THE ;TOMIKG WrPOST Wilmington, n. c.,:december 23, i860. (For the Post DIVIDED. Ve&th the cloudlessblue of the summer skier - iaieiimVf that glor j that' never dieaS'"' conscious my thoughts will stray to the past. That was all too happy too sweet, to t; rorcetfttl awhile of how far I hav roamed, ' And memories old aefrom their ftleep, -And tears of re from eyelids creep. M' ' no " broken vow" to call these tears fhst wa pledged long ago, la the mists of years,- dopes of my childhood, strewn in the blast I sigh wlten tnmfc of divided life, v 1 And ask how mucn longer will be the strife., Tf ill the hair grow white in the frost of years, And dim he the eyes with blinding" tears ? Will the heart grow weary, faint and sore, jre I shall reach the golden shore ? Will feet grow weary in treading the way, re blooms for me that endless day ? 7 All Is well i God loves his own. 4 ; ' Though -weary and old In the battle gro wn, TVe shall gather it last, round the throaexf God, Bat the chosen :mu3t " pass beneath the rod.'' f ;. ' I Cobkixe Stella Forrest. , :' For the Post. TO ' 1 dreamed a dream, a night' or two ago. And if it be a desperate sin, or no i . pre blessed the angel of that happy sleep ich hour since ;-'tho' there does sometimes . : creep - v,-: .H " "'.;' A fear that it was wrong, and if I could, I would, Be oh I so sorry, but dreams come from good. The only thing that in it Bad did seem, Was, that it was a dream. - 1 dreamed a dream, so perfect, yet to none Must one word'of it go, not even one, ; This one would snif at this, and this, at that, And one would think it proved something right V rt, . . if:--; .! ; . r. When it was only irom an angel's wing 'And gave my Jieart a happy 6ong to sing; The- only pain In all the joy did seem, , ? , Was, that it .was a dream. ' '-'-( . . 1 a I dreamed a dream, that, should have stayed 1 away, . ' ouv Biuto iju vuic, a cuuut not say it nay, 80 dear, so dear I could not from it fly, TesJ in its happiness my thoughts still lire, 80 it must wrestle close, and silent be, And my glad hjeait shall tell it oft to me, The only thing that in .it sad did seem, , Was: that it was a dream. . ' , Scott. EXTENSIVE SAMS - ' . .. .,-".':'..'. j - 1 OF " iluable Real Estate AT ino 1 1 O 11 ! CUSTOM HOUSE, 1: WILMINGTON, N. C.. V poLLECTon's OrFiCB, 16th Dec., 1869. J T AUTHORITY OF THE HON. SECRE- tarjf of the Treasury, I will offer for sale at tJBIL.IO AUCTION, at he CUSTOM HOUSE,' on TUESDAY, the lltfi day of January, 1870, at JL3 M., that : VALUADLE THREE STORY BRICK DUILDINQ Sitoatcd in the southeast portion of the city, well known as the MARINE HOSPITAL. Built by the U. 8. Governmeut at a cost of r, I FOR TT T1IO USAND D OLLAIiS, 3VitW grounds 396x330 feel. comDrisins: APi.jEiTIRE SQUARE. x ALSO- 71 QI T Y Hi OT S5 9 SQUARES EACH UPON HLOCKS . 107,08, 100, 110, lit, 12J 121, 123, 123, 124, with LOTS 1, 2nd 3tipon BLOCKS 04, 05, 06, 07, 08.' " V TERM: One-fifth. Cih,balance in four equal QUARTER YEARLY PAYMENTS, first to be mads April 11th, 1870. lr'- D. RUM LEY, Collector. ' 3:-:v '"i 335-tds :.. 'dec 19 DURHAM NEW. EOIT VIV AJfT, . The Queen of Durham t: H. BURKHEIMER'S;? , v No. 6 Market Street. mmmmsm INVEST SMOKING TOBACCO i. 4- f '" PCRNITURJi," OUR EXTENSIVE WARE ROOMS TTE ARE1 PRTCTPAti TrttTfcT4rK I TT th.e Visit at our J"ar the largest and most j . -our -eni! 01 v;aoinei jrurniture ever oared to the citizens of the two r Carollnas. yur hiock: comprises an tbe latest styles of . PARIOR AND BED ROOMiSETs ' : HALL SETS, ' ' ' , OFFICE AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, , DINING ROOM SETS and every variety of Bedsteads. Bureaus! Wash. - Stand ft. f!h1ra Art rv, On the premises is onr Upholstering and Bed dmtr ManufflP.t.orV nn art Ttpn5o tmil 'Wnno but the best of workmen employed and all of uur wors guaranteea. a lull line ' of J all the iaii;Bt Biyies 01 wmaow snades, wall paper, Curtain bands and Tmhnlstrv opikimIIt I i We also deal' extensively in sash blinds and doors. - . j . Trices as lov as any Furniture House North ni 9Anth A null ' - ' v.. uvuiu, a van luepcvtiuilj DiMlWlXCU. "D. A v SMITH, ii - ii-- tiranitc Front Bnifdings, South Front Street, nov 18 r S26-tf JOSEPH C. ABBOTT, H. S. SEBTOSS, ALEX. 8TRAUSZ, L. E. -BICEj CAPE f EAR lllSfi mm CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. ESTIMATES AND PLANS GIVEN AND contracts made for the erection and com pletion of.. . DWELLING HOUSES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS. WARE HOUSES, OFFICES, BRIDGES, Ac. ALSO, PA IN TING , REPAIRS, &c, done at short notice. We manufacture .all kinds of MOULDINGS, - BRACKETS, ' ' SCROLL WORK, 1 NEWEL POSTS, ' RAILINGS and BALUSTERS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Orders left at Office North side' of Princess street, between Front and Second streets; , ! dee 16 J4 ;334lnV ARNOLD'S I TAN. OYSTERS IN SEASON, -CHOICE LIQUORS, CIGARS, BILLIARD, LUNCH SERVED AND i SENT TO ANX part of the city at all hours, without any extra charge. Open, Until Midnight. ; G. "it" ARNOLD, " Proprietor. dec 16 33i-lm ; Grand Lodge Festival ! DELEGATES TO THE GRAND LODGE 'Festival, to be held In .; Wilmington on or about the 2th inst., will" jplease take notice that through the kindness'; of Col. Bridgers half fare Will be chartred visitors arrivino" nri the Wilmington & Weldoh , Railroad. , Exten- bivc preparations nave uecn maae uy uiuium Lodge-for the accomodation of visitors. ' Morie- O aiiTt ' t e Made. (to jt AW EOR 50 CENTSl i An entirely new, opt m J J novel, and -attractive article for young ladies and gentlemen. Just the Tthing you want. Samples sent free to any address on the receipt of 50 cents. , Address S. ROUDENLUSH, Le Roy, Genesee County, N. Y. dec 13 333-lm ' FLAT FOR SALE. FINE, NEW FLAT 43X14 FEET. For sale low. GEO. Z FRENCH, 10 Soutli Front street. r 323-tf nov 7 THE UNDEKSKCwNED HAS TAKEN AN OFFICE, OPPOSITE THE Court House, in the rear of Squire Mc- Quigg's Office. .business promptly attended to. : J. NUTT. sept 9 ;.l 1 i i 30G-tf . DR. J. E. YMANTS, EXAMINING SURGEON, r PENSION BUREAU, i r ; . Wilmington, N. C. augl6 S99-tf THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST Assortment of the following goods in the city;- ; " - J---'"- '4 ': , SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALIUMS, TRAVELING BAGS. SATCHELS, v HORSE BLANKETS; . BUGGY RUGS and ROBES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, TRACE CHAINS, ' HORSE BRUSHES, CURRY COMBS, WHIPS, J SPURS, AXLE GREASE, STEP LADDERS, FEATHER DUSTERS. Saddlery Hard war and a large lot of Second hand Baddies, Harness, names, undies, Keins, Halters, Ac, cheap for eash, at : I i ! Ho. b south jj ront street, vvumiogton, Ei- j. J. S. TOPHAM 4S6 CO. nov 4 323-3m KID GliOVEJS. "! A LEXANDERS . KID GLO VES AT $ I 25 J. per pair. '" -",.4 .r' v JNO. J.HEDRICK,' Agent, - Corn r market & 2d St nov. 25, . . J - 338-tf - SCHOOL. BOOKS. TEACHERS AND PARENTS ARE RESPECT, fully invited to- examine my; assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIONERY, which is now very complete. rrv:- t . . - " C0SM0P0L octSd 313-U MAGICS '.- ;:t PHOTOGRAPHS. WONDERFUL ; A ND .amusing, 25 cents a package. Samples 10 cents rAddress L. WILLIS & CO., P. O: Box 691. Bidford, Me- 1, dec 9 . . ' . . .. . HURRAH P O It - 4 CHR1SMAS! gTUDY ECONOMY BY BUYING . PRES ENTS in Durable and Substantial. DRY AND FANCY GOODS. V DRESS . GOODS. SHAWLS.; CLOAES. &cL &c, &C At the recent GREAT FALL IN PRICES and lately received at T r ' M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market Street. dee 19 1 335-tf NOTICE. BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO THE CAPI tal Stock Of thft WilmincrfnTi AT Art h nimlint . . ' - - VWU I'll j 'VV Vlllili Lire Insurance Company will be reopened on the 30th instant at the following places, to wit ; At the Office Of said Cnmnanv anA nf P Haiti s- berger's Book Store, in the city of Wilmington, under the direction of B. F. Grady, P. Heinsber- fer. Col. Roger Moore, Dr. J. B. Seavy, and lajor C. W. McClammy, at Kenansville, under the direction of I. B. KeUey and J. D. Souther land. At Clinton, under the direction of Dr. f! T. Murphy and J, H. Hill. At Fayetteville, un der the direction of W. C. Troy, W. N. Tilling hast and Dr. W. C. McDuffie. At Elizabeth town. Under the direct ion otTIr W. A; RIhtpII and Col. J, A. McDowell. At Lumberton, 'un der the direction of J. T. Petteway and B. Good win. At Laurinburg, under the direction of W. J. Everett, and F. M. BizzelL At Kockingham, under tire direction olJ. W. Leak and F. M.. VVOOten. At Wadesboro'. nnder the - direcftinfT1 ot H. A. Crawford, Col. J.' I. Cox and J. M. L.lttle. At Whiteville, under the direction of B.' V. Richardson and Col. T. S Memory. At Smlthville, under the direction of D. C: AUen and Dr. W. G. Curtis. At Goldsboro1. under the direction of A. J. Galloway and J. M. Ed- of J). T. Carraway and W. Hi Oliver. - At ari boro under the direction of W. Cttbn.and N. M. Lawrence. At Rocky Mount,5uhderi the direction of Captain T. H. Griffin and B. H. Bunn. At Wilson .nil der the dir.r.tinn nfflftl T. S. Kenan, and Major J. W Dupham At Raleigh, under the direction of N. H. Jones and P. A. Wiley. At Greensboro', under the direction of J. H. TJndKflv and Tir. TV W. YT 'HnhA. Af.; Salisbury, under the direction of W. M. Roobins and F. E. Shober. At Charlotte, under the di rection of W. R. French and J. L; Brown. J. H. AJNDifiKSOW, V P. HEINSBEKGER, ' C. T. MURPHY. K'ofwm's. L. A. POWELL, C. W. McCLAMMY. j dec 19 335-3t GRAND SPORT, iToi Christmas iy&ya A T THE FAIR GROUND THERE WILL BE two mots, -1 aud, a "main" of I . j fighting Cocks.'! I FOOT RACE 1 . durine-the dav' T out Five Dollars; Second out Three DoUars ; Third Two Dollars. , (Cars will run during the day, Fare 25 cts round trip, Admission 25 cents, dec 19 335-3t FOR RENT. T HE MANSION HOUSE AT HILTON, With garden, &c. . 1 : . ; ' - Apply to . . ..; ,. j JAMES & BROWNj : ClvilEngineers, Vfec;. dec 19 . -.-,;ferii;feg35-2t' JUST RECEIVED FROM NE W YORK'AUC-tions,- a great variety of D R1T G O O D S bought tor cash at a. creafc saciificec and ' will be sold tow. LOWER-by 25 fter cent than the same goods can be bought at any other store in the city . fjOPfiBfi'A II Y: ;;- leached Cottons at 10 cents, worth 15 cents, leaehed Cottons at 15 cents, worth 20 cents. Bleached Cottons at 20 cents, worth SO cents. Cassimeres of state and riorthernzmanutacture. at HALF THE COST of production. - BLANKETS, SUAtVLiS and 5 , DRESS GOODS. at unprecedented LOW PRICES. Cash and quick sales is the line I FIGHT ON. The pubUc are inyited to give me a call at the BANNER STORE, So acknowledged by all intelligent traders. . jjno. j. hjsukiuh, Agenw Corner Second and Market streets, dec 16 ! 324 GRAND BALL. rpHERE WILL BE A GRAND BALL Christ- 'X mas evening at the Oity nail. bOME ONE ! COME ALL ! The most elegant entertainment of the season. ADMISSION ONE DOLLAR I Tickets sold by George 1L Arnold, proprietor of Committee of Arrangements. ; but? i WCT... f K. fiUWABU. CHARLES SOUTHERLAND, ' : W. M. JOHNSON, dec 19 J 835-St E. HOWARD, A WEEK FOR AGENTS TO SELL )bU the greatest book ever published; '.viy.? XTLitiMr. Wand arid Medical Guide and book of Nature combined, 320 Pages. Sample f Comes mauea iree ior j wu.' w - tulan fret. Dr. R. F. YOUNG & CO., hW Broad- A a 1Q f 15 dec 19 I S35-W& Xlie People H AVE FOUND OUT THAT irioro CLOTB ltiNGuVhtfore. iring your CASH and get BARGAINS. Market Street than wsewnere.; , i w Bargains dec 19 ftrtT. t?t y frr-r fire rifj ; Jiflnaiitmi Lit & Insurance, 1? "It is morai&ea ltrtliaji -any otheci- flmnw f mill 1 vvuji wiccuittWiyT oecome-pureiy mMU and fceZonr to the Iaijrtis-33.c.j5-i ? .?i?eami7 ifi?&oreirow inr, it is to your interest Principal office -1015 Mjunstreet,BlCflMONDyAw:aa i . rAgeut wanted eTerywhere. . : if; - Agencyin, this City at jthe office of the "WU iningtonST.V Vs ?f Ji i f T ; : hMrefiS.;. yt ' ROBERT! BEGGS. - Js Attorney and Counsellor jatj Law, OFFICE, , j " 478 U St., between 9th and 10th Sts. E PROSECUTE CASES IN THE COURT Jof Claims and beforejhe several 'Departr. ments.' ' ; '" ,; ,":-. -. ; : For Cotton, Turpentine, Tobacco, &c, seized in the Stato lately in rebellion , by U. S. Treasu ury Agents, ofr by,the U:S.' Army. i t For supplies taken or purchased by officers oftheU. 8. Anny. : 1 ... For rent or use of property, or property de stroyed.; ' - - - .-. ;j, For horses lost, killed, or whichdied in the Military Service I For Back Pay and Bounty, and Settlement of Officers Accounts, t . i -.j 'The Adjustment of Claims before the Bureau of Indian Affairs. , j Wei. have great facilities for Procuring Paten's. We ' make perliminary examinations at the Patent Office to see whether the Invention has been anticipated;5 and give information for 15. All necessary'drawings and papers 1 prepared. Charges for obtaining patents reasonable. : ;Real Estate bought,; sold rgnted, or. traded forOthiprpcrty.i,i 5sThere is' a large amount of Prize Money undistributed which ik due to Sailors, now de ceased Who served in the United States Navy. The? friends of deceased Sailors would do well to write to us, -' that we may look into the ac counts iri thd NavyDepartment, unless they are sure the7 same has been settled. .. i' ki Liberal per centage allowed Lawyers send: ing us cases. 1 "Business with any of the Departments at tended to with promptness. II i . nov 6 j I ; 323-tf GEO. Z. FRENCH, REAL ESTATE AQEHT, AND Commission Merchant, Jr, Punctual attention paid to REAL ES TATE, LUMBER and PRODUCE. 10,000 Acres of Laud in ditfureut parts of the State fur sale., j) oct 28 1 320-tf STORAGE OR ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE AT 10 South Front Street. ? GEO. Z. FRENCH, j a20-tf oct 28 WIIiSimOTONJ IRON AND COPPER WORKS f ' ' ' AND V" 1 SHOP, AIi S O Man u f a c t u r e r s of TURPENTINE ! STILLS and COPPER WORK in all its branches. Front Street, below Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. j HART & BAILEY. Proprietors. aug5 tf FOR RENT, j rpHAT FINE LARGE GROCERY;: STORE N9. IO South Front Slrpct, lately occupied by 1 . ." 'M- FRED. F. FRENCH. THE BEST G ROCERY STORE -, ' ' in the city. Rent. low. f J j I Apply to GEO. Z. FRENCH, Ho 10 South Front Street-(up sUtifs.) dec 9 M 1 ! 333-tf s H. OfKEEFE, SON & jCO'S SEED And GUIDE 'to the I- FLOWER AtlD VEOETAOLE GARDEN, FOR 1870. Published in January. Every lover of flowers wishing this new and: valuable work, free ot charge, should address immediately M. O'KEE FE, SON & CO., Ellwanger & Barry's Block, Rochester, N T. nov-lS- i 336-tjun FIRST NATIONAL BINE OF f rVMINTO N. C. United States Depository and ; Financial iTi """" -OnfiCTO&s: ! 1 ' j. EawrJcE, BuKitrjss, President. Xsi: KJ Wjxktr, Cashier Vr WK. Labkiks iTeller. --.-) HiM.Bowi3SKBook-Keeper. a t. Wallace Ja.. Clerk. r rr imsANK is NOtr open for the IANSACTION OF BUSINESS. t . Gf JLLA1HI6ILVER COIN, Government Bonds Tio-raa OfSdLVENT and other. State Banks lEXCHAiEON NORTHEB'ANI)! SOliTH onr nrrnra aiwara oa hand and for sale. rn OLLECTIONS made on all accessible point la n Eposrra lusuiv, ,wmv &4U0S 1 w :? cieatjeat ' iaoer in the PW"yr?rr. rf- rt: Vci g ybiiagf; - - -rfTl i -"V ':t"'Kt Z&Fiil- ,Z3U$Mk: :.:h .. TITTSJSTNrrT-'A---7--"' TT TI ITI TI I OATAL OGUE - - -i ' ' " J ' U. s Internal Revenue. 1 -' NOTTCBflQ . A LL PERSONS WHO SELL SHELL OR xjU Other Fish, or both, from carts, in New Hanover or Duplin Counties, are hereby notified to appear and take out a United States Internal Revenue license on or before the 15th of this month, or they will be assessed and charged pen alty "according to law , i , . r F. G. MOORE, J .1 j A&sigtant Assessor. Office corner Vater aud Princess streets, oTer Sheppersons store - - - ?f " , A j .CLERGYMAN, WHILE RESIDING IN xjLI South America as missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the cure of Nervous Weakness, JEarly Decay, Disease cf the . Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of dis orders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been cured by- this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and using this medieinp, jin a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Free of Charge. Address, JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, ; New York City. sept 19 M 309-6moa Sit AUGUSTINE NORMAL SCHOOL I AND IATE INSTITUTE. ; RALEIGH. W. C. TO SCHOOL, WHICH IS DESIGNED JL for the education of colored teachers, will open 6a Wednesday, , September 29th. Appli cants must be able to read and write and under stand the four primary rules of Arithmetic Tuition and the use of books will be free to all, but pupils, who are able, will be required to pay their board, in whole or in part. Aid will be given towards board iin special cases. Applica tion, stating age, qualification and pecuniary ability, should be made to i j REV. J. BRINTON SMITH, Principal sept 19 1 I 309-tf SMALL FRUIT RECORDER AND Cottage Grardner. WE ARE IN RECEIPT! OF THIS VALU able little monthly paper, edited by A. M. Purdy, (successor to Purdy & Johnston) of Palmyra, N, Y. f It contains the most practical articles in relation to this subject we ever saw and should be in the hands of every person who has a garden of even a rod square. The price is only 50 cents a year. Send stamp lor a speci men copy and circular containing offer to those getting up clubs. We notice any person getting up a club Of six has one copy gratis. He also sends out a valuable little work called the. ., - -! ': SMALL FRUIT INSTRUCTOR. Which has received the highest testimonials frota the most prominent horticulturists and pomologists in the United States. It tells how to plant and grow all kinds of small fruits." Price only 10 cents. Address for either of the above, the above party. j dec 5 ... ool-tt RESH GARDEN, FLOWER, Fruit, 1 Herb, Tree, Shrub 1 and Evergreen Seeds, with directions ior culture, pre paid by mail. The most complete and judicious, assortment in. the country. Agents wanted. 25 Sorts of either lor $1.00 : prepaid by mail. "Also Small Fruits, Plants, Bulbs, all the nev Potatoes, &c. prepaid by mail. 4 lbs. Early Rose Potato, prepaid, lor $1.00. Conover's Col- lossai Asparagus, $0 per iuu; per i,uw. pre paid. New hardy fragrant everblooming Japan Honeysuckle. 50 cts. each, prepaid. True Cape Cod Cranberry, lor upland or lowland culture, $1,00 per 100. prepaid, with! directions.- Priced Catalogue to any address, gratis; also trade list. Seeds on commission. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, MasB, Established in dec 5 DAI, DOCK STREET, (OPPOSITE SEAMAN'S HOME.) OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 9 O'CLOCK A. M., to 3 o'clock; P. M., and Saturday Evenings from 6 to 8 o'clock. DEPOSITS OF ANY SUM FROItt FIVE CENTS TO FIVE THOU SAND DOLLARS RECEIVED. Interest rjaidjon all sums of i Five Dollars and upwards, that Remain on deposit four months. Special deposits, of Fifty Dollars and upwards will draw interest at 11x2 rate 01 ipur per ceni. allowed every thirty days. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. CEO. R. FRENCH, Chairman, GEO. CHADBOUKN, WM. A. GREEN, . ALFRED HOWE, ALLAN RUTHERFORD, BENJAMIN DURFEE, Secretary B. G. B nov 4 IYAN, Cashier. 323-4t ECLECTIC MAGAZINE . OF I F0REIGH LITERiATURE. New Volume begins January, 1870. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBS0SIBE. THE ECLECTIC REPRINTS All. THE best articles, Historic, Literary, and Sociil, from the prdminent English, French, and ' Ger man periodicals. Its selections are, carefully made from over fifty different iorks, and with many competitors in the field!, it remains the oldest and most reliable exponent of i foreign porary thought. ' - - :o: ' SPECIALITIES OF THE ECLECTIC. Science. It is believed that in this department the Eclectic is more comprehensive and complete m W . . ! J.1 1 J A. . thnn am? other Magazine in the world not ex- clusively devoted to the subject. Biography. In this department will be found the t . 11- r 4 1 i iife of every man who in any walk of nn famp. - -" life has laid hold Belles Lettres. Prrr.TTR Literatdre in all its brauches is rep- resented by the best selections which can be gleaned from a wide field. Fiction. Tn (hU rtpnartment the best CURRENT LITER ATURE of its class is found, comprising occasion; al Serials by the best contemporary novelists, but chiefly the short stories for .) which the En glish Magazines are deservedly celebrated. : General literature. This department, probahly the most import ant of all. is represented by selections from the uonipwo. ana coniams me cnoicesi current Essays upon floclai I and Political questions. . . The ElrTOBiAii Dbfartmbiits j have been ru.M.Hif fpmndelcjL lhe Keviews 01 cur rent HomeLlterature are unusually full, and Art at home ana aoru&u rettnw oiw,uuuu " the erowinz punuc interest in iuu Buujctv uc- mands. ... ..i-.. ' - :;. ' -:.,. lUUSiriillVttSl j a fin rtmv.t. Eis gr a viH 0 on some sub- iect of eeneral interest, either llistoric,Portrait, or Ideal, cmpemsiw umuuw. - irravinffs are cxecuwa m iuu ucst uiauuc uu ujr the best artists, and are ot permanent value. .. - '-. . . ; o . ' TERMS : Single copies, 45 cents ; one copy, one year? f5 two copies, one year, f9. five conies, one year, f20 ; Clekgtmek and kTacb 7ti1!.5 t rlnh rates. Aerental wanted to get npfclnbs.tBidKfo?Spe 45 aSnB.FELTbNPttMisher, '-: I 108 Fulton Htreet, New York, dee I MTIOM SAVINGS 1 1 kXJL4 , kit Wilmington & tVoldon R. D o T ' m ft m , iii. r '77 , -. OmcBCniii Eirol t G Jt7 SuriRiNTEHDtKT 1 ; vvnjtrjtaT0tN.a,April8,i85S.rt;) CHANGE j)F vfiCHEDD ON AND AFtERUNDAT,ie 11th Inst, our PASSENGER Trains on this road will leave- Wilmington at 6:00 A M. and 40:00 P. M., and arrive in Wcldon 6:t)G A. M. and 2:50P. M. Leave Weldoh at 10:15 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 4:80 A.M. and 7:15 P. M. The day train will not run on Sundays. .:; A daily through freight train 5will leave Wil mington (Sundays sxcepted) at 3:00 1P.M.; foi the accommodation of Truck Farmers. Passen gers can also get accommodations on said freight train as far as Goldsboro'. , . .. 8. L. FREMONT, .1 , . " Engineer SupC 4 april 11 : ...fv:-63.u CI1ANQE OF FnilQUTqTIlAin iUCUULC. c f p s. . . WtjEMIOTON, & WKLDOK RlXLROli Co., Orrica ChiitEnr xnd Qkh'l 8urT - "i v igw, ON AFTER THE 29th INSTANT THE freight trains illt run as foUowa f Leave Wtlmington Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 1 o'clock, P. M.v and arrive at Wilmington same days at 8 oWck, P. M. , S. L. FREMONT,' EngrandSup't. - 1 . , . 277-tf Wilmington & Manchester H.R, Gensbil SupianTOii)iwrB dimes. .1 xauuxiuava, 4. v., Apru IV, 1909. J ON AND AFTER APRIL 11, PASSENGER Trains of this Road wilLrun on the follow ing Schedule: EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave WUmihgton daily at..... r.... 5:15 A. M. Arrive at Florence.. . . .10:82 A. M Arrive at KingsviUe. 1:45 P. M. Leave KingsviUe.... 12:40 P. M. Arrive et Florence 3.55 p jf. Arrive at Wilmington, 9:15 P M. Frcss Train- cbnnects closely at Florenc. with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston . and Cheraw and DarUngton RaLf road for Cheran . and at KingsviUe with the South Carolina Rail road for Augusta, to which point cars run through without change. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leave Wilmington daily at ...... . . .. 8:05 P. M. Arrive at Florence................... 2:40 A. M. ALe S fi55f .....v.... 9.00 A. M. Leave KlngsyiUe. . . . . . ..'.. 4:00 pi M Arrive at Wilmington 5:10 A M. Accommodation Train connects closely Florence with the Northeastern Railroad for Charleston, . apd at Kinville . with the South Carolina Railroad for Augusta. Passengers for Columbia should take the Accommodation Trak? WJtt, 1ACKAJ, GenUSupt. 264-tf apr 15 Wilmington, Charlotte & Ruther ford R, R, Co. General SuFRBiNTsifDsin'fl Oitics, Wilmington, N. C.V May 15. 1861 1 ON AND 1 AFTER 'mayI lbWTIfflpIs sengqr train on this Road will leave Wil miDgton on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 O'clock, A M. - Arrive at Rockingham same days, at 34 M. Arrive at Wadesboro (Stage) at 0 P. M. Leave Wadesboro (Stage) on Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, at 1 P. M. ! Leave Rocfiingham on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 A M. . -Arrive at Wilmington same davs atr3 P.? M. I W. I. EVERETT, General Superintendent, way 10 . 274-tf Sheriff's Column. IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE TREQUENt defacement and destruction of notices placed in the public streets lhave determined hereafter to advertise sales and publish all ofticial notices pertaining to my ofiice in the columns of the Post. r Herealter all persona desiring knowledge of matters pertaining to sales, &c, over which 1 may have control, will find them advertised In this column. : J. W. SCHENCK, Jr., wm 1 . j Shenfll . Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 23, 1860. r E G. like, . vs. . Attachment, L. G. Waghei igner. .) $30 DUE BY NOTK. VJCr A R R A N T OF ATTACHMENT EE Tt turnable before E. H. McQulgg, Esq., a Justice of the Peace for New Hanover county, at his office on the 27th day of December, 1860, 7 when and where the defendant la required to ap pear and answer the complaint - ' J. VW. SCHENCK, Jr., . Sherilf. Dated 30th November, 1S6U dec 2 - , ' 330-td RESTAURANT. OYSTERS FOR ALL! W MOORE RESPECTFULLY INFORMS the public that he hat opened a Res taurant (with BARBER SHOP in connection) on Water street, between Market and Dock; over the Auction room of, Messrs. West, Mcarcs and James. I Delicious dishes of all kinds. oct 24 r I ! 310-tf THE liOHNING. STAR, l Published Dally, at , ; . Wilmington N. C, WM. H. BERNARD, -Editor and Proprietor. Terrni of Subscription, strvctly in advance. One year..... ....$7 00 Six Months.... 3 50 Three Months 2 00 One Month.. 75 JOSEPH C. ABBOTT. ZSW1KD CAXTWSLXr, ADD0TT& CAUTVELL Attorneys at Lair and nsellors. ; Princess St., Wilmington, if. c. not 5 r ' . 28-tT t CLIFFORD I10UGE.. FINE BOTTLED MQUOItSi SEOAns, II OlDAli POBTElli&ci FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY OR MONTU. t J. A. CLIFFOttD, r- . Proprietor vf tune37 " ' VK-U , . , I WORDS OF CHEEB 3 On the Errors of Youth and the Follies of Age, in relaUon to MARRIAGE and SOCIAL EVILS, with a helping- hand for the erring and unfor tunate, t. Sentln scaled letter envelopes tree or -eharSf Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, UnVT! "Ptm.iTllELHtAi PA. . - . Oil Cm if : 1 II II I 1 - V 1 . dc 19 , ' ! .. .!;-- " ii .1'' '

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