:::: r. it The Murfreesbbro Enqiiiqerr THUKSDAY, OCTOSEK It. The tTiiiversity Magazine," IV to be re YiveJ again at Charef 11111. J A ncwMafly called the National Union, by Tohn Llnchv -We welcome it to sour of- fice and trust it nay' pivve itself for the National Ution." Mai . Moore highly ratettBting sketches of Hertford County ittere unavoidably cptwded .wt tW mfcl We are sure our readers will1 rrewl no mention ojJ the fact to miss thrill ftttt we assure ' tbem ther will bc-only;fhS more intcratirig In jour jneoet, 4 . fiircxpreftsioa of tb people's wif-fccs in the last flections is doing much tojreform an better the condition of ow cotjy IWeir t?i National fiepkltican has changed ham., feformedv kicked out Martpbl the t!,8TCB-tetbe editorial j world, aDd its new pitwpectiift under the new management of Meer&. Clupp, ilobfosoii &Uhandfcr jcom- mils the paper to the support of b plan for Hhfpremonetizing of silver and making it a legal tender of equal value with gold for all debts due the Government and thei peo me. and for a reissue of gieenbackg, back- erf by.' tlie-ntrtfonu? faith, to ar mount to the. wants of business and trade, and which shaU be received the same as gold. - DISTRICT -POLITICS.' Under the above head, the Albemarle JiWasars; 'wf,,r twJititu'ans are actively stirinz the V y v v v - - ' i cnldrouvaftd' 1'ifce the Soothsayers of olden time entleavoriutfr rmifce firttife prcdic tions. County matter are tt-ioch talked of, but Congrcf sionjif ch'a t ifs the order of the day. Nearly one year wiil claps before a nomination can j be jmade and yet we hear mmiy . names lijig dis cussed' in various portions of the PwtFiet. The friend of Maj. Yeates are r:ssH?g. him for a rnninnination1. Mail liatuams iiends are constantly urging bin, l.tar orc'Hional' nieatiow of Mr. SI mitt. In omr Beet'iotr, Cap, scums to be the favorite, and will and we E. Coke into igo the Convention with considerable strength. We think howevrr. that all tb s raming of candidates premature. j j I On the' Republican side there are several who arc prominent. j Aug. 31. Moore,! W. F. Pool and S. J. Martin, are rokcn of . i and cm conimaud the full strength of their party. . Wc arc of opinion thai nolicv of the Republicans will be to the sup- port an independent Democrat, it in district such a bolter can be found. the We do not icHeve that such a man can be- foumi, who would so far degraje himself as to ieud his aid .aiid support to the deep laid sclwmes.tf such a wicked organization t as the Radical party. We tloti't think we Have any in our party who will swallow the sugar coated pills of Hayes aad hjis IV 'iters. " j sup EMIGRATION.. The New York Sun s-iy: 'The tide of emigration- has begiuv to flow lo the Soutth Tvwv or. mortjj e(j)lonies of i yh people an; "looking for laodt in Not4li (laMiJiiu- Colonies luvvv already set tVjLi iii.TuncsM,e ijowtli-1 'a4Jia:kv aiMl Al ,byiwv. , In 1873 one hundred arid fifteen Bwisa families,, making a company; off even !iHuiril pcopfe,. pwclia&ed ten thousand arret of land on Cumberland Mountain, Ttwrseer t $) per acre, and already each head ol a family had a comfortable home, surrounded by an orchard' and" gai-den. There Is a large 6tore which is managed lor .the colony; memkrs of j which Obtain their goods from it at wholesale cost. They liavtf dairies and cheese factories in success- M eteration; and all their products find jrady &.ikr at fair prices. '.They own f 'cattle, and shelter their stock iu fortable bams . ! I herds icom- Another cofbnv near Greenville, H. C, also Swiss, is almost as large and as pros perous as the Tennessee colony. The Ger mans establishttd a colony three years ago n)tt 3and Mountain, In Alabama. There ace now six thousand souls in this colony. They have made thousands of acres of a fonj UiteawbJoeaom as the rose, and hayo-bycUt p ai floufisblng' 4tow pays tavvusamU i4- 4oi lars . in taxes which to the Stale. fTbt gWp!hUHsf J piofitabte. One .German)!! halt aaasrejast year rais-: ed f aOOiworth i of -grapes, autlr. this yer he wil raise $500 worth. The tobadcoj grown is equal hi quality and size to the! 'irgmia lcaf. ;Tibacco, clears, and wine, t the chief pmdncts'-of the colony find a ready sale in lJwimvillaud Cincinnati. The j colonist destine for North Carolina -also seek the1 nHwntaramw region, where tobacco can be! cnKivated'as- wdF!agrain, and where tbei KWzmgiland's at & ricii and plenty: The KonUietn'papers 'report or flbw of strangers iuto1 tlirSfuth Ibokfio?: itir liomesib H ; 1 r. THE PR ESIOENFS ViSITv We are truly glad the President has cami intoefrtct his resolitnit(.vistt the- South ern states, ft is indeed tht beinina: of l new era. If morot the- political antagx-j iiisls" of Uie booth Would do likewise, they woui.rsio learn mat the South Is not the enemy to , "(h lmoti. th ry have often la d. speech made t' the : Ieplt int uceaw i no x resKieni s;tiu :. "Forget 'the past, erect school 'housesl i . invite immigration auiL thus build tip your jtedml' " Wlm adyiert is jut as applicable to N. C, as1 1 J TVtJ nCSijCeV"' Atld Whcd Vf tx-ome adopt the ad ticc tbev will have made a Irag step oft the road towards ni ferial afld fntrtlectual progress." ? T'hwr L-mdow Timer CDimuentir otf ffee freisident i visit my&l ' j , I rttr lit tie morcf thail half a year the Pres -fdeirt has ! suipceedediin beating down -a compact rates of conflicting passions. The tisiWe triumph of jiis policy is now leing Assured. He has this week begun a journey through the Southern States, which is lo show that the work of pacification it not far from completion. The FcteTal government has no intention of interfering in the ix;al administration of the South ern States. The Southern States have no desire fcf disturb the great achievements of flie civil War; which have been embodied in the constitutional amendments. The removal of the object of contention mkes it easy to re-establlsb fiieinliy relations be tween the people, wl?r respect each other uud Ibt sympathetic meeting c4 the Frest deAt atod Go vernoij Hampton is an omen the coming time when the North and SoTtih wil) m ' loffger be separated by t he jines of division wh4eb1be civil war bad mceoV I . . ' THE SOUTHERN UNDERWRITER'S ASSOCIA TION. It is no less the duty of a newspaper to censure, than to prase. It may be more pleasant to do the one than the other, yet tt is no less the f'uty of a public journal, and when that duty involvs upon us, we shall do so regardless of corporatives or personages. About twelve months ago we visited Ral eigh, and made the acquaijtance of the officers of the above insurance company, which vas then figuring quite largely in the State under a paid up cash capital' at 150.000. 5 Besides this 'cash capital' and Its large amount-J of 'available assets,' the names of its officers were a great recom mendation. We took a policy of insufance in this company, arid upon oiW retrtrfl, in' a notice of their advert isement, recommend iled it highly to the public. We also rcc ommended tP.mes Ny Lawrence, q ,- of pn toWn. to tbe'conipnny To their agent at tfite plac . In less than six months, Mr. Lawrcnte, was notified1 of their suspension jof bpriness, aad that its policy holders would be reinsured" in other companies. I We have purposely withheld comments until' the present in order to sec what legal investigation would turn up We did not wish to ju l;c the company too hastily, nor too han-hly. But lo our surprise, the. .natter has gown more mysterious, and the chances seem to be less likely for an open disclosure than then. If one of its policy holders has bctn reinsured, we don't know it. The company doubtless had some money on hand, and as to what has be rrmr rt that, we (paimol tell, nor will its officers give any aiatisfactoiy account of iU whercalxut8. This has a bat! look; and we lKgin to think, like many of the people of the Statethat there must have becuNi little swinilllng. j-' " From May 5th,: 187G to' Dec. 31st 187G. according to the company's own figures, it had a net gain ol cltar profit of $20,100.00. Now what has sbecome of the money? What induced it to suspend biiMnews after making such profits? The fact of it is then; mut have b-en fraud au('. swindling; and unless the officers of this company can and do come forward and explain the matters, the public will be justified iu branding the same as fraud and: a swindle. Gatesvillk L()CAt8. It was our pleasure to attend Gatesville court last week. Judge James Ij. Henry occupying the Bench, Jas. IV Whidbee, Esq., Solicitor. Among the lawyers in at tendance, wc noticed the following famil iar faces: Capt1 Octaviu3 Coke of Edentou Tho. G. Skinner arid Judge J. W. Albert son of Ilerttprci, Sam'l. Skinner ot Hen derson, B. B. Vm borne of . Win ton and L. L. Smith of .Gatesville. The mst notable feature of the day, on Tuesday, was a fight between twx Ital -ian organ grinders and one of the cUizens of Gatesville in Whih both the Italians and two or three Jof the citizens were hurt. Tne fight originated from some of the by standers insulting the monkey that consti- ! tuted a part of j the Italian troup. A large crowd soon gathered to the sceue of action, and it was apparent to us thai a general row was inevitable; but Justice John Brady soon succeeded in quieting the crowd by driving the monkey and troup out of town. , Tuesday evening at 8 o'clckiK the doors were opened for the concert of the "(Jates ville Amateur Troupe," uniertbe profi cient management oj Mrs. M. E. Brady assist ed by Prof. P. II. We'ch, musical director. The programme was vocal and instrumental music, charades and tableaux. The charade entiited 'Bolts and Bare,' in which' Misses j Addie Hayes and Claadie Brady personated tbe leading female char acters and Mcssni. P. H1. Kiddick and Jas. Hoffler the leading; male characters, , wai performed in a 'style that would- reflect credit on expert (peitonners, while Mrs. Covinghm as ; 'jkVidn'w Bedott,' elicited roars of langhtcr and deafening applause from an appreciative audience. Prof. Olibtx Ilollmgshead in his inimitable Dutch Sngs; was j?arj excellence. Wednesday night the Troupe-performed again with en tn e change of programme, but limited pace wll not allow us to comment upon the performance, we cannot refrain-how-eve from, alkiding to the admirable man ner in which the characteis represented by Misses 1 Donie- Bkady,.Lizzie ! Hayes am EirimaiNurriey were'sustained iu the play enMtled 'Moving uner D'fficulties The lerformance. Commenced ; each Ctenin with a" hew centennial gong entitled 'Amer ica 'Us-to thee,; akd included with 'Siveet t tye aud b e 1V the etitire Trbu p Th ef 1 . . 1 " 1 I T M 4 H-Jm fv . . proceeus ot me caiiceri wa iire ii-ue-fit of the Episcopal clUrch io Gatesvi'.Ie. 1 Mr John IJrady and his eslintable lady, we return thanks for coutes!esf extendi - us. We are alsci. IndebtwUfto Fletcher Hare, the clever and coiiTteocrs landlmd of the GateFvilky Ilotel for many favor. We ill 6ay for him that he is running trae of the best country hotels in the Slate. Everybody that stops with FletclKT Hare leaves well satisfied and with a determma tioff to call again."" " " ' There are other items wofthy of note, n ami around Gates. but as yn have n reg. ularigcorre.)pndea will leave the ballance for him and con- j elude by saying tliat if the Editor wants a i real good time, jta come to Wintou and tv e will crnry him over to Gatesville' and show him the prettiest lacties to bt? found in the world, and will insure lfbof a kird re ception from the warm hert-sT citizens of this hospitable town ; and if you don't have a good time, it will be'your owft fault. j ' J- A. It. (Wc know you are right about . that, friend Ilamsay, and we mean to do it yet. -Ztf.y Di8tktct Convention I. O. G. T. A Geneual Good Time. Windstik. N C. ) Sept 18th, 1877. The Convention was ca led to order by Ktv. A. D. Cohen, and after tlie temK rary appointments of the chairman, the convention adjourned to hear the opening address by Theodore JS. Bamsay, P. G. W. Upm reporting, the following Lodges were found to be repiesentcd : Olir Hope. Rising Sun, Invincible, Beau tiful Star, Tallulaby Dew Drop, Minneha ha, Never Pail', Ark of Safety, Golden Rule, Buelah, Uising Star, Hope's Dawn, Parksvilleand Koseof the Valley. CaptS. N. Buxton a-lso reiwrted that the Garys bur and Seaboard Lodge! wrere in good or der and under fine progress. The reports -f several lodges were reported by thedel- cgates Representing them. The'e.ection of officers then being iu or dcr, resulted as folio vs : W. V. T. Sister R T. Howard, W. F. S. W. P. Tayloi, W. T. Sister It. W. Askew, W. C--J. J. Joy ner, W. M. W B. Spencer, W. I. G. Sister Bcttie PaiMi, V. O. G. Charles Calvert, W. S. W. C. Faison. Standing committees on the Good of the Order, Place of Next Meeting, and on By Laws, were then appointed. On Tuesday night, an address was de livered in the Biptist church, by Them N. Ramsey, P. G. W. C. T. of N. C. The address was quite a fine and eloquent one, and five new members were added to our by it. Tlr pormniticc ort obituaries was tlifn ipiMjialed, and upon a vote, -Murfreesboro was selected' as the next place for the meeting of the convention. The above named officers were then in stalled, after which much business of the order was transacted, which would occupy too much of your space to mention here. Resolutions of the good of the order, were then lead-by Mosey Gillain Esq., which were approved. Motion was then made by Bio. J. A. Ramsay that the time of meeting hereafter be on Tue-day, after the first Sunday in March aud September, which was adopted. A vote of thanks were then tendered, up on motion of Brother W. P. Taylor, to the members of Tallulah. Lodge, of this piace, and citizens of the same, for hos pitalities and kindnesses. At night, Tallulah Lodge gave a grand reception to. the convention, which was min.h enjoyed and appreciated by all present. Speeches were made by several gentlemen,-and with all, the time was spent most pleasantly. Resolutions were p isped that a copy of theee proceedings be' forwarded to the En quirer with a request of publication, j After three days session the convention then adjourned. W. C. Faison. Sectjy. cw Alvrtinieut RAMSAY &ENKINs7 Inlcr in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. DRUGS. tJONKECTIONARIKS, HARUWARh., TIN-WARE, FARMING IMPLE MENTS, TOBACCO. ECT., MAIS ST.r i WINTON, N, C. ' GW. McGLAUHON J. W. PERRY, OfNortoik, va. .or wmton. N, u. McGLAUHONl & PERRY. , . COTTON FACTOJtS AND . j GEN L COMMISSION MERCHANTS. L TUNIS' WABKIIOUSE, Foot of Fayette Street, NORFOLK, V a. Will att nd prompflj to sales of Cotton, Grain, Lumbt-r, N-val Stores. Fi-'h, Ect. Bagging aht 1 tea kept constant y on hand and sola at lowest prices, i Liberal . AUraucetv. .Made on Cooslirn ineuts. Couslgnineuts SoliciteO, ; , octMin WILLIAM J. RODGERS, (Formerly of .1. Mr S. ROlGER8 A SOnL) GEN 'ft COMMISSION MEHOHANT, TOWN i POINT, - - . NORFOLK, Va. . . ' . ' i : Strict personal attention to all business entrus ted to him. Advances on Consignments in hand P.O.Box, 407. - v oct8-3m Cheap S isg Macrines, We would call the attention of our read ers to tbe advertisement in another colnmn the Fame Mnufaetunnsr Coti of 833 Broadwiy New Yarb) tliev are advertising a full size, first class- btwiug machine at the exceedingly' low price of Eiglkeen dol lars; - they desire male and female agents everywhere, audff :r extraofdinary in dii cements.:. II t hetp advertisement. gIC FOU SALEI. 1 ; The poMlc is hereby notifled that I have ' 5(1.000 BRICIiK FOR SAIiE - at f 3.00 per thousand. Call oh nr 'address, JOHNT. S MITH;: Ucoss Lycki. 1ST, C. octl-im: Cominiwtlon Hon. JOHN O'CONNOR Jn 3 GENERAL COMMISSION .MERCHANT, ctrrraK fACTOK Kos. 2 And s Cimxt Ht RKffr, Ample Ca'pStat, long epr1HKfe, tfenfTal locatiott COTTON, rEANUTS, . PASV r GftAlN, . An classes of COUNTRY PROtrtrCE to the veir balrtagej . . WE THOifOtOnLY UNDERSTAND THE COMMISSION BUSINESS. re the Selling. Assortlntf. Weighinjr nd rtBfctinB of ouf Cbijrtrments OlfR PERSONAL ATTNTI1' MAio'lii rha rnil0 En wan Ki and guarantee our customers sales as men, prices ms nisn, expeue www, u J other MerchandHe to-Northern or Eu-ropean po wu wic uio a,wum, pwclat rates with1 tlie nermshi( Une for th trangftpment of ffeighw VVc are prepred to make liberal advance otf Cotton or crther ProHTfCe, for sale, transhipment or to hoht. J Charires per imJr foi inRoran al storage on Cotton 3 cents per month, on all othet MeTchan ilbte lowest posfffi' terms. All fff Ml is a fair trial, and Merchants and Farmers Will And to their advantage to gireu atrial. RA GOING, TIES. BAGS AND Frfffflahed on the heat possible GUANO, LIME, COAL Shipping Tags Market quotations, and all information in relation to the businesi promptly fur nished on applfcaftion. We ire the oie Agents salof j : MA PES' NITKOOJ5NIZJSIJ MTitK-ruusriiAi n. ur j.iaiiv.'. The ioldest and most reliable Fert llizer in the I'nited States, and pronounced bj eminent chem ists, dealers n fertilizers and scientific agriculturists ss the best aud i hespest Fertilizer on the market. We can safelr recommend It for iCntton, Tobacco, Peanuts, Grain and Garden Trnck. We desire to establish Sub-agencies at all acceptable points and make liberal terms wiih reliable parties. Pamphlets rumished upon appjicatioa to. I X. JOHN O'CONNOR, Jr., P. O. Box 45, Portsmouth, Va. oct4-3m. Norfollt Advertisements. OTHER SHEIDOH 1 I DEALER IN SASHES j . DOORS AND BLINDS MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, STAiR RAILS.I NEWELS, BUILDERS' HARD WARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY AND BUILDING MATERIAL OF I EVERY DESCRIPTIONS Agent for Wadsworth M. Longman's: Prepared Paints Warranted to please. 5 Send' for circulars of colors and list of prices. Nos, 39 and 40 Roanoke Avenue, mar2f-V I NORFOLK. VA. jyjRS, MAHY ELLIS WISE, LADIES' PURCII .SIXCi ACJENT. No. 12 Waverly St., NORFOLK, Va. Having remnvad from Murfreesboro to Norfolk, I am now prepared to nil all ordern for friends in the vmn tt. ' ' ' Dresses anil bonnets made to orler. and nats trimmed in the latest styles at shortest notice. rw-Aii r(iAMfwlil receive mv personal attention. jiutl be tilled with care and dispatch, i i Kltz ABKTII IHON ORKS, CHAKLES W. PETTIT, Proprietor. MANUFAtm res; STEAM ENGINES AND BOIIE S, SAW AND GRIST MILL. SHAFTING, PITLUA'S, AC. ALSO CASTINGS Jk FOROlNfSS. 'o and 8- East. Wide W-ter St., Norfolk, Va. Particular Attention jrivrn to Repairine Steam boats First-class Machinists and Boiler-Makers sent anywhere to do Repair Work j mar '20-ly. FAS. O'ROLKKE, J . I J DEALER IN ; ? IAR RLE MONU'MENTS, TOMDS, : j ,IIRADSTONE, Ac, 165 and' 167 East Church street. ; ORFOI.K. VA. All kinds of STONE WORK Fxwntol. All orders promptly rilled and satisfaction guarant-sed. mar2a-ly. C. F. OREENWOOO. FREO (1REEN WOOD. "THE rASKETV' C. F. fi REEN wdon & t?t?o. WATCHMAKERS and JEWELERS. I No. is Mam Street, Norfolk, V a Larjrsst store aud stoclc in the city and 1 Jfitt WATCHES, CLOCKS, .f- .IEWELRT REPAIRED I IN THE BEST MANNER. . jy ia-i77 ! -I . ULLEN & PIEIKJE, fnanfacturers of and Deaiers in CARRIAGES. BrGOIES, WAGONS, ! FARMWAGONS, ! CARTS, j ! HARNESS and SDDLES, CARRIAGE GOODS, CART WHEELS and CART WHEEL TTMBIU. i Nos. 18, 20, 22 Cnk :rcet. oct2-4m . ' ' i Norfolk, v- s . W 8ELDNEH, j. Wholesale Liqnor lnler. 2t Roanoke Square, NORFOL&, VA. Orrlera promptly attended to and satlsfaltioi Knaranteed. no 16-1 2m J K. GILLETT, yt A NI ; FA CTtT RFTl AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN j j ? COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, RANGES, FIRE PLACE HEATERS, COOKING UTEN8ILS, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF TIN. COPPER, HEET IKON AND JAPANESE WARE, PUMPS. LAjMPS. ROOFING MATERIAL, AC. - I : Nos .ll A 118 Water St, dec. lo-a j! ! NORFOLK, Va. rgiiiTToN, Buxton & Co., GENERAL COUKJISSION MERCHANTS For the sale of Cotton Peanuts and Country j Pro duce Generally. " : ;".- ;1 j ' j 64 Water Street, NORFOLK, VA. batjgini? and Ties furnished at lowest Market Price. Liberal Advances on Consignments in hand. " ' f I JJ C ROWE, : No, 173 MAIN! St., NORFOLK. Va. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN UNDERTAKING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO - fit ATX ITS BRANCHES ' . - "- I . :(' -i -": '- MET AT.lt? and WOOD CASKETS and COFFINS OF THE MOST APPROVED STYLES. I3T-W. Ii: MURPHY will bestowr gpeciirf atten tion' to this branch of the business. Residences : J. C. ROWE, 166 Freenasson St.; W..H1 MURPHY, Brambleton.. alB-31n. Jiiui Hirer - &! .50 are most rePiwctfull y invited to tend us f yur orders for printing ' 4 AGENT ranTsairfn. vimistA, and tmsurpased' f acllSf f rttalbte us to hVmficr LtMEWr STAVES, SUINOtES GENERAL MERCHANDISE terms an at tne lowest cash prices. AMD SALT A SPECIALITY. ior jsasiern ona tarouna ana Virginia ior me .... J QO ODE HOUSE, J. C. JACOCKS, Proprietor, Corner Mercer and Main Streets, NORFOLK, v A. " I -I Hoard per day.. .92,00 aepl-ly 1 Portmouth Alvrtliteraent. IIE AMERICAN HOUSE, : On the F11 ropenn Plan, PORTSMOUTH, VA. We take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Mnrfreebr"and the traveMns public that we have recently thoroughly renovated and refur nished the above well-known anjJ favorite r$orl for travelera. We have spared Jneitlur effoft 6r expense in making it In every particular a lirst class house. Heinir located only cne block from the railroad depot and ateamboatJandinsr, and on the comer of he two principal atreet, makes it the most convenient honse in the (city. The room are neat, well ventilated, and are furnished with Tueker'H Bed Springs. 1 j BOARD, $2 per day ; Mea,ls, 50 cts. MRS. C. Y. Dl(i08 A SON, Proprietors. RICHARD RIDDICK, Esq., of Suffolk, for eighteeu years proprietor of the Crawford House, is with us, and will be pleased to welcome hie irienou. mh3-ly T S 311 T II , XJ! m IMPORTER OF Itrnnlles. winf. c.in Ac as ?it for BAK Kit's RYE and OIBSONS XXXX WHISKEY and dealer -n London Porter, Scotch Ale and Fine Cigars 4s High Street, noll.ly Portsmouth. Va. -yyr 4. lilDG OOP, Manufacturer, 7iporter, Wholesale A Retail Dealer In CARRIAGES. SADDLES, BltlDJ .ES, HARNESS SOLE I FATHER, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF SKIN'S, SHOE FINDINGS, AC, AC , Arcade Building, Cor. Ligh and Crawford Sta. sepl f3 ' PORTSMOUTH. VA. 5IlreIIanews. jAKUOUTTOK HOTEL, : Baltimore, Light and German streetn. BALTIMORE, MD. I - Board M.OO, 300 A 2,.10 per day. sepif-lf R. B. COLEMAN 4p Co. PropriefOTfJ -jyETUOPOLITAN H'jjrEL, Pennsylvania Avenue, between 6th A 7th Stg., WASHINGTON. D C. Board 04.OO, 3.00 and 6pl3-ly R. B. COLEMAN 2.SO per day. Co. Proprietors. ESLEYAN FEMATiK INSTITUTE, STAUNTON VIRGIN NIA, I With over Tweni v teachers and officers, ranks anions the first schools for young la diesin the Unitetl States. In the ixiautiful Valley of Yiiginia, far-fanied for health. Attended by pupils from fifteen to twenty States. Great economy i expenses re quired. ' Se6sim opens Sept. 20th, 1877. '; Board and Tuition for entire scholastic year, $240. Vht catalogue and full information, address, Hev. W, A. IIAItiKlS, D. p:, ! ! President, Staunton, Va. GET TH E. KEST The Raleigh DAILY, one year WEEKLY, one year. News, ...... ....$5 00 i. 00 C"Send Postal' Card for samplfe copy. Address, THE RALEPOH N3WS, j RMleign; N. C. XIULADELPHl'A XT JOtTKNAL op-COmmUCE. No. -tt Wahiut Street. JSrriSCRlPTBMC PKIt'E IN AT VANCE; Cje Tear....... ..vi. .$20O . fi 00.; Six Months. Clreoratea thrtnighout the nited Staf en, and Terj ntories, Canada, Nova Scotia1 and New Bruns- wlekv- Adrires aIl:commuulcatlonj Ac., to , T I A. H. TADAIilBTw No. 436 Wal -nt Street; ! Phifudelphia. ubscribe to the Esqu 1KB. end your ordem for j ob printing. ubsaripioricr nud job Work ia advar.ee J lVniiey - Colnmn. DEVAMEY'S : V U il l - ' - ? AORICtJLTOAL WORKS. !: NASHVILLE, TENN. mi uSctlifes all classes of Irri-- : pi emertts- and Machinery adppfe'cl to meet the. ! , r 1 j ; f ' flwan'tS'-of: ...the?,A,.,..,, SOUfififiW VI. A TrTf 1 iT.r.Slij ""enwowtAe fact, that a 1 m aMANTFAcn RER and not a dealer Vnt ... M Inat lua Alanufactnrer ran afford joaell t nTnV: teWef . prices than th A$i F,m '"ctthatthv.to teeAatweitvLo V Stl A "T' flf dolfcrl on in 'Lgine this ZrZ everytiing y hnj. To tnnfa n thrfnhhmme price and se , "JJf"' et between hisland m Drl on th. "-we There iWno facLyNortr or South T? , arUc1' give tlip agdntek to M m?cw JrlnV V DOt Mr. Farmer hare ft to pij. nH ptoflt an-d-I Noivl wii ii yOU my , n , . . benefit! of tljefigenta' per cent, if Jon your entire jtnule ami influence nd in ice !0a? nei-rhbora to il the aame. j . yo,,r I My pricewlil be regular car-load rtena rant aupplyiyp n with any kind of tnxpUnutn vou waqt and eetl can be ordered through me and save die agent or merchants commission Wr . o me before t-u buy and you will Bve money . ERMS. i' '! Oil an order from a Kiuni.- .v. with . i 1 UU,OT iuoucy cornea with tie onler. I am compelled to hare the cash Pjti'ruality of won- I send out no 1 , . .1 V 1 r- jsooua. 11 you have any uouota or my niliuir vour oni Pri than t n.l4r,n ..... to havie nothing to do with me. i 1 I can at ahv time fill flit nrrlara fmn. . Jve dajra affer receipt of order ahd cash. I make out one miniiitv: of voou an,i ui . , i - i . - - - . jvn mil ricn C B good an article when you order a though y.u were a my WORKS in person. Alwaj a aend your fhippirig directions in full. I alwaya attend to e- r -uru.g ine peat rate by rail or boat. Ii ! ;l. WAKHANTEE: j AliiclejHjmHniifactiirefl by me I gunrrntee to in' hh fepre-entifd. imiiiT- nrmn,i .....-i w... wellmrtde, andin no i stance will tbey Se tken ;o. T TI "ui'CI1Jnoi luateriai and work. TWO, THREE, AND MORSE WAGON. Wagon.S arc made of Tnneu Iron mid Tenriefifee ! timber. whii;h u nrknnwimr..i i, mamifacrwrers and parcliaaers to 6e the tougheHt and mo8t diirablo in ecom growth, seasoned hickory - and all-other pacta .are ofj tough Keas ned white oak. I make a Kpcci!ity of flthiinble Skeins Axles, as th draft is !inj.h less and it is stronger and more durante than .Iron Axle.-. 'I guarrantee Thimbif-'skelns ut will nut. Iron Axles'- Krerr wvon war. rantecS) forjtwrlve months. Cash price of car with it seat ior brake. 1 iii h Thimble Skein, One Horse light 4.oo r infrti Thirlii'le Skein. One Horse hearv a a 3 ijiMjhj Tiiiiobiej Skein, Two llorve JfOC... ...V),no :t iricjli Thibet Skein, Two Horne medium.. 5S.((f ;v'i Hn TA-Jiiibie Skein, Two Horne heavy... .&,m :'V inru Thimble Skein, Four Horse light.... w.m l iuclil Thiiil'j; Skein, Four Horse medium .70.00 4 luni Phi ruble Skein Four Horse regular. ..73,00 Spring seaf, jj 3,fi0 j Patent brake.i 3,50 I a su 'iiiaVcy. to orner all kinthof heavy wagons transfer wagonn, drys S:c. Alo one lorsp iyaj;ons for farui or business. DcsTM-tion :; No. 1 3 thimble skeii: nxle. Kingltebi ' - , : 1 . (bed 7 feet 6 inches lonj;. 3 feet i inc les wide 10 inches deep, sprinj eat and $55. shaft; capacity 1000 pounds. Price 2. If a rne ns above except it ha two spriiics under 'thr bed and none under the seatJ!' Pike SCO. 1 Dltrre 8i ins farmer business or exnresa wngfin; axles frori Jl"X tlnclf patent, olid co'oij andj eae, hardened.' Side springs lj inchj wide and 4 feaf '"deep", 'plait bed with seat cushion and shafts painted in nice style, pataM wheels. : $75 ' J All sizes J and styles ofexpressea mada witli sui;b I extras as are needed and in lateKfranu best style. 1! :, -IM-H -; SORGO AND SUGAR-CANE MILLS ALL HATE THREE ROLLERS. Lipl l i Heavy 1 Light '2 Heart 2 Light 4 Vorse 40 gal. jiHcC;per hour 85 00 T i 10 - 45.00 50.00 60.00 100.00 J50 00 275.00 300.00 Heavy 4 Steam power 500 m mo 1 Stee piowH, 1 make three kindf Stpel hard, enedy atee ;h)llel and black or gngrar land plbwii.- .ii nay plows are irrtm well tried patenm. I can make anj particular kind of plow that will suit vur section for an 6rdr of 20 mowa. HAKH'SNEU'! STEKL PLOwd WROUGHT IKON S1ANIARD: Pony cuts ni inches 7 lijrht 1' horse 5.00; 8 heavy 1 A AO' 9 light 2 v . ,10f medium 2 11. heavy 2 fc " 13 light 3- 8.00 10.00' 12.0o 13. 00 STEAL PLOWS, WROtGHT STANDARD inches lvliore liglit" 5.00' j" 1 horse heavy 6.00 i 2' horse light 8.00' . v 'j- 2 In rve medium 10.00' r 2' horse heavy 12. 00 v ! 3'borse lijrtif 13.00' 3 horse heavy 1S.0&' on beam double hlioVel 1; horse light' will . cultivate eorA. cotton and cane.- b6jy cad plow Ensues per day..k...,.4.00 rrown b klouble shovel nncst finish in tbe1 wtrld...j 4.ti...J 4.50 VIIUA,T DRILL- ., . Ii B h'.efr 8-inches apart 5o.00 ) 9 ..; 7 v3:(, 55 00' Dri Wl HlO'l'V 6,K ' j 60:00' XVLKr STEEL TOOTlf It A EE. 11 . 1 A Ny rati ihanage It, price WitM 20 ateel teeth', $2 I common wooi rake, fx. :WalieiMr cultivator, v haafl and two ninles will cultivate 10 acres of 1 orrt' Htn or cane per daj, price all complete, 9W. t 1ocail jrarntsii yod1 reaper, moiwffi engine thrfe$lHrsj rom shellefB, clderrriilitandV6 ' Sff,r straw hay and fet-d cutter. howe powers, churn, hay aad cotlon presses, cbrton gins; Ac, tfarnierr wlilflhd my jbah ice3l qntted' each" week irr this4 paper.- IlrfrrjaestacH- farraerin this coahty to send!meitbeir names arid I'wiil keep them posted1 In prtces ofaby Wtt'tl.'jf !n:p:ej!SWts they need,' andtney can atocWcr tii'roi: -Ti ne any seeds the j Ueeffandafemne hy U.j L Addrtsr t. ONE, mm MJf" ' 130 150 ; 1 200 - a- t if.' tr . :-J: ii- If , t CHILLED 1 i No. 1 cute 7 t; " 3 p !) " . 4 r, 10 . 5: It . ; 6 r 12' ana

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