THE WILMINGTON POST. WILMINGTON. N. C. OCTOBER 10; I8p9; j Women. Li f. Charles Lamb; one of ihe wittiest ..and most whimsical of men, talks of the 'whim- ical;UiejDfrwornT ing the example of the: wits and satirists of aj.i culeac the trifling weaknesses of the weaxer sex. To lampoon the comparatively unpro ' tectefeinalesogthdpast was great sport lor the tiumorist, and the unmanly Sterne or the. heartless S wiftlf received much glory and little blame for their cowardly attacks upon the-only members of society who ever 5 forgave w forgot the wickedness of the one or the folly Of the other . Witji , more propriety to-day, than at any other time, can .women say we are no longer " Un protectedV'we "Can protect ourselves - defense are in the hands skilled hands of 1 A -. ' womea wuu are uuy auie to encounter ail r -"Al.'Z. " ' m : " !.: ioes, come irom. , wnateyer source iney may. The moral weapon of the age the pen is now held by as many women as men and woe betide .the unlucky-wight who, -under the guise - or " humor " or wit,T attempts to fasten scorn or contempt; upon the better half of our common liuhianity1 " i A :t - feminine Uterature,' we will deal very gently - witfilatllts,' however palpable, in the iivin est. not weakest sex. ; Common justice, ; hnTOPVPT. . malrpa tin observe' that the' most - whimsical thing in the world is the expec V tation f of all the old-time courtesy'and exr ' travagant respect by women, when jthey come - out from the modest seclusion that doth hedgevthem in," .and contest withlmen for the prixes'of life on ' rostrum, or iri the public arena of politics. '! The progress of the age has killed effect- not bo trusted to walk alone i thev & walk alone and ore abler than half, their accusers to resist temptation and lollies of all sorts. , ' Gifted tby God with finer perceptions of i ! right and truth, they seldom err from choice. . Truly the 4f help-meet ; for man," theyj re strain all the brutal instincts of the stronger , and coarser' sex, and to continue to do this contact with the world in the struggle for daily bread. ; j It is useless for a woman of to-day to ;af- r ., i. . -r . "xt txt tt jf ' I ..rr rfy - r", ... rr;:" action imitation of the profligacy or crime J of the past but brings, upon the Offender the scorn and the , stigma worse to women than death. ; "Weak men and criminal men- lo . , not usually marry soiled doves; on the cop--trary, ; they seek from the.- ranks of inno r cence the unfortunates who become their i(. wives, j . ;i 5 T The woman the true woman-of to-day is nearer perfection than any of her prede cessors in all the ages that have preceeded us. Glorious in her refinement of manner more powerful in her increased intelligenc, she loses no charm by culture. ' Favored as no other class can be in our work-day world, .... i , ... T - we trust her with all our nearest and dear est interests : and if she fails in maintain- v v ing intact and uncorrupted our treasures of hope, faith and purity, then modern civlli : zation fails as no other age has failed, f and humanity cannot advance in its proi gressive course. -; l ! ' ' j . " It is quite evident,? says a Montreal correspondent, referring to the public meetj - ' i ing in Quebec in favor ot annexation, tna .England desires to get rid ot the burden of providing for our own defense'.by granting .us a certain kind of independence " and, if we are to reiy on rumors;coming, irom mgn 'sources, the plan for a Vice-royalty is more probable than is generally imagined, the visit of Prince Arthurbeing the opening scene in the first act. Will Canadians ac cept it? Will the States allow it ? Sir A, T.j Gait's sudden trip io Europe has given rise to many conjectures. When? the ex- Minister of Finance was made a Knight, he wrote to England to ascertain if his 'accept ance of the proposed honor would interfere with-the free expression of his ideas" on tin- depeadence, and was answered that it would ;not. This fact gives a certain color to the JWur, Governor, and in 1364 gave Abraham rumor that he has gone over at the request! Lincoln a heavy majority for President. In of Mr. Gladstone, with whom it is stated, he is on very good terms. Canadianaministers refuse to listen to the wishes of the English ministry, the latter will, select Mr, Gait as their champion, and afford him; an 'oppor tunity to test his views on emancipation. Mr. Gladstone's intention, it would seem, is to give Canada her independence, leaving her. perfectly at liberty to. choose her own lUriU Ul VCXUU1CUI) , VVUAIBb OUUWCl OifcJ favor the project of appointing ( Prince "Ar thur .Viceroy: These 'conflicting rumors, -as is natural, create in Canada considerable Excitement and uneasiness. ' ' ' ' The Spaniards are very likely to have quite enough to do at home without' send-' ing troops to crush out Cuban independ ence. Late news, confirm previous reports r.wr--i-. uiBoWuuou6iu,oS(uus i.uo jiwuvuiB ; who rare now ruling so they ' may rum; A great battle has already taken place and the government troops although claiming a vic tory -as they always do we're so badly " dernoralized " that it was 'thought neces- isary-to uruer ho lurmer reimorcemenis 10 : Cuba until the squelched. "insurrection" at home is A Massachusetts paper boastfully an nounces that a lady in that, -.vicinity has given i birth to tour children, all -'.of whom are auvo uuu yivu. xueir .uuva tvary irom m mi. - - r one to nine years, The Cuba. We have the following from the Wash ington Repvblican; i)f Thursday, and as the opinion of the official organ of the-Admin istration it is entitled to respect : I ?v- On Sunday last Collector Rumlev.-at Wilmington: N. C, telegraphed to Secreta ry-BoutwelMhat .theutanrprivaleer, :an swering the description 6t the Hornet, had ttniveu iu umicu oiaies waters, ana ai&ea for instructions. The Secretarv promptlv re plied that 8he"must be detained, and to fol- low wnatever course was necessary for her detention. . " 4 I ... Section eleven of the act of Coneress ap proved Apnl 20, 1818, entitled an act for the punishment of certain crimes against the XT 1 1 n . . . uniiea Dtates, provides : are hereby respectively authorized and required to detain anv vessel built far war like purposes, and about to deoart ) the United States, of whieh the cargo shall principally con sist of amu and , munitions of war, i when the number of men shipped on board, or other cir cumstances, ' shall render it possible : that such vessel is intended to be employed by the owners to cruise and commit hostilities upon the sub jects, citizens or property of any foreign prince pr owe, or 01 any coiony, QiBirici or ipeopie with whom the United States are at peace, until the decision of the President be had thereon, or .until the owner or owners shall give such bond and security as is required of the owners of armed ships by the preceding section of this act.": fV. --.A-- : iVir' : As will be seen,' collectors! are not only authorized but required to detain supicious yessels. The Hornet haviDg been seized on, the 14th ot August last at 1 the Delaware breakwater, by the ? commander of the.feve nue cuter Miami, -nd haviDg been released by the collector of the port of Philadelphia, as there was not enough evidence to detain her,' Collector ' Rumley was' in doubt what course he should pursue, and hence his rea sons for asking for instructions. : The Hornet is therefore now held by au thority of law as well as by positive orders of Secretary Boutwell. What disposition will be made of the caise. the evidence be fore the United States commissioner caln alone determine 4 i , It is hot generally known that the Govern ment had already dispatched several vessels to overhaul the privateer. ! r To the manifestations of Count Montalem bert, Father Hyacihthe, Professor Dollinger, the Munich faculty, and some f of the .Aus trian laity against the contemplated doc trines of the Bomah Council must be added the deprecatory letter of the Bohemian Bishops. They distictly declare their judg ment that Borne should not define the infal libility of the Pope, a doctrine which can only give rise to ridicule among unbeliev ers. They moreover deem it unnecessary to make any further authorative statements j as to the corporeal assumptions of the Virgin Mother, and what is still more extraordi nary, advise the Church to show itself " the J " - - -" friend and protectress ot all itnose sciences which perfect mankind, resting assured that ignorant, and repulsive u ur.illtl A.., , a thorougli and earnest pursuit of science is an adyantage to faith." The belief of New ton and the words of Bacon occur to us here : A little knowledge takes us from religion ; much knowledge brings us back to it." If ihe Church can reason in this iaitb, there is less danger of its failure than some of us may apprehend. Another stimulus to right action on the part of the Council is the an nouncement that four Bishops of France have engaged to defend at Rome the action pf Father Hyacinthe . j ; i 1 The ) manner in which an honest lawyer is obliged to make a living " out West" was amusingly demonstrated a few days ago. ih the Circuit Court of Des Moines) Iowa. j The court being in ! session a tall, lank specimen of the pioneer class arose to his tallest attitude, and addressed the court as follows : " If the Court please, I have a few cases of not much importance which def mand my attention, and, as I am engaged m the honorable occupation ot cutting cord wood at a distance from the city, I would reqnest the Court to suggest a time when I may expect the causes of my clients to be brought up lor trial." Vould that some of our "lyers" and concealers ot law" had the manhood to earn an honest living by the) cutting of "cord wood" or any other congenial trade so. that the public might be assured that these said " lyers" were not inciting assassi nation or hounding on crazy boys to com mit cowardly assaults. The Charleston Courier thinks the elec tions of this month and next, decide the next Presidential election. 1 The absurdity of this is manifest, when we reflect that in Il862 the State ot New York elected Sey- 1 1866 the State of New York elected Fen- I on. lieoubiican. uovernor. and in 1868 ave a Democratic majority for President. In these cases' both Governors and Con gressmen were elected, while in the elections now to come, only smaller local officers are I to be chosen except in Ohio and I tania. The elections have but small j riificance in Relation to National politics. Wfi hfiliPVft that th Hnnl,V,IW?11 rvverv State that thev now hold with tp. " " " 'IT""" jU-IJ j iv-' Li;.-'!'. . . - Va emollai e?rvvlvr; Y-AnnnnA 4-1- A. . 1. 1 j w uui6i, oimij ucauao we lyiai vole ppnea is very mucn smaller. , I at thermal sitting ot the Congress of Peace and Liberty at Lausanne, Switzerland, Victor Hugo, in proposing the toast ot the I ev,emng "The United States of Europe" , v- o au lucicyu- i tuwuu nomu uiuivc x-utuuo rcpuoiicau ana 7 .1 . . iV . iCUCltt"vc uuu wniie re V oama fJ...i:A - J It.'. piping in at it wouia in tne tuture belong to the union ol nations, he equally, , rejoiced that it had escaped in the past from the J union of kings. In the spcechwith which' he i cioscu me procceaings, ; ne caiiea upon so- cialists 1 and republicans . to unite ;for the oyetthrow of the monarchical despotism. General Frank Siegel is mentioned as Republican candidate'forBecretary of State I for New York. 'Ho is a gallant soldier and i - . i i t- i-ii i i i a coou xvupuuuuau uuu.wouiu carry every honest German vote in New York. Our good friend the Cincinnati Times thus gently:; .skfctchetli - the reactionary U Charles J who ii nof longer young ; hence no longer generously inclined to the " lower orders:" ' : l ; -t Jj i . Charles Dickens, -who has'never been felic- .itous inhis oratoricalr effort spin'an-after-- iirineTspeecH recentlyrthus ar political creed in axiomatic ph aunuuuutju: uis rase : ' " " First, mv faith in the people eoverninffi is infinitesimal; second, faith in the people gov erned is illimitable." L ? i Which only goes to show that Mr. Dick ens is emulating the toadying Coodleites and Doodleites, whom he so happily took off in Bleak House, and, to j use his' own words, is getting of opinion that if the Lords Coodle and Doodle were parted with, having ho pilot to weatfier the storm." ! To complete the performance he snouia, with reference to the recent triumph of the English' Liberals, have aided, in the lan guage of his ! own Dedlock. " Upon my honors my .life, J upon my reputation and principles, the floodgates of society are burst open, the waters have a obliterated the landmarks of the framerwork of the cohesion by which things' were held together."- ;. . 1 p'-.j ( ! The New York Sorosis held its first m eet- ing after the summer vacation on Monday i last. It is said that; the fair sisters of the Sorosis aje.on thevery verge of rebellion, owing to the efforts of a p&rt of their num ber to have the society commit itself to the movement for a u Woman's Parliament" i in Washington this winter. "Quite a sharp dis cussion took place oh the subject at the meeting on Monday last, and, from all ac counts, the society itself is in danger of dis ruption. A New York paper, : deprecating this state of affairs, says : We expect much comfort and good-fellowship from the lovely sisters during the cominaj winter, with many a social enter tainment alike honorable and profitable to all participants, and therefore deprecate this symptom of disagreement that appears to threaten a society whose record and whose members are so fair, whose purposes are so admirable, and whose existence is of so much importance to the world aj large and mankind in . particular. It is far from clear weather in the little principality of Brigham Young. That chieftain is called upon to face a serious de- iecuon among tne iaiturui. The insurrec tion against him is led by young Joseph Smith, son of the prophet who founded the Mormon sect. Joseph has several advan tages upon his side. He claims that he is hekd prophet by right of descent, and de nounces Brigham as an usurper. He is but iiuuij'buicc veals utu, uuu iuuts.iuii auu weil educated, while Brigham is sixty-five, in appearance. More than this, Smith has always inveighed against polygamy, and can clearly show that it, is heresy never countenanced by his father. This is a strong point, as it arrays on his side all the Gentiles, and all the women, who of course are not content with being only the tenth or twentieth part of a wife. The Pacific railroad- will promote ciyilized ideas, and strengthen the new as pirant. - 'We anticipate to chronicle Brig ham's deposition before long, j The unblushing wickedness of the at tempt toconnect the President of the United States with the recent disgraceful transac tions in Wall street is meeting with merited rebuke and denunciation by the independ- ent press an over tne country, 'mere are none so blindas they who will not see, and it is only the most partisan papers that place the least confidence in the story told by Fisk of Mr. Corbin's connection with the business. The New York.. Tribune ot yes- terday thus tersely disposes of the whole matter f The Irishman who thought that Smith did'nt like him very well because he had kicked him down stairs, (which he took as a hint to leave,) was an uncommonly astute fellow. He would not do at all for a mem ber of the New York Gold Gamblers' Ring. i nere tney t&Ke a Knocs-down blow, plant ed fair. between the eyes, as a proof of warm of no sect or faction, but that it will advb personal friendship, andat once goto pr?!it- cate "the IJnion of the States, the equalitv ing affidavits of amity and alliance in the newspapers The Ecumenical Council. The Rome correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette "mites; I have obtained, from an official source some very precise information as to the at- Htn nmprf I h L tituae assumed Dy the various sections of tb0Ji? Episcopate in respect to the uuuuiii. xixv ixuiv oce uuuuia on tne com- plete adhesion of the Italian and American bishops. The French Episcopate will form three parties. The German bishops will be lavorauie 10 me -iouri 01 Jttome On some Questions, but will vehemently oppose it on others particulariy thoso of a political and social character. The Hungarian bishons will be almost wholly in opposition : and 1. L u . . o r the same spirit is evinced bv the bialiona of Portugal; while the Spanish Episcopate, with jrennsyi- i v v- v- xf''"''i cumci) uevuicu i uoa 01 me proposea t j? liteeniu .mena iall siff-J tb? o1 See- Altgether, the Vatican is ment. ! - uiBsausueu. . Tttw TSTpw OrlAnk TV. u- ... oajo luat, BUUiC time ao amon? the SnKi ; t I T O O --vvuuiv umug Ul xr:Lii-- J , - ? I v 1 a -A a t t ' i buiuuij " uu "au eurt oi mixect passion tor the Muses ana a certain Miss. As might be expected, he poured forth his soul in song, and sent his verses to the fair one, with a bouquet, after the fashion of Claude Melnotte in his worship of Pauline. But the course of true love did hot run smoothly torpur hero;ihis nowers were sliehted, and Ms vprfsp. TOpro sent hnnV .HU i, ri - j lowing curt indorsement : I- I ' 1 Montgomeiy Montgomer ' What poetry f What poetri ! ' Try it again try it in prose ; ' How you'll succeed, God only knoWs !" , Bishop Lee, of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa has written a letter to Bishop JIcII- vaine, of Ohio, urging in favor of moderate changes in the prayer book for the benefit of those whose consciences are troubled bv certain expressions. I The BishoD does not havo any scruples himself, but is supposed j , . . .. - I to oe cnaritaoie towara others, for thn akp of harmony- and unity. A cotempobaby recalls . Governor -Sey mour's t advice of t last esxt to " push , the n.rfriiTn0Tif ?n;-flifl nnlilifial r.ati-' vass. . We 'should think it was time to're call it. J The ..speeches of Commissioner'De- lanoandSenatoiLSherman, nd- the Jetter-of CommissidherWells all of which show by official facts and figures that ' iri the quarter ending on the 1st of October, fuuy ten millions have been gained to the Govern ment, -simply by economy and an honest collection of the revenueV over lhe same quarter of last year may be I fairly called pushing the financial argument." ', This is what Sheridan at Five Forks called " push- ing things." -1- .. . . . . . uur vy asmngton uity nigni qispawjues, of the : .5th i published in our issue of the 6th, stated, that "Samuel Perduea negro member of the North Carolina Legisla ture, had i been on trial in1 Washington for larceny-and acquitted." ? " " '"' ; I i In the first place there is no such man as Samuel : Perdue, in - our Legislature, either white or colored. f tt,; . There-im'aToTored man in the House of Kepresentatives, during the last session, named 'Pertue, in ' the capacity of a page. This man, we learn, is in Washington City, but we have not heard that he has been ac cused ot larceny, -BaMgli Standard. ;i We are rejoiced to learn that the assassins of Revenue Officer Brooks have been caught at last. Now thatthe'y, have been secured let the law take its course, and such an ex ample be made of them as will deter other law-defying villains from committing simi lar cowardly and murderous acts for a long time to come. Let them understand, once for all, that the lawful revenues of the gov- ernment will be collected at all hazards, and iuai uuiiuer mu kiuiu uur iuu pisiux win avail in their efforts to deter honest officials from doing their duty." . 1 The Lynchburg Hepithlican - makes the statement that a- gebtleman who passed through that city on jThhrsday last left with 1 " 1 1 ' 4t I loof loft mfh I his commission merchant .there the sum of $10,000 in gold, to be' deposited in the Peo ple's Savings Bank of Lynchburg. The de positor said he would not have his "money remain in New York while the fever of speculation and gambling was raging so wildly and resulting in so much ruin. Anna Dickinsqn says that a majority .of the first female emigrants to California were of that class which come under the head of no better than they ought to be Ned Buntlin savs 'Vseven-ciffhths of California's population t drunv; Qerge Francis says California is bankrupt and utterly "played t." The evidence being all in, the jury will now sit on their eggs-ample and hatch a verdict of . 14 a -!- '' Gil Blas, the Spanish comic paper has a cartoon representing Olosaga leading for ward the Duke of, Edinburgh and pointing out to him , the empty i throne, over which, after the storv of "Damocles." there is'a sword suspended by a hair. The Prince is in the attitude of eyeing it through a glass, and remarking. "Yes it is very pretty, but, for my part, I don't like upholstery with such hangings." ! 1 : The very able article on " Persecution " we copy in to-day's issue from the Charles ton Republican ; applies with equal force to Wilmington, and the knaves and fools who still keep up social 'ostracism because of political differences will yet repent in bit terness of remorse for the sins now daily committed against the only class seeking to advance the interests of this city and State. I A new paper, -The Times has just been started at Dardanelle, Arkansas. The edi tor, Mr. H. L. McConnell, announces in his salutatory that his paper will be the organ of all men before the law, and the support . -. ... . - -a mr of every measure deemed essential to" the well being of the people of Arkansas. The Petersburg Express, after reading the statement that thel Minnesota Demo- cratic State Convention indefinitely post- a v Xf'A poned a resolution opposing the fifteenth amendment, says that these Northwestern Democrats are : really beginning to discover that Democratic principles went down with the rebellion. ; 1 ' The colored , citizens of Kansas are to hold a State Convention in Topeka on Wed- nesday, ; October 27th, to ; organize for the coming campaign, in which they hope ac- tively to participate, Uhrough the ratiflca- l "k"w i giituuuic MJUUS.UB AUX .pepremuer, wim f A kl 1. I it..- ' lA. '1.-A. . mi I w vunuu me fcuurt Biases: mere will bo a reduction in the yield of cotton, from the Carolinas to Alabama, and a mate rial increase from Mississippi to Texas." The " Sextant " of a London Church re- cently said : " You are desired to attend a meeting in the .vestry at 4 o'clock; to con sider on the best means of, gating the church and to digest other matters." .; : : Fanny Fern having said that ' the men of the present day "are last," Prentice re marks that "they have: to be, to catch the women. : Rosa Bonheur smokes. So does Louis Napoleon, great men smoke." . So does Grant. So do we. All The bachelor's refrain a lass? The maiden's refrain ah men ! Let them no longer refrain. ; . . j - V7e are indebted to Hon. O. H. Dockery for valuable public documents. f On Friday Morning, October 8th, EDWARD DsROSSET, infant son of Chas. , D. and Lossie DeRosset Myers. ' : ! NEIW ADYERTISEUENTS. JUST OPENED AT 36' MARKET Under Mr. VanOrsdell's Gallery, Photographic A N ENTIRE NEW STO CE, consisting of the Latest Styles, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, WHITE GOODS, i NOTIONS, and FURNISHING GOODS. TERMS CASH, with Sales and Small Profits." the motto, "Quick M. M. KATZ. 315tf oct 10 VilminfftOH & Wcldon R. R. Co.. OrriCB Chiep Engtb And Gen. Sup't ) Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 8, 1869. f InlQn1 Tnact Lino ...Fvnra j. - . ; VVUtH MARMA.V JA VOO Freight, Time Freight Cotton and Merchandise ; TAKEN AT LOWEST RATES, INSURANCE included, it desired, between this City and New York. Baltimore, and Philadelphia. Cotton dally to Baltimore $2 50 per bale, in cluding insurance Five times a week. To New York, $3 50 per bale Marine risk one fourth of a - At a a a ttm j i t An nf t one percent uouoa 10 rmiaaeipniao so, in eluding insurance. ' A commission of 24 allowed to Agents procur ing the freight, t Time guaranteed or a forfeit. Oct 10 315-3t WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. CO., 0.,) OrriCE OP CHIEF JfiNG. AND (jrEN L fcJUPT, Wilmington, N. Oct 8,sl869, ,ANNUAIi FlIJRS. ALL ARTICLES IFOR THE A6RICULTTJ ral Fairs to be held in this State this Autumn will be passed free both ways ("Central State',' and "Cape Fear" Fajrs.V Persona will pass on Return 'rickets for one fare. Special rates to the Cape Fear will be given hereafter. . i ; S. L. FREMONT. Eng. and Sup't. oct 10 315-2t HATS A' T RETAIL LESS .THAN NEW YORK prices. CLOTHING the latest Styles and Make, LOW. MUNSON & CO., City Clothiers, oct 10 215-tf J. S. IIlCrllEG HAS REMOVED HIS CROCKERY, CHINA Glass Ware and Variety Goods Store to NO. 25 SOUTH FRONT STREET, where he is receiving daily from the Northern Cities and from Europe large additions to bis already extensive assortment of House Keeping and Fancy Articles. , Auction Sales daily as usual. S. VamAMRINGE, Auctioneers. oct 10 315 St Millinery and Dress Making. rfHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECTFUL- ly announce ito tne Laaies 01 wumington and surrounding country, that she has taken the Store No. 11 Front Street, next door north of Georee Myers' Grocery, where she is prepared to do all kinds of MILLINERY and DRESS RAKING, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms; A .liberal patronage Jl Bolicit- ed. MRS. SARAH JACKSON. i oct 10 315-tf U. 8. Internal Revenue. : NOTICE LL PERSONS WHO SELL SHELL OR other Fish, or both, from carts, in New Hanover or Duplin Counties, are hereby notified to appear: and take out a United States Internal Revenue license on or before the 15th of this month, or they will be assessed and charged pen alty according to law. . jSse JT. ii. MOORE, j Assistant Assessor. Office corner Water and Princess streets, over Sheppersons store. 1 . . i oct 10 315-tf I WANTED. GOOD COOK. V v - A Apply at : GEN'L RANSOM'S, Corner Dock and Fifth Streets, ! . 315-It oct 10 , j STATE UNIVERSITY. A. S. BARNES & CO., cor. William and ' John Sts.9 Ifew York. PUBLISHERS OP THE . ' NATIONAL SERIES OF STANDARD SCHOOL t - v BOOKS, COMPRISING THE FOLLOWING, ADAPT ed for uniform use In the Public Schools ot North Carolina, viz: - Parker & Watson's National Readers & Spel lers, ; ' : . . Davies Arithmetics. , Monteith and McNulty's Geographies, Monteith's History ot the United States. . Beers' l8ystem ot Pennmanship. . A Publishers' Descriptive Catalogues, Price List, specimen copies of Educational Bulletin," mailed free. For special introductory rates, or other rar- . . . Iwin i V. In A i t . n . STREET II wjm fteesr9i J- --Jit M ucuiars coutwumg uus iiuuuraoxe series, ad dress the Publishers, or . ' ; : ' ' C W. LAMBETH, v ; Publishers' Supt. of Instruction, ' Raleigh, N. C. , Alfbbd Williams, State Depositoryi 4 Raleigh, N. C. oct 10 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS? VIVA IiA CUBA; HOW TO SHOOT. JTEINSBEEGER HAS JUST RECEIVED BY Steamer, Air Line and Express, a full &UX) , all the Standard School Books TionAn.. " teach the young idea how to shoot." KNABE'S and STIEFFS PIANOS for Bale. c . 0 p. heinsiIergee, " ". "39 Market Street. 6ct16 - . - 315-tf STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OFFICE SUFT. PUBLICINSTRUCTI01 RALEIGH, OCTOBER 1ST, lSfift To' Township SchooL Committees: Gentlemen :t-Yout attention A called to the "Act to provide a system of Pnlv7 Instruction," ratified April 12th. . 1869 s!, "c respcctfulh 20, viz: - ' ' vvwn V'The school Tjommittee shall, in after their term of office cenjmeiices, report t writing to the County Commissioners the nnm berand condition of school houses in thp t!!. ship,". . . T, Penalty for lauure to perform the df duty is five dollars on each member of the (W mittee. " . .- " lu" See' also Section 29 of saUl law. whioii It your duty to present to the Townshin nually an estimate of the amount of money necpR sary to meet school expenses for the vear- the ylar. -7- momns during j If the Township fails to make the neceesarv provision,- that 4uty devolves upon the Connti .Uommissioners.upon your report that the town ship is delinquent. . . I Inasmuch as by law no time for holding tha t'Annual" meeting is fixed, I do hereby recom mend that jou request the Trustees of your Township to call a meeting of the legal voters thereof, for the purpose of acting upon your official estimate of school expenses for the school year commencing October 1st, 1869, and endintr September SOth, 1870. . ' Q1Dg The object and businss of the meeting should ue btateu iu uic can. Ir making estimate for buildings to be erect ed, you will consult the plans approved by the Board of Education and published with the school law. I would! respectfully suggest that the utmost which this Department can do for establishing schools will soon be accomplished. With the' distribution of the public money, notification ot which will be made in a lew days, this De partment will have completed the : initial work required Dy law. inenext move is the estab lishment of schools. .The responsibility of thisi step rests entirely on County Commissionera anaifiownsmp committees. Schools can be organized by no other power. Gentlemen, the' work is yours, and the citizens of the Common wealth will look to you for its faithiul execution. 4 Tour attention is invited to the following di-i recti(?ns for organizing schools : ' 1. The Township Committee should carefully inspect the Township and decide at what point or points it is practicable to establish schools. 2. Ascertain lrom Courty Commissioners the amount of money appropriated to the Town ship for teachers' wages, then determine how many good schools this sum will maintain for four months. ! 3, At once prepare rooms, furniture andifuel for that number of schools. h 4. Send the persons who may apply for ap pointment as teachers to the County Examiner for examination, no teacher to be appointed un less he furnisfe-a certificate of approval trom the County Examiner. , 5. The house being prepared and teachers cm ployed, call the children for whom the school is organized together,' enroll .their names and ages, hand the list to the teacher and require it to be entered on the Register, which will be furnished to Committees irom the office of the County Commissioners will be supplied by the Superin tendents of Public Instruction. 4 6. When the school is under way, notify with out delay, the County Examiner, the County Commissioners, ard the Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction. Respectfully, i S. S. ASHLEY, J: - Superintendent Public Instruction.! N. B. Please to freely command, theJ , ser vices of this Department whenever von desire advice or counsel as to the duties of ycur office. j in whatever counties Township have not been organized the duties ot School Committee devolve upon the County Commissioners. oct 1U. 314 it THE ADVANCE, A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL Devqted to the Farm,- the Garden, the Workshop, Domestic Economy, and General Progress in . North Carolina. ! THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES TO PUB lish, in the City ol ; Raleigh, as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers can be obtained, a Weekly Family Joukkal, adapted to. the wants of the people of North Carolina, who arc engaged in the cultivation of the soil in all its branches, the improvement of our manufactures, our machinery, our mechanical skill, and all the material interest of the State. " k In the conduct of the paper he expects to Se cure the aid of scientific and practical men to instruct and interest his" readers. Hisbject . will be to make it eminently practical and use ful to all c'asses. : It will be printed in good style, on good paper of large size, at $2 per year in advance. The first No. . will appear about the 1st of Novem ber, or as soon thereafter as the patronage will jrstify. Subsciibers will be expected to pay as soon as they receive the first No; ; The undersigned solicits the Sid of his many friends in the State to obtain -Subscribers and . forward the lists at an early day.3 - i WM. E. PELL, oct 10 ' 314-tf. SUBSCRIBE THE 0IILY REPU B LICAH PAPER : HI THIS SECTI0I1. The IS THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF NATIONAL, State and County-Government; the only unpre-' judiced exponent ' of pure National Republican doctrines and ideas ; has the ablest corrcspon dents; largest circulation, and Is altogether the best ' . - , - - FAMILY NEWSPAPER In this region. " . , IT All payments in advance. 1 $4 00 per Year; 2 50 for Six Months, and V $1 50 for Three Months, aug23 i - 301--

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