s. I ' t . 1 ." i ' . . ' I i1 it;!' p.. 1 ; t; :,.! S ; - I 1 i 4 I H m .4.-3- m p.:: ! t .1 . . i t i i . . - - . . z : . 1 . . ' . i . ...... : 1 ' A A tis r WILMINOTpN. Vn C. TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1875. Opinion of l'ruumienl Demueaata ou tlie CoiivtuMoa V,?!ii,UUT",,,JtV . a.cl klifcc.taUi lihll VCuli In re-ponso lo call "we. lay before oar readers the following letter from Judge Fowle on the Convention question: ItAUatiH.OcU 36, 1874i Maj. John V iAtnhata : fiu: In rei'lx yourjettfrasiiat my opiuiuu inrejrard U; the calling f a convt ntitri y tl4 f .CScneral ii f I . f iniiilwlmff Liim .it' inr ine nui nm: vt iviajv Ihe Constitution oPNofUi LroIii)l, I have to say:" That in my opinion s call of a Con vention for the purpose indicated woM be unwise, inexdient and prodnchr of rrcat harm to the material intcti of the .State. V ;vyf unt .SirtTroil thi, it would be a The defeat ol l lie eoiuservaiiv yrtj in North Carolina in 180 wonaJDe A public calamity. The defeat would, in A very cursory examination of the Constitution and history of North Caro lina will satisfy the enquirer ott the two methods providi-d for amend ing the Cwittitution, to-wite Ihe lefefs Iative;and conventional, the intention1 was, thai, for, onlipajy fl for the correction of ordinary evils, it va.s thought wise by our fatkutUfottbe legislative moIc should I cadoi'teti, an that the mode of amciidnfcnt by tnc convention was only be resorted to wljen the cxiceiu-y of the occasion w4 exlri nie, amllvaasbjtite wiv lci-K-ratic and Kepublican form of govcni inent for revolution, and was not k be exercised unUad the enjernc We fmd aVcordingly that uficr the iilm.l irtti o fthe constitution of 177C. . r .1 1 .. Ihere a.s no convtiiuon uvuic I"PR, I loll, ail'l Uial MIKC IIUII imiu uivic un I., , ii no toiiveiitioin.t tlieieople,which ha.s been called lr the puri-ose of amending the constitution, and lias ac tually done o until the year ISiJK. Tlic convention which wS called in I Mil w is lor the pnrpoe ol laKing Sort k Carolina out of the Union, and I lie convention of ISiUJ, being callcnl iindcr rrcMdeiilial IVoclaiHatioii, and n i onciii-ioii- being repudiated by the ih oi.Ic :ire not to be considered in this t oiinret ion. The in.liev of the Mate then leiiig will settled not to call a con .ention ot the people except upon extraordinary tn-easioiis, is there anything in the jm litical condition of the State that w ill iustifv mh action at this time? A erv earnest and able advocate of the coiiciuiou movement, in reply to an iuterrouatorv from me as to the ne- vnmIv for a convention, slated that lie, .leered A con'iitii'ii okler'llut Hlie vvtiu-titutioii should be amendctl in tjyce particulars: I 1. licquiriug in .nnigesoi me : cujty ' rior Court to rotate. ' '1. Diwiiialifviiig a per-n who ha Kxmi con v tct etl ot an mlamoiM crint from votincr. lic'purin,; the poll tax to Ik paid as a iiuahtieation of a voter. , In regard to the tib4 and wcond,f iIhsh- auieudiiients, alter OonNUCCSpie inquiry 1 am oatislKtl thatrther Mill meet wiiu out very nine oopoomon Irom either of the great Hliticai fiie. !l hav heard al least two of the Re publican Judge express themselves in fi?.si33i4tfu wilt opinion that every member of the Ju diciary would give his pcixonal influ ence to the proposed ajundment. A to the .second, the mere introduction of the proposed amendueat ,i enough to Mcure its passage before any lxgisla tnre that can now be elected, reganlless of ifs political complexion. As tothethirl priqKHxl amendment, it is believe I by iMur perojwthat its crtW-t would be to diminish the Repub lican vote in the State several thousand votes, thereby iuuriug a Conservative triumph. The pnqxtocd amendment itself is in my opinion a vrrv god one, bei-anse the increased taxation that woald be thus dcriveil would greatly benefit the common schools of the State. Ibit 1 do not Wlicve that the vote would le inaleiiallv diminishel br it adopt ion ( leco'se in every well contested election thtfunN will ie provided to pay Xb xtl Ia Kr such voters as cannot pay l4r lhenise!vc. and 1 will how before I get thrugh that iur elections in 1576 will iieccvarily be well cnteted by loth oJ" the cn-al vlitical prtics. lUtt even if I should le mutagen Hi thishe ucws of our party fn 1S7 I noi gtKd reason Kx deviling froai lk Curs.' of acUoii in regard lo csoUt Uonal aniciivlnicuts which haa been lunctHmcd by the w tsdom of our fTe Mthers Uvauae it vwukl be etablih img a ireeedent for tampering with the cSvntitution whenever lb eilgtocy of a larty rxsjuirxxl it, and convention in NurthVirvtina, wuukJ becoaw' ka fre uct rewlutio in MeiKxv In a very able letter, kiiPeJ by A. WngUC I'M , anvl tite ollrc JiUiar-gu-4sl gelUeu.daUa(V-t. 22. 174, ihe l"oiloiog xjH-vMn r used: StV)(t4 ay Ue, tU inoJmuot rvety on M iDe many iancr wore the ""Oaaby"' OHWiUtutli vartea from iW okl cvtituika oi oif (atber loo liaccnco has Uxu I uUi at( uaJa e ret Mr U that uM eo9UtMtii Ibe tvUrr it wilt Ur Kr ta xvpleuf North lrUa, cwrfMC, f ccxux, tike cltacoa rrtlefxxl ntctmjrj by the war ud iu rrMtltA. A4 wUeit ffnvf to aay Wre,' Im orvler 1o prrvrot ut r 4W MMaUentaWiaj tkxl w be Itrve vm cvuiteojpUk na oo o X OMoloaylato ai cho la nxU k tW llommli Cxeofio, avo Mck will rmlarpo ao4 rroaier ore socore that wi ajki bra6cvt peoi ik. Wo ierm it prvper U mj da thai wo Where ao oo cooicoa f Uoa aj &AMt im Lho cm UUtiwo. there ua.s no convciiuon uw u i I'T. North (ipli"3 ltly?" hc opoaition f Noilh Caro.n.jl MU1 V?-' to tSraSTSna e-cleetk.n ' was due except the convention yl 1-8 nv)tclQ tbsu in North Carolina in :ld ITS'., hu4, were calletl jpr U,e lair-j JJ o,hcr (.as0 t...c ol r.il i tvinir the letlerdl cnltu- ,7. , ' . ,, .;,i . .......i.r r,.ii rri. vfiii ' i i i i ' i. ill nfr-C"'-! . .. .... r. tending lo impair me ngnts oi mi iui ml pepple." To this broad assertion we respect fully enter our tliksent:' ., ' Then arc several cliajictw iu Uie or ganic law, mado by the -convention of lSoS. other uian me exceptions maw . . ii . : by these gentlcujep. which, is rayopwi ion, tlife people' of North Carolina ttill people. The abolition of the county courts and he 'electiori'of 'counkT'nimission- ers by the people. . . . . There miv uc a considerable iortiou of our people, particularly in the Kast- em section of the state, who womu oe gUdtosee the power taken from the Kiistfrn nerrocs to elect Judges and election of JwfgeBis concerned, the remedy in easy, b ejecting JndgVB on a general iicaei, oui so iar an tuumj cnnijeianerwrre coiiteriea, i ao noi belle tkt tne w-hhc" people in the West arc willing to delegate to the Legialaturtilhcir right to elect magia lratvwhb shall elect county commi.s ajor??a,ftd our people generally are ell satiafied at beuu; rid of the cum- SrroOTntf eJEpensive old county court political Wundcj to call a convention. TiJa H70 the people of North Carolina toted the Conservative ticket. Not a mwd u laid About towtnt4ot driag' IWciLViAl Tbe1liUliWwaS!croh-i senrative by nearly two-ttnnis inajori ty. Taking advantage of its majority, notwithstanding the warnings of many of our yriest! leaders, a bill was passed mibmitlifig the qucftion of calling a convention to the people. It waa .de feated by more than 0,(K0 majority. But more than this, of the delegates lgctod,A maiorit, 1 baye boppiulorm W by a'lvcll postctf friend, were Ke raU)liqaps. , . . The people were angry with our party and charged y niany,liulitt? t,,:it wc toUld not have carried tho, clyction in 1870 if our purinwc had been avowed. It was regarded by many of the them as a fraud ti non theieoDl. Many ntcm- Icm of thc'Lcgislafure 1870, who voted for the bill, would never have been elected if their constituents nau been aware that tbey would havq done In 1872. it insured the defeat of Judge Merrinion for (Jovcrnor, and worse than this, the failure to carry contest lor the Presidency. rennsylvania, by the change of iU State election" from October, to Novem ber, is no longer the Keystone State. North Carolina 'has the doubtful honor of being the Keystone State m that controversy. h.very t tlort win oe made bv both narlies to carry the Sute. Require the poll tax to In; paid in advance and it will be by many from beyond the limits of the State. ICvory voter that can bo. induced to go to the polls will be carried, ther. And il North Carolina falters we will have fbur years more of Republican rule at Washington. The advocates of the convention in sist that although it may bemcxpedi ent hs a party measure, it is right iu it self. If inexpedient, it is because 'it is iiuiHipular. If unpopu'ar, il will fail. lure our part v. Ik-sides there is no inorai' ut-srio'l ofiirht or wrong in volved, and if inexpedient, it is joliti cnUyyvrutigi JU,-' deliberate judgment is,' that if this convention scheme is passed, that the Republicans who voted with us in August last will return to the Republican party, and many con sf rmtiTrs will, I fear accompany them. Political daring is soinctimca the Wat polKtbut to renew fan cxperi uient whicU luu already" provetl so dis astrous, wonld be. suicidal. DliriEi. J- Fowi.i:. AN ACT. 7uliV(rff ; the-, riyMi '. I Hitcd Start to roe in the Mnrn &ttr ff thi I'liinn. uml jor other k it rnactrif y thr Xtihite awl Ilin?t ff Krjjrrutirf of lie Unitnt STatrt of Amrriiti in 0nrrn iMWy, That all citiiens ot the I'nited States who are or shall W otherwise nualifled bylaw to vote at any election by the people, in any State Territory, district, county, city, parish, township, achool district, miinicipalitv. or other territorial sub division, shall W entitled ami allowed to vote at all such elections, without distinction ot race, color, or previous condition of servitude; any constitution, law. custom, usace or regulation of any Sute or Tarritvry, or by c under ifc aathority.to the contrary notwithstand- IDfi. 2. Aiit fmrthr -.irt, That if by or under the autbority of tbe con stitution or law of any State or the law of any Territory, any act is or hall W required to bv dne as a pre requisite or qualification fr voting.and hy such oostitution or laws persons or otBcers rt or shall be charged with ti?Prfirynaoco of duties in furnUhing to eillacna an opportunity to erform oueli prerequKMte, or lo oecoiue quan Ae4 to voio, it shall le the duty of every such person aul tA5eer to give to all citisem of the I'nited States the same and equal opportunity to perhrct such prerequisite, and to Uvomo qualidcd Ui vote without OistioctHa of race. cok-r or previous cooditioo of servitude: aad ifaay stxh persw or ofticer sbatt re fuso or kaowiolj omit lo cive full f feci U thia sevtsxv ho sbaU, for every soca offoacsv LsVt ami ray the sf livo baodreU dollar U) the erxw a rritfol therebv, to W recoscred bv an such ailowkm- k rouaWl frrVas tM court shall Wsa just, aod shAll al fo every owca ofoaeo W Wal vilty of i4aeasor. as shall, oo. csxtvic- Lsmi thereof W ftaed aoV W ihaa trve aadrr4M!ars,W W 4atne! a th asl a s-'Tc tka ooe year, or Wth. ft tW JiscVerf m of tho cuaul - t h - I Sfec.'A. JlrfHWsrKTVt tWsntf, by or ukdwt Us amWnty of the cooatit also or Law of any State, or tW tasrs ray TerritorT, ay( act is oe shall b? rrnoaa it I W Assw hr any eitiaosj no a yweqnsA to malify oe ontiU hint to vwewtWorroaTsch eilu U pet iocs tW act rrtiml to W as aajrrsasi shall, if it tail W W earned into oaccatMi by rosw mi tW wrooffai act or sxusioo Ajnii ol I ill iciu. nieiu nui u. ..i.v..v. n.v... , - - - " T .! ' ' 11 the person or officer charged with tho duly of receiving or ermitting such periorwianqa or offer to perform, or a;t ing tlieroon, be deemed and held as a performance in law of such act ; and the person so otrering and failing as aforesaid, and being otherwise quali fied, shall IkJ entitled to vote in the iin manner and to the same extent at fifhehadin fact' performed such act ; t i - . , ! .AnlA a nflifir nffi.0r of election whose duty it is or shall be to receive, count, certify, register, re port, or give effect to the vote of any such citizen who shaU wrongfully re fuse or omit to receive, count, certify, register, report or give effect to the vote of such citizen upon the presentation by him of his affidavit stating such offer and the time and place thereof, nd tbe name of tho officer or person whose duty it was to act thereon, and that he was wrongfully prevented by such person or officer from performing such act, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars to the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by an action on the case, with full costs, and such allow for ronnsel fees as the court shall deem just, and shall also for every such! otience be guilty of a misdemeanor, antra shall on conviction thereof, be fined noi? less than five hundred dollars, or be im prisoned not less than one month and not aiore than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted,. That it any person, by force, bribery, threats, intimidation, or other unlawful means, shall hinder, delay, prevent or obstruct, or shall combine and confederate with others to hinder, delay, prevent or ob struct any citizen from' doing any act required to be done to qualify' him to vote or from, voting at any election as aforesaid, such person shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars to the person ag grieved thereby, to be reovered by an action on the case, with full costs, and such allowance for counsel fees as the court shall deem just, and shall also for every such offence be guilty of a misde meanor, and shall, on conviction there of, be fined not less than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not less than one month and not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. ). Xndbc it further enacted, Thai if any person shall prevent, hinder' control or intimidate, or shall attempt to prevent, hinder, control or intimi date any person from exercising or in exercising the right otsullrage.to whom the right of suffrage is secured or guar anteed by the fifteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States, by means of bribery, threats, or threats of depriving such " person of employ ment or occupation, or of ejecting such person from rented house, lands or other property, or by threats of refus inir to renew lease-; or contracts lor la bor, or by threats of violence to himself or tamilv, such person so otieuuing shall be" deemed guilty of a misde meanor and shall, on conviction there of, be fined not less than five hundred dollar, or bo imprisoned not less than one month and not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. (.' And f- it fiirt h r enacted, That if two or more persons shall band or conspire together, or go in disguise up on the public highway, or iijon the premises of another, with intent to vio late any provision of this act, or to in jure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any citizen with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise and enjoyment of any right or privilege granted or se curctl.to him by. the Constitution or laws of the Cuited States, or because of his havingexercised the same, such per son shall be held guilty. of felony, and, on convictn thereof, shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, at Ihe discretion of of the court, the tinej not to exceei five thousand dollars, and the impris onment not to exceed ten years, and shall, moreover, be thereafter ineligible to, and disabled from holding any office or place of honor, profit or trust crea ted by the Constitu tion or laws of the United States. COMMERCIAL ' Keririf ,f the Wihninytttn M'irtet. Spirits TrnrKvnsE Receipts 91 caks. Sales of 100 casks at 29 cents per gallon fr Southern packages. Market firm. j:osis Receipts 497 bbls. Sales of ;ct bbls. Extra No. 1 or I, at fT.7o. Market quiet. CnrnK Ti'rpkn tin k Receipts bbls. Market quiet with sales of 200 bbls. at $1 l-" for hard, $2 for yello dip and So i" for virgin. larket quiet. T R Receipts 24 bbls. Sales of 2 1 bbls. rl,. Market firm Cotton Receipts 3 bales. Market nominal, with no sales to rert. Port of Witswtsg , July. MARIIfE. AKK1VKR Steamer Pixie, Jacob, Smith ville, Ott lnrlcy Co. Steamer " North State, lircen. Fay etteville. Williams A Morrhison. 8th r. Silver Sprav. Waar, 13 days from llelrasl. Mf. with .VI bslr hay. .M." lath, i;,0U bricks, to Worth Worth. CLEARER Stmr lhvir. Jacob. StwilhvilHr, O (J lVirlcy A Co, Stan;er North Siate, tlreen, Kay ettevilte. Williaass A toutthi. iWr. Iwantwe IUnJ..li-h. Parle, ilasn bury, J. K. U.bi A rlvar. K.XIXKTS. Ffei5W. lit H tit -Ger. raiite IiaB4if h, il -V I M If. Hi TV WnS.4 - tMrf ifv I wH M 9r TTaofVsrMl "' mi. MMraswna. FREE PKESllV'-- 1 twrBMt r lrTtDl, Mva- 'I lie r o u K K x r. a- a 1 atuJ..-. rMaai,g Rrrtkirv I . . M. I- f.WlH.li1i WEEKLY STATEMENT. ktcck of cxttox asd xaval stores. The following is the stock of Cotton and Naval ritorcs in yard and afloat at the Tort Wilmington N. C, aa Uken to-day July 26, 1875, by the Secretary of the Produce Ex- change, and compiled from the boolrs of the sanso : Cotton in yard, bales 407 afloat, 42-449 Spirits Turpi, la yard cbs. 6,557. it " G,557 Rosin in yard, bbls. 27,537 afloat, 30031.037 Crude Tnrpt. in yard, bbls 1,72 " afloat, 1,723 Tar in yard, bbls, 306 ' afloat, i(2-iS31 Statement ol Ihe Receipts Exports and Total fe'iipplyof Cotton and Naval Stores at and from thei Tort of Wil mington, N. C., for , the week ending July 26, 1875: RECKirTS Cotton. Spirits Turpentine, . Rosin, Crude Turpeatin-, Tar, EXPORTS Cotton, f 13 bales 3,290 casks ,643 bbls 1,289 casks ' 108 bbls 3 bales Spirits Turneatinc, Rosin, Crude Turpentine, Tar, 3,726, 16,017' 37S 408 casks bbls casks bbls Dog erdiiinnco For 1875 Office Treasurer & Collector. City of AVilmixoton, N. C, V June 13th, 1875. j OK Jf7..JlK- I uulres that t!ie mine Sliotil Id go intotf- feet June 1st. NOTICE IS HKKE11Y GIVEN, tbal all parties owning or keeping any Uogs, either male or female, tiro required to relter tlie same at this otllce, autl procure ttie required lidges- cyinmeiicliig MONDAY THE 14T11 INST., and for four ft) d:-s tlicreniUr. The Ordl nanee a so Tovll- , that Mirti persons who fui: townnp'y with tie aiovl roulriiifeii, i til ,., wl'l be KUtJect to a tunltj- of ten (Id) dol lars. T. ( SERVOSS, Juneistf ' tlry llerk ATrsari- FOR THE INFORMATION : -oEHi ii V IT 1 Ij i C MARSHAL'S OFFICE, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, April 14th, 1875. N' OKlKK lo cuablrf me to cleaiiFo the I city thorougnly. and with MlUlle dehiyjw possible. I bave dlvWet lte city into rour( Health lllr1ctw. with a health ollh era signed to duy In etich. THE FIRST DISTRICT, In eharge of Health OlTlcer J. II. !rowtj. embraces tnnl portion of the city north of Market and Knt ut Ft ah street. THE SECOND pIIffMl In charge of Health Officer f. C. Taylor, cm-bract- lhat portion of the eliy north of Mar ket and Wet of Firth street. THR THIRD DISTRICT, In charge of Iteallh OOltwr X. J. ItentotiJ embrace lhat portion of the city svuth of Market and eol of Fifth Mreeta. TUB FOURTH IITitItT. Iu charge tif HeaHh Orttccr F. 'Walcott, embraces tlut porHoo of the tlty fVmth of Market aod West of rmh Streefw. The IleaHhOffleew may be designated by the ye low rosette, and they arc infracted lo iniipvet anrrpt all ncl'nllnem to oy Offlce. 1 1 U hoped I b4 VM vt i"rit co-iperale with me In thla lmprn tant work, and begin tb needed cleaning without tar-tht-r dly. Any pen rojulrlag the vcrx Ice or a rVa ranger may report the fce to the Health omeerof too Mf Moo la wW 'he wtwk ti to be done, or at nr ooVo. and Ua? iattr shall have the protnptrt attenttw. Tra.ti eg no lurtlxr appeal too or goud CI ttara mr,t reOlTed, and thai oor Itty shall be a anode In nmin dprlbg the I to, vy aMll rVK tiy. J: n. noiusKi.v. City Marbal. I'low vf.ov cr.Mi8 Ar veratrd M iheir portly of fcwte. eie raat itvtgti afxl llMnmh itiaftrwilaa. !rwd gr raiwWwe. AOdrrw FIAKP rtxrrPt. W)toai. N J ;aiT WANTED.' NI K.4 11X, TO l l"wrt f mmttf aa4 r-tlb-J y cm VMI att mj " 1 e aukr more .- 7 l tat ttit I taan t ' t a tjf' Sat as. oil Oort4.- " Yoo rrtor yticiaws rrrrj -rd." "In ma taw ja pern sml. t4 nM U it arst ay." -fVSwraa rstcwtvW. a-4 rolaw 1 i w . Jy;4t kMUf -s4 to tntj flOm a CESiR Is aw HWKmG&&m9 MPaMTOT4 of rtxrrra, niiiii.. j , f Otffiie IbllowUiRf qwotoUotiB repreacnl Uiew bolero le j.ric peneraJly. In making up smalt orders higher price banc o bo oharsed,, ; , : ' - ' PRICKS. BAuu I NO ounny . ii JW. 00 13 17 II IS 18 15 It' 8 LouWe AnciMor-.. T!)1,-J. 1 Double A nehor "AT " Hundir uoiaeme- BACUN North UroinJ, Ham. ? ....... ...r o J Bhoalders, t - M Bides .. u. 12 Western BtuukeO Hams PH,2 Sides t Shoulders f..... ... Ury Salted ( . . . Sides V - ., - "J'JiW Shoolders : 1 ' BEEKOa the Xiorf.... . . o BARRELS-SPtrlU Turnentlnc, Second Hand, eHch......j a 80 W 3 00 iew York.oacb...; 5 U w City, each 2 oH , $ 2 ,5 BEESWAX P lb iT f BMCKo WllmiDetoo, ? 3 99 -I0 CO Northern , ... . , M BUTTER 'orth Carolina, lb. ar 30 , Northern, fi lb Uu. ' . 40 CANDIOvS Speviu t lb - & Tallow, V J Adamantine, J ff. 15 $ CHEESK Northern Factory. ' lmlry'eream.V r - 15 18 Stte,fil .- - - ? OOFFKKWavn, H ft. . Rio V lb 2? "Larnsra, .... 35 M T CORN MKAI-V hushel.i.-.. 1 ' t WTTONTIEB-V . - ,, IXMEsTtO Sheetlwg.l-JVyd 10 11 Yarn, bunch - 1 2S ( FISH Mackerel, No. 1, V bW.16 W w 00 No. l,pU bbK;.. . 'J M Mackerel. No. '2. Vbbl .....IS 50 & No. 2, A bbl....;..:; 7 W 0 Mackerel, No. 3 V bbl. , .1 1 0 - a 11 .50 MnlletsT f bbt - 5 50, 0 (W ' . N C Herring, V bbl BOO S 0 Dry Cod, t DbW- e 7J 0 FLOUR-FIne, bbj 3 50 ( 6 W Hnner. NortliiTU. V ooi o w i w Extra do. ? bhl... ,.J0 M 7 50 Family . , vhl. ... 7 5 (4 9 75 ... 8 50 City Mill Super bii . Extra V bbl......... 9 50 at 9 M Kaiuilv.W bbl...10 00 MlO 50 " Ex Family V bbl 12 ot SW 00 y FEKTIUafEItf ' " . Mkn Peruvian Ouano, V h ou (w w Baugh '6 Phosphate .00 00 wo I'arol ma t ertinzer Grow nd Bone, . Boue Meal -I " Flour. Navassa Uunno, . ' Complete Maunru ' . Whaun's l'lio-spliatc" Wnndo Itiosphntc, ' BergerABrulz s Klios. riunulx, "....."iO 00 (& 90 "....00 (10 (o'tO 00 "..l0 00 If la 00 ' 00 00 :o7 00 0.5.IIM cuttf 00 "...5 oo f-uflT m " 0 Ol) i70 00 00 00 fr"70 00 :1 (JO 00 U) 00 ; 00 W W : lated-Oaano tK 00 oi.uti-vm ; 15 M O RAIN Corn, sUre. V- 1 J, 1 rVirn nro ."iG ltS 00 (f OU Corn, ypl.,0- ftoshcl.... ' tic 1 15 0 OJ (hits, llHl.. l'eac, cow, V huMie I illDW-Urteu,- V Dry. t..j..L.w...-.,....u. 11 A V latter n, V ! Bs North KKor, V l(K lbs IKMJl" IlttlN V ton IjA 1 CD North ta V ).-. North Carolina y I 1,1 ME V bbl LUMBER City sU-nni sawed 1 j 07 (it 8 Uin 11 t l i 1 ."iO 1 20 rt 1 2" 11? 0 eM170 ,,J fft 17 ". 00 ( 1)0 . 1 55 (3 Ship stutr, resawed. V M ft 1- 00 Kough edge pl:i"k, d M tl. .22 00 West India ori;o, aooordln 21 (10 dtZi 00 (T2.) 00 to qiialHy. o M " ' - w fl.u.i-ili.r v..iiiIi.mI INI (Hi Scantling and boards, com mon, V M R 3 MOI.ASSKS Cuba, una f'gHl. W fi Cubn, bbls, t Kal J- H- gar house, hhds, ? ki 'M tni ' LblnVgal 40 (M UI Syrnp. bbls, jjal 40 r X NMliS Cut, Id to avi.-fi ke.. 1 7 ( 5 V) OILS Kerosene, y Riil IR 00 Imt4. VKali..- ' 10 ( 1 -M LlnsecJ, V 1 U) ( 1 10. lb)Mn, i gal I'KANU'TS 1 ImikIicU lt)TAT( F. Sweet, t bush 9i 10 Ul (4 2 Hi v 1 00 i hi 3 50 Irish, Northern. V bid NOTinerii, city mesii,. (Ml (Kl (tr'Zt ) IThlu. V bbl ITime, Y tbl Kuinp, V bW. ......'...: RICE Carol 1 n ai f it" I jist ludia. 0 llougli, V bushel R A OH Country, lb jL'lty V lb.. - rfirfc- HALT-.luni V bushel. i. J HI IW lallO 00 ill INI (a 111 00 00 00 (nOO t 0 W B HI (v 00 1 'Jo Hi J (i ot Zt 7S W rt Liverpool, sacs... .. i ai o ou American. sftck. 125 B rican Hl'OAR Cuba, V l'orUlo, ? B A Codec, V lb - B v lb.... C - f lb ExC V Crushod V lb .f ... SOAP Northern, S1IINUI.KS Coulraev.V M Common, T t....-. . .. 10 () 00 I0t ... 12 11 V1 11 A . Il-'i" lo!-s 5 V T1 .. I 0 (.t ft 00 4 M 3 00 ... 6 ... M fc Ol in,r, k ...IU OJ frbOU uo .AS 00 CrllO 00 M 17 UO 4J lit ...I". 00 W.II 00 'h :) io on TCypress saps ' - ("vm-ess huart. V M STAVES W t bbl. W M. ROhhd. V E.. Cj-press. V M ALIvOW I M IiER-Skipping, W M.. Mill .prime, y M... Mill, fair V M Inferior to Ordinary, ti M ... t SO WHISKEY Northern, f kuJ. , jui North Carolina. gal-.. , 1 T" 6 S 50 WOOii-Oninxtwl, V k.... .. 20 Unwashed. .-... .. 5 RATES OF FREIGHT. rer Sail- iPt-r MfmHlng V( IM'l. 'o NW tih- Crude Tuncutluc V bbl'n IV (Mm iik o A) Tar 1 bbl seta TunenUae V lM. K. iiil Ti Ilosln V bbl . . Hi iw imi tiiih Vi OHton r5bte I"ean onagoao J.-.'i.'oaass uoi u if To PiiiLXiaJlii a 1 tude TurreuUac ulrt Tar V bbl Tu ntlncVbbl Ntnk onw o 0 Rosin y bbl pukmm O M otUn ? lale .-I"! i'uij wts 2 U0 CMUMi Oonda V bale W.iw, or J T4 l-muU y bushn . ii lii tiiifc IS Lumber V M mtM u(luu so To BALtnuir j I Crode Turpeatlne V bblns o p itv, t u Tar bbl 0 J S (IW 0 Si 1 liti M V as 0 mw 0 t'J Spta Turpentine vbbl.MOf 0 0 Ti Roatnvbbl fuw 0 o OH Ion w bale. 2 1 - vo uU buliel .. in Oil UN w go (mle Tnrrenlino lUMin ytbl- , IMIM hale. .., lOtWMK Oct! -Mt ots IVauinU Vi bttabl Lumber r M - kicifc, omi 11 jmmu HOffEY OARKET. tirarox.NC.A,.U! at iiwu. mtiXiu toid .. : ww ut Stiver ... ..tui M KxcHaJigv algnt oo Nartteers cttlra . ...... . . '.oJfcdwc KcNogr Wdaytua NocLtem etw u . oM f V"l KwiliMg. fwak tW N'f lUaowtHtoa. . 3 9 Mm NaUewutJ !W )"W Wllainfttw ItwtMtag MAtt.. a Mntaetn' - to M ts k ! . n I " urn .n in ?rw rt taa ftial T ' . ' . . ... SO l kiNu awiitn-il . sf V a U tin Si T W IM64 ItlM C . H K IU I . m m 30 f ilatKfW t,tly mcmt;fw ,jm T Sv wt . m - -i t taw Hn M tnrti fte rta4 Imi . , . a a it K t rw am as 3 ft av - t - " u I- " jr., 0 TO S 14 .N j4 f-,' ltAM4 ra Ca Jlta i Uw wr. aw4 -t im ! s tar CVaCwa t wt M atja-H WHOLESALE PRICES. BROCKS' EXCHANGE. No. 13 NORTH FRONT STREET, 1 Door Sonlii of Pnrcell House. , rHB FINEST WINKS, LIQUORS, CI OARS and LAUER BEER In Ibeclly. A pleasant BrillUrd Room, furnished with Cullender's, tables ob the second floor OPEK DAT ABD NIGHT. W. II. G Ell KEN, Proprietor. apr 30 tf Qiiaranfiiie JVoticc. TTNTIL FURTHER SOTICE, sll votmIs U from Ports South of Cape Ktor, will come to st Uie Visiting ftulton near Deep Water Point, and await the Inspection cf txe QuaraBtine fhysicUn. All vessel from Port' where Yellow Fe ver or other infections disease exists, will be required to undergo a rigid and pro longed qnaraatlne. AU vessels or boats or any character hav ing: sickness on board.on arrival, or bavin); bad sicknwi air time during t. e vojsge. are required to come to at the station for in spection,) without repsrd to the port from whence they o no. Vessels not Included as above will proceed, without detention. Pilots are ospclalHr enioiued to make carefnl enquiry, relative to vessel, cicw, Ac ,and if not satisfied with the statement of tbe Captain or Commander, or ft the vessel is la a lilt by condition,! hey will bring tbe vessel to at the Station for forth r ciaui ination. , , Pilots willluJIy violalln; the Quarantine laws are subject to forfeiture or their branches; Masters of vessels to a fine l tao hundred dollars a day for every Oay they violate the Quarantine laws, and sll other persona liable lor ccb and every ollcuee.. All vessels subject to visitation under these regulations will set flag in the lusiu rigginic, iort side. , K.'W. lUTTEIt, - tuaranl1ne l'hysleluu Port ol WHiuImk ton, N. C. Smithvilhs N. C. Mny i7th, !Tti. June I t KI . Moss Waiuad. 1 0.4)00 I'OT.NDS i CURED MlJSS. A gool.prlce will be luld, hy !' 1. A. SMITH. juljl-f 1y IS 1'LKNTl Kl'K AND CHEAT AT THE II k W 1 C K J IO l 1 i6 K. Dock si, bet wt-eif Water and Front st. NV'llinincloii. N. C. Ii. H. J. A II It ENS. tl.y 112111 Pioprletor. IfI.EN"S il yoh .wish otiyiblng l' the .1 EWEI.lt Y LINK. WATCHES, CrKKS, HINt... t ol- - ki: i tl. lUtACELKl, At i . Ai. nmy v I tl Office of dly Clerk & Treasurer, CTlY OF VII,MINt;iN, X. f., June I'itli, 17'. ) t AN ORDINANCE lONCKUNINt! CiiWS AND IITIIKK l AlA'LK running nl Urg Mr. it uap.iNi'. Hy tbe lUtar.loi AUlri. men of the City of Wilmington. N. C-. a folio wit; SkiTWS ItJ. That an v . tir ol In t A 1 Tl.luf AV klMt, lotlllil JUIllllnj;' nl l.irgr. wlthTii the cororal limit of this ij h.il v luipoundr.l by the Cily ln.ltl and the ow ucr leijutrwl fle Tr . lo'dollnr beAtre Ihe umt Kliall lx- irl wl I i ir. 3l. Any otdliuucc or lrt lbert con ft mI tog Uerr with, are hrrrbjr reprait-tl. I fbe alKiv ondi iun t ahnt-l ) lit Itoard of Aldrmx-ti on Ibr 7 lib day ol Jutf K-mMi will an Into ctfow-l, tm mtd alttr Muuday June Nh K'S. T. t . .I.HVt-. t ilj Clerk A Timnm Isptrtul Ii Owim Dcii. f'KHi OK TUK .Ulf UKM .t. T U . tvr - WjLi t ! ia MASV rrwti o a-44 $t b a I Hi Rtl!tM-fc. M lkrlt brrr r . Uuu like Prnall) of 10 Dollara K n4 ptuvHiflW injrtl"i t-l- til. Will few m4 t I TitUEMiiY tin: nni is-r la mjka s, k4m Uiowt ow wm wf.aia ! i mil. wjhiJ bKUSfwj ia .wr fcj iim ti jm : " , ar jiaoio t Uw aw. T: . RJtVVoov waO TO a l i - w a saw JMt. Swav a u a. . A'E)V A I VKU TJSEMt'yfK The Jo&Z STRICTLY A REPUBLICAN PAPER leoted to The Great l'rinnplos of Ihe N tional Kepublican Party. Iu Mcnlin e wllh the 1HILAIM l.rill.V I LA I HUCM. Indf rnden( a Iu Mra, Bit Ntt as lo Parly, And will .lili .lie ' Mil- cxcislwe l'lllotf hiu kboiie on the it I ol the men wbn rUlm to heWitii; to N.int pal I . II will be d t lo e ..liik 1 lill..!i whetevi I lotilid. mJ.ilM .unl .H paltu It will 'I. in. I up l f Itlf l.Hl l."M- i.( N01II1 ( mmiIIiiii. hi. l im ij ni.tii who ln ilert. the 1 1. N0KI1 Male m III 1 oiiOilrfeJ bet enemy We Kh.ll I loin li.tlt.1- . Hi (l.t 1 It., t.f Nt.ith l .tiolliiw In rmouUkf lntitil.iiin x 1; .s in: i' 11 1 n 1; . 1 . :.! i . 4I, .lUllll IPJ KllriB "NfH . 1 .1 i 1 1 - A- A -tnt . v-i' .. ..,' '(.- CeBrf.il 81 Mirmf Krport m. r- f tag VI r aWit. j Mm t wlt Mi Ta a JrtcnitiK Fns, Fcr'liua. I L . U I SS K LI.. 1 ltil lit V ,t lt. IkalMmtU t. 0TfeJHX II M HI It! Jit sw. frj tl i. A. ;moii 1 i 4 T-

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