9 : - ; ; I . t - 1 I . . ' K ' ' . : ..r,: niliiriH iTiii" ' -liif-T--Tiiii- -- ' " - ."-v.'-" ' . 1 ' mammmmm. THE "WILMINGTON POST WILMINGTON. N. C, OCTOBER 10, 1869. BY THE SEA. Backward and forward under the moon . ' .. Swings the tide in its old time way ; ,r I J ; Never too late, and never too soon ; And evening and morning make the day' 1 ; Backward andforward over the sands, : And over the rocks to fall and flow ; And this wave has touched a dead man's hands, And tnat one uaa seen a iaee we Know. . They have sped the good ship on her way, Or buried her deep from love and light : But here,4 as they sink at our feet to-day, : r Ah, who shall distinguish their voices aright ? For their separate burdens of hope and ' fear Are blended now in one solemn tone ; And only this song' of the waves I hear, Forever and ever, His will be ione.'V - .. . . . - 5aCJi" alU auu xji m aiuj iu auu xi v, Swings our life in its weary way ; Now at its ebb, and now at its flow ; And evening and morning make the d3y. Sorrow and comfort, peace and strife, pain, and rejoicing its moments know ; How, from the discords of such a life Shall the clear music flow ? 1 Yet to the ear of Gocl it swells, And to the blessed round the throne, Sweeter than chimes of vesper bells, "Forever and ever His will be done." AGRICULTURAL. Frdit of all descriptions bave yielded handsomely throughout the whole of the Northern States. The wheat crops of Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, and California has decreased materi ally from the former averages. Our Southern wheat surpasses any grown Xorth this season, in ' appearance anctgood quality. So says the Agricultural Agent at Washington. - I Bee7es that are to be ripened off and marketed this Fall should be early in con-, dition to sell, and held readv tor shinment ..f thn slinrtpst notir.o . . k Sorghum is a crop of great importance, especially with present facilities for work ing it up. It should be topped, cut up, stripped and stacked before frost, to be hauled to the mill and worked .up before barcl freezing weather. , ' T) 1, ... 1 A l . . 1 1 . . ,1 At,. pods jeem well matured. . They will cure in a loft better than in the field, and a few may be curedjon a barn floor. In the field stack and thrash" when- dry. , Djg potatoes as soon as ripe, provided there is not much rot amo g them, in which casu we juugmcui. jli mej cau ue uug anu sold before they rot much; well ; it they can be fed with profit, do so.y Do not put them, into the cellar to become, a mass of corrup tion", and make it necessary to 6v6rhall and tiirow'them away by and by; Buckwheat is greatly injured by even a frost. Be prepared to cut and put in litte cocks or gravels as soon as frost threat ens. The tops should be gathered and bound at the top, more to prolong the dry and to prevent the wind scattering the grain tuan to maKe me ntue gravel sneu rain. Many . kernels, half formed when cut, will fill out at thet expense of the juices of the kernel. Grass may be sown alone at this session, or at-any other. Prepare the ground well, giving thorough harrowing aud top dress ing, picking off- the stones ; sow the seed, and roll. A. bushel of oatsv harrowed in be fore the grass seed isisown, will afford the joung plants the protection of a -fine mulch during winter, ana unless the season is very muu,?ui De inorougniy aeaa ana out of the way when spring comes; making good maaire. . Live-stock of all kinds require good feed inar, for they laly on flesh and fat much more readily in .mildly warm weather .than when it is colder, in cool weather better than cold, and when severe weather comes it is almost impossible to make cattle and hogs hold their own unless warmly sheltered. Ani- .maw 114 &uuu uuuuiuou are easily maintained so unless exposed to great cold,' fori they are already as if well blanketed. ; Horses and sheep bear vicissitudes of weather better than other stoxik if they have enough to eat, iui liuuuer is? anowea to run down it is -hard, to get them up again,, '. If ,a young man wants to get rich by farm" ing, let him study how to enlarge his ma nure heap. Feed everything in either the stable or , barn yard, ' corn fodder and all ; haulia leaves .from the woods, cut all the' rubbish before it goes. to' seed and add it to the manure heap. Add plaster of pans fre quently this willattract and hold the am monia, makiner the manure, rich have any swamp mud on the farm, haul it out on the bank in VI . . a uuu. with it plenty of lime and plaster ; let it lay . a year or so to sweeten, then apply it as a top dressing on your grass land. J,or cat1tkc ould be put in order, Well monnrn nn !. - i . 1 i . T ' "we, harrowed to a iae tilth, and the seed sown as early as pos sible his month. Use any fine, rich, welt jotted cempost, or fertilizer, containing am jabnia and phosphoric acid will pay.-Soak-mg the seeci in a str6ng brine and arying Jith Blaked lime prevents smut to iedt Jegree Pickling enables one also to ?kim Sin. !?Parate many of the : light grains flatter cart of tho mnnth k . n S0cnin r u j wuu i usually S Q 0ctober, as sometimes it makes" too tho n rowtn- and is smothered thereby in the CdSe0ftllQ Winte ! much Spends on T!, , case of Cuba . is moving onward. SirUlTfr p rnr f.,l, 1 1 A witl h ' -l ever.v passing day is radiant ab F0pe' Notwithstanding the unmistak- 1(3 lact that a larrr nnrtinn nf IhalAmpr. with th en have earnestly : sympathized PresA tu?)aDS yet the greater part of the diw "uuer mamtested a remarkable bavp Tv " ue question, or 11 tney aia SfTSB t0 say tbey advisea ur gv- Bn dhere to its rigid position ot wms off." But we reioice to know that .,, Uce IS tUminiT nnrl' nna aftor anntHni- id fh uuuenual journals are throwing ictin -mask unQer which they have been Don?l anu arraying themselves openly Qtne side of justice and liberty. The NTe v EPrm, one of the ablest papers in fcuch ?rk State on' Friday says : . ' How $nepf.lon8er are we to remain passive C 1 3 .f -the Cuban war passive in the Vk act helpmg' Spain and mjur the W The unforthnate inhabitants of mnitf estionably have the Warm Jeai-, " fc" x.uiotiv;au peopie. jjor a Mth - e watched - their .hard struggle idW fianous solicitude. For a ycarwe - warmly. refrained from doing what our hearts prompted, and, at the cost of violating our. own : feelings and of ' subjectng to tx n- equal ouruens xnosO' wno are uumiiteaiy ngntmg in a just- cause, ;we : nave Bcrupn lously enforced: the neutralityr lawX kHm much longervwe Tepeat,1 'shall this :attittlde pe mamiamea f a i ne practical puect ox sucn position is to cripple L and paralyze uuba. If Soain and Cuba ; were upon an equal toot ing we should feel differently. Biit they arq nor, ana. cannoc oe, witnoui ine recogmuqn, of belligerency. Cuba has no ! opportuni ties beyond her own -borders. She can buy no ships, tihe can recruit no men. , liotn have1 been attempted, and with both our Government has interfered. -But; Spain is not upon the same footing. 5 She can build gunboats in our ports and sail them thence without question on the mission of crushing Cuban aspirations for liberty. I It is well known that thirty gunboats are now in process of completion along our coast for this very purpose.- They will soon be ready fcu Ban. u permittea to go, vuey jwin iuier pose another most formidable obstacle in the way of the Cubans, and yet their depart ure cannot be prevented, except by recog nizing the belligerent rights of the , Cubans and proclaiming neutrality. This will put Spain and Cuba upon an equal fopting. It will prevent bpam from buildingi gunboats in our ports as it prevents Cuba. It will not declare the United States upon the side of either, but will enable us to hold a just balance between them. And why should not this be done ? Is there; any se rious objection ? Has not the time come tor such recognition V i ! With our Albany neighbors that is pre cisely our idea of "neutrality." j All we want and ask for Cuba is fair play. It our Government will do nothing more, why must it refuse to place the patriots and their enemies upon an equal footing ? If Spain is allowed to build a fleet of .war ves sels right under the very guns of our " forts and revenue cutters, why, be so extraordina rily particular about seizing every supposed Cuban ship that can be found trom the Jtlio Grande to Passamaquody Bay ? Mr Sum ner says that they have not established any port of entry that thsy control no sea port, ahd'being thus shut in are not entitled: to the slightest recognition, not even the crumb of belligerent rights. Have they ever had a chance to establish such ,a pcrt ? If Mr. Fish had not been so fearful j of in curring Spanish wrath (which he has done notwithstanding all his humilating careful ness,) we doubt not this diplomatic objec tion would be a good deal out or date Dy this time. I But, despite the hindrances . thrown in their wray, the1 revolutionists have, at last succeeded in putting to sea a formidable fleet, which we doubt not are by this time in unpleasant proximity to the: bpanisu cruisers in the neighborhood of Havana. We hope the State Department will not con sider that "international courtesy" demands the pursuit and capture of these vessels as fugitives from justice. Philadelphia Post. A CARD. HAVING DISPOSED OF MY INTEREST in the Saloon at No. 40 North Water street to R. F. Eydeu, Esq., I solicit for him the liberal patronage heretoiore ' bcBtowed on me. H. A. 13 AUG. oct 5th 1869. . ' I NOTICE, THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY IN forms his patrons that he has removed his BAR ROOM to No 40i North1 Water street, where he will be happy to accommodate his friends and the pub lic generally with . the choicest LIQUORS and WINES. ; ! An I- i ; OYSTER -SALOONi i is attached to the Bar where the best of 1 NEW RIVER OYSTERS j can be had at all times, served up in any style. Families can. be supplied by the measure by leaving their orders with ' RUDOLH F. EYDEN. oct 6 314-3t NOTICE. UNDERSIGNED HAVING DULY nniiE qualified as administrator on the estate of VY. H. Sink,, deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to come for ward and make payment without delay, and to all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit the same to the s undersigned on or be fore the 5th day ot October, A. D., le70, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. GEO. D. FLACK, Jun , Adm'r of the estate of W. H. Sink dee'd. i : Wilmington, N. C, Oct 4, 1869. , ! oct I 314-lawCw S HURT HAND IN A NUT-SHELL. SHORT HAND CAN NOW BE ACQUIRED , ; IN ONE MONTH. i J , This work is an improvement upon the sys tem used by the reporters of the British j Par liament. It is divided into seven short and easy lessons and can be mastered by any one. It is the greatest production ot tne age., Enclose $ 1 for the complete work. Address J. A. GRAY. Box 672, N. Y. P. O. ! oct 6 ' 314 tf CLIFFORD HOUSE, lO ISTortli Front St!., 1 WIL MIN G T O iV, C. , FINE BOTTLED LIQUORS, SEGARS, ' OLD ALES, PORTER, &C. FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY, OR . MONTH. : J. A. CLIFFORD, Proprietof 287-tf june 27 PUBCEUH0USE, J. It. DAVIS, - - - - - Proprietor. THE ABOVE HOTEL I&THE ONLY' FIRST CLASS HOUSE in the City of Wilmington, and offers to travelers every comfort and atten tion found in the hest houses in the country. II junelO k. j; 280-tf. GLOBE SALOON. - i ' V -' ' ' ' , 1 ' : !i'- ' THE UNDESIGNED HAVE FITTED UP the " Hi .GliOBE.SAIiOON, No. 1 Granite Row, in a superior style, where they are prepared to hours, and supply families with Oysters and Game in season. 1 They trust their friends will give them a call. BROCK & WEBB, '' Proprietors oct 22 ; : - 211-tf i. WORDS OF CHEER. On the Errors of Youth and the Follies of Acre. in relation to MARRIAGE and SOCIALEVILS, ith a helping hand for the erring and unfor tunate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free bf dharge. Auarcss, uu w auu Aiiouuia x xum t Box P., Philadejlphia, pa. I sept 26 8ll-3m. 4- .TVTTVTT .!wo"rr.JLnt Kf .1 -irT flli CIV m it s IIAVHIQ REGEHTLT EULARQED OUR; VAREROOtlS, E NOW OFFER ONE OF THE LARG- est and best selected stocks of . PARLOR, 1 CHAMBER, DLNLNG, I LIBRARY and i i OFFICE FURNITURE Ever before offered in the State, and at as LOW miUJa as any estaousnment JSorth or South. BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERY. I Onr Bedflinc ant! tmholsterv "np.Tarf.Tnnf ?a on an Gxtfinslvft sralfi. We TnftTinfArt.Tir Arirv description of MATTRESSES, and call special attention to our i PURE CURLED HAIR MATTRESSES, which we warrant as represented. WINDOW SHADES & WALL PAPER Our Stock is the largest and be&t assorted ever effered in the city and comprises all the ; NEW PATTERNS for. the Fall. Trade, being entirely of new designs. D. A. SIHITH, Granite Row Buildings, South Front Street. S09-tf sept 19 NOTICE. THE NORTH CAROLINA ANNUAL CON ference of the A. M. E. Zion 1 Church -will meet In Salisbury on the fourth , Wednesday (24th) of November 1869 at 10 o'clock A. M. In Zion Cmirch Rev. Thos. Henderson Pastor. BISHOP J. J. MOORE President, J. W. HOOD, Secretary. oct 3 - i 313-4t REMOVAL. HAVE REMOVED MY AUCpTION AND REAL ES TATE 'OFFICE I Over the Store formerly occupied by A. 2 Johnson & Co. S. FanAMRINGE, Auctioneer & Real Estate Broker, oct 3 313 tf S. VanAMRINGE, AUCTIONEER ANDIREAL ESTATE BROKER, WILL BUY AND SELL STOCKS, BONDS, REAL ESTATE and all kinds of Mer chandise. Also will receive Orders and enter into Con tracts for the delivery of any amount of BRICKS and WOOD at the shortest notice. Office on South Water Street, Over the Store formerly occupied by A. John son & Co. Oct 3 313-tf Wilmington High School. HAVING SECURED THAff DESIRABLE spacious building in a centTainocation, the PresbyterianlSession Room, East Bide Front St.; between Dock and Orange, my School will not, as heretofore, be limited in numbers. The th Annual Session will open Monday, October 6th, 1869. Circulars at the Book Stores. Wanted, an a&sistant in the Female Depart ment to teach Music, French and Drawing. Address with references, J. N. HINTON. oct 3 3i:j-tf THE VNDERSIONED HAS TAKEN AN OFFICE, OPPOSITE THE Court House, in the rear of Squire Mc Quigg's Office. Business promptly attended to. J. NUTT. sept 9 306-tf NOTICE. THE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF the Cape Fear Building Association will be ready for signature on Tuesday evening next, (5th instant.) . j Stockholders are expected to pay their first installment when theV sign the Constitution. , I can be found at the Freedmen's Saving Bank' every evening next week (after Monday,) be tween the hours of 7h and v o'clock R. H. HOUSTON, Secretary. oct 8 133-at SCHOOL BOOKS. TEACHERS AND PARENTS ARE RESPECT fully invited to examine my assortment of SUHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIONERY, which is now very complete. JOHN D. LOVE. oct 3d ! - 313-tt ST. AUGUSTINE NORMAL SCHOOL COLLEGIATE ItJGTITUTE. f RALEIGH, N. C. THIS SCHOOL, WHtCH IS ' DESIGNED for the education of colored , teachers, will open on Wednesday, September 29th. Appli cants must be able te read and write and under stand the four primary rules ol Arithmetic i Tuition and the use of books will be free to all, but pupils, who are able, will be required to pay their board, in whole or in part. Aid will be given towards boardtfn special cases. Applica tion, stating age, qualification and pecuniary ability, should be made to REV. J. BRINTON SMITH, Principal sept 19 ' - 309-tf PURE LEMON SUGAR is. PR CONCENTRATED LEMONADE. UrrUIIS PREPARATION OF LEMON RE X tains in great perfection the natural fla vor of the fresh fruit together with its agreeable acidity. The facility with which a Glass of Lemonade; may at any time - be made with it, equaling any that can be. made with the fruit in Its natural state recommends it to every house hold and gives it an especial value to ; travelers and excursionists,, upen land or sea, and to the sick." " ' ' : . Twelve cases just In store at 1 AWe V GEORGE MYERS', r 11 and. 13 Front Street. CHAS. D.MYERS, Aoxxt. june 13 21-tI TT U JtlJGj A- NOW IS THE )TIMB TO SUBSCRIBE roains" NEWt YOBK i WEEKIiY , The People's Fav orite JcrjiiAij 5 r. V. .The Most Interesting stories , r Aro always- found in the NEW K YORK WEEKLY. i .-.. . j . At present there are ' . v; SIX ' OREATl:STORIEfs:: running fhrough its eolumns ; - and at least One Storr Is Begad. Every Month. ; New Subscribers are thus, sure of having the commencement of a newt continued story, no A A. 1 A : 1 1 A. " " " mauer wnen mey budscxiuo lor ue NEW YORK i WEEKLYi Each number, ot the NEW YORK WEEKLY contains Several Beautifnll Illustrations Double the Amount of Reading Matter of any paper ol its class, and the Sketches, Short Stories, Poems, etc, are by the ablest writers of America and Europe. j.ne - t N JBWof YORK I !"; WEEKLY does not confine its usefulness to amusement, but publishes a great quantity of really Instruc tive Matter in the most ' condensed form. The N. Y. Weekly Departments have attained a high reputation from their ! Thb Pleasant Pabagbafhs are made uu of ineconcemraiea wit ana numor or many minds. The Knowlsdgs Box is Iconfined to useful information on all manner of subjects. The News Items give in! the fewest words the most notable doings all lover the world. Thb Gossip With Jobre3ponbents contains answers to inquirers upon all imaginable sub jects. s AN UNRIVALED LITERARY PAPER IS THB j NEW YORK WEEKLY. Each issue contains from! EIGHT to TEN STORIES and SKETCHES, knd HALF A DOZ EN POEMS, in ADDITION to she SIX SERIAL STORIES and the VARIED DEPARTMENTS. The Terms to Subscribers : One Year single copy. . ... .!. . . .Three Dollars. " M our copies (3 50 each)Ten DoUars. . Eight copies I . .Twenty Dollars' Those sending $30 for a club ol Eteht. all sent at one time, will be entitled to a copv pbee. Getters-tip of clubs can afterwards add .single copies at $2 50 each. STREET & bMITH, Proprietors, No. 55 Fulton Street, N. Y. aug 16 ' ! 30fi-tf FORTY THOUSAND CASES OF GOODS were shipped from our house in One Year, to iamuics, ciuos, ana merchants, in every part of the country, from Maine ! to Californiania amounting in value to over One Million Dollars. Our facilities for transacting this immense bus iness are better than ever before.. We have agents in all the principal cities to purchase goods from the Manufacturers, Importers, and otners, icr uasn, ana oiten at an immense sac rifice from the original cost ot production. I Our stock, consists, in part, of the following goods: Shawls, Blankets, Quilts, Cottons, Ginshams, Dress Goods. Table Linen. Towels, Iloisery, Gloves Skirts, Cor sets, &c. &c Silver Plated Ware, Spoons Plated on Nickle Silver, Dessert .Forks, five-bottle plated Castors, 1 Britannia Ware, c-lass Ware, Table and 1'ocKet Cutlery) in great variety. ,1 Jfcllegant Jt rench and German Fancv Goods, Beautiful Photograph Albums, the newest and choicest styles 1 in Morocco and velvet umaings. i Morrocco Traveling Bags. Handker chief and Glove Boxes, Ate. Gold and fluted Jewelry, of the new est styles, i We have also made arrangements with some of i the leading Publishing Houses, that will enable us to sell the standard arid latest works of popular authors at about one-half the re&ular price: such as Bykon, Moobe, Bubns, Me tost, and Tennyson s Works, in full . Gilt and Gold Bindings, and hundreds off others. These and everything else for ? ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. " We do not oiler a single j article of merchan dise, that can be sold by regular dealers at our price. We do not ask you' to bu goods from us unless we can sell them cheaper! than' you can obtain them in any other way, while the great er part of our goods are sold at about One-Half The Regnlajr Rates. We want grood reliable agents! in every part of the Country. By employing ybur spare time to form Clubs and sending us orders, you can obtain the most liberal commissipns, either in Casa or Merchandise, and all goods sent by us willbe'as represented, 'and 'we guarantee satisfaction to every one' dealing with our house. . i Agents should collect ten cents jfrom each cus tomer and forward to us in advance, for De scriptive Checks of the goods we Bell. The holders of the checks haves the privilege of either purchasing tne article thereon describ ed, Or of exchanging for any . article mentioned on our Catalogue, numbering over S50 different articles, not one of which can be jpurchased in the usual way for the same money! The advantages of first sending for Checks are these: We are constantly buying small lots of very valuable goods, which are ndt on our cat alogues, and for which we issue checks till all are sold, besides, in 1 every - large! club we will put checks for Watches, Qunri, . Blankets, Dress Patterns, or some other article of val ue, giving some members of the club an opportunity of purchasing an article for about wie quarter oft us vaiue, , , ; "In every order amnunting to over $50, ac companied by the cash,- the Agenk. may retain $200 and in every order of Over $100, $300 may be retained to ; Pay the Express Charges. This offer is more especially to jassist Agents in the Western and Southern States, tut is open to all customers." 1 ' COMMISSIONS:! Agents will be paid ten per centl in Cash or Merchandise, when they fill up TiiBin entire club, for which below we give a partial List ot Commissions: i ' ' For an order of $30, from a club of Thirty, we will pay the Agent, as commission,- 28 yds. Brown or Bleeched Sheeting, Good! Dress Pat ters, Wool Square Shawls, French Cassimer Pants and Vest Pattern, Fine Large White Coun terpane, etc-i etc., or $3 00 in Cash.j For an order of $50, from a club of Fifty, we will pay the Agent, as commission, 45 yds. Sheeting. One pair heavy Wool Blankets, Pop lin Dress Patters, Handsome Wool Square Shawl Silver-Case Watch, etc., etc., or $5 00 in cash! For an order of $100, from a Ciub of One Hundred, we will pay the Ac;ent, as commis sion, 100 yds. good yard-wide Sheeting, Coin Silver Hunting Case Watch, Rich Long Wool Shawl, Suit ol all Wool French: Cassimer, etc., etc., or $10 in cash. , j We do not employ any traveling Agents, and customers should not pay moneys to persons purporting to be our agents, unless personally ac quainted. , . SEND MONEY "ALWAYS BY REGIS TERED LETTERS. t For further particulars send for Catalogues. l'AKKER & CO., 98 & 100 Summer St.; Boston, Mass. sept 23 - 310-wtf - QUARANTINE NOTICE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 1st, ALL VESSELS from ports south of Cape Fear, vill come to at the visiting station near Smithvill for inspec--tion. j "' " '.' s . ...j-,,.. All vessels having had sickness on jboard dur ing the passage will also come to the station for examination. Vessels other than the classes above named will proceed without detention. Pilots and Masters of vessels will take due no tice of the above regulations, under penalties by law provided. ; ' j .Vy .'.It. CURTIS, Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington. N, C. Smithville, N. C, May 24tt, 1869. ! May 27; ; I . 76-lawtf MISCELLANEOUS, OFFICIAL. state of north Carolina; New Hanover County, ? ' ; . Sutebiob Court, ! " I James G. Burrr Plaintiff, ) 1,1 ' ; Abraham Av'eill, Defendant. J .-k-m I "" J IN THIS ACTION THE PLAINTIFF claims indment asrainst the r! p.f pnrlant. fnr Onn Thon. sand Dollars with' interest from the fithr- day tt oeptvuipcr jou47, upuu u mix 01 iixcnange, arawn by Abraham Weill and Rosenthal, merchants and partners, trading under the name and style of A. Weill & Co. , in the I city of Wilmington upon A. Weill & Co. , of the city of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylyahia, payable to the order of Finlayson & Bro. one day after sight of the same.: ' The warrant of attachment is return able , before the . Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover .County at his office in tie Court TTnncA In WllmlnortAn.' on thfi 20th rtav nfUnvPrn. TiAr IRAQ nt which time firtdidace' toaefendftnt 1a required to appear and ' answer the .'complaint i PERSON & JTiUSUCH, 1 ; ;. Plaintiffs Attorneys, sept 16 ' ; 308-law6w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, New Hanover County, ; i -L 1 ";- 3 ; ' Superior Court, 'i ;' l- - 2 James G. Burr,-Plaintiff, ) ''' r " , . VS. - tri. r ,)V '" ' l Abraham Weill, Defendant. J ; IN THIS ACTION ,THE PLAINTIFF claims judgment against the defendant tor One Thou? sand dollars with' interest from the 13th day of September 1869, upon a Bill of Exchange, 'drawn by Abraham Weill and Rosenthal, mer chants and partners trading. under the name and style of A. Weill & Co., in the city of. Wilming ton, upon A. Weill & Co., of the ; city of Phila delphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, payable to the order of Finlayson & Bro?, thirty! days after date oi the same. Warrant of attachment is returnable belore the Clerk of the : Superior Court of New Hanover county at his i office in the Court House in the city of Wilmington on the 25th day of November 1869, at which time and place the defendant Is required to appear aud answer the complaint tiled in this action. PJSKSUJM S JTRKHOH, Plaintiffs Attorney, sept 19 ; S09-law6w STATE ;iOF NORTH CAROLINA, New Hanover County, ; ' '' Superior Court. ; - 1 James Q. Burr, Plaintiff, ) , ' . , , VS. V., .; '. - '. " - . Abraham Weill,; Defendant. ) t. . . K IN THIS ACTION, THE PLAINTIFF CLAIMS iudffment asrainst the defendant for Fitteen Hundred Dollars with interest from the 17th day of September, 1869, upon a-Bill r of Exchange drawn by Abraham Weill and Rosenthal,. merchants and partners trading under the name and style of A. Weill & Co.. iin the -cityi of Wilmington upon A. Weill & JJo.- qU the . city of Philadelphia, in . the State ot .Pennsylvania, payable to the order of Finlayso'n'&f Bro., twenty days after date of the same. l-. The Warrant 'of Attachment is returnable before 'the Clerk of the SuDerior Court of New Hanover County at his office in the Court House in the City of Wil mington, on the 25th day of November, 1869t at which time aud place the defendant is required to appear and. answer tne complaint niea in una action. PERSON. & FRENCH, Plaintiff's Attorneys. ' i Sept 19 , - 309-law6w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i New Hanover County, Superior Court. Williams &Murchison, Plaintiffs 1 ' .! vs. Abaham Weill, Defendant ) IN THIS ACTION THE PLAINTIFFS claims iudgment against the defendant for Two Hun dred and Twenty-five dollars with interest from the 29th day of July 1869, upon a certain bill of goods sold to said Abraham Weill and! -Rosenthal. The warrant of attachment is! returnable before the I Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, at his office at1 the Court House in Wilmington on the 20th day: of November 1869, at which time and place the defendant is reqnirdd to appear and answer the ! complaint filed in this action. i Plaintiff's Attorneys. scDt 16 - . , 308-law6w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, New Hanover.Counly, Superior Court. . - ' Finlayson & Bro., Plaintiff, vs. Abrahan Weill, Defendant, IN THIS ACTION, THE PLAINTIFF CUUI3 judgment agatnt the defendant for Four Hun dred and Fifty Dollars, with interest from the 13th day;of September, 1869, upon a Bill of Ex change, drawn by Abraham Weill and Rosen thal, merchants and partners trading under the name and style of A. Weill & Co., in Wilming ton, upon A. Weill & Co., of the City of Phila delphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, payable to their own order, thirty days after- date. The warrant of attachment is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover. County, at his office m the Court House In Wil mington on the 20th day of November, 1869, at which time and place, the defendant is required to appear and answer the complaint filed, in this office. ' PERSON & FRENCH, ! Plaintiff Attorneys, sep 16 808-law6w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, : New Hanover County, Superior Court. Firet National Bank vs.- ' Abraham Weill, IN THIS ACTION, THE PLAINTIFF Claims iudgment against : the defendant for ' One Thousand Dollars, with interest from the 6th day of aeptemoer, losy, upon a ism oi.jsxcuange drawn by Abraham Weill and Rosenthal, mer chants and partners, trading under the name and style of A. Weill & Co., in the City ot Wil mington, upon A. Weill & Co., of the City of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, pay able to tne order of Finlayson & Bro., fifteen days after the date of 6aid bill. sThe warrant of attachment, is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court, of New Hanover County at his' office in the Court House in Wilmington on the 20th day of November, 1869, at which time and place the defendant is required to appear and an swer the complaint filed in this action. ' PERSON & FRENCH, Plaintiff Attorneys, sep 16 " 808-law6w STATE OF; NORTH CAROLINA, New Hanover County, " . Superior Court. Robert E. Calder, Plaintiff; 1 u V -; vs. r-zi v;.- y i : ; ; '. Abraham Weill, Plaintift J , 1 I IN THIS ACTION THE PLAINTIFF claims judgment against the delendant for Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars 'with interest from the llth rday of. September 1869, upon a Promi sory Note, made by Abraham Weill and - Ros enthal; merchants and partners, trading under the name and style of A Weill & Co., in the city of Wilnungtoni payable to their own order ten days alter date of the same. , The warrant of attachment is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, at his office in the Court House in Wilmington, on the 20th day of November 1869, at which, time and place the defendant is requested to appear and answer the complaint filed in this action. . PERSON & FRENCH, a Plaintiff's Attorneys, sept 16 - : - i; 308-law6w A CARD, v :r- CLERGYMAN, ; WHILE RESIDING IN Xm. South America as . missionary, discovered a 6afe and simple remedy for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Disease of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of dis orders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been cured by i this'' noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to anyone who needs it, Free of Charge. Address, JOSEPH T. TNMANi. j Station D. Bible House, i New York City, sept 19 809-Gmos ihm tMm R; R Co w nr- 1 OmcB Ciiie Ens. Ge, SmTERrsTmrDiHT aril sy. 1$ 5rWliaiEiOtO't n; C. 'April 9, 1868, i ! CHANGE 0BT SCHEDULE. GU l AND AFTER SUNDAY, the tlth inst our PASSENGER Trains on this road wil leave Wilmington at 6:00 A. M. and 10:00 P. M., ana arrive ln-tv eiuon ojvo. . ji. ana oioutr, m. -Leave Weldori at 10:15 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 4:30, A. M. and 7:15 P. M. The day train will not run on Sundays. A daily through J freight train will leave Wil mington (Sundays -excepted) at 3; 00 P. M., for the accommodation of Truck Farmers. Passen gers can also get accommodations on said freight train & &r or QoldtoorV.i Ar,t- Vr, ! 4.31 fcia4v- S. L.FREMONT, ; ro Engineer & Sunt. C II All Q E - D F : FDEla IIT TD ai r J WxmisalSs sLDok rJltjoxb Co.. 1 OrriCB CHTEIP ENQ'R ijJD Geh'l 8urT V WmturefTOB, N, a Mav28.1869. f ON AND AFTER THE 29th INSTANT THE freight trains will - rnn , fAiin. . f A. Wilmington Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 1 oock P. M.,; and arrive at Wilmington same uaysat o o ciock, P. M. i: ' :. u it Hujo 01 Eng'r and Sup't GimzRAli SuPB3iirrKKDKirr,s Omci, ) WnjOHOTOir, N. C. Auril 10. 1868. f GNAND AFTER APRIL 11, PASSENGER Trains 6f this Rnail win mn a fniin Ing 8chfidule U EXPRESS TRAIN, Lieave-KLnfravillAJ- i : . iq.ai t vr Arrve el Fie?cei ..i... 3:55 P. M. Arnveat .vYiuainjntQn-r..-.-. 9:15 P.M. ' 'ExdHBSS" Train . f rtnn " X - - vvmmvmj ViVBVil BU iVlCMVV with tne North Eastern Railroad for Charleston , and "Cherafr 'find Hflrllncrtrin Uniimaiirnhri.aMn -v - m m "g i vu im VUvlQn m ridrat Klcgsvillewith the South Carolina Rail- rMu susiaj io wnicn point ears nm through vnfhfoil thong,. , ;nvi V -, ! II ACCOJUmODATION TRAIN.! Leave Wilmington daily at . ... . . . 8:05 ip. M. amYB a Florence.................... 2:40 A v t S-ViSi wr . A. M. X' ',,M ,,,''Mt.t.i :wi'.M. i ; " ' : . . . . . . o:iu a. M. . Avwiuiuuuauoa .iTain connects i closely , Florence with the, Northeasterh. JEtailroad lor CnarlestOB, a at Kingsville jwithithe South CarohnaRaiad for Augusta;. .Passengers for Columbia should take the 4 Lccommodation -Train 't-'-'l , "WJIiLtcRAE, : ..... -U- - - -J I 1 . o 'i. apr 15 ueu tOUDL " 00 Cf. : v 264-tf V. - . ! J jjfc. A I'l A Alii 9 fiensrer tiJn nn thl& Uma w;ii i... tdh 7 o&r Bff faturdsy at Arrive at Rockingham same days', it 31 ; '. M. - Arrive 'ctt Wridesboro Stno- n p iur , J Leave-. Wadesbdro (Stage) on - Tuesday,' Thurs day and Saturday, at 1 P. M. .f . . ... .... . Leave Rockingham: on Mohflav. Wednesdav and Fridavat 6:S0 A M.;;.nii..tU.; ' Arrive at wumington same days, at 3 P. M. y--: j'.;;; W. I. EVERETT, . An uenerat ouperintendent. inay 10 1 ; . f, iV:..J Cv..;t. 274-tf OFFICE WM c; & R. R, COMPANY, " '.. iWiifMp(ftT.ow, Nj' C.J Sept e," "1869. riHE REOTTT.A'R. AWWTTlT. irovmrKm I ie Stockholders of this Company will be ZZiZ 7?? k vuunoiie, on weunesday, the . 20th of October next. ' ?-) ' 1 iransfer Books will be closed on the 20th ' of September instant. . , , .'By order' : r, :' ' 1 ; . ; . CALVIN J. COWLES, t . , Secretary of the Board. - BePt9 . ; i r ,,sV;law-tm ..C'U WILMINGTON' RAILWAY BRIDGE CO. 1 WitsraoToif, NJ C, Septemberth, i869. . J STEAMBOAT 1 OWNERS AND OTHERS rr vape x ear aiver, are informed that the Draw of t.h tfpri tjjj be habitually open when a White Signal TV day and aWhiteLightbynlght will be shown up O W n n Aviv r v M. . . l Mr unu mo iivcr irom a pomi iu (sixteen) feet above the centre of the Prawj.0 H ? 1 Tf i-Tuweuaan is ciosea, to allow thei pas-feSfi7ndira-iip'and down the river. , the Draw is open: and the White Blgnal when it . All Train "mm . tn a Ml t Kn4v HtM 1 ' and not proceed until the Draw ia known to be closed. , j Hilton Draw will be closed habitually. i , II President pt 9 . : . -M'y V. 806-lm THE :SE&J0&':2 IRON, r.10UTAItl & 30UTHER V ?lngtimday-t.. 5:15 A. M. Arrive. at Jlorence XYSlMi. 10:82 A. M. Arrive at KlnMvillii i : : i l . i. p vr ......4t '-.owcou i---. '( General S uPERrNTENDEJnr' s QrwiCE. ) ?t AJMU A TKK, MAT IfiTW TTTV Pia 1 . Is .nowopen ffpr, "business 'fromi Tt- COLUMBUS, ltillV ;! Making the QUICKEST ; SAFEST and ' Passengers taking this-i RouteAVOID ONE voATiuii ur Atus ana 'licijujiis RIVER TRANSFER , o 20 MILKS and arrive in St. ILouiss . ; At TT( TtT?Q dfance 'f any T XLU UJttOf. i f other Road. - tT Trains leave Columbus; upon the "arrival of trains on the Mobile & Ohio Railroad. - Pullman's Palace Sleeping Coaches " 1 :On all Night Trains.' R. W. WATERS, Qen'l Freight Ag't, w .11 ot. iKUiS, Mo. W. R. ADLEN, Gea'l Ticket Ag't, ; ! Rf Tnfa Mb. sept 9 si 806-lm 1

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