- v.tVl .f'l Mil !t; -,Ui;l! tT' If? I ! olJMK VI. WILMINGTON, NORTH-CAROLINA', SUNDAY. JULY 25, 1875. SiAgle Copies 10 Cents. - i .. i i; .number :u. mm tfH.r.IINGTON TOST ADVER- I . l i T - I - - -' i r, to CITY JTEMS. GO HANDS WANTED It, nit wood. I v i f F iivc rejHilar em ..ynieiit t'i llc alove number of goot working men, for (he next six monlhd U W. I C'AttAPAY. I wish to Kirrhnsc a km1 milk Cow, lVrsons wishing to sell will please apply to Robert Kennedy, office of The V 1 1 . m i to x l'or. Local itcutsfare jimfjibout aa scarce; m Im mV Icctli. t - i - - i i in Iwul l'..r :i IwiitriT i , Vi It- .i tl.il .?. -. N, ll IVpr, CUM- i : i i in- lit - will Ik cliiirfil ilt : it (.-!. mi -; coli- Niuic: ti-iii ii I'M in.-, .linllM t. I'm: V'ii.MiN. lu.v Killi' 8liMting is CQinilig much into VMiio itt our HtttMin. A prize turget nliMtin is spoken of t take plrtco at :m t:trly day. . Ami now tin- fotivc watermelon Je- lit'litclli ilu- ver.ige Wiluiintouian, ami tin- 'j'tiit'm tlit can rniwn ten cent 'Ht;iiiip Imppy'. The.Wilmiiiglon AniHlcur Dramalic A-sM'iatioo will pive nnother rendition of tli- liama eiititleu Uobert Enimct n next Friday night. What ha Tn i-onie of the Wilmington Water W'.rks that we liavc hcaVd so nnicli talk ahout ? Why dou't we have th- Water Works ? To thuroli -to churrh the parson ni .-, to Church the chrintian goei ;. the oi'l 'o there to ciu.ic their eyes, the youn; to eye their clothe. Wlllilill "lull, X. ( '. Tin. Wir. l i vi a r V.uli i t i 1 1 ! i' M I i irr i'. i '.. ; i . 4.; ' ri ..: i-lnli . i.t In t.r 1 ' 1 1 1 in iii.iti.ili ." tin- - i.ii-i't u! ruiy jiaji-r in (in. 1. 'K' ,1. I'. I. I ' I -V:,, 1 i ! 1 :- 1 11 -II It to l Illiili'slrt. in .iVi nii 'it ' in widely circu i . !,! il,, :.u I; tiaitor J e lie 1. so 11 : 1 t,i t iii hi riid?nee in ml ifiii :li' ii In: .-cut to the S; -d ;; n. il- in place ol llam- ii nn 1 x t i 1 in l.77. II . 1 1 - iitiv 'iifii-' 1:1 mis, 11 may oe 1 . - U'. , 1 ; . ! a 1 1 :i i; lilt li t -II The Wilmingloii Ivight Artillery will t-xenrt down the river to Sniithville and the Ulack I'ish (rrotiiidson August 'id. A good time id anticipated. .flu I i! ad l I T r tin .,-11 1..- I 1 1 . w . ' i ' .1 1 '. I : Will 1 M .nr. 1 ' 1 i ' ' 1 v 1 . ' ':' I'l ' ' i ii. . 'i I it-1 1 1 1 I ! 11 1 ' I :i .; . ' '' -in li a movvifii-nt Iii t !i i.l l:ict 11 wliicll I-- d to ciicouutt r '..n;'M . Ii.d, di li.lllt, ! I'll i ol t i h-adris i.,n . n .l to w ini or I., tin I il 1! I !i li. a ha i i:t. Wi II, - lu'i- tln-y -t it. 1 linif-. die tln-V ' wiT 1 ill- 11 in o! pr.M-t-rd I i.. i'v iir.l it'ip.iti -I. :-l I tl 1 1 I I r 1 I I 1 1 . :i 1 11 .ir i m I In II. Mr ol .- . 'Mir !,.iinli- 1 I'l liaM.U vrl r-l . ' ; .,i. . I Ii i- . 1 .11 tl I I III. :i, MI'I 1 ,4 . -I ii il. ifiii A ii'hi v i I If. i'i-'.miv and I 1'il'V ti!! 'il tliraM. Illl I . t !. t !?! -I III I Ml. II t ol m.JI i'i. uii! !. w .tii-'Ut pi 1 1 -drill, .'Hi. I k i:.-i .'I -i:i U an oiui.10 will. . Hi I 1 1, ...il l-lU'l l :l'l olMIIIII ,1 ii i.it .. iii. 1 itt- :ii.- I'.-i ohm 11-. 'uii..- Iln- n..tii l tl i ; t-isl to - 1 1 .' ,i,..iit 1'iiU ol- I. H brai a mr i : i".'i iv. lino li: I mt to have the ) I .11 i.'l 1 ml'. -III. 1. nl of t!u in'. l - i.. .11. :i t..ii , .l ml 1 the count iN 1 i '. ,:i .ii. 1 . t.iin i: . iii.';-iiaiiiiii- ' 1 a.- t'lilui '.y If lii.di. Try it on, - "M. in. i il -iich 1 i'.u wi-.li, .illd " it ."i will nunc .'ll -. 5 itrt't't - Wilmington need a swimming bath as much 11 any other enterprise that could be started. Let u have a chance to "liiiuidatc" and cool, off' a little. Let 110 Republican neglect toricc that hi name is properly registered in the ward or township in which he. liven and cxpicLs to vote. Sec to it at once. Hot! hot! hot! says the worn Jam! wciry wayfarer on our street as he plod his way to the noontide meal. It m in order to raise the wind nt most any tiin. '''I'l Kvint miUt that the ."th day of A11 gtkt i i aliiio.-t here. Let every Kepub I'uiu see that his name is properly reg-i-tercd, and let him inquire if his friends and neighbors are also regis tered. Who would 11M co in debt this hot weather am! owe ' Kur n loiter lu mm vast wildernc, t.i.iu-'l..ni?i.ltcsK coutlutilty of hide : il he had a ftalm bat fan. a chunck of ice, some lemon, sugar and things '.' ; !Hn'?'nbc'' UcpuWicars, that if you aredeprired wrongfulHy of jour right to Teginter and Tote, that the Law of the Cofngtesi yf the United States provides heavy pains and iena!(?ca as punish iileiit to those who prevent, hinder or obflCrutt you. Report all such case Immediately to.tlie Wilmington Tost and Ihej will be looked after. ?1 shall be required to be done a a prr reqtiisito or qualiricatiou for rotiug,aiiI by Hticu constitution or laws persons or otucers are or shall be charged with tho performance of duties in fu. pishing 10 CIUZCI15 au opKriunuy co penorui stich prcrctul64te, or to become quali lied to rote, it shall bo the duty ofevcry ueh person aud officer to givo lo all citlzcus of the United females the same and equal opportunity to perform such prerequisite, and to become qualified lo veto without distinction of race, color or previous condition f servitude; am if any such person or officer shall re fuse or knowingly omit to givo full ef fect to this section, he shall, for every such ffencc. forfeit and pay the 31.1m of . AVo understand that the ltgistrara appointed by the'licglslattirc to open registration books and hofdun election in thTs rity for nine Aldermen, under whnl in Ik-mI lrimirn k llin Infiimniin Citr Charter Bill, will brine suit npainst I fire hundred dollars to the i?cr3tu 2 the tJity of Wilmington for their ptly I grjfved thereby, to be recovered by an IVr the Hervices rendered on that occa-1 flMch aiuwanCc f0 counsel fees aa the sion. lhe suits Will be brought on I court shall deem mst. and shall also for Monday before Van Amringe, J. P. I every such ofTencc be deemed gtJltty of . 1 f ii I a misdemeanor, and shall, on CQJivlc- l.r it -i f? 11 . j Lkt I'h Have 'Liuitrt-If there 1 mercoi, o iineu not Jess inaa live ever ws - a. grcs j 1 one year, or both, at the discretion of form" it is the ! miserable stuff I hut is J the tourt. furnished to the ciMzcns as an illuuii-f fc- UJurther aulctal,Ji& .. . . , ,i , ti' rrNSiM!Tcr, by or under the arthoruy of nating HubwUnico and call, d go. It I th con8titulJion or ,aw9 of any sute.or seems at times that the more burners I the laws of any Territory, auy act is yr one mav have lighted, the more need lahiil ljc required to be done by any of tallow dips to observe the same. I tito as a prerequisite to qualify or . !, . , , . - 1 1 .1 I entitle him to vote, the ofier of any nich Oannot something be done to help the I r;t- f tMrfrnl ,Y rM&AJ tni matter ? - v I dnc ns aforesaid shall, if it fail to ho carried into execution by roasoti of the ,Fikk. A fire originated Friday night I wrongful act or omission aforesaid of about lO o'ctock in a store located on I n pewou r puicvr ciiargeu wiin u;o store was the property of Mr. John L. I nR thereon, be deemed and held us a Dudley .and was worth about $3H), I performauce in law of such. act; and the person so oliering and iuilm Federal ijower." Att a general rule this UliiH', but when the 'State authorities arc In syaipalhy with the rioters, and tbr; ' wirKse is to defy and. over-rido a law of the United State.- n has been la.-e. iii the South, what then? IKC3 iot this liberal alitor know that all the IXoiiocraliu Stalc authortifs in the Southci ti Slate were in harmony with the lti. Klux and White League urLvilii'n'b'i'.iui?! elosetl their eyes to the operations of the- bauditti Does it not know also that the mans of tho white population of those States arc so 'hostile to tho enjoyment of their rights by the colored population, that NEW AD VEM1BEMEXTS. GOOD NEWS. 'iHE VsjjE$tl)liii commit otfuv rnnpementis tk pl(sre in-.tafurailiic thu citizens oi Wllmiagton and the public geDcraliy thnt a . . n - , Will be given under the pspk of tbe CAPE Ft: A R LIGHT XfiTltLEbt ', ' j - -j - : I t ' - t every obstacle is thrown in their wav. I tu Binltii vJIIh and the Blnrk Kmh Uronndi. tand that the Democratic, -official who JElTS.V,? Aoru- ex.'; ' - . i eriff or New ll-uovrr ix.ui,tjr. I should ,aiteii4 to prnicct them, would Ti:keto,fnnea ....V .........V.T.r. ..." So ' .1 , r K ,, , u , N()TIGSJk TTTTT I rrttJKIU: WII.I. HK AN KI.KT1IS III-I 11 IJL AttkeUMial poll I hk ontli tint couulr lor thv elt-rllouol ,1Ua lollowJny township oirict-nt, viJ; ' ' 1 ? Wir.MIKtiTaNTttWAHUU'-iuTrH httrRtes, imp Township tlrck uup ttMtnllt uil thrtw Hoboot foouwmJJTT 1 ... - frTBLEKAL 11INt.!kfA'?sHttHli. VVaR NOT AND ( AI'K K'KAK liiWNHllll'S Twp MMlstrnlrK. one 4 Hurfc. aia tkHmt.?.li- and thn School Ctiy auttrturli. NEW II AN) IV Kit AMI PV'Mikl.' nii'k.'. TlES--Ttirf LMrmles Ui tlic Bl -lcl'oit-, tutooM Coovt-uUoB. ' . -1 J f. h Si. clitldnu, uuUer le, yvmrmot aat.MMlcrt; lf ll ML IH I'll HH t . 1 lll.T I ' 1 I V J I Anj - ' J v w 'mmm i.f.i;r: ttit:. .....- . i I Tunt aeconHnlnr fanillira. frrtL uw iii rnw nil iuir, ineu lie m jusi Thow wWatU od att MBrcd Ihul li 1 til 1-1 1 1 .1 .t prwwixu lunt 1 M'JJl I U 1 n 11 till 1 11 fill obluac choiighJLo bca hoe ja I editor. 15ut I the cuminlltc will uparw no pain to make I j i( m i . ii a lew weeks ago a colored man was J llinuuu i-uioymue aoair ioai.i t y.miHae ttjr dnmuuiy and wqrib. Smm4 . . driven out of a railroad car where he ' " taTJK1 .1X7. had mi uiidt.iiblcd legal right to bo, by H-'KIMKNTh HBVKUON l.OAHU AT t ruWTH. WahiauBi -,4 jmS;n - .1 . -..J. . CXTY rRICR. Ir will lenv wharf at S o'clork. is C. "Take-lot d I'l yeyr wiy" advice, jii J whtn the unlwtilks is goytl are I'li iitiliillv Mipdied witli the rinds f tin- hisiiitii-- cauteloiH'. flic has te be veiy careful or he will have to pick hiinsi ll u p trt in lhe pavement. wliieli wa unrf Iv rnvnmd liv InminiiMV. J " - p- : .." i: rr, it f ry i mwuHiui, mm uwmt utueiwiae uuan- Thc stock was owned by Mr. Uobert I r, 0i.ii i .. nut, ..u.iii uc i ijli uit.1 lu uiv; in viii; Dudley and was valued at SloO, I gamo manner and to the same extent hw hie) I was also partly covered by insu- J if he had in fact performed such act ; aance. he uuiiuing anu siook- was i " juui ,u? '-vi-"i wmvi unn,i.i . i. ii . i... i I of election whose duty it is or shall be totally destroyed, . . pf.o p.lir.fi,p Pi.. lort. or trivo flfeef to the vote, nf ,iuv Capk Kkau Limir Aktim.kbv, I sUCh citizen who shall wroiisfullv re- Wx direct the attention of our readers I fuse or omit to receive, count, ccrtifr. this morning to the advertisement of I register, report or give effect to tho vote the above-organization, which ap,eani r1 3"c.a Cll'z "I M'e prcacmaiiou , . b . . . ' 1 , I by him of his afhdavit stating such in this issue, giving notice ol a grand oller-aml thc timc nJ thereof. excursion to bo given on Tuesday the I and thc namo of the officer or person 3rx of August next 'to Smitbvillo and I whose duty it was to act thereon, and the HlackGsh (.rounds. A glance at'the I lUB w wrongiuuy prevenieu uy , , I such person or officer from performing names of the genllemen who compose HUch ' t sball for evcr ch olfl tho Committee f Arrangements will at I forfeit and pay the sum of five hand red ncc satisfy all that nothing will be I dollars to the person aggrieved thereby, 4efmndoiic loaie it a pleasurable lo 00 "wvcrea by an action on the . . ... - .. . . I case, with full costs, and such allow- ; , LaUair. lhcre ,wll K no rl.sap,KUUt- anco for cuUljscl fcc' a tho court ghal, 1 Pnifeiif, as those of the excursionists who I deem just, aud shall also for every such wish will; certainly hare ni opportuui- I olience be guilty of a misdemeanor, and ty t go Uh lJlflckfish Grounds as ad- "hall on conviction thereof, be lined not .... i .i I less than five hundred dollars, or be mi- v.-rnseii, anu u.ey can m.iKe u.eir ar- ,risoncd not less than one month mid rangeincnts atTordingly, and those who not ire than one year, or both, ut the are afraid of seasick ness can remain at discretion of the court. Smithville ami trip the light fantastic. . rtcc- 4- Aml l"' it frthrl- in.trfo' That . . .. ' , . ,, , it any person, by force, bnbeiy, threats, Let all ir? nnil !! i-iv I lieiiiseln-s iuv ' J . , ' , J - j . intimidation, or oiin r unlaw tin means, we. I shall hinder ilrl.iv nreveiit ur oli.st ruet or shall combine and coiilederalc with A )YlMt Ynt.t...' -The tioldsboro I others to hinder, delay, pievent or oh- !?. of Thursday goe.4 into spasms f nv citizen from -doing any act . ... ..... . . . .it: .... reouircu in .lis siincking u nnu ciiinug on every body in lhe Stale lo rush to the help of lhe dying democracy ard save it Irrtm the devouring ilemon af Ke-publicans-m. It beseechc thai no one should sland aloof the rW tonserva- tlie foulest abuse, and not only did the State authorities not interfere to protect turn nor nuiusli tlio ollendcrs. but a leading paper in Savannah applauded 1&?.RL . i T - I wim ui ttt nu UI UllUW'tl no outragcouo conauct oi tnc&ouincrn rickets - beoiuinedatUieiKk.3rw. gentlemen who comnwfctlKl the otlence. I vlry H"a storey ndoftiieromiotttee, lhe ttitnmttlc'e rettrrvt therleht to reject om bird. and boasted that it was a new way to defeat the civil rights act, thus showing that o.llcers and people iltc "eombinca in uelyitig the Jaw. When thc btatc authorities neglect or refuse to, exercise itsjiibt authority, aud undoubted rights," Id it not the paramount duty of tho general government to protect its I citizens in the enjoyment of-flic rights it has conferred upon them? If not, thou the title of American citizen is of no value. HJiwA. V!au;iul-, - T a 4 & j .t .It & T.-liiril t. fliCKAK, ii tc. w I'M I f -1. . , J ll. a. kuann'eh.. K. J. IIAKHlB; W. II. HKHIvKN. , Ooiumttteo, july Z Sim, Wed. nnd,8uu , PLOTIS . .... 'JRiUSS AuiMllS NtllMlMl'.l lit tlcliriM tlutf ilv MM petition lor tho rjiniu i'Iukh of InKtrunicnta. l ry one. A.lilrigH SbhiiiKton, N J E1VAHI HIAITTy, 1 INSURANCK AGENCY The new uiMlur of ouryumluv cotcin- A I , - 1 ' " 1 poiary, mo ni:iiu; wuo is announced of as recently from Memphis, . and who may, therefore, be presumed to under stand the -subject, in noticing our sug gestiou that thc .Njuth should drive "into obscurity the whole brood of lire caters, whom she has heretofore fos-- tei ed," jay Is not the Cfn ,ink-k aware that what it calls 'the whole brood of lire-eaters', J Hamburg lkcuicn, Germany. comprises the irrcat body ol thc intelli gent, educated men of tho South, with- J Mobile Underwriters,- Mobile. .ill! whom if ret iresen led in f imimwu ur I : . elsewhere at all, it must be by ignorant I Virginhr Fire aud Marine, liichmond. All lhe Latest lctprO? t lUf U( nei'ioc! or carpel-batircrs, who arc I i JNO. W, (iOUDON. $40,000,000 Assets Represented. KIKE INssrilAM'i: CVAIPANIKh : ' Liverpool A'liondon A t kibe, England. ; Un&arasseU by ail) Ijjr.iiifiit, Tim rroprletor Ii.ia uottd eiittiully t'" many yt-iim the liupi iTts-llonx ami iitt1oi tho rtxxl liiMti'iMiieiil, utid dircqtjt il Jil- fn. tlcsil cipcrltrnce to the eorKi tiinii ol -m I. liiifit-rfcrtloiiK, tiiid lil fxi-nilifiilf h.iv. rfMiit(d lu tlM prutluvMw ti 'iwhIHj' t tone which assltullalra so i loiu ly to the PIPE 01IGAN IHAlin That It I" tlltUcult to iI(JOl;hI. Mwnn uw iwo, i wi laMiuiuvpi, U.K- without, good repufj in the Northern I 'ty, Kichnioiid. Uite.s liolll which I lev lnlL'iateil there.' If that is the sole condition of ierfect I Southern Mutual, Kichnioiid. jieacc, then the condition is impossible and peace can never come. A:i tliii docs not tally with the asser tions ol thc ttconna 0Mtitvt'njHnlitt . Whcie i lhe Sound ' Railway i ami the im ii i i k - load Will neither of them ever be completed With proper facilities for going, and suitable and cheap place of entertainment at tb'e Stuimls, Wilmington would be almost depopulated these sultry night--- ri . j Ourritii le yesterday on the Work .i it. -in. mi l IM ilii!; at lU-tM.l , llM. , rlu.ti pnalm-c4 ii deep -ensa- i :m y I H t e'l i filiation. . '.i ill,,;, ;i:i- tii-t l-Mltsl an :.d- .in is.';-1, el .h.ni:e eotintv, iiu i. u ! to tin', h compel ''".I' Wii;,' ; . j, ti-tie ol ini-rcpf ;l. .i, ,1 Ii.: I 4lt ' Ml " I Ir :-t. N.Ht I , , Ul:?v -ii. i v.iLiti. mt :i -I .i. liraltam s :ic ' i' i !"? tiulh. he dclibe- t-'i.t: K-i ublieau ii : i i-: ciititu' ioiial con i. oi'l in :t;t . nailing -es.sitiii of i ' .:ai . invoUil the Slate ' i'.i!.'...us :1 dollar-, of new ''uliain i- 'old v i.tjitj-ti tu icll the truth without, i niilul and wi.kisl inUrep i iIiU. ami why stiuld he i tir iti-.it mn.Ie iUIhiii tlii sub- vlbi, .atiie ' Wccall llnn tttiy. tral,,,, l,i ;.t.ik trtuu lhe uvml. 1: Uiih. S .luthcrnvt who are M.t.a.u, i: 1v tM Ucncial Preston's "fiiiia I nn,i.i;v H'iui centennial WUio.v, .It.S.tua j-yproK'til thc tiuc rba- f V:y ,-nv iu tbl M.c:ion, keep 1 1 Ukj , U g tn. wo bll aoutl I.im iu,. ,i. ,r ... ui.i tit.tii it A3 tivt trvi t.ttti ' hbrxt. I..,,?.!,, ,,..1 hrt.. tb ' l!" of eaoTowiont bcut trev. At thU At his rem.irk 'h-uoI a Ua,,.!, applause ; ll ili.y ,irx. lV.r nvciviJ ; ire U-xm frtMii tho Prterabure. mkv unmU akable fvi- K"t ui Jii... ..l IV... ..1J 'I , , , -T?-H '' "l Uv Loot Cau-n: hv m jlr-'ik'y r.-poUtl hb intreftid and r?',l SMtVfU hbuwomU. 1U I'- it ewa4i.n .however, tm TUc that iSc f1",r- lt jcAt xi anpUu.d to tb r"u at th Mcrtiw f lK SiullWni requirco 10 oe none o, tt -t f 1 1 v him t vote or from voting at any election ns aforesaid, such person shall for ( i i y such oilcuce lorleit and pay Ihetim ,.i five huudreil dollars to the p is.ni hl--grieved thereby, to be ice nete-l by in action on the ease, with f ill eosts, and such allowance for counsel fees a.- the Memphis Aj ixa!, and other Southern papers, wo place it upon lecord. And we lcspond : Letter for the peace of the country b viler for the prosperity of thc Soiith that she should be repre sented in Congress by "ignorant ne groes,' or even "carpet baggers," than that those who led lhe South into re bellion, and are now icvivinj; the pernicious-doctrine of Slate Uigiit-i as un ili i t'od al theSoyth, .-houhf be again phuttl in a po.-ilioii where they can re peat the injuiiea and follies ol the past. If the "gnat body ol the intelligent, educated men of the South," are of this stamp, then is ''that mi lion gicatlv to bo piled, ;ti. d In r on. lit ion greatly to he .. !.!. -I ir- " Fill nee of tho Sunt li Se".iloi t 'In l.-llaney, ol M n lilc.iu. Ill j a n cent addrcf-s ;i( Kal.ina."' "a, id. "I j h.ie ii 1 1 1 -f.i 1 1 1 :! thl lhe tunc will yet I i 1 1 1 ! - it li. - i i v.. h.ill :i ! I he i 'i tin. in i .1 by - -ill j . I..-1.. I meaiioi , me i fiiau, on t on n te'.i tini e - i - -eve.y w.ddle-aged mai -ercry bod 1 n;, H n1;lll i,,,,,,!?! i l,k, national ...liie. eekin - thc like whohasowy innuence lhe fuiir loOtdHar,,, or be imprisoned not h- ll rive-demwratic party who ever ihl I court ?diall deem ju-l, and sh:ill al ' fm i..t.w..r.rr i.l.l man evrrr vounc man every such otlvncc bo guilty of a ini-de- .v,.. - - . . .1 must come up to the help r( thc party one month and not more than one year, in thi nnuldiranism with their re- or both, at the discretion ot the ciiit. ... , : i.,,11 See. .". AmlU tf further (,.'., 1 hit sistlcv elotpiencc and winning smiles ... . .. . , , 1 it any ierson sliall prevent. Iiuitlei. all the wives to miadv husbands, C(ntru ur intimidate.'.ir shall atiempl mothers their sons, sisters llieir broth- to inevcnt, hinder, control or ii iniii- "au ' n il ii.ii.if finis, .i om miihI ; and when :!ie commoii brothel - lie stiutheriicrs will -hs, what most ot u an I many of them now m o, that the result of the civil war, which tin v felt :is a defeat and we ns a i viiloiy (the alwlitit'ii of sl.ircryl, will i lie thcie ."in, I evervwliere in'.ic nietl as ers sweethearts their lovers, and allow I date any ersii iroai exercising or n i :x ,,u ..(tt .,. 1.1,..,,;,,.. ;u ,.,rc advantage- .... I n.r tint rl.tl.l . .1 11 llritr. ' lo wli. ,ln i . .1 . I - ' 1 no rest, to be given until victory be rHZZ 1 "n"?" l" "'' ",r,r ' ,u m . - - "ps ' ' " ' " ' ' f IMP ,11 H IIH II " li. d I ' l lv.tl , ill .It gained. Ami Ihen the Usaiid young antcv,j i,v tiftveiitli nincndui. nl u lion in this t.oinniunit v, and many i x pit ssiuiis id' thnaks are I made to the IVst for uiicarthiiig the discu.sting brutality practised by' SuaiijijiKlriM .Mstln on thc helpless wrcicnes umier hi charge. We had liolll that when Mernam. lhe Sago of Lrooklyn Heighls, as.Mvl fin his checks that we wuhI not have had any more "heated terms," but we wen- simply mistaken, and wo have to nxxuvl that e are having a spell of the holiest weather now that the "oldest i 11 habitant" has ever known. Tin: Work ,1 loirs k, A rAj. TM Ko.trd of County ComnuMkMtera wilt hold a ecial lueeting on next Weilnes day, tSo Uh io-k, ro investigate the matter of the erwel treatment of the fn kb confined at the Work House, as rejurtrd in the 1VT of yesterday. It is their Intention to ventilate, 'the inAt tcr fully. 1roni:k' Invi ijit. Crvoer Hew lett has been nUned that about . a moatb agv one of the convict at the Work 1 Iwc wl bd been wt crwepy "Urui; up" tiiu and iain, and the tic t hi thaaibs cut throah to the bone, (ftimilar le- the ease reported In th Ir om ye-deejaj), and, who, hf J n briitf! rvleaol ib Laid time firotn km torture, dlrbfVirr(Uke an att evered a thwb 'fro hU haJ, that la. a very Mr day thereafter t4 aldely daed. Tm mM tieatlk WO never reprtrd by to Speritedt Malhra, bwl. under the cirruaastaucra the liroarr ha drtrnuieed to Wkl Au ttttpic om Monday. men not yet of age must give pood cheer to their seniors. But we mnst give the closing paraeraph: Uv all yon hold dear, by the Iwveyou cherish kn your wives, your mothers, tout sUters. IUIK Cll U.UKr.lor '.1 . the coiistitutHin of lhe I'uitetl St;W. by means of brilnTy. threats, or llm at of Uepriviag mii Ii person of employ -stent or tarcupatioii, or of ejrviing sux h person frm renUvl houst, lands or other pioiH-rty, or by ihreals of refin- ine to renew leases or tm tracts lor la- they arc to live umler this constitution or fa nttvlkl9 f Violence t-. him .it tin v have. ot rid of the great evils which 1 eta riled their pro-n-rily, desjira v- . n 1 i-l raded th ir ptiple, crainjKsl their cn'.i-rpri.' .-id eheck-l th. ir pro i'rtjj. ; th.it iMttti race have Inen eman cipated in-lend of one nfid that wr have it,t -ht the hsilie alike lr Isdh." J . , I UVI . UF MlllHW .', ' . tv. . '' , . , , kImhiI Lo lie franieu bv touc utHiuencn- I r-. : 1 ...i. ' ..?r. ....1;,... i e absence able devotion to thc old North 10 Lbau be' deemed cuiliv of a mistk- ! dcuo.iatK- pns. Rrwi and your lights under hi ia-rs oy your an,l ehajj u,,iCv,ITjvliu,l there- stern, holt resolrc under ttod, to trans- off be fined not less than live huiidrcl mil to reoir nwsterity the same glorious I .i.jt - i ;mri-.i1-.i ,u 1.. ihu inheritonce of freemen whfch your an- I ' ,k .i ...,r..ihi.ni..,.vr 1 pr-U-d agam-Mtic tag money mania in eeators Ikh""41 to Jf1 -by all tbv both, al the discretion of tho court. -"!' rv now ayuig that platform. inalienable fight which' are the gift of , . tHrtH- v-i, Thai j du t mean tuitch any may and if Hov. Ctd fjt, ma, we iadre Tou to iftwnoriuore nrrsotis aliait baud or 1 Allcu is elected on ai iiitlaitoo plalfcrim A KOI St, open your UanU,yoar uearis, unihrr. or iru iu diaeuisc ut- your Hire, rd en yaur armor, look p,blic highway, or ukb the an Tour neirhbors, and, bujether, as I -r-,-: ,f iher. with iuteni to vio- trit rusk f the poll ua Thursday j aa- prortsion nl tbia aot, or U iu the 5th day of August, and rate for the :urt, op-rean, thrwitctt, or intimidate 1 : . .i. mb.Ii.Ii I ... . . . . . of backlxttte iu the more ptarcui every tl.iy. A few journals which were Itold 1 mrtiHi to lift up their voices in it Mill ud have uiy muucnc on na tional ptti.. Xlny have u.ldcnly bvcubi'. uau..iicd of thu cry, "Men. not riiKip.-.' autl ar: sWuting it right luililv. tlKVwili aud out ubculbe A2I ACT. of any rhrhlor privilee cranial itf . i.v t iu i '...,.t t i.r rioov fAf n9KTs ',:r. of tk, ,a r r, M bauv. 0r . L'mitrJ &tr hf roV ut '4e trend aW, luiTingeJierciseil the same. uch -cSNr At, jW 9ker srmahall be held guilty felony, and. .ww. I on eonvcioa thoraol, ahall be nneU or nllMititk ulMt tu un irAl uf Ull lt I I wselcliUal caniitai 'U OPC OA. II hinder his free exvrrisc ami cni-yuct t ibry U uol 'iHr, that lU idc are dctciotiuou tu have boUt principle and Picu. aud Unit lbs: party which uiare cards cilhs r ov cf those tetutiie U1 bv Xt .Iv n bard a a back scat. Old North State, Warrcntoii. renn, Pliiladelphia. Home, Columbus, fhio. Amazon, Cincinnati. Ohio. AImi M.iii,1l-' is. for North Ciiroltiui 1.1 Hie MM IMMllilTA INSl'KAKI'K ltlMP.. NY. N. Y. IomhI At. ills wnnletl lor iinil Kim 1 ..meaiilt s in at ilimm . tn.l.il lori iii.rv 1 1'ltlee 011 1'rliieitiit. Mititn Kmni nn.l :il.'r,U... Jyly Iv- 11 WlI.Mr.Nl.TtiN. V. I . CAKrKM IKR MALLARD, ( I'll KS..OK to) , .. v Torn am tv w.:. HURSra BLANKETS. Ami t'vi-rv orifnii Is Aillv wiiitmili J l.ait Oil PoJlHb. . lllack Wuiuur. l.tlitUvl i,i w tUat WILL NUT TRACK uR WAKI. Aud luriiix In it.l' 1 11 Ion to 11 pl U' ll.tt 1 lot 1 11 111 e nt of uiiiiir. A BEAUTIFUL PlbCE Of FUh NITURE Till orciiii iieuls ontr tit s in ... .11 prteiunUaud l.i koldaltlTivl-M ' 1 V Ft1M jM.l1 St colli! loiu.l 1 list 1 11 111, iif . In cxrhaiiftj. 1 1 1 K l.air.sl iim! ChrairM AfMirlmrit ol Trunks in lhe (lily, ,'.Hhl.l,S ol ALL KIMi-s, li i: n Ksvs. i r. uss s 1 ii'i.K l;l. N K Kl. i V. tiiki; ih i:i;s, , IIUKSK IHCl HllhX, 1 llillVloMIN, KAIII.KUV tl VHI'W AKK, A i.l k Ill-Is. CHICAP F1K CASH. hse S'-ly rions' ,r: mwi New n ii. ?m ;ttil 1 j 11 1 ilt jit 11 it-tit . Ant ed AiMnw I'WAKU lirTTs. Urf,ln. t.m, N J aljr -YeiitH VVunt:il, Male . it i until , In on) ...ii'ii. I. 11 L'a,ltvl Hitl4 s mill 1 iiuiil 1 . ii t ,1 ii. 1 Oil 11 1 flBt'li- 1I 'J t-ucllfl. 'All .-1. t . t 1 1 .. 1. eg. Hrh'xila. lle-. i . it'o-i.- tl.... iitfllt for the silat l'ii;l. I. In I tt.li.tt lif hit illl.t I'lio' llt Ills-. 1 mi. .11 .1. 1,1 . 'lr.1 llIV HlUllllU. I til I I , KDWAIMMMl )I'!S. Wahinzi(n.;. I. r 1 1 1 : Nrn Ikru Wcrkl) Iiiii-n JUlj S-tt I AM KLI UIiLU. isit Mi l- Mil- .-i 1. hiuIbiI) PLUTTS fAli ORGANS Ai'jr prt fui. i.t- or H-autlr. a ha av a Hlllr ! itir. iiim. (iu prt-vi fllM rla lolrttmctii at grtnl'J- irl prttrr ts4 wnO Blnmp ( rrU(Uo alkJn t.l W.l!l I'lulls Wanbltictofi. N J JhIjt si mt Tfac So a th of thc Future inrrisoiKd. or boh. at the JaalK. of 1 Ten iU;c a hare becu tb caiaauiic -1 tj .titB A.l..rti. t)wt ma i.. .s.-.t ! ol Utc r. Uw u!Uavtc bcmnl will f R,mrrmmUOxmf ti Vt nva tnousaad dotlaM. ao-1 Uw iupr- j jrove wore thai a oaipcnoa In AmrZ U CW m.. Thai jdl otuaeat not U exceeU ten year., -and 1 than hfty year titHH jv citiaem ol the VulteJ !"at h are ahall, moreover, be thereafter ineiigiUe U v aaafciarr aul Wj introduce, or shall be olhentiae oWlietl by Uw u, aa4 disableU froohoidiuP ny o&oe ffeto tt .thcrn sialrx The ludajUy to rote aVstar rledKia tr the peopie iu or pUce of hoaor, prouUx lmt crta- ; of vfu il. prd tc a Ureter aar State territory, district, county, ted by the CWtitu tioa or Un of the kU rr wA; their oa iaa- ciiV, fairadi, towawW arhooJ dk?Uici. I'uited State. , pWU. ei labor. aaJ at IcW aaaua uiuviHfeJrtr. or other territorial aub- ; lasrtarv tw4U rtadh U apfdy Uett di,iwi,aaJl be outkWd aI allowed iipbu T.uar. sor, thai the 't," . f to rote at all aorh elect to-a, itlaH . .n,w;..U .!Q.lWd th TO TT2' tatiueoeu u4 ruce, rotor, or piariean t " , iw w nti itisMiorarrTitwds-: auy couaUlutioa, LrouMc la irossyuaaia, aia ii avn naw rviaaa aad cuatnaa uaage or reaniUtaaUi of any I what Uu amtuuitka M ih Swtafa ib Ni.Wra HaK-. kU.ia-allr Ptale eTerrrtory. or by or udee ita aaUwriiy. ta iWooauary aaiuiihii4aad lr? I 1 JUr imJL, f faWW rL That ! SUte ou)kI be aJVoxd ta cku-ctU ! iinW y&rt no to U.l-N "! nJ arxl.-u Bi I-IClIT HAr ( Us KM. aaar rjM Tonaorlal- Rral. . js AKTIs has KWI tasr rtl aasl iBltiu. Jmo lajraaay aav4 rt?ail lo la Mkuat Kmctly KtmpBt f a la. U '.a WiMi,i tiM sarcii brr Im Mlu L't OM If Vwiaaawl UM rlM. (ta rnj veaUw aiaa. ttrmt ourauMra im Ua Mlais- rpvj aad isWkla . t4r 0U aM svaaatBaaOfl al ta iliwail aani TtJ kUa. aasrU -U Y ""tt'it ui-jiy, ii iuru, U.H iu i ul-oil.i a1 1 1 , jrtar. in a.Uaner. n rt.laiv. t .., . aiitotiat i ttw.lliiK aBUr. aw.1 low. ml i- m wb!) 1 ol'li'lii.l 11, iiir Kii. . CslilUhinc li (mv. tlio ( rtrtrS- - K .4 10. Tlirs hate tlx 1. 1 f r, it .a. 1, 1. - u ! . 1 1 .. ur Um pwrOTfc4 ni i-ftui tiiinr a l i.t . 1 u. t.n, ami r ? 1w .1 l.u. T- UlC I trButllu. 9tl. . I..U111 ,w li t tar uirnaavd tatl.T in aliaow iu lrtalusl ; 1 1 1 nrrttlit.41 .ra ,11) to.-t. inc. ami iikil oulliiu lr..prn nJnaioa, Mil not. Itihj i b.i i.i m tarUi lair ttatty W ttiMbl luaa.i iuS , i,mm 1 .u.' mni rbolT rtskdliif n.alltt iu tttij it "- suUm,W kH 11 ai ., S.liij tttB.k HH aa.l ' kj .Ul" pn PV lt-t a.it tw uO.ubih A l ir"l eaa l!lt al lorn. AOdraaa TtMlM'l tu 1 ,N 1 a ,N i 1- t t . a i AIN 1-; ubA the aUltiwtuca iu lat NWtoK u .(r.sni aw. lAonwrauT j iahauiMW rmed to vta a J Ztittt 1 casea of duaardcr." It dd IVat tW vW ,s trdd, W, if by or under the authority of the eoai- oua reawdtal toeoaorra. and out lav '- id hate Wv prr-su.atd t-e a tituto or lauj of auy Male or; the j its ja authority iuietrrred lh; -y Uaa t exwoe tVs ,V Cj Vmm lava of aay TWritory, aay act w or ' iu uodoobed irhu vrT-rk. by iH-4 v.aMtfl Ulal trtaaa teai u ,tf at r Km Orrtasa. -f aa i-ty m imi l W a.at aa- U Jixit at ,yaat4, Ultiw, M.iauU Ataaaa-. Mnsa4r.v t. - faa 4Naa. ' PLOTTS srtK ORGAfiS for - LPVlsriLLK WEEKLY C0UBIEE- JOURNAL Ctiaoo MU" HO1 fa v iM.. Ot. asrr. ) IM Of fjamaft (ar 11 1 . . abat m- lastartia:. Iii a ita t aWmt tOTMa (M4ii . uniiaai a'liUipa a Taw taavira Ja ai. aa liaa. Ub 1 lattir Jjatatva.!, laaW Baa at t-U 0TanaaaB aaUt -bb aaltMt. tws a. Wal a-J rr t--i ft 1 aaaaaaialW.a tat . I tn m . a r HO TO tia .' st a 1 I.VH (, Mat a-"U HorpaRtcs In tone au.t i6afr avur Iterd in - KHU hcrrloforr nianiifaeliircd In IIiIkcoUii- iry. lCiuiB Ik-vii tonu-d ty nmuy eouiiticiii Glm UNIVERSAL Satisfaction Hv n skltllul use ol thv ,slo. uml "I Do patent knee kw-1I, Uif niunlv m Mil.iiii lo the liuaian voter, raimlui: Ironi Hi.- mitti t nolo nitc uotv to u voiuiuc ac soui'U. (