r 1 i r i 1 W O iJro i - ' VOL. III. WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY A MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1869. NO; 320.' li'M (bi v. N A V "1 r- 'IV si- THE 'WILMINGTON TOST IlllJ H iWiUI11lIlV.n IUOJ. oxiv i. oxcviy, editor !and proprietor.' TSRMbOJT 8UBSCK11T10N IKVAKIAULV IN ADVANCJ5. , Per Yc.Hr, ...... .....! $.1 00 - Six Mouths.. .' Th rcc Months. ......- 1 0 One Month . .. .. . 00 1 RATES OF ADVERTISING: Advertisements; will i be inserted at$l 00 per ;i, iquarc for first Insertion and 60 cents lor cacli j subsequent insertion. . ; CM ) ,Tcn lines orloes, eoUd minion type, constitute a j r square. .. ; ,-i - - . The market is llshy.5 "All quiet on the Fear." Auction bells ring nightly. Christinas comes on Saturday. H lUj ltoostcr hens, crow at unseemly hours, iknor Lcraus has made an affidavit in the case of the Cuba with a view to her release . 'Tell it not, in Gath P The ic Journal ad- J ile the. lamp 1 vocates paved streets ! "Whi (bids," &cM &c 1 1- Sylvester Gapps has been appointed dep uty to Constable Hill and will be " respected. ;anl obeyed" aecordirigly. - V- V ' Smith cries, "on the mossy, bank I stand," for kit his stand he notifies all those having cured moss that lie will buv. i Skri5N ade. VVc "arc Itliaukful .to ieuU roVvellimd the members of the 8th negi- mciit band for that serenade to the Post. Front street, above Dock, is being leveled hikI raised under the superinteudauce of the Marshal. This work was sadly needed. . There arc C23 C.atoliuai--A. insane i pcrsous in North , Then there .ttre 02'J democrats ? Thank .Wise, 'acts wisely in prciaring for us New liiv'er Oystcis.' Dealers i if the luscious bi valve, leave ..'yoiir' orders at HarrissV News btuiJ'l. '- ' - Shoot folly as she flics." Jonrnal. ,' ' And pray when did Pope make. Kolb. lciiiiuiue Shoot Folly as it flics," al low us fo correct. Muusou ha those things that Mrs. Par v vc mean tiiiL'tou called "stitch" witches 7? the peerless sewing machines. A beautiful lucsent for the holidays. Get one. itrady ot the rosTitiuotcs "Possums" hL a dollar a piece in Wilmington. Eels lilteeu tciits a dozen. Carolinian. . And apropos do you know why the North Carolinian is like an eel i " : nabus cphiallcs (nightmare,) is nuude to' inccius '" erJdattcsf' ! in the Jouri red mil. Allow lis to correct again ! No disrespect "youkuow," only we chcrislij some feeling lor the reputation of pity journalism I i . . . : I l Iuthe opening and grading of Nun street, with the dock built at the foot of the afore said street, wo witness evidences of enter prize and thriftr- sraaU it . is-rbut thcy arc straws which show whether we are advanc ing- ConiiECTioK.-In speaking ot the acci dent to Miss Wiuauts we inadvertently staled it as occurring on the Wilmington Charlotte and Kuthcrlord lUihoad. It should have been Wilmiugton and Ay-cldou Railroad. f ' ; , On the wharf in of the Custom .House, yesterday, we noticed another large sun. That's "rather . '. ...'.... A ueavy K.-r.r Slur, for the iruu was a donkey tuMU Alas poor tvriukler ! ; - ' . ' lu CharU:.MtoH all Osh . vended by uul ccuscd pdldlars are "couliscae -to" the or- ! phans r As iish is considered by Agassiz as ' purely braiu food, it would be politic to " euact such a law for our city in favor of their orphans. What say the B. O. a.? Mruhi wii A countryman, slightly iu M-irkt street chriatcd, while walkiug up last evrnim? soliliquizcd thusly : "Llcm v- o - rr 8nlen"8play, I guess that ,g ,W Wide Wake, ucrcession." luc ueiuum couulrymau mcrcly gazed upon our street lamps.-.- ; i ';v-';V" n.r Wc fell 'like exclaiming ay asp did the poet Thomson : .. . . . . f .. i i .MiHriipfi in Ethereal mifdncssomc lUdced Squaw SUmmci n3 .,iutv U3 for a few days : for thc sun at noon mud actually hot. Police Items. Milton Ford, wno seemcu as if he could ford through fifty hogsheas ..r ..i ...nl1ir !irlirprcnt sou of Noith Carolina. For which they ciarcsthc rigittof thc3IayorttndCommonal were "nabbed."' Justice was lenient again, (' to Appoint a ' clerk. The Gth section bciug satisfied with the paymeut of costs. 4tBiU" Jlalthews, "and Col toil Stewart, iorli' "mussed" in a livery stable, and Col top who the right of appeal, and the 8th de- had tils "phiz" "mussed Tor darfng ' Clares all laws in contravention of the same w. both fined WLiudgmtrut suspended uil ami void; and a ho hat the utt .half the State:" ' .TUo uTiu.kswin3" article or , mu iniinstoiWWij good-all b ut thc"o!cfl anu "irecuom ' part or iUJatiioro'VaTo- The Ituvlinlta tuxn may thank bis utart. ( that lie has no trijf Scientific.--Prof. Ed. V. Cove, statu Geologist, called upon us in hi journey ings oug iuc fossil beds of the S fate. He states to us that lie lias already discovered and forwarded to Raleigh, specimens of fossils of the genius Mammalia,; Mcgasthinic, and Mcgalithnic. . ; ; Mui Tiic Wilmington rost man is grieved bc- causcwe have a green coat Hcakcs it rejection upon : him?Sidii!ards And that reminds iis of; a story of c as I . - jiMj uif u siui j ui uur ' j friend introducing another as a , Jlr; Brown who is not such a fool as he looks.' 3Thich i was retorted to by Brown saying that that was : 'just the diffexracnKwetjnthcrri. Sec the point! ' x - . All Anbui AikUeury vAdam ' carpet bagger'.although of native hue, did thrice choke his housekeeper of the mighty - v mm uiuiLi tin m a a . l w vi lli! r - The cause thereforo a pipe. Which for the time being was " a chokinjr sensation." 7(i , . .wj .w t Samson, unlike her hcrculeau prototype. ; was weak, but boastcd of an uu shaven Iicad. T1'0 tace of the Marshal, beamed upon, Jlli,tjcc- justice beamed in return, J and ; Adams, was Adaui3 as:ain. Is This So ? One of the sorcheaded in this city, who fogy-Uke is a foe to any inv provemcnt, becoming incensed at the "inuo- ) vatibis" of the Marshal in miukin his street look respectable, desired; one of the city papers to iusert an article condemnatory of the Marshal. The editors thereof feelin' that any attack upon the Marshal would J 'Hiopopularyrefused ; whercirpon P vn' tlennm rcsixjctfuily oflered to i''lVfor thc li:c, 'Tis needless to ihat lis cn' tlcman is a good deuviilf- We ha.Te jjoc 'requested to call the at tention ot lady readers j to thc nppeal of the Lavca 'cncvoleut Society. It , is ccr tai0T a small thing tor any lady to sjiare a No single quality is so cbarnung; to men or accoi)tablc to God as "charity" and she is indeed "twice blessed" who labors to re lieve the waut3 of those called in the old time Cliurch language VGoils". Wards.' ' ; . Mrs. Kcunedy.. will'- receive lor distribu- f tiou any articles of clothiug or quantities ol food that may be spared by our citizens. Let ull help. , There has been "much ado about noth ing" in the papers relating to the'u(Jeorgia State Fair." One eccentric newspaper pub lishes a half .column of "Grand Tourna nicnt" Knight ol thc Lost Cause" winning auothcr; donkey by his gallant etc., etc. Now this "tournament" business is bad enought when praccicedjby Virginia or the Caroliuas, but wheu plain plebeian Georgia eiicoiiragcs such nonsense we are reniinded of the pungent remark of a common eense Southroii that "Tournaments were only lit for damph phools who liked to. ride with a stick and punch at a ring; iwigininy 'U a Yankee. ; ; An iEiiiiok. Some misapprchensivu hav ing arisen as toa humorous attacJv on . our worthy Aldcrman tfomtlib First WanI, we arc pleased to make this - correction, yizv That in; pitching into "George" for at- acking the hosiital wc did not intend disparage thc present management fo of either the jail, workhouse or poor house Certainly all who know how indefatigitlc Sheriff Schenck and his depitics have hon cstly Klischargcd their , duties, and how well Mr. VanAniringc has labored to save the county expense, as indeed has Mr. Scott, rfneed no reminder of the kind llMUiiffs tho Post lias wor lAu'rislnyl to- warahese jrcntlcmen. . - i t Thrn is r it t..i.i.' r ' " " -"W wiiuivic m magazine literature. Thorns.' r... ..i.n.i or lf charadc3. nL, l .i .L- suited tp thc childish intcllcev as cancd forth Thc School Festival. The njjCC number for January, 1870, is Injtore u, Alfred L. Scwell &; Co., of Chicago, Illinois, have thc! honor of publishing the same. The Festival is issued quarterly at the mod est price ol fifty cents a year or lif teen cents a f copy. J The original Dialogues, Becita- tions, Headings, Tableaux, Charades, &c, hiakes each number complete and of much - 7 i UKt'OOVa may iiinu.iuuwu iviu "um una iuuitU as well as young " uns," , This JjNew Special- Court. The drafted atj Raleigh, as a; substitute aet for the present act gives the court jurisdiction over i'petty ' - larcenies" ii and. defines Um RameJ Thc 2nd section declares any viola tiou !of- city ordinances, where the pen, oii Wfisnot bvcf$f00. as nusde- iew4r I . i uii"UUUia. v wv- 1 " diition ol thef ;COurts;Valso declares no ? i-:ii ti-ill 1 '.-'demanded. The gection sun reiaius iuc vuuuaiuu clause uaii,g - ovef thc prisoner to I t. h..r'n 'flAiirt . TliP. 5th Section de- ; speeifie thc salary of the judge (fi.uuu; oui v r - . n m i not mo ni r iif -iTii-i-. i ii u i iu ap,ows fees as a Justice taka effect upou ratification. xumr, t olscxib&u.au rectus ng auljserlptiuui or lending iu new nara DC1 oeiore wauuary m ww 1ms entitled to if. m ... ..... ... ; ! I re-r -t it.L it.. t . . TUllEE DOLLAkS PPAl ANNUM r l I . -rr --.---'""-.?, al! who claim to believe IlcpubHcan ideas, and desire to ihow allegiance to thclfatien- al Government assist the only true Aptricaa organ in this section. Te quotc dis tinguished writer : "It is the shame arij citizen owning allegiance to the flsj that he suljscnbcs for r assists the organs of treason and does not stand by the ; pnly National paper worthy of the name idls$rth Carolina."- The Post has pecu iinpru'TCj at much cost and is worthy the aid of all cbod citizcis. LiiJEiiAL Offer to Oun Readers. iVc will send the American iAgricidturisp price $4, or pacjwolboy Visitor oneof tifc Tcst magazines tor boys and girls ; published in the country, worth $1.25 a year, and ainag nificent steel-plate engraving, entitled ilryi Me l," worth $2.50 per copy, all tq any newho will send us $1. The engraving will be sent post-paid, secure from iijury, and will make a charming ornament for any parlor or sitting-room. Send in the uktncs, and secure $S worth for only $1. To subscribers sending additional namc5, j we will send a copy of the Agricotlorixl foT Visitor, and to clubs of live persons w? will agree to send five copies of the JW for FIFTEEN DOLLAUS! All paymvuU strictly in advance. " Only Playi.nV Viida1" ir nvww ; 'fitift'lhc saloons aloiij Water sti otticcr -arrested one Hamt- I,.,"lms wno 3 the sequel will ovc, had no inappropriate cognomen. Handy, having not thc fear of the bandaged god before,, his eyes, did in a moment of ; exceeding frenzy? " let loose the cords which biud the passion?," and did flourish, like unto that of Holla tj his sauguiuary followers, a blade cf blazing sharpness upon four of his companions, until felled by the lion-hearted Brovn. Handy was brought before Judge Caatwell yesterday morning, aud stated thai he was "only playiuV1 Handy was fiucI $20 aud costp ; with the permission to-' handle a shovel, and with the coveted hoor of working for the city. KAl Hai.di ! -"' CoMMi ScHooLS.County E x a m i n c r Huthcrf'id has received from Superintend ent Ashliy "circular No, 12"; which stales thc nuobcr of inhabitants or pur cbifuly le twccii (he ages of G aud 21 years, as follows : White...... 3,515 Colored........... 4,(K0 Total.... . ....tS V Viuouul to apportion ainorg the Town- . buips of the County .......... .$:,ri 00 j The Couuty Exaniiuer is notified that thc tioncy must be expended only for teachers iages, and is also instructed tb notify the Township School Committees of the couuty to the sum they may apportion to expend f public sehools, each school to be kept ui less than four months. bounty Commissioners must approve bills foi teacher's wages.; The Commissioners are ordered to establish schools -immediately. The County Exaiiiiuer will aet as agent in th matter. m,m - - Wmi tiik FAin, at the Fa mi. On Thursday evening, wheu night - ' "Had drew Ucr sabFc mantle - 'Round, and pinned it with a star" , wc sallied forth, incog, to where evergreen and ivv in soft luxuriant bowers nodded, to the soft courtesies of bcwjltch&g beauty, it e. the City Hall. Here wc found the ladies of thc Front Street Methodist church, prat tling, coaxing and smiling, in all thc enthu siasm consequent upon a gathcriug of this kind. Some seemed to say ; "Drink to me only Vith'thiueJeyei" others, patted rouipiug youths on their lair checks, or basked in the genial warmth of sunny smiles bom in bright black eyes, that " shone again in brave response." Wc tar ried long enough to inspect a few of the articles on exhibition, viz: The silver su gared cakes, the gaudily dressed dolls; the tingling, ringing toys, and last but not least the decorations which ' fair bauds had nde oloqvtent." We departed very much satistiett wUli ur visit, aud bespeak for Mrs. uaiiy ana abbiiam cnConrageinent, aud aid of all persons tu Uvxi , llf.,i.u church. . ""i- A Pheasant bcrrEii. I be worthy Al derman from the fourth ward invited a few fricuds to sup all old bachelors except the allant Ryan, and the way tltu oysters and other little arrangements new . irom me 44 banquet board" was a caution to the "old Cape Fear sires" the Journal man drags from their graves to decorate ; his, gushing etlorls at composition. Our fricud Jones gave a good illustration of" bid Cape Fear hospitality" on Friday night, aud wc venture to say that although nil a memlcr ol the Cape Fear Club nor v proud of , his luica"e,Y or " proud of his representation of those chivalrous sons of the old Cape Fear yet for a plain Republican Alderman he did very well. The tunc honored custom 4iviur a supper to a few friends" is as old as tho " Cape Fear." ; Can illustration go further T All who fed at the .Aldcrinau's board declare him worthy to be a '.city, father." "Need wo say that he succeeded ? Let the partakers of his hospitality answer. Old Cape Fear Hospitality is not dead yet, nor will its memories be .quite, lorgottcu so long aa such lepicstsutatiycs are still left." V5ivcRsiTv- or THii fcotiit. We bare I received a very eloquent appeal in. behalf, of a tiliurrh rrvlfr !.. . . . ' . i ious university cf the South , to be estab lished at Mount Sewanco in Eastern Tennes see. Did cur limit cdlpaco permit we would print; entire the Very able article of IIct. Dr. Watson, but it is only within our power to state that Iter O. P. Tbikcra the accredited agent of this noble enterprise is in cur city and the aid of all jroodvenris tians is asked in behalf of a most worthy db jeci. j? rum an appearances tne wortny suc cessors to those good men Bishop Polk and Elliott will succeed In rebuilding the -walls cast down during our iatc ciTil t wary and under Bishop Quintard the good worV pro gresses. Fully $25,000 is yet ivantcd and'if 1000 churchmen contribute $2500 each. iuojojcct oi jsir. i uaKera' mission tti ft ue accbmpUshed. Let all who feel interested attend St, James Church to night and lis ten to the appeal there to c made. . . Hoi at Fort JonxsoK. The blliccrs of the garrison stationed at Smithvillc gave a very Afclightful reception to their many friends last Wednesday night. The soldier! racss room was elegantly fitted up with fla and some forty guests danced thcmsclTes into a condition oi happincs3 previously uuKnown in omuaviiie.1 Thc ladies of Colonel Frank's fauinyntyArjLpare f tucir visuora irom vnraington, while tlc gallant Powell, Lt. llay and Dr. Boyer um - ait that man could dp" to make their fricuds in love with themselves and garri sou life. Thc music by j thc Uegjimcntal band made "bright eyes look" all that " bright eyes" ever can loot under pleasant circumstances, and the dance went on right merrily until the "wee sma' hours." The officers of thc revenue marine sta tioucd in this port lent i their li faces and brilliaut uuifornis to grnce thc scene, while those cx-offiecrs whose wear ing or thc blue" would shut them out from a rebel shindy ; gloriad in ncc more seeing the "knightly bars," and " lordly, leaf" decorating shoulders only too able to bear all the honors the government may shower upon them. . i The Union Club of Wilmington vote thanks to Coh Frauk aud officers m well as to Captain Usher, Licuts: Gamble and Mur ray and many othcis. The pleasure of the visit was enhanced by the attentions of gentlemen worthy to represent their sovern- nicni LJtU,u mmtinn of i. which they may be assigned. New Jlcrue is improviu 'r' ur Charlotte has got the Fair fever. rtalcigh will have a city bell and Town clock. ; New Heme wauts an independent light company. gas Iteprcsentatives Dewecs and Jones have left for Washington. North Carolina revenue to the t". S. is over 500 per cent increase on correspond ing period of last year. Thc Hillslioro Recorder and Tarboro Southerner (democratic) speaOavorably of Gov. Holdcn's message. ' ! t. ; upt Ashley was to visit jSalisbury on thc 27th inst, for thc purpose of establish ing schools in that town. " Bishqi's Deuringcr and Doggctt attend ing the conference at New Berne, have, had their trunks robbed of $200, ill that city. The Rock Island Manufacturing Co.,wc see by special telegraph to Charleston lle- publicaitj. has taken thc premium for woolen J good?, at the Georgia State; t air. Uopd tor Charlotte. RELIGIOUS. Raite the Miuisters salariey;. The N. C. Vrctbylcrlm i to be eularged. Faraday, the great scieutiljist, was a de vout cunsiian. ; j Prof. Samuel B. Wilson, of Richmond Theological Semiuary is dead. 4 1 DC il. Ks. i ti Willi ft fir UlIVlUMVO "V .iwo - rr.1 ur f T.. ...I. .,.,...'.. .1 icviiift mj 4lir. mine. money fortlic building. The following days of the week 'arc those set apart tor public worship in ; diflcrent nations-, bunday by tnc Christians ; Monday by thc U recks; Tuesiiay by the; Persians: Wcdnc.wy uy tnc Assyrians ;. 1 nursday by the. EgyaitUns ; Friday by the. Turks 5 Sat urday h the Jews j j - . 1; .-. . The ltuerican Sunday Scwl a Worltr : We hie received the prospectus of a mouthli journal to Co "published at St. Louis Dcccinlltr lit, by J. W. Mclntyrc, No. 4 South Fifth Street. Its sphere is thc pro motion cf thc religious education of the youug ia the Family,v Sanctuary Sabbath and day School, Asylums, &c. in all actions and denominations alike. It wiJhfwjtfs-aJcsson system with cxposi lory notes, illustrations, &e with much other matter ready prepared lor the use of teacher,; ii:tnruls. and others. The editorial Committee consists4 of lead ing ministers of diffcreul denominations, the publisher, would no doubt, gladly answer all inquiries. list liicoWfiical Seminary at Chicago, is to bo made a free public library; nun." J.S G Scammon haying- contributed a - lot 1.1 rosTLtsf;s. Zoc is in Eric, Fa.' t rUIj3ili,!alU.' . ' Dr. Livingstone t alive. . Minnie Warren is uu sick." v v Mrs. GenTCustar fights Inj uns," " Burlingame has arrived in Berlin. ; t ; Lotta is"Fire Flyingin Gotham Horace Maynard is in Washington. New York t as cc 1 Vassi tn lTopcra. Chicago wanta to be a port ot entry. . Eye glasses arc Vulgar when affected r France has thirty thousand "crazyitcs.n4 - "comiortauic comns" are rad'a" in Bos- ton. xx. Senator titzpatnck. ot AJa -T An Art Museum U contemplated in New Tork. ,s ; Boucicault has made $70,000 from "For mosa." ' ; " - !i r Tomatoes arc fifty cents apeck at: the Capitol. " . Scott Siddous is "As You Likcing It," in Buffalo. V ,The Masonic Fair in Charleston realized $10,000. Small farm, and thorough cultivation, is the best. Bob Toombs is upracticin' lar" in Women 'horsewhip physicians; in Pitts burg, Pa. - A London orchestra. theatre has discharged 1 its Charlotte Cushman is "claning it amonir the Scots. ' H The N. Y. Fire Department will be re organized. , ; Washington willJiave a Jirst class milita ry company. 1 I High heeled boots arc "nobby" for "nice young men." The Virginia State Iiemihli tion has met. Thc S. C. and Alabama I last Monday. Fred. Douglass is "Frccdomizimr" i IandofPennT "01 ' Mils Fitficld is thc comnosp.r nt tin. iiu,.f Mens March." Booths Theatre. October recnints amnnnt. cd to$34,330. - t 4 " Thc N. Y. Tin averagcs a t profit of $80,000 per year. trTkJlIiyill6el." Rochcfort has been elected to thc French "Corps Legislattfl" ; . Colfax "Tempcrauccd" to the Maryland inebriates Tuesday last. Senator Ramsey wag ;nucte3sful -in his postal mission 10 xsurope. Mrs. Secretary Belnap, occupies Seward's old residence in Washington, One of the Atlantic Cables has been leased to a German Company. ; Gov. Merrill says uno Senator will ba ap pointed in the place of Grimes." ; Train calls Omaha "the zodiac of thc Re public." Zodiac is pretty good ! , Twelve large omnibuses are building in Cincinnati tor our Southern cities. San Francisco maidens have . presented G. F. T. with a $500 emerald ring.' : Gen. Butler gave bail inNew York toj answer the charge of Miss Florence. - i- The Spanish gunboats ' in New' York arc to be seized by the Federal government. Paris has women gold ' breakers, that is "gold brokers." What's the difference ? Chicago has a National Convention of Liquor Dealers now in session. Appropri ate. "'-.. ... ., .. .i( . The convicts in the Hudson .! county jail, Ni J., attempted to blow it up on Sunday 1 last. I The provinccrs of Canada have becm as- signed their different coats of arms by Vic- toria. 7 Centennial celebration of the M. E. Church took place in Philadelphia last week. ' President Grant has proclaimed a discon tinuance of the discrimination of French vessels. . ; "- ..ml IliU III UUliU!l." ftml terms that "city" "isothermal." Is so- dismal! - " President Cespedes ami wife have sold their jewelry, the proceeds ' to assist the Cu-1 bau cause. . Richmond is makin g great preparations for the coming;. mcctiui: of the .National Board of Trade. . -s v.: r.;. I ;il Rosc Eytingc the brilliaut New , York actress b&s married Geo. Butter tbc cri tic of WilkcsVSpirtJ' j Petticoats with llonnccs arelsnilty," and ictticoats with Ah ! . ve don't like totem We blush! L - v The Albany Ecenina 7 of our citizens arc making ntir;i;Anc . remove to the South." . f - f 1 i Mark, Twain illustrates his "cannibal" lectures, by attempting- to chaw up ths babies in thc audience. ' ..: The Sultan protests against , the 4 procla mation of the Viceroy, declaring I lie neu trality of the Suez Canal. -S r r "yx " The Five Points House of Industry N. Y., furnishes four hundred thousand ' meals an nually to thc little wanderers 'p-' Senator's Morton, Buckiughaiu, Sherman, Ramsey, Schurz, Williams, Drake and ex Senator Wade arc in Washington. " The President has received'-a protest f rom lh6 Spanish Minister against tbc dc tcution of the Spanish gunboats ; , and the President say he will hold them at all hat urdi! Hurrah ! , . LETTERS FRO II THE PEOPLE: ' FiLUfKLrNjKoT. 20th; ; . 4J1SAJ1. Post I have at last secured 'my own consent to write you a few lines bul thc ' question is, what shall write? for i h aye always heard, that a man must bate some thing to say before lie' can say anything ; and I cow feel the force of this bid saying more sensibly than ever; but no' excuse, no apology will be acceptable now;1 some thing must come. Then to proceed : I will remind you, 3ir. PostJ that- -tiionWir w have had a long, not dry and discouraging ' summer, in some respects, tha; spirit and Tini of our people ; has . not desrteclJthcmV ' but with the recent ins,'UyV returned ail ' the elements of industry, common to our people, and a more encouraging display of energy and activity hal not been seen for a" long, long time in bur midst. r Turpentine and tar will soon be borne upon tho recent rains pi Heaven to Wilmington, to gladden" -and make light the heart of the merchant, -the capitalist and the inspector. Then, we have crops, which are not to be grinned at, by him whoxis without teeth ; indeed wc will hayc here more than an everage crop. So much for crops, tar; iurpentineictc. - -To-dayr was theregnlari day i ftr'the Jus- tices' Court at this place; and hearing that there were aome novel cases to be tried and counsel had been secured, both' pro and con, we felt some curiosity to see how things would be conducted, and accordingly went to the'eourt roomwhere we found1 Justices Anders and Robertson, presiding, and the H1 a? f e anticipated. The first case v .walxalled irs. , for fraudulently ob taining goods j being a new thins with us. it elicited great and general interest. The evidence both for the State and- defendant 7 haying been heard, the counsel for the dc- fendant, Mr. Fennell, arose and spoke for some half hour, exhibiting , an ingenuity, skill and power, which commanded the respect and attention ot all present. In deed it was a speech of such power, so for tiffed at every : point, with obstacles : and difficulties so numerous, so well asssigncd, and apparently so efficient, that we ail felt that wej could very Treasonably conclude, that the defendant would k be discharged. All looked for, expected this result, but we had not heard from ; the counsel for the State, Mr. , Frayser. ,He followed with a ' speech of about thirty minutes, as j divcrsi fied as is his custom, but. dealing ivith cy if sympathy from even Abe ianost 'reuctant hcft- Met fully the positions vfitho op- ' tyM f wunsci, -arguea tne case boldly. souarelv.' and f t?encrouslx- -w tiutvr .g-5wagei in a stylo and manner iq disinterestedly, so nobly and - magnani mously as to excite the admiration and re spect of all who heard him. Thc court then after summoning up : all the evidence dc -' cided"? against the defendant. A case of similar character wa next heard with thc same'iresultj the counsel on both sides de clining to say more. Others were continued. until jsaturaay next, wnen we expect to Iicar again from these gentlemen who so highly edified us on this occasion. Last, but not least Mr, Post, I must say something of this place. It is the very Bpot above ail oiners, oetween tnis ana Wilming ton for poor, wearied, worn out , man, to spend, a tew days, and if thc hospitality, kind attention and good treatment of Howe and Smith can afford him no relief, his case will be one tor the Doctors to pronounce hopeless and beyond the reach of science. ALniA. Shameful Abuse , : Wilmington, Nov. 23d, 1809. ' Mi;i Editor: The Sentinel ot this morn ing contained one of those shameful abuses of the. public press so common among the "high-toned" conservative gentlemen" of thi St:t A Mr Tiiraw tva JnTifirl to an agricultural fair at Wilmington. ; He went there and was treated as he ? states f with civility, and ; even extreme courtesy.. To repay the people inviting him; he de nounces them for extending polite treatment to other strangers he called " carpet bag gersV Now among gentlemen thiii conduct of Turner would deserve but one name - -x imnnrr nrmr1 " UTS ClaSS wllO With ' "uu reoene iavors, auu wiiu tne otticr sung mud upon tnc bestower of the gift. Among persons of this class -dishonorable conduct cannot be aught but pleasant, and suchlias ever been inhabit of the Yaliaiit" hero bf i the New Berne . stampede. A gucstat a aiair-insults tothcr gucstsi Au Arab in aught but courtesy Mr. Turner has neitlt'er the decency or the " commonest molality or he would never be guilty of the rejections upon tbc managers and others attempting-to forget political differences for the good of the section when the old time custom 'jot holding public fairs' lias been re vived WbcUier Wilmington is " metfopoli-" tan" or Raleigh is " provincial" in 3Ir. Tur ner's eyes is of little . 'consequence to tbc citizens of either place, but the f provincial" education "of" the perverter' of newspajicr columns tb un worthy objects shows iu every j line and stands - out in bold relief when compared with the manners and culture of the depiscd " carpet baggers." We Republicans should be pleased with the conduct and language of Turner as, a representative man, for the reason that his very, extravagance or folly rebounds against him and his party and thus 'when lie de nounces all who fought fori the ; Union as ' " invaders" and calls upon the party he represents to ostracise all liberal democrats who may choose to associate with Republi cans or those friendly to the government he bcucfits our party by disgusting all sensi ble mcu who may still be w uulortuUvile sti to associate with traitors. YWUJSX A : . i n lament vfto-U.- "God save