- i n ' I. ; ' - - 'i ' .... ; I A r .V OFFICIAL ORGAN. tEBMS OF 8 DBSCBIPTION I VABIABLt IM iDUnfc Six Monlhs. . , I..,.,;..;.'. .. . . ...J:;..- s50. KATES OF ADVERTTStMn . V'5?Gi .Ten line or lees, solid minion typccpD&iitate a square. Advertisements in this column ten tents line. CITY, THE HOLIDAYS, What to Bur and Where to Bun y' v """ ''Bi A longWellow. Oh f husband dear and, dldn' t you hear, ? The report that's going round .j That in our goodly city, no dry goods can - found. ." .' Why you know there's Katz the dry goods ..:;- inan, . , With all his pretty wares, V , Tt outsell himi would exemplify l The second man who dares," Oh! what's the matter, mamma dear ? . i - . , V S willy, willy, wlnkum bum ! The people -do look, mighty queer, y j 4 , Swuly, willy wmkum bum ! At Hedkick'P there's such a crowd, A sweariu' and a cussin' loud I" "vVhy it really seems as if death's blirud. Had enveloped some one there ! f . j . ill. ': 1 Why dauglitcr the reason is very plain, ' ' 8 willy, willy, winkum bum ! for what's 'tother's loss ig Hbdbic.jri's gain. ! Swilly, willy, winkum bum ! . ) 00 uie giowiDg coiors, m nis store, , s That all oxlr ladies do adore. j Is the bo?i toil skirt with the pretty gore i And gloves and 'kerchiefs neat. n North Carolina lived a man, .Whose name was J, D. Lovk, Ever ioremost, in the van ; and , Of stationers, the one who can , ' i Sell cheap to every one, . Jack and Gill, w cut up the street To get a suit ot clothing, Says Jack to Gill, yau'llhav a treat . . t If you buy them from our Muason.t For MuSsok has those Garrick's long, - And hats. of all description ; r And sells tiiem bearly ;'for a song,. Defying competition. 1 ; : ' ' ' VI. . : . Goosey, goosey, gander, ! , Where shall I wander, (Said a blushing bridegroom TohisIssabellar;") For furniture we; must have, To Smith's, my dear ! of course. Its the only place that's sought, Flncfurniture.ever decked hie stord, And h'll treat you as he ought.. - VII. Mother is that Wh Tet over 'Many have been turned away, , Is those oysters com me? 5 From Wise's stand tcvday ? For from morn to-night 1 3earkcD . For the carriers welcome vClc e That shall bring good Wise's bllves So luscious atid so, choice, VIII. Little. Jack lloruer Sat in a corner, i Smoking his pipe of clay, j 1 When, as swift as a moment, Some one whispered, Son Yivanl I And to Burkhimeb's he went straighlwayv .: - -IX. . Ding, doug dell! K V Hear. thc market bell ! Books ! books ! books ! Heat the trantic shout ! - V Heinbbebger," cry the boys; Rear them all about j Books I . Books ! Books ! What afearful rout ! Vr: ' . : X. Saddles, and whips, and bridles ! What a happy lot ! And where do you think I got them:? On Front street near Dock. At Tophah's store, there's many more For the holidays, so near, Then jump around, my dearest friends And secure them while they're br-re. Slushy slushy, slushiest. A vick-ed man -A candle maker. . Fire flyA blacksmitb at the forge, " Sboo fly "A shoemaker on the ram page. tThc man wbo laughs" Tbe ono yXu tickle. Turkeys if they know anything will bang their heads this week. , I The Lucille run aground on tbe bar yes terday, during the storm. ... U, V : Alex. Strauz, cf this city, will estimate; Berry's tbe loss occasioned by the fire at ship yard. The reigning and raining GocU yesterday,' were Pluvius and Boreas. t Arid iov? it did Xome down,' Gewhillikins f : S ---- --vv uuiiug tuetwcek,tl,Q92 bal6! oi cotton ; 430: barrels ot Tnrnpntin., . hi Th ball to tbcldt & City i HaU "oV Monday eTeaing,annary Srdi 187wiri be j Scpekior IJoFjBlfb Ail Court, yesterday, Hia HonVr, JudreRusdi 1 r.. Companyoccupied sells tbis1 morniBir SeayeyThirtjrorjdlorto Rico ges. "Sweets time for cheap to tbcswect.'! Now is tbe oranges. Look Out i-jOur carriers "desire tis to earry tbe inforaatton Ibat x they ..will carry with them on Qhristnias morning with our elegant CbrisUas .numbcjr, ' their. " Annual Address." They wish to be 'Posted. D'ye ken? Tkaks'fekued. By authority of Judge Cantwell, tbe body of 'Jacob ; "Ricbardson, the assailant of Mr.Xessman, .was transier ed to the custody of tbe Sheriff, yesterday. to ..ue Kept m custody, until otherwise or dered Building AssociATiOTr -The lollpwing shares were redeemed at the .meeting of j the Cape Fear Building v Association ' meeting last evening : Six shares at $34 ; five shares at $34 50 ; two jshares, at $35 ; five shares at $36, and ten shares at $36 50. ! Scnuiirtiousj !-That excelleiit lunch sent us by " Gentleman George " Arnold last evening. hclloxit your oysters George,1 for. your salad can' t be heat. " And by the way J we learn that tb e Cosmopolitan .will be the headquarters o tion." the 44 Fat 'Men' s Associ a- Condition o This gen tleman still continues to improve under the skillful and careful treatment of Dr. King. Mr. Lessman is still conscious and converses with his family. He is still very feeble, howeverand if inflammation "of the brain does not ensue, cover. in all likelihood ho will re Avant ! Howe! In the case ot Avant M.Hoiyie, on the. action of assault, was ad judicated before Justice McQuigg yesterday morning. Bojib apparently being equally begerentj'Jastice found it difficult v io ' ad just the scales with an oveLjialance in favor of either partiy, and. therefore, both w ere adjudged guilty and sentenced to pay costs only.' Avant 1 Howe ! Howe! Avant! . Chjustmas in Olden Time : . ,. ' EDgland was merry England when (" Old Christmas brought his sports again. I 'Twas Christmas broached the mightiest ale, 'Twas Christmas told the merriest tale. A Christmas gambol oft would cheer The poor man?s heart through half the year." But the Christmas observers of those old times lacked one great advantage which the moderns enjoy, to wit : the privilege of purchasing their supplies trom our gallant soldier and busv merchant, John- J. Hed rick. Prepake for Csristmas ! The Post gives notice to its numerous friends that our columns are now ready to show forth all the " glories of the coming " Christmas ! Our merchants have a fine opportunity to show their wares througb the Post -spicy- losals, and in new TYPE ! Come one ; come all ! Listen to the call of Father Christmas as'.xbibited to his many nierry friends in the people's popular oran "our "WILMING TON POST." Advertisements at reduced rates if sent by December, 25th. The exbibitioil of the State institution for the Deaf Dumb and Blind, came off Tuesday night in the Theatre, and a large number of our citizens testified thtir interest and ap preciation of MrJ Palmer's efforts by attend ing. - Certainly the children bereft of sight or speech do notj seem so unfortunate as many suppose, and patience and kindness bear plentiful fruit to bless the kindly care bestowed upon these wards of the 1 State. Our citizens were much-gratified last night and the trip of Dr. Palmer's favorite pupils to our city has gained him many golden opinions. There will be! a. reception of. colored Grammar School :No. 1, Christian Chapel, this Thursday morning. Dec. 23d, 1869 at half past ten o'c ock. orde: of exercises. , : y Part First, ; ' 1. Opening ExerOiscs. 2. Morning Hynjn. . J - 3. Opening Address. 4. Reading, Sd Class. 5. Dialogue, "Contradictions." 6. Chorus, MSifently." i 7 . . , 7. Reading. "Mrs.! Caudle'srLecture.' . a Solo and Chorus. "Ring the Bell." X Jart Second.' " 1; Reading. 2nd Class. , 2- Chorus "Care not for the Morrow." ; j 3. Readingf VBeginning ot a Bad Citizen." 4. 1st Class. 5. Chorus, 4,Round." 6. Dialogue "Good and pad Fortune." 7. Solo and Chorus, " Flag of the Free." 8. Dialogue, " Wishing." 9. Chorus, " Christmas ' Carol." Friends are invited to attend. ;v : f"' 1 m!to F Mr. Lessman r DELEpaTBs ro the Labo JCdHTzfernjr-: RKPonTLIeasra. Sampson and RooxkV the delegates- 4o the late National ConTectioa at Wasbmgloni froniibis place, madertbeir. report Tuesday evening at the CitylHatt, Mr. 8. occupied tbe entire bourtiving an interesting report of tbe work and the en couraging prospects f)rlattprpiiaUoai and co-operative laBor organiticmi among tbe Preedmen. He ilpoke of the pleasant reception of thc eorninUtec,c President Grant, iijaxaiammT J Wbqia Ptffe Ciabntf hirtftV W6I4 plrge tbVciauBjf ViHbere be; any ministers -Ibenif ? Highland Scotch minister, : beiag inucli shook bis head gricity, and fixing bis eyes Cn the innovators. aidZ with dreadful so iemnity, " Ah, ma ( freens, . there'll he tnae umhrellas in hell f" This -being .. tb r case people better rnsh to jKofcand lay in a sup ply ot all kinds of goods, chattels and w.p- j purtenances." 1 T'Dt Owing to jthei)ress :o mcltertise men ts we were utfavoid ably debarred . spacie tor the menUan ot presentationi i ot ! :a china tea service to Capt J. Fitzgerald, of the Police department In bur last.' The fol lowing -remarks -were made by Capt Fitz gerald in reply to those of oflicer Wilson in presentation: 4 - 1 'K ri Gentlemen : Whether 1 CakeTT. witb i. or leave it out, it is imrak -tc-rl?il. I thank b. T' i- you for this china tea 'set; and why should I not, for sir j does not! tea come f from China, ergo, sir, this is a china sett. f,W4licb looks as it it will always "set, wbetberl am determined so or ; not. ;'v Your ;1 spokesman s:ir, has rightly said I am impartiaX , For, I eyer sir have strove to secure two prison-ersf-when I knew one would answer, there by giving them Jits f. Gentlemen " IagaiB thank you, hoping that n the future it shall be as4in the past. ;r: , ' Revenue Seizure. On Monday morn ing. Assistant Assessor F. G. Moore made a very important seizure for the Revenue De partment. , It seems several of our retail grocers have been carrying on the business of wholesale liquor dealers, without proper, license. Mr. Moore : susnectiiur the fact. watched carefully and finally commenced checking fraud by seizing all the liquors in the store of L. Vollers on Market street. The amount found on haud is about twenty packages valued fully at several thousand dollars ! T wo carts were taken inthe act of remo nog . liquors. The effect of this seiz ure has already been very beneficial. Num bers of ; grocers are applying for Revenue license and the Department at Washing ton have already been apprised ol the activity. and energy displayed by Mr, Moore. Republican Ward Meetings. Selec tion of Delegates to the Mayoralty Convention; On Monday evening, pursu ant to the ball ot the General Committee,the Republican voters of the different wards met at the different polling places and elected the following delegates, to the 3Iayoralty convention which met Tuesday afternoon. First Ward. Wm. H. Waddell A. J. Denton, Robert Sweat, Nicholas Carr, Dan- iel Klein, Thos. Henderson, Julius Mcllhen- ny, A P. Bridgeman, Wm. H. Moore, t Contesting delegation from the ' same ward : Geo. W. Price, Jr., Duncan Holmes, G-P. Rourk, JL. E. Rice, J. P.. Sampson, Hezekiah Reed, Thomas Beck, Jacob Wise, James Telfair Second Wttrd. S. VanAmringe, D. Rum- lev. James Wilson, Sol. WJ Nash, James Lowrey, ,E. J. Pennypacker. v Third Ward. Jos. C. HiU, J. S. Higbee, Howe. Duke K Davis, -Vashington Fourth Ward. John H. . Whiteman, Wm. Thurbur, Win. K. Cutlar, Jobri W. Moore. Republican Mayoraety Conventioh. Nomination of Silas N. Martin. Obe dient to the call of the General Committee this Convention met in the City Court Room on Wednesday afternoon at 2j:30 P. M. On motion of Mr. VanAmiinge, Mr. D. Rumley was called upon to preside ; and Mr. Jos. C. Hill appointed Secretary. The President ris ing, suggested the propriety of enforcing the rule regarding the privacy ot the Conven tion. Mr. G. W. Price objected. Mr. Van- Amt inge sustained the position of the form er, upon which MrB6urk?'mQvei:''tbat'tha convention adjourn to the upper hall, and there hold a public convention denying" ad mittance to none. Carried. Upon reassembling,. Mr. Pennypacker moved that no delegate be allowed the floor more than five minutes. Amended by Mr. Price that no member of the conventien be allowed to speak more than three times oa the, sanie proposition. , . . It was suETffested bv Mr. J. i Wibvori that a committee of five be, appointed Dy tne .7" 0 . w Chair to examine the credentials of -sitting delegates. Seconded by Mr. ried. j The Chair appointed Price arictcar- the foltowing gentlemen : Messrs! VanAmringe, Lowery, W. Howe, Whitemjb and Thurbury- Du rin the absence ol the commiUee Mr.' Price inquired of the Chair whether the delegates I. were bblieatea to tne aecision oi wo , uou; vention. Decided in tne amrmauye. 4 - Afre'r the lapse of twenty, minutes, .the committee returned i arid reported tbr, : I01-, lowing as tbe regular delegates to the con vention : First 57ard,afX ;Dentoni r B. Klein, Robert Sweat; A P. Bridgeman, D. he was hZt sudden appearance1t)fV' summer showery Celmes, G. P.Hourk, J. P.- Sampson, L.E. Ricevnd Hie(lIOTMce was adaitted bere as substitute tor L.E.: Bice ; l&r-lticeiiiiisMfi .-Second; TTird S.VanAniringe,:rJas. !:Hi- Lowery, J&aes Wilson, D. Rumlej, .tBJ J. Penny jpieker and tWNaslfeTliirdi Ward : J. d Hill, HiriesV trV mo we; V. K. Da jrlie fcoiirthTiratfd: 'iT: "WTiHeman, Ji W. Mbote 'I; KTCuflaandiW. TOttrbur. The report oif the Comni flee was adopted; 3Ir.4 WaddeII hett retired;- wins tb the iL&zu '2 toe ConTentionV IIr Prici proposed that a cbmmiUee be appointed to report officers' : -it Xba penna Qent cffgariizatlon of 'the CtonYentionv Car- r! if ft ' ported in ,:&c;'oR12&&3k President, Hill orBecrey rid Taylor for ' Serjeant at ArtiM Mata-s Price, Petiny packer, Rouik, VanAmringe and "W. Howe were on motioii cppoinWd ft' committee's to recoinciend a candidate for Mvyor. ';,V' Ther''e(ititfaclra .and reportecl unanimotiily in favor of Silas N. Martin. ' 1 After tbe adoption of the committee re port, 'and thereby virtually nominating Mr, MartinllIrBWeat moved ior a, reconsider atipn of tbe vote, as be misunderstood the tote and thereby did not tote - understand ingly. Seconded.by Mr. Hill and submitted to the ' House, and bere arising an in adyertence, Mr. Rourk declared the Secre tary had incorrectly reported the vote, upon wiocujux. xuii rcauiiy supmiiteu. mc ac- tion to a second vote.' tlwr ' vote was de 9lared!iri favor of reconsideration and. there tore Mr. G. W. Price moved thati' the roll be called and as each, members name was called he should respond aye or nay. as to the adoption of the recommendation of Mr Martin for Mayors This , was amended, so as to allow delegates to vote intelligently, j that each member voting aye, totes for Mar riarriftd Tbe convention then ballotted Martin received 15 votes, of the 22 Mr. Price then moved that the tion be'made unanimous There three, totes in the negative, i::.- and Mr. cast. nomina were but The ' contentioh then! adjourned with cheers and joyous shouts in favor of the suc- cesstul candidate, Silas N. Martim POSTLINGS. Sick turkeys. Advertise now. the streets. Reduce car fares. Tennyson is sixty. Adyertise your goods. Blue suits, suit belles.! The census bill hangs.; Montana snubs Ashley. -Banks is a half seas over. Train blathers in Gotham. Emigrants are Texasward. Blair says, "d d" poliiics. Rochefort champions Cuba. Canada has ice velocipedes. Banana juice preserves: jinen. , Liverpool has the rinderpest; Genoa will be King of Spain. Dana was once a 41 free Congress adjourned yesterday. The coming man China-man. Liverpool has a penny railroad. Bingham opposed the Georgia bill. The Spanish gunboats are "at sea." The-New York Hotel has been sold. Thunder is a Philadelphia " siugisi." Monogram door plates ire the latest. Olive Logan has a marvelous chignon. France boasts thirty thousand crazyites. . McCoolc wants' tb fight tbe Cardiff giant. Dumb waiters don't answer in New Yoi3c Capitol, : mover Reayis As in Washington. Minister Low of China is in New York. Rochefort is preparing jounaiistic thunder Steterisoh Succeeds McCreery in the Sen- fi if Forrest IS eating scenery in Porkop- olis. New; York teachers kick children' in the face. ' , The " Alexandria limp " is the latest agony. v Botts succeeds Ashley as Governor of Montana.;': . '. ji " i. J. The Great Lakes have wrecked 126 vessels this year. ' V ; j HackeU is with "The Merry Wives" in New York." Salt Lake will have a new Weekly, entitled tbe Tribune. ... !; : .. . . ; The Army of the Cumberland has met in Indianapolis..:- , 'j . '. .; ' Virginia's condition has been postponed until af ter recess; 3 i I Anna Dickinson received three totes for Mayer of Boston. JSte Henrique U in aMA Regular Fix " at Wallack's Theatre. - ;f J "Brick" lectures tm "men's wiyes." No Jt London 7 hask rentiated fifteen hundred American books this yeara cf - I The Ohio democracy Eold theirs convention on tbe first yfeantadskj-pi Jtiae 1870. ' Titnsvine Pa. has has had a five hundred thousand Dound cl vccrihQ exoloilon. ' . - - m . STATE. Newbcin will nave gas again. Jo. Turner will bowl at Rutherford ton. I ,-; . j ' . 1 .. Fayetteyille tourneys next Wednesday. The Tremaine's are caroling in Raleigh. The XJoldsborians will dance on tbe 29th inst. Legislature adjourned until January lOtb 1870. -The U. S Court in Raleigh is still in session. Woodlawn Post office,4 in Gaston county, has been itefablisheci ; vaitt i son 1 CM What is the key to appetite iPott. Do you mean your appetite ? Then icMs- ktj Standard. ' ; And; that's a standard drink. Eh ! all the wit hd can out of the Standard thus "Htes" bahe twinkler ot ithis city : - i xue etuiorui ne ,w limingxon-otar nas a long article beaded "Our Imperial Destiny." We presume ihat be don't mean to a imply that a crown is likely to rest upon his bead but that his bead is liable to rest bpon its crown if too much, scuppernong is imbibed. The Commissioners t appointed to super intend the erection of tbe Penitentiary have reported to the Governor that the stockade is sufficiently near completion. tQ j ustify the reception of about one hundred and twenty five convicts, from the ',5th to the loth oj January next. I Thejfhole number of con victs in the State, sentenced to imprison ment at hard labor, including those sentenc ed to the Penitentiary, will dot fall short of three hundred and twenty-five. The num ber sentenced direct to tbe Penitentiary for the term of nine months or over, will amount to about one hundred and eighty. Magazines, Etc. Mr. Arthur deserves well from the parents of America. ; For many vears he has furnished choice reading to young and old especially adapted to the home circle. Longra writer ot stories for other people's magazines ; he culminates in magazines of his own. Always bright in appearance, good and true in sentiment and moral tone " aprogrcssive man ; his serials have kept pace with the times, and in the year of grace, 1379, he offers the reading public, a rare treat; in the improved 'JJ&me' Magazine; the enlarged' and beautiful Once a Month, and the delightfully fresh Children's Hour. The Home Magazine is the cheapest ladies ashion monthly published, and the most fastidious cannot object to the original of selected reading therein contained. iThe Once a Month is especially adapted to youth and for two dollars a year so much good and original matter can. be met with dsl where else outside of the Post. The poem by Longfellow in the Chil- drctis Hour on tinted paper is worth the price of the perodicaL Address T. 8. Ar thur and Sons, Philadelphia. Le Monde, for January, contains imported plates and dress patterns sufficient to pay for ten subscription prices send for a copy : Putnam's Monthly, for January 1870. Good old Putnam s ! To-day as ten years ago when we first subscribed; do wo give our approval to every contribution to he amaranthine columns of good old Putnam. Eminently American, and national in its highest sense ; here the refined reader communes witu the best minus: ot the nation. , It was so before the war, and it is so now. Mr1. Putnam has a well jdeserved reputation for the high tone characterizing ii ' i! '" 1 t it ! ' ail nis pDiicaiiucb, auu wutsuier we con sider him as editor, author or publisher, he deserves well of the better, class off Ameri cans. When others Were content to plagar ize and pilftr from foreign publishers ; , Mr. Putnam encouraged native talent, and paid liberally for jail he received. We hope the American people have reached a j position where they Can luny appreciate tne labors of such a man and the serial he offers at the very moderate rate noticed in our ad vertising columns. i Knew Saturday comes tb us for 1870. Enlarged and illustrated. We hope the good housejof Fields, Osgood & Co., may continue many years as the first among American publishers. There can be little doubt but the good taste exhibited in Ecery Saturday will continue to charm myriads of readers as in the olden time. No weekly has so high a reputation for choice reading. The prophetic picture of Pacific Rail Roads. Cars running across the continent line and bringing fresh news and old friends " every Saturday'! from At lantic to Pacific we will ever remerriber. Many pleasant hours have we enjoyed Every Saturday and hope the good house ot F. O. & Co., Will keep on sending us Every Satur day while we have eyes to read or the Posrx has readers, course inis means joreter. The Atlantic . for January offers a rare treat o th intellectual reader. Mr. Lowell opens the toluine With his new poem, " The n.'tliBilHl " atirl in tliTa nrftflnpfiftn ftlftfift'Hn we see a full " value received1? for the sub scription Tprice ot the j magazine. 5 Other eminent writers contribute gems of thought and culture in the articles we enumerate. Amon.r.the Isles of Shoals : Joserih&nd his Friend : HGnide Raspigtiasi ; The Study of history ; Americanism - in ? jjiieraiure ; xiau haught, the i Deacon j The Woman Thou Gayest Me: What to do With The tJurpins; JN earing tne onow-nne : V as ne aeaq ; un dti the Midnight Sun; The Descent of Neptune to aid the Greeks; Reviews, etc. -p.il lucse iur uuny-nve cents x early inb- Buiipuons xour xiouars. Address Fields Osgood and Company, Boston, llass. t . Sclmmy1 Visitor. This sprightly little juvenile for J anuary ; from Dacghaday & uecker, publishers, Philadelphia : is on our national reputation for vivacity, vigor and .uuuvrcub cienn woum ue , not too much. Galaxy. As times whirligig rails round. one becomes more and ; more convinced of the superiority of this ablv editftd rinrii. , cal. The January nujaber closes "Susan Fielding" "But Put Yourself In His Place" still proceeds enlivened by tbe skll- iui pen ox v;nas. i&eaae. : This story alone is decidedly worth the price of the magazine. The Galaxy succeeds by "the variety of its literary contributors, the versatility of the assisting pens, the vigor of ita; editor,:and , , the intcreatinir tone of ererr ArtieW iht' Jiviu naarfe. . It stands sustained by merit ': ':3Sdei&.. ; Mr Bidwell may contuiaie" himself 6n laying before the readers of this t excellent magazine, " a right royat literary feast." .The sttei engraving SchillerJatthe ' Court of Weimar is a! beautiful and merit qrioua production of art' The Early His tory of Man The .Cataline Rover :" The Prevalence of Sun Spots j" " Dr. Liv ingstone and the; Source, of the Nile," are the chief articles lot interest. V ' ; i ZeWs Encyclopedia has reached the seventy-sixth number, and bids- fair to be the most complete compendium off acts, gene rally, that was ever printed. : , Zijyinfott for January is again with us, and looks as charming as ever in its new year ccetumc. LucyHooper, arid EdgarFaw cett contribute a poem. . The Singer V and " Christmas Eve;" while the?1 Vicar of Bull hamptbn? by Trollopc, and Our Monthly Gossip,! make readable its still 'crowded pages. Lippiricoit & CoM publishers, Phila., ta- ... . . , . ; ; Harper for January. This veteran among the thousand magazines floating around the literary world, still stands, like Crusoe, mon arch of all it surveys This number, it any thing, is more in keeping with its great re putation, than others we wot of. The bril liant continued articles on the "Life of Frederick," still enhance the vivacity of its pages. While the inevitable ', Drawer " and " Chair " still wins bur admiration. . Notice to Subscribers. All receiv ing subscriptions or sending in new names before January 1st will be . entitled to tbe Post for 1870 at the exceeding low price of THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM! Let all who claim to believe Republican ideas, and desire to siow allegiance to the Ration al Government assist the only true American organ in this r section. To quote a dis tinguished writer : ."It is the shariie of any citizen owjning allegiance ta the I flig that he subscribes for or aksists the orsrans of treason and does not Stand by the only National paper worthy o3 the name in North Carolina." The Post has been improved at much cost and is worthy the aid of all good citizens. Marshal's Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON trpHERE IS IN CUSTODY OF THE TjNDER- signed one stray, hnndle COW, apparently about 4 years ot age. White spot on forehead, on back, and the upper portion of the tail;! four feet tipped with white. r Can be procured at this office by proving property and paying expenses. i W. P. CANADAY, City Marehal. December 18tb, 1800. dec 19 333t: COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, . -"t City of Wilmington, N. C, 4 November 30th, 18C9. f Tax IVoticc ! Tax Notice ! THE TAX BOOKS FOR 1869 ARE NOW open. The taxes are on Real Estate, Personal Property, Income, Lawyers, Physicians, Den tists, Carriages and Horses, and Polls.' Thisax must -be paid before the 1st of J annary, 1870. or , the usual course will be taken. The office will be open from 9 to 3 of each day, (Sundays excepted.) ' BENJAMIN DURFEE, , Collector, dee 2 ! 1 330-W Journal and Star copy. . J SCHOOIi BOOIiH. SPELLERS i READERS. . GEOGRAPHIES, ARR1TUMETICS, GRAMMARS, HISTORIES. BEERS SYSTEM OF PENMANSHIP, For sale at i . HEINSBERGERS Live Book Store. CHRISTMAS NUMBER THE READERS OF THE I p o M S I It RE NOTIFIED OF A RARE TBEAT IN .tore for them In oar ' . CHRISTMAS tlUGBER. Let all remember that the Will hontalneritfnal I By the editors, and contributions froai gifted friends! : :. .:' 1 . j LETALL PURCHA8E THE POST. IT WILL BE WORTH PRESERVING 1 1 OUR i X I a ....... j .9- i,