THE WILMINGTON POST. WILMINGTON. N. C. OCTOBER 7. 1869. Southern Socitty. The component parta of each collection of human beings on the earth's surface the composition of the different aggregates of human Jeing8 fornr a worthy study for the most philosophic of minds. Thus society asit exists in different countries and among dilleriog,pcople has been treated by think ing men with! careful consideration as in volving1 the greatest of problems affecting man's welfare. -Many schemes have been projected to Teconstruct society and so arrange tthe relationTof men toward each other that the utmost harmony must prevail at all times and under all circumstances. So far the "greatest schemes of mice and men" have gone- " awry " indeed and all has not and n?ver will go " merry as the marriage bell.'' Wc complain not of this ; humanity cannot 6e placed in grooves to run like ma chinery. The very essence of immortality is change, and variety is indeed the spice of life. Our only hope and prayer to God is that some controlling element will so influ ence us that our' march will be upward, and not downward that we of the South will move, forward and not backward. In the clays jof Jefferson arLtbis was the case, and this we wish to see again restored to Vir ginia's, desecrated soil. Republican ideas rdjf.d the " Republican Court," and the sage of Monticello may ence mare see revived by his disciples the great truths taught by the greatest of Southern leaders and statesmen. The original " gentlemen of the South1' were a class rarely found it profusion ; high toned generous to a fault ; quick to resent injuries and magnanimous to all foes ; they were worthy rulers of a glorious land. They accepted the charge placed intheir hand9 in the shapeJ of degraded Africans, but al ways loqkeel forward to a time when these servants" not' slaves should be free and i i independent of masterhood. The degene racy of the times that made the last of the Washintons a miserable drunkard ; made the las of the chivalry a mere breeder of slaves for cotton-fields and rice-plantations. The control of the country passed from the feeble hands of the " first families " into the . j . - rovclling grin of the children of the iackals of humanity. We -refer to those men who had lived on the vices of the gentry. The rule of Washington; of Jefferson, and of Tinckney had given way to the rule of Jiff. Davis, Forrest and the other typical brutes vjlio looked upon a " nigger ' as a creature: worth sd many dollars, and his soul a mere fiction.' When men of the slave driving and slave-trading class obtained control ; the South fell, and great was the fall thereof. Who has read the generous utterances of " Henry Clay " but believed tho magnificent Kentuckian in his younger days waa so thoroughly penetrated witli JcfTersonian republicanism that a new birth of freedom was possible at that time. He might liave led the mo'vement and spared us' the terrors of our civil war, but it was not s) fated tabc. Buttc-day with the aid of 'the general government, ! we - see that "home industry" the early statesmen drcanietl of a practical reality in the South. , To-day we see the grand superstructure oi free society based on intelligent ex ercise of tho A ballot, building anew 'the walls thrown down by the winds af ignorance, and that blundering states manship, so much more criminal than aught Llse in this world. He; who presumes to lead and only deludes to destruction has no expiation to offer that can wash away his guilt, ixhdso we'eonsider thc.false prophets called Stevens, Toombs, Cobb, Wise, Vance and all others 'Who precipitated the rebel ; Building the Yfalls of our social temple we must usd the best material now at hand. First, a female class that will imitat'ij the vii tups of our ancestors. Ladies of the . old Virginia type, o pleasantly described by . Thackeray in hjis history of the Esmond family ; to be educated for use more than ! ornament. Women tp cook; women to think and act womanly parts; seeking to . . -i ...... , . . bind up the wounds oi social lite ana not JUc dusa like to tear wide tne Dlcedm wounas of the bodv politic. All these will come in good time, but let our schools an academics teach such. to be useful. Let the 1 - ' great school the FAMILY be 'rccon stjjucled so that the term " lady" will not - mean a useless creaiurij wuose mission in lite seems to be u how uspful. A burden, no a blessing. '. not to do' anything ;a j oy ; . a curse ; not OUIl YOUNG MEN must be taught the new gospel that he is most honorable who tloes the most honest labor, and he alone is dishonorable and infamous who " lives on" others witout-r ambition to help himself. Let the schools be practical. Not institu tions where boys are trained with the idea that they shall some day command others, but where the nobler thought is - impressed on the youthful mind t iiat society should be benefitted bv the life of each member. Our laboring people all may .rise. All may favor of all men worth must be taught that and do obtain the respecting by manly patience and sober lives tor the good of all around. Thus shall Southern society be , come all the most favored possess. Millions will liock to our shoresj where hundreds ap proach with fear and misgiving.! The sword will then forever remain a pruning hook and the spear become a jolly steel pen I used for the purpose of punching gas bags 1 and 'i; pointing the moral" for the benefit of offending members of the body politic com ; posing 44 Southern society." i The New York Times states that South , em trade has trebled this year, and the style of goods purchased arc! of a superior and expensive quality. Grand Juries. j i Among the bulwalks to modern civilized society we may class the good old English institution of " Grand Juries." j In the time of King Richard the First, (according to Havedon,) the process of electing' the Grand Jury, ordained by that Prince, was as fol lows; Four knights were to be taken from at large, who chose two more out of every hundred ; which two associated 1 10 them selves ten other principal freemen, and those twelve were to answer concerning all par ticulars relating to their own district. The members constituting our Grand Juries al thdugh not knights," are often nobe men and all "freemen." They receive their " in structions" in the same way their ancestors did five hundred years ago. The Judge has great and proper influence with all juries, and especially is this the case with the respectable body who have in their pos session the peace and good order of society. . Our own country possesses material for the best possible Grand Juries and their ready indictment of all offenders proves that without fear or favor, they have determined to assist the officers of the law in the - pre servation of the public peace and the highest interests of society. Judge Cantwell in his late charge, truly remarked, that the well being of all good citizens rested in the hands of the citizens whose " privile ? it was to serve their fellows so that all men will learn to respect the" law, and not like heathen savages; take revenge for offences commit ted, against the person. ; The advice offered last Tuesday in our County Court was of such value that it should be printed in letters of gold that all good men should read and remember the precepts laid down by the fathers of civili zation. L Our space forbids our printing the entire charge in this issue, but we hope to get it in our next Sunday's edition in full. . The "party" are not very harmonious,' and the moderate democrats like the Star school, and the extremists like the Journal people are gaily pitching into each other in a way that is sweetly refreshing. I The Wil son Plaindcaler plainly thus speaketh : Thus we shall have two partiesboth recognizing the political equality of the negro and both bidding for his vote. The natural consequence will be, a further de moralization of our people ; and those who descend nearest to the level with the black man will continue to get his vote All this causes the Plaindealing people to Uowl with anguish lest " nicrcrer emialitv" be the best plank in the democratic plat- brnr. Did we believe the " nigger4' could remain as stupid as the Plain-dealing people we would oppose his further enfranchise ment, and ask him to become democratic. m A writer in the New York ' Mail has. made a study of Americau Magazine litera ture, and summing up its characteristics, concludes that Harper's appeals generally to the people, and is superlatively strong in its illustrations ; the Galaxy, of higher litera ry character, ranks also as a popular maga zine, and is distinguished by vitality and adaptedness to modern taste and thought; Putnam's carries us back to an older period, and represents the magazine of literary es says; the Atlantic is the organ of New Eng land thought and the master of Boston Writers; Lippincott's, like the city of its nativity, is conservative and respectable; and the Overland is hearty and unconven tional, like the new life on the Pacific coast. Referring to the recent riot the Philadel phia Post remarks : Philadelphia was again disgraced last night disgraced by Democrats disgraced by Mayor Fox's policemen. Outrage upon outrage since the Democracy have had con trol of tho city government, it has been our lot to chronicle. Scarce a day has passed that we have not had some disgrace to the fair name of the municipality to record. It reminds us of the days of the Democracy before the election of Alexander Henry to office. Then it was unsafe for a peaceable citizen to I walk the highways in many locali ties, and crime was rampant everywhere. The Southern. Commercial Convention, to be held in Louisville next week, promises to be one of the largest and most successful as semblages of the kind ever held in this country. All the great centres of tra'Jc will be fully represented, and delegations j have been appointed by the Governors ot all the leading States in the Union. The published use oi names snows mat tne delegates in clude a large number of men noted for their liberality, their great experience, and their 1 il a Jl 1 :,' widely-extended influence in commercial affairs. 1 From a recent address by General Que- sada to the Srjanish soldiers it would ap pear that the statement heretofore made that slavery had been abolished in Cuba was correct. General Quesada, in the ad dress referred to, says : "Slavery, the shame and disgrace or every civilised country, has disappeared foreve and the republic, with its glorious liberty, appears to regenerate the people and to relieve it of the heavy, chains of despotism." . The remarks of our correspondent "Many Citizens," were as we understood them really meant to apply to us as being in dauger of refusing to prosecute an offence against the State. Never wantonly attacking ye have never refused to defend either ourselves or our friends when assaulted. No reflection was made by our correspondent either on the excellent Grand Jury or on the Solici tor Col. John A. Richardson. Tiie arrival at Savannah of the steamship Montgomery, drawing seventeen feet of wa ter, is regarded by the Savannah press as an evidence of the improved depth of the chan nel of the river. Free Cuba j , - - ' In common with the majority of the Re publican party we advocate and will con tinue to advocate the recognition of XJuban Independence. The " key to the 'gulf be longs to this continent and mutt ; in time gravitate naturally into our possession. The grandest empire the world has ever known will be complete in its boundaries "with the accession of the British possession in the North and the last gem irom old Spain has dropped from her crown,an4 called by us "free Cuba." The fact tht such out rages as the one a correspondent chronicles ia the following lines is sufficfent reason in our minds for immediateirecojnition by our government : I 0 Last Saturday afternoon th public baths opposite Morro Castle were thd scene of one of the most interesting and characteristic episodes of the Cuban war. Oi that date and at that place there were as smbled the usual bevy of Havana beauties--wives and daughters of Havana aristocrats.. Half a hundred women were enjoyingi themselves in the refreshing baths, when Jthe; young Catalonian bride of Zuliaga, cobnel of voL unteers, entered and signalled h- -presence by beginning a most abusive tinde against the Cuban patriots, and by a gtaeral and indiscriminate anathematizing ofTall patri otic Cubans, their relatives, an V friends. Among other remarks, Senora Zuliaga , as serted that the palace of the Aldamas would soon be converted into a casino for volun teers. To 'this Senora Pimienta de Poey daughter in-law of the Cuban traitor Ppey, of the Havana and Matanzas railway fame, replied: u Oa the contrary, Senora, I have the pleasure of telling you that the Alda ma palace is soon to be occupied by our be loved President, Carlos Manuel de Cespedes and the National Congress of Republican Cuba." The infuriated bride of Zuliaga vented her anger over this retort by seizing Senora Pimienta de Poey by the throat, nd forc ing her head under water, attempting to drown her. She held her there until Senorita Ilarnona Pizarro, the Cuban poetess, hurried through the water, whiclis waist deep,' and seizing Zulliaga's wife -by her flowing hair, released Senora Pimienta de Poey. Senora Zuliaga, fiuding herself worsted, "in. her an-j jer cried for a policeman, and a Senano re sponded, but being unable to enter the baths through the door, climbed to a win dow and let himself down anions the' half hundred women, nearly all of whom were in the water. He would have lied from the spectacle, but Senora Zuliaga implored him to remain, " for the rebel ladies," she said, are trying to drown me." Senora de I'oey bade him quit the baths, as did nearly all the other women, but he refused. The policeman struck three of the bathers with his lance. Senora de Poey was imme diately afterward arrested. General Be Rodas ordered her into close confinement until the arrival of a Spanish mail steam ship, when he has commanded-that she shall be sent to Spain. Her husband will ac company her. j ' . oenorita itamona 1'izarro was given twelve hours to prepare for embarkation. She took passage for New Orleans on the same day. , The University and the Schoa's. The excellent' citizen -and patriot who presides over the State University at Chapel Hill,. has with great moderation defended his college so that even the most virulent organ of dying copperhcadism in the State printed letters in defense of the educational institutions of the State. We have published; extracts from the " University letters" ap-' pearing in the Sentinel and now give the close of an earnest appeal. to the people of; the State to sustain their own State institu tions of learning and not be governed by the idiotic ideas of men whose malice would drive all students to other States for in struction : The University of North Carolina has been placed at the head of the public schools of the State. Time will be required to per fect our educational system, the, general features of which are set forth in the Con stitution. These schools cannot bo opened without teachfers. . They should only be taught by first class instructors. These must be educated m our own State, or they must be sought and obtained from abroad. It was proper first to open the Uuiversity, with a department of normal instruction, and this has been done. Streams take their rise and" flow down from their fountain head to enliven the plains. Light radiates from its central luminary. I am not inclined to conceal my real name, nor have I feared to disclose my real views. During the decade beginning with the year 1508, the University of North Carolina recorded 5lo inarticulate and 110 gr?.duate3. Beginning with the year 1818, there were 1,308 matriculates and 259 graduates; with the year 1828, there wTere 1,005 matriculates and 146 graduates; with the year 1838, there were1 1,537 matriculates .and 308 graduates; with the year 1848, there were 2,923 matriculates and 448 graduates ; with the year 1858, there were 1,872 matriculates and 410 graduates, making a grand total of nearly 20,000 matriculates. During the period of twenty years, be ginning with June, 1849, nearly one thou sand of these were, my College mates, and above three thousand have been my pupils. Many of these who were dear to me in life's spring time and whose increasing useful ness! watched with anxious and affection ate interest now rest quietly in their graves. Their'names are on the record which lies before me, and their memory is yet pleasaut as the fragrance of flowers fresh fallen. Many still survive, and from them scattered all over the land, come frequent letters of congratulation and cordial greeting. One of these who fought bravely in the Southern army during the late war, writes from a Northern State,- "No one entering upon a field of duty so conscientiously as yourself, need have any fear of ultimate success ; and I am sure the University is far better off than when it was first put into operation after the revolutionary war, and, I should judge, the State authorities intend it shall prosper. With my best wishes for jour success, &c." Another from the far South "I hope, my dear sir you have not forgotten me, as I entertain a most distinct and pleas ant memory both of yourself and your class room. Many of my class-mates were killed near rue in the army of Virginia, and I my self, am writing to you with my left hand, haviDg had my right arm amputated at the shoulder joint at the battle of Gettysburg. T ' and J ' are near me and doing well. J lost his left arm in the war. My brother, W i is entirely well (though wounded in the war) and would join me in kindest wish es for you." Aud a clas3 mate writes, "The university must be made a great potfer for good. Of its final success in your hands, 1 1 have no doubt : not ffcowever without op-1 position.1 The press .will growl.v prejudices will be excited. nrlir-nlA Knt T I trust that in the Pennine snMt 6f the - m-eat Apostle, you may truly say, none of these things move me.n" Another class-mater and I - m a . . : innmftTA asanci ftt.A inr tn m orm n rr nr rnr I youth, nowfilling a position of usefulness and honor lnDeleware.- And recently from a College mate, a minister of the gospel,, re- Rirlintr in ' a eister StaFe-'auofdriirin his' letter I a prayer he had just been offering, in his closet tor the success ana prosperity of the University. ; AndTrom central and eastern and western North Carolina, come these .. ....-....n.t u.. ..j ' 4.1 messaiies lull Ol uuuc &uu. cuvuuiascuieun I linger yet at the old homesteadi to watch' and care for our common motner. Ana tne tered soqs will send happy greetings, or re- turn with glad hearts to xefendle the fires of viav wi jt twwu.- -" ww their youthful aspirations, their love of vir- tue and liberty and science at the shrine of ii,,.: 7- r.n lUCJi ui;rt(4;w. y7e print to-day an abstract ot the ad- dress delivered by Rev. Dr. Van Bokkelen, formerly State Superintendent of the pub- lie schools of Maryland, at the dedication exercises of the Franklin school building, Corning from a gentleman who has long been identified with "the educational inter ests of Baltimore, and containing, as it does, many reliable hints to the friends of educa tion, the address of Rev. Dr. Van Bokkelen will be found well .worthy'ot perusal : Kev. ii. van uckkeicD, on, beine: mtro- uucvu piutccucu iu itciivti an intuit:??) wuiuu though not written out like the others, was eminently practical, and showed him to be, on the subject of education, what Lord Bacon styles " a full ; man." He alluded Hrof fr tlio fof f fVif trtnilrl in rr hoi n . t r p m nA after Franklin, and said he knew of no name in American history which couli be ducted in a fair manner, although in the in more appropriatsy bestowed on an institu- terests of the democrats. We hope it will tion for the education of youth. Mostly ilrt c,ifaf,ii ;n norcnsirlino- n million of the self-educated himself, lie had ever taken a 1 1 o-reat interest in the dissemination of learn ins amonc-thc common pec Die. Iu a letter written from England to his wife he said " I wish you to consider that every dollar you withhold fromftlie education of our daughter is one lost, iwhile every one be stowed upon her is one gained." And at his death among the bequests trojtn his hard earn ed comnetencv fthc foundation of which he had laid as a mechanic) wa4 one of 1,000 to the city of Boston, his birthplace, and another of like amount ito Philadelphia, for aidiug young mechanics; just starting in life aiaiug mecuanics just starting in lire by loans. By careful management of this fund the Boaton trustees had increased it now to over 100,000, while the less thrifty Philadclphians had imado, theirs $40,000. lie also left another donation of 100 to Boston, the interest of, which is annually expended in the purchase of medals for pub lid scluols. When Franklin went out into t lid fields, also, to makb his great experi ment by which he drew; down from heaven that eiectic spark which now7 flashes intelli gence from tho Atlantic to the Pacific, he did not takcjwith hint one of his fellow savins, but a Utile loy tcj help him raise the kite and observe the result. With regard to the mhtter of public edu cation, he clairaej:! that every child had a right to demand oif the Community in which it was born such an education, intellectual and moral, as would fit him to become a blessing, instead of a curse, to society. In this connection, he related several- cases of criminals condemned to death or imprison ment who had reliypttk most bitterly on their parents and society for not giving them some advantages of education. He claimed that it was just as much the duty of the State to see that the mind and soul of the child was not starved and warped by igno rance s.s to rescue the abandoned foundling or the orphan from perishing with cold or huncer. lie would like to sav something on the subject ot legislation to compel pa rents and others having, charge of children to send them to lcIiooI, but time would not permit As an instance of the appreciation of the value of education to' tlie' working classes, he alluded to an account which he had re cently read and had ta;hen sonic pains to verify, of the cntcrpriseiof a few patriotic gentlemen in the Small; French seaport, of La Clotat. not far from Marseilles, who, feel ing humiliated a few7 years ago that France should play so insignificant a part in the commerce of the Mediterranean, and be de pendent on the imanufactures of the Clyde, in Scotland, for engines to propel their ships, determined to establish ia line of steamers, built and furnished entirely with machinery oi Frcncu manulacture. ; As a first step, they selected a number of young men, and sent them to the best scientific schools in the empire, where they became thorough theoretical and practical engineers, fitted to take charge of the manufacturing establish ments which were then established at La Clotat. Following out the same-: liberal idea?, these gentlemen knowing "that intclli gent labor was always the most profitable, voluntarily gave their employees, of all ages, one hour out of the ten far which they paid them each dav to attend schools, which they provided for them, and used every effort to secure their attendance Night scHools were also opened, and so great was the en thusiasm excited for learning that these were constantly crowded by the artisans, old and young. As a result of this enlight tened policy the company was soon able to produce ships and engines, to compete with the English, and divide -with them the com merce of the Mediterranean. But this was not all. The effect ot education oa the moral and material prosperity of the com munity was no less salutary. The dram shops and courts were closed, the police and gens dVarmes complained that their occupa tion was gone, and La Clotat had risen from an insignificant seaport' to a thriving town of 15,000. j Ik regard to the graphic, 'and ably writ ten report of the Philadelphia Post of the democratic riot in Philadelphia on Friday evening, which Ave publish in full to day; the following comment by the same journal will not be uninteresting to our readers : ' ; - : If tho Republicans of Philadelphia had been in the minority previously, the events of last night would have given thecnthe election beyond a venture, j Nothing is more telling for the right than persecution, and the outlawry of last night, though it fell heavily upon some respectable persons, and was thoroughly disgraceful to the gcod name of the city, will yet do more to con vince the people of the corruptness of the party which now controls our local affairs than could all the speeches that might be delivered in fifty years. .Every honest man who reads the startling news we print this morning must be convinced that unless a radical change is made, and at once, the city will be given oyer entirely to riot and bloodshed and all imaginable disorder. A "Wa are pleased to welcome among our aTcbuinvex the Georaia Republican, now pub- g g Augusta, Georgia. The people v r"" ' . . V I of that badly un-reconstructed country need greatly, instruction and admonition; both e v,w ,:n nnTitf am nhtain from ui Tvixiu iiicj i . . .... Q- wu" l.i with tneuacrea woras, jstpmiiuguw, Schools Temperance." I m The efforts that have been made to induce foreign emigration to the Southern States hkve been quite successful. An agent at . nresent -in Sweden baa inst forwarded a r-- I company numbering upward of 100, whose destination is Water Valley, Miss. Many of them are meennnirs. and nave seenrea em- , 4. ' . Ployment in advance on the Mrssrssippi railroads. . i ttk iew i oric i iinest reiterates its asser- TV. m i . . . tion that there are thirty gunboats building in the port ot that city for the Spanish Government, to be used against the insur- gent Cubans. Thirty gunboats for Spain in New York unmolested, and one poor little war steamer for Cuba at Wiluiinsrton detained! The Journal shrieks : 4It is fearful to contemplate the errand result of Radical financiering in North CarOlina," Why dont it howi awhile over it ' e i -k-r if I me con-iea. o, we mean couservauvu wut it o ctn uiu ouuit, uAiittttiuv,u the lives and property of everybody for four oocy Years TnE Suedliche Fast, published in the Ger- maa language at Goldsboro seems to be con- " most desirable of all emigrants the Ger- mans to " come over and help us." lilB V IC1UU3 UlUU UUJJUl liUUU iJciia aic blackguarding Gen. Jordan of the Cuban i i i ii..:. i : i l t it rn r rn u ti n r rr inr rn I ri"r . v il 11 I him Will only come uacs to piaguu tutiu QnH the invenfnrij of the infamous falsehood that u Jordan sold out to the Spanish." The difficulty of getting men of fine ht- erarY attainments to accept office is illus- erarv attainments to accept omce is ill trated by the refusal of Gcoi-e W. Curtis , , , T- i.- i . popularly known as 1 otiphar Curtis- s- to run on the Republican ticket as candidate for Secretary of State. The cheap Iondou Daily Telegraph em ploys in printing its immense edition, five ten cylinder Hoe presses, and can strike off when all are in full play, about one hundred and thirty-six thousand copies per hour. Thk Washington Chronield declares the " IIornet?' is awaiting Spanish gunboats " off Cape Hatteras." Alas, she got too near the SPECIAL. OFFICIAL. (MY ORDINANCE. A N ORDINANCE CONCERNING TIIE .1 Storage of Gunpowder. Bq it ordained by the Board of Aldermen of the (Ditv of Wilmington as follows : Section 1. No Gunpowder shall be stored within the City Limits on the East Side of the Cape Fear River. Sep. 2. No dealer shall keep on hand at any time) a greater quantity ot gunpowder than one hundred pounds. Sep. 6. All magazines tor the storage of gun powder shall be constructed of fin;-proof "ma terial!. Sec. 4. Any person violating any of these or dinances shall be lined Fifty Dollars per day. bee. o. 11ns ordinance snail take etlect on and afieri its passage. u.J '; i'. 3 r i i v a lorn x ub&eu iu jdo'uiu oi -tiiuuiuieu vciouei , iooj. I BENJAMIN DUKFEE, I City Clerk. oct 7 315-2t WORDS OF CHEER. Oh the Errors of Youth and the Follies of Age, in ritinn to T A TMU AfiF. nnrl SOPIT 4 1 . " with'a helping hand for the erring and unfor- tunate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, HOW AUD ASSOCIATION, Box IP. Philadelphia, Pa. sept 26 311-Sm. -H JULL.iUUgJU.lMJf I IBIIIIIll I NEW ABYEPSEMENTS. f Ti ?V H WING DISPOSED OF MY INTEREST in the Saloon at No. 40s North Water street' to li. F. Evdea, Esq., I solieit for hirn the liberal patronage hcreto'ore bestowed on me. ' If. A. BAOG. oct 5th 1SG0. NOTICE, T LIE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY IN- brnis his patrons that he has removed his All ROOM to No 40s North Water street, where he will be haprjy to accommodate his friends and the pub lic generally with thy choicest LIQUOIiS and WINES. OYSTER SALOON is attached to the Bar where the best of NEW RIVER OYSTERS can be had At all times, Berved up in any style. Families can be supplied by tho measure by jcaving tueir orccrs wun f RUDOLU F. EYDEN. cctO 3l4-3t NOTICE. rrIlE UNDERSIGNED HAVING DULY X qualified as administrator on the estate of W. lL, Sink, djecased, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to come for ward! and nsake payment without delay, and to all persons having claims agaiust said estate to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or be fore the 5th day ot October, A. D., Io70, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. GEO. D. FLACK, Jun , Adm'r of the estate of W. H. Sink dee'd. Wilmington, S. C, Oct 4, 1809. oct i 314-lawCw SCHOOL BOOKS. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIONERY on hand. TE"ACI1ERS and 1'AliENTS are respectfully requested to examine my Stock. KNABE'S and STIEFF'S PIANOS for sale. P. IIEINSBERGER, 3J Market Street. " oct 3 313-tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SORT Han D IN A NUT.miell K-7 r SHORT HAND CAN NOW BE ACQUIRED 1JN ONE MONTH. This work is an improvement upon the nururcuicuii upon tne BVR. Iaiti npi hi? (ha i-o.. t uii. . JD, liament- ltl divided into seven .hortTnd ealV lessons ana can De mastered by any easy the greatest production of the. age. Enclose $i ?r 2 mplete work. Address J. A. GRAY. nnp. Tf xsv.a.v') 1. X. 17. KJ. octb 314 tf Sheriffs Nonce. A it Duni3nl, . A their 3 WH IIAVE N0T PAID statp a vrr. nATTv anA i an amnnrt oJ s5- tne Fersonal Troperly, to n? day of this month, That Ii shall proceed to Levy 5njf aid Persn"l property and collect tax by u"wi. mrt a" t0 3 this business. J. W. SCHENCK, Jr., Sheriff New Ilanover County. 314-lf oct 7 OFFICIAL. Sheriffs Column. A def-iccnicnt and destruction of notk-p'aced m the public streets lhavo (h-u, . T.l ahLU to adY idvertise sales and publish all ollleial notices pertaining to my olhee in the columns oi Tii 1 O.ST. ; si Hereaiter all Tor ,i , KVtuuUJ III Ml r i.1 xvl.-k.l.v.k . r vv muvo, ui-., over WlllCu i Ihk co?umn0n ' Wj! vd4mSvcrii3cd in Wilmington, N. C., Au. M BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY EXKcr'-lIONS to me directed, issued from ti.. m. I Court 01 New Uauover county, at rin,1 n lbC9, IjWill expose to sale to the LlALt bidder O.N IliE 1ST1I DAY OF OCTODEK uacies Dawsoti, xjlC T T-v interest -of Mi Ilcrmau II. Kobinson, Ex'r. I II fa. JY. A. N i Vii!i 11 - l.'nlili'io.n! i:j a i ill rM a i :ii ri1 ii i '.ini-i nr i. i . - v JiarUeit AOWUSUip, i ecu, in P. Murphy, The interest of If . 11. I V ia-1T ,. nooinspn, m part lot i MiiuiiuLuii, as iam out, in luruer s plan. ' u0- Baker, The ) 1 interest of II. II. vs. lkobinson. in iwrt i.,t B. Robinson, Et al. ) block ll'J, in City of Wii! mington, as laid out iu Turner's plan. Caleb Mott and others, ) The interest ot H ii it , 5' f11, Kobinson in p.rt II. H. Robinson. J lot 5, block 113, ,m City of Wilmington, as laid out in Turner's, plan. Join W. Nash, ) The interest ol Ikmy T.y vs. Wor iu part lot 2 and ;, Bluek Henry Taylor. ) as laid out.iu Turner's Flan in city ol Wit ming ton. R. F. Eydcn, ) The interest of Oliver Kelly, w. Hn part Lot 5, Blocks, as laid Oliver Kelly. ) out in Turner's Plan in City of Wilmington. Isaac Wells, The interest of C P. Moore vs. -iu200 acres of land on Colvin'a C. P. Moore. ) Creek in Casw ell Township. O. G. Parsley, 1 The1 interest of John vs.' VBrvn, in part Lot 1, John Brown, d al. ) Block 153, us' laid out in Turners Plan in Citv of wilmino-tnn Rich'dF. Debose, and The interest of James CD , wile Mary. JL.. , A. Moore H. S. Ave : . 'vs. ritt, Administrator, in Etpartc. j I?-' acres , of l md. on 11, S. Averitt, Admin- Cypress Creek. Column istrator Jas A Moore. J bia To wnship. Christian Tfnispll T h i i n t n r i. c f vs. . roomer, in part Lot :i and 4. J i ii u v O i. JL 11 III. ms.Toomcr, J lilock 200, as laid out iu ALSO EXECUTION ISSUING FROM TUE SuI'JEUIOH COUKT FOa TUE COUNTY OF LIOCOLN, eTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, AS FOLLOWS l Caleb Motz and otbers, ) The interest; of IJ, II. vs' Kobinson in the lollou-- II, II. Robinson. ) ing pieces, parcels or lots of land situate lying, and being in the Citv ui ,m iiLLiiu4tuu auu jvuowu iu inepian 01 saiu City, as parts of lots No. G and G, block Jot-', and oue lot West mart s'o. 4. block ion mil Int purts 4 and 5, block as the property of ll. 11, liobiuson. Levied on by jj. It. Buutinir. lajc fchenll of New Hanover county. Abner Robinson, "j Levied on the. interest of vs. Enoch Johnson, on b00 acres Enoch Johnson, f of hind, situated in Franklin Melton Lee. J Township, and laj'ing on-Uji)-per Black River. , ON THE 2dD DAY OF OCTOBER, James II. Cnadbourne &Co., 1 The interest ot vs. Wm. H. Payne, M. L. iuyton, Sarah Atkinson, H. C. Cassidey, R. L. Harris, mington. S.'Ar. Currric, Administra tor ol John K. Currie, vs. J. R. f'cnnell, II. C. Cassidev. in Lots No. 3, 4, -5 and 0, Block 'J'J, as laid out iu Turner's Plan of " J the City oi Vil- The interest of W. W. Fennell, jn 1X0 acres of laud, situ- fa t e d , in Franklin Towusihip, county of New Hanover, 1 o011-td W. J. Price, sept 20 ALSO ON THE 25TH DAY OF 'OCTOBER.' Jno. A Sanders, Right title and interest of Thos. Cowan in jarts lots No. Jas. M. Cowan, 1 and 2, Block 15J, as laid T. C. McTlhenny, j down in Turner's plan of the Thos. Cowan. J City ol Wilmington, aud known as the property of Thos. Cowan. ' TAXES, 7 OMMIS3ION MERCHANTS AND L10U.OR J dealers are hereby requested to pay their taxes due 10th August last on amount sales and purcbasesxf the months of April, May, and June lbOO. Returns of taxes for the next quarter will be due the 10th October proximo. , . J.-W. SCHENCK, Jn., Sherilf New Hanover County, sep 5 - ' 305-tf, CLIFFORD HOUSE, lO ilSTortli P6nt St., WILMINGTON,. N. C, FINE BOTTLED LtQUOItS, SEGAKS, OLD ALES, SORTER, &c. FUliNISHED IKXOMS BY DAY OH MONTH. J. A. CLIFFORD, Proprietor. 287-tf June 27 PURCELL HOUSE. J. It. DAVIS, - - - S- Proprietor. H1HE ABOVE HOTEL 18 TIIE ONLY FIRST At CLASS HOUSE in the Cit- ol Wilmington, and otfere to travelers every comfort and atten tion louud in thci best houses in the country, jane 10 I 2b0-tf GLOBE SALOON. rjHE UNDESIGNED HAVE FITTED UP X the No. 1 GS-ranite Row, in a superior style, where tli ey are prepared to entertain DAY BOAKDEKS hoars, and supply families Game in season. lurnish meals at all with Oysters an,d They trust their friends will pive them a call. BROCK & WEB , Proprietors, oct 23 311-tf i

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