;3 LL 0 VOL. Ill; WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 7, 1869. NO, '314. P:ftS TP "I- I H i.: 1 1 i V. THE WILMINGTON POST. PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. CHAS. I. GRADY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION IJtVAJUABLY IN ADVANCE IC:rYcar-.! $4 00 "Six Months 25Q . Three Months ............ rn j. Que Month . n 1 RATES Of ADVERTISING : Advertisements wll be ; inserted at $ 100 per square for first insertion and 50 cents 'for each subsequent insertion. ' Ten lines or tees, solid minion type, constitute square. , CITY. The Gucrriene is' fitting out at the Brook lyn Navy Yard. -Three deeds were admitted to probate yesterday by Judge Mann. Hon. Geo. Z. French arrived last , night, kvell and rcadv for business. m " City Clerk Durfee is compiling and revis ing', the city tax list, for 18G9. The Grand Jury are still in session and will remain busy for several days. Sheriff Schenck-notifies all persons1 who have failed to pay up that they will be lev ied Urion immediately. There will be a meeting of the members of the Harnett Base Ball Club at the Clif ford House Club Room on Friday evening next at eight o'clock. mmm -The officers of the Executive Committee otthp Noth Carolina Immigration Associa tion meet to-day at 3 P. M , at Col. Fre mont's office in this city. The types caused the house which is us' last week to state that Supposed to uc naumeu . I 1 A 1 was on Princess street near the City Hall, we should have said Court House. .The public arc invited to call at Bagg's old stand and see the new proprietor, Mr. Rudolph Eyden. (. ystcrs and all sorts of drinkables to be fotud at leasonable rates. The taxes paid in' amount to fully forty thousand dollars. The Stienli lias departed for Raleigh to pay Into the State Treasury the lvarious amounts! received for State taxes. VhcrC S'.(' vcttcrciay sixty-six sua. oi the Merchants aud Mechauics' Building rl tliirtv shares more at a month's advance,- at an average of ninety ana fivc-s xth cents. Ski ff& Gavlord's barnoth minstrel troupe will exhibit in Goldjsboro on the 13th inst,; and in this city on Ihe 14th, 15th and iCth, at the Theatre., Tiey come highly recom mended by the Southern press. The case of the state against John C. James come up yesterday and was adjourn ed until Thursday jraorning at ten o'clock Col. John A. RicHiajrdson for State, Judge French and Adam ijmpie Esqs., for defence. Mr. Ilibee wouki give notice to his many friends that he has encaged the large and modious store. On Front street near A. co mi II. NefFs, where he will hold his regular auction sales. Tie is receiving large lots of valuable goods by every steamer. Wc would agaru. recommend the Wil I mingi on Institute for youths of buth sexes, ft3'an excellent school. Mr. Meginney is .well knoWLV and popular in Wilmington and it is hardly necessary for our pen to chroniclo anything in his behalf. ' ' ( ' L . . -'.! 1 - i Whether Cuba will disentangle herself from the present net that has been wove -. ntound her, is a question Love, our literary ' caterer, seems to be utterly indiflercnt about although his name might indicate great re gard for anything so noble He is content to set ins siauoi.j, i vu..r,, , , Love is tue uest auu ouu.. - is, his1 stationery. ' rna fn eppm to liAve an inex-I Siaustible supply ot Clothing ana genuemuu , . . ,' . : i a! fnm ch no-iVnods, Thcv never sutler their ...o.u..a f3r- . stock to decriase, nor, do they ever want for variety, and good quality. Munson and super!) clothing are unquestioned synonyms. Young men furnishing their wardrobe for the falf, will study their interest by calling on Munson and we arc satisfiel, that is suf ficient!, for they will buy. j Coots. The learned man of the Journal thus describes the cheerful "Coot ;" ' . Ourjcoot (railus carolinui) has been con founded with the coot proper (railus aqua- 4icus) tike latter being th6 same as what is Knownias un marsu ueu o uuroasu-p-ucj are of 1 the nigratory class and knovn as nau ;n. raixroni. ni ti.P ftnra in HVi tail u. x.vuuw J l uuiu, " - Virginia- 1 Webster describes themj as a water fowl of the gcnusuZi'ca, ;frcquenting . lakes and other still waters. The common coot has a bold forehead, a black body and lobated toes, iThesams authority defines "coot" as a "stu will a lpid fellow" iand we think our readers gree that this refers to the Journal man when they see"thc rail in Penn. sylvahia" compared with the "coot" of our Andrew to accept a pair of pants for " not robbed us of our 6hort-lived pleasure. Unre (Parolina coastv drinks ad all," Johnson, bke his presi I served, and uequiyocal gratitude must ours Extensile Art Gallery. Next to the Bible, no book is more useful than Webster's Dictionary.' The unabridged is an extensive art-gallery containing overj three thousand engravings, representing almost every ani mal, insect, reptile, implement, plant, etc., which we know anything about. It is a vast library, giving information on almost every mentionable subject. ' indeed it has been well remarked that it is the most re markable compendium of human knowledge in our language. Household Advocate. , Special Court. The number of cases in the Special Court this term is unprecedented owing to the promptness of the (Solicitor and attention given by both Judge and Jury, matters have been expedited and the county Baved much expense. The grand jury found true bills against the following criminals; K. Curtis, W. Austin, Jno. Roberts, Hen ry Lucas, R, Lowery, C. Mosbell, A Bitisan, James Henry. J. H, Hincs, Jno. C. James, J. W. Strauss, A. Williams. True Bil's were not found against Archie Black and several others because -of absence of wit nesses. Them Purps. An excellent citizen of "Conservative" tendencies hailed a colored youth of tender years the other day and de siring to cause sport at the expense of the Republicans, inquired as to the condition of some juvenile dogs owned by the said f'L R." , : T ' ' The Conservative remarked, " say boy how's yer purps ?" The , reply came, " very well sir" -Cocserv then said "I'll buy one of them purps if they are j the right sort What kind are they ?". Said the infant innocently. They are rebel puppies now." Couserv vastly - delighted" all ' right then I must buy one but why rebel now, and not hereafter ?n Quick as lightning the Republican lamb replied. "Why the puppies are rebel a now, because they can't see, hut when their eyes are open there bound to, be Republicans !" Exit Rep no Conserv with a flea of the biggest jkind crawling all over him! ! Alexander Leibman was arraigned before Judsje Cantwell, at the City Court, yester day morning for disorderly conduct. Alex ander, like he ot Maccedon, was of fiery nature, and Andrew Johnson succeeded in impeaching his character for good and true intent. Fine I 100 and costs, with the usual recommendation to the Mayor and Commonalty to remit the same on payment of icosts. In the meantime to be in custody of the Marshal. John Davis, who was fortunate enough to atttu tue commisseration oi tne uenisn ana erudite Judge, notwithstanding he was eharajed with disorderly conduct, was dis charged with a brief lecture, quitd apropos. "When the name of Michael OGorman was called an unmistakable descendent of the " green isle'shuffled toward the fearful goal to stand examination for an over desire for John Barleycorn. His Honor1 rendered judgment for the penalty and costs, $20 with the same recommendation as in the case of Leibman. Subsequently the City fath ers were requested to reduce the fiue to $13 33-100 and costs. Thus endeth the lesson. A Supere Journal for any Home. We do not believe there is any way in which our readers could invest the small sum of one dollar and a half where it would bring them so large returns, both in profit and satisfac tion, as in a subscription for the elegant journal of which we have just now received the October Number the American Agri culturist. It was originally started 28 years ago, specially as a rural journal, and its motto ever since has b-jen . "Exbelsior." Its size isinow increased to 44 pages, ; with a beautiful cover upon each number, and it is Jiteral'ly crammed with most useful informa tion for all classes, upon matters pertaining to the Farm, Garden, and Household, with a pleasing and instructive department for Children and Youth. The beautiful engrav ings alone, in each number, are worth the cost of subscription., NOW is the time to Bubgcrib for the publisher3 offer tUo last montbs ot this year free, to all new sub scribers received in October, for 1870. Four copies are supplied for $5.00. A valuable T.iat PpnminmQ nfTrpfl tn t.linai flprnrinor C1UU3 Ul tUUSlUUUJ. UftdflUD r ' The Marshal is frequently called upon to interpose the strong armot the city execu tive between the ignorant laboring men and the inhuman sharks who seek to devour all the unfortunate victim possesses. Of old certain wharf rats", had it all their own way" inthe plucking of colored geese ; for if a poor wretch complained a charge of the scoundrelly white man against a "niggcrV resulted in whipping post, im- prisonment and all sorts of ill treatment at the hands of officers only too ready to abuse tueir authority over the weaK i ana ueiense- , . i. ' ' Iess- i : , . . .1 ! , , i ,, . Lately two or three dealers have attempt- ed to "play old tricks," but have mourned over the decay of the "good old times" of the insuioouon wacn me negro naa no rights a white man was bound to respect. lhus uici one Alexander L.iebman dis- cover when he "captured" poor Andrew Johnson's change and " willj he nill he" proposed to keep said " change" and oblige dential progenitor, had great firmness," and to the Marshal swiftly went ; who as swiftly sent the " boy in blue for the loyiog Leibman. The sum u confiscated" was quickly restored and the repentant L. prom ised to do so no more. Andrew rejoices and swings around the circU" singing the Marshal's praises. A Visit to the Man op War " Cuba." Hospitalities op the Officers. In obedience to a politely written note from the officers of the above named vessel, we took boat at fool of Market street last j eye: ning, at 4:30 and under the guidance and I protection of the fair sex, and the gentle manly and accomplished Captain Ingrabanij we struck for the noble little vessel, now anchored in the harbor. Scarce fifteen minutes clasped bef orajye reached thejdark sides and brilliantly decked, and festooned sides of the dauntless Cuban Man of War. Stepping aboard the steamer, we were met by the gallant Dornin who escorted us to the cabin. And there a scene of excellent taste and good judgment in the matter of arange ment greeted our eyes. Under the charge of Engineer Graham we inspected the vessel and was well satisfied that in case ot emergency she would prove equal to the contest. Armed as she is with three sixty pounder Parrot guns, two thirty pounders, and two twelve pounder howitzers, fully manned and equipped, we assert with out fear of contradiction she will prove a terror to any who oppose her. , s The seamen, arranged on deck for our benefit, bore the marks of steady and unremit ting service some in the U. S. Navy and others in the Confederate. Their Engines are of Blackwell's make, London, having sixty inch stroke and sixty inches in diameter. Powerful and impres sive. The following is the list ot the officers : Commander Comodore Higgins, of Louisiana, now ill at the Purcell lloase in this city. Lieutenant Commander Thomas L. Dor nin, ajgallant officer, "with an eye like Mars to threaten and command." Navigating officer and Lieutenant David Telfair, frank, energetic and every inch a sailor. Lieutenant C. W. Read, modest, brave and bronzed. Surgeon Dr. Fred. o. McNulty, a son of Neptune truly. Pay Master-Valient, handsome, dash- ing and apparently courageous. Captain of Marines and Private Secretary to the Commander Prentiss Ingraham, a black -eyed son of the sea, whose very air is that of patriotism, valor and intrepidity. Assistant Surgeon Dr. G. W. DuBose, reserved, but not unobserved. 1st Lieutenant of Marines D. D. Munro, i a giant in frame as well as in the service of both U. S. and C. S. A. Master Nicholas Esling, decidedly mas ter of the art of naval warfare. If we may judge from his commanding person. Ensigns R. Somers, Henry S. Cooke, A. M. Mason, R. H. Gib3on, three " tried men and true';' Midshipmen Wm. D. Phillips, Antonio Moralles, youn but promising buds on the Cuban pine. 'i- Chief Engineer Louis French, grey and honored. 1st Assistant Engineers John Lynch, Win. II. Robinson, both unquestionably learned how to put a legion in the field and the division of a battle know. 2d Assistant Eugineers Stephen Kearney, and Joaquim Aguiar, the former a nephew ot the dashing. Gen. Kearney and the latter, the one who captured the Spanish steamer Comanditario. , 3rd Assistant Engineer Edward Tou'as. Pay Master's Clerk John Mullay. Master's Mate W. J. Faherty. These three gentlemen are fine stalwart fellows and will prove iocs worthy of Spanish steel. I Amid the sound of music and the art sal- tatofial, on invitation of Engineer Graham, we visited the cabin of the Commodore, and there champagnc, scuppernoog and sher ry flowed freely. Captain Ingraham having placed himself at the head of the table, he proposed the unequivocal prosperity of the Post. Res ponded to by Lieutenant Commander Dor nin. Commander Dornin then proposed the health of the representatives of the Post, Journal and Star. Responded to by Mr. oohn C. James, on behalf of the Journal, and by Mr. Robert Beggs on behalf of the Post. "Success to the Cuba, and tlje health of her officers." Responded fo by Captain In- graham "The Cuba," May her officers live to see the shackled Island freed from the Spanish yoke of tyranny." Responded to by Chief Engineer French Ascendino- to the deck after the banquet, ., e f. , .... ' the smiles of the fair ones, and the warm hand shaking and congratulations of the officers, assured us that we were still on boara the Cuban Man of War ; though our senses were decidedly unable to return a satisfactory account of them- selves, so hearty, frank and manly Was I our greeting. We left the Caba, sighing' j and heartily regretting that tlje inexorable 1 gentleman with the traditional soy the ever be, to the,, nobrc, gentlemanly and gal lant pfH ; rs otithe Steam Man-of-War Cuba, May her ccesi be emblazoned in imperisha blelettc: on tie pages of fate. May her val liant cC. : :ra jurvive the dethroning of the crarablir j, corrupted crest of SpanisKmis rule "i&n-l biotry, and may the tri-color which ie wves so; proudly at her mast head be a hajbinger)f ier success. WiLiinTGTOifs Tea Pot Tempest The ARSUST P the Officers of the " Cci:A""--Gr.ANt Congregation op the FEDaAL Officers TnE Cuban's Ar 7 ! RAIGITED TlOLATIO uDER the Allegation of a of the Neutrality Laws Decis:on by Commissioner Ruther- ford. The ('oat Room of the U. S. Commis- .R!oeT,"RuthejTord, was the scene of unwonted animation Tuesday morning, con seqaeiit upon the airaignmeni of the officers of the Cuban steamer " Cuba," Commodore Higgins command'og. Within a nvlc of the Court Room, her broad tri-co'or and lone star floating pvuuC'y anu defiartly in the morning air, was the lotig, dark, tl,veaening body, of the beli cose appearing; craft, the origin ot all the trouble. PiooiriJy at t'je hour specified: in the relurn, ibe L'edteoaat Commander and Lieutenant, made their appearance, accom panied by tbe'r counsel Judge O. P. Meares fpcI Hoj. Geo. Davis, and taking their seats within the aocted enclosure, and the eye of Judge Meares having hastily scanned the comm'iireut: papers; Judge Person arose and addressed tt.?e com nissioner aslollows : May it plea.se tiie Court. The Collector of this Port acting under and tiirough instructions from the general ; goveiument, ha3 seized and now holds nithin tue Cape Fear District, of the United Stal es aa armedyessel. We hold that that vessel equipped, armfed, commissioned and manned in the service of Cuba, and against the power ot Spain, as evident hy the papers, arises in violating, ot tne. neutAauty act oi iai. The necessary legal papers have been issued and 6crved upon these geutlemen constituting thj officers of this vessel, they are here to day ar rested and araigned, but, owing unnecessarily to the bnct space ol tioie allowed us, we are not yet u'jlt; to present witnesses for the government; the vessel only arriving here yes terday alteruoon. Adequate time must impera tively be deun-.iided. It is impossible to receive witnesses irom JNew York or vVashingtoa or Philadelphia, and - arrange their evidence and complete the necessary adjuncts ot testimony before at least teu days. In the meantime, tV se men niut make no cmcealmeut ot their inten tions. The question is one ol great magnitude, one of faitaluluess to a fdrcigu power, one of honor; oue of duty. It mast be decided wheth er the government is right in the detention and arrest of these men ; and this can only be done by patiently waiting the testimony ot those who are acquainted with the vessel and her contem plated course. Geo. W. D.i's, Esq., wlJva wrose frame overpower! u Cuban enthusiasm and sym pathy seemed to boil to white beat, expend- CdlTitruTtime ;n presenting himself, Henry- like before the assembled multitude : Mr. Commissibner; The prosecution is utterly wrong in the statement of thb case before your Honor. Ine men whom you see belore. you are regularly commissioned, regularly enlisted, and belonging to a Steamship that has been regular ly manned, regu arly equipped aud regularly mounted Dy tne Kepubiie ot uuua. Then why are they detained bee by' the' U. S. Govern ment It is a high breach ot laith to a strug gling sister Republic. It is an outrage a vi olation of maratiut. law and of the law ot na tions and a casus belli of the most aggravating and disgraceful kind. Sir ! they are no pi rat e6l They are no buccaneers ! You have no evidence of their depredations ! You nave no evidence of any outrage or offense committed. The United States can gain little glory by their detention, they can earn the reward aud sympathy of a na tion by permitting ; them to depart. Is it any part of the argument to say that they are not eitzens of Cuba ? Is it not the doctrine Of this government that a citizen can change his alle gie?ce whenever or . wheresover he pleases ? They came here from a foreign port, from a foreign ; government, boldlly flying their Cuban colors and asserting at once that they were commissioned by the Cuban Republic. . Ah, sir ! the heart of every American revolts against her detention, and beats in unison with the cause of Cubau independence, North, South, East and West. How comes it that this allega tion is made? On what does the federal gov ernment base the justice of their seizure ? 'ihey have nothing, they have presented nothing. We are ready to meet the issue let it be what it will. If the "Cuba" is a privateer seeking war upon Spain, one of the most corrupt governments on the face of the globe, why is not the evidence produced ? We will.make rightful acquiescence in rightful powers. We make no concealment of our design They have come voluntary into our port, a vessel of a struggling sister Repub lic, and this is the treatment they receive. We set up here your Honor, our solemn protest against it as in violation of justice, of truth, of right, and of reereancy to American principle and the genius of her institutions. Ju?lge Person arising to reply, said : I am here, if your honor please,, merely to view this question in its legal aspect. If the facts are as they are represented by the respond ents, why certainly they need have no fear. In the coming ot the government witnesses they need apprehehd no trouble. But they know, aa all of us know, that among the roll of na tions, there exists no Cuban Republic They are revolutionists. They are unrecognized as a Sower. I might go further, and say that the epubllc of Cuba is at war with Spain. Is not that sufficient for the detention of the "Cuba ?" The vessel has been equipped, officered and manned with the intention of making war upon Spain. Therefore, I repeat we must have time to procure testimony, and then if their state ment is true, they will be released. We ask reasonable time only. Judge O. P. Mcarcs, on behalf of the of ficers, then arose and in a few warm,' and apparently earnest rema.ks, addressed the Cou.' 1 1 ' I would say in reply to the counsel represent ing the government, that the Cuban republic is a recognized republic. In proof there is the re cognition by that of Peru, Chili and Paraguay. I object to the great length of time desired by my learned Drother: because these men arc de tained here illegally every hour they await the pleasure ot the v ederal government. The histo ry of this vessel i6 well known. She has been a-rested, examined and discharged on two differ ent occasions. Once, in Philadelphia, once at the Biitish port of Halifax. I would like the tirre shortened, your Honor.. Commissioner Rutherford: I think thai Aloa dav would be more suitable. Judge Person: We haye no objections to Tuesday next. Judge Meares : I should favor Friday as the most reasonable time. Judge Person: I cannot get ready before laesaay. Tuesday li o'clock A. M., was accepted as the day upon which the examination would take place. And thus, for the nonce, passes away a chapter in the undisturbed, and since the late "bnpleasantness," the all-serene city by the sea. Commissioner Rutherford has our unre-f served thanks for kind attentions. The following are copies verbatim ol the affidavit and warrantjssued by Commission er Rutherford upon the officers of the steam ship "Cuba," and upon -which they werr arraigned: copt op affidavit. Cape Fear District ) of North Carolina, S. S. j Denard Rumley doth depose and say; that on or about the Sd day of October, 1869, in the said District of North Carolina. Edward Higgins, Thos. D. Donepin. David A. Telfair, G. W. Read, Fred. J. McNulty, E. Valieute, Prentiss Ingra ham, J. W. Dn Boze, D. D. Munro, Nicholas Esline, R. Somers, Henry S. Cooke, A. M. Ma son, R. H. Gibson, W. R. Phillips, Antonio Mur ray, Louis French, John Lynch, W. H. Robin son, Stephen Kearney, Joaquim Aguiar, Edward Foul as, John Mullay and W. J. F. Churty , did accept and exercise a commission to relieve a foreign people in war, to wit: the people of Cu ba, against the peop of Spam, a country with which the United States are at peace. And fur thermore did fit outavd arm, and did procure to be fitted out and armed, within Liu limip of. the United States, a certaiu ship or vessel called'the "Cuba," with intent that the said vessel shall be employed in the service of the people of Cuba, to cruise and commit hostilities against Spain, and did enlist and serve on board of saidVvessel with intent to cruise and commit hostilities against the people of Spain, and in violation ot the Statute of tae United States and of the Act of Congress of 30th of April, 1809. (Signed,) D. RUMLEY Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of October, 1869. ALLAN RUTHERFORD, U. S. Commisioner, for the State of North Carolina. COPY OF WARRANT. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) State of Nortii Carolina. ) To the United States MarsTial for the State of North Carolina or his lawful Deputy : Whereas, Information upon oath has been made by Denard Rumley to me, Allan Ruther ford, United States Commissioner, that the steamer Laciy Steiling alias Hornet alias Cuba or by whatever name called, has been fitted out and armed within the limits of the United States and is now engaged in takiDg in coal and sup pMes in tve Cape Fear River, at or near Smith ville, Ncrth Carolina, lor the purpose and with tbe inteat, to commit hostilities againsi the sub jects and piopeity of Spain, with whom the United Ltate' are at peace', and particularly that he said Steamer ba3 officers and crew, are fitted, a' nied and organized with inte at to commit hos tilities agamst the people and property of the Island of Cuba in said Island and upon the high seas as a privateev. These aie therefore to command you in the names of the President of the United States to summons such force as mav be necessary and to seize, arrest, and detain in your custody the Steamer Lady Sterling alias Hornet alias Cuba or by whatever name called, so that you have it and them before me to ant, ,ver the charge ot vio lating section tbree of the neutrality laws of the United States approved April 20, 1818, within the time prescribed at Wilmington in the State of North Carolina. Herein fail not. j Given un.T 'it my hand and seal the! 4th day of October 1869. ALLN RUTHERFORD, i U. 8. Commissioner, District of North Carolina. pLETTERS FKOM THE PEOPLE. Red Banks, October 1st, 1869. Editor Post: It is seldom that I am found knocking at Editorial doors, but in phis instance I am prompted to do so, in order that we "render unto Ca;sar the things that are Caesar's pay a tribute of merit to the meritorious and just man to say that through the untiring exertions of Col. James Sinclair, the local Magistrate and able Representative of Robeson, the evil-doers, out-laws aud desperadoes have been captured and scattered, thu3 restoring peace and prosperity and rendering life and property once more secure. I would also mention Col. B. H. Howell as bejing an able officer, and one deserving the thanks of our county. You kuow, Mr. Editor, that Hon. O. H. Dockery is the pet of the dis trict ; vou further know that the Colons has an interest in Robeson and to say that he is enshrined in the hearts of his people is but to sayhat there exists his throne; for he has betn tried, and found true to the line. . W. Exercise is, no more than food, a thinsr to be taken and profited by vi et armis. The child who should be compelled every day to swallow a breakfast and a dinner composed of objects disgusting to it, would never be expected by any sane person to a! ; a1 -rA f. . . . innve mereon. jduc it is oiten assumed that the same girl will obtain all the benefit of exercise n oougea to waiK solemnly up and down a terrace for so many hours, or to use the dumb-bells and perform calisthenic exercises in her dull school room. Real ex ercise, especially in youth, must be joyous exercise spontaneously taken, not as a medi cine, but with the eagerness of natural ap petite. Romping games in childhood puss in the corner, blind-man's buff, and all the delightful variations on Prisoner's Base. French and English, Petis Pacquets, and uattieaore, ana all with screaming per mitted, ad libitum, are for indoors. Out of doors ; Come Hunt the Hare, and Hide and Seek, and hoop, and ball, and cricket, and kite-flying, and above all that blessed thing, u Play tbing in the Hay.1' Are these all u dreadful. yi unlady-like," and calculated for the production of tom-boys ? Never be lieve a word of it! The most high-bred of womenhave been the most free and joyous of children. Then come a little later, or al most as soon, the two great exercises oi ladies, whereby more health and vigor can be gained by ladies than in an other way) namely, gardening and riding. Oh 1 fathers ot daughters who will by-and-by ask you to spend thousands in paying their milliners' bills, taking thetn to fashionable resorts, and giving them rich settlements; will you not spare a few tens or hundreds, to give them the scrap of garden, or the rough pony which will secure for them health and bloom and years of strength and life, which all your thousands can not bny a few years hence. Of all the penny-wise pouod-foolish policies in the world ia that which grudges the girl of fourteen her pony or her half rood of ground, and lavishes t on her, four years afterwards, silks and jewels, and all the costly appurten wices of fashionable life. How is it that Harriet Hosmer has become the woman of whom America is so proud, England so fond ? Because her father taught her to ride and shoot before Gibson taught her to model Sleeping ' Pawns j! because she possesses physical strength, en ergy, and joyous animal spirits, such as win every prize, and charm, every4 heart. Pu- OFFICIAL In Board of Aldermen, Monday Evening October 4th 1869. The Board met in regular weekly session. Present Aldermen Arnold, Kellogg, Wil son, Howe, Serross and Jones. " In the absence of the Mayor, Alderman Jones was called on to preside. On motion the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. The report of the committee on Fire De partment in regard to Engine House for Steam Fire Engine was received and the following order adopted by the board, Alderman Wilson, voting in the negative. Ordered, That the City , Marhal purchase the Jacobs, lot situated on the east side of Fourth street between Market and Princess, and that the same be deeded to the City of Wilmington. Obdered : That the City Clerk advertise for bids for the erection of said Engine House on Fourth street between Market and Princess In accordance with plans and specifications furn ished by the Chief Engineer of the Fire . Depart ment and the City Marshal. Permission was given by the Board on recommendation of the committee on Fire Department to Williams & Murchisdn to erect a'shed on Jones wharf. The following Ordinance presented by the committee was presented and; passed entitled "An ordinance concerning the storage of gunpowder," See advertising page. In accordance with the foregoing ordi nance O. Q. Parsley Esq, was permitted to erect a powder magazine. Alderman Kellogg introduced an ordi nance concerning beeves. Referred to com mittee on Ordinances. And also called the attention of the Board to -the platform of the Engine House on Fourth street, which obstructed the side walk. It was then ordered that the committee on Bridge over the Railroad on Second and Fourth streets, have power to act. The following resolution was then aJ;pt ?ed unanimously ; if Resolved, Ttat the Superintendent of streets, be and is hereby instructed to take the necessary steps to have Chesnut street opened at Nimth ; street, and to inform the Board as early as pos sible what, if any, legal obstructions stands in his way, and it none, he will proceed with his work. The renting of the market stalls was post poned until next meeting. The butchers agreeing in the meantime to pay the present rent. ! Alderman Howe introduced an ordinance concerning fish which was allowed to lay over until next meeting Application of Chas. Tictjin and Frederick Mayer for recommendation to retail liquor was granted. j Report of the Marshal as to the cost of re pairing the main Hall was referred to the committee on public Buildings. Report of Market Clerk was here filed, j Petition of Ed ward Cantwell to erect a wooden building on Red Cross street. Granted. " Alderman Arnold withdrew his former resolution to amend the standing ' rules of the Board. The matter of Steam Fire Engine House was laid over until next meeting. Petition of A. B Cook was not favorably considered and the Citv Clerk was direct ed to notify him of the ordinance. The petition of Horatio Davis to build a tin roofed wooden building on Second street was granted. j Application of James Davis for position on the Police force was referred to the com mittee on Police.' 1 i Communication from Benjamin Lucas, Jr., asking for room in City Hall Building, or elsewhere was laidDver untilnext meeting. Alderman Servoss voting against deferring. The Board then Adjourned. Benj. Durfee. City Clerk. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IM THIS SECTION. The JB THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF NATIONAL, State and County Government j the only unpre judiced exponent of pure National Republican doctrines and Ideas; has the ablest correspon dents ; largest circulation, afd Is altogether the best FA MiLY NEWSPAPER In this region. All payments In advance. f4 00 per Year; $3 50 lor Six Months, and $ I 50 for Three Months, aug 2 S0i ;" i i 1 J 1 i- -r v i

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