VOL. Ill 1 a r THE WILMINGTON POST 1 PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. , ; ; OFFICIAL ORGAN. OHAS. I. GRADY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ' TSBM3 OF SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY IN ADVANC2. JpprYear .;.........:...! .$4 00 ; Six Months. Three Month3 ............. One Month. ............... 2 50 1 50 BO RATES OF ADVERTISING : advertisements will be . Inserted atf 1 00 per square for first insertion and 50 cenisio? each subsequent insertion. j , v - Ten line or less, solid minion type, constitute a square. . - - - . . - CITY.; . t The public; are informed that W. Moore lias opened his restaurant on Water street, befween Market and Dock, oyer the auction room of Messrs. West, Meares and James, Mm of all kinds. OYSTERS FOR ALL . jJUVM fc i He hopes jiu wi II give him a call. Business is active.' I Rabbits, arc coming. Scupptrnongs are scarce. "Where is the tidal wave t Arrests for tho week, twenty. Thermometer seventy-six degrees. . L ' - j Lhave no time.? St. James clock. What's in the wind ?" Why dust ! The cities that clash London and Wil inington. i Skiff and Gay lords minstrels to-night V at the Theatre. i Mooie has opened South Water street. a fine i restaurant ,on . Tl- Jl .t -i n rr mono o ra roforrprl tf ftn .lleinsberger has a new guide book for county officers. See advertisement. I, , j Selling fish by weight vide the new ord inance of the B. O. A. Rather scal(e)y I .Ex Post Facto ! The Post's advertisement in reading ot the the " contempt case The man who said he saw the cobble stones on Front street has been sent to the Lunatic Asylum. : j ' r-" ' ; urn t j : S.'VanAmHnge Sells the Market Stalls tins morning at 10 o'clock; at Cotcer, by public auction. I Exchange He marvel if the astute,, gentleman - who panned the laying out or the race course at the Countv Fair Ground?, has ever seen a race track ! TtTMl i T Mm 1 " ! Al I win our citv atners Diease;open iueir eyes to the fact, that Fifth street, near Red Cross, is sadly out of repair. Do, gen tlemen, please! 1 , . ' - r The N. C. State Fair will be held in Ral eigh, commencing on Tuesday, October 19th,l and continue Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 20tli, 21st and 22d. ? Tic people of Wilmington and vicinity are notified that ttiere will be a camp meet ing at Rocky Point to commence to-morrow and last several davs. The: tickets are for sale by Mingo Collett. i ' ' r - I New York had another monster j Quban sympathy meeting on the' 11th inst. Will Wilminston ever move in this matter ? The gem Republic was one. year old Monday. Surely she is worthy of our attention. Havincbeen shmptcTinf nnsnrrMsfnl in their last enternriae. the Committfio of Ar- rangementst the Colored Ball lately held at the City Hall, beg leave to! ?tate that they win renew the festivity on Thnrsdav next. 21st inst : Munson & Co's shelves are! fairly weighed down by the numerous hats satchels, um brellas, clothing lot all descriptions, &c, m3 bland smile and winning air is a treasure. Go and see him reader, if your wardrobe wants replenishing. The decision of Judge Cantwell in the contempt case is to be regretted, as Mayor Neff did not authorize the -editor of the Post to convey any information but on re vest, as to the authorship of the advertise oient construed as a " contempt." The ."Harnetts" have their new, boat and intend to challenee the Smithvillians to a row for th n. ar Cnn. Won't some of the fair ladv friends of the said Harnett 'rbovs in blue" oresent colors for the boat? Don't all speak at once ad - rcss Commnrinro "Rnn T.ftwtnn or CnTRteain ilver, i .1- - 1 - Col. S. L. Fremont Engineer and Super- "itendent ot the Wilminston and Weldon n, .11 thir iiwiviwo vAuiyiiuio vuafc mi u. j - I 1 uasscu over nia Toan trp nr rnarfffi. llie Port's wnrr1 in - - - : . t ww . w & mm- ww uua a2, has met with a commendable respouse. If any of our Teadera desire their jaws dislocated, or, are not over fastidious re garding the position of their bat, they are respectfully invited to Vide out toward the .Cemetery j (The road is "'perfectly delight ful. So beautifully smooth and hard ! The County Commissioners , will especially take notice 1 , -JZ,. : .The Wilmington fPost editor brags about his Sunday morning's breakfastrr-ZV Berne Timet!. - ' --i--- --- j I-11-; 3 ; Ah : you bet we do ! The inexpftssible fragrance of the coffee I the delightful aroina of the freshly broiled beefsteak ; I and the ex- 4ui3in; iuauiousaes3 01 tnose mumns or. Brock & Webb. Gewhillikins I There is no adequate adjective. Come I and have some? '.: : I utoiuen cresiea- uctoDer, : smiles.', onv us through the mellow richness of fier'clustered - 1 1 A -V "I- tres. . - It is that - month &o congenial to romance ; ?.so beautiful in thought ; so soul ipspiring' in imagination. Oh ! it is so cruel to feel that silfr clouded summer passes from us, only to usher in the ? golden rodJ of autumn,fas the courief avant of grim, stern, and icy satisfied. winter. Still we must be : Coroner Allen held an inquest yesterday pn the body of Peter Smith found floating near Blossom's distillery, who was drowned at Barry's wharf last Tuesday week. Ver dictAccidental Drowning. I - I The same Coroner subsequently was call ed to hold an inquest: upoa the body of a colored man, named Milton Larkins, twenty-. three years of age, who died from suffoca tion! produced by internal hemorrhage. In quest held at the residence of the deceased, Red Cross street, above. near Second.! Verdict as There is nothing which tends o build up a city or town like a live newspaper. Show us a place where there is no newspaper pub lished and wc will show you onejof the dul lest places on the lace ot the earth. Then patronize your paper in some way, help it to live, and in return it will advocate your interests and the interests of your communi ty ; but tor the sake of giving the; editor and publisher an opportunity to keep even with the world, pay for what you get, as you would expect to do any where else. That's the' only way to keep your conscience clear. Police Items. At the City (jourt before Judge Cantwell, Peter Martin, lover, bibu lous, was the first to confront stem justice yesterday, Fined $20 and costs! And we say for the forty hundreth time -i" with the recommendation that the Mayor and Com-! monalty remit the fine on payment of costs." Where is the utility of fining, if it is to be remitted? This is "too much of a much ness!" ( r'; - . : L Robert Walter, 'not 44 the grey-eyed man of destiny," but another, having llapped too much of "Widow Cliquot ;'? was dismissed with a fearful reprimand. j- Another Robert, who answered to the surname of Watson, not having followed the, beautiful tehchings nor respected the self-denial of Solomyn, in regard to the waging rine ;" inexorable justice waved her wand, and imposed the same penalty as in the case of Martin. Fiat Justitia! Fashions. We seem to have nothing but extremes one season a dress trailing in the mud themext a skirt above two feet from the dusty pavement this j year crinoline that struggles for admittance to ian ordinary door-way the next, the figure wrapped in cerements as if prepared lor the narrow lim it of a coffin we should sav "casket." Wise men and wise women, will neither be 1. . j ' the first to adopt a new fashion, nor the last to abandon an old one: for an affect a- j : ' ! tion of singularity is only the desire to set, instead of following the mode. As a gener al rule eccentricity of appearance is the con temptible ambition of being personally known to those who do not know your name, It is slavish to dress according to the judg- ment of fools andthe caprice of I coxcombs, and wemav be recarded asM when we are singular in our attire. The Girl of the Period in her outre dress can never achieve any other distinction. Her gay attire only serves to prove the more clearly that she is but a mere worm within a ruddy apple, or as Socrates,! describing a coxcomb to Antis- thenes, called him, "a leaden rapier in a gol- den sheath." ! , Success in Life.: Dear reader, i is not obtained bv snivelincr. lethargic inanition, . - . 0 1 t Neither can it be secured by traducing and carping at the affluent and the successful; nor by bewailing some crushed hope, or anni- hiiated desire. Columbus would have never discovered America, had he yielded to the petty weakness of nature and given up as beyond recall, his .seemingly futile ex periment ' of western navigation. .De mosthenes' oratory would ; never have been a theme for historians and,; poets, uad ue discarded the promptings of an irrepressible 1 desire to cure his;-laughable stammerings and saueakinff voice. " The father of his country" had he cherished daily bugbears 1 . -t of British decapitation : vdemoralizei ar- mies; a depreciated currency ; mutinous and starved troops : and an unfavorable Con-, or as obstacles to Micros Ppmp.mhfir o . : , " j I ivj ".:J mi. . 1 evuu iu vuc uiiwiuii uu vi a wiu. xuea udb all im tn Vrork. It von . iirn k nimnU - r , my m. office-boy, work earnestly and steadily. If you are an apprentice, A always exhibit a readiness to learn from those whoi are Jut superiors in age anu experience. , it you are a mechanic, nothing : is gained by melan choly moping, : br,-; battling : for fancied rights and against imaginative wrongs ; for if you are a good workman, 'success is ' as sured,'you need never fight for t. No matter what ydur avocation, in the language of one more lorcible, than elegant Dave Crock ett Be sure your right; then" go 'ahead, not forgetting the old, hackneyed, but ex cellent maiim that" Where there's a will there's a way-.'?V.'-;'iV ;:'V"; j Our Stbeets. If New York, which has become proverbial for dirty streets, were one quarter as filthy as Wilmington after a ram storm, each and every citizen would incon tinently drown himself in the nearest ves Bel of water. Any other city would burst forth in uncontrollable but deserved indig nation at this exhibition of a thousand years ago. The streets of Macedon three hundred and fifty-three yedrt before Christy bad her streets paved with stone chippings. 1, In heaven's name let us be delivered of that in estimable blessing of a dust begrimed face, and the inevitable armor of doubly pulver ized sand. We blush to record it, but let it go forth to the press of the world, that Wilmington has streets that are in the self same condition, as regards non-improve ment, that they were in the days of the revo lution I There is no paliation for this wan ton indifference! It is naught but seated implacable lethargy, absolutely criminal! Here in the land of the most beautiful pine that ever sprang from soil I Here where the world is supplied with the "Nich olson " and " Bergen." Here, where the manufactory, the home of wooden pave ment exists ! Here where tar and sand can be secured' for the labor only of handling. Here where steam saw mills are the promi nent feature ot the State; it is disgraceful 1 Other cities bountifully blessed with pave ments, grow frantic in praise oyer a rain storm, 'cause it exterminates the filth from the streets by washing it toward their cul verts to be forever swept away. Here stag nant pools that emit deadly, foetid odors, that "smell to Heaven with rankness," is our special lot. ; Let no prudish fear regard ing the expense deter'our citizens from pri vately and publicly advocating it as the Post has done, singly but beautifully alone, until the press of this city has shook oft the fogyishness of their clphantine hide, and now only see the force and wisdom of pur advocacy. Pave our streets, and Heaven's copious showers shall be to us a blessing as they are intended, instead of a curse 1 Pave our streets, and thousands of dollars will ultimately be saved, now foolishly expended in rarungton attempts to "clean "rtuem. Let our Rip Van Winkle friends wake up to this issue. We will see it through. We are for making Market street with its broad boulevard and stately trees, the Broadway of Wilmington, and for snatching from its imagined security that fit emblem of retro gression and barbaric taste jthe unsightly pump which disfigures it, and seems to say to the friends of progress and reform "Thus far shalt thou go and no further." We shall advocate the making of Fourth street the Fifth Avenue of Wilmington, so that we shall never be ashamed to take our friends in review before its magnifice nt residences, now mocking the filthy troughs in their front. . A. 8. Barnes & Co., of New York, have forwarded to us samples of their National! School Books, including the " Natidna First Reader, by : Richard Greens Parker, and J. Madison Watson ; " The Elements of Arithemetic" by Prof. Chas. Davies, L. L. D;, and the famous " Montieths Youth's History of the United States." We shall not attempt any extended review of these ablv comoiled and prrfect works. To those who have handled them'no econium from - a us needs be recorded in meir iavor; dui to those who have not, we shall pass rapidly over the merits of these publications. In the first place, it is recognized beyond all peradventure, that Prof. Davies has no equal as an arithmetician. . He is the author of no less than nine different arithmetical series It is not to be wondered at then that he has presented one 01 tne oest, 11 not the best arithmetic presented Detore any in stitution of learning. - "it has oecome a settled principle" tide preface, ," in the science of teaching, that abstract principles and their elementary combinations must be first Dresented to the mind by the aid of i , - sensible objects." Prof. Davies has studious ly kept that fact before him in the compila tion of this book and hence the fully de veloped -system he has given. Prof. Davies is practical in his " analysis," lucid in his J 44 examples," careful m his " formulas,'7 and logical in his sequences. In regard to the Reader," we shall be very brief; and in doing this we quote from the " Preface.',' This book has been prepared on a plan en- tirely new and , original. Discarding the common mode ot teaching the letters of the alphabet and meaningless combination of letters, before the young pupil is permitted to read anytnmg mat is mteiiigiDie, it pre- 1 ............... .. sents a system of word-building that unites all the advantages of the old method with 1 the new and preieraDie one wnicn com- with entire words. I rrk tf Vnnth's Histnrvn Riinnliea n. want i - xuv - " - nntr needed, viz: A history that will com . u I prise both a. pictorial and historical record ol our country. lyj rj J.l w .i... j Mrf Mpnteitu we recognize . as the very naughty man, whose,, geographical cathef cism we were compelled to memorize in. our youthful days in pur ; native city of Gotham. Then in our foolish, childishness we chided right merrily the seemingly.' irksome Mon- teith, now, we fondly cherish his good name.' The history is arranged in an interrogatory1 manner, making it easier for: the student and leads to a system, easy and simple; The dates are omitted and placed in : parenthe ses, so that the immature mind may not be perplexed by their. ; tantalizing faces, until the child is able to acquire the 'sense and substance. . The history is complete in every particular, and reads from the discovery of America until the present time, not omit- tinjg anything ot historical interest to the student. . . ,Jr;r B ooe Notices. The Initials, by . the Bakoness Tautphceus, T. B. Peterson & Bro. It does one good after reading, the productions of the flesh crawling . authors and authoresses to peruse a work like the above. The scene is, lafd in Germany and is a "simple tale of lov 5," jwhich like unto that of Desdemona's "did not run smooth." : The Authoress is weljl known, being no fees a personage than1 the daughter of the late Lord Erskine. j ''Inj her quiet, natur al and unstrained way, ;she depicts life as it exists. Nature in her true and moral situa tion, never seeking for incidents of an im possible nature or improbable effects. Such writers as the Baroness are here welcome to 1 the society oiliterateursr And although the profession is full, in th Language of Web ster; "there is room up stairs." ': JRoland Yorke by Mrs. Henry Wood, T. B. Peterson & Bro., Philadelphia. j It is unnecessary to go with any lengthy review of this novel. Any j of our readers, who are familliar with the soul racking bloody torturing emanations ofMrB. Wood, e. East Lynne, The Channings, &c., find the indisputable and palpable evidence of her monomania for sensational . trash. Mrs. Wood must remember that aping the Brad don, Sue, or Ainsworih is not the true mission ot the novelist. That school has been condemned, outside of a lot ' of lack- brained, love sick girls and boys. We are Very sorry for Mrs. Wdod and deeply sym pathize with her in her miserable affliction of fever a la sensational. - Bailouts Monthly for November is espec ially entertaining this week with its life like portraits of " The Future Rulers of Europe." Prince Albert Victor of Eng land ; Prince Imperial of France, and Prince William of Prussia. Besides illustrations. Childish Veqiers, "The City ot Manilla," f Front of the Sultan's Valide," " The Frozen Cascade off Gier3bach," " Hair pressing, Ancient and! Modern," etc. The articles we cannot concientiously praise, with the exception of Alger's " Luck and Pluck," which deserves special mention, as a juvenile sketch. We would suggest in all kindness to the publishers, as they are no longer a " dollar monthly" to remove that indicative sign. j ZeWt Encyclopedia 1 greets us regularly with its fountains of Knowledge and stores of instruction. We welcome it to our table as smilingly as our hot rolls, and smoking coffee. I 1 . Frank Leslie's Budgk of Fun Illustrated and Chimney Corner $re all in front of us with their bright pictures, and interesting tales of romance. Leslie's picture of the Cuba " now in our harbor, we can -. sately say, as we have examined the craft inside and out, is a faithful likeness. Tne American Stock journal, ever welcome to our sanctum, is especially welcome in this season when " stock" mattter is the most sought after. Every farmer owning stock, should subscribe for this ably con ducted iournal. ' , STVVfTE. Watermelons have disappeared froni New Berne. I The Republican gains io Mecklenbjurg is over two hundred. - j Bivalves are selling at 60 a 75 cents per bushel at New Berne, j Seme beautiful specimens of poultry will grace the State Fair. a' colored woman at Newport, N. C, re cently gave birth to three children. Capt. J. R. Thigpen, of the Reconstructed Farmer Edgecombe, is dangerously ill. i . , I Sales of cottori in! . Charlotte last week amounted to three hundred and eighty eight bales. i ' r . ; ' I H. C. Jones has been elected from Meck lenburg by a majority, of 182. A republi can gain of 214. Good for Mecklenburg I William A. Cherry, Republican, has been elected to the State Senate from Pitt coun ty, vice D. H. Rich by a maioritv of 124. The old North State is still true. A company of Edgecombe have purchased the books, material; right and title of the North Carolinian and under the old name will resume the publication of the paper at Tarboro'. - Oijr colored mends . held a camp meeting atTuscarora last Sunday, on the line oi tne Atlantic ' . jY and North Carolina Rail Road. " Everything -passed off., quite pieasanny. . jThe official report of the-election in Pitt county gives W. A. Cherry, the -Republican candidate, one hundred and nineteen ma jority. , This is a Republican gain' of : over one hundred and forty. , '"'W'1'1. 2 5l I ATE NEWS. -Pennsylvania. Elections. ' ; ; , Philadelphia, Octf 13 Nobh. 'J, A .careful comparison based on partial re turns from thirty counties,1 including Phila-2 delphia and Alleghany. ashdws 'the Dem6- cratic gain to benearly four thousand. ; - The. remaining counties must average nearly two hundred gain to elect Packer. Geary's ma jority in Philadelphia is 3,3C9. , v - .' ' .4 " n ' Both branches of the Legislature ' areRe- J.I I 1 j . Senate 18 to. 15, House 36 to 17; giving 29 majority on joint ballot. All papers but the Age give the State to Geary by from 5,000 to 10,000. : j '- u - v OhioTEleetion;";,j:;r:t CorciNNATi, Oct, 13 Nopn.1 ' Hamilton county "gives Pendleton 500. majority and elects the entire Democra tic? municipal ticket. . ' : -. .. . ,4.,V . . Pendleton is defeated by a very smail ma jority. . Y? ' i. officiai.. In Board of Aldermen. Monday Evening October; 11th 1869. The Board met in regular session, his Honor Mayor Neff presiding. .13 w.c Present Alderman Kellogg,!: Rumley, . French, Howe, Jones, Arnold : and Serross- The reading of thoininutes of the previous- meeting was dispensed with, oi The committee on Streets and Wharves neglected to report.- Petition of Cornelias Jackson for reduc tion of Taxes postponed indefinitely. Ordered That all fish brought1 to Mar ket, in this City be sold by weight, and that auy perouu viuiatiug mis ordinance De subject to a penalty of ten dollars for every onence. Petition of Benj. Lucas Jr., Clerk of Spe cial Court, City of Wilmington, to bereinstat ed in his former room at City Hall, was re- erred to Committee of Public Buildings. Application of Newton Fryason for posi tion on Police Force of City, was laid over until next meeting. ! V . Application of S. Van Amrinrro for hirincr j,- . : o o of Market stalls from 1st of October i860 to 1st of October 1870. Granted. ' ' In regard to the petition of the Chief En gineer of the Fire , Department, for the ex clusive use of the horses of said department, on being brought forward on motion of Al derman Arnold, and the yeas and nays be ing called, Aldermen Arnold, Ramley and Servoss voted in favor of retaining them upr on the street to work as cart I horses, when not in active "service; Alderman Kellogg, Howe, French and Jones in the negative. OSt. : Alderman Servoss offered a substitute by striking outthe word "exclusive" and insert ing "within three blocks of any Engine house." Lost. v - Alderman French moved to amend by in serting "five blocks." Carried. Alderman Arnold and Servoss in the negative, Alder men Rumley, French, Kellogg, Jones and Howe in the affirmative. . . . The petition of Joshua T. James for re mittance of fine of $100 imposed by the City Court for drunkenness and disorderly conduct was referred to Mayor and Marshal of consideration, as a Special Committee. Petition of John ' H. Anderson for per mission to erect a wooden shed at No. 9. North Front street. ' Referred to committee on Fire Department! I Petition of Robert Henning to erect an extension of building and erection of shed at foot of Castle street. Referred to com mittee on Fire Department. Request of Wm. Horn for appointment on the Police force of the city to fill vacancy. caused by the resignation of C. C. King. Refereed to Police committee. Petition of Henry Reeder for application to retail liquors. Granted. . " Petition ot W. B. and Charles Flanner or the removal of the Steamer Mary Sand- ford now on the shoals opposite, the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad wharf.- Re ferred to commissioners of Navigation. Petitions of S. T. Potts and "M. Stature for positions on the Police Force of city. Referred to Police committee. In reference to t3ie application of the butchers of the Market, for renting of stalls, the Board voted to pursue the same mode as heretofore in rental, For, the motion, Alderman French, Kellogg, Servoss and Howe, Aldermen Arnold, and Jones in the negative. ..y -d y-yy .' 'y;'? Application cf Citizens for erection r of Clock on Market House. Referred to com mittee on Buildings. : ; t 'On motion of Alderman Servoss the board adjourned. - y mm i - Alderman Arnold called the yeas and , nays. Aldermen Rumley, Howe, Servoss and Jones in the affirmative, Aldermen ; Arnold : and Kellogg in the negative. ;;.i ; u it ' v r The Board then Adjourned. 1 c V v , Benj. Durfee, City Clerk. A letter from Bishop Loughlin was read in all the - Catholic churches of Brooklyn Sunday, proclaiming a jubilee throughout the Cityof Brooklyn from Saturday until . - , m m . a Y the close. 01 tne ucumemcat council. J Peaches two dollars and a half per bnshel in New York. - t tMb. Editor. 1 In Justice to all parties ik connection $ wi Jihe recent f capture 7 at Smithviileojf i the Cubanillin of; War, you Washington; correspondenl lit his letter datecr 9ctoben5thi which appeafed'in' thtf last numberof the Post, : may be j excused the important iomlssionin'- xnentionisg the' names ot those gentlemen - connected with1 that affair, he entirely -omitted tciiaen theame, pfur:actiTe ndi brare Inspector of Custom, who alone and unarmed bdarded' ;!monsterithat;wa3 16 haredestroyed jFsbejcliafe-inarinfl lromToffJ the ' 8ea? i but unfortunately, The ' best laid1 plans of men. and lajto9, Qft 'gMi fcmy.-t:' rMr(ELeggv- BevemieT Inspectd riat ithis portt was the tot.tobofithtVVesirandl obtained the assuxanceif :Coacwdore-Hjgi gins, command4ngi,jthafr he 'wouIdrnotlTe-: moye his yesiel outside,- ntilh shtiuldhear 1 from Collector.Rumley at : Wilmington, to ? whom he at QQCffx9ffidall icohtinicated the arrival and;i waal romptlyilvisited bv ; takeuuin charge by authority; and under.instructions,from the gbTerflment 'at Washington, as4per affldayit and 'warrant gnl by Allan Rutherfbrd.tJ: Si Comniis- sioner, for the State of North Carolina;5 B. :ot ; - ':-y vbstiux percejwas es Ford is coming. ; ' si 1 1 Patti weighs- 96; '' t ijkehdairiiDg;: 11 e n 0; Hazel eyes , are true,r Butler is in NewTorkv j Fanny Fern drinkstea; : e iNapoieoh isn! crutches ' Dickens will . read again. v -Peabody ,1a halt; seas-orer. ; - Train drinks scuppernong. Napoleon " shufta" ho more." ' 5 , (Jen. Thomas is in Omaha. r - 1 Clingman is in Washington. . Somebody railt about coots, v; Carlyle is growing very greyj'':'-''1 ; f Jerry" Black is home again; - GrSchon-eiainI." Brigham wants to see Beecher. , .-, ; Avoid , wearers of blue ribbu I; l2 -.,n - Judge ; Yerger is in Washington. -Prince 'Arthnjfk'a u crack'aHot U:' Oranges are pouririg:lnto Gotnam5.7 u , Sheridan is kissing Wisconsin belles. - j Buchanan Read has busted Sheridan I 1 f ; ' - McClellan is among the White Mountains; ' Seward is in Mexico smoking cigareUei.-1 " ' "Gov. ee'd, orida FisOjpefa H0W19 ort $1,00,000, ,u-y '.Belle 'Boyd "'don't itakel'-injoyal Calif or--nia. '"J tixr.(i v 4 .. :" ' -'J"f lv) '-dh'-i.i y'-' r,Y i, .;yi ; iy, v.i -i ' . Ditrict Attorney Pierrepont ; will not , re sign. Early, Sheridan's Drotesre'1 is in Tjvnr.1i. hnw. t - f . ... -i -. - . m . ; e-yy:' John Fort, Esq.; has arrived ;ln Ontanni5 IX. lis v.4T;.-':-i tv ' r ? 1, " The Wickedest1 Mahn is ' down" 'on J3towe.n .if -ilH-r ;r::--7$- -i tip. Daniel Webster was' Fessenden's god-- Butler-says" "cold cramblers oiiJlit th,1fJi'; Counselor Lowrey says the tt Cuba, can't 5 be,held. : ';i-,M no iloihi 'u tnsv. c' Brick 'Pomeroy wilt3-so6h" "kick AS v::- the II:- hnnVuf. 11 1r . Collyer, the bruiser, is a Frenchman born in Ireland. n?n--t.. 30.10 asni, strl y Vinnie Ream Hyacinthe. r going W busF iV Koopmahschapp has cooped "himself In New Orleans. Billings-get $30 a week for WvioiHof. ot orthography; tPAiTul hi- ly. v. s 'v - The ; Americantlnstiiute ' Fair is a pro- nounced success. Cannery, ye chief of the-jSgra&rin "WmIi-' Minister iWashburne has been dined bv the Stuttgartians;-;ih .iitjnidi'tp)'. fy F. M.I Blair, editor of Hfae z'Mawnti 'Eoms Advocate, is dead. ft tt.:)t:.ci-y:ip ..-u Grant complains of haneers on' around the White House.- Hr - rr ':, . . Miss Middy Morgan is the market editor of the N. Y. Timet". . , ,,..r Mrs. Ottendorfer is the proprietor of thn jCi; x, Dtaatt aeiiung. Frederick Dent,'Mrs.f QrantV father '1m celebrated hls4th birthday: ; ' ' Etheridfffl says " only Gfod: or- the. Devil can keep jum from the S. enatejT1 j .. . u Johnsoti XI is expected in Washington as ; a TJ. S. S. ; ' Forgive us. pur alna. -. Chief Engineer King; TS. S. Kavy, is off to I Mare Island. To find a mares nest ? W. S. Chandler will assume 1 the' oosition of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, .t . pwwo .us Di wgr&uu a TiQuicauon oi ner -" Byronici&m. 'Twill appear in the December - " Gen. HarkeV; deliTer 'the eulogy on - Rawlins before the Army ' of Tennessee in -Noyember.,-i. Blackberry married Elderberry in Dan bury, Conn., last week. "By their fruits ve " " shall know. them.", r - r , ;, Jt J. . . H.P. Sulhyan has ; metamorphosed tho Santa Fe Gazette in name and politics. It H ' now called the Port, F 1