Til The Mu rfr'ees&oro Enquirer "lU'WAIlD AXI ONWAItnl'' rilURSDxVY, AUGUST: 23, 187 THE JMUKFltEESBORO ENQWIUEft circulates in jthirtv-ninc counties andltwelye abates, and has a larger circulation M Ber tie. Northampton, Hertford and ; Gates counties than any paptr published. And now the girls in the silk jrpaVing manufactories of New York are on aistrike. Call the militia "to arms." "Wc regret copy of Maj. Moore's His tori- cal Sketches arrived too late for t hi issue. TLey will continue on from our jiptt. Murta"h, editor of the Washingtf n 11 e- publican, has been abusing J. It. W Jifeatley," one of Morgan's ex-Confeds, and Wheat ley got even, by larruping him wit U a coy hide. ! The little .Norfolk Day Book peeps kuowincly over its speetaclcs at us liecaui-e wo tell it to take the soldiers Nort! and makes tkc wise discovery that West Vir ginia is m Hie South ! Well, ish dut so? "Pull down j;er vest .!' A petition is now cot ten up amoilg the people of our county to have a couuty road from Union direct to this piacei it is akmud bv manv stronir and intluenti.il citi- x v. i . - ; zens. and we trust ihe commission's will not hesitate to grant the petition : - . , I . V CaTThere are always a class of people who patronize k paper, but do not pay j it any thing. We will here inform our iWthreu of the press that the firm oi Ilermoii Go- nant &Co.. of New York, are sbtt le oi 1 hese parties, of the quill. Guard "against them brothers CsTThe patronage of the Enquire for the past week has been to the amjoktnt of one hundred and forty five dollars j-piis we are willing to make affidavit to.j U-This tells what people think of, and hojv they patronize the Organ of the Itoanjke and Albemarle Sections. The llaleteh' lleginter (Independeilit! Re publican) says: There is a well scttjed de termination to reorcranize the ipartf next year and to make a vigorous aiid thorough fight for- control of tho state.' i.jejs: and we'll ad-Vance right to you and yejqu fate jvill.tltcu be "Settled, again. We are pleased to sec that activld steps are being taken to develop our rrejxjtj State Fair into a fine success. In fact; rtarger preparations aic being made than! usual, and an equal success, it Is cxpecti'tii will be hard to make. Let everyone -vl can, prepare to attend it in October bcxfi JUSTICE TO THE SOUTH, Give us more horse mai's and jcjoiunlry po8tofliccs. The South has a thuti'pi the population, pays lialfo f the taxes, fcnd gets not a tenth of tho dlsbuisemenuJ t the general government. i i Since 18G0 the appropriation foil INorlh crn mail service lias increased fd'rjty per cent., and the appropriation for SAithern raafUscrvicc has decreased ten per jepnt . Give us justice and more postolqcjcs in the country districts. Raleigh Nfari.j Yes, brother Netcs, you arc right piji the . IT r 1 . . ! (' r request, iieniora county wants joue cs- tablishcd at Union, and Nor t Mm p ton wants- at least one ortwooiva line from this place to Jackscui, to say luith: nir oi those needed in Gales and Bertie. LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE I : The illustrated papers in Lipfqcott'a Magazine for September are "amidng the Kabylcs," by Edward C. Bruce, jdnil "A Paduan Holiday," by Charlotte Adams both well written anil tho latter very bri&tt and cniuruunin. jn anonymous, article on Madame Patterson Bonaparte is ljikcjJy to attract much attention. It is evident y the fruit-, of 'a personal intimacy withltjhis re uwkablc woman, ar.d contains mti(ry anec dotes, extracts from letters aud diar cL and other details which will be found fi ll of interest, Mr. Howard M. Jenkinsr 'counts the Battle of Brandywinc, apropos Hof its hundredth anniversary, with typogr:q)hical descrii tions and other particulars gat liered by a close investigation. There is" K short paper on 'Our Blackbirds," and an Mm using account of the Venetian playwritdi' Carlo Gozzi. The stories include 'A Sumrner Evening's Dream," by Edward E(llamy; A Grtat Day." by Edmondo de lmisis ; the conclusion of "The Marquis oi Lrlssie," and several chapters of Mrs. Davii'sl new serial, "A Law unto Herself; andStherc is the usual veriety of poems and lniscjiflalncous matter, all combining to make akeify at tractive number. :r , 1 HE INFERIOR COURT. Our County, Commissioners havfe decided to have the Inferior court. Wearejautbor natively i n formed, that B. T. Spierf;, :Esq , win not accept its chjiirmanship. Were a practicing lawyer- to be Selected to fill this position, we would have long sine? Ipiwpoa ed the.name of Judge D. A. BrnN, or T. Ri Jernigan for the position, Bt since they are not, we would, suggest for that position, , the name of . our countyman,, H. C. Maddrey Eq., has long since ehown good works by his deeds. JIc is a zealous gentleman ic 'brhaitf- of the.inieresfr of the couDty and wif would Jike to s9 hioi elected to 11 1 1 this hioHitfou. -- i t ; - Wc prefer to foj him the chafelm of t t thin eort, but it the position, M Salpcaoy rleilgpd to rnctber, we favor.. aipHnf him U-g.BML"' an associate justice.- . Among the nuuwr ous other competent persons in the county fit for the remaining positions of this court naturally appear. the names of John W. . Harrell Esq., Capt. J, G. Moore, Col. J. N. Harrell, Capt. N. L. Shaw, J. B. Slaugh ter Esq. or. last bat rot least, M, Au mac Esq. cither of whom- would grace the positions. It is needless to suggest the name of B. B. W'iuborue Ekq., as the most appropriate person for the county's attorney. Mr.. Winborm? is a young lawyer of fine repu tation, rejides at the county-seat, and we feel sure he will be at once tbe choice of tbe body of magistrates of the county. OUR FA1RS--A NEW MOVE. One of the greatest indications ofthe re newed interest taken in agricultural affairs in our state, is shown by gi-owing tendan cy to give aid and encouragement to agri cultural fairs and societies. The next ses sion of our State Fair promises to be one of unusual interest. The peopie within and without tl)e state are already contribu ting generously for its support. The Roan oke and Tar River Agricultural Fair also promises to be n. fine success. Last year it was not the success it should have ' been in ;onsequene of the Exposition at Philn delphia boing tbe centre of attraction. Ef forts are beiug made to make it a success this j'ear in every respect. Tbe people of our section are so well pleased with Fairs that the people of North ampton Hertford and Bertie counties lnwc decided to hold a small local Fair at Itiih Square in Northampton county on the 9th and 10th of October, so that every body will have a chance to attend at least one fair. ' This is a new move brought forwaid by our Granger friends and we hope it wiil be a fine success These counties will hold a local fair in one or the other of them each succeeding year hcieaf ter. We have not learned the programme 3'et, but feel sure it will be one of much interest to the farmers aud work ing people of our neighboring counties. WE ENDORSE IT. The crop report of tho North Carolina Dcpaitmcnt of Agriculture for Jul' is on our tabic. It is prepared by Gal. 1j. L. Polk, Commissioner, and is a valuable publication. From it, wc are triad to learn that the condition of the crops isinorc fa vorable than was feared. : The following extract, every word of which wu endorse, should be read and practiced by every well wisher of the State. j' To become prosperous and independent, wc must become more self -sustaining. Every table in North Carolina should be supplied vith bread, bacon, beef, mutton, fish, molasses, cheese, rice, butler, milk, fruits and vegitables, produced 'in Nortli Carolina. ; North Carolinians should drive I. - f-1 North Carolina mules-and-horses to plows, buggies, carriages and - wagons 'made in North Carolina. North Carolina, cotton should be spun and wove in North Caro lina. Every mau, woman and child in North Carolina should wear in winter, hocs-and 'clothing made of North Carolina leather and North Carolina wool. North Carolina farms should be cultivated with North Carolina implements and fertilized with Noith Caroliua lime and nyirl. All this aud more could and should be done 'by the enlistment and co operative effort of the energy, entei prise, muscle, brain and manhood of North Caroling. No achieve jmcnts nor developments have over yet been accomplished by any one people in agri culture that aie impossible or even imprac ticable with for no people, occupying an equal extent of territory, cier were blest with superior natural facilities, and jd vantages. NOT TO BE HANGED. At the. fall term, 1857, of thd Superior Court of Guilford county, James R. S. - i Chipman w is convicted of the murder of Martha Pinnix and sentenced to lie hanged, A few days before the time appointed for tho ham;injr he broke jail and esdaped. In 1S63 Paris Stewart, from the sanje county, was conscripted lu the army of .the Con federate States. He reported for duty at Greensboro, and was assigned by the enroll ing officer at that place to the command of a guard of twelve men stationed at Deep nver bridge, near Jamestown, on the North Carolina i Railroad. On his return from Greesboro to his home, in company with his brother, on the day of his enlistment, he made the following startling disclosure. Said he 4,I have now entered the army and in a short time I will be dead.; There is a secrejt I wish to communicate to you. , I am the murderer of Martha Pinnix. I ws betroth ed to her,' and knowing the marriage would be an unhappy one I kiUed her, jand by a BtraDgetyJ fcrtuious circumstance LLe crime was fixed upon Jim Chipman. When I am dead you can tell Chipman's lister, for whom I have a ppecial regard, that it was I, and not ber brother, who murdered Mar tha Pinnix." j Tfce next day after this con versation Stewart took command of thej3;uard of the bridge. That night, a half an hour before the passage ot the cars over the bridge, he approached the guard on the bridge, told them to go to their quarters, that he would watch till morning.. He took hi:, seat on the bridge and permitted the traip to ran over hima plain case of suicide; and was so reported at the time. A lew idays since the sister of Mr. Chip man who dwells in Texas, vit-ited-the Gov enor and exhibited the affidavit of Stewart's brother, in corroboration of the atjovc facts. 8he nlso had a petition iprned by the most i'pflaentltil nieri of Guilf'.-r-i -- ar. 1; 1 - t;tte p.ircda of Cbiptnan. 7 In V3 -.j I'.tKt 'npt !?sit&te, bnt issued the i .irti once.-Chipman is in California, shift j s soon as hs learns of his pardon will return to his old homo. Observe?. PURITY OF SPEECH. j Nothing so strongly indicates the man of pure and wholesome thoughts as habitual purity of speech. By his conversation, among his own kind, you may always ac curately; form an opinion as t? the moral worth of a mn. It is there, w here no restraint is supposed to be placed upon his words, that you discover his tiue nature. If hedje given to looseness of tJsqourse, or his mind wanders to the discussion of sub jects prescribed in mixed company or re spectable society, yu may justly mark him ns one with whom association is undesira-i ble. ."j ; . ' The individual whose mouth is ever full of indelicate allusions, or whoe tongue is ever ready tripping to give a good round oath, is by no means a person to value as a friend. If a man reflect, after vomiting forth an obscene expression or disgusting blasphemy, be must feel his self-respect shocked, if habitual ; profanity or obscenity have not alrcdj destroyed it entirely. An. observing person cannot fail to m.tc with feelings akin to horror the prevalence of the vice that we condemn among not only grown persons, juit the youth in our thoroughfares and on our street corners, often within the hearing of the ''most sensitive and refined females, sometimes even levelled at the ears of young ladies and young girls on their way io aud r nm School and other places. Another of the onuses, aud a most potent cause, of the growth and extent of this evil, is the introducion in magazine articles or newspaper reports, of profanitv and the careless habits cd authors and actors in stage plays, where they aim to give strength or emphasis to their intriiifically weak crea tions 'or 'conditions' by coarse or profane epithets, -interjections or allusions.' These,. violations of decency and Sense, added to the polluting pictorials that are shamelessly disphiyed and sold from'evcry newsveiKicr's shop or stall., are exerting an inlluonco on the thoivjlits :ml passioiis of ' imr people ' younir an-1 old, wlio.c ch nsc qdi'iices arc in tlic highest degree deleteri ous to the prowthof those qualities which make good men an 1 women in soeiety, as well us ood citizens in civil life. ; Oru Next Fair. The committee ap pointed to Belect the time for holding tii3 next fair of the Koanokc and Tar liiver Agricultural Atssociation, consisting of JNIessrs. L. Long, T. L, Emry, and lv. W.Brown, have chosen the 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 2Gth days, of October for the pur pose. This will conflict with neither the Raleigh nor Richmond Fairs, and persons who have articles on exhibition-at Raleigh can also enter them at Weldon. 'Kvciy preparation has been perfected to make this the best of our always excellent exhibitions and .we trust an even larger crowd than heretofore will be in atten dance. Let each one interest himself in dividually in tho enterprise ami let the ladies not fa.il to prepare; something for ex hibition. - Jloa lio fee JV ir.. BESJSHB3HKZiaBOCF&Sf! A1 ymC isemn Is. FOUND! l.elh" chui On An::. 8fh, near 'Micho- hurcli, in .Northampton county. one large plain gohl rinir with name inside. The sa-nic may Le obtained by forwarding name within the rino; anil paying for this advertisement. Address, ; JAMES SCULL, Jackson, N. C. AC'KSON HIGH SCHOOL, j : JACKSON, NORTH ATiII'TON CO., N. C. The ! fall session of this institution yvill begin on the 2nd Wcijlnesday in September. Board including fuel, lights, and wash ing, 12,50 per month. For further par ticulars,, address Oia's Fettei:, A. M., PrinuInaT. JUKFIIEKSJ50KO SELEC SCHOOL. The Fall session begins Sept I 2 ilh. 1877, Excellent accomodations for -10 Borbers. (Thorough instruction given iG Literary, Music and Art departments by the following corns of teachers: Misses Moltie V. Woodward, V. M, Wood aid, Prot. F. L. Funk, Mrs. S. M. Funk, Miss Laura E. Scott. ' Applications fr information, address KEV. F. C. WOODWAKI), I Murfreesboro, N. C. T cordial '.y recommend this school to the patronaee of the peop'e." W. G. Stack, Pres. W. F, College. TESLEYAN FEMAFE INSTITUTE, STAUNTON VIRGINIA, "With over Twenty teachers aud fficers, rank among the first schools for young la dies in the United States. Iu the beautiful Valley of Viiginia, far-famed for 'health. Attended by pupils from fifteen to twenty States. 1 Great economy in expenses re quired. Session opens Sept 20tb, 1877. Board and Tuition for entire scholastic year, $240. t . !. Porcatalogue and full information, address, Rev. W. A. HARRIS, D. D., ; Presideot, Staunton, Va'. i . : ; . - COLUMBIAN ; UNIVERSITY, 1 WASHINGTON, D. C. Preparatory school opens... College opens , .Sept., 12. Medical School opens......;..... Oct. lt. Law School opens 44 TO For catalogues givins full particulars in regard to terras 'and courses of instruc tion, s address; . JAMES C. WELLING. L. L. D.. Pres. .. i : . . . ubs.cribe to the wc juct respect ' Hy invited to send us A) cut.! tin::. ' t-3 rOETABLE STATION ARY ENGINES, SAWMILLS, . PCMrs AC. P.UCXETE MOWER & 1 1LION HOUSE IJAKK. STONES. JtOLTINd cloths, JIACnirsERV IN GENE HAL. mar. 20-Gt JOSHUA Xorl'olli A?Ivertiso:nent3. J CROWE,; ' Xo, 173 MAIN St., NORFOLK, Va. MANUFACrrrKER Anj DEALER Iff RLJFNnlURE:. UNDERTAKING PROMPTLY' ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES i i . ! METALIC anWOOD CASKETS and COFFINS OF THE MOST APPROVED STYLES. I , ' i . ZWW. II. MIJRPJ1Y will lies tow special atten tion to this branch of the baslncsi. 1 Resi'lences : J. C. E, ms Freemason fit. W. II. MURPHY, Pr$mblotoiji. aui:j-3m. LTJTHEB SHELBOIT, DEALKK liOORS' T SASHES AND BLINDS MOULDING, BRACKETS, S'fAIR RAILS, NEWELS, BUILDERS' IIARD- ware. paints. OILS.- glass, PUTTY AND BUILDING- MATERIAL OF EVERV DESCRIPTION. Ascent for wadsworth M. Longman's epared Paints Warranted to plensej ! - Send for circulars of colwrs and IL-t of prices. Nos, 38 and 40 I ioanoke Avenine, mar 20- I Norfolk! va. M,ls- MARY ELLIS WISE, i.aiii:.v ii'i:ni No. 12 Waverly St., j S.IXB A OK XT. NORFOLK, VA. Having removed from M-urfrcesboro to Norfolk,' arn u ,w prepares to mi ait omera ioi: ji cu. m th cnun rv. Dresses and. bonuWts ma l to order, and hats trimmed in the lar.-Kt styles a shortest notice. rsr-AU orders will receive my personal attention, aud le tilled with c:iire and dispatch. LTZARETII IrON V V OR KB, lIIAItl.KS W. Piri'TIT, rroirictor. mainufactVls STEAM EK81HES A'rfD BS1LE SAW AHO GRIST MILLS, shaftings, vflleys, Ac ALSO CASTINGS A ()R(iIN(;S. ?Mf a:id l;?2 East Wide Wide r St., NorffP:, Va. P;trti-nl;ir Attention riven to Repairing Steam- boats. .First-class Machinists md LJouer-.Makers sent anywliere to do Repair Work mar 20-ly. TAS. OOUltKF, DEALER IN M A RULE MONUMENTS, TOMBS, IIEADSTONpS, &i 1G" and 1G7 East iJhurcu street noi?e)I.k, Va. vsr--' All kinds of STONE WORKj K.xei;uted. i C?fA II orders promptly till led and sattisi'nct.ion riiarant'jei. mar ifit ly. C. F- OREENWOOO. FRED GREENWOOD. "THE CASlvKT. j . C. F. (JRHEWOOO & E1JO., WATCH MAX F.RS ;un. -1i':vi-:!.K!isj; No. :"s M;tfii street, r I.arirsst store aind slock i: kori'oik, si i the city and 1 rriie.s. WATCHES. CLOi'KS. , .1MWKLKV RE PARI. I' IN THE LhST iMAN.NER. jy 1T.-1S77 7 pULLEN& PIERCE, Mnaufaclurers of v.n Reaiers Iri CARRIAC.ES, PdTCtilL- w A CONS, 'Ains,f : FA KM WAGONS, HARNESS and STTI FN, CARRIAGE (iOOI)S, OAKT. WHEELS and CART WHEEL 11 Ml 1.1", Kos. LSi ', 22 Unibn street. oct j-im Norfolk. Vn. w si:LD;-n:ii, Wholesale Ui!ihr Healer, i 51 Roanoke Square, Orders promptly! guaranteed. attende to a al taf.ifcfaehor i no iB-i'zsn GILLETT, MANU FA CT U R F R - N f RETAIL DEALER IN WHOLESALE A NT' COOKING AND IT EATING STOVES, RANGES, EIRE PLApK HEATERS, COOKINtf UTTtNSIIJS, j AC, AC. ' ' i : ' : T " C LY ON HAN X A FIE ASsbnTMEjr OF TIN. COFFER, MEET IRON AND JAPANESE WARE, PUMI S; IMFS. ROOFESCj MATETi'lAf , AC. 1 Nos .llfi Jt lis Water St, dee. lo-a NORFOLK. Va. J. Britton, of N. C. W. M. Beaton; of Va. A. J. BRITTON & Go. ! COMMISSION MF,RCIIANTS I for the sale of country produce generally. Cotton a speciality. AH consignments will freceive our promp1 and best personal attest ion. , Liberal ad vances jraacU on Con.srjr.ntiieu.ts in hand. Office and WttrehousePoot of Fayette St. S PK1NG CLOTHING Furctiacrs can save money br caliin?j at S. FRANK'S GAKD CLQTKIKG DEPOTS l5MatnSt., (I Y " - if ' ' , NORFOLK, Va. Fine French Flannel Snt-s $12 warranted fast colors; AU v ool Cassinieres. Suits $ io wortfi $15. Fine Improved Dress Shirt $1. A call is only necessarji to convjijice the public that Frank i3 the Leader of Lowf IPricts. Spring Cloth- ing now a Speciality AU orders Promptly at tended to by his efficient Salesman, 3t fV. L WIGGINTON Portsmouth Arlvrtifecments. SMITH, : IMPOSTER OF Brandies, wincs, Gin ib asrent for BAKER'S RYE ana UIBSONS XXXX WillSKEY aaddealetiu London It . .. .. ....... . 1 ,"l r . .... Fir-t rremiuni Weldoa Fair, 78. : . T-i? aVt-i Porter. Rr.otr'.h All and rst2C Cigara m $4vi ' 43 Hih Street,, i ' 7?'V?r--II. ly ' Fcit-Jouth. Va, '.t t;i!V'-' X H 'Ml i . . , t y ECLIPSE MOST ECONOillCAL -. ' j ' " - ' i ! ) AND CUE VPi:-T ' '- j .; j-' EVERYTIIING 'CONSID- ERED) ENGINE IN THE . ev x... JlAP.IvET. MILL MILLS, v T1IOXIS, Z rf r.Mit sti n fin i move. rjMlB AIEKICAN 'HOUSE, On tle European Z!an, PORTSMOUTH, VA. vt Wo take pleasure in armoaticins' to the eitlzers of Murfreefcboro and the travena- public that we hav recently thoroughly renovated and refur nishpl the above well-known and favorite resort for travelers. Wc have spared neithtr effort or expense lu making it in every partimlar a flr5t class honse. Velng . locatel only oie block from the railroad depot and steamboat landings, and on the corner of he two principal atretts, nmkes it the most convenient house in the city. The rooms are neat, well ventilated, and are furnished wit!. Tucker's Red Springs. i . i - . BOARD; $2 per day ; Meals, no cts. j j MRS. C. Y. DIGGS & SONt I'roprietorsl RTCIIARI) RIDDICK. Esq., : of SulTolk, for the eighteen years proprietor of the Crawford Iiotifo, is'witii us, aud will bo pleasel to welcome his Mr. friends. i mil -iy Ilscellanetms. HE OBSERVER. 1. M. IIALKcVAV. L.Sl Xl)i:S, sa Ijroiriftorf. -Tlie Observer it the. lcaliiig i democratic (lilliy or OUf MaiC, llin u mwi newf I'om coMfiucted,' i all parts of the country, ls-abiyl and is one of the best adycrtisirt meduims in t he State. ' ' J 1 - '. RATES OK SUBSCRIPTION IN U3 VANCE. Dailv, one Year, mail postpaid ' six months " "j " three " ' " Wepkjv, one year, mail postpaid ! " six montLa " " i - CiTSpecimen copies of the dail) or both mailed on application. i $8,MI. : 4,00 ! 2,(0 2,00 ' 1,00 or weekly, rive Address but Koo THE OiERVER, shij nrMTLADELPIIIA ! JL JOURNAL! ov COLUERCl, I A be : we No. 4'M Walnut Street. SrnsCRlPTION I'RIOE IN AI One 'Sear. - Six Mouths I ' VANCE: :$j.oo. 1 00, njnirj Circulates throughout the United Sfiale?, arid Ter niorics, Canada, Nova Scotia and New; Bruns wick, " Address all communications c, to A. ,S. VAZKllilW. I - :l - No. 40G Wuln it street, l eiJ: Tjiiladclnhia, ma and EXQUIHiHR! sec I-a- spe4 Hi ah The rrlurfreesbofo Eni irer for bllt ..:J1 :jin 4 ird n1 Spr wn one De sin !(. lias an lle corps of 'correspondent?, jriving ( licws from all ioiiit,,s. and give all llia.Iinie news ' tt itirct in lii Viral Quel 0(ntul 1 livt T iti i It. IS I A HOME PAPEt, ! (MiVjlislied at. trie Tread of Kdn:a!io!i of Eastern Carolina, and has a larger 'circulation in Hertford Northampton Dcrti'e and dates counties THAN ANY OTUKl VAVEIil 'f Tin ex arc Juir and, "money ttarcey but the jfoxpe ly ofi ihfi Hivju, rer s an ii' i'r on of Is popularly. Vf EAY- PKESSES! NE V TYPE U Hi Li 1J We liopc our frficnds will hear in miud, when ever they wish to have any kind of; eai 'AM JOB A 15 C done, that the EyriKER office has added a NEW I) JOB TRESS and a fine assortment oi new TYI'E to its newspaper department, where they can : I " -' " i . ,r ' ill , have all manner of Job rrintwff, i I Letter-Heads ' Bill-Heads: Circulars, Po: ters, Blank Forms, Visiting and .Bus -j iness Cards, Wedding Invitations, I Envelopes, PaniphlcS, ,; I:"'' :' f' ' '; ' Ac, ; ' . C I ,. excuteel in as good style and" at a3 LOW TRICES as the same work can be done anywhere. ;y , -CS-Eemember, onr rale is that unless war work gives entire satis faction ive will not accept i pay therefor. . Wc invite the public to call ard examine our ppec,:iaen, A'surc3 uil Yae.rs, ; I ' ' ;' : i i PRiNTIfG '- f ' ! - ' - I ! . : - - ''... 'jL ! - - - i 1 jj j j ' I: i'lUICJ H' Column. NEY8' TCfSAti WORKS, i it NASHVILLE, TKNN. Man lfaBlkires all classes of Im- plemi I is and Madiincrv I ! acid)1 Sled to meet the V Jants of tlie SOU x wit caP. jir; attention to lAe fact, that i-i r aii a M A Nil FACT IT. Ilk and not a I( aler: as.-iir. inti;chant Jiril Uiat'l as a Mumifccturer, ,-:.u t.mnct, lower prices than anv Xirr afford to sell chant. o):ag?rkt. From the fact iliat they iiav,-t. buy frqih Mh Mahufacfurers and then add tlu-ir coin to l.idi'factorv nrice. W'Ii.mi v..nr ... uuisteion chabt tells yu lie sells at factory prices, wi i:e to me jaudRcc i can buj as low hs ..lean sell Y&i will pavf t ree to five Ui:ars n,i a pfow. in - teen to I wen dollars. Ion a loI!ars oil a wouom, one hundred ti.iiie,af:l ab.wir. t!i is :j erar'e ,,M everything jilbjiy. To v;ii iu ? y ;ur.elf. l- !, i i liiertlinn rfcst price itud sec pK-'tli.ToreTic. m? vrb.-e -n the Mime article, ry N:rt't or s.--,it!i i!i;t jo..? not 1. r, . . j t)cttv'eii ni. There is no fit: jrlyd tMq a merits Far ner 1 it4 ift to py. ! Nbw I will i jon my & o.ls an-: she i i t. berieflt bf tvi I ill. 11 "11 Will LM V' II, -. votir entire flru lie land i!iiluen e n-l in Sued vour neighbors to the srune. My prices wjid b(i regular car-load rales arid sup ly Tp'jj with .ny kind .f inip.'eiiK tn wn want, and. ri eiis ;ui tie orocreu unouii nie nn l e tlir ag riinen-hanis comniisMoii. io iic-bwforeWof i buy iitid you will save money. RMS. M !v fejimjs a lU with the order, J wHI not fl 1 1 : ill vritli tl) to keep del" oljii a Bhuik unless ihe Monetf comes ord( I latn conipejiiwi to liave tiie a ii nialitv of won; I send ,0Ut no up the samples. do riot jcotnsigu good-. H you hayo (tny. doubts jf t(V nllSu your orders, then I advise von to have hothihtdi'tol do with me. I tan at. any tilm'e lill all orders from three to lay.4aficf rlctjipt oi order and cash. 1 ni:ike bne I of good and you will receive s I When you order as 'though you 1 mi arti were at ny-Yt pRKSin .persorj. Always send you; diret. (Ions In full 1 1 always attend to se- curitjj tlie bekt rates by rail or boat. VPatAKTCC: 1 art lie'les i'iiiiufactnrsd by me I riiarrni.;,e- to s reire iStpl, ;namey : of good materi.il ati 1 le, aif.l eh no i stau're wilt llio.y Se! tnkci bt'.ck CXi 2or iu;i a "feci ion of material at:( w orK hhip' rTT, I n vb, THRICE, ANIJ 1 f OU R i I Q RS L VvA(; O N. My wta ffoni R(afo made of Tennes see iron -and ncsHee t id uj-.k tKTep:!ii purchasers to iv the tofi.u m. iiiot, diiiiil) b Jn n.-'e. The dxles jjie 1 lie 1 st Jiid krowiJi, afaorjed 'hi-kor. .and airjotlu. r s arjj-of tbiifli !i-cn.M.ne;l white oik. 1 tn-ike a. idiiilv of I Tft iijriheySkeiiis Axles, as draft va ill uc n less itlF-it is stronger ami more d-iirailc Iron. Axl 'I g-nurrMJitee Thijfi!n( .fikeiii. will- not no l A'h"i. VjVVTY Wilgof VHI- f car rained vviuion U"or t V4n-e iHMiii . v.ikii price m lirJike. '',.-' scat jitlfe'klvcin, one Den-cl W iru- TM tncl iThitiioJe Fkeiii. Oise Horse heavy. h r usu! le f Kpm, two t i'lrse t . 11,00 u-li irhhdblril Sikeiu, Two ii..r,s; lue.h'ii: n . ..r..'.(i'i ib) ft ffkein, Two Uorr-e h'.-Hy. CO, o Thii Hkein. Ffuir lior.-e light. J . .;;. CO h rt: in ail) k fkiin. Four !i.jV:.;e ii:-it-mi r .7't.O'i icn PlnuJOie keiu Foar Horse- regular L.7.V." ug; al.H eat, m tr J :5,ij'f Fa tent hrak?, . :',-' Lo ortier all kinds of-hcMvy :otf ns Jir' wagoii"! drajs tSrc. AIko rsc NVil rons tor t.irm or. lusitic-s. sf-ri! tioii : Ko, 1 . thimhle skei.ij: :ixiv le )C 7 feet inches loiiy;. :j l'c:t 2 Miches w Hit i. 10 inches deep. soruur f-cat Price i)ficity 1000 pouiuls. .jis.nhove except il han 1 wo t:hf bed nod none vmder the GO. : ' m - L jf farmer business or exprc-s ron 1X7 inch" patent, siblid .hardened. Side springs 1 4 leaf lecp plniu bed witli and bktil'ts iaiiited in' nice Iv heels. 7- k1 style? Ol CNJi lo rus ;ts are licccll' arid, in latent Utyle. .ORGiii (JAR-C.N'E MI'hhS.M.b RAVb HREE ROLLER-. kht If) o-al. jj !P-(- per hour 5.00 ivy ht IUavi2- feht 4 150 " " ' itio.oo 4 Stttm) pov, ,00 ; - " 27.).00 4- :;o() ? .."' .300.00 putl-ie -1i:r e Un-ls : Ste-1 !);irl- tU Steel inypio hi ! and oUek ors..7.u" laiitl pIo-v-. k arfe ro;u well Iricd pjieiiiK,. - me Mny I"'-" filar-K i i it 1 of ph.iw Uut wilt 4f;r iai order of :' puAvrf. lr.TRL)ip.EU ftSTEEL PLOWS - -'ROI (iliT . r" ' ' horrc 5.00 f;.b0 s.uo I tlO? fiVADAKD: il inches 7 liht 1 P nv cuts Rhcfivy 1 ,k !). light - 2 10.V. medium 2 - IH heavy 2 - Aii li-ht 0 10.00 . l'o i:i.oi IHiltLEll HEAL FLOSVS, VROUOlIT STAN DA Rl) Nb. c,u iinrheS 1' horse liht .) '" 1 horse la avy 0'i - H hdc light fUM " horse medium 10.( 2, horse heavy l -. :) horse li-ht Jv-(,t' 3 horse heavy 1 10 n 113 I Iran betiun I double shovel 1 horse 1',' .( wrill . hultliate corn, cotton and carxf. )y' can can phfvv 4 acres per da'.. t oo vni ! Mille shovel finest finish in the Mr .1.00 VHEAT DR1 LL CS 8 inches' apart W.) oo if. m. v i STEEL TOOTH RAKE. 41; it, price with 20 ateel tcfto, iy' 4i vake, $s. .'Walking cuitlvat.-r,; t libjnd ,uid t oiiiules .wl'i cultivate lo acres ot com ctiBtn St ciae flieir day, price all complete, i almcari furSiish yoojeapers, iuow v eug''11?3 tlitesrjjsra, 4om;phelIers, cider mills arid prc'' stfawliay jn e-ct cutter, hor.-e powers, elmrn-. hy m cotton Ibressea. cotton ems. &c. Farmers w il li HdniV cash; p. ides quoted each week in th: pdyerl I r rpkjfi each farmer in th.3 comity t; a their iames and I will kep tliem poste.i id prit rie3 of ai V! kiu (icf irnplai'cnts tliey n--t. ..-.... . ...r . , ....... ...... - -. !Hi'-l aridl si um I c; 3i). : . i : jso 'J. :iWi sprinc;! under sent. J Pricijf;! Thrir e sp: in wngoip, axles co' or j ml cjsjsi inr h A ide trie se:i t I us hi oh SUlo,'1 Ulc hti All Hi.es with Ikicii :! :ind k- .wbii iUj :ri-ni with !bt j A boy( ii-an njian hoiiijuon !wo . rr f! ! 4