V 1 r mm vor.TMK vi. W I LMINGTON, NOKTIIi CAROLINA , FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1S75. Single Copies 10 Cents. NUMBEK :n d 7 mm ...TflN POST ADVER ',LTislNG RATES. - T'-T- - ' ' zt z.' zj Z - S - - t; - "' s i ; i -- i -1 - - I z -II, 1 - I .-. t.il r.ili - ' i" he had for a lotr'cr inn' ... (I, mi "lit week. oiijaieil tvpc, coii - .1.111'. .1 -H lO . ' ,i-1 r r !- iiumI - will be- charged at .i!h.m rati-. e pi on peci.il coii- l H I.-. ;. "iimi 'i Tii- 1 1 ; on I in -i lies should , .i.l.in- I to fill. Wll.MIN'. I'lN '..., Wllllllll.'toTI, N. I '. I In- -iiIm riplion price to Tin; Wii. m,...s l'o-i is $ ixt 'per year i,,r -in-le eooio; for elubs ot in or 'J) j mi r eopy. The circulation of On? ;..tx ilte lar'e.-t of any paper in ..ftli '.irolin i. I ft .i Utlt r of date Nov. 1th, I7h" Ii wfti. W. Vi -liable in a letter to the ! i f... l. -ad i, -ay-: j I: i-nith deeiM-iMiccru that I observe j i!..- ;i:-.Ul..m '.f the convention .,uc- tl.ni m 'iir Mate. j IIiitci-, however, nc wtc piovi-iioii in ..in KX'iii et-n-liiuimii inc iikmic . to the Legislature in empliatic lan iii which it can be amended -although euaire, that they did not now desire a mi I'l.ntiee ounvvlial ieiiou, )ii in 1 . 1 " . A vMh-t ivn r ul un ; v'tf I'uiid.iment- .0 ff a State ''reat and palieint delib- i i.iiMfi -IioiiM le irjiiired. j Mo- prt - ri f I.cl:iI.i t ii r wii) have ill H a -n (In 'lent iiui'iit y ( -iili lit to the I'fpli' aM tin :mieiithiH'iit- thai are nee i rv ti rot "re our X.ili- to rernmcnt it. t'tii im r -iinplieity anl elheieney, ..: 1 tliti- e may .M a double e.vpres-t'-'ti 'l tin Hi-lie. o ihe people; first r.M j llit ir I . I'U ii I a 1 1 e s inj')v pi ople I In ni-el ve. mil then now the I rr o a! 'jtn -I ion 1 1 Inn. to ia i -e' in I- . Is lie w li-ile s I't.i . i- hi. re o'iv ion when we it licet ' . it e m . r 1 1 v aln.i'l v e leittd t'lhe! I '.'-'.hurt- !i.ie i In- powir lo -n lni it j ' ih. in pic all the aim ndnu nts w hie h i'"imsMn. rin'varioiis pinrndinents in l- liilU ili-tiissttl in iii! Ici-'ative 1 i I- t!n i ople will I eeome 'aniiliar tln-in in all their bearings, and s im. T j n pan. I to jivt an intelligent i up.. n i-.h Ii one. He' .t. it.it ion mill be- eolifmul to the , . . . . .it i.i-i.di re. and tin ir w. ik Mibnintol " i Pi- pei.ple. w lio. it ItM V approve, ''I 'I-'i t . it iln-v di-appnve. w ill re- ;r-!." .....,,,....' 'i ,n , ii, I tin 't . ( V. .(' " ft.,- i A . r ; , , .', , I.. (,,,. :' , ,- i , -hr,! t fin .)( 1 ....r. h , ! .. Is ue all-tin, w, iitd peace and r'-''. Itist.iiy hut n piat- itself. No '"' P'ph i. pr...r who aie fie ineritly all. rin- ilu.i -,.,lu.m;-1 law. . i It reii.h-r. e . rv llnnj tin,-, rt.iin and ill ! i, ruin.M,.. i,.tt .rth Car iina Ufore the first coiivention.a Nily Hiii.tiHishrJ pTli,,Hl ovtr by illusicl.Mjain. and comocd of uiiii jrlul.le lor In.ih their .iacilvinl' ttilr, and the wisest of them in l mc tlui the imst that ihey had trd i, to pre vent great damage to Whrnstiimj,,,, I tp-l nuisi -"hat convention, ami -4Uik iih sstt.iu-hnn nt at thr rr"il- pxifcvtievw vi lhtCvnstitution HcvtrU to arr.endments. N-'-.Miei,- iii ... , ,vM. ,i. . i i , lr,, t'a.li,, wa, th lHt :kit of man had ev rr le i.-.! That lvnih- j,aj nw rw iivn Airamend- (t i spiring oliticimi giUttd ttntil in an i-ull liiMir t)it ,''t' nScila eoiivcnliou. The rcsull nf.il )iitorr ca-W . think Ion?, thrx ulii- lk rihu The fumlamcnUl 4 rtWntl cvoVideT the triU kk we urr .kj frvm limit fswrt Vhow etil io a ni&aotr bich the constitution dictates, :nul my . urne-i for the future will be trcailv i iri"htcncd. j Y The-e are the opinions of an old man ; who hit.s not been an innltcnlivc obser- vt r of current event.", anil who, feeling j a profound interest in the welfare of j his Mate, lakes the liberty of making these- sujrpcstioiis to his fellow-citizens, i On the 11th of November, 1874, Hon. .Ics-se J. YeaUs of Hertford, ratl elrcsscd a loiter to JIajor J. W. Dunham ; on liie l mention rjiit-fctiun, from which i we male the following exlruets : i - However so JrWell il i.-t i!tt 1 rrntlcmcn may write Jii favor ot a call ol a convention, Hie pt -ople ate unmistakably opposed to it Ditrin;. the P ast miii.dk r when -ur tt ncnls were charging upon in as a covtrt J i-irc to j i;et pK"-.-,e--vion of the Legislature uud i call .1 convention, 1 heard several ef I hoe newly elected mcniborsjof the Icg- i-duturc pledge the people on the, stump I that they would not support t-uch. a i measure, and since the ejection I have heard them diclarc the same publicly I and privately. They cannot and will not iolatc ths in. Nor w ill it do lor j our parly in the -Legislature to iindcr : take toYauctis the epicstion into success, j 1 1 i- not a party ipuMioii, and was not j i made when the candidates) were bc ! fore the people for election. The i wi-hes and seiitiincnls ot the icoplo at bome mu.t notJe caucused away. lint I am opposed to a call ol a Con vention at this time fox other and im portant rersons. The :;docatcs of a convention assert that it would be promotive of the beat iiilcrcat-i of the bot interests State. This 1 do not believe. The people were opposed to call of the convention three years aj;S, ami hesitated lonjr, but finally ' piveiway to certain per-istcil iiilluen ! ces and passeil the bill. The people voted it down by a majority of thohs- amU, and if 1 am correctly advised, t Iectel a majority of liepub!:can to the convention. " ' . There arc good n.;lM,s wiy-ijK. j.c.ple will not sanc- ,;, , .. ....it .....vi-nl inn hI lhi time. t i;Heeu but-three years) since they convention. And docs the I'em oeratie party propono to call it '.' iC tlf irisht if tin f i'i .' That would be a ontenipt for the voice of the people and not true I emocraey. - At this time they are tired of revolution ami .strife.'; they want peace. They feel that they have been all the inie losing; they. an poor and tir.td of ex citement, and are -eeking rot. For these reason's the time is not suited to a convention. The violence ot paity spirit i tov ;;reat. I am opposed to a call of a convention without the people b iinr previously c.-ii-ultt d, and I now ciiUt hi v prote-t lo pi acini: Ihe preat people's party in th" altitude of lorcinc a convention oei the w ill of the people becau-e we happen t have a two-thirds majority in the l.ccifdatuie. It i a luinifcsta- tion of contcinpt lor the people. 1 he leoplc have not been consultcsl about thi oiK-ti(n since they oke in thun der tiiins apain-t it. It is incompatible with the spirit and genius of a free nle and a libert v inir coiltitution, ,ho jjaMire. becauc two thir.ls - 1 ' mav a.:ree, hall be at liberty to over turn ant ieoIutionic the governnu nt. Two thirds have the right tocall a con vention, but the spirit of our freedom would ay not until the people had utr-c-tcd it. The lollowing nrefXtracts from a let ter from Heii. .Ies. .1. lavi. dated No vember 'lli, 1 v7 I, aeldre-sol to Major John V. ihinham: v I rrgrct that I cannot con cur with those of our friends who thiuk that the legislature, soon to assemble, ought to call a convention to revise and am nd that instrument. 1 , The lat expression of th public will upon the Mibjcct was in 1 S7 1 , when the quotion w;i siibmiltevl to a direct vote of the pcde, and w heu it was otml down by a Iarge"maiority, although we had had art the preceding rlccliou iii 1S70 victory almost equal to that of the ptTicnt year. I know that it jU said, and truly .-aid, that many men voted against the convention in 1571 lcau they did notapprvTc the mode i which the question w.ts .ub mitKsl. but it will be remembered that at the mmc ehx'tmn at which the con vention wa ntcd dowu there w nn election for dcleglle to the convent ton. ia the event it shoW he called, and, if I ant correctly informed, we failed to elect majority Jof .democrats and ci. vrvatiw, though we had the jnt W foe carried both branvhc? of the Kjs islalure by decided maioriiio. Wt koow the fact thl kc KepuMican lrtf leaden in North I'arvlKla eoairol, with fern eaeepthMi, th Mld nerrj vote. I only tat a fact there i no 'division in that tote on i :uiv question. Xu eiuestioii of Home of the Judit-ioi u, of inuiroper di-i tribution of jHjirir I it ween tie different traucht s vj jrirrt)ii' il, oj rfn tlom, of criminal hiw, J the i r(ui ation of the fount y evmtf, none of these 'question divide them. x I have heard ol but one Kcpiiblicaii of any note who is ill favor of a convention, ami he, I am inform ed; avows himself in lavor of it with the hope ih.it it will annul the home stead provision The editor of the (oddsboro Mfint yir is an ardent advocate of the con vention scheme, ami calls on the lieni ocralic candidates lo charire "civil right and :cial ejuality'' on the I!e- publican iiarty. ' If any one is tksirous ol knowing how much th tilitor of the Jffiigrr IS oppo.se t to tivil . ri.uhfs ;hh! .socio equality, and will examine the Slate l-jckct ot W.i viie Superior Court, he will find that said editor not only:thre stand-f indicted for fornicationf ard adultciy with i.')ina ( owan, a negro woman of tlold.-boro in. two eases, but y.ViWf' t;nih to tS rliitt'i' It is also well known thai said editor, w ho is so grieved at 1 1'u- ih-a of social equality, i. the father of q'ljle a iiuni -b?r mulatto chiulien n the - very town to where he prints the M n--n;f r .tick ti votir text Mr. J. -. wirr, we always like to see a man practice what he preaches. I' h.u such a fine Ct'l'ect, you kn-ov. Hut it Jooks bad to hear a man a lvi-nig people not to as sociate vilh his own chil'Ircri. It looKs like tRcttt Oaboineting w roiu' in the blood. -tj.tlif,n. Election Law I nconsiitiiiional. Si:ci iiN 1 of the e lection law : "'Thai when a voter is challenged at the poll.-, upon demand of any citizen of lb. Stale, it shall be the duly of .the inspectors of ihe election to require said VOtel', In I'll bt 'di'J nto'iy j ft) Villi, lo prove by the oath ol tome-ol her person know n t the jutlges, the lacjlof his res ilience for thirty days previous thereto in the county in which lie proposes to vote." Tr -i.-fii lin "((' ('" h'l-i tl'it- I it in its 'A '(, ."'' ti'. 7'"i, to ll H ni v,l tl i'l !":: I . ! If anv pe i on - hoiilelT'e elisiiaiiehised by a poil-hoMcr, on .-leeomil of the above u in-ori-1 il ul ie-nal law. the poll- holder .should be a, ei.ee al re-steel properlv I'lllii-he-il. ami I he 1. ( 'oiiiini-sieirie r- vv ill be apt t se e that ortefidcrs are brought before I Ifcm. i . Sleepy Jim C'en-in Te'el. .lame - T. Mol e hi ad, c'Vu "Sleepy .1 im," who vva- a Senator in t lie late Leis'aluie 1 1 1 mi Alamance and (iiiil fonl, denies lliat iiecalti'd the poor peo ple of Noiih Carolina ".-crubs." Keir the intorin n ion ol the peojde, we give tho fo!h win- e vtraei lnnn Ihe piei;-'-ed-i'lgs of the lieneral A s.i-mlily, taken tioin the ualeigh N uim I ol March tini, 1S7": . - ' '"Mr. Morchead oppost-el anv exemp lion on persona! piope-rty, and said he enily neechel three minute s to show that no exemj'tion wa the- popular thing w it h the '."' m . . 1 1 'the 1cuih rstie party should have U majority in the Convention there can be no eloiibt but th.t the old t '. x. law will le le -enacud. The note shavers and moneyed "men ol the party will elcniand thi. and .the aii-tociaey will yield to llivii demand-: Aiey oii pre pared tor ibis, lab nnig im-i.' Are you readv to be '.orn from thej be-soms of your families and e.ist inlo prison mere v lieeausf louiare l" ind unfor your 'eld tunatc and imabie to nice debt .' Thi- is .:! ot the iksuo uf the present cjinpaign. and u 1. ouhl receive vour prompt eousMe i.uion. The Western Aibldro-s ajnel the He publican CouMiiuUou. Tho NVetern Address elcniamh-d uni vervul aiilViage. 7V t - tio.t ihiin it. It recommended the eligibility of ::II inen to office. 7hr . . . . '.. ; -j t . ... j-ntn c c,W4 iiiioi y-UMt y. it ii- cojunu nded the abolition of tlnv prop erty qualification 'for eitlice. The I it W''' 'f -4 r.'.r .'.'. It re coimnrudcvl the eslablishiMcnl ; ol the ofhec of Lieutenant Anvynor. yav rt nl bi'w rirVuHf 7. It re coinmcndol the election f aM judicial and executive otliv-r 1 the jwplc. i m mm Uichmond M 1'ears.vn. Jr., at proent l" tulcd Jtat- I'onwnl at crvicr laege Udgium. and who i .it present on a ihree monlh leave of absence 1 this countrv. deliverevl the Alumni Addnm at Princeton, lN. JAtVUcge !a.t week. be Bating trradnatr-I at that institution in IS,, wiih fcrt horHr in a cum ot :v. l.ie -cw lork icfinu reaK of him and hi- avhlres : He rnduated in 17i lie U I on of thief Jaic Pearson ( North tr- olima. ami U at r-wnt al Vr- 1 .Vkt Li?- i iWljitiin. and a Wot fiomhi vt of dutj on a thrr nnoth ! leave, lit altv a very niic one i aa.i ava hsmtuvi ti wi.n bhht . u. tent rr .1 ... .-rL- v..f.,l ... w. I IfaV n iV J 's - w v v s. wv aws., of the other speaker C1TY ITEMS 50 HANDS WANTED To cut wood. I will give regular em ployment to the above number of good working men, for tho next six months, tf Y 1. Canaday. I wish to purchase a good milk Cow. Persons wishing to sell will please apply to Kobcrt Kennedy, office of Tjie Wilmin-gtox Tost. A homestead of one thousand dollars valuation, exempt from sale tinker execution for any debt. "An ths is the gineral nolijn. Bo far cz I'm able to learn, That folks ez is livin' on horaeeteads Aint tone! uv ConTenahna ia thtr'D." Cokoxek'h Ixi't'EST ThoniasCraw ford, the Penitentiary convict at work at the County Work House, who, with three other convicts, attempted to es cape on Monday last and was shot by the guard, and whowc body was found Uoatiug in Smith' creek on Thursday, an account of which was published in thol'sT yesterday, was viewed by the Coroner and a jury yesierday and a verelie rendered in nccordanco with the above fact. KkVii' it Hkkork thi: Pkopi.k.- -The destructive democracy are publishing in their paper ti string of lies about the present constitution. Anion-' other things thev sav : "The present constitution was made by carpet-baggers-, most, of wlnm have left the !Uate." v. The man who wrotq the above wrote' a deliberate lie, ami if he has any sense at all, knows he lies. The convention that framed the present constitution was composed of by eighty-seven native Carolinians, Jitein carpel-baggers (so- callcn) and eighteen colored men. More than two-fhirtf of the members of that convention were native white North Carolinians. THE MOMiEV SHOW. iemoerab to tbo Front, tit t 'cm up Ajrain. 'Tis Sweet to d'e for one's Country. They lnul it on Thursday night, and a rousing time they hail of it. Accord ing to a long publishe I appointment the unterrilied democracy of New Han over ami Pender counties met in the Court House to hold a convention to nominate candidates to be defeated in running for the Constitutional Conven tion. The show was advertised tocoinnience at A o'clock, ami sure enough the Court room was illuminated at that hour, but'it was not until ijiiite nine o'clock before any eieh-gates put in an ippcarance. Presently in came llic ender delegation fully prepareel to cine all- llie ills that New Hanover mi-ilit have been lefi heir to in the arti- Ics of separation ol the counties. Ioe- tor ' !S. '. SaUhwell, Doc tor James F. Shnpson, iVctor W. T. Kiinett, Mister 1 lioiuas Williams ami Mister C . llines. This noble array of eh-legatcs arranged themselves in a line on eoie sitle of the room like bu..crds on a pine IiniT, holding h scavenger s impicst ove r :v dead mule, and presently live other delegates from New Hanover, Doctor II. S. Noreum, .Mister V. 11. Hcrnard, Captain S. W. Vick, Major T. H. McKoy ami Major Joseph A. Hugh-hard, fdeel in and ranged themselves on the opposite side of the room, very like another -trin-: ef bu.uelsJ. em an-, other pine limb, and then the tun be gan. PcmleT looked at New Hanover ami New H.itiove-r looked at Pender, and New Hanover said let u-go into a nomination, and Pender said she had already nominated her hmg legged, lean and lank race hor-e I'rv an. and scowled a scowl that made, New Hano ver trelnblc. - First bloid lot PenderJ lv this time an immense and terriblv enthusiastic thiong of exactly twenty .scvcu de!tniclivcs had ape.irtsl on the battleground, ami among the rectatr we observed a half)dozcn type stickers, wlio-haddrp-cd in to sex if the old thing wouldn't be knockevl into'i; evirv mic with hi AV-yy wailing for a oif even if it had lobe gathcri?! fn.iu the ke'l l-or, but there ' no ' in any" tttle on that Jwul, ami thev 'remained jvavive ffHsctator of the scene. Dr. Freeman, of new Uanver, tried lo UhIucc Pender to take a hom.ejvathic pill by gvdng int Mnie trt of an ar ran cement that the medical irenrieman on the ott-rrside umb i - "r' land the bu blue plllnTTTndcr, lr. J-aUhwell hurled back the little fad let ami informed the Freeman that IVnder.f praetie! on ahpathir and he rote j lefinciple. Then the little pill of New lUaovrr vu rr-iaiWcol br the th lij ; it. i;a of tb frofciti. ami ir.'Noc I i ... . - ... .1 cow, with Kc .UWrt camc loinc irom 1 aal Indcr hung out th mhile fSaj. j y JJ t-r Xc llanvacr ! ! And thn Ihry up a mt cxxti iltr ih- rrxxXB au-ri. Jrd that iVtadrr miltm nb. rwwsdl that iVtadrt ( he IWcd Ut hate her oaa way. jw4 t this time, as Uryan was noon to die if he was not ratified, nnd thcCoaventiou ratiriexl llryan. - Dully for Pender again! And then they nominated our own dear George by acclamation of or.e for is he not the man with the clarion voice? and don't he raise the d eaci when lie seuk.- .' And then tnen tney skirniisheal ahjhg the line, and Jnelge Meares and Maj. Engelhard, and Col Strange and Maj. Engelhard, and Adam Empie and Maj. Engelhard am several others and Maj. Engel harel were put in nomination, and Col. Strange was selected to be. one of the galant standard bearers, and it was announced thai (ieorge Davis, Kobert Strange and K. K. Ihva i were the choic? of the Conventiou And Maj. Engelhard was not choeu And he won't have to go to the Con vention. To make law- to oppre-s poor men. - And ic-ctablish the whij-.pTiig p".-t. A ml he c.u slav at home. For he aint wautcel. Alas, poo:-Joseph ! Not for Joseph ! " Whose name is Engelh.ud mm. THE lNyi' IITION ItIA I I ; I Terrible Torture ot Convicted fiini finals!! 'Foster in if l-'leaU and lu unl Sm es ! ! ! Il i. on i duly to .-how the p'lMic the terrible tortures to which the convicts at ,'thc Coiintv Woik lloii-.e, locateel near this cily are subjecte d. n Tluii.iday last. County Commis sioner Van A iiirinje' was 'informed of the cruel practices ilfal prevailed af the Woik House in the disciplining of the convicts coiiliiie-d therein, and he promptly took sieps to in ve-tig.itc the matter.. Aeeorelingly a e-aniage was1 obtained ami a parly of inspection con sisting of Coinuiissioner A'an Amringe and Commissioner Morris of the Com mittee on Woik House, with T. M. (lareliier, Esq., and the representative d" the Po.- I", visited he Work House for the purpose of a pcr-ona! inspi-etion and examination. Un the arrival of oiir party at the ob- jectivepoint of ertir viil we found the iumates niiineiiealiy ariange-el a long table at lhe-ii supper. They were epie-itom-d a- t tli" "pi il ity and ijuautity of the foot I Mip- plietl them, and we found they had nothing tot-ce-mplaiu of on that seere-, but o!pi close examinatio'i of iheir per sons we found several who had as :i punishment been strung up by their thumbs, and had suH'cred terribly. Henry Jones. No. in had the l!c-h of both his thumbs badlv cut from which he was siiM'e ring a great deal. Aaron (Jib-on, No. 1:1, had ihe lk.-h , o'f bt)th hi ihiinib- eut tliioiih to the ! i bono and had lo.-l all lie ling in them, j tiilison is a convict recently brought here from Ualeigh, and one .. the. ..ir who attempted t e.-eape on la-t Mon day, but who . wa- lecaptinc-!, and i now coiifmt 'fXw ilh a ball and e h.tjlli. He is abcml -litly y ai- i f .;ge and seems te "be siiilciing a great deal from his piini-hiucnt. ' Kichaid Mooie, No. Jo. e:!niwis( kn.-wn a- ' Citv l.'."k.' .e 'boy al-.-ut fonrtee n years ol age. -pi. -t tit. I'a most elisgusting and pitilni a pp. a r.i ihi . The' boy had been r.piaU.I'v -tiulig up by hi.- th'imh- until tin- ertire lii! si euicd ! be- -rar.i'd on ! tu hoiiij'.-fc of the- tlitimh. l!i l l!"in tin otlvilsi vene-.- of the -in- indn ati d lh.it he h.ld -ad! ll'.edesl cue and ati'-utioii tll.lt h h.il not received. .iVith in-.-t Ik artiest iidiiimanity ihi rm re child h;id!..'c!i ' -Irting lip" tune and again, e .e. h tin. I.!ii: In d by the thumbs which li id n. glle-u li-.in the c Ut s. a'ld.w on uj r e e I v e d u ;n v i -mi ni l a-i-'iis, until w itii l-i- t.in . rated and putrid lbsh -mo!(:i io e i. . a- m lur.il -i.'. and wijh ji- iii.-b. al tu i' IIKIH. the !"V i - in r, a! daie-.'r "I I. wing lnlh hi- thumb-.' ; l"4h-i Me-I-aitrr Nil, j-'li i ten- - fortunate lol- hi-.l hi- f;-ht rm 1 crushe-lhy the lal!pfg"ol a Lite -f f-rii I - pf - .'. I Ii 1 ill ' :tl I ii. -I111IL lit. 11.- -1 it : nirtnths ami .-ililFervd the ampniu H 1..1W tit. tllwiW lil : tion of his arm I cu-soucicc. IWlore luoidli had ! tA39.si at'Ur thi- i.rrd b:. arrflchi .to him fr the tib-ue td" rol j--rfrri!ig ; as creat an -tmaunt -f w.rm' liil tus-n retruintl of him. he w,s u.-t bfuubv ! atriin: nj by the tump ! hi- -niputa Usl arm atl llie thumb of hi Uf; h'and Thr cxucHj h Urn pracii'oi "H ll s itr wrelcii lime -ia aaia. a - i . i.e.- n-jirks ..f ;l:c t?r-l 5av.- tr.. yrt .art-l from .!,- .tump t !"-i- S T R.. li 3 - i ?b. af lb Elill ui.i tf xlx ci w iW c.i i Wc?cy prwrr NV K.-ht !-? i . a - vkt sks ..n-M-rn,! - IVru thre- arc Kwcxi aaas at, tcri; atsih fctrf. mk- tTrrxl nnh trse a! i'.h drwaVfT apparent lo the county officials, ou their return to the city they called on Dr. J. F. King and requested him to visit the prisoners and report their con dition to them, which duty he has per formedand his report is in accordance with the above facts. When Dr. Kiug visited the Work House yesterday morning he found all these poor creatures hard at work in the clay pits digging clay or making bricks, with ihe exception of one man, Nelson Little, No. i, who was in bed with fever, four who were absent on a flat, and four who were n-t account ed for. . , That Mich inhuman butchery and mangling of human flesh shonld be carried on in this community is almost incredible. This Work House, estab lishment is under the control and man agement of Messrs. Mathes and Brother, one of w hom lives on the place and is the chief and head Inquisitor and tor turer of these helpless being, and we hope that an ouliaged law may visit upon their li-jitjed and guilty neaus sonic piuii-hni. nt coinmerrsurato with the fiendish at d barbarous treatment t hat he ha - so unw arrantably been in flicting mi tho-e committed to his ciiar;'!'. We unde i -tand lh.it a meeting of the County Conimissiniicrs has been called to make en-pmy into the- affair,' and the probabilities are- that the eoiilruct mado vvilh Mathes arid Ihothcr will be can cel led. It is charged that the Tin dee. of the I hi ver-ily, at their late scssi n in Kat- igh, we-re about to elect Jell HavLs Pre sident of our r-dalc I uiversity,' and that they only po .-1 poucd electing a President until the vote on the conven tion bill could be had. 1'nijon men of. North' Carolina, if yon want Jell Davis lo." instil -eces.-ion into i llte iliiiids of llie young men oi the convention cainli- "tali vole for the laic. .lud-'i- Kerr cnu-td the most violent i!u tisiui'J udges in the State, bus issued in injunction ordei nig the Mat.e I rca- urer to .-top echai.iging bonds with the 'haliiam Itailroad. It showliMie reineiMbcreel that it was he late Di-inoeratie- Legislature, (the nine that called the. Convention) that .ordered this ewchairre- of bond and ud::c Kerr, it see in, is not willing to see thi. "ring'' transaction ed' cxediang iug mortgage' bonds in the Treasury of the Slate for bond bearing on their face the word- ' t 'on federate State- of America."' t 'ii if ;m t!f !' I 'j'ut '. ..., that tiny intend lo t ike liom the peo!e the p.ov i r to .-ii i t tin ir .1 udge-, Maj i -I i ales id : Male olhce-l'-. ami place il III ihe land- ul' tin- l.e i -1.4 tu i l . . i-.i '.. ,!( thai 1 iii '. lv- ple -e llt ri v e- ( ,!, t ley till ol p.. .t!, trie Ml! a i !.iu-- la n the poor man the value . ijll t V t I I II ! 1 1 v h u .-,.'. . . . vv n - V e 1 and all win ' the rich in. in an t ve'apt i"ii of njt a linn h ,.... -:i. '. 'I'll., lirt -i.ttt im.l ot.! 1 1 . 1 s r.-htrm io the ' Ki nuhlie ;i!l t 'oti-tlt'lttou " ol Te- a . -ll.g-;.--fed by the Di lie e r at - of licit .Mate, t- a j r 1 v 1 -i 1 1 for the e tal.di-h-niellt id the whipping po-t. II M 177.7-s MUSTS. INSI RM K AliKNi V 1 1 1- JNO. W. i(HM)N. i .tKHM'M-IO As.Jcts Iirpi canted, ! I I I ! N I I M I ' , 'ti ' I I l.n I s I .1 i.Je,.! i 1 1 ..mi mi : l.itin. 'i. 11 1 111 .my M-..! ! I't. i.iwutt 1 b l-.h 1 Xf., I'.'rt.. Kubrn' O-t. Co.. Id H.-.ti-l l.i, S;!i4i Jul I - .lb. r 1hU !.! N- rth i kie. W:si it nt-'ti IVll 1 f.!- ii 1 '!'' t'.t i'l- ttl)j,1,t I'irttii. MiTiU'ini irV J V. . .( Vrrni t u li a t t . tW . 1 . rx- ) r. t J " ' r t .ir.. Tcnorla!--Ucin o!. Vi.T.s a. firVI.M.11 t wa mu'.tu. a Jumi t-rn) km? tin 1 WtoW - '.. 1 - I WW aw la lk- a i tiiamjmr- r- US 4 Me mi I 3r4 ki4 NB IK ApVERTISEMKVM. notice:; " riUIKKK VII.I, llK AN I-XhXTfON J1KLH I altbe usual pollimr niacoa on tbo dr-4 Thnrselay In August. IST-s In New Hitnovir couuly lor- Ihe eleetiuu of the (ullowin-: townbhiji olricera, via : WI I.M I N( iTON TV"NSIIIJ Jveu M.ii: -1st rules, one Towniihtp i'Jirk.ono C'eutAlle auei tbre-e .Sabool IVuimittee. FK.pjKKAL IDINT. MASOMUIRO. II A K NtrTPAND CAPK KF.AH TtlWNSHUV Two Sli;lMnles. inc I'lork. tiie Cunstul.lc nnd thrce se-hool CommiUe eueli. NFTW HANnVKU AM I l'K.M4K cufN TIEft Three iH-les-atea lo thebt IcConat: tut tonal Con venlioa. t. H aTANNINii. Shprirl ot N'cw Hanover tvmniy. July l-lw. PLOTT& ORGANS .STAR ("oml'lnp bcaly eltiral.lUly anil vvorlh. st-nil for Illustrated laJopiK- Ixft re hnviii- -Aelelrifis Ihe liutHiitM ltire r, Ul PUT1?. WasiiinfTlon, N J jely '- nin Nu rpaa.se In lone mhI nwit iv J-"" Oi - :;eii liereloloi e nianiilaeliirfsi in iio coun try. It has Inf ii letl hy luuuy eoui-tcut nuii;esana Gtrcs UNIVERSAL Satisfacliou.- Uv a tkillliil ii so ol lli-s..n. .eii.l el Un Dale nl kne swell, llie music e .itl.eU.tlo tlir loiiiian voire, raiiclnR iroln Hit-4.iUst Mute like nolo to a volume. ol MUird, Unsurnassod by any liiMruiHfiil, The j fo.rii'tor lit Holed i-relijlly r..i iitiiiy j i ;.i s llie niiM-rKcUiMiK iiiikI in .-.Is tit the it-el lnsli linn til-. ..n. I dm el. .1 lit I'lii. Ileal et'rl.ue-i' lo llie inrro'liwi .i -in Ii inilK-rfet-llons. an. I In xH-riiiKm. h..v ri-sllttisl III lilt I'l.HllK-tiOK tl ill 1ll.llll ol tout- which asMinilales so .-lost ty to the i'li'c )M mum That il I- .lull, nil to .lu-tui,Lili l..ri thctevt. Thi instrument Itx. All (he Latest Iiujirou mi nl ml i-verv tiruHii is leilly ar i a IK. I. I -Ok. Ul 1'ollsh. Klutk Walnut. 1'JIU. I. l U-f: that WILL "NOT I'KACK UK WAKI'. A-Ild 1. 11 ins In :t.l.l It loll lo ,t si'lt-n tiel 1 U i-1 1 .i i llle-ltl llf lllllMf. A BEAUTIFUL PIECE 01' FUL N ITU RE. : 'I'll I or can in-, ds . uily o l. . . n t.. I t -.. - -4rcc-Uile d and is miI.1 hi KTlKM Kl A For I . oli SiiuuJ hand lustrum. nl lake n in t t Ii .111 - e. Vtalt. 'or It in, lit. i Ui i vo. toiiniv o i tf. rnlt-d.!iati s Hint ('ana. hi. li'x ro.li eoiltiL mini.' Oi I . a. Ihi.. Mo i1 t . 1. 1.1 . n w. t. i- i .Li .... . i. .. i.. . atj't-ni lor lli snai e H-u-tii. Illn-ti .t. ,1 ... hi..i;ui' -..ii.t el i. . i im irt -. i oi i : s ... a. ii. i nolli ltt.l. A.IJi r-s il.. iii. tu ttlj. i tu , r. KDWA1U) PLOTIX Wahinstun. N. J. July '.' -1.IU PLOHS Any ir-n. milt ..i l.in.tl. I: . I llll le tt iaeir.-, Ilm" r-tui proem .1 lif t iiistnininit .el it jrt ll 1 tln. e.1 n m-iM M..ni. I r pi. 1 1 1. 11 1., 1 .i l.. 0.1 I I I VV AIUI ll.t'lT- M. u.li in t u . M J jlil. . ..Ill ' 'I'll I I I N ,s r d rur. i. ajm ii m: u I- I 1 1 1 1 1 V " h - M ; I -i I " l.s 'l. DHII M V . (II HORSE -BLANK t'K' riiK . .UrM in4 i braprM Aihibi j of Trunks in ' the f - I ffAD4I.F. nt !J. KIM , H e'liSl.ss nil l.u ,v i'1-r I' K V T II Kll 1I -Tl-liM t!UIfM Utttrjyi-i. - - - .-tt -a fcif lfHJ-,K ttnts ui mil kiov " - 'iiKAi-'rui; cAftii f T I im ., ct AMma t.l'W 1JU l"I't - . l-. Jl J j. VM A lis 4far mirmil .v.;. at, llvl nl' o- PLOTTS -tu OHGAliS 1 it ffMt fit M Mm lll. iO TO A t f- A r- "i l-'; V;