(J ". . . l;";lllt,JI7""IJ,lltl ,, , i i '.- .- . yf lVH:H V' -v;' .'-: - - 4 lm !ffV;i .ubf irifTtVV V ! :,' THE WILMINGIW.POST. editor and proprietor. : J - ' --r - TERMS OF BUBSCKimON IN VARI ABLY IN ADVANCE. Per Y?ar;;.,.. Six Mouths. , . . , 2 50 Three Months.:...'..... Ouc Month. .. .v-.' li'i .'i'.H 50 i RATES OF ADVERTISING: V I- J Advertisements ..will be Inserted ; at'f I 00 per ' . - . r n i- tnitAfit inn find Ti onnt. n I. . ftfrUaXO iUrjUABI iUOWHVU Buu w tvuui iui vntu subsequent insertion. - "- - ; , j '"; Ten lines or less, solid iniuiou type, constitule4 square. - ' :U . "4Vs-?. 'T.; ' , r J GITY. Doccmbtf. The Coqrt is lonely lootbl;icks chime hartV times.1' (Joverumcnt ?onil$; The city jail bars. Ariioltl opens his Cosmopolitan" on tbe4 .2(1 inst., -V s. ,v'r-: v:-.1.--; i -:-. V : -I. w rf?f ; ; j Why .cannot a pillow' i case be "'called - a r .! s'.f-. ) What table necessity resc mbtts the sleep-; iug twins ? Why Xtq Kins I '-y-:-M4--;; -John Fio3t, Esq., kisses Madame Earth every morning. JNaughty. Jack ! '-' The Kaleiglr(trtZ copiesourinsWailks on 'bolters." 1Twasr a; that ; old Ti-kugs." . keen 7 ' Tike tlirust, Can the ladies1 who affect, the eaitorvhaf i with 4t anchored r 'i bbon ,"' be clasiwl aiiioi those who " hope on , - The trial ot the onieeis of the 41 UubaM lakes place at this term of the "Eastern Dis v tjict nl the United States. V." V T Ilundreda of persons -die aunuuHy in the i city and suburbs and stiil we have no lleg j ister of vital statistics. Why is this ? AVn khefouk ?-2-Tbe ,inailoute: between this city .ami Onslow Court House eic SncRd's Ferry, has been 'disestablished. Our genial Collector,' Durlee, will be af his-"Office from now until the 1st ol January 1S70, for the collection of the 'annual laxesV: . Tax dm Kind .ling Wood.--Aetii.g Com missioner Douglass has decided that the lax on kiadiing wotd, as a manufactured Ui tiele, shall not in future be levied. ' liix nil! lion busliels of coal r are lyiisg in the Monorigjihcla lliver awaiting sulticieut." waUr ior sliipmont. Ex. . r i S ThatsiT comfort for our coal dealers. Tiiat u D.oi:g" Cart was out again iesttr liavmorniug, and yelping cauincs and luek Ia r goats suecumbed to the tangled web," wielded .by ready hands.' ''Ahis! poor urps.',.r. . CoMMt:nciAL.--On the oOLh insi. 1U1 bales of cottony 2,655 barrels dl rosin, 55G ?iritst)f Turpeitine, 100 binds of tar, and 91,000 feet of lum!er were shipped from this port. . -y A.Vidr illustration of uold Cape Eea llos pitaluy." The "hugh" bauquest given by uCol.M..J. il. Davis to the Cape Fear Agricul tural Association where only democrats were invited. ! We were pleased to see in our sanctum lion. O. 11. Dockcry looking in the tiucst kind of condition, and fully uquat'appareut iy to the1 assaults upon his health by the fair " syrens at Washington. V One. "and' two cciit pieces are not now le- !..' .1.1 . ' t .... C .'.. it r mil f w uecinaoie at uu-tll;aulics iw uii,-u.vju 'but they arc exchangeable for three and I . lnrr-f-nt. nioces. the five ceut nieces being .... t - , reileemablc iu currency. Uystkks. Mr. Jas. M. Wise uat succeed ed in securing the market stalls required, and will therefore dispense those excellent New Kiver Oysters to all lovers of the bi valve in any quantity, at all hours of tho 43 ' r:- :;' '" . . '"; The Sentinel in the ruinscTSccessiou, le ; elares that the editor of the Post indulges in "ironical productions." Probably the iron that should have entered the sole of the editor of the Sentinel wW lie shod iroper ly, troubles the said iusaue old cuss r ' A'anOpdcll, he who taketh the "counter- f ei t prescntiuifuts," and pretty pictcrs " of life; notifies all that he don't owe, to call, and see him. " Van," is in the van of photos," in fact the Brady of Wilmington, aud as. such should he largely patronized. -U' ! ' " ' ' .: - v'kv-. At a meeting of the Merchants and Mc- xUauies Buikljiug Association, held last .tl'ht, fifty-four shares of the slock were redeemed, as follows : PJ , 1 eharcb. . . '. ... j. ..;.,... '. ......'.'. . . . . l.i ." . . . . . ... ,...;.;...;......... ' ...... 50 ....v.....;.... ...... .. ..... 85 00 S5 .50 ''.,'........86 00 . ... .:. . ...V.. .... .. . fes oo . ........ 89 00 ' ' ; .'t' r ... IK) 00 Q ti . Average $37 60 cr share. ;0G7-k10 per cctit. discount. r ': Twenty-five shares were sold as follows: 15 6uare at 1 -7S bonus per, share. Thc Mayor sends greeting to the citizens iiraiugtou,turougri tho columns of the 1 and desiresiheir very desirable com- At thc,inccj;ing to-morroivTcTcmngtb give expressioH ls to the establishment "or vauuirnt 4 pt - yiui Special t Court, vcrjDody and bis wife are . invited, cs pecially bis wife. PitoD"ecE.Kumbcr of carts arrivett for tbc marked lanns :tbc5'n Fish and Oysters....' . - . 1 io(l Total . . . T. ,1' . ...TOO U .n rThis expressive i tiboriginal '"Af?rirMu;:Vc.weif xo .uic'conai- tioir 6r6ur strxetSjcst SO d abi disagnablcdoJcfuiand diseouragbig were tb'ei5trcetioril;ov f eteatlcrd ;W cfeinicacdbf I'addyV t ejaciatipD.!;"frhat jj Yoked! The number ormarriagctf inthe Iastmontbirfiucsc days of stolidindlutif compromlsing'celibaiey'rs iindced omimnisj The, Register ex uili ias follows White, ? mmli w'ib is uolorcu. - j--t-.-,..44vi - ' : r1 1 cfdgentlcmanJy Clerk ' slings iukC" -!Mity?he stilt continue to '"g.y -'flBa-Cftf Tl I -GopDi-An f &mfciii6tt been broiighttp withJv "sad rriisappreheii-f iou of facts, thus pouiu his. Wm ' If I was a lokle editor, I tot . Wouldn't I havtf a'tlme f- I I wouldn't, print a cussed word ; For lessen a f a line, i - Fd gct my grub and Hekertrcc A: tickets to the shows .1 wouldn't pay fbribaKy Inire, & wouldu't I wear good elose ! The; Ladies Benevolent Society wiir bald meeting thiilmorDingd Masonid Hall. Lad ica of VVi 1 mi ngton, Heaven born charily of winch is " thrice bl cd," call s . upon you ! Decrepit. 'age : touching Scuiijityi: and wan Poverty, mingle in tho cry. Let each like unto the Widow, whose u willin' mite," . was made aacreil hv her Saviours i t i oieRtnsT : if iveit is only a "mite." O 7 -) i Our worthy Siierilf has obeyed "the letter of the law" by sending ou the full amount of taxes due the State although the tax payers had hot-nil paid up. It redounds to the credit of Majr f Bchcnck43 that he .thus obeys a severe and unjust mandate by which he compelled 16 HoSc the iuse of private to settle their indebtedness to the State. . ViCKED.f-TA young man, whoso naiue at present wtTwithhold, but whom we will not shield from public indignation much longer has been to the iron works in this eity, and solemnly inquiring of the propri etors if they Uid all sorts oi easting there 1 Upon their reply ing yes, as ol course they UiU, IJU-MieU UMllM lUCUI IU CUM il BlIKilOW 1... il 1 1 ... -t .i. Mr for Li in, and ran off before they had a chance to do it. - . Who is to Ulame. had to go to press Uepeatedly we have without: our " State news"' l eeause the Railroad lailcd to bring to. the city mail matter duo here by 7V P. M. Som6thii!g is rotten in Denmark, and we don't want the Post j Master General. 'to kick up a fuss. Of course the remedy ex ists lor such a crying evil aud we call upon the vigilaut Fremont to stir somebody up. "Let it be recorded." . . Information Wanted Any one know ing anything of E. DePortcr would confer a favor upon his distressed family by ad dressing with infermation L. peT'orter, Con vent P. O., St. Jamcs'Paiilh, Louisiana. When last heard Vom by them he was em ployed iu a machine shop by Mr. Webster, and referred his iricuds. to a ireutleman at that time, Mayor, of Chattanooga. Date not given. Exchanges please copy. Shortly after the recent great rain storms and freshet in. the New Eugland States, a resident of Boston, who owned a mill prop erty in Maine, dispatched an agent to ascer tain the condition of his property, and re port upon the damage. It turned out to be all duni-agc. By due course of mail the owner received the following report : ' "Dear Sir: 1 arrived here this morning found thc ilam by the mill Mfef but no mill by a dam site. " A Nkw Year's Gift For All. The publishers of the American Stock Journal wishing to place a copy ol that publication iu the hands of every Farmer, Planter and Stock Breeder in the couutry, have put up one hundred thousand packages, containing a specimen copy, large illustrated Show Bill.-a premium list, and one of the follow in" twcuty-fivc0 cent Books: Horseman's, Hog Breeder's, Sheep Breeder's Dairyman's Eor Poultry Breeder's Manual. These pack ages they offer td send free aud postqaid to aU who apply for them. Wc hope all our farmer friencis will avail themselves of this generous oflerf asjthe Premium list contains many articles, such as Blooded Cattle, Sheep HogV Poultryi Potatoes, Seed, Agricultu ral Implements,- Sewing 'Machines, Books, Walche?. &C., &e.,that can be easily ob tained by a few day canvassing for this popular Journal which is published at the low price of $1 a year. - ' ; AddressBOR&CO:, Publishers, I Parktibutg, Chester Co., Pa. t ( . . Senator Abbott leafs (s Saturday fmoiliin ior Washington.- - -1 w SingistS-To the mcllifluoul toQcd gent snt on Docb feCreet wiibjghUy-uowrfout Chamiiagnr Charley? wouia-eavvo undcr no obligations" ttfXJhirleySTlbe ladjr on Front rfrcewho arbletbBcalJy Don't Think I Shall 1 Srarry'; wetfbaeaW acuss " whether1 shoe up, lor hcavcu sake i &s lor tho tspooncj' son. -r strccf whF jioarsel v chins itn Avith;She:Worea respectfully 'ask if that was the cxTctit of1 her attire j iitrioi this howliWha fetterl fe quiet. 2 96PlvKic to our readers,' that owin j&ncsijf in Raleigh' that will engage ;ldrnr&tf comes notary to ica JJS'Sfe; W- P9I7 xompciiett to decUnc .. the very, ki nd invj ta- nwii 4!iuuwi w mm uy nis . licpuDucan imls thls hqw- CVK iosvs t givcli good K people, of Imirto iuliirhcn:bis be eon- tent to read Jof lii uv through tho? reported debates in Congress; i-S JlEi'OiiT orv3lARKET CiiEiik-Tlic tium- bcr of anioials brough t to market v Novcm - bcr, 1809:. : Name of butehcr. Ttlly ts BappterT?.:;;.: U J King: fc bona;..,; JJohnsoulMC;; J. M. Jarrcll . : : . Y. IL Davis. ;.; Douglas & Capps ','..'.. OK. Hanchcy ; vii . .VV; '. Jno. Cowan. ;. . . . ; . . . . . J. W, King.i...T.;.. J. W. Mills.......... Redd &!EadensV. . . . . TjUy & llay i " I'otai..... Our shiftless little neighbor, ye.twiukliug Star attempts . to gorge Its . readers with what "..Dick Sniveler " would call "dousing the' glim." Thiswise doth the beamed dream : . ' ' The city is rapidly, expanding itscitin all directions. When this enlargement takes place we would earnestly impress upon our authorities the necessity which exists for a pujblic park-or square. "public Park!" While we delve knee deep iu mud, beslimiug and befouling u,s ; like unto that of the barbarous Turks, and talk of " public parks." Well-a ilay ! And this is journalism ? God help us ! Notice to SuuscRiBfcus. -All receiv ing subscriptions or sending in new names before January 1st will be entitled to the Post for 1870 at the exceeding low price of THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM! Lot ,all who claim to believe Republican ideas, Fnn.l ,,lrn 1,. .lWi,n t ll1TJ.,(;0 ' al Goveinment assist the only true American organ in this section. To quote a dis tinguished writer : " It is the shame of any citizen owning allegiance to ; the flag that he subscribes, for or assists the organs of treason arid does not stand by the only National paper worthy of -the name in North Carolina." The Post has been improved at much cost and is worthy the aid of all good citizens. Liberal Offer to Our Readers.Wc will send the American Ayriadlurid, price $1, or Our Schoolboy Visitor, one of the best magaziues lor. bovs and irirls pu!lishcd in the country, worth fl.25 a year, and a mag nificent slccl-'platc engraving, entitled "llelj Me i'," worth $2.50 per copy, all tor any one who .will send us 1. The engraving will be sent post-paid, secure from' injury, and will make a charming oruamoht for any parlor or sitting-room. Send iuhe names, aud secure $S worth for only $1." To subscribers sending -additional names, wc will send a copy of ttie Agriculturist or VisilorTui to clubs of live persons wc will af-ree to send live copies' - of the Post for FIFTEEN DOLLARS ! All payments trictly iu advauce. . J Die Mo'laurelt for December has been re ceived, and is kuuloubtedly the best illus trated fashion journal ever offered to the tVmericau ladies. Tbc amount given for Lhe small price charged is wonderful. This lumber alouc contains 140 useful illustra tions, mostly lor cloaks; a highly colored steel engraving, and a large supplement iontaiuiug nineteen lull-sized patterns for ladies ami children's cloaks, over-skirts,. tc. Single copies thirtydive cents. The daily increasing demand for this val uable journal has induced the proprietor tt mpoft it semi-monthly, commencing Jauu-r I i...v a ji. . . i: .. i r ary, ioo, ai iuo cAccvtuiigiy iow .pi ice o fifteen cents per copy, or $3 per annum. Nowjs the; time to sulwcrbe and get up clubs. ' . . j ' ; S. T. Taylor. Importer, 301 Canal street New York. The Schoolday Visitor. Tbe December number of thi spriglitly juvenile has ar dved and we need s4y little in its praise. Its ptiges, with ifs liltlc talcs, and attractive pictures will commend it, to all. I Zcll's Encyclicopcdia ha4 Jeaebed cocos (a kernel.) There is a fund of information in these numbers. Mr. Zell is compiling a great woik. AppUton s Journal is beiore ua lor tnis 5fr .3.11 --r - - .'k.-i. ... . a f 12 !. . . ! I . t I I '4(Krt4v is i '38 17 , 1 .'... 1 18 .... 4 :i5:.;'5ii7: l-; . . ihl . . . . ; . . . . . ' . .:; i ... 1 " '1 .... ... i. 1.1 Oi3 .... .... ..f 15 U.. 13 ....?.... .;-w: i s . ..,.... . 71 3lT 8 lo". weekl f ThiS'ablj editcilribdicAt has 'few and ,Taxpjuorj tias .eekis at band, r jfJFor ovexuberr we bate Fetefs 1 Mwical JloiUhqi This is an excellent number and reflects great credit on g th e v publ ishers. rotebjcoQlr ,M(iiMy Magazine This brilliant Jlttli kctofcUoice music js with tss andTo5 cheapness, anddicauty it is, not 'swpa;;rjiyf.pexye ofSa t' cents ai copy., IJ. Ilitchcock, New York . - HoijrjlYiEJrrs FbjUlian11 be (bund at Parker & Co 98 and '100: Sum- - ltter SSbstQ person to provide thcniseTVes with handsome and usefal holiday presents 'Trom'bow tintil thetSOth t)f January 18f Oth'cse t gentlemen wilE issue large eight page)!' Catalogues of all the newest and best novelties '' in such Albums in Morocco Gilt-and -Velvet Binil- ings, real. Morocco: Shopping Bags,' Fur nished Reticules,1 - Silver Plated Ware and Cutlery of all rderlptons,.tUo latest styles of Jewelry in Gold, ;. Cornelian, Jet, Shell, MrHscari, Carbuncle' and Hair, Dry Goods, &c., &c, and hundreds of . the latest atiirbcstjimblished jjooksi They arc giving On Hundred Tickets to ctvry one who will become their Agent, without charging them 10 cents each as heretofore. Bead the change in their advertisement in another col iruitj, and eend for Catalogue. DIED. KELLEY On Wednesday, Dec. 1st, HAN NAH, wife pf John Kelley, age 41 years, Funcr. al (10 o'clock) Friday Dee. od at Red Cross Bt. Church. 4. , OFFICIAX. In Board of Aldermen. Wilmington, N. C.,.Nov. 2, 1S00. The Board met in regular session. Present : His Honor the Mayor, Alder men Arnold, French, liowe, Kellogg, and Scrvoss. ' ; - The leading of the minutes of the previ ous meeting were dispensed with. ; The Finance committee recommended a reduction in the city expenditure. The committee on Streets ' and Wharves recoiinnehded the grading of Ann street just above the wharf. The committee on - Fire Department rc ported action on petitions of F; W. Kerch ner, and. Wo?th & Worth, regarding the erection of wooden sheds on their respec tive premises. . Recei ved and filed. !,J?cliCiou of dames Vjicfbr 4lic4ale )f jystors iu market, at other than1 market hours, -was, referred' to the Marshal with power. -. . ' . " U Petitions for position ou police force of city from the following named persons Were received and rcierrcd to the Police commit tee, yiz; Paris JoneSj'Johu Wi Nash, John King, Joseph II, Sellers, Alexander Swazy, John H. Bell, Isaac Brown, Henry Smaw, John Conner, David Robeson and David Harroid. - V COMMUNICATIONS. From Alderman Howe: That the deed for 44 Pine Forest Cemetery " be sigued. Oii recommendation of the Marshal, Al derman French, offered the following : Ordered : That theMarshal at once cause to be constructed 'a Market with six stalls, on Brunswick street, between Fourth anib r am auueis, imiuvjuicituiy, i u cost liui tA- cccding $200. By Alderman French : . Ordered That the, Marshal place a street lamp on the corner of Filth aud Church streets. Recommendations to retail spirituous liquors were granted to John II. Haar, R. J. Scarboro;, Johu G. Baumau. Communication was rccbived Irom Messrs. Oldham Cummiug, concerning tax on lightermen. Referred to City Marshal. Petition of Jyseph Pa jay to shingle house' on Fron4r-fclr5ebtweeu Castle aud Church. Grauted. , r ' i RESOLUTION. - By AUlerinau Servoss : ' Jkisohcd, That the Marshal be authorized to consult counsel to ascertain if the city has the authority to enforce the ordiuauce in regard to encroachments by piazzas, &c, on the public streets, and to report to this Board at next meeting. The Board of Supervisors reported back the bill of J. E. Lippitt . for medicines re commending that the city puy half and Dr. J. E. Winauts hall. Report approved and coucurted in. ; Report of Market Clerk; lor the mouth oi October was received and filed. The Board then adjourned. - Ben.iamin Durfee, ; v City Clerk. I never reared a young gkzelle (Because you fee, I never tried);. But had it known and loved me well, No doubt the creature Would have died. My rich and aged Uncle John Ha3 known me long and lovedme well, Bot still persists in living on I would he were a youns gazelle J- I nevei loved a treo or flower ; But if I had, 1 beg to say, . That blight, the wind, the sun, or shower, Would soon have withered it away, I've dearly Jovcd my Uncle John From childhood till thei present Lour, And yet he will 50 Hying On I would be were a tree br flower. QUi;re What two persons in the United States agree as to the solution of our finan cial problem ? Find the two, and there is hope of a great ami triumphant party. Cincinnati Times. . Two! We've lound it! ; f Rev. Mr; Stebbcns, of Sab Fraiiciko, rc' fused to go to the Boston Church of the Vnity to preach, - r A rOSTLINGS. Grant U lioarstLli 'gf. f..; SKatists arc jubilant X Rothschild is cV)mingl- f ?' Patt; snubs OUcnbach : u. . : if t Imperials arc inUlivdtih:.i:l ( Chignons produce lunacy v K ;f A .I Little. pups are all'tbc gd: ?r p t1 K -MverJcwelTyiscw Masons iu the Union il' hm 1? ' 5004ncwspaperaintiie Uhiotf. 5 Abolish spriDgSlauco-sealci " .V.I t1 " f , aas sick jicn? $,.' -Eel,piesafe the latest irqvcUy iNcw York has -sixteen" theatres;- j Mrs. TJnP.nln rcnn rxr rrfmrZ & h ! Richmond has street letter boxes. Senator' Fcntcn has seen the Pope. . Plaids arc stiil sought, and bought The " Uub' has a champion catist. The President's message is finishcd.ir : The stone' man, will petrify Gotham. Mmc. Dejazet, takes champagne baths. j Philadelphia has premium false calves. Gen. M. W. Ransom is in Washington. Tribune stock is worth $10,000 a share. The London Time s has 12,000 adverjiscrs. The Pope, says smoke, after every meal. Woman's Rightcr Livcrmore is in- Colorado.- ' ; ... :ir Brougham is " Micawbcring" in Cinciu- nau. . . u ... , I i ' ! New York Violet' satin' skirts adorn belles. - '. A quorum of Senators adready in Wash ington. ; . . - . . j ... Sumner is " Casting the dye'L iu Pnila delphia. 1 - r Dickens' new serial will appear March 1st, 1870., . -. , h- :...fl hi Balloonatic Jewct t is 1 chinuing" the- Presideut.' : The Equinoctial ; Codhcir assembles next month. ; t : Raw turnip, makes au. excellent " grease' tor griddles. Fred. Hudson will return to the editorship of the Herald. , - l Lookout for a cold snap ! entered Say'diari-UK The suu has , Prince Arthur is popping deers,- and. to i A. IX W l 14 A VI tl , Ford opens the new House, with "bohool." Charleston Opera The Royal Wilton carpet has been laid in il. T 1.1 i V - Tl ' - i cue x rebiueuu a iuausion-. The N. Y. CoMmcrcial Advertiser will write its requiem New Years day. They have a " Golden Fleece Hotel" Sacramento. " Werry 'propriatc !" "The Living Writers of the South," by T-:!i: I -n 1 ' - ; i" jayiusoa uas appsareu. f ucaa writers f The novel, " Forlorn Hope," is by one of the borosis. Any reflection: on the society)? Walter Brown, after doing " brown,T the Efiglish champion, now gives the, dcjl to the world. ! The f 1st Excelsior Reserves'? is the title of a new coiorcu , military ' organization -in new color Philadelphia. The next great meeting ol the National Encampment of the G. A. R., will be held in Washington. . lhe r at Men ot JNew iork dance at Irviug's ball on the 20th of December. Wc pity the manager. : f The Gunboat Nipsic sails for Darien tljiis week to survey the proposed Ship Canal. Commodore Selfridge commactUrjg. "'The reservation system is the only solu tion of the Indian question." Ex. Yes ; rcscrviny the government funds to line your own pockets. Eh ? " Brady's Cumculum,' in Jersey City, " whercmanya muscle lias " riz" to immense proportions under the tutorship of the perfesser," is about to be turned into a skating, rink ! A u Indian TraditionThe Story of the Delusrc on kthis Continent. The following rather. singular tradition which exists among the Papago Indians re specting Montezuma, their founder, and the deluge, has, wc believe, never yet appeared in print ; . at least not in its present shape. It was related by Captain Con Ouan, an aged and intelligent member of the tribe, and was taken do vu from his lips by an inter preter for Judge Henry T. , Backus, of Ari zona Territory, Judge Backus' has visited many of the places mentioned in the legend, and has been an eye-witness of the quadren nial feast still celebrated) at the cave. - He represents the Papagocs as being nominally Catholic, yet clinging to their national tra ditions with great tenacity, and cherishing the memory of Mortezama with even more than saintly vcnerath. J. The tradition of the deluge is interesting in its relation to the origin of the Indians cl the country, and especially the ancient tribes who lived iu the twilight of civiliza tion, until the Spanish Cbristians annihi lated them. Did they bring this tradition with them from the Asiatic Continent? Ory did they come in contact with the people of the old world, adfcccdcnt to any historical evidence otthat fact, from whom they de rived this tradition ? These arc inquiries naturally suggested by the following narrative: -Montezuma, it will be understood, is ; not the monarch of that name whom Cortes dethroned, ft is the generic term of their rulers, like Pha-1 raoh, Cajsar, &c. , Before the flood men lived to a great age, so that they lost their teeth and crept about like children. Aflcr a time they would get new teeth, and walk upright agai n like tncu in the prime of life.1 Then it Was that the Great Spirit created the mountains and peo- pled the eartb on all Eidcs Then" tod, ani mals talked like men, aid were the first to ueu vi mo approaching flood. .Uxut this " time appeared ilontezumt who. collected a large quantity of gum from a plant called chuchl , and with tlfiS gum, which is said to -be insoluble iq water, and tvith other mato nals, Jie.bailt vaTarge vessel, in which he took refuge, closing v . and scaling the doof bdrmdhim. In .djkc.t manner ? .cayotcor. praineog crept into- aargq cane stalk and1 closed the-ends -againsiuhe watcr. The opd came up to the highest mountains, and g"t.rWhea the waters came dowr Moutczuma and th6'cAjpte landed at Ccrro i nctia, which mbuntain some believe to be &5&S traditia?!-they JanHcd fctev?1-' v th' rhaving como out : trtheiyessefs, Montezuma noticed the :i traiLofVetlwTiicK be followed until he ound; the beetle' fast in" themud. c ne then turnevr back and meeUng ..the cavote, they embraced :: eachother. Ja grUr.Mdn tc2rirnacnt tho cavote(Wiufhtr?irfi iam,i thesca, which? it soorffohnd and returned, when it was sent on the same errand to the northward but returned unsuccessful. They thenlay down to sleep, when Montezuma dreamed that he should form men and wo men ou t of clay, which he accordingly did, making two for ? each nation. 'Meanwhile the cayotc sat behind . him also makin" men, but tire latter were ill formed, so that Montezuma' ordered them to be 'removed. His own people-mulHrilied1 rapidly, and budta large city .oii the ndrtii c bank of a river, supposed to be at the mouth of Salt Rive, m Arizona, where the remains of large ditches are still visible, j Montezuma next travelled southward, followed by largemumbers of people. In accordance with a dream, he thrust a rod into thp earth, and water flowed thence, which is the origin of the spring's at Santa Rosa and elsewhere. After a tinifc tbc Great Spirit appeared to Montezuma as au old man, and asked to baptize the people, that they might live beyond the sky after death, but Montezuma became r angry and killed " the Great Spirit. Then the latter- arose from the dead by night and repeated the re quest, when Montezuma grew ; angry again declared that he would take his people to heaven by a tower, and killed ' the Gicat Spirit a second time, leaving him on the ground, where he was dragged about as a plaything for four years. He then returned ' to heaven, remoyifig the'sun further from the earth as he ascended. ' After alongMnterval he descended aain with the same request as before. At Ibis time Montezuma was livim? at th a f Blanco, or whife house, slosc to tho Pimo ' villages on the Gila River. . The inside of this house was overlaid with pure gold. A third time he slew-the Great Spirit, but the latter now becoming anerrv. threw, a Innsn into Spain, which led to an invasion by the1 Spaniards; Twice did ; Montezn and repel th invaders j but before the third'4 engagement theTrolden rim? flew from - th fioger of his aaugliter to the: linger of the opanisu commanderi nd the silver ring of the latterew to. the finsrer ot .lhn.'vf nrmnr Thus did she, become leagued with the enemy An1 tcllsn (linn ...... A . . . " u nuvu iwj yciJ UUt UI iJTovisions EUC prevailed upon her people to throw them toinalcs instead of arrows,, and thus thev crc fed' at . Montezuma's expense. ? After many severe conflicts the Spaniards were victorious, when the traitorous : Princess de manded the hand of the commander in mar riage. . He agreed to this on condition that an eagle which he set free should al?ght ou a prickly pear tree. The eagle did so, and the commander started to celebrate the marriage at the pair tree, being followed by a1 large train of Papagocs -but under the pretext ot getting violin?, powder, &c, he travelcdon and on ualil the Indians all de serted him. m"ffor.tb. story goes, Montezuma made no improvemeiits, and his people were scattered over the country. Ho aftcH ward deposited the archives of the Panai goynd lmo nations in a cave near Santa Ros;a, and ordered that they celebrate a feast there cverv; fourth year, which custom is still observed, The nation gradually di minished, and Montezuma wandered aboutv , until the mdians have lost all . traces of him. Scientific investigation into mysteries of the sun's surface has been great this year. A great magrjetic storm is predicted. Au 1 X examination of the suu through new and powerful instruments has revealed new and wonderful appearances on its surface. Im mense spots, millions of miles Iu extent arc said to have appeared. One of them re cently moved a hundred thousand miles in a second. We are told, too, that, violent physical changes are going on ; that the magnetic storms are regulated by fixed lawsf and occur every eleven years. The next one is to be in 1870. Its effects upon the magnetic; instruments will be noted with; intense interest by the first scientific men of the day. VTiat effects these storms will have upon the atmosphere vegetation and the light of the sun, wilt afford plenty of food for speculation and thought. At a so called spiritual sitting recce tlr. there was present a woman who .mourned the loss of her confort, and as manifesta tionibegan to appear, the spirit of the de- " parted Benedict entered upon the scene. Ot course the widow was now eager to en gage in conven ition with the , absent one. ana me ionowing aiaiogue ensuett : 1 Widow "Are ypu in the spirit world 7" The lameatcd "I am." ; - i Widow "How long have ypu been there ? -The lamented 44 O, some time." Widdw "Don't you want to come back anid be with your lonely wife ?" I he Jamentcd "Not if I know mvself. It's hot chough around here." - he war between .those' who . waut - the. Bible in the public schools In Cincinnati, and those who do not, Is assuming a 'very, bcligerent shape. - From the police reports 1 of that city wc learn that on Sunday 4aat , one oiu anu rospcctaoic citizen met auotuer old and respectable citizen about church timc,iand gently inquired his views on the Bible question. ? Oidrid respectable "'vNev 2. was not in the best oflumors and growled out a profane expletive conccrninrr the sa- crcd book, which so provoked , tho' holy wrath of t'other t)ld and respectable, ( Ahat " he gave the irrcYcraat citizen a facer Jthat stretched him on the F pavement. ThcV Bi- blc defender sacrificed tweuiy-tive ,dollari v on the altar of justice, fur excess of zad : '' 'k: 1 1: 10 V I 60 1 t

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