will be pleased to see and serve his f rl ' . no 4 H. T. LASSITER & SON, IDealersln, . DRY GOODt DRESS GOODSy IfY-MADE CLOTHING, CLQTHS, CASSIMERES, Ac. BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, CAPS, and a general assortment of HOICK FAMILY GROCERIES. SLeep.oonsfiantlj on hand- a. general assortment of : : . il -! ! , ; . '. ! SADDLES, 1 iRLDLES, TIN-WARE, Ac. Highest prices 1 aid for -neral country prodnce t'ICK.'SFLO W SRand VEOATABLEOARDEX! - I . I - - Is the most beatiful work o tbs kind in tbe world, it contains one huudrecl and fifty t gea hundreds! f fine-ilhjstratxxjnj and six Chiumo. j p'atef- of flowers, boauti fully drawn and colored from-nature. Price 50 cents in paper cLrcrs, $1, in elegant clatb Printed jln Gefaaan and - Enirjisb. j. Vlk'a Floral Guide, 'quarterly 25cta a ear. Vick'a catalogu.c 300 illustrations 2 cents. Address tXAMES VICK. Rocliester. N. Y. - . - 1 REAJ -mi ost beiutifu visiting cards from 50 rt :i 50 nnr pack, or. Cafe of 5i M iellaneotuu ndenl TLn.Tatlf :l tl . ' . - Orricz or3.' & R. Ua Boy'kw's, Vas5 May 8, 1876. , Tiaint pasa tbia station aa followa : f. it" ' -WORTIT. No 4 frtfgU 8 17 A o rreignt 00 e.frdeM n na Ma U4.IJ.L.,.....;.. 6 02 P. U. 111 soitu. , 4 v a m- Mail.... Nd - --- - a ill 11 m. 1 lirwgEit.... ... C.. 12 55 P. 11 3 frenrht..... ... 11 i . - W SatbrdayiS. I No. 1. south. Mon.lara w. . DfaydJarM Fridays. Mail south stip pnlir atjSuitolk, Franklin, Newsom's Boy kin, Margarettsinje and Seaboard. North only at j Seaboard, Boy kinK Franklin' and Su ffolk C. C. Lswia, Agt. Office of Sunerintenrfpnt Petersburg Railroad Company, v -re-ersDurg. Va., rior. 16 1876 if Uhaoga of Schedule to uke effecf November, 25; GOING SOUTH. &eare Pitersburg at 0:15 a., m. and 13:50 p. m. I Atrlvo a WeWon at 12;20 a. m. 4:25 n. m.1 GOING NORTH. teave, Wfldonat3:30 p. ax, and 2: S3 a. m Arrive a. jm. L! at Petersburir 6:45 n. m. arul 5:2 1. Trams Connect at , Ppf frhnrr on A Wl dori with tikins for all southern and north ern points. I i Tickefs sold to a!l southern' souh-westefn, northern and eastern points. 'Andbagage checked through. H. T. DOUGLAS. Superintendent.- gTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, J County of Hertford, Superior court. J. E. Johnsfon & wife, Hester A. R and- . yrelt & wife, Mary E. C. C. ;Miruson, ; F. F. Furgtison, Jamet driruion, Jesse T. Funruson and II. Grffin & wifeLydiaJ.: ' appteating to the satisfaction ot the byr affidavit of the plaintiff s attor- that fhe above named defendant Lydia LL Griffiu is k'! uon-reeident of tho Statc. It tilereorelordered that publication ho 9 made for ',1. . : . . sis 8iccessive weeks in tue 3lur E quireb a newspaper published1 trees bo rp in me 10 wn f Murfreehsboro, North Caro-' inai uotifyiig the said defendant to appear' udge of the Supeqor'Court, a held for the County of Hert coup to ford' on Monday he twelfth Monday after the 4th pf I January, t877, and answer the complaint hfch is deposited In the office of ithe clerk of tbe Superior Court of said flinty wphsn three day? of the next term 1 herf, and let the said defendant take 110 'Icejtiia slle fail to answer the said com - laint wjjin that time, judgement will be ten ret! against, ner. Witneu d, IV, J, GaMing, clerk of the' supwor court of. the county of .Hertford, at hi office in Winton, this, the 24th. day , of FebruaryjA. D., 1877. W. J. Gatlino, C. 8 C. SPlEClAL TAXES.- .. v. May 1 Jl877. to A pril 30, IS7. Tiie revised Sta utes of the United States,- Mec k)i8mv3237f. 333tJ. and 3239, require Vtvell incrsonlenaraered in any businens, avo- or employment which renders him" peKalta, to procure and place OOX- 8PICUOUHLYIN HIS ESTABLISHMENT. OR jPLACE OE Bjl'SINESS A STAMP denoting Uie payment of j satd SPECIAL TAX for the Speclt- pTearj beginning May 1, 1877, before Jommencins ! or continuing bu&ines af ten' re urn, las prcfccrii)ed on rorm 11, is required by lahT of every person liable rlecial Tx hi above. TAXES EMBRACED WITHIN T2I3 VISIONS OF ST1IE LAW ABOVK qC&TEI ARB ; I j TIIE FOLLOWING, VIZ : v 1 ficrs..i.l 8200 00 Rcc Dea ers. retail liquor 25 00 Dealers in fholcsale liquor 100 00 I)ealer m malt liquors, wholesale .....5U 00 Dealers in 1 trial liquors, retail ...... ...20 00 Dealers in leaf tobacco 25 00' etU deuleri in leaf tqbacro 500 00 Ahld ori salt-s of over f 1,000, ;0 cents for en dollar in excess of 1.000, ' i Tl .1 I- II - - - - - - - - - : - " caies in mauuiaeturea tou ceo... ...a ih MaHtfacturei8 of stiils.,...,..l;. 50 00 tudj jfor eaClf still manufac ured 20 00 nd For eachjworm manufactured.,,.. 20 00? Mam facurefs of obacco... ...10 CO Manti f a'cn t rs , of cigars 10 00 Peddlers of ti'bai.')0, first.class ( nore bn :;wo I ters'3 of otter animate) ...50- 0() ifedalers-bf tlibaeeo. second-class (2,horsos; orotner anirnlilsj ..u... ....25 00 Peddlers pfitfjbaccoj thuxtclass (one horp ov-olim aiMaJ)....,.-...,, , ...15 00 red(j1ers bf j Maccoj, fourth-class (on fm or pMblic coiivej ance). . , .,M ,J. . . 10 Hh Brewprs off less tlian 500 bai re. ....., no Biejers: if fcCO- barrebi or mor..,...lt)0 00 J 'Any pe sn so liable, who shall fail to cpuipjly ! j ith I the feregoing requirement vrilt -jljc I j jjel o severe penal 1 Porsonsj or firms liable -to pay any of ib sjpeeial Taxei named above roust apply to. SnOMAB POWERS Collector of Internal evenu & jNiew Berne, N. C, and pay for pay and procure he Special? Tax Stamp or need, ay 1. anJ. wttaoijE URTH til NOTICE. SDeciailTaa! Stauips will be transmittal by mail only bix reoeipt from- the person or Ii- ow4.iiiif tuv.eauiw ob npeciuc UircctlODS hej-with, the neccessary po9 e amoun required pay the postage..! The postage on one stamp is ihreel centsn If I L i : tha; thev l tanimi ed by' registered mail, ten cents. addUoDal should accompany the applica-. uon.; Gbkbs B. RjCVjm Internal Hevtnuc.. Coimralsa er umce of 1 Revenue. Wp.lt-onfcD. C Jan'y 23 1877,: PRINTING ( I A tTHH igo s amps! 1 j , 5 JOB li if!; ; : I :!;;: :

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