VOL. II. WILMINGTON, N. n SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 1869. i r NO. 287. THE WILMINGTON POST. PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. OFFICIAL ORGAN. 1. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TSXXB OT 8UBSCBIPTION IKTABIABLT IK ADTXKCB. Per Year . H 00 Six Months.....; . 2 00 . Three Monta8j.v.....,.............i.. 1 25 One Month..... . .. 50 RATES OF ADVERTISING: Adverttsements will be Inserted at $100 per quire for first insertion and 50 cents lor each subsequent insertion. ' Ten lines or less, solid minion type, constituted square. . 1 ' CHURCH INTELLIGENCE., r Services will be held in the several churches in h!is city, to'-day, as follows : WHITE. '" St. Thomas' Church (Catholic). Services at i the usual hours 7 and 1 the usual noure i ana iu o'clock, A. M.i Vespers at 3 o'clock, P. M. St. James' Church (Episcopal). v Morning Prayer at 101 A. M. Evening Prayer at ft P. M. Sunday School at 3i A. M. ' St. Johns' Church (Episcopal). Divine services at 101 oclock, A. M. and H P. M. Sunday School at 4 o'clock, P. M. First Presbyterian Church. Divine services at 101 A. M., and at 8 P. M. FTont Street Church (Episcopal Methodist). Services at 10 A. M., and 7 P. il.r by Rev. J. H. Dally. Sabbath School at 9 A. M. Seaman' Bethel. Services at 101 A. M and 71 P. M. by the Rev. John N. Andrews. ! . COLORED. A.. M. IE Church, Cor. 5th and Red Cross Sts, Divine servicesPrayer meeting at 5 oclock A. M.Tpreaching at 10:30 A. M. and 3:30 and 7:30 ! P. M. Sabbath school at 1:30 P. M. Rev. D. P. ! Beaton, Pastor. , Zion's M. E. Church, Cor. 7th and Church. Services at 10:30 A. M., and 8 and 7:30 P.M. Rev. Ellis LavenderPastor. ' ' Prcibyteriau ciapel, cor. 8th and Chestnut Services at 10:33 A. Mi, and 7:30 P. M. Rev W. T. Cair, Pastor in charge. . St. Paul's Chapelt cor. Fourth and Orange (Episcopal.) f Services 10:80 A. MM and 7:30 P. M. 1st Baptist, corner Campbell an Fifth. Services at 100 A, M., and 3 P. M., and 7:30 P. M., M. M. Johnson, Pastor. Sabbath S chool at9P.M. ; Ebenerer Chnrch, (Baptist,) seventh between 1 Orange and Ann streets. Service at 10:30 A. M., and 3 and,7:30 P. M. Rev. Wm. H. Banks Pastor ' CITY, Job Pbinting.Wo are now prepared to execute, at this office, all manner of Job Printing. - ' - To Our Readers. Subscribers will no tice thatjthe cross on their paper denotes 4,time out", and we would be pleased with prompt renewal ot subscriptions. Cheap Advertising.--All our friends are cordially invited 1 to send notices for this cdlumn at the exceeding low price of 10 CENTS A LINE. . A -small shower the first in weeks made our thirsty gardens long for more of the same kind." We would acknowledg our indebtedness to Capt. I Barrett of the " Pioneer " lor Philadelphia pnperB. - That part of the ordinance relating to muzzling dogs will not be enforced- until after the seventh of July. We would acknowledge the reception of the acts and resolutions of the Fortieth Congress from Hon. O. H. Dockery. The Post Master gives notice that the Post Office will be closed on Monday (5th' July.) from 9 A. M. until 5,:30 P. M. We are pleased to learn that our friend Joseph C. Hill, has been appointed Deputy Inspector of Naval Stores in this city. : We noticed the arrival in our city yester day evening of P.W. Perry, Esq. Supervisor of Infernal Revenue for North and South Carolina. : -.' .' ' - . :- ' : " We call attention to Marshal Canaday's reminder of the ordinance in relation to itreets and side walks, and also of the dog muzzle law after the 7th inst. The excursion tickets offered to tho trav eling public by the Wilmington and Wel don Rail Road are not return ' ticket's, but are issued at low rates for one way only.. There will be a meeting of the Republi can party at the City Hall Wednesday eve ning at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of elect ing delegates to the Nominating- Conven . tion. Marshal Canaday was serenaded by his friends of No. 3 Engine Company, and the occasion passed off pleasantly. A very ele gant gold badge was presented him 1 by the same Company. - V ; l "The different societies are hereby; notified to give notice at this office of their meet ings. The Masons would have had full re ports of t-beir proceedings had proper notice been sent the Post. aV.V;.. - The Steamer Alpha, Capt. Piatt, leaves A. B. Bhepperson's wharf foot bi Princess street on to-mQrrow ; morning at 5 o'clock, for Black fish grounds carrying a number of gentlemen who have chartered her for the The generous and - progressive . editor of the Philadelphia Ledger has erected bath houses for the gentlemen employed ia ;tc Ledger building. We' wish some patriotic som woum erect. ft lew lor. the citizens, of Wilmington. NonciIt has been sM that the Steam - lerWaccamawwill not Icavl this rW3 for iSmithvilloon Mnnriie frtu .Tmi;.- ,inu 1 ;say is fa!se.A;Capt. B. G. -Bates will leave Market Dock Ay hart at 8 o'clock for Smith- j ville. Wm. P. Moore. An crror in the composition made " Cap- j itain Larkins claim to be an officer in the pEighta N, Y.. Cavalry." He says he was !an " officer" in the " Eighth T$.',:Artillcrii The Adjutant General of the State oi Nsv York declares Unap&'son bcariifg the.ryinve jof Solon T. ;LaikjhsT was a commissioned officer in the Eighth New York Artillery:' "Captain " Larkins spoke, his ?peec at jamtucK yesterday, and asserted, that he iad not only fought, bled and died - for bis. country, on sev-erial battle fields, but thi t he also "made five hundred 'speeches in Pennsylvania" during the lust election. lmoi7g all the speakers ia the Keystone 3tate " Captain " Larkins name wes "nix." lie was not titer e. iue ion uommanamcuts a: opt-, "craft" and to be folio, wed, ;re : ! 1. Enter softly. S. Sit down quiatly. i 3. Subscribe for the paper. 4. Don't, touch .the poker. 5. Engage in no controversy. 6. Don't smoke. ' 7. Keep six feet from the tabic. 8. DooH talk to the printer. : : 9. Hands off the papers. 10. Eyes off the manuscript. Bishop Atkinson's appoint mi-n Sumraei are : ! Hill6boro, ! mi. . rn yi i is ior 1 iie I .July i 4 8t. Mary's Orange County v , I l -"s i Ojj lireensDoro'. , Statesville . Gwin's Chape, Wilkes County.. " Wilkesboro' j li Grove Chapel, Caswell County.. Lenoir............ j, " Morganton . . . ........ j. . Am Cavalry Creek, Henderson County. . . . . 11 St. John's in the Wilderness, Henderson County... .a 2'.) I Asheviile j. WaynesYilie .! Murphy, Cherokee County. LieccRtcr, Buncombe County.. (i !- 2) r j Leaksvillc, fcockinghara Cbuutv 11 .29 I Mountain Chapei, Kockiahaui Cauuty,. " 3j Libeual Offer. Weafe.'autu'orJzd" tal . t - i rm i.' .yyj -,- -r- maKe tne lol lowing oner to " captain'- n-u- kins: One hundred dollars is offered to ; Mr. Larkins if he can show he ''wus ever k a member of the Crand iArrav of the Ile;ub- lie as Tie stated he 'had teen Jne hu: uouars tnat ne never was an omcer Second Maryland Cavalry which he j-: he teas, une nunctrea aoiiavs tnat no icvj was an officer in the Eighth .New York At- tillery which he says he wan. And, one hundred dollars that he: was never an officer in the Fourth New York Artillery ! All the above amounts san be had by Mi jjarivins if he but prove assertijns made by him or that he has any standing among respecta ble men of average intelligence anywhere Second Ward. Meeting. The primary election of the Second! Ward Republicans came off Thursday evening at the Court House to elect delegates to attend the nom inating convention on the 17th inst : E.M. Shoemaker, Esq., presided over the meeting, lienj. l;uriee, iscp, aeteM-a. sec retary. Stacy VanAmringe, Esq., and James Low ry were tellers of election. The following were elected delegidcs : E. M. Shoemaker, J. Wj Schcnck, S. .Nash, James Lowry, Charles iMallett, Sr., W. Phin- ney. -1 ' On motion ot Sheriff Schenck, (.-ii uh-s Mallett, Sr., was nomiualed lor t position of Justice of tho Peace fiom the Ward. Second - '.. rew or our reauera u our.j sured that the price of bn tdstuii' tends downwards, with strong reasons wn;. the movement must be continued to a consider- ably further extent. T he stock) of las t year s crop still on hand is probably larger than ever before at this season, and. the prospers of the growing crops are lull' oi promise. j . , . j Teuton. ii. giotauiy-is uuusu.iui luo ueaeni 1 .tr ; Wheat, especially, is abundant, nci tue im- f?f tboso pbilogical acquirements may evidence was required of this, the factjthat portance of this cereal in the export list will ; Rot cqxX. tiK se of the hero. It now makejs he calls the order a1 " secret political organ affect all the rest, tfie prices at which l onc .ot th.o. handsomest volumes ever issued j izioa n would be sufficient proof to all.who breadstuff have beenheld were so high that m tms country. i . i &? beloDr-to h, that Ac ncverdid. Larkins ouf snrplus has no; been sent to mar- .rom lf :0f. .U"J . says that " he (I) has often intimated that ketasit should be, and as a. consequence Byron I word nave Ueiigated m "Xlans Rps you elect !him to the Legislature i! 11 Zf Jvears supolr on hand Brcitmanii s Bi.arts. wouul uavo imi, i ki: wiU leave North Carolina - This asser- we have nearly half a year s supply on i.ai a .. onQ a3 . mi,tatal Acre's; . ent5felv taise. on the contrary I have which is now rapi main sneculations of t he last year nave oeen on a Prodigious scale and consumers will I, ff thoe whl hve been respond- weep if thoe wno m.ve utta u :or unreasonable prices come out at th3 II ohd of the 44 bona oi- plenty' not ble for small end of the " horn of pleuty Beautiful Woman If yon would be heaa itr-i TTorTi'Mn!Crnolia Balm. iVirives a pure Blooming- Complexion and re- ItSiyesapurew , stores YoutMui uea-aiy. Its effects are gradual, natural and It Removes Redness otencs ana cures Tan, BunDurn auu vvv., Lady of thirty appear twenty.: . ; p The Magnolia Balm makes the Skin Smooth ftnd Pearly; the Eye bright and clear ; the cheek ribw with the Bloom of Youth, and imparts a fresh Plump appearance to the countenance, fresn, "a complain of her Complexion SheeeSuwiU C The best thing to dress the hair with is Lyon's tkcc on Tns Sousd. There . was a muting yesterday ia Middle Sound nxeciset wia ,vas; addressed hyG.;.W, Price, and S. V. LirkiiiS, '.7 ho were - replied to by E. F. 5Uitin? Esq.. and J. P. Wingaie.' Mr. Price was plowed to call Mr.. 3Iartin a " Georgia 1 t-Basgcr" aud ?Ir- '!. P iS"d tostate lic-Mr. L JuarKms was r 1 Lad ''never I lae Uonderate; army, and never muey ooy nednclc a sword. The kct-that Mr. Price, who found' so' I much fault with the leading men cf the Hepubiican party, bad never distinguished inmsoii: oy any other service than support V-A'f !1 in r(1.nni.n r1!i'il!!!nn J..UT 1 I was Pvc.n. To this he made" .m repJw Mr. Xaiisilsa:-tatedhat he was forsa- , '. a. Lken -by his- friends and : he turned to the colored people lor support, as he (L.) was a second John Brown ! . . Celebration at Long Cheek. The celebration at th town of T.ryn Creeu yeitcruay was a;deci.led success. The patriotic people moUo.L'cthcr at Squire B!ev ins a:ml marched down to the Square where a neat : i;aul hud been prepared. The meet io'g wiiS called to order by Cr. W. Frasler, Eiq.; who also read the Dechiration 61 lade- pen dencc. euvercd an oruiioa apnr-'prir.tt to the oec.-isbsn. ' Srieriif Scheuck- followed with a short addres?,'.:ii:d alter time the editor of tri Pt;.-T wi., c:dkd for. iirid: :.ftcr him Squire - F3 Oi ue 'tincc were ai leciivl from well known- citlzc 3,'id did our ? paco permit we would publish lull re- m:;d;; and esp'i cially th? of Dr. 'Myc-rs wlricli xa : next nuiiibc-r.'' i vcr :;!)iO ( liort lil Oil trODICAI.S, Ccc- B. not: r-e.t';;Oil :u for : v- ,1 11.,, ,!., ls jiavo -ong heen :I pubii;: spirit in of .catering' to ths nog good reailing Thousands l;av:e their chosen pn-ssion - , ,- , . , - . . popular tacie oy lurnis, matter very iov. iq nobl e iiuladelphia. for taeir c'.hkip cdiUons ft good aut'ir : mak- wor I ' tut .nou.-eiio-u :ed. aud al ; iioss oi Kindred wnters i'-.-v --i. v;oi;:nz man. Peterson -2Z:gazhie and books aro always -welcome at our desK, and r.- have reason to make a ;C;at not Oi two books just "Bride's Fa':c i is c m:- :,.f a sales of standard novels v. hi- Bmma,D. 15.' N. Sou: and t; booii 13 mce;y ''gotten up, ; a' pleasant summer book- in. L'io coimiry. , .It .will i Icu'e t;::;e; as it is fully ; tor 1: coa. :4 a equal to The C!inge.d JJ.ridcs," " Fair How He Won Her.''. 'which imve ' aud .proved to- 1- threo-x f the b xr.veis ever i mentions my name, and (makes sundry state pubiltlu'd, and which are having unprece- j meuts ia regard to iny late exposure-of him dented suics, i'or Mrs. South worth is, beyond r self :as ail imposter. The facts are as fol- aii 'doubt, the ia tho wi,vld. rj.o: popuinr female novelist For tho brilliancy. and point ot tier conversations, .tne ease and d nin-. rt - 1, l:t r .nanalive, ?p!cn'd d and -grnphic ciiaractf ot her descriptions 'of natural scenery,- .10 TCti ;rat powe and ori si- n-ility ier ccmceptions. Mrs. Southwortli occ )1U among ad female writers. of lkhm. It is pubjihed in a large duoaecimo 'ume of five hundred pnger, i- T.'l ;t.vle vritii " The Changed r,-: JLj-: He Won j ner.' j dians J', nun . Ev Charles G C Leland. muletv" snrv to the Whole vViurn.', on Tinted Paoer. ur.o " From th 1.3 : lilatle.lpliia Da'Iv Press. 1 Hans ' BnUiMn; Bdlbvh. Complete in one volume, lly Carries . .jueiaurl. Hans BreitnVan!i ri-ppe stye i.5 .-v iir.;tnrs .i-iv issu-:it a com 3 one voiumc. aantisomelv . i , , ; ;?nd substaniiaity brrund n mororco cloth, wish L-x:vr--iu.i uoan.s, got- ts;p, -gilt side ' s-'ampimd back, or in half c.df. This vob ! -ume emlh'acvs every . l.ai lad ' written by ? M y u i if i . ,. Tii It I '4 ','1' I t ' ' T l : f VI O T f 1 T T f G. L - f-.n-,:lim P. r:v:" wlirn ohvor n uproar m lit the qeean, .L...'. t -? - isenra on both sides e men"-or v v,i! ... jvMily '-y . ,r ;n ,i; ri-oU v. 1 liv-i ? . tins eo lti'-a is piioie-. o;i tiiii nrjesc tinted ! pute pjjper, r.uu esj-.nin.au iue.. luxury oi binding, w'iii be -doubly welcomed by all who have revelled in tae phthosopbic jollity aud boozv trancenaeniausm of. the genial plate-pn'per, una es joying. a; i tne.. luxury or . i .- i , ! I 4 -v t l l. . . l t $ fooling, and tne coanc e.eaient susta nea; j from the ursrto tae h.s. s.an iia 1 of making Don Quixote a German, placing , Mm on American sou, and chronicling his jcp!oits in thc ludicrous dialect of tbe - American -German, is irresistibly droll. It , would be impoisime to conceive ary thinjr j more, genuinely numorotis t iuta some or tnes i verses. ' We nave iaugnei so nesiruiy -wuik j reading them at we iiive.y criticise iith tears in oar eyes. . Tne boos has a i'-kiad' of phi logical value apafl: from its. mer-. ; faction,, It of thd richer specif of Yankee Humor.'7 .. , . For sale bv Heiasbergsr.' jWe have -received a cotton blossom a red one which was taken from thefarni of Col. Htiatb.'one of the largest' and most sue-, fpccfnl nla'ntera of Johnston County. Pal- j eigh Sentinel. ' : ' . ' - Honest men are easily bound, bnt you can never bind a knave, Pla.xta.tion Bitters cures Dispepsia. Keep no more cats in the house than will catch mice. r -.-!. Plan t ation BittebI cures Fever and Ague. War makes thieves, and Peace hangs them. Plantation BiTTEJiS cure3 Liver Complaint and Kervous Headache, j Time U& file that wears and makes no noise. Plantation Bittess cures the effects of Dissi pation and Late Hours. ; Better have one plow going than two cradles. j cf Water and Die& : Fools and obstinate neonlemakp lawwr r?h Plantation Bittebs Purify, Strengthen and In vigorate. V j A kind wife makes a dutiful husband. Magnolia WatekJ Superior to the best inv 1 -ported German Cologne, and sold at half the LETTERS FRO iwr th h :inniT.V7: j tt m, -m m 4 w . What Are You Doing. Mr. Editor : I would like to ask 4he youog people the Question What are you Doing ? This may be a singular question to ask, and you may be slow to answer You may think no onej has any right to ask young folks such questions. I will answer it for you. Every one 6f them from the age of ten to twenty lay the foundation of their future destiny. Young man, what are yon doing t are you doing anything; it is not so much the question or what kind of occu pation or the amount of wages received ? i J "wwv us tu is.eep you irom the pain of idleness? Good men of immense wealth are to be found in this country who commenced in youth at but '. 0KC "r two dollars per 'week. It was better ; for iiiose youivr mcii to be employed at this .; low rate than to be idling about the streets lcan5;- agist lamp-posts and houses. It is well for parents tb. look to this thing if they wish their children to grow to great ness let not their time be wasted in idleness Much, jf our best talent is idle because they cannot get what they call first class wages. It those youug men will but engage with employers their value will soon be ascertain d a id the laborer is always worthy of hip hire. I know a man who at this time is worth halt a million of money, went to work for what his employer cjhose to pay and earned only two dollars and fitty Cents per week for six moat'13- . Iq thisjtime his employer found out tn" value of his iman. Many young men at tLis time waste the wages of able, op perativti, from the lact they live with their parenis ; little thinking how their parents have to strive to kedp a respectable appear ance tor their family. The voting man is on ii iui','i.,v .-' X 1 g . titkiLi rfitiaii- amount-, Of ni0Dc 'd habits than the One with monrv ho good habits. Observer. IiCtter from Gen. Rutherford. Wilmington, July 2d, 1869. Editor of the! Post : In this day's j issue of the Star I notice an advertisement sicrned bv one S. VI Tiirlcins. in whir.1i hm' lows: This person, Laikihs, has been pass ing himself off as an honorably discharged Uuion soldier, stating that he had partici- ) patcd in sixty battles, . &c.-, fec. From cer- taiu suspicious circumstances that , came to my knowledge, I had reason to believe that he was an imposter, and although I had asked hm on several occasions to what Regiment he had! beldnged, he always dodged the question; at last after being questioned directly, he stated to a gentle man' who asked hjim, that he had be longed to the Fourth Maryland Cavalry, as a Lieutenant, and afterwards to the Eighth Keic York Artillery, as a, Captain. Thia stutement Lo tloned in the r repeated when again que resence of a number pf gen- ! tiemcn As; his name does not appearlon t the official Roster of the Eighth New York I Artillery,. I wrote to the Adjutant General of that State for information, and r .eceived a i t . .1.-4. i t i: r ;. repsv, !5iauuLr uiuii . iuu uauia or ouiuu v. Larkins did not appear on the records of his oHiee, as connected with the Eighth New York Artillery. Larkins did claim 1:1.1.:. : L - iIUULU i.mJ Vlii bV fJ f ' tJ LUiLb r7.,, dthnnh lie. states the contrary in v t.:. i U 13 advertisement. The Adjutant General I . , ri . . r . J v a . . J T i oi tue b tare oi jurjiauu . siaccs luai- inert ' 7. T. 1. ! J j XiarKins atsti uiu ! tafc jie belonged td uWi this 1 , LarKms aiso ciaimen, anu miormca me, to the urana Army ot tne s evidently false, as he -. . i t "ii i i i tc c it 1 i'l II! II I III II. 1 I I i U I I 1 1 - LJ LLid A. A 11 K. ft. M-A 1 A. wilminstoa my future home. , Requesting, the Mnd indulgence of jour ; r oT ticin thU person, t j am Ygt7 respectfully, - j - - . Allan Rcthi j ....n RCTHEIIFOBD. Wilmikgto, N, C, June 26, 1B69. Ms. P. Heinsbeeoe : ' Dear Sir : At your request It "affords me much pleasure to give my Opinion of StieSTs Pianos, lor three years Mrs. jKansom has had them in her afemioarv, and I lam certain that no instru ments conld'have answered more satisfactorily I the demand made upon them. Mr. van Laer, Who nas liaa cnarge 91 ine xuuisic&t lsepariment of Mrs. R's Seminary for the-past year, says they are pood instruments in every respect land can not be excelled in durability. I can, with con fidence, recommend them, to any who may wish to purchase, and frotn the.Hben.lity ol Messrs. Stieffto us ot the South, I trust they may receive a generous ratronage. Very Tespeetfullyi ; ! , R. RAX30MI ' , StielFs Pianos for: sale at ' HEINS BERGER'S Live Book Stoore. j. - jnly 1 ' K J I 2Mf I - - ' .... S5--55S STATE. H They have had a bear hunt near Golds-! boro. Jacksonville has red apples 12 inchest Circumference. The neighborhood of Rocky Point was- uy tcixcsuing mowers yesterday. The Supreme Council of the Friends ot Temperance met in the town of Louisburg, N. C, on Tuesday, the 22k ultimo, and re-' mamd in session three days; during thii time much business was transacted. Hb Honor, Judge Brooks will hold spec- viuaui i'ic u.o. uisinci uourt ior tue Cape Pear District in North Carolina, to commence at Salisbury on the first Monday; and at Morganton on the second Monday in August next. A great "chicken fight" is to come ofi at J Roanoke on the 14th of Jnly. The Elizabeth City North Carolinian says that there are many Northern men visiting that section, and that several farms have re-1 cently been sold in that vicinity. The Raleigh Standard of Thursday states : I A. load of flour from new red wheat was j brought into the city yesterday from Chat ham county and sold to Mr. W. C. Up church on Hargett street, for eight dollars a barrel. The flour from the new wheat is of a very fine quality, and we hope the prom-1 ises of a full crop throughout the country win ue reaiizea, ana tnus cheap food will be assured. The hot weather of the past week has given cotton a new start, and it has come forward with a marvellous rapidity. It now nas a nne, ncn color, and the stand on some1 farms is nearly up to the average for tie season. In somefields a need of rain f is felt, though not very seriously. Let tiis splendid weather continue, with the prop f er amount of rain, and the crop in Wak finnntr will a n fal v.r. j j i ' l I ' The, farmers of Western North Carolina? have harvested their wheat, and it is admit ted, without a dissenting voiee, tnt,the CrOTJ is Rnrtfl.rirtr in trnv (tvatbii wffMnf4 past ten years. FowsyttTand adioininsr colin-1 ties will -wrfifll of excellent heaf ; to- flowing. . . -Tit .vr The rye, oaU aud pbuto crop promi; abundant yield, and the corn crop is grow. 8 'i ing finely. We regret to say that the fretiiet a few weeks j ago, damaged the hiy cUl considerably. First crop will be dusty h&f. Salem Press. I Si mi. ' mi i iv mrr...Mt iue Xiiizaoeca jyorzn uarounian states that the Fourth of July will be duly cele brated at that place on Saturday. The Declaration of Independence will be read M. V. B. Gilbert, of this office, and the Ora tion delivered by Prof. T. W. Cardoza He will be followed by Hon. Thos. A. Sykea, of this county. The ceremonies will take place in Academy Green, and commence at 11 o'clock, A. M. In the evening, there kill be a grand supper in Clark's Hall. We learn the Liverpool and London and Globe Company had two policies out in goods damaged at the fire last week. iMr. Oliver, the Agent of the Company, imme diately made a satisfactory arrangement with the parties insured. This Company is. doing a large business through" this State,' and we can commend it as one of the oldest, one of the largest and most reliable Insur- J ance Companies in the world. Our people are not able now to run the risk of being burnt out, and we can only advise them- to take out a policy of Insurance in the Liver-; pool and London and Globe Insurance Compary. ITexs Berne Times. I PURE LEMON SUGAR! OR CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, j tfcrpHIS PREPARATION OF LEMON iE-j X tains in great perfection the natural fla-i vor of the fresh fruit together with its agreeable' acidity. The facility with which a Glass of Lemonade may ataoy time be made with it, i equaling any that can be made with the fruit injj Its natural state , recommends it to every house-! hold and gives it an especial value to travelers; and excursionists, vpc n land or sea, and to tne; sick." f - i Twelve cases just in store at ' I GEORGE MYERS', . ,li UU 1 XfUUb ouccu CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent. June 13 ' 2Sl-f - - - - - 4th Ward RepuhlioansJ ATTENTION . t IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALL j OFI the Republican County Committee, a meet-f ing will be held at the Baptist Church on Seventh Street, near Orange, on WEDNESDAY EVEN4 ING, July 7th, at 8 o'clock, ior the purpose oi electing lour delegates to thc Convention to nominate a uanaiaate ior tne legislature, f WTT.T.T A If W r-T. A TTRTM I " WILLIAM A. GREEN, f , Ward Committee, July I .V- 286-3t Attention!! mHE THIRD. WARD REPUBUCANS i notified to meet at the Court House on! Tuesday evening next, July 6th, for the purpose of electing delegates to the Republican Conven-? tion. - .. :-.y-y-' - 11 M J. CHILLI Chairman Meeting. -V r,-, 288-2t July X IN THE SPRING MONTHS, the system nat "urally undergoes a change, and HelmboLd'4 Highly Cohckstkated Extbct or SAnsiPX-- bplea is an assistant of the greatest value. -- MEDICINAL. THE GREAT i LIVER invigoratpr, i BLOOD PUHIFIBn A D THE MOST IMPORTANT DIS COVERT HI MODERtl PHARMACY. DR. LAWRENCE'S CONCENTRATED Compound Extract o r K O S KOO! FOR THE CURE OF 1 j iOBSTDfATE ASD LONG-STANDLVG - i.; ' is - . OR CHRONIC DISEASE B OF THE 1BLOOD, LIVER, I - KIDNEYS, NERY0US SYSTEM, &c., SUCH A8 .V Scrofula, and all Scrofulous, Eruptive Cutaneous, iJHurcurial, and Syphilitic aftections, ; Chronic Hhcumatism, . Neuralgia, Erysipelas, FimpUs mptchts,Bo0s, Old Ulcers, Tetter, Salt1 JRheum; alto. Chronic Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Jaun, dice, CostiveTiess, Nervous Beadache, Nervous De bility, Epilepsy, Gleet, Gravel, and all diseases arising from impubitibs or povaarr of the BlOOd, TOKPIDITX Of the Liver, DISOBDIB5 of the Kidneys or Urinary Organs, Debility of the Nervous System &c - . . . , .- 1h& great superiority of this medicine . over all others Is, that It thoroughly eradicates aU humoks and TAX5TS, and at the same time changes the I Stomach and Liver to an active, bxxltet stats, nvgvTUKa tne ittrww aywm, renews vmuuy, uu can be relied on as a safe, pleasant, and; positive remedy, IFOR3IULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE. This preparation is prepared by an educated, 'experienced, and tox-xsows Physician and (Chemist, who has thoroughly tested it in a large ; practice." It is, therefore, submitted to the pub- lie with mB confidence that its great merit uHU "cause it to have a popularity U5xqriXD in the 'history of Medical preparations. ,,t . ; j The Koskoo Formula has been sahmitted to, jthoroughly tested, and approved by some.of the most eminent members of the Medical Faculty. I - Prepared by an experienced and well known :physician and chemist. .' ; " - -J . PRICEr - $1.00 PER BOTTLE. ' PREPARED ONLY BY J. J X4WRENCE, 151. D., :.::. ) .-j-v---f1.:;-' '-: -Oboakic Chemist, No. ejSXaiB--'-, Street, lttfok.9 Vircinia, - 7 E7 For sale by all Dmggist '3 KOSKOO jKatharfon. '. f- - Ml-

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