jHB tlLMIMTON POST. CiHAfc. I. GKRAJLY9 EDITOR ANt) PROPRIETOR. ; f2JjOF SUBSCBllTIOS IN VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. PcrjTcar. . ? "? v.v w 00., - - six Jlontbs. ......t...... . 2 50 J 0rce Months-... .......... 1 50 i)nc MoulK ...................... 50 i BATES OF ADVERTISING: Advertisements "will be inserted at $1 00 per Vjoarc for first insertion and 50 cents for each jsbsequent insertion. I, :i,r 4 Xenlinea or lees, solid inMontypronsUtute a ico&re. ' Advertisements in .this column teja cents. a line . : r ,' CITY i - jjdlik man butting stone. What is the key to appetite t Turkey. 1 f ' m ' ' The coining carpet bagger Santa Glaus. ' '' . ' ' ' i Have you subscribed for the Post Tor t Stella Forrest Your poem will appear p$t next. . .' . , r. - Wise, wiaely adds to our . ad's. Oyster jTcia, see liis adYertisement. ' I Our Johnson, Jr.V advertises more liiucfor .Johnson, thou art prolific ! . . .r - j l ; Remember reader that you can save money jsubscwDint; before CHRISTMAS ! Why is the present weather like an infant v,t! localise it is a little sonny (sunny.) Wlty ii a Dutchman like two loads of if Because he is a Teuton, (two ton). Key. J Li Keen will preach at FHth street iEChurch this evening at half past sev 5 o'clock. : . , Tue POST can be obtained for THREE jOLLAHS PER ANNUM by paying in ad- rj3C 1'cforc Christmas ! V ' ' Ml subscribers not getting their papers yslarto will please complain promptly ait we may correct uc eu. (jar markets reports have been careful :rised and will' hereafter be the best, and it complete- in Wilmington ! iunsou Co.,,will keep away wiutry's filly blasts by furnishing cheap clothing. ,t, you must not keep away from them . (Ve have the sweetest and most gal orious kinjr cards' for New Year's- calls, with nimonfai twno for evcrvbodv. Call and Kdlz to the van Ladies ! Katz has the lectest, cheapest, neatest and most " beau- ifdesV r dress goods, that ever aaornea is shelves, k . .- Tue delegates who attended the late-con- tion'at Washinston city will, address tne izens of Wittnington on Tuesday night o'clock at the City Hall. . The Stiir calls upon " the tinder of a black Jink store book", to deliver t up to the aef. u '-Black Uitnk store book ? J ;si,r,n fi xr rlnn'h bodder nie !" tverybody is a Santa Claus, and tjiat all :ycar around.. For don't we fill our ckings every morning '"To. be course" Jo.. For we put our feet in them. hjini) Waud. The meeting at the en- house to re-ballot for Alderman, re tcd in the nomination of Anthony Howe 're election to the place he now fiJls- Joke on the Third Ward By stan der to HuW" Is the meeting called to order, Gruffly answered the u minion" called to uts oracvi suouia iuiuk.. Some enthusiast has engaged father Ry- w "speak a piece" nere on cnnsimas a"" rather forgive tlicui for they know not V TEKiori Court. The case ,of Dyren It Ts Levy for -alleged breach of contract -trpietj tlie exclusive attention of his hon "adge Russell vesterdav. A. Einnio. for Still ; Maj. London lor defendant. Hf. ITirfTiPP. Kaa mnm f;;An..s lion onv candidate cailini? at hU The healthy. Higbee, cheers on the to vote for himself, and at the , same i buy some more of them sassers."- v t4 fl.noHfrii. rf flia jRif lilrn n l-o ot superfine flour ? ? Will wait one week : answer. Standard; . --. . ; I use there irnb cfoaP'm us, no cio'. "H 'Slar iifi nailer anrl'nnr 7.v7ia ,lslMt?; yxzib.-lit t eight' I'clock yesterday i 8i'. Sergeant Brpoks i arrested John idaon the allefred author of ih at- -, o i-OhlT T ' . i-r . - ... - xjessman. lie was arrested at (dence, near the Railroad depot, and ( iccostecl stoutly asseverate'd that the r,Was committed in self defence. The k ai flowed him" parole, under bond of i loannoi. 4 i a .J rrv mi mat lu-jxiui iun uiuiu ' Be just andcar not " for the Cape Fear Building Company are gobbling up all our land, and electing thereon pretty little wuciures, tnat beautify our sand hills. A few more shares' still remain, " be just " in time, and secure them. . MASTTLLERT.---The "lecture'' adver tised to be delivered by this young hopeful, last evening at the theatre, proved to be naught but recitations'. The audience, gen erally speaking, were apparently, gratified. Nothing more could be desired. .There will be another ball at the City Hall on Monday night 'Dec. 3d under the d irjetion vqf Jas. T. Eagles, Z. P. Howard Lewis Nixon, Yorlc tVnsd S Stewart Tickets to be nad by enquiring of the com mitfec or Geo. Arnold, and WnvfToonien " iThpS Sto 'ays':'Io cdniequebce'' of family affliction, together with. i pressing business growing out of the North Carolina Map. Phew ! The Iortlt tCarblina aMap dis eased ! Why is it thusly? 44 Affliction sore, Ions: time" it uboreP. ' f-" " ;y - " y 'iv i; ' . , Paid for iTOfficerslSellars -arrested Samuel Johnson yesterday for trying his "mawlers" on the j)r.oboscis of an innocent victim Price by name, justice McQuigg compelled Sammy to pay for this little dK version in the suui of $5 Jarid costs. 1 MEiicnAJiTS are notified that the Ciiiust- mas s umber of the Post will be an extra sheet filled with original' stbries,v and being largely ordered in advance from all sections1 of the country ! Let advertisements be sent in before the 24th day of the moi)tb, as the paper will be irinted a day in advance. Naught v Pete Our efficient 'deputy constable, Capps arrested that ''pestdfferous cuss" "Pete" Keenan yesterday. The usu al complaint trying "to test I th e tenacious fibre of a stick across the cranium ' of his spouse. Pete will be boarded gratis by jailor Nash, until to-morrow morning. Bye! bye! Pete! ! i : "He that smokes thinks like a philosopher," said Byron. This passage occurred , taus while puffing the blursh .gray; clouds. gfin--cense from our calumet. yesterday. -..Theto-4 bacco' therein was from Burkhimer's. And its name is Bon Vimiitii Ah ! hon vivant we sa?y to all who smoke it, and. to the agent who dispenses such Van excSlenT arlichT. Try it. Sold only at Burkhimers. Pjrefark for Christmas !-r-The Post gives notice to its numerous friends that our columns aTe 'now ready to show forth all the " glories of the , coming " Christmas ! Our merchants have a fine opportunity to show their wares through ; the Post spicy lo?3js, and in new TYPE ! Come one ; come all ! Listen to the call of Father Christmas as exhibited to his many jnerry friends in the people's popular organ our "WILMING TON POST." Advertisements at reduced rates if sent in by December 25th. "" . " ' " """". " I Tiirc Attempted Murder Condition of the Wounded Man. Wc visited the scene of the attempted murder yesterday, and from information gleaned from an in terview wit-the younger Lessman, we learn that his father is doing remarkably well considering the mangled state of the skull. Dr. King has extracted several portions of the shattered bone, and , thinks that it the blood is prevented from congealing on the brain, that the prospects arc favorable to a recovery of his patient. All person j ar e de nied seeing him under the stricture of the surgeon. When we called Mr. Lessman was sleeping, and every'caFe and attention that can be desired are his. .Our Manufacturing Interests. No. 4. A Visit to Rice and Strausz' Bar rel Stave Manufactury How Staves are Made Planing; Sawi no , a sd. ,u Drying." Since the days when jolly Gambrinus, add rosy faced Bacchus first8 dwelt in great Olympus, barrels have been considered an indispensable portion of art. And during the massacre at Bartholomew ; the French revolution! and many.; a hotly contested field since the days of he of Macedontbey have answered the dread purposes of war, as Varrieddcs. Since then, the barrel trade haa increased, but princi pally now for that which "cheers, but not inebriates.'? ' s ' ENGINE ROOM. Thinking that a care,tul inspection of one of the leading stave manufacturics ot this jiity might be of. interest to the general reader we " dropped in" to the 'above es tablishment Monday last, and this is . . '. .f WHAT WE SAW. The engine room is a seperate and dis tinct building from the manufactory, .made entirely of brick; 48 x '60 feet square and about 25 feet high. A strong, powerful; and decidedly .safe looking engine, takes up nearly the entire room.' ; J. C. Hoadley, Lawrence, Massachusetts, are Ithe makers. It; is of 30 horse power, .I8nchtslrbk and 12 inch' cylinder; The fly wheel is 7 feet in diameter, and makes, with 60 pounds 'of atpamJ 1 20 revolutions ner minute: "lr ! YARD. As every ft hewer of woo4"y?iorce j of circumstances is compelled to have .a yard for the storage of lumber, uncut and cut ; we gazed around and found the " lumber ing" scene, made up of 10,000 staves; thereby making altogether, 580,000 eet of lumber! 'One can easilv imagine the " grand, but awf uP sight of "these ; felled cypress kings clacking and blazing in thtf still midnight air. x But . wo 'don't i propoto to see it, and thereore We kindly take your; hand and lead you to . . .., ,r V: THE STAVE DRESSING ROOtf. ; , , In this room are two machines : ! technic cally and. respectively ' i termed, u Stare; Bucker," and f Dresse.' Ther readerwilf bear in mind,1 that the wood' is 6entTt6" thT yard as it is cut from the c trees roughly fashioned into " stave size." The piece of cypress is thrust in at one end, : and being pressed by indentation, .the trough,"-is taken from it. ; It ia then placed in the " Dresser,' and formed uinto , the cancave and convex. The first , machine revplvea. so rapidly -that I, it ilrplane4,5b6jtaves per minute ; "ncl the latter 5,000 - in ; the" same lime.. - ; .. . V t .' Immediately on the right of the planer is an ingenius contrivance,' the sole inven tion of Mr. Perry M. Rice, and which can- I not be inaptly called a " STAVIN " ELEVATOR.; This remarkably noyeV mechanical con- struction is in thejorm of a tread mill ; and is fifty feet in ..length. iThere are fifty-eight stays, each of these maintaining, a stave and propelled upward. On a halt asceUt, the ex tremes of the stave comes in contact with two ' small circular saws, performing the owiv wmo ui ,quu ievuiunyu per minuze: The refuse .matter falls on an incline, which communicates, with the engine room, and is mere used lor luel. The stave; after sawed is passed forward on the circuit and falls off on the second turn of the elevator, where they are; taken up, and transferred to the Jointers" By this elevator which, by4he-way,J saves the i labor of at least three men, 48 staves can be trimmed, on. both sides in one minute. The jointeri,-arff nothing ciore than tables isrrooved. and con caved witlf-circular saw ; the stave - being placed Inftbte' groove, is pushed aldnglf by hand, and is then trimmed off, on the sides. I here are three of these machines on this floor and each one is capable of; planing 2,000 staves, per day. ' - ' - - From the manufacturyV uidou j)i the iwhin' and buzz, and woodert hail of Stifling Biw-uusw auu uuaaio? snavin&rs: ve wem escorted to the drying . room. Yon. reader, have prohabfy .not visited a stave dry ing roora. Well ; if you can imagine an oblong building, of 62 feet, 12 feet wide, and 10 feet' in height. Mounted on mlnature rail road cars, piled neatly, so as, to nigh touch the ceiling, are 28,000 staves. . Immediately running underneath is a long flue, the re ceptacle of an immense fire, and. thereby making a perfect Hades of it, the ther mometer marking 200 degrees. This build ing is fronting the mill and is finely built, skillfully constructed, and neatly arranged. The packing room is to the left on enter ing, and is used principally for packing the staves for shipment. These staves are packed up, 100 in a bundle, hooped, and placed in barrel fashion.' The packages looked very neat and solid, and reflect great credit on the deft hands who banded them. conclusion. (flic whole building is superintended by i . O 1 T-"" Mr. Perry M. Rice, - our Fire Department . Chief; and the manufactory employs 18 hands, tf which 7 are men and C are boys. Noti ce to Subscrirers. All receiv ing subscriptions or sending in new names before January 1st will be entitled to the Post for 1870 at the exceeding low price of THREE DOLL AitS PER ANNUM 1 Let ,all who claim to believe Republican ideas, and desire to show allegiance to the Nation al Government assist the only true American organ in this section. To ! quote a dis tinguished writer : " It is the shame of any citizen Owning allegiance to i the flag that he subscribes for- or assists he organs of treason and does not stand by the only National paper worthy of the name in North Carolina;" The Post has been improved at much cost and is worthy the aid of all good citizens. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Wilmington, Dec. 17, 1869. Editor of the Post : Sir : I wish to. call the attention of the Republicans to the fact that at the Repub lican primary meetings held last week Dem ocrats participated in at least j two of the Wards (the First and Third). Now sir, these meetings are held for the . purpose of nominating candidates for office to be sup ported by the Republican party and no man has a right to speak or vote in any such meeting, unless he is a Republican and votes the Republican ticket. If Democrats are to be allowed to crowd themselves into Repub lican meetings for the purpose of! forcing candidates "upon us, let ns that is. a game two can play know it at. We Re- publicans will m future attend Democratic meetings in force, and after we have turned the tables on them a few times they will see the propriety of staying away.! Now sir, I do not7 wish it to :be underr stood that wcrdo not want converts to . our cause. We invite all men to join the Re- publican party, believing tha1 he neoDle. JBut iwe do t is the par insist that have never y, and who j w. 4- - f. ..''"" known Democrats ; men who acted with the Republican par do not intend to act with us, shall not be allowed to vote or speak at our meetings with. the poject'of !; forcing upon, us l-candidate who reflect their views, and as I , have said, if they persvit in.doici; eo wo will re ciprocate,- -- ; ?-i . ". )'' Very - respectfully : - ' w ?-7 ixcAL. iWe would inform oat Radical friend jthat thai conservatives whoT;voted in 'a the Third Ward, did so as Republicans and are sodown iri the books." Hereaiter they will be expected to toe- the mark, and. sing onlr, Editor oPxTnKposT : Sm At this time when we ifc about to t - , v .... - k I , I - elect several fxaportant 1 'ofUcers -tf' the 'city government, it is desirable thatr the candi dates should define their position and the policy to be procured to reduce city ex perises and replenish the treasury: The working man's candidate believes in reduc ing the Mayor's salary, to say one hundred dollars, and ail the other light geoteel la bor t in proportion. He don't ' belje ve in working exactly for nothing. rne worKing man's candidate tens you he believes in economy, reduction of saja ries, taxes, and expenses. Come out, gentle men, and tell us what your views are on economy. Come out, Joseph, you can tell us many things,, and somethiogabout city finances! Come out, Silas, you can give us some good ideas. Come out, George, you have slept too long ; you can tell the value ot a pine log and what kind of a saw. is nec essary to cut down the city debt The people want to hear what you think on this important subject. The working man's candidate will addrc33 the people at the City Hall on next Tuesday night -S J. S. Higbee. MkI Editor : :Would it ba well for. the citizens of Wilmington ; especially the im mediate party friends oL Senator Abbott and Congressman Deckery to subscribe to and- give these worthy representatives a public. Christmas Dinner ? For One, I will send to the editor of the Post ten dollars for this purpose, and in order to show I am a Sotjnd Republican. ' !:;: What B Likei' Black River Chafel, Dec. 115, 1869. Editor Wilmington Post : ! Dear. Sir: -Please send to Black River Chapel jour "semi-weekly for twelve months. I have1 not the money to inclose to' you, but I will be down, as soon as water, Will come, so I can get some turpentine off. ; Comply and greatly oblige, (Yours. The above is one of many we jare con stantly receiving from all parts of the coun try. The highest praise, and most accepta ble flattery is the appreciative orders of our friends. Come on then new subscribers! " Come as the waves come, when navies are stranded." Notice to all my Christian Friends and Others. It has been rumored ; in this city that I would notaallow ; persons to join the church where I preach with out letters from their pastors this is a mis take. I know that the Christian church does not belong to the pastors, nor arc they his slaves. Any person wishing to join the church where I preach can, do so by a letter of dismission from their church, if they can not obtain it, then they can join on relating their Christian experience. I am not a man working for money alone I am for the sav ing of men's souls. Now I can only say, come one, come all, God's grace is abound ing for all, and as Moses said to Hobab " come and go . with us and we will try to do thee good." . i Respectfully. M. B. J. S'jATE. Greensboro has been earthquaked. ) Goidsboro will D. Q. J., Christmas Emigrants are leaving Hillsboro for'AIa- bama. Pike of the Raleigh Standard is ab out to marry. ' Northernmen are purchasing Greensboro- lands. Mecklenburg's county tax for 1869 was $27,000. Jn Gaston, oue Shehorn was fatally shot in a melee. Seven K. ! K's. have been arrested, in Greensboro. The Salisbury Old North State has become Republican, , The New Berne Times calls a t woman carpet bag." Hillsboro Recorder will be bigger than " it used to was." The New Berne Baptists will hold" a fes tival Christmas eve. Ned McBrayer killed Bush Pitman, last week, in Cleaveland. Erwan, ot the Vindicator has and its a girl. ' Subscribers pay up 1 v;.r i-- , '"'i"wmJw'wu " - J1 '" The Sheriffs of the State met at Temper ance hall, Raleigh, on Monday lasi m h- Messenger (Goidsboro) wants a " gander pulling." Ah 1 but it would hurt the editor ! The remains of ex-Governor Swain and daughter have been Teinterred in Raleigb, The New .. Berncrs.are a to.haveV-aaother "boatracc'V The last one was a'perfect sr.c- cess; r John -Hasting; housed at Vln3ton, ws destroyed y fire -last-t Thursday; - Loss, ThQschedule . of' the N 0. .'rajilroad ?;wiU Q changed on' thVOtb' as" to V arrive at Uoldsboro at 5 A. M. The Raleigh "totincZcompnmenfs! jPosTi pn the valuable service rendered tlie toublio in exposing Parson Sinclair ; The Old North State declares that IL L. Pike of the Raleigh Standard " cherishes a penaer ieenng," and tnat he. is a " happier " man.; - Col Tom Powers addresses a card to the New Berne Times denying that Mr. Cohen pas been appointed assessor at Goidsboro in the place ot Mr. Estes. ThGlSeiUuieZ calls the Ashcville Pimiccr I'this little, ripple of hebdeominal journal ism" and says it Ogives us the out-cropping Scintillations of its phosphorescent brain." The Boat race in New Berne harbor came off with much enthusiasm. The Black beat 1 he White boat by forty-five seconds. A toat club is to be started in New Berne and much fun is anticipated. The high (7 feet) sheriff of Wake county arrested one Pike a queer kind of a fish 'or perpetrating tfie following on the Stan dard, r A Wabash avenue belle in Chicago has had her little toes cut off, so she can get Shoes large enough to fit hr. Exchange. She must be a regular toe martyr. In this isentence a joke is carefully concealed. POSTLINGS. ; After Hoar Who ? M v Below zero in Maine. I The misers are dying. Shell jewelry is suifty. Utica has the typhoid.. Fenton is home again. Broadbrims favor Cuba. Brooklyn has the smallpox. Russia will Cultivate cotton. Berlin has wined Burlingaine. Gen. Sherman is in New York. The Smi still shines" for Cuba. Gov. Scott wants to be a Senator. Senator Carpenter is anti-Spanish. Judge Gner has tloffed the ermine. Embroidered petti s are sew nice Washington has a ladies gymnasium. Sculptor Powers has finished " Eve." New York has two " Cardiff " giants. George Sand has "limpid, black eyes." Maggie Mitchell Barefoots " the Hub. Lotta is "Under the Gaslight" at Niblo's. Swindle is the editor of a TCxas paper. Lotta shakes her festive leg in Gotham. Cleveland will have a foundling hospi- tal. , Eckel had an ante-matrimonial. It's a boy. Hyacinthc saw Boston,1 and then went home. RichardSon'u . braiu weighed fifty-six ounces Inclined heels to ladies boots,, are on the decline. r . , A dish of eyelids, was Eugenie's meal in Turkey. j Brougham is "i'layiug with Fin; " iu St "Lewcy." Hoar has been nominated for the Su preme Court. "Chang" the giant stretches his long legs over Chicago. A company in Conn., makes sixty thous and pins annually. Koopmanschoop's Coolies will work the Vicksburg railroad. The Monarch with Peabodj's remains, will arrive at New York. " "Garrulous" Davis woman's movement," is u fayor of " the The Eiitish museum has a twenty foot thigh bone! "Goak?" ' . Crews have left Spain for the' Spanish gunboats at New York. it The St. Nicholas hotel laundry, New York, has been burned down. ; GRAND SPORT, Ioir Clxristmas Day, A T TUE FAIR GROUND THESE WILL BE I TWO TROTS, and a "main", of --'., FIGHTING - COCKS ft , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - -' j , H -'.,''.!- h F00T RACE " during the day. Ten Dollar Purse ! For the first out Five Dollars; Second out Three Dollars; Third Two Dollars. Cars will run during the day, , Fare 25 cts round trip, . I n Admission 25 cents. dee 19 - . . ; 335-3 j ! r -i .-. i 1" - . ' : : - - - i : "- -i'- I' . "- . " . ,. - SUBSCRIBE :--';"v.. - for "-;-, THE przlYBEPODMSAa PAPER ;;V. ri:i Tn!3.cnc7ion. . M i f-" The "Post 55 TS THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF NATIONAL, State and County Government ; the only unpre judiced exponent of pure National Republican doctrines and ideas ; has the ablest, correspon dents; largest cijculation, and is altogether the best . .. ; FAMILY NEWSPAPBB In this region. .JSF" All payments in advance. U 00 per Year; $3 50. for Six. Mouths, an4 11 50 for Three Months. V OF ALL KINDS! MAGISTRATE'S BLANKS, 1 I COURT BLANKS, r 1 AFFIDAVITS, SUMMONS, etc, . s i . V BUSINESS CARDS, . L LETTER HEADINGS, T,r .NOTE READINGS, BILL HEADS, . . CIRCULARS, , STATEMENTS, ' ENVEigjPE: t - - NOTE LOOKS, f - TAGS, . . AND GENERAL JOB PRINTING Executed in the best manner, and at the shor " ' est notice, at the "POST " PRINTING OFFICE, Vwiiiningtonv N. C, " ' .1 t , - "j m rmn m r- w.j't f 11 . i