"t Subscription, in AUvujuce. One Ycar...K...$2 00 j Six Mpnths....:l; 00 ! : C6inglo copies, five cents each. ; j c3Anv person sending, a club of five subscribers, accompanied j by jthe cash, will receive one copy f ree. Advertising: lint? Space. lw.J aw. I lmo. j 2mo. uxo. 6mo. iy. rinTTTi 100 .150 2 BO 4 jo1? P OQi 70QrJ 2 iihr "T00J3 00 I 4 00 I 6 00 j 8Q0j j 18 00 lg s m.TTi"oo 460 j coo l 8!do taooji n 00 j ,24 4 iniTTflOQ iHTdbT 7 00 1 lQQO'l t4 00 20 00 II 30 i7i-.nl. 6 JLlJLPQ.lA5-0() 20 0Q ' 25 00 1 35 QQ 1 icoi. I 10 00 j 14 00 I 20 00 30 pO 1 35 00; 4500 rrTnOO 20 03 j 30 00 4()jotf I SO Qplt TO 00 jjttg Transient advertisements payable i advanjce. Yearly advertismenta payable quarterly In advance Professional Cards, six itnes( or less, ft 0 per p- num half yearly in advance. (tncHjiding paper.; thA nnhiicatlon of Court dotices $tJ la charged A V f )i ig paid In advance -Otherwise, Ssr Advertisers may, by counting tenj worjda to a line, nd adding the number of ?islay Inea they wish, estimate for themselves the lepgtn ana icortiaprnfint. an remit accordingly cost of i an , Remmit- lances may be made by check; draft, or registered letter. - -. r- i . t Communication containing itemjs of. local neva l-RBDeCtUllV 801101161. The Editor will not be held - pespnsible for ntftrtalned and expressed ; oy correspww- Y15" i Manuscripts intended for publication must be written on one side of the paper only and accom panied by the name of the writer as ftj guarantes of good faith. . ' Wa cannot unqertaKe to re"" icjtp--r- pcript, Important to Advertisers r??r-The MURFREESBORO ENQUIREli is the offl- ..ru of Hertford and N ortha to pton counties, and has a lamer circulation in then cwmties than aay other par. It also circulates: in 'thirty-seven other counties, and as an ADVERTISING MEDIUM h second to no paper in Eastern Carolina. TT Across mark on your papery ir.jic.itps that your subscription h.is expired, or is due. We depiand prompt payment, as we need what is jdufj us to en able us to carry on our business rnore suc cessfully. Promises are worthless unites fulfilled. A subscription is a svmiil amount to a subscriber, but put together they are considerable to us. So pleasej remit. , Jlurfreesboro Instituitioi its. CHURCHES, Methodist Episcopal Rev F C Wjood iward. ftfr- vices every Sanday at 11 AM. and M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening it 7 oclqck. Knndav School every Sunday aftembonat4 oclock. Baptist Church Rev A McDowell. Services every Sunday at 11 A M. andTP Mi Prayer nueet ing every Thursday evening 1 at 7 ojclock. Sunday School every Sunday evening at 3 e lrjck. Episcopal Church Rev. J. A. Weston Serv ices at 7.P. M., on Monday after the fourth Sun day in each mpnth. (At Winton-at 7 P. M. on Tuesday, aftei the fourth Sunday in. each month.) j Colored Baptist Church Rev Washington L Boone. Services every 3rd Sunday at 11 A M and 7 P. M. i ! Colored Methodist Church Services ty the Rev. E. Robinson. j : j , TEMPERANCE., j j j o G T Invincibe Lodge No t 67 meets in the Flail over Dr. Lewter'a drugstore every Monday evening at 8 o'clock. MASONIC, rAmortcnn Genrsre Lodtre NO 17 J micets in the Masonic Hall tne first Saturday kn eyery month jit 2 o'clock P M. , STEAMBOAT Arrives at Murfreesboro every ISalnrday llrav- i v i ing the same ua, or on the inorning of j the following day. II. T. LASsrfER Si SaK, Agent3 MAIL ... 1 Leaving daiy, (except Sun lay,) at Ej A IM. Arrives at 2 P M. Professional Carjl. J OHN W. MOOR 15. ATTORNEY AT L aw, , Pitch Ladding, N. C Practices in the Inferior, Superioh Suprem nd Federal Courts. ; j ProVipt attention to Collections. BOWEN, ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, j Jfickaon, N. C, Practices in Northampton and fctljoiining emm ties. Prompt attention to collectjiorii in all iarts of the State. E, L. C. WARD,; ATTORNEY AT" LAW i Murfreesboro, N. C. Practices in Ilertford and adjoiini'i'j counties, and in the Supreme and Federal coiurts. Prompt attention to collections, j lj J. YEATfjS, f ' "I " ATTORNEY AT LAW, i ; Murfrejesbpro, N. C- Practices in the Superior, Supreme land Federa courts noil D. A" BARNES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mnrfreesboro. N, C Practices in Ilertford and adjoining counties and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Tompt attention to collection.' no 3 rp 'R. JERNfaAN", ATTORNEY AT LAW, HarrellSYiille, N. C. dl Collections made in any part of te State. R. C. F. CAMPBELL, I E X T ' I S"T,: - t MURFREESBORO N. C. Just received ; and for. sale at the New Dru Store a large mipply of Turnip and fall Garden and"Tield Seds :- - ! ; - Dr. JOHN T.XEWTER. PJI beautiful visiting cards from COcts ito:$lpe iiac-k,' or- 03se-"of 53 .. - . ; ? .-; ' ;t; ",' , ; i . : . j. -jlfcc-- THe M u rfrcesbo ro Enq u irer. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER G. 1871 t, Uitt i t i i Fall, dreary fa'l, is here. i. ; Read advertisment.of landsale in Gates,? The bricks are being made to rebuild the College.- -'7 '"r; 7-: ' ' . - AVe learn the pic-nic at Uuion was a fine success . - - ' ( The board of incorporators of the College meets uext Tuesday. r - fWVsvt up your uiscnplion and send us 4 new subscriber, J "! ; ' 1 . j The Hon; J. j. Yeates left to at feud the Edenton court Monday. : - Printers ink ; is the best grease : for the wheels of business., .. , . . i Buy your goods of Cook & flarfell, anc of H. T. Lassiter & Son, . ! Read the advertisement of that cxcellen State daily, the Raleigh Neva. ; Wbids not to use Who, When, Where and jWliy It's none of -yon r business, i Miss Anna Wise vhonias beeh' visiting friends hi Raleigh, "returned this veek. 7 ; The Rev. J. D. Ilufham filled the stand at the Baptist church'ou Sunday night last; .' . , 1 i ' - Models for the new college aie comug in and letters , from contractors by . the bushel. " : 1 :u ' Y . 1 ' 'T' . The acrostics and poetry is comi ug m Will not someone send us a larger trash basket? ; v ; - j. The yonng men of our town met on Tues day nlgbt to organize a Heading and Lite rary.club. . ; 7 Miss tannic M., WiMums of - our town left last week to make Southampton coun ty, Va. her home for a while. Messers V. J. Peele of Northampton, and R. W. Winborne of Hertford county left last week for the University. 7" .. Ai P. IIine3, Esq., our interpriJng car riage maker, has had tbe streets in front of Ilia! i-r.arrj?rfi establishment jrreativ ; iid- proyed. :' .' - , :' ii CSHVhen j'oit write to a party pv ho ad vertise in this paper, please say. -that you u wv his n..U'frt.isement m the Murlrepslorp Enqiprer, A Nevada newspaper sayp of a man who has sued it lor lible that "he petit'u us. the court to stitch a golden patch over his .rent reputation." j Murf Teesboro wants a watchmaker Inft wants him to take an oath before ..starting to town '-that he'll never get drunk . any more !" We received three cop'ks of the Ports mouth Enterprise last "week Things are getting better,- we don't usually get inure tnau one or two. Ac!ergyman who - recently lectured on 'Fools, had inscribed on his tickets 'Lec ture on Fools Admit one.1 He is said 0 nave had a large audience. - ! If you are too stingy to subscribe to your local paper and still persist in borrowing your neighbor's, send us your name and we will send you one free. . B. B. Winborne Esq. and Judge D, A. Barnes left for Tarboro on Tuesday last, as attorneys for our county to settle the terri al dispute "between Bertie and Hertford. J.jT. If. Garriss, Esq. of Margaretts vllle, Was jin to'vvn on Wednesday last,and like good men: will do, he didn't leave the town until; he haa paid his subscription to' the Es'quikek. . 1 i i ; ; ' '" i Friend Allen, who is a fmc ' shoemaker,. ' i: i' " recently raimoved to our town: askes us why is a shoemaker1 like a minister of the " " I Soles ! Csouls.) llememDer, tne person wno senis uuie largest number of subscribers (for six months $1 each) by Sept. 15th, gets Web ster's Unabridged Dictionary free. , , j : The person sending us the next largest HSt by Sept., 15th, gets "Woman in Battle by Mrs. L J. Yalesqucz, free. Uncle Joe, the faithful servant of the B.'F. Institute, upon hearing it was pr rob- able that the college was; burned 'by the explosion I of chemicals, asked the Rev. Dr. McDowell if there was "any of lem kimicals in de Inschute V and said if there was,1 "LeWgit em out !" ' "k , The agent for the Royal Canadian Insr r- ance Co.. who was m our town Tuesday, walked in the harness shop of friend Bry ant RaileyJ. thinking it .was a general store, and asked for a "collar." Friend Railey, thinging he had struck a trade, brought forth a No. AQJwrse collar The agent left, but not until the bystanders nad cot tenia- good laugh at hii expense ! The Boat Again. We are pleased leani that the steamer Lota will be put regularly on our line , after Sept 15th. It will then run regnlarlyV . tri-weekly. We adyise our people to do' all ih' their power to patronize the line and thus make it an established thing the year round. J In this connection we would say we re joice to hear how much the Black watf;r Line appreciates the services, of our active and courteous townsman, Capt Frank B. Jester? Well r do the company reeogniie him as one of their most diligent ancKioni peterit navigators. Our people rejoice at your success, Cap t, Frank . U TriE a B. F. Institute. r-The Norfolk . Virginian, one of our most appreciated daily exchanges, thus speaks of the above institution of our town : j j This institution is located 'in the de lightful town of Mur.freesboi o a town noted for the moral standard of its people -and its clegtint society . Its next session vill commence on the first Wednesday m October, with the usual corps'of able.and experienced (. instructors, 4 under the in- 6tnt6ti6hvTofi; the -Rev. - A. McDowell, t.l'P;" This institu-i tion- r. wa3 pronouneed ; by ' a distinguished General, of a the late: Confederate. arm 3 noted for hia culture, as one of the best female schools in the tate.V Catalogues containing fuli Information can be obtained by; applying to the pridcipal at Murfrees- boro,.N. f- -i.5:.:.;- , WfXTON-.i Through the kindness of our friend Judge D. A. Barnes, who i3 always rnindfui'Vof a pedestrian editor, yre atten ded the commissioners court and the meet-; ing off the y. magistrates on Monday last. There was an nnusual amount of business before the commissioner's court this meet- ing. s They decided to aid tb'e people in esta.lv! Lshing ;a load from Union to Mur freesboro. 1 ; j-1 f : ' i , 7 ' :. - The electiori for the officers of the infe rior court resulted as follows: ! ; - ' ; , For Ch ief Justice, Ma j . J . W.. Moore; for associate justices V. P. Shaw, of Win ton and ' Geo, V. Cowper of Manney's Neck. 7 1 " ' - -j " j 4For Clerk, Df. W. J. Gatling ex officio; for Attorney, B. B. WinWne. The elec tion w as a fine selection j of officers, and Stvcs general satisfaction. (: 7 James I. Deloatch Esq. cf .Northamp ton was married to Miss iKta Jordan ..at the residence of li, W, Branch Esq., on Thursday last- The ceremonies were con ducred by Rev, Mr. Jordan. I While at Wintou we had the pleasure of meeting many ; of lis good people, and are glad to chronich its (continued pros- ; perity. ; Wise Shops; Charles Dickins speak ing of . wine shops, says: They are the col leges of the young and the poor. History, mcrals, politics, jurisprudence, and litera ture, in iniquitous forms, are all taught in these colleges and chapels, wdiere professors of evil.coniinually deliverjthose lessons, and "where hymns are sung nightly to the dem ons of (demoralization. In those haunts of the poor, theft is taught as the morality of propriety, falsehood as speech, and assassi nation, as the': justice of tne people. It is iu the wiue-cup the cab-man is taught to think it heroic to shoot the middle-classed man who disputes his fare. It is iu the wine sliop the workman is taught to admire the man who stabs his faitiess mistress. It is in the wine-shop the doom n pronounced of the employer who rowers the; pay of the employed. - The wineshop breeds, in a phys- 7. 1 , 1 pestilence of envy ana vengeance, the manj of crime and revolution. Hunger s prover bially a bad counsellor, but drink is wore.' JurG-E M ioue IviloxEp'. AVe understand a little fl ire-up occurred nt Carteret Su perior, Court b3tweeu Judge M'ore and the Sheriff iu regard to the subject of col ored jurors. : It seems that there were none of the colored brethren op. either the grand or petlj" juries. The Judge wanted to know why this was so. (The Sheriff told him il, was because there! wore only twelve negroes in the county who had paid their axeA, And that the names of six of these had been thrown out, with the names of two hundred whites, as unfit for jurors. The Judge had the county commis sioner before Lira, tvho corroborated the ShreifF's statiment. He then ordered that Sheriff to sum mons colored lurors.trom those present. The Sheriff looked around and told the (Judge there were none present fit to serve as jurors. The Judge then( pointed out certain negroes in the Court House and ordered the Sheriff tosommons them. This affair gave umbrage to the community and was considered an unjustifiable interference with the duties of the Commissioners and the-.'-Sheriff, and the Grand Jury indicted the Judge for malreiisance in office. -UaleigJi Ifews. i ! 1 ; : . .t. 1 ! PlC -NIC. at the Beaslcy Pxace, RlDDlCKSVILLE, iN. C. , August 29th, 1877. Dear 'Enquire1': ! 1 We cannot find it in our heart to let tl time pass and not tell: of thd merriest, maddest day'.that a company of about three hundred ' of us spent , on the 22nd inst., at the. charming pig nic at the Baes- .uv ley Place, near the No taway. The day with just enonirh was unusually pleasant. cloud to abscure; the brilliant blaze of the sun and not enough to , apprehend rain. The managers and neighboring people did ey cry thing to render this gala day a tho rough success, and they succeeded beyond all that could ' have been expected. Fine music,. fine dinner, fine dancing, fine ladles and gents ad infinitum, . Portsmouth, Norfolk, (Petersburg, Berk ley,. Gates, Northampton, Southampton, Murfreesboro and other places were well represented by fair women and brave men, and never have we seen more grace ful dancing, or a more sumptuous dinner and it niust be iamitted that tho elders take? the most interest in tho loaves and fishes. 7' ; 7 ,: .7- ..";ii7:":; ; 7 '" ; - -: 7!The 1 prettiest ,,lady;' was TRIiss - of Murfreesboro. the handspmewt di'essed was Miss L. B ,! of Hertford Co., the most styl ish, Miss' B. of Portsmouth . t he most graceful 'dancer-;fSliss' ' : j We heard many pretty voung. ladies! ask wdijr was a certain hands. -me editor absent. ' ' Too much cannot be' said of the efficient aid rendered by. messrs. Magette. : Mynck, Hartt, Riddick; Spiere,7&c., &c.;-not-for-getting oiir yoang fnerids, Winborne, By ntim. Faison and cthere, and to all pic- 'niceis we wni- aj' if yu "desire a success, intote; send for 'Don and Diliardi' : Returning 'many thanks !to the managers and other friends fori their kind i. courtesy "and.u hoping an: early repetiiori ' of this merry day one exclairna i with sweet Tom, 'Oh if there be an Elysian on earb it is this, it is Ihis, it is this.' Yotre ami. I Queeuquiu.. For the Enquirer. - ; j EAR LV DAYS OF THE BORO', No. 1. , ". r - : :.'v Sometime during the reign of Andrew; the lft, thert lived in this ancient borough, Dr. Thomas Borland, distinguished alikft for his dignified demeanor, his courtley man ners and his professional skill. Many of our people remember him and his talented sons, Euclid Roscius and Solon: ' He lived on stands. the spot where now the Institute At the same time there was a stately mansion, (now owned py Col. U. Yaugharj') which frpm Us dimensions and environsi was ycleped -The Castle.' for it contained a jewel In the 'form of a rare ind radiant maiden.;; This castle was care fully larded by a fierce nnd ferocious Bull terijicr, who- rejoiced in anL answered to the name of Wse. The charmes of this lovely lady "were fully aj.preciated by ally she was j.he .bell of the Boro,' and feubse-. qucmly Jbecame the wife of au amiable and wealthygentleiian on the Roanoke, and the mother of two charming daughters one of twhom is the wife of our distin- guished jScuat u- in Congrees,Gen R. No Ceribas guarded the treasurer of Pluto thful'v thah did the' vi Silent Hose more fa! the castHe. lie was the terror unto ail evil doers ai well a3 all others. Oil the occa- s we are leeoyding, it- became the pro fession! I duty of Dr. B. to vhit the castle. Thegatpon the street , as it is j now, per haps, was some distance from the house! Bosu sp ied the' venerable Doctor, as he ap- proace 1, and like all animals 'for tis heir .00, '.had nqiespect of persons on nature account, of age, race, color or previous condit;(m. He mack? for the D6ctor whose j stately steps radidly increased t ) a double quick and then full foot race! In his flight he made rapid passes in the most approved strle of! fencing with his gold headed cane, by carrying ei gnrd$, in front and in rear, ei droit and en tierce; which ouVy increased the ferocity of his aspirant and) caused the good Doctor to cail loudly for aid. Dear Aunt Sjally Vauglum ' (peace td her ashes) 011 hearing the alariiji, rushed duwn quickly opened Jthe floor an j ' . 'Ijiet the wandering pilarrhn in' net however without the loss of ids nether garment, wrhether like Shyl"ck, Bose got his 'pound of flesh' or not, hist(jiy is silent. It is certain that be drew blood. With his hat iu one handf holding up the rava ges of the rear "with the othei the Doctor apologised for his Sudden euterauce and sad appearance. Aunt Sally waf equally j , j , , , with excited agony that 'fresh meat al ways ljiade Bose iick and he wa never known to bite gentlemen.' The good Doctor in the future approach ed the castle with pre caution and had Bose tied whenever his calls were made. He used to smile at the extra comfort he received on the occasion- from (Aunt Sally. It was long the subject of mirth among our boys; who like John Gilpin used to sing: : I : j Long lir good ata.it Sally Yaughan ! Long live goo cf Doctor RA And; when he runs another race, May 1 be thereto see.' But alas ! they are all gone; only a few are left who remember them, and to think sadly 'that such things were.' Senex, i Cheap. Seeing Machines. We Iwould call the attention of our read ers to the advertisement. hi another column of the Fame Manufacturing Co , of 833 Broadway, New York, thev are advertising a fuli size, first class ewiug 'machine at the'exceedingly low price of Eighteen dol lars; they desire male and female agents everywhere, and offer extraordinary in ducements. Read their advertisement. I MURHEBWlLIiOL'T. " I " -i . : ' A f?!w years ago,1-"August Flower wa- discovered to be a. certain cure for Dyspep sia and: Liver complaint, a few. thin Dys peptics! made known to their frieudy how easily dud quickiy they had hecil cured by its use. lhe great! .merits or Greens xVu gcst Flower became heralded through the country oy one surrerer to another, until, ,,,,kU,vnf nrlirA.fif ill ri i(p n.i ft tnn I . -in m mense. j urusrgists i m h, v iiK 1 1 1 ) IS in the United States are selling it.! . No per son suffering . with Sour Stomach, ;Sick Headadhe, Cofetivenessr palpitation of the Hert, ! Indigestion, low spirits, etc., can take three doses without relief. Go to your druirgists Dr. J. T. Lcwter or Dr. J C. Larcnce and get a bottle for 75 cents and try it. Sample bottles 10 cents GET THE BEST. The Raleigh DAILY, one year.. .......... WEEKLY, one year....... News, ...... .$5 00 ...... ...1 00 J HTSend Postal Card, for sample copy. Address, THE RALEIGH NWS,i "... . Raleigh, N. C. JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL, ; JACKSON, NOIliAMPTOX CO., X. C. . The fall session of this institution; will begin ori the 2nd Wednesday in September. Board including fuel, lights,- and- wash ing, 12, 50 per mobth. For further par ticulars,! address Cua's Fetter, A. M., . .. : I ,';. I : , ; ii- , Princioal. ''. GrQ it DE 1 Htius J. C. JACOGKS, Proprietor, Corner Mercer jand Main StreefSj !' 77"! KOEPOL K,.Y A. ... . , ;7 Boa rl pr day . . .. J. ,..;..$2,00 aepl-ly . f :-- ,j ..:,:;t j - y Subscribe 'tol tlie ."., 1 ?rurfreeboro Advertisement. NOTICE! 1 There will be k meelimr of the Stock- holders of the Wesle an Female Col lege; of Murfreesboro, N. (?., ? in Murfreesboro, ion luesday, the 11th of Sent.. 1877. . A ful 1 attendance is desireih' i ' JESSE J. YEATEy, President of ihi Board of Stockuolders qhOwan BAPTIST . PEMALE INSTITUTE, MURFREESBORO, N. C. 1 The net session 1 will begiu 1st Wedne day in f)ctober, with thiKusual corps !of able and rx cperienced instrnctors. j : '-.U:. Far catalogues, address, " ' ) .' , 7. : , A. Mcdowell, Pres 1 A. P. HINES, ESBORO, n. c, ; MURFRR f A VTrI.1! A-QTURER OF I Light Carriages, Wagons, C afsj. Ca Hrr-Ac?, Sulkies, Farm t-wheels, &c,'&c. a A limited stock of Buggies, Cart-wheels and, in. short anything usually found in a first class oacli and buggy factory kept cons antly on hand. All woik, when not otherwise ordered is made of the best material, and is war 4 ranted to giyc BLACK entire satisfaction. SMITHING of all kinds, done an the very best manuerj Horse shooing a speciality. UNDERTAIONG done m all of its branches. A fine assor t4 ment of Wood dnd Metalie Coflins are co n stantly kept on hnjnd with prices to suit the occasion, wnicn will Lj furnished on f 1. .... r . 1C shortest notice. C-sf Two elegant hearses on 1 hand, and 1 coflins will be sent to any parts of i tjh country when des Ired. Address all orde A. P. II1NES . Murfreesboro, N. 0. joiin LEWTER, AT THE HBW DP.TJG STORE (Next dood to his residence. MURF Deals iEESBORO, N. C, un First G la? s DRUGS & MEDICINES, PAINTS, Ol DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY & FANCY ARTICLES! FINE TOILET SOAP, LANDR Field ant Garden Seeds, &(. - Feb. Sth 77. fOOKE & HAHBELL. Murfreesboro, N. C, Dealers in DRY GOODS, MOTIONS. "READY MADE CLOTHING. BOOTS A SHOES.- HATS. CAPS. - HARDWARE. I BRIDLES, SADDLES, HARNESS. CROCKERY TIN WAKE, TOBACCO. CIGARS AND SNUFF, GROCERIES, FLOUR, PROVISIONS, t'UHNJ ju;al, au., j AlsGood Cider Vinegar. Highest prices paid for country proauce. mari-iorn. JJ T. LASS ITER' & SON, fcaltrs in DRY GOODS, DllESS GOODS,1 READY-MADE CLOTHING, Of CLOTHS, CASSIMERE5. Ac BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, CAPS. - - anci a general assortment of eHOICR FA M ILY GROCERIES. Keep constantly on ha id a general assortment SADDLES, BRII LES, TIN-WARE, Ac. . Of of Higllest prices paid for :"neral country protluce IiseeIIarieou. tq da N: OTICE. ot: By virtue of a mortgage deed, executed to me by Henry C orbct, and v.if 0 Mafyi Ann, to secure the paj' nent of a' certain promiisory note, 1 shall offer for sale tit A public outcry, at tl e Court House door, in town of GatesvilleJ N. C, .011 the 17th f at September, 1877, the tract ot Jaua 1 soia is said Corbet, to satis fy the demands of said note. Said tract o land contains litty a- cres, and is bounded by the lands of Cal s vin Brown, Easton Briscoe and others. Yrg- 17th 1877 2t Tnos. B Walton J.w-; KiATE, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, MAWEY'S StCK, N. C, J P.O. Murfreesboro, N. C, .Worrell1 Esq. rHTBeferj to C. Wl CoiKlemtd Tims-Table, Offjo of S. & 11.' Raukoad Co. 1 Boyko, Ya., May 8, 187G. : J Trains pass this station as follows : .oktii. :.'..'"' : '-:-:' Hi No. 3 freight.... .......... 5 4-' A, M" .I....;..:. 6 4G I qui 4 freight '. Mail:..; . 2 49 p.;m de( SOUTH. tail.. ...10 20: A. M :..ll 54 P. M .-4. 19 , - ! N'o. 1 freight....... 2 freight....' No. 3, north, Thesdays, Thursda3rs and Saturdays. No. 1 feouth Mondays Vil- in, nesdays and Fridays. Mail south Ptops at only at Suffolk Franklin Newsoms Boy- kin's, Margarettsvil e and Seaboard. North only at .Seaboard "Bovkm a-r Franklin nv .1 1.. J VL . " ' J . 1 'I'll!.' ;!f u Suffolk. C. C. -Lewis, Agt. Sowing Machine. $18' 1 . ii 1'LL SIZE-FIRST-CLASS. E! MODEL SEWING M A C 1 1 IN E. SIllFLE, DURABLE, COM TA (T, ' ' ;j I . . , !, AND llT HAS NO RIVAL. No cirap3i eated machinery to.lr fomtantly r:et order, a cbild cm nr.) it, will do al trag out. 0 fids of Sewing, from the. Xino-U' to the coarsest. 1 -wiill heiu. Ml, tuck, bra d, cord, gather etnUntid- ejj etcj.. uses self adjusting straight ndles, all acriptioa oijcotton, siik ani inreait. MaKr inj spngest stf.cU known, the cjlotti wlil tear be Tore tljile Reard tf ill rip, uses ;he thread direct from t h Spol. Tniel niacin neb beauiifully finished -and bigtily ornaimeuted, and T WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEVRS, i j i M - : - it r' I! cAtTiox; .... '., ?re cuutioneil nat to.niake, .deal in tise any jewing Mucliincni which sew with our edle ar.J make the El:tie stitch, or that have ttt 3 hew Patent Self-Feed Attarhnieut, unless the same aire j purchased from this Company, or their Aj;ent3:or Ljirenses, and stamped under our patent Rjt'WaM ofj worthless imitatiorn ar.d nn scrupulous parties whiojjiave copied our circuiara, advertise- meuti,'Ac, : and buy jny the machii'e n?anufac tiijred hy usjijl : ; nThis Hewiftsr Machine for beauty and durability- onnoti i& Excelled, it Is Impossible to drop a afiitch bwinjr to its peculiar construction : and it has many ot,6er advantages nut possessed by any oher sewtiiisr njachine now iu use. '.Persons who nave testea; it pronpunuc it excellent, and tjay thpy tieoi -iwed a better.. It wlil sew anything iuui 1 .i ix- n'weu uy any nign-pnuea maciunem the land. We ad vise all who are at all interested peftil RianhmcH to examine it. From persuu- spaetibnj we are prepared to say it is a tit oft rwrmcmgwai-ine.'Liironicie. sannile niaclilnes forwarded to nuv nart of tht ( (I' r wUrM on receipt of l EIGHTEEN" DOLLARS. Special tj enns and extra inducements to maie nnd repiaie RRtfi liiijs, store keepers, Ac. County rights en tv ajjiemts freo. Samples of sewing, descrip- 1 'CiJilb. III. u!.iri conta s, A c;, sent e cirp containiug terms, tcsUmouials, en- uving frte. All money sent in Post - ofljlce Mott.epf orders, Drafts, or by Express', are perfectly doenre. Safe delivery of our goods, guar anteed,! lft.ll oruemlcomimmicatloiis. etc., must be ad- dresseiltojthia I! ami: manufaltuking co., .-. 1 UroadVav. I New Vohk. -r- vui.isiii:i a vi:its. UNIT URIC OLESALE& BETAIL. I - -. -I i'.r-vv----'---- - bne of the larejC'st and most com 1 . . ..- .. , 1 dmes in tne umtec'. btatcj, 1 am i an -immense Variety' of Fiprni- lhe cheapest to the finest, and all hh Manufacture. Send for a price ;lke your own selection. A com- bgueMut free on application, to CHARLES P. STEVENS. - Itallimore, 3f. I. odt. M-tno. ' , -. ,75 WIJL1L secure lite bczz agazine including' One Dollar's Parjer Patterns issued in the Worth ci untryi No American lady can afford to .bp withoi the NEW YdK MILLINER & DRESS-MAKER r.tpch less Ihofie. who care for others In the ca pacity of a LNfilliner or a Drfss-maker. t'his inajjjilziiie is highly Illustrated throughout. and eachiiJMinber has a fine 'olorl i'late. iiThc frrotAietiir nf tho Fnaitthfr nav under e tfrrti date of J11 ne 22nd 1877. "I am quite an admirer of the 3?i lner V lress-raaker a?d desire it con. tiilitexl; Hpccimen copies to be seen at E. L. C- krd's , in Murfreesboro, N. C. Address, HIIARPE'S PUBLISHING Co.v 131 Mercer St., New Yok. )F NOllTH CAROLINA, Hert ford county, Superior Court, rail term 1S7TJ Ik KViil I. onie. Endorsee, Pi.iu.t iff 1 ,' .1 vs. Alberts )n EJward.s, Defendant. It apriiearttikg tothe aatisfaclion of the 'Court, the . fjvit of the Plaintiff and the return of e Shf irifl jlf said jCoui'ty, tht the defendant in tlie aboyei I'lhtitled case resides beyond the limits the state' it is therefor ordered that publica- tipn be Hiaj ile ia - tlie Murfreesboro Enquirer, a W3iaji)er mbltshcd in the town of Murfrees- bpro; I fieri lKl county, North Carolina, comma d- iiii tne isaa.t defendant to anoear before the Judere r the Siiiiiefrior 'ourt for the county of Hertford. ! be held )i the 8th Monday after the 4th lon-J y ju-Auigftft, 1S77, then and there to answer or dffmurlM CM )inplaint which will be flld In the ice., oi Clerk of said Court, withfn the first tlijree d.iys tiiereof, or Judgment will betaken against it in or the sum of two hundred and fifty lara ami ihterc.it on same fronl January. 1st, D. :l$5: t iivent Hr my hand and seat, ofsaid'Conrt pined la Winton, this the ISth day of August, W. J. GATLING, Clerk Superior Coart, Ilertford County.'. TATE (OF NORTirCABOLmA; IlMfril County, In the Prpbat? Court g. llli. Joseph jPerry, Administrator of John' H. Iltete, dec'iit. vs. 0 dei to - n .i; j 7 'i: j j -; i '0X1 : I 5.1 j . " 1 I Haying Ii t i! ; mete liii-i 4le .S of My.Ow j 1 and 1 : i etc faW . oil. -l-:!) I . 1 .. i : i I 1 1 : lilP Mkintl h I . -if I. t Jzk Will uvt; Nancy and 'Elizabeth ganders. anii tlie hkniown Heirs xl Henry and:. William Hiiile. tition to eell land for assets.) ii ap rdal-iiag ' to the Court, by the return of Sheriff ef said County and the affidavit of the PJMntiffi tilt jiUe ' :'Ueirs' of Henry Haste aTtd Wil liam Hajitfe tl e defendants m tlie above'entltied Case reside btiyond the limits " of the state; '' ft in theireforb o Tend that publication be" made for succpssh d weeks In the Murfreesborrt En- rer, a er published In the town ot Mur- ji tford Couuly, N. C, norifynig said rendUiiit'l ' r.f jhis action to -appear.' before the ere.tgn!el on or before the sth day of October, p. u:? .j'i 1 answer or" 'demur the complaint', I In Clerk's ortlce of said csnrt br eh U fi em'lnt U the i via I be rendpred agilnst them ac jurd- - a cr of f aid Coiujslaiiit.. -'" . ' irfi not si .J, G.VTLING, Cletk 3ar-ertor Court NVii:i4fi, In j' the fr.ui day of Augi;sr;'A. D.1S77. W. J rjATLING, 'Jndse Pooate. are btl respectfully invfeed to Jend U5- iti' oiders for job printing. ' ; !.KI

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