VOL. III. WILMINGTON, N. Cm SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1869. s THE WILMINGTON POST, PUBUSIIEDi 8EUI-WEEKLY. OFFICIAL! OCGAN. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TEBM3 OF STJBSCBIPTIOS IljVABULBLT IN ADVAXCX. Per Year.............. i 00 Six Months .-J.... 2 50 Three Months. .... . . One Month. ........... 1 50 50 RATES 6? ADVERTISING : Advertisements will be inserted atf 1 00 per square for first insertion and 50 cents for each onhseauent insertion. Ten lines or less, solid minion type, constitute a .square. ' ; - i- " " -. - Dust! dusty! dustier than that 1 A man who works with a will the Pro bate Judge. . ; - :. ".'. i The marines from the steamer "Cuba" are naughty men. I , The end ot a miss-spent life the mar riage of a young lady. To-morrow at 11 o'clock the examination of the " Cuba's" officers. Desirable state of Destitutionhaving nothing to reproach one's self with. The Sultan is said to be suffering from the gout. Comes of too jmuch Turkey. Why is a beefsteak like a locomotive ? It is of not much account without it's tender. j ' Oil ' Hon."K K. Proctor paid U3 a short visit last Fridav and brought good news for the Post. Lovers' observe 1 Before a man enters the abode of matrimony he should ring the belle.' i The reason why a piano was not saved was, because none of the ifiremcn could play On it. ' :V - - . : jv- President Grant has appointed, Thursday November 18th as a day of Thanksgiving and prayer. An irritable customer, who bargains much but buys little, is productive of counter-irritation. ;i Our Worthy P. M. Co last nteht for New. York main a few days. Ed. Brink left where he will re- Tbe root of sanctity is sanity. A man must be healthy before he can be holy. We bathe first, and then perfume. All those, of our lady readers, are respect fully referred to Mrs. Sarah Jackson's ad vertisement in another column. ' M U. S. Commissioner Rutherford andAIar ehal Neff visited the "Cuba" Thursday by special invitation of the officers. Why should reliance be placed in- any report emanating from the Navigating offi cers of the "Cuba t" Because he is a Tel fair. Among the persons the Grand Jury in dicted was John H. Strauss not "John W." as was printed in th? list furnished us. The cattle driving through our streets, as well as hog burrowing is a nuisance. Indeed they are"twin relics of barbarism." The Marshal is pushing on the good work of grading our streets, and on Seventh street near Orange; a very important work is being completed. " ! " Buffon has said, " The style is the man." The prayer aho is the man- the inner man. It ia the Ecce Horn?, uttered, not to the Jews, but to God. V 1 ' -We are grateful to the management of the State Fair at Raleigh tor a ticket to that great exhibition. We shall endeavor to be present. ..' j." Over thirty -six miles of sidewalks were constructed in Chicago in the last six months. How many in Wilmington ! Alasl not onel : - Uncle Sam's delinquents, in the matter of Itwrnal Revenue, are politely referred to the advertisement in another column by As - tistaot Assessor Moore. ; . D. Ruiz c06 of the Cuban ' Junta, is in ' Washincton ad in consultation with the f Cabinet regardii the disposition of the "Cuba" now in our uaroor. ' ""' ! ' ' i Our Base 'Bawlers".of ye Harnett,! are invited to tend a meetin" at Joe's, of the angelic, whispering voice, on Wednesday " evening next at 7:30. All aboard ! Mr. John P. Sampson, who is now acting as agent of the Avery College, is soliciting . patronage for a very fine old institution. He has our good wishes for his success. Wilmington has a legal Falstaff who in the .faneled security of a court room insults Witnesses. Does, the L. F. know what'Prince Henry said to just such a "fat old man?" The Navassa Phosphate Company , ot Baltimore, have established an agency in this county at Meare3 Bluff, where they will be ready by the 15th of November to fill all orders. .v-' y v'- M. II. Katz, our flourishinrr dnr rood friend, Las opened a beautiful stock of fancy dry goods, silks, laces and famishing goods. Ladies, don't pats ITatz without examining his stock.;- V . I v Hon. Charles E. Gildeisleeve, and Hon. J ames Gal way, of the New York Metropol itan Fire Commission, wiH accept our thanks for Third and Fourth Annual Reports of the New York Firo.Department : 68 and '69. An excellent opportunity is now offered by the government to aid the struggling lit tle island of the Antilles," Recognize Cuba, and the "Home "will have no cause to re main another under 'surveillance I nour in our waters We are in receipt ot complaints regard ing the failure of our subscribers to receive their paper. If the persons so aggrieved will only inform us immedia ely after the too glad to dehnquence, we will only bo remedy the defect Let us Tcriow 1 TiltorCt Journal of Horticulture for Octo ber contains much of interest and value to every lover of fruit and flowers.. The sub ject of Autumn flowers is as pleasant to the true florist as Spring or Summer although the poets have expended their efforts in glorifying the one and paintingjthe other. ; Before Judge Cant well yesterday Robert Hey wood was arraigned on the charge of disorderly conduct. The usual fine was im- posed, but judgment wa3 suspended on pay ment of costs. ' "VI" , W. H. Brooks, and Jno. Dofrus, disorderly conductjudgmcnt suspended. PhilipCutting and John . McGibbon same offence, former fined $100, and latter $20 and costs. It having been insinuated by some of the leading journals that the "Cuba" entered our harbor merely for the purpose of testing so called points of international law, and was not in distress as asserted by her offi cers, can draw consolation to their souls from the fact that the coal taken from her Friday by officers Servoss and Lawton, measured only ten tons, not sufficient indeed for an eight hour cruise. Autumn. Our mornings are delightful, a perfect Elizium, cool, refreshing breezes, a cloudless sky, and the glorious Autumnal rosy sunrise. Young j men and young girls, get up early 1 enjoy these rare gifts of excellent nature,: it ia sinful to discard them! nature bountifully presents to you the rarest and fairest season'; the golden days of expiring Autumn. In the sentence of the young animal the Journal keeps; Judge Cantwell remarked : 'Oh ! shame on Wilmington that she should have citizens that approve of cowardly as saults, and who tolerate and associate with men. who spring from ambush upon un armed men." This sentence is commended to those citizens who still possess self-respect. Others w,ill not regard. , 9 Will our people ever Wake up to the re- sponsibilility of education? Five dollars a year will give thousands a - fine reading Room and Library. The Boston Library was started on that principle. The Mer cantile Library of New York is subsisted upon three dollars and a half per year, in dividual subscription. The Brooklyn Mer cantile Library on the infinitesimal sum of two dollars and a half! What sayt Wil- mington ? The jolly, wholesouled officers of the Steam Sloop of War "Cuba" still remain with us, a blessing to our merchants, and a harvest to our saloon keepers, and hotel proprietors. ! Crowds of urchins constantly follow them through the public highways, chattering econiums on their gorgeous dress,their swing ing swords and hilarious j air. Our people will sadly miss them when the dreadful fiat is issusd that compels them to - leave us" . , v r. 1 - ; . ! "There's life in the old land yet!" We are confident of haying seen this poor, misused, misguded, and sterotyped. sentence cap ping 'leaders" in our Southern Exchanges for the last six months. Mr. A has a potatoe born unto him of peculiar dimensions and of gigantic bulk 1 A column editorial is the inevitable result, and! that self same ed itonal.we will wager our life headed "there's life in the old land yet l" : 1 ; Mrs. Smiggins has an j ordinary hog fat tened, or Noodle has an elongated cucumber the concommittant is sure to be persented. Spare us gentlemen ! Do ! At the County Courtp Judge Cantwell presiding, the case of Augustus Snyder for merly convicted of assault and battery and sentenced to twelve months imprisonment; subsequent evidence havingadduced the fact ... ry l2 "ill j . a.' JI il. tnat tne onense was commiiieu ouuiue me city limits he was remanded to the Supe rior CourL ir;;.- :l;J-'.: Also the case of John - Rooney, formerly convicted of assault and battery on his wife, Johanna and sentenced to six niontns im prisonment, wasrr.-opened, and prisoner re manded to custody until the fine of $100 and costs heretofore imposed be paid. In the case of a defaulting witness, Har riet Ann Quince, judgment, was suspended. Peter Keenan, for retailingjiquor without license, prisoner sentenced to one months imprisonment and to pay! costs of trial. There being no further business before thfi ConrL Judere Cantwell ordered tho rli. charge of the Grand and Petit jurors for the term. Tns AirEMCAn brock Jocjutax. scst free fob tores Moirrns. This inost ral uable, Interesting tnd instructlTe Joubsal, for Farmers andStock Breeders,! will be sent free, the balance ot this y ear, to all sub scribers for 1870, tent in before Jan. 1st This gives each subscriber over 500 large double column pages of reading matter lor the small sum of $1,00. Send lor saecimen Copies, Show Bills, and Preminm Lists, (which will be sent free,) Get up a club and receive some of the many valuable and use ful Premiums offered by the Publishers, N. P. Royner & Co., Parkesburk, Chester Co., Pennsylvania. ' " : ; .' v;-- ' 'r . Sunday Hosniso. How many pleasant brcakfaBt tables it looks down upon. No need to hurry away to office, or ! store, or counting-room. Fathers come leisurely down in dressing-gown and 6lippcrs,and sip their coffee without danger of choking. They have time to look round and see how tall the children are - growing, and that nothing in this world is so beautiful as a rosy baby fresh from slum ber. Mother too, has the old girlish smile that comes not often on a week-day,' for if it does, father has not time to notice it, and that, perhaps, after all, is the reason it comes so seldom. It is pleasant, after eggs and coflce, to sit com fortably down by the fire, the centre of a ring of happy faces, and hear the church bells chime. Time enough vet to go. for this is the first bell. . Church bells are not, to my ear, "an im pertinence." One is a free agent I am free to go, which I like to do ; you are free to stay, if you prefer ; though I may think you make a mistake. I don't say that I should go every Sunday to hear a man who was always binding doctrines together like bundles of dry sticks, and thrusting them at his yawning hearers. I want to hear a ser mon that any poor soul who struggles into church, from any by-lane or alley, can un derstand, and carry home with him to his cellar or garret ; not a sermon that comes on chariot wheels, but afoot, and with a warm, life-like grasp for every honestaye and Jit honest hand in tho assembly, de faulter or Magdalen; lor Who bade you slam Heaven's gate in their faces f I want a human, sermon. I don't care what Melchisedek, or Zerubbabel, or Keren happuk did, ages ago ; I want to kno w what lam to do, and I want somebody besides a theological bookworm to tell me somebody who is sometimes tempted and tried, and is not too dignified to own it; somebody like me, who is always singing and repenting ; somebody who is glad and sorry, and cries and laughs, and eats and drinks, and wants to fight when they are trodden on and don't That's the minister for me. I don't want a spiritual abstraction, with stony eyes and petrified fingers, and no blood to battle with. What credit is it to him to be pro per? How can he understand me f Were there only such ministers in the pulpit, I wouldn't go' to church either, because my impatient feet would only beat a tattoo on the pew floor till service was over ; but thank God there are ! and while they preach I shall go and hear them, and come homo better and happier for having done it So I pray you don't abolish my Sunday, whatever you may do with yours. Don't take away my blessed Sunday breakfast, when we all have time to love another Don't take away the Sabbath bells, which I so love to hear. Don't take away my hu man minister, whose God is no tyrant, and is better pleased to see us go smiling home from church, than bowing our heads like a bulrush, and groaning back to our dinners, till all you anti-Sabbatarians are mad to abolish Sunday and no wonder. j j oub mahufacturrjio ihtsre8ts a Visit to Hart & Bailet's Iron asd Cof fer Works. Quickly thrusting our; note book close to the traditional spot where throbs the fountain of our life current, we sal lied forth last Thursday afternoon to inspect this immense establishment At the office, we whispered gently to the courteous'Hart, our desire, and in a few moments were safely under the guidance and direction of the in telligent and gentlemanly managing i fore man of the establishment Mr. Thomas L. Colville. We wended our way through a gauntlet of old bombs, rusty schrapnel and grape, and a truly multitudinousand multi farious collection of," old salt pans," broken iron, distorted bolts, malformed castings, all truly better imagined than described. On our left was a mysterious and somewhat an tiquated piece ot iron in the form of a cem etery head stone. This curious piece of workmanship is about twenty-four inches in height, eighteen : inches in breadth and about one inch in thickness. In the centre is ja medallion of General Wolf,?who fell at Quebec in the memorable French Canadi an campaign To the right and left of the medallion is the Union Jack of Great Britain, and surrounding all is the nigh obliterated inscription : j v " In memory of Major-General James Wolfe. Marched to Quebec January 13th, 1759." j After marveling at this rare specimen ot ye olden time, and with the instinct of Pickwick scrawling " a note ( of that," we perambulated toward , 1 ; TFK MOULDING DEPARTMENT. ! ' Here may fancy, the unchained mind, Witness the Ixadni work of man, The molten fire brimming o'er : j The flash; and the fiery wind." Tucking bur skirts our coat skirts ner vously, and shielding our face from the lurid scorching glare of the seething cauldron of Satanic flame, now emitting glimmering xae tcow, again showers o! pyrotechnic beauty ; anon shooting forth in variegated hues of rainbow color; orange, indigo, t scarlet, and emerald, we gazed on in wrapt admira tion. Whizz, buzz, t-r-r-r-h-h-h-u-u-u-p-p comes the golden liquid fire ; and. tho mini ature volcanoe, smacks so decidedly of the place where we are told sinners congregate when they- "shuffle off this mortal coir that we turned from it, nor cared "to cast one longing lingering look" at the Bellze bubbian fiery' type. ' , Carefully treading over freshly made castings, and catting - a half glance at the men engaged in handling the ladles and tending the fires,' who seemed healthy and energetic in this unenviable calling, we passed out on' the east gate of this department and took an outside view of the melting turnance lust spoken of. Imagine a long smoke stack of a steamer, then double its size." Then at the height of about ten feet from the grouud the fire-door is situated Into this apperture, about l8 M 12 inches, is thrown promiscuously, or rather alternatively during "heating" pro cess, soft coal and old iron. . A most insuf ferable heat is allowed to generate, and you can imagine the intensity of that heat which is necessary to transform conical shells of an inch and a quarter in thickness, into running liquid fire. As no doubt all of our readers have seen the process of moulding. we will pass on, so therefore wo take you into the " ! BLACKSMITH DEPARTMENT. J Leaving the furnace wrathful, "In the heat and hurry of his rage." Ilere the disciples of Tubal Cain; and I must say, some of them not darkened by the dusky illumination, of their muscle develop ed occupations cheerfully saluted us as we entered. We doffed our hats, to these men of brawn and muscle, and sighed, " Cause we were not like unto them," . in their beautifully expanded - chests and sinewy arms; This department, was barren of any interest, as any blacksmithing might be, with the exception, however, of the won derful activity of the workmen, who, while one lifted his ponderous arm to puff the bellows, the Other cruelly thrust the mad dened iron, further and further into the murderous heat. This department is entire ly separate from the moulding department, contains three forges and seven men. j The building is ot wood and ot very, substantial build. Our iudispen3able pencil again sharpened, we taicc you now, reader, to a more interest-- ing part of tlie manufactory i THE MACHINE SHOP in the maid building, which is firmly erected, the; material being brick. It is about 100 h 30 feet, and has three floors ; the first of - which we are now on. Here are eight steam lathes, all in the ceaslcss whirl and din of industrious application to their several peculiar duties. . Here.is a man who sits, seemingly unconciou3 of our presence, applying his fearful machinery to the sharping ot some portions of machinery, ap parently insignificant to the casual observer but which, perhaps, may revolutionize the world. Two planes, one screw and bolt cutting machine, and a beautifully and symetrically formed "Shaping Machine" are one this floor. Toward the Eastern por tion of the building is the Engine, whose mighty evolutions keeps the whole ma chinery of the vast cstablisment in motion. This engine is of their own manufacture, of twenty-five hoWpower, thirty inch stroke, and ten inch piston. It requires about seventy-fire pounds of steam to "run" the establishment Iwith satisfaction. The fly-wheel makes seventy revolutions per minute, with only a cylinder of ten inches. We tere pleasantly reminded here of what Southern manufactures could be, if sufficiently supported. We do not profess to be connoisseurs ot the. art of shaping iron, but simplicity ot construction we can comprehend, and if there is anything to-sur-pass this, one of our greatest signs of prog ress, in simpHcitfjin harmony of motion, and in easiness off general gear we have yet to see it. - i ' ; ' Next in order was the carpenter shop, on the next floor.1 So treading lightly s up the angular staircase, we were ushered into the asylum of the! "hewers of wood" of the the more advanced century. THE CARPENTER SHOP. On this floor, all that science, skill and genuity has contrived and invented is laid before the astonished gaze of the visitor. Here are planing machines, that take the un couth monarch of the forest, and shape him until he, perhaps, shall grace the table) of an Emperor. Again two turning lathes that fashions into most impossible shapes stubborn oak, and elastic pine. Down to ward the Western portion of the building is heard the deafening hum and buzz of the circular saw as it ' cuts in measured way that which stood the flash of lightning and the peal ot thunder. To the North is the moulding machine, mortising . machine, "Geayers" planer and scroll saw.' Seven men are laboring on this floor, five colored, and two white. Bidding good bye to this floor, Excelsior like, we went higher and here if it were not for tho gradual approach of night that Warned us to be speedy and expeditious in our investigations, this .would have received our most rigid scrutiny. Here Is a perfect museum,out Barnuming Barnum in the tastefulncss of collection and careful- nets ox arranscment. In a room the full length of the building, some one 1 hundred leet, are erectedhree tiers of shelving.,. On these, placed carefhlly, by one whose bump of arrangement was a leetleblt r well ? de veloped" is every mechanical pattern imagi nable.::;ThUis";:-..iv; :v ( ' THE PATTERN ; ROOH. ' '.' 1 And here ? are the collection of thirty years I y Patterns ot cog-wheels, gudgeons, lamp posts, shafts, pulleys, rods, everything in fact that you can contemplate in mechan-' ical science r and , art j and the number well I when we say that every article , erst in this Foundry since tne foundation has a pattern here, you reader can best ' judge, Their name is legion. From this, we bur ned toward THE COPPERSMITH DEFARTUET, Ul , stopping only to take a hasty glance at the invention of the Foreman, "The Pea Nut Picker.". If one can' form unto himself a mammoth churn, cut into two - parts and laid in a horizontal position, and from the centre of this, a round box with one hun dred knives attached, revolving with great rapidity, and then conjure your head close ly enclosed between - a ; myriad of these knives and soft hair brushes on the side to ameliorate your bleeding condition, you can judge with what 1 terrible "feelihks," we gazed on this engine of pea nut mangling. The following correspondence has been handed to U3 for publication : Wilmington N. O. Aug. 20th 1869.1! Hon. Edward CantwelL y " V Dear Sir I desire to know whether you hold your Courts at the City Hall as Judge of the Special Court solely for the trial of, violations of the city ordinances, or whether you hold a Justice's Court ;for the ' trial of such misdemeanors, as other Justices of the Peace are authorized to try, or whether you try the violations of the city ordinances fas a Justice of the Peace, or whether you claim to be acting as Judge ot the Special Court and justice ot the Peace at one and the same time. , I request an answer to these questions at your earliest convenience as my action as Mayor of the City of Wilmington may in 1 a great measure be thereby : determined.; i , - - Respectfully your obt.evrt; '4 fi .,. .. f..;::. Jos. H. Nepf Mayor Wilmington N. C. Aug. 21. 180.; To Hon. J. H. IJeff, Mayor, V Dear Sir. In reply to your note of yester day I have the honor to state, that for the convenience of the City police, I am trying violations of the City ordinances at the City Hall, and I have also, for the convenience qf citizens, been making .' complaints of violations of the State laws and also icivil warrants, returnable at the same place, but if the Mayor , objects &a I understand he does, to my use of the room forsi that pur pose without his permission, then I do not propose to put him to the trouble of - pro curing an ordinance for that purpose, but in deference to the wishes he : has ex pressed to me in conversation, very cheer fully abandon the practice and will here after make my State warrants, and civil warrants, (not on the City Docket) return able at the Court House of. the County or some place other than the City Hall. : B I asked you to stop just now for the pur pose only of a reply to your communication I am Sir, respectfully r Yourobtservt. . v Edward Cantwell ; ; , . , J. S. C. Wilmington N. C. Aug. 23d 1869. Hon. Edward Cantwell. V i ! Dear Sir. I received your note of the 21st instant, and am glad to be informed by you that you will discontinue the use of . th$ Room in the City Hall for the trial of all causes except violations of the city ordi nances. I wish to disclaim any personal feeling in this matter, and was only desirous - of relieving the Marshal and Police from an extra duty which they are not bound to perform, and which materially interferes With duties which are during their .stay at your Court, necessarily neglected, and also to avoid the charge of partiality in extend ing to you the privilege of using a room,1 which any other of the six J ustices ot the Peace for the Township of Wilmington, might with the same propriety demand. It will also be a relief to the citizens, inas much as they can now determine both the nature of the offences of which they may stand charged, and the character in which you try them. J . ; Respectfully, Your obt. servt. , , Joseph H. Nepp, . Mayor. : OFFICIAX, CITY 0R5INANCE. N ORDINANCE . CONCERNING THJE J. Storage of Gunpowder. . , , f - Be it ordained by the Board of ' Aldermen of the City of Wilmington as follows : ; i Section 1. No Gunpowder shall be stored vrithin the City Limits on the East Side of the Cape Fear River. . . . Sec. 2. No dealer shall keep on hand at any time a greater quantity . ot gunpowder than one hundred pounds . s ? - Sec 3. All mrsazines for the storage of gun powder shall be constructed of fire-proof ma terial. - - . Sec 4. Any person violating any of these or dinances shall be fined Fifty Dollars per day. r Sec 5., This ordinance shall take effect on and after its passage. - - f - y - - . Passed in Board of Aldermen October 4. 1869. BENJAMIN DURFEE. City Clerk. Oct 7 , 315-St i?1?7t?1 county hasan excellent wheat i .rCorn; lisi .beea setereljr.' afiected.'' in Ala mMwintyby 1 - Rust has appeared in the . cotton in Du plin County, and U last spreading.; - H. Wilkinson has been appointed Tress ufer of Bladen county, vice. R. Blue resiim- '.Much of the cotton planted in Seaufort County hasnot been boiled Weu,'aud there fore has been injured; W'V'H iners will be interested in a n.nM to be read before , the State pFair, entitled -rone Raising in -Qates v; i r 9 State cotton crop has increased, not Withstanding' the drouth, twelw ter rBt. uwui josii jcar. - vjauiiy xor US V1 Jfampson County ought to have sufficient strength to shake off its drouth, but it hasn and consequently its cottbn suffers from it4 The exhibition of Agricultural Imple mnta at theState Pairwill surpass any thing,4 heretofore witnessed in North Caro lina. v ; - ; :At the Missouri Pair the premium fat hog 1 weighed seven hundred 2 pounds, : and was only eighteen months oldlv What Says North Carolina' fJsa,r - a ; '.The Borden Agricultural Pair takes place at Danville on the 13th, Uth,' and 15th of August. "North CaroUna andrnia far rners take notice, i . , u- -r We fear that one of bur Counties will have ihe Edge taken of her and another if she don't a- Waken to her responsibilities. for Medklenburg has a beautiful : bale of cotton to exhibit at the State Pair. i We have novpause to complain of our corn crop, it reports throughout all sections of the countryV canbe considered as evidence f the condition of; this necessary staple. The loss is forty-nine per cent in Virginia. Prom thirty to forty per cent in the Western and Eastern States : 'and.one to ten ber cent in Mississipi California Alabama' and Mis- souri., There wilLprobably be one hundred and fifty million- bushels less than a full crop. (i . . FOSTLINGS. Coal is going up. , T Bonner has" red hair. , . sters are plentiful. r.ir, --- : ' c . Watermelons are scarce; -; a White pants are eschewed. . Mellow Autumn approaches. , . 1 ' Straw hats are out of fashion Santa Pe has a three-eared doe. Heed birds Floridian office holders Internal Revenue receipts $386,261.51. y San Prancisco has' six Chinese, theatres. Washington has a Ladies gymnasium. The Schuy kill river , has , risen Seventeen feet. - ; " . , ; . V Hurlbert of the World has ; arrived at Suez, r v' , , : Diamonds first discovered in Russia 1799. ' :rj : ; It f is not so warm as it . " used ter was.,? True! ' Ji - ' !':': " ' . ' . ; The Longshoremen of Charleston are on a Brooklyn is to have a new market flwith 100 stalls. . The vNews aid " Star pf Washington r are " mueing" it; J "": i 7. " Indiana Democratic SUfAV nnnnftnn January ,8th; 1870. " The British Consulate at cihi P rrr Via a been discontinued. , . ' Bangor banged away on the 30th ult., in honor of its centennial." -7. . n,i:,yt.-J .Tl-i--V-". ' I Chicago is to nave a sreat PnWin. T.hi.i purchased frGermany. . . t , , i The;AlaskaMail contract costs the govern ment $3,000 a round trip. ... New York is to.have a foundling hospital under the Sisters of Charity. r r , w ; j Chang, the Chinese giant, chews six or twaary papers ox lODacco aauy. , . - i ..- i The new lesral tender notes first inof.u. t - mm t - - mwv USi(4s" ment were printed Wednesday. . , , Jb orty-nve tnousana dollars were the re ceipts of the Kentucy State .Pair,,. 3r i -r ' 'The millennium is comincWftflk? merchants are reducing their prices. ' Victor Imanuel bfiW 'no -opposition to the priests attending the , Ecumenical.w . The. National Debt-.bv th March, will have been reduced $115,000,000 Political -precessions are : forbidden ia Pennsylyania, within ten days of an election. : Weddings, with brilliant diamonds and gorgeous dresses are therjresent tnitr nf , New York monde. f , , - 4 ; . Thev have been nravin? fnr T?n ?k t,;i-, delpbia, and they'have got it with a Yenev ance,' a full inundation 1 . - TeTesrraph poles, bridfresrd wn?nr, warehouses and railroads swept awav bv th Theinternitional,; Industrial' Exhibition opened .at fBuflalo, Wednesday. It wiU continue during the month. , Bent on the ruin of a reputation,' , 1 She told the vilest story ver known, Of her success how brief the explanation, 8he spoilt a.reputation 'Twas her own.

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