ltiSh tY "iUiN rlHr , i WILMINGTON. N. C OCTOBER 14. 1869. ducibh by tmitertal consent among the civilized 1 i .F inhabitants of theoridjrherecan ha no doubt tbat nations like inen must submit to ta6se "rules" an-regulation8 experience has iBhwft to.N)wise andproperTiifiesirous of citabUsJiuigi la ariIorder upo'h -eyery part f;jtid Western hemisphere ''as;wellai upon ;-ye,ryipaitI6f:t)UE' Continent the jgorj erument of the IJnitediStates must - obserye carefully thiuleiiid and;best of mankinfl for-intercourse between nationsincSy mpathizing'a with -'the1'oau8e-of republicanism-cin Guba-as indeed "J we d& with strugglicg Nationalities 1 alt -oter the orid yetweiaflstagree ith a cbtcmpbf arj Cub'an prjiyateec ribefare thiiUrSiCommis s'er's PourtjT at ,-5PlmidgtonV contends that it jsntraij tbu tthe ia'w,F?natibns!to' det;ainihe yssektl Wears Sbt ware of "any proyisipn of international kw "thaV the Goy- ernnjf nj;. yjAlAtesi in the detention'.5 JIt may bo; that thq Republic df Cuba"is as compTete- te a r$yoJutfojia;GQYernment wc hyfcj jiq t4pibt ihatgallarif gentlemen like; Gappigginftftm his. officers are fegu- lariyonunissionea as;tney aiiege ' through counsel., ,JJuf, the Jlepublic of -Cuba'isTibt known to the Goyernmeut,'nor-to ny otber Government.: . Wj-have nrit :reCoghizetf it; ' not even,, accpretJiifc. ilielligerent ; lights. Neither has a,ny other : power.! We only know of a revolutioftjmiCuba against the ment which the revolution claims to have established, not being yet known: to thelia tions, the detention ot . CaptHiggin's yes sel can hardly be in violation ; pf the law of nations a code intended to'define th&rela - U.. rl). r- I 1 ill.' tions and regulate the intercourse of fecog; nized States. The flag which :lhe privateer ; would fly would not be; ktf)wn to the armed cruisers or this or thei'other naval powers, n.nrl aa t.hA rrlir. of ihf. rp.a. thpv miorht. run. r r "T T 3 ?rrT0rT - ture an armed vessel afloat without any re.-; cognized flag. Were she to' succumb to the PU MANAMA W W V B-aA WV f I W VMM conjectured. But aside from the character of the Cuba:' the Government -violated neither,, its own 8tatutes,nor acted contrary o Internationa. law in seizing hef at Smithyillei With . jpri via facie evidence that the vessel was fitted out in American waters, Government officials were authorized., :by thor act of 1818. to seize such vessel and her. crew.- when jfound: within British authQritie&htip'ori thel gtoundrthat she had left thsjmarine junsdiction:Of Eng-' land a morepr,Jessr,c.QERpletely eqluipjled' shir-ot-war! The 'cliarefe .could, not I be proved, afno! tbeK Florida being' alloweclj td depart in' a' tew11' days'; after, made 1 Her cele brated idash thrcaigh' the Federal fleet blocks ading lobil Ourstatuteiof 1818 is more explicit i and comprehensive than the Brit ish foreign enlistment act. and if strictly enforced inthe case0 of tne Cuba, (must de prive the gallant Cap tV'Higgins of the bp portunitv of livaline the exploits of the Florida, briAlabamaM -l ' f 'j ; v' v'7.1 Tk?i JElectioa,! Tjlh-h . " As we expected, the news confirms faith of ail true, Republicans in , : the f -r j U f I've - " ' . newed strength of their party under the he re ad- ministration of President Grant 5 .Thp man whose name is synonymous with victory must .always , ieaa to success. Tne wise management of the sage Ulysses, backed by the efforts of.goodj soldiers like Qearyj of Pennsylvania, Hays, and Cox, of Ohio, and otner gpoa anatrue men (nave once more caused victory to perch on our Republican helms. . . Another (in fact several nails have been driven in the coffin of copperheadism, and the traitor crew of .the sinking ship De- mocracv have slunk once more to their hiding places to remain, in ambush awaiting for fcstray Republicans even as all such de moralized and cowardly guerillas will ever do. ; - .. .. ! ' General Geary has , been xe-elected : Gc ve nor of the good old Keystone State,7 and thus again completes -the. arch of : our Union. In Ohio. Indiana. Iowa, and Ne braska ood tidings still come of great joy to all patriots and tue Americans? The faith of all good:jmen is confirmed rin the stability of Republican institutions and the groans oi, traitors r anp: treason ; lovers - re- ' ' ' V J i ------' ' t , f sound through the land as they have ever v-6 "Y ""Jt"a"wj xub iouowing were tne nominations made by both' parties in the states: where elections were held Tuesday. ' 1 . sr.t :Ao pmrirsYtvAirr a! 1 V SqnMicaru. 'x Democrat. Governor. . . . . ..John W. aearyifAsa Packer,trI J uoge B. Court H; W: Willianis.,C Pershing , , : ohio.t '- ' r . Gover..U;B.ays:liSdie. l.ieut. Gov.,-... J. C. Lee.,; .r.. ...T. J. Godfrey. Judges. Court.lU Day...;-,.,... jQilmoie Treasurer ..k.i8. 8.- Warner. v. . .8. Buhrer . tSfnrG?n'1-S- Ponda i . ; ;.s; McConne'n. . Public Works.. R. Reporter... ;..B P Churchill. Ol AlO t f ,1. Governor...... Merrrill.i..fMG. Ulaspy L UeutGov;......M. M. Walden,'..A Richaroson JudgeS13ourt.; J. P. Dillon -. P. Brannon: Sup. PublIns'n.A;8. Kissell...E Jarger., r Each of the Republican nominees for Gov enor fills the executive chair of histate at present At the October election one :year - cuusjiyania, j onn Iiartranfr, Republican, was elected Auditor General by a majority of 9,677 over Charles E Boyle, in an aggregate vote of 653,155. - General Grant received 28,898 in ! the" following jnonmion an aggregate voto about 7,500 less. : EI '.-. lw 'of to"be" a system ot rules, de- edgQ. women as tney are. Un- Undin the interest, of the cause of labor ; natural reason and established mrTTST. "T! . : 1 W1" ne powet ana tyrannypi cap.. the jurisdiction of the United States. The Confederate sloop of-war Florida was, rightly remember seized- kl 'Kassau,rby the: - I Aftgnj artists 3n jord j, j "led paint-j pra ' a tlieW ficart Anil,., iu. 3 as they nave been Called tho name of :AyilliamMaepeie! tThackeray! will erer Buiu ueburveuiy mgu. ne naa taste, Knowi- gm5?? SLJ5MlnS his ,4ipyela a,meana f of. obtaining a posthumous! reveosreron cocemporanes ne nated : we must ; ever confess that Jhpwrpte.beautifully; bravely aii6 .well.! As au able rwriter remarked at the death ;of the great story t elleri He had -attained the fnll t Deriod of . middle ife.1 and had been embloved with: his Den-r-oer-f haps dependent upon it for support for years,1 ueiore ms name was even Known sio me commu nity at large. As no hiography of him has been published which amounts, to more than a mere sketch, we have llttlo acquaintance with his pri vate and personal history. In this long period oi at least, comparative: oDseuruyy -we must re main ignorant of how much there was oi disap pointment, of mortified self-esteem, . all of the cnal2.Bgs.of genius, !- conecions. aiike of its own , powers, and of its inability ito give i them ade quate expression it may be of the struggles of poverty and the hope deferred which maketh tne Hear t ; eiCJtr 4 rassages or mis itind are tne. saddest in the experience of men of letters. " We trace, their influence In the pages of many a gifted J autnor.wnere me prpmpungs or a generous na i ture and a kindly temper are warped into a feel-1 ing-either of morbid bitterness or sarcastic cyoi-1 cisiu luwaru a wuriu wuobo only oueccenas l been to nronounce a iudraient which the writer himself, in the: fullness of years, and ' with the caimTedecuon wmcn Time .engenders, would have abundantly confirmed." ; . L " 1 . ,;,. xne critic we wouia ratner call iiim tne essayist shows .very., intimate knowledge of Tbackeray's writingsy . and does not err When he . estimates Barry Lyndon, almost as highly as Becky Sharp, i The Book of Snobs he estimates very highly. When these live ly, and biting ? articles:, appeared, - how few thought that its author was about putting in a claim to" be enrolled in his' own noble army of martyrs. In 'mature fage, after he had obtained tha highest position -as an au- t)0Tr and with the1 sole!View of gaining an artificial status as "barrister-atrlaw" (though he never intended to hold a brief), Thacke ray, went to the usual heavy cost of "eating hjis'terms?. in the Middle Temple, and being duly 'called to the bar. If one of his own heroes had done tbat, how' severely the giret satirist'would have dealt with Mrim 1 i J.'V :Ex Senator Clinsman, frp m this State, has addressed. a letter to, Messrs. Clews & Co.,.ofr NeW, York, defending! the financial ability) of this Stat against copperhead "conservative" attacks. Mr. C. argues that J thcTparty in power have not exceeded their authority, jnor show a . disposition, like the democracy --to repud1 ate State and National obligations.; lie concludes ; . The people of the State generally are sat isfied that it would in the end cost more money to repudiate a debt than to pay it. The ; I suggestions of certain -papers in North Carolina, republished occasionally in mis city, inai mewnoie or portions oi tne debt ought to be repudiated, have1 certainly injured tha State' cdiuiderdbly Jy depressing the price of the bonds and causing a loss of money, in the first place to the railroad com panies and secondly to the State, , . , But : for- this, undoubtedly more money would have been raised by the sale of the securities, and the ability, of 1 the corpora tions to finish; the works, would have been greater.' - This ffect, however, will be.. but temporary, as, w hen the- facts are tmder stopd, the credit of the State! will revive. In Conclusion I have to say that I regard the special tax oopus.oi tne oiaiej especially as a safe investment for. such persons , as are seeking that : class of securities The at tacks now directed against them, whether made, tor political effect, or to put down the prifee so that parties here can buy them up" at low . figures, and thereby make larsre profits, will not in the "end seriously affect their value. j , Iet these deluded people who still follow false leaders, and hang to tbe skirts of men Who have shown the most selfish motives to be heir only guide ; take the; text offered by Clingman, arid no longer trust .journals or people so reckless of aught pvit the fillinsr ; - 1 1 of empty pockets and purses never belong ing to honest or capable men. ; The broad, noble platform of the Radical Republicans of Mississippi is thus epitomis ed by the Mississippi Pilot, a wide-awake and! excellent Republican paper: I T Unwavering fidelity to the Union. x Equality before the law. i ' The right ot colored men to hold ofilce and sit onjmies. j ' iUniyersal suffrage and uniyersal amnesty. r Equal taxation. , : . ' Frpe and fair elections. ; f Ertee schools for all. . - r "jt r r A judicious and economical government. i These are the questions to be settled in the coming contest." j ' r Aiid those who sustain these ! principles are denounced by Judge Dent; as " bitterenders,"- Meanwhile, Dent's chief and al- most only supporters are men .who only little-while ago resolved: f E ' - M -i n ".We discountenance ' every Reunblioan. a every relation of life, with a nlede-e to in and to the Club, J that we will neither employ them, nor rent nor hire to them on any terms Whatever. ;, . ; . . " Ail persons refusing to join this Club beefcarded and treated as enemies of the and of societv. - . . . . - i : shall Club f This last is " so like" thq . enemy in this city and State that we are constrained to re peat With our brother of Charleston, " Can any one.'doubt Dent's democracy ?" X sTf jvould be well for the ' politicians, in forecasting the future of parties, and in shaping their policy to note that the next census will have a very large bearing upon the anticipated change of ' political power from jthe east to the west.' New England V?IL undoubtedly lose largely,! and this de cline of her power is already regarded with satisfaction by a large and increasing num- oer oi peppie in the South and West. In I 1840, (we are told, New England had 38 Representatives in Congress; and the West-: ern States but 32; while in 1870 the West ern States will count : 85 r Representatives and New. England 22.- OrfifJ we add to theWestern States thosefof the! Pacific coaiVand: take 'ai'New'l&gUodJ the States of New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl vania, Deleware, and Maryland, the "West will have 92 Representatives and the. East only 86. I m j mouMa wuuunuiu i no LaDor Conventions wmcn are Deine : ufijfrM in j thl J c&nt a grir ' ' "L 4 , . :-" 'V. t V ACTZ"I3j.UJf massel inl Ihis? cduntry are jgrieyouBljn nnnrksa i ff Wh thev are? them lelvei beginning to realize, us isLeyidenced by the various demonstrations of different held; and" thft RefcrmXeaffues and other or interests of different classes of laborers, and in different sections of the cou"htry,"are not without their significance, and "it properly directed cannot' fail to result in some meas- tire of good." lld yllcol yj-.i cii n.:y - We agree with 'the writer that Conserva tive monopolists have -attempted' to oppress the laboring masses but f the confidence of the people in those now holding the reins of government is so great that we have no fear of speedy redress for all grievances. i;The profession of the law is supposed, to rnake its praetitioneers able to control them selves, in order that they may be the better able to advise and control i others. Long, VlP9' fn nrnrt nt ' hara" where rkvetv "Cense to practice at oars - wnere every liberty has been! indulged by counsel at the c a, expense of ignorant jurors ; subservienti courts and trembling witnesses makes cer tain" concealers" ' forget that ".things arc not as they were,'; and that" the abuse of witnesses by pretended lawyers will not be winked at either by judges or juries. Men must riot forget there now 4 exists in the Sbuth a fearless and untrammelled Repub lican press ; conducted by men who believe with Emerson that " the only hope of the Republic is open and shameless publicity." Consequently all men of whatever fancied elevation who presume upon the security of a court room to insult ; blackguard or abuse citizens will be held Up to the . public as we intend to hold " Concealer" French. Refeubing- to the "card" of Mrs. Stowe, the New York Times remarks: lVl r Mrs. Beecher Stowe is determined to ride the whirlwind and direct the storm she has raised. r She is now in her element, and will further' engage all her adversaries over the body of the unfortunate bard, who, like the Thracian in Rhodope, " was also ill-used by the women." ; Poor Byron has met with a retribution for. his .faults and .follies such as Dante would have awarded him if he could have met him in that remarable underground pilgrimage of his. His lordship was allhis life too much taken up with and devoted to " lovely woman," and . now wc have his ghost, so to speak, kept in torment by two dreadful avengers of the same sex. After all, there is a terrible fitness in this dreary business: ' very appropriately tue "JMemcsis' or retribution of the ancients bore the female form. She never forgives. The astute editor of the Journal writing on the situation political in Pennsylvania remarks Geary is but a political make-shift at .the most; while against him stands a man of solid integrity of character which Asa Packer possesses, General Geary is but such a " make-shift" as served his country in the field until the authority of the government "was" restored oyer, these States, and his friend and com mander elected President. The "solid" man Packer on the contrary had Southern sympathies and remained " abroad " during the; war and only returned in time to claim his f reward " when there was no a anger of his millions being taxed to support the gov eminent. As in the management of private busi ness, a man who conducts his affairs most economically and1 saves most, grows rich most surely. So in the conduct of public affairs the government which succeeds in managing its expenditures without waste andin securing tne full revenue to which it is legally entitled, will most rapidly ap preciate its ,credit and rid itself of debt. Under the present wise and energetic ad ministration of our national finances, we are furnishing a gratifying illustration 6 this truth. During the first six months o the present administration, Secretary Bout well was able to save, as a surplus of revenue over expenses, within a traction of fifty millions of dollars. Life is made up far more of thoughts nuu uuis w wmuu a sounci virtuous mora i i- i 'u;i, -. . . training or education is necessary, and we dismiss the thought that the child is to live forever in another world, and trust him only;as a finite being, -whose end is the grave, we shall see how much more import ant his moral than his mental training, and how necessary it is that he should be under proper infiuences for this purpose. . . It is estimated! that the emigrants from Europe last year mostly German and Scan dinavian brought with them fully thirty five1 million dollars in gold. Did our large lan jowners pursue a liberal policy, there Can be little doubt but the Southern States would attract the better part of the, half milliCn people arriving last year. Let our Legislature do something to invite immi grants. .;.,',. . . fc : - . .The N. Y. Tribune refers flippantly to the difference between Charles Dickens and his wife under the head of " Wits and Wed lock.' The popular notion that because a "ix uttu genius . e. COUld Write tol- erabl lines or ridicule those who differed from him gave a certain amount ot license died with the last century, and the ex ample of Lord Byron proved that the falacy met its death before him. - -.-j- jk5?cJ?y endeavoring to pro selyte yoters by raising the cry Radical ex travagance. The answer is, a reduction of the national debt within seven months of nearly sixty million dollabs, and hhe State debt during the' present Republican administration of many million dollars. The srjcech oftrWrptaxv Boiitwell reforp the Union Leagein Philadelphia : on Sat urday eyening wall such an1 argument as uugut navi; ueea expecxea iromimai uonest audjBagucjpua OTer thcipreeoTlhewBli " and' determination of everytjue-man- WAen h used these .or9j !lThe olettrisltl bef paid principal and inter est, according to tne terms of the contract. and in coin, or that which men will receive as the equivalent of cbin withoutany abate- ment wnatever BIS: ntiy-'il as -gThe monarchical ; manager? ol' poor old Spain areihldindcbuhcils and: seeking o agree upon : sbme'plani by whicbrthe Re oublicans canb& onieted: f SoJarsiiothing has-been: done, and matters look i badly mixed c The W provinces will not be tUi i - r '. . eted and the. repressive measures : adopted by the Prim-Riverkt blundere:rs only make matters worse. ; : ; ! U or! ciio. 4 As was predicted, King William opened 4t rw the regular .6ession3 of. the - Prussian Diet with a pacific speechiT He announces t seve ral reforms relatiVo to - education and self- government, and- referred twitb: j pleasure. to his successful efforts; to preserve, friendly, re lations wth all the -; world rwithout compro mising the dignity? cfjOermany. j ; '? !' TnE'County Cofiiniissio'ners having been called to account! for recent changes of Clerks ; desire to state" that the business of their onice reouired an efiicient-and experi- . v-. -j ' -'rv r-.-'"i- enced man. s Mr. Anderson bad ,0DS expe rience and, leaving politics out, was ; best qualified to take the place made vacant by f Ana raoi rev a 4-i "rv Bilrl Waldron's resignation. The Wilmington Journal is r using mora suasion . on the Star to '.try to to stick to th'o Democratic . partyj i The Star don't see it," but prefers, to charge round in the tall ; grass and -fight its own Jlies. The Star will come outlon theTwihning side yet, Can be satisfied which r that is. New Berne Times.i ! v The." watting for deceased men's shoes " is illustrated by the bargain -between John son and Etheridgel in view of the possible decease ' of Brownlow, Whether Andy can trust Emerson, or; Em- trust And is the j . . . question, but as it is " cbeat rob cheat," .we don't care who complains. , Wa are i req uested to . announce th at the new ? agricultural 4nd family weekly called Hearth and Home will hereafter be furnished at the 3 price paid fpr the" Post. .Four dol Iar3 for single copses. .Three to same ad dress nine dollars, and five copies to one ad dress twelve dollars. The neat typographical appearance of the various Republi.canlpapers in . the ,South so greatly surpasses . tile bleared and wretched looking journals of; disunion, -, that . one is naturally remindedjof the old adage tha " like produces like." '- '4ac- Some person writes to The Liberal Chris tian to complain that "popular" ministers cannot live on their! salaries, but are forced to piece out their incomes by lecturing writing for magazines, and So forth j . TiiE; " Frolio " bears a historic name, and no doubt would enjoy the frolic of whip ping a few Spaniards rather than mounting guard over poor. Cuba's little venture in the way of a navy. ? ! J.: : The genealogical; editor of a Virginia paper has discovered that Queen Marie Antoinette was of 'j negro descent" becauie " her finger nails were purple." . The Camerons are coming Simon and his son " Don" are' after that vacancy.; in Washigton looking SPECIALS. M AN1HOOD. IN THE YOUNG AND RISING GENERA tion, the vegetative powers of life are strong, but in a few years how often the, palid hue, the lack Justre eye and emaciated form, aridhe im possibility of application to mental effort, show its baneful influence!. It soon becomes evident to the observer thatf some depressing influence is checking the development of the body. Con sumption is talked of, and perhaps tne youth is removed from school and sent into the country. 1 his is one of the worst movements. Removed from ordinary diversions of the every-changing scenes oi the city, the powers ot the body too j much enfeebled to give zest to healthful and f a- ral exercise, thoughts arc' turned inwards upon themselves: ' If. s These symptoms, if allowed to go on which this medicine -iavariable removes soon follow lioss of lrower, Fatuity, and Epileptic Fits, in one of which the patient may expire. ' 4 During the Superintendence of., Dr. Wilson at the Bloomingdale Asylum, this sad result occur red to two patients : reason had for a time left them, and both died fof epilepsy. . Thtj - were of uoia sexes, ana aDOTic twenty years or age. Who can say that these excesses-are not fre quently followed,by those direful diseases Insan- hj auuvuuBuuipuour ; ine recoras of the - In sane ABylums, and the melancholly deaths" by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth Of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholly 1 exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sodden and quite desti tute neither Mirth j -or ; Grief ever Visits it. Should a sound of the voice Occur, ; it is rare art iculate. I L , "With woeful measures wan Despair 1 . Low sullen sounds their grief beguiled." S Whilst we regret the existence of the above diseases and symptoms,- We are prepared to- of fer an invaluable gift of chemistry Sot- the removal t f the consequences, HzLMBoiiBHian lt Cokcbntbated- Extbact ot Buchu. There is no tonic like it. It is an anchor of hope to the surgeon and patient, and this is the testimo ny of ail who have used it or prescribed it. w Sold by Druggists and , Dealers everywhere. Price $1 25 per bottld, or six bottles for $5 50. Delivered to any address. Describe symptoms in all communications; ... , ? Address . T. HELMBOLD, . ,p Drug and Chemical Warehouse." ' - ; 534 Broadway, New York. ISPNone are gunuine unless. done up in stee engraved wrapper, with fac-simlle of my Chem ! ical Warehouse, and signed H. T. HELMBQLDr , . w ""Vf wjl jLouiaanawiejBonies orAge, in relation to 31ARRIAGE and SOCIAL EVIEs! with a helping hand for the erring- and unfor tunate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box r., Philadelphia. Pa n A : v.? 4 1 i-'- f Bept26 . ..u : . t mm;iit Yin Hid T7..'-f ir.l 'ii. i ... n ... "-'.: NEW ADVEttTlt35IEKTS, FanAMRINGEV flrictioiiccr. 'fKET8TSZLSATA tJOTION. BY, ORDER OF .THE BOARD OF ALDER- men, I will rent out tne . STALLS IN .THE " MARKET, HOUSE." at public Auction, on FRIDAY. October 15th, -'i.U Siii- .vij..v r,Ml-:-.l 1869, at 10s p' clock A. M., at Exchange Corner. BENJAMIN DURFEE; : Clerk and Treasurer. , 816,td; :.l oct 14 f I: I rpHE UNDERSIGNED, A SPECIAL COM X mittee of the Board, of Aldermen of the CUV of WilminktonV will receire proposals1 until the 20th inst.. for quarrylnff .buUdiner5 stone in the rieighborhood of Joiher's depot, on the Wil- miDgLon ana vveiuuu xvauruau, sau construct ing two stone abutments tor a bridge across the Second atyeetl .'; im; ! i. h ' .U-.V w' :"."- Particulars will De furnished on application. : -i. w.. - ' 1 - JAMES WILSON, ' 1 DENARD RUMLET. Wilmington, N. C. O.ct.14,,1869. 3l6-3t T HAVE . THE AGENCY IN THE STATE X for Watson's Series of" united States Maps. The. best and cheapest Maps yet made, compiled' from the latest omcial sources, highly colored, varnished? and mounted on rollers. " , t Ho, 1. A Kail road and distance Map ot the "United. States Containing all? the Rail Roads completed, in process of construe tion Or in contemplation.: The commencement and, terminus of each. Total: length and dis tahce between the several Btations. -The cost of building and all necessary information 'about' Rail Roads, on one side ; and a Map ef the Western Country and of North and South Amer-, icar &na Alastca on back; oize, 6 k byi leet. Price 15 (JO. . :. . . :.: . .i '. I' No. 2. A. Railroad Map of the United States with Census. Of every CounM around the border on one side ; and. elegant map Of the World and of twelve of , the principal cities of the Union on the other side. The most pop ular ; map for general use of the series. ; Same size as No. 1, and same price. $3 00. No.1 3. Same as - No. 2, on face,' plain on back, 6ame size. Price 2 50.; '' J : y.'- No. 4. The American Republic, a small man of the United States, mounted on rollers as th others, size, 2 1-3 by 3 1-3 feet, and cheap enough jor everyooav lo nave one. mce. ou - Map No. 2 at least, should be in every School room and residence. I waut an agent in each county to canvass for these maps. An active young man in each county can easily make from $3 to $5 per day. To those who will undertake to canvass the county thoroughly a liberal de duction from above prices will be made. One agent sold thirty of these maps in one town in three days. t f - ; tfor terms address , J. A. JONES, , . i Bookseller, Raleigh. N. C. Oct 14 ' V y 316-tf COLTOH'S P00KET MAP OF NORTH CAROLINA. ANEW EDITION JUST MADE TO ORDER. The most accurate map of the State, to be had. Has the new counties. '4 Each county col ored separately with mineral deposit' pointed out Has a line drawn hetween the coast growth and pine region, another between the pine and oak growth, and another-between the cotton and tobacco regions, nicely bound, in packet form. Price, post paid, 60 cents. . For sale by s . J. A. JONE9, Bookseller and Stationer, v Raleigh, N. C. . oct 14 316-tf TO COUNTY OFFICERS. H AND BOOK FOR COUNTY OFFICERS. A guide for Justices of the Peace, Superior Court Clerks, County Commissioners, Township; Sher iffs, Coroner's and -other County Officers, to gether with approved Forms and Precedents. Carefully collected and compiled by a member of the bar. ' SECOND For sale at ,, i . ' oct 14 EDITION. P. HEINSBERGER, 39 Market Street. . 316-tf JUST OPENED AT 36 MARKET STREET, Under Mr. ,VanOrsdeH'8 -Gallery, Photographic AN ENTIRE new stock; consisting of the Latest Styles, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, DRESS j GOODS: SILKS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, NOTIONS, and FURNISHING "" GOODS. TERMS CASH, with, the Sales and Small Profits. r ' ... motto, "Quick pet 10 r,-.. ;( ; 315 tf HATS 'A'T RETAIL LESS THAN NEW YORK irx'prices. .'-- --- 1 ,. '. , , , .. . the latent Styles and Make, LOW. 1 . ;. . , MUNSON&CO., f " ' , " City Clothiers. nioctlOi.I : ' - - t-215-tf"i , Blilliner j and Drcs JSIakin, : THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECTFUL Ay anaounce 4to the Ladies of Wilmington and Burrounding country, that she has Uken the Store No. 11 Front Street, next door north of George Myers Grocery, where she is prepared to do all kinds of Mlf J.Twwt? v oTkferJjS MAKIN G, at the shortest notice and on the most 7 "T AUXO' a iioerai patronage i solicit oot in MRS; SARAH JACKSON.- ' OFFICIAL. Sheriffs Column. TNI CONSEQUENCE OI TnE'FREOTTPxr X ,defacemenfand destruction of notices in tne public streets I hare detemiSncri?ted to advertise sales and nnbliRh mi -.t.iffjwr rtaininff to mv office in th ZtY Post.! " 4""ua i the Hereafter all persons desiring 'knowlefl , matters, pertaining to sales, &c.f over &Xi may have control will find them adveffid il this column. j: W. SCHRNpk- rd l ., Wilmmgton.'N. CAn Jiw-he EXECUTION ISALES BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY EXECUTTnvc medirected, dssued fromSSS? Court rt orwew nanover county, at SnriF-I ur , I will expose to sale to the hilS 1869, ON THE 18TH DAY OF OCTOBER james Dawson, m,,n, ,v1 K) The int, VMl 1?. A vri Herman H. Robinson; Ex'r. ) H: H " r'aks Ki'r;. in HJ acres of land at. Pnntnj. vT""ua Harnett Township, ; ..S.C' ": in P. Murphy, , ;', 1 The interest of TT ti vs. . -Robinson in " Herman H. Robinson."5 15. block lis innl:101. Wilmington, as laid out in Turner hn 01 Geo B.t Baker; j ; ; i lThe interest of n rr , i VS , , V Robinson, 'iu Dart v v B. Robinson, Et ah block iw, iQ C?tfo fJw mingion, as iaia out in xurners plan.' Caleb- Mott and others;' j ; The interest ftf n vs. VH. Robinson in tZ H. H. Robinson.,, ... ) lot 5, block 111 City of Wilmington, as. laid out in -r,, ' n plan., 1 .. ! 5 r.. utrs Join W. Nash, ) The interest of Henrv Tar vs. , V lor in part lot 2 and 3 Rini Henry Taylor l8d, asFlaid but ta TnSS Plan in city of Wilmington. . rner 6 R. F, Eyden, vs . Oliyer. Kelly, City of Isaac : Wells, j ' The interest of" C. -1 i vs. 5 vin 266 acres of lanfl t 4P. Moore C. P. Moore. J Creek in Caswell Township on Ck)lvinft O. U. Parsley, The interest of John vs. Brown, -in part Lot 1 John Brown, tt al. ) Block 153, as laid out iu Turner's Plan in City ofYYilmington. Rich'd F. Debose, and 1 The interest of Jamea , ' wife Mary L., j A. Moore II. S." Ave '. vs. J rltt. "Administrator ; JExparte. 173 acres of land, on Hi S. Averitt, Admin- Cypress Creek, Colum istrator Jas A Moore., j bia Township,- . Christian Hussell, ) The-interest of Wm. . V . vs. i-Toomer, in part Lot 3 and 4. Wm. Toomer, ) Block 266, as laid out in Turner's Plan in city of Wilmington. James II. Chadbourn & Co., 1 The interest of s vs. -'"' James Grant, in -TnArtK flronf 4 v i ,t hurt tf f n 3 and 4, Block 158, as laid out ih Turner's plan of the City ol Wilmington. ; j , , iLBOBXECUTION ISSUING FBOSl THE SUPfifilOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF HOCOLN, STATE Caleb Motz and others 1 rThe interest of H, H. vs' . Robinson in the follow- H. H. Robinson. ) ing pieces, parcels or lots of land . situate lying7 aria being in the City of Wilmington and known in the plan of said City, as parts of lots No, 6 and block 13$, and one lot West part No. 4, block 105, one lot parts 4 and 5, block 2U8t as the propertyr of II. H. Robinson. . Levied ' On ' by ti. K. Bunting, late bhenfl of New Hanoyer county. , Abher Robi ason, ") Levied on the interest of ) , The interest of OUver Kriiv -' in part Lot 5. Block 22a Cil .-'-1 oucm inrners flan in r . t- 1 w ibiu Enoch Johnson, fof land, situated in Franklin Melton Lee. J Township, and laying on Ud- "1 per Black River. . -, UN T111S ZAD DAI Oi OCTOBER, James H. Chadbournc & Co. The interest of - v vs. -' Wm. H. Payne, - M. L. iuyton, : Sarah Atkinson, H. C. Cassidey, R. L. Harris, mington. ; 1 S. A. Currrie, Administra tor ol John K. Carrie, .. VS. J. R. iTennell, H. C. Cassidey, iu Lots No. 3. 4. W5 and' 6, Block yy, as laid out in Turner's Plan of the City oi Wil- The interest of W. W. Fennell, in 1300 acres of land, situ a t e d , in Franklin Township, county of New Hanover, . W. J. Price, sept 26 ALSO ON THE 25TH 8011-td DAY OF OCTOBER. Jno. A Sanders, i. 1 I vs. Jas. M. Cowan, T. C. Mcllhenny, Thos. Cowan. Right title and interest of Thos. Cowan in parts lots No. 1 and 2, Block ,15p, as laid down In Turner s plan of the City, of Wilmington, and known as the property of Thos. Cowan. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND iLIQUUR j dealers are hereby requested to pay their taxes due 10th August last on amount sales and purchases of the months of April, May, and June 1S69. Returns of taxes for the next quarter will be due the 10th October proximo. ' J. W. 8CHENCK, Jb., Sheriff New Hanover County. sep 5 . . ' 305-tf. Sheriff's Notice. A LL PERSONS WHO HAVE NOT PAID their - - J STATE AND COUNTY; TAXE?, and Who have listed their Personal Property, to an amount exceeding said tax, are thereby noti fied that in case they do not settle by the 20th day of this month, That I shall proceed to Levy on said personal property and ; collect . tax by ; The office will be open from 9 A. M. ,to 8 P. M,, for the transaction of this business. 1 . , . , J. W. SCHENCKt Ju.,-r ..- ' Sheriff New Hanover County. ; ociT-. yjy v814-tf JT S. 1IIGJBEE oV HASREMOVED HIS CROCKERY, CHINA J Glass Ware and Variety Goods Store to . oiKO. 25 SO;CTn FRONTS STREET, where he is receiving daily from the Northern Cities and from Europe large, addition to his already extensive assortment of House Keeping and Fancy Articles. V rvv; , U T . Auction Sales daily'as usual. ,' . r ;: a i -ki. ' s; vasamringe, Auctioneers.': oct 10 315 3t "IT. S. Internal Revenue. ! -ru - NOTTfTR ri f:i: ..oVi , r -rr- -,--. i.iii.. LL PEBSONSWHO SELL. SHELL OR Other Fish.' or both, from carts, in New Hanover or Duplin Counties, ara hereby notified to appear and take out a United States Internal Revenue license on or ' hefore the 15th ol this month, or they will be assessed and charged pen alty according to law. , ; - r " . , . i-r : T- v: moore, 1; 4 ? inv '- i 1 ' ?1 -Assistant Assessor. ;, QlEce corner Water, and Princess streets, over Sheppers6ns store. L ''octllOii x$Joy liuu&nuphu A"-315-tf 1ST ATE raiVEiJSil'y. A.' SJ BARNES 4c CO., cor. "VVilliam and . - j JohnSts., New York. u PUBLISHERS OF THfi or "if T NATIONAL SERIES OF STANDARD SCHOOL C' ! iaBOOKS,-J OMPRISING THE FOLLOWING, ADAPT- ,Syr unifc rn use ;iu the Public Schools ot North Carolina, viz: 'iU"J - Parker & Watson's, National Readers & Spel lers.' . j 7 v'.:' - .. . . - Davies Arithmetics. : f i ' Montelth and McNulty's Geographies, , Mohteith's History ot the United States. -'Beers'-, System ot Pennmanship. , I Publishers' Descriptive Catalogues, Price List, specimen copies of ''Educational Bulletin," mailed free. - - For special introductory rates, or other par tlculars concerning, this admirable Series, ad dress the Publishers, or ' . , . . . ... r - I..t -r-C. W.- LAMBETH,' - v j Publishers' Sopt. of Instruction, , -7-1 'V -- Raleigh; N. C. , AiJaKPyVuxiAMS, State Depository, -: r i' , Raleigh, N. C. '?Ct ,10 -'Hy.n t ;H,l., t mi ;,;?:'... fi -nti'Sr gg.gj

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