J - & ' ' ' I r ' , ' ( ... . . .1 . ": ' .V" 1 ' , . ,.' " ' ' . ''' ' ' " , . : J ; '. . lllfiiiliiil V mm 'ti. i i" I : at. 'id'1 ' ' 1 i NUMBER M .1 MK VI. WILMINGTON, NOirr.H CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, J 1L Y v '2S, '1875. Single Copies 10 Onts. l .jLMIHiTON POST ADVER-- tlit-ic rirtuoiu pacr-i U apparent U TIDING RATES. -x - :' :': - H H 1 -;, i - -? , - h :- ; - 1 I- J- V I 1 ' - r. t i t rr I 1 1 . - i i . . . - - ill i r. ..I: VI : I ' i 1 !ii I i..r a "II,MI li tX ! 1 1 - V. I . f 1 1 - Ill i li t i n I ; I -; i- i.i I I'uti- in 1 1 I HI ill '.I l"i - in . -Ii- ill In: V i . -xi i m. hn .. N . r. :i i i i to I II I W II. i . t ' ' " I X'l .11 t .i hi in m i l i- in ul.iti I lli' i -t ! .mv '.ip. i in PKMii IC A Til' l-IM I 1 xv I i:. . ... . : i. i . ! i in i I i ! irciL i i , i, hi u ! ii h i . '. 1 1 . i ii in I ui in- in. I .il ( iii'l - i" hi w , i 1 Ii. in. n I ! I - Ins in -: m( Vv V.. m' i Ki j l!!i; .ill I ii k t t .-I u . (,. .., I'l u ..i -. !i III '. Ii . ! n -iii. i. t -. t Vnwu-l ij' " .ImiiiL-tmi, iiinl .ii : ;;; I i ::u il.iliu It t 'i i j i i ! i i.niim'ii! :i f v I II. I , l!l II.IX'I ,i ts ! : -. I; i i: -! lie, .ilnl lit V i lii.t il- mot r.it li l i In .1' -I T : I 111 i - H i l i t i! : t tin: t'y i!.;-ii;,i the .:. m -a '1 ii ki t, i'x- w ii . I I t 1 1 :i a in t li.it -i lillrinaii In I'.run-wiiL i . - lii I. .it it u! I v .. .. i M ; r.il Y.i.li c l.ll-l ! i : ' .'Til I . .1 I.l, n I. U'l I, i 'in . ;! - -.i . i ! I In xx .1 x .- -( l!u- l":l-t . mi! .. l-! . . ;uu i I' "n .III. I .-. . i : i: i. i:l i ; i - 1 II iV. i :!i- I .i-t it-i- ,i!;ki'. H um, I;;'l l-i. r :. t!..- I.-.J.-ili n x liii'ii (lie :ilr lliulilill . niit-nlo iu- All and niif ' iung ill .j!xx .ix - I'll x ail x lu ll i llll- !l - tv-f....,li-.- .111 i!Kl.llH"l' 'X, in ;. !,, ,y iiin:il.i-. Will till' t n nmi tli i . rjuiin-, il'i- iryinir r'n." II.,- ..j !. .. tin i;.i-i , auiii-t h 'l t u ni - Ki . l li y .r" l'uxx i r!i--i. in - il ,1: hi i. Mi. i.- aii.U i.llln- :i i' W Ii j!,, Crt i-O .1. It t.. tin ' llii; . t -1 i!.-.i;i..:.li.l imxv, 11 -iik- xx. t!i i,-..i.i. It i-i liax v no 'U'lh, r Ii ! in I.:,- Iii'iii,. Hi, ,l..,ir i- IM1! Ii.ix i- !. ( ;i i '.'-i !, xx ill Iiaxi' cui:u- t ,.:t'ii In t!ic I ! I i . r t i)t .i- x HI M-i'iiri- ! li t lv i-l 'l-lii, r.ui.v '' -11 !l -r, f l IM .,-. N.'W ...... III." i N i t.i. k i i K-ii. .-r k. I V ! Ill XI I'J 1 t '.'iiMi;i.;i..:i. ii.i ; i- !.i xx i" . a i!i in. i .it 'll lir.!tl-ln-i! I I . Ill tl lit til i". a- .!i- i . x . .i:i l .liiiti- .i t I In Kill IKl ll '1 tin i 'till l l. Ill) C . .Ill 1 ' -I'-in.t , , i 1, ! ' ' III - III! V -: lii l!:, -'l. It. Itirju.ili. II in m . Il.i ' In "i rn , K.ax.- an I I'uil.o Max... t t ti 1 1 i . ,Mml ! ii k l.-r 1 1 V. mi : lt1ict Ki. i -. tx Krxi uui i-tlivvr. il! ..nil .1'u in ..r l- iii'imi.itol tin i '..ix . 'itl -II li.itxi ;tli-t.lllillll Iil'.-xi". llii uil'i.il ,.iiu in t!il "BIT. Ill V.im il il i. i'i.' i.iir .' '.v. akrtiMinlv Mar lia-l allit 1 . ! t I' tW tit kit ft ii.'.T.'. ii li luiir KiLa jti'l l. in - -, rrn T'-t t'tl- "ti-.n In ki t hi I'fixf.i, r.:,.ii'h the I ' I'AIlt all. l uc .jimrnni Iaii.s on Us out, rlunt , malic kneex, clxps its handi in ah i aony of pray rr, and ca!U avral l?c , not chiriyly on iue est ,, t I chilli: to iu neue. The ! iiulnx-ili-s larc vcrlcs3. TIk-v cannot help thi-iinflvc-i. Their salvation ie in other hands. If. they arc disappointed I they .iuk in dkspair. No further hope ' in the future. The door of deliverance fa-t tin d. 117 theWe.-ti be d,eafk tiieir cry? lXint every Inxly kupw. tluit all this xxLcpinand wailing and giiash iiiwf tix-tli ; all theoe frantic apjea!s ir help is based on the f;ct that of the f.iiileiNi candidates f'r the ollices en umerated in the JttvrnvVii bill of I'linplaiiit, eiirht are nrxroe? And .Imtt it aj-pear also that the ollices afore .-.aid are fjr Juitice-i of the Tcace, (Viji .t'ble, Tovus!iip Clerk and School t'oiiiinilU-'eiiien of the IViwiiship of New I '.erne .' 1 ' Vhv certain I v the whole Went will at i on-.-e rti-h to arms and resctlc Newbern Irnin the hand of the ruthless foe. And tin 11 the supreme impudence of the lilu;.y Iri-.hiu.in, McCartney, wanting to hold the hirh and ini j-ortaii t poM- ti !t oi luwnsiiip c lerK : ana lie an '(', lull, ivlii-n it is well known that Maj. Kiij!chard don't want oUntt to nave any thiiiir to ilo in tue inaiia-re- iim nt of our domestic ajfaiis. Certaiuly the W'c-jt xxon't s?tand tpiietly by, a.jta tioiiary as one of its own grand mountain-, and mc an Irishman be made a Tow n-hip I'U rk. Yc(iola! The out ra :e ri-mmilted on "mir ffyt " by these K i l i- uiibi arable, and it the e-t d tut "hurry to the help of the imbe ri!e -, ali xx ill be lost. I'.tiL what is the Vtsl piii'' to do al.oiit the char-res priTirid by the 1'ianklin Vnnrit r .' I hi'v must either set llm! p.ipvr dox it .is a nlo.t ilelictable liarjor it will have t- I '.iue to the same conclusion about the ." -iff. Th y ceitaiuly dont Ulh t.ll tin tiulh, and the Journal only mi -n'.ioiis in its painful complaint the hanlliips sutl'eritl in two oirw.iij: in the K;:st. xxhile the thin it r com Cj to tlicl front and complaiu- that the. i ; is eoinpli tely noveiI timkr in five coun ties xx herein they have very large ma- j.i ities, aye, that they are completely iuuoril in (he iioin i nat ions lor Con vention, ami tli.it even New Ilaiio vcr. the county xxlurein the Jimnnil li.i-s.iiil a pain'ul"e.i-teiice, has only one ncjri'o, and two ediicaled, intilli jeiit and tisjictable white mcii ! To'J bad! two bad .V docs the Juurnul waul the II V to funic forward a'ld kick these white men out ol these six counties of the Kast ? It. complains that the negroes nionoH)lj.e the cilice-, and the, Omiff givesj die nanu s of vh 'itr men who arc the Re publican candidates. locs the Ciirirr lie? or doe- it comedown to the poin that the Jouiii'il wants the West c nie to the l!.it and kick cut the choice of the people because thev are liYpubliean-. rather ill in because they rr i, ( neirroes ? W ill the Jitm-mif rise to explain .' Will not the West think that the . - - if h.m raitil the cry f AV6lr Woll jusj a ( tint often? And wont thev be peilVctlv willing to alloxv the K.i-t t maiia;. its own atrirs xxithoiit any interfe ence Ironi them ? Wlit-u the Republican party obtained coutrol ol the -outlierri States, at the close ol the xvar, there were many tlimu- t K- !oiQ (ti repair thu damage ofitxil -tiifti rablio. faisti'ttitiots of all kind- had -one di-ray, and there xva- a Mt-r.iI demand for the out lav of money to re c-t.ibli-.li their elliciency l ci uie, the IVmiKTatie party, rr- -M.ii-ible for l!ie war. km Lw rivjum- sihle lor tin iuvesUv of this out lax; but a- the appropriations of money for it were made by Kepuhlican jlejrtd.f Uirev the IVm.HT.its now cry aloud that Ka Itcal cxtravacanee has bitn the rum of the uth. AVy.A.Vrrn. Cri V JTEM8. CO HANDS WANTED lo cut wood. I w4?l give regular cm pl)yment to the above number of goxxl working wen, for the next six month.). It. , . W. V. Uaxapat. Lxvish to purchase a good milk Cow. l'ersons wishing to sell will please apply to Robert Kennedy, office of The Wu.Mixu rox Pusr. shock iug EuglLsh into our column, we 1 enjoy the inestimable privilecres of that malcontents and demarromies r cannot better portray in a striking j which lucy themselves had been dc- the greatest evil in a government. The manner tue character ol tbe mte League than by publishing ittst auch communications verbatim. If ignorance is the parerttpf crime, this fellow ought to have an away of villainies credited to his account a iong as tut tring of scalps at the bell of a Sioux warrior. Jnfcr-Cktan. . . j s prived. And by. the most heroic self- sacrifice, with" the aid of Northern so cieties most of the colored children in thisittate have enjoyed the advantages of j oommon-school education, and mapy have graduated from Eastern and Western colleges.- insuiuiions oi a nign graae, ior coi Rain Is very much needed. The. weather is moot loo warm to. Comfortable. be taius to the .sea But, unfortunately for the Suite, there is a'tkiss of men who STILL MOCRN OVKK THE "LO.ST (AVSE1, The fish market was very well sup plied yesterd;iy. There was no se-i-ion (!ourt veslerdav. of the City The Vlckaburjf Oulrso. When the Confederate Democrats f Mcksburg turned out to break up Tt Fourth of July meeting and kill the Bjxcakers, they intended to vaetly re duce the Republican riajorlty in their and sigh for those "good old days" when State, and render good serriee to the t,ie sl-vc kneeled at his master's feet. , i.t.i i i Lone years of domination have warped party in which their gunners have been tnnw nf xho mt nnr, A enrolled. So far as party fame u con- c"anriot be conteht to remain on a foot cerned they gained nothing, for the ing of equality with 'their fetlow-citi-I).MnMT!iirt nnnprssimnlv noil nnnroval Wns. They Ulllsthave homebody to l j 4 . .1 r i I look down upon. Instead of accepting and do not mention the names of the j - , , i r -.i . ,! . I in good faith the inevitable logic of murucrcrs. now nicy expect o K- t event?: ftistead of going to work to de- ofllce without favorable mention is a I velop the immense internal resources of mystery. Beyond the garbled telegram the &tatc, they spend their time in sent by the Associated Tro agent, the "?f!n.a -i fUd a'lU - . . - miaiiiaiiageiiieui, ianx.ing iiuuui, iue ew Orleans papers, thonc iu favor of inferioritjr of the "nigger," and in pro a white man's party, did not mention testing that negro sultrage is thefourcc thcjtflair, which is most discouraging a" their woes. So quiet and inac to the color liners of Vicksburg. The Ultst: oio me ar .n ,,.., , their State acquired the not enviable I-rauklin &un docs not even give them titlc of ..geepv Hollow," but since the the credit of breaking up an offensive j manhood of the negro has been recog oreil vonth lift their heAils mid Rnrrnd their benigp iuflueace of intelligence 1 aml Iixnj's linc"t?hat iiegro-suflrajre is, oyer tnc wuoie SUlo lrom tne inoun- anure, aim mat im wiuuig to join real cause of all these Democratic move ments is that the i v fcOCTIIERX DEMOCRAT HAS Ht-rKX Dri- OK i -ei-:d ' by fho successes of the Democratic" i,.i-ii. ;., iiL r...c.. . .1 i They take this as an aduiiWion ou the 1 -MO.000.000 A&iCtii. Keprotltetl. XK U' AD I 'ICR TJSKMKS' 7X INSffRANCB AGENCY JNO. W. OORPON. Don't fail to go aud see I bei t Lm- mett next Ii'iiday night. The idea of walking through the streets for a half day, looking for an item and then not finding one, this .1 : . i: J xxar.ii w eauier is 100 u.scou raging. ; - , .:.. ... .,., ...... ;hat ... I. .a ...... I... A. a ... . I . I . I . . I n. 1 1 1 1 I - ..... - . i iu iiii; iuiui jiiiv' ii i iijuuiu. x m. i Would it not be advisable for the city autlioriliesi fo I axe the Market House washed out once or twice a I celebration of American independence, nized they have become restless, and i. .i u .i ...i. r. .1 i I . . ... ... .i- Il fn llm rii.linini' lull I lev "t'n nlinnt wc(!n : x iniiiK il w on hi There xvill be an excursioif toS'mith- ville and the Black I'Lli (irouuds on August the 3rd .given under the auspices of Hie CaKi tear Light Artillery. . I l : I. ii.. ... : i: .. .i- ... i . and makes the Monday following the ,,k lu . . "I wont 1 fur tv wiiii t liv ni'iv iln-ni)r 9 mii! , . . . ll-'l..MJ.lil..HtiI "Oil I V V V . HUH 1-ourtli olJuly come ou tne sixtu him., jcvisiIIir ,m.arH whereby thev may do and calls the assembly tireu into a ne- it constitutionally. M . 1 1 ... gro meeting. men carelessness amounts to an insult of chivalry. The SmC& account is most ingenious, and Ma;stkati: t't'rnr. Ik fore T. M. xvo give it as showing Jiow a fiendish (Sardner, J. I'. State r-. Johanna Tay- outrage can soothingly be made to read or, h;r as.,auls aiuj balteiy upon Kli.a pleasantly mid agreeable : lane Davi.s. J uiIltiih nt . io and cot-ts. There w as a disturbance at a ncirro ' I . ... . II .. I I. (...! Committed to j til in default of the meeting at tue couri nousc on Jionuay imrneu ior xviu nea ami nieu xieie uueo lasl, l UC SlAHl llisi.llll, iiiii;ii j;iiii uui l ior M'.miij iuvh Hilts on uuu.i. of a dilliculty between two white men, It .stultified itself by entertaining a one of whom was dangerously woiin- foolish resolution calling upon the ded. A pistol was then drawn by Leu whites of the tState to leave the Rtpub- Mlen. a colored politician, lie was Jican party, because of the passage ol knocked down at once, by the Whites the "civil, rights bill," which they dc- nd severely beaten. Soon alter this a clared would establish social equality i'ktI.i ni'i ii m il l.. tr..pn : 11e10.11 anil :i I lii.iv.i .(ii Ilie two races. It shoxved its f o i.:.. whiti. iii.iii in which the ncirro's skull utter disrcirard of the ritrhts of the cob was broken. A shot was then fired ored man by giving to Kaleigh, Wil into the crowd by a negro, riding past mingtou and Nexv Berne charters which J same. l-'oi ti e l'oi-t. a v.n i:, ( .or xi v, I''i:K ToWNnlllf, July -'1, Kso. Ml.s.-i.... I'.iniui:-:,-tur. regular can vavs openeil to day in this Township )ur Keptiblh an standard bearers were hi hand and com rid jthcm-clves with a i,act. which was returned by the virtually disfranchised him, and which irlorv. Tliearjruiiieiit.i ol Mr. l ancloth whites. During the melee two negroes it knew to be in violation oi iue nation- -1 - I i.. ... I...I 1 . i . .....: I iv7i l. were kiiieit ana oue seriously wouuueu. i ui nun f-taie consinuiious. m i.i i mi; Kvervthinc was iuet on the following people, by a maiority u ten tuousami, day, Tuesday. voted duvn,the jroposilion to hive a 1 he last sentence is very neat and convention, iine ot tne leading slales- assuring. " Everything , was quiet on men iu the Democratic parly opiosecl the following dav, luesday. ' Jnes- any chanre in the constitution then, day is spelled in a comical maimer to and thev oppose ii now, though they draw attention from the laet that txxo fear to eive ei res-u.ii to tl.t ir vmvs 1 1 eir roes were killed.'' Kreoueiit i -Iran sic- in the fundamental The Mireveport 'Jim- also makes a law, like frequent revolution-, arc inju- lauvdiable affair of the trajicdv, and rious to u State: I" allow ns:tisfied gives the following account in its best spirits to tamper with the guarantees vein of humor: of a people s lilei ty is niways proiiuc- The New Orlears Rkpi ih.h an, and live of untold evil. Nevertheless, by nating Hawkins or his crowd so much other ladical papers, with a Miigulur an unsparing application of the party 6( the Slate money1 without any roni,l- deficiency of enterprise in the Woody whip, a bill w as passed calling a In. miiilit liiiv li nn frriis!itili "'- iiiii:, iiaiu imim .: I. . I A COXVF.NTlON K,( ll.M.K IVX- in di i:i? s much into nonsense. Mr. hands with the Southern whites in op position to national legislation for the negro s protection." , . Wo have confidence in the libeity loving people of the North that such is not the case ; and we think that the South will bud that though the North is w illing' to fill up the bloody chasm, it will not oe trampled upon and debase its own manhood by filling it up with the loat-sight of long oppressed and long suffering race. The dormant malice of the Southern Democrat has been aroused by the pass age of the 'civil rights bill," and he only needs an expression of 'Northern sentiment in his favor to break out in open and violent opposition to the en forcement of any and all the laws guaranteeing to the negro "equality be fore the law." The South fears the North to-day as much as it did in lbOo. Jet the North but acquiesce in the movement among the Democrats in the South, and in a few years the negro will have "no rights which a white man is bound to respect LIEr.KTY TO CONTROL AS IT ILEASE! its own affairs, without interference on the part of the orth,'is what the South means by reconciliation. hi the whole, it was theL As we said in the beginning of this body that ever sat in the4 article, their hostility to I he colored man is confined to, for. the most part, the Democratic leaders aud those w hom they stir up by an insane prating ou social equality and the demagogue appeal to th? lowest passion. If the "poor white", man could only be made to understand that the men 'who thus address him are not his real friends; that the ner;; is the white man's infe rior only in opportunities; that he was as much benefitted by the results nf the war as the negro, and that every joor man's interest is one and the same, the davs of the fire-eaters would be num bered, and fbc South would bloom as the fairest garden on the globe. ivcspectfully, Chas. N. Oily. This class had control of the last Legislature. On the whole, it was the most ignorant Capitol. It EXPKM.KP A .MAN IKo.M II IS SK AT for his religion- belief thus carrying back the State to. the time in the history f this cmintrv when women were were' no. m-x. i .. Me, and his opponent Mr. lb-rich, M, did not attempt it. Vfter a veiy enjoyable debate to us, be tween the cardidale-, owe Maae, a son of Win. T., came forward and made one ol his cbar.nTM ist ic !a ks, which was 'a niedlv of prot.:u.ty and black iMuriii.-ni, hurled at Republican-, and especially at ll.f ll .n. 1. .1. IVf- :i If he had ju.-t expbiiiud his vote in the last Leg islature and given some .reason for do- ii f-n. i"tni- .n'lii.-t i he entire 111 ie Lilt U .uli- r- lir t " Jt r ii-..u..- titvhatsi n VI, -'' 4k. HAMlllI M.UIIV ''.'rt. Neu lliiii'ltl niAin- 1 r.tn.l ...... .! . . ...... I " ...' -f It U OK flitA- and li K. atKi .Manning. t!e while part v l.n made alnut out ff lU u-ft. aiul i i loin bke a lt itanv ' all lL.- .la.il, I bi-Uiu-ll .- t:tx makes o"! xi,ii-f f r lh-V Milj .-,r . ll..- I.. Llr (,J -rn titrrv re o maay f ;' nc to ti'd the otfioe. rtJ daKicriu ar a Wig way t 'rf irv i. 11 .1 .i . V . . ' I ll r who IV RWkU patty." iw te At lli re i a lie itl aat the iTcoo.tteiKy mi " I he ipirit of know-oothingisBt i- Ik-im rev i vol by iho Radical party. ; and as it eminateU -ftiii the official or i: in ol tin lUdicaV artr the- W sii- inisihx t. ii Kixiri.K outsiders niul Ulieve that it will he a ski plank in their iK-at prrsidential platform.' (Vnin'on tia.) Ihtify TV. Now if the fiji will imlicAte the article in the CiiKOXH i.r which" au ihortil it to make the aUve state ment, we shall lobliTU tw ifw 1U erwiM. we shall N compelled to say. that it has nianufacturtvl a faWhood Htt of. whole cloth. llaTiBfC OO h. Uuly to forriners, the "spirit of know -nothingisni " ciahl no4 harr CwvaniUsl ; trMu our co.umnv Standing on the tiuctritM of the equality of all men bc- !forv the Law, ami rtxogaiainx ta ribl of every ruisrn to cnoTt ad exercis-9 the privileges wfcich the Law coutcru v im tuttrx fanw the prescription of ut rxrririi-lsf n oumw by any pur tkm ,f our pcopff , j w do tK aM tewtpt of the late rrtxls to uVr-rUe the cvlTTd pciHU of th iew rctit coo frrixxl upon then by the CVatitattov ( ntff, b Oum tay no twaa H rdcu ltm in th character whkla nature iw teoded him Ui repcocnt. COX VEX TION T, CHAXi.E STITCTIOX. The present constitution wasadopttd in 181'iS. It is an embodinient of the best features in the Northvrn constitu tions, and is, without doubt, the best instrument of the kiud their State ever w; II' .1 It ViCM KM KNTS. Pay Your City Taxes. I HUT Ok TltF4S-KK AMI . I'nl I.l'l ToK. I i irv in- imiM'iiv, N. I',, v Jlllv .Till. 1-7, J MKi i rv tax iiiiuks roii is;-, ii. vy ing 1.i-ii rii-i-ivitl nl this .illi.- tin- in,. l. iUli.il . iH.w iMi'imcl to ruilcrt Ilip "lly Tnxp-i on Meal K-lai iml I'rr-ii.h! rrnM riy lor ls.-j. -M-I I'AllTll'.s :r Hi, red. ir UnliMtHl niiU reipiesli l lo'mrr Hum nnit-r ltiim. illi.1. at ti'iitloti. ami tuf i'liil liHK t.Ilifo uiitl up" xxplioul furllii r dflux . "IRE INefRAXCE CoMPAMls . Llverool ii London ft Globe, England. I i Hamburg Bremen, (fcrniany. Mobile Underwriters, Mobile. Virgiuia Firi ami Marine, RioLnind. City, Richmond, Southern Mutual. Richmond Old North State, Warrentou Penn, I'hiladelplii.'i Home, Columbus, Ohio. Amazon, Cincinnati, Ohio. (ioo.1 AfifiilK xvii ntr. I for I. lit an. I ir Compatiti-n In nil nrnH.-ciiilt J tcininrv. omx on i riuci-ss. loUcn limit nml i il. Alo Mnnai-erK. for Nor tit ..r..lu M 1 rj IK U iLiTAX INSfUA.Mi: iiiMIM-Kl.'N.'Y. Water U-ls, Jyly 16 If WILMINtJItiN, N. i pions .-.a,: mm Nexv siitl tioauilnil tlohlKiui. n v ., ,, i . ett Address KHWAHU I1T1. W ul.u, ton, H J july ! - Liu NOTICK. 'plii:itKvii.l,iiKANi:i.KTio. rin o I U the usual ihiIiIiil nlitfiw tail)..- m-i ThurMny In Auuusl, 1st s In N Hhih.m i ooiuily for Hit- elet-lloii n( tin- i.iIU.m m. towiuthlp nlllt-erK. Mr : WII.MI.NliTONTOWNsllll- ,--i. i, t.c islrut. one TowiiKhln ( 'It rk . oiit- ....-i.ii.i. Hint tlireo Sohool ( iniiniltlt-i' FKhKHAL 11)1 XT. MASoN I ti ii.i l VI; N KTT AND t'AI'l' KKAIt 'li iW'S.-llll - Two Miit;lKlrritit. oint Olerk. on. I'.nini.it.'i anil lliree St liot.l ( t.iiiiiiillrt) mh. Nr.W MA.NoV K.ll AM) l'KMikl: i nl A. TIKS Three I ifltirnleM Iu ll It! 1-1 I f I t .1.-1 1. t ill loual I on x en! lull. II MANSINi.. lsliiTiUf Ktx llaiioxier1'oiiiil . July !( Iw. . PLOTTS S1A R ColnMiu- I wiily tlural.tlll v iiiI xioilli . ...I Ior lllustmltHl i iiUilotue lM-loie t.ti.ii.; Aililrens Hi.- niHiiul.'irluriT -low xl.ii I'LIITS, WaAhlntoii, NJ juij - I r shirts " line, have failed to publish the real facta of the riot nt Vicksburg on ll... "irb.rit-.iw f.nirll. ' The truth i I'eison in reply, followed the advice ,hat nl white man's barbecue was giv?n by a Dcmucrat, viz: lo treat the jJt.i,jj JUU a wi,c ieague coinmit- t.ail according loins lolly, and so thor- tce W;ls stft j,wri lt the negro meet- oiighly druhed bun that all Ins I: lends iK to-kill ten or twelve ncgroc and were Had when lie Was through. II is ..!ir,M...i,,,,,M.,H r,,r ii1(. hnriii-ii. Tim ari:unient was replete with good M.-irid .in,,,,!,!...! n.lii.l wi.ro lhen nicelv I iossesised. Iinprisoium ut for debt, the sens., and cxprcsiod in such a way that iWpU.r..,I. ...! ih w hite neoole dineii whipping po.t and all the barbarous , "' it did not fail ia its cffecU. Our Irknds rt th,.n. There is but onu dish more eustoins inflicted upon the p., !e by i,7-tm,i..t wti! ii . .- 1 .1 r. " I.l II . l-..i..l.Ja . went home lceiing prouu oi our eiori Uyghly esteemed by t?ulhern gentlemen in the cause of righj, and if long fan s ,ll:ul ' ru;uUHj .. uhgger," and th-t is arul wad deniorat had been at a pre- stcwed carpet-bagger. mium some one uug.'ii uavc jjuiiuu uxu L OI I Y cnriUNs are -!s,, r. t . i v - I u uajmoiil ofe'Hv Tans. T . sl-UVi,cvS, Trenniror aiul I'ollerU.r. J'J- II We have not thei Democrats ou the h,t k and we will keep them there. Fork. letter from a Vieksburfer. For plainness aud simplicity of style, the following letter i a marvel. In explanation of its references, we may say that a week vfr so agj the r f.v.f published a communication from Vicksburg, giving an account of the recent murder there. Resides the let ter of our rorii's.l'ondcnt, xtc publi-hcd rr!e also wriltC!! lo the Cincinnati lMuirrriil, and also another account of thcafl'.iir as, u appeared m the lute IxMgue organ publislml at Vickurg the lltniit. In the lVdhwiiig- com munication, as will be -ern,.iu inese accounts arc brandet! as lic- ; Where the airjivtii are loo thick t aupply tlu ir places with M coUxeiiK lit ! dash. I he article referral o Is ireh-rd. and the writer sars: . To f E'tUvr ! ikr inttr-On.im. CA- All ofthw ia a damrU Ji and the men wha rote it U a dawed ;uailrrl i lriuz of bad worU-- too bad t prkti and a darned Uar, and I fVr w will help to cutt hi d amed trwat irura car to ear, he ia not wrU lixing. w hrt all rwil cilicvu'wi' ViktdUrp, know the relief to lie a cod UMoit Lac f row bc- eiunin' to ciitl, and w other paper but a dirtv liem; lcet tul the imrr-lknrmm would publish uch barffajft tic. OC K. Tb- i- mi airl vrrr ontvincinj. We sup I ibwnter of thi letter - . ...V.f ;URT II t'A Itt) Ll IV A . "TteKra of Omul Feelliitf ' -TUe fotisMint loual Convention The Pulley of the Two I'artfen, Ae Rai.kk.h, N. C, July 22, l:7r. I IE I'NlVKlv-s,- I Y or NoKTIl CAKO- I. IN A. Till-l:.-lllllli(iii wilt be re-oiu-ned ou the 1st Moodaj' of September next, I he luf tiii-i.Jtfii; I lie 2mt I lull m!.i In Junr i l7, xt Illi a xaealloriof li.i w. ik l flui- n.as. ii nut iieeu ro orgitulxi'tl on the eclee- roiiiltlnlni:. however. Ilini1 rur- scieoce hikL. Acrirallnr. l.n . .. ... I.. . .... I.. the old constitution were abolished for- ' lenming uiiuiiy taught m iii.i.t Mv-!it. ever, and the rights of ilw poor man T.. -"'"""V"?" 'r,.'x -Vrlru,tur- .... .i J. . 1 BiiUlliO Mtclmnlc ArU. An i..!- K.etilfy lor the first . time in tin State were , n.-m iM-'ti acpnintt J. Th bunding iu. fully rcc urn iml. The departments of j roughly rerutiie.! for td. rece.tiu i eo ri the goYciWnt were simplified and 1',rorVonwrrc...l...rv ( .heHU,V made . ply to V K KM I l li vm K. J-.iil ..f i'ruu t. Mn'rljih. N. n...irlv nil t llr. tlriiti 111 tbf. Stfltf elective by the jwixple. There are J many provisions that the poor man holds dear. He will not vote to change 1 these, and 'hence the Legislature placvd j restriction uion the members to be elected to the convention. It dared not sei-rt'1.1 (iOODNKWS. UK I MTl;-l! NFl i, ..timnio-e ol At- ........ i.i ..... .. I JuiitiiHii Jnj!-it:H ; mv mat ii imemico 10 leuen inose j imi eim-. i.k.- j.;.w-Ui m tuiuong Sir : -The feci in? Wtwccn the white wcrcd pianintccs. IJut it is known llv":,""" , , . . , .. . ..... . that the relnctions hare no landing ' and colorcil ixeoptc of this State is not fo , imiViu!f t0 tt. t0 whj so bitter as in ma-i of the Southern length the Ileinocrat will not go ifthey 1 States, liarung the " ku Ktuii out- I are. bo fortunate as to gtt control of the Siiri.assos In lune timl txwer miy lb i.l i tan lirretofore nianufu. iiir-l n O.i- ...n.i try. II .ii ttt-rn ItMitM ). inuu fini- t m ' " j ju.lgt ami Gtfes UNIVERSAL Salisfdcliou". Itx o kllllul un of Ibt. l. i" to l it.. patent k lire nwi-ll, Ihr liui-li- i . i..l i.. luc human m.lre. ranging Ttoiii tl. -..lit. I llutc llko li'He la u vuio me of Mind. I n-surpaxxtl by any Inlruwnr Tim piiii'tii t'U ba- not. 1 . ii ti.i t . i it an - year Ilie I niwrfeei i..n n..l i.. .-i . ..i Ihe reej i nl i nmni . . atnl .t 1 1 . i. i 1. 1- , . ... Heal esperii'nt- to me .uAjtitit.it ... i. tnirfitcl !oi-. nmi lii i ip iiiuti.h l. rculls III .rtl.ieilni of .,ti it.M i lone wblrli lutaltulialr vnili.-eij to Ikr PIPE m Ql 4 1 IT V TLiiiiili .Ion. nit ;' .n.i , i tat two. Ttn i nn ii m. at tia. All tht Lite hi laproi rtnnfs GRAND FAMILY KX'l KSIUN j Votl x uiitu i, twi t moin'i ntl Pullrti f.lix-k XAsit.iti. I I it ll.l rages" ccrl years ago in the western part of the State, the cult ins I nun ha ct'jovcd hi rights without molestation Me fiaa made great pmgnss in educa tion and the acquisition of pnjn-rty. The acJiicvements of the cvlornl ih-o-ple in tins State by 'their imjiiidtul exertions are worthy the adniirwtHm of tuo whole country. lrisli"al at first of all thev acomed by hard labor, they smut fearneil that only by thrift aud Mlf-rc!iance could they place tbem .wlvcs irt a iOTition that woubl coni mand and receive the resicc'l of their cueaiies. ImmcdiaU-ly after the war,r when Uie iH-gro had eontml of the Slate gvTernmenl, he was not arrogant in his deporUiwnt or prcMimpuons in his ambition ; tWIt.ig that slavery was not the bs-s educator fir the rrpo MbililWss of high pnitrn, he willingly ctttruatcd the bcim of State in the hands of TlIK XAT1VE WIltTi: KM DUl VN lie et about to fit hiauscif for the hifh j l"l!l Le rbta ui.tler 'l.c t U'p rn ol lkc j nk that they will il the" ICgTsLuurc . 5 to have all the ' r? convention. Their sole tie-in" is r) abridge the i . . l. . . . i l .. : the fr.-OK hi-e of w hu h ther cannot de- --. prive him. I hey think that they always have control aud hviue thev intend officers in lhe rvtiie, itnou the fiovernor dow n l Uk ioxei magistrate, electrsl by that lIy. liv this mean- i-vi rx tH. t r in the Slate will Ih a I Vrtn-crat, and the Re -Hihlrcatl vote w ill tbtis ho entirvlr irt elTii tivsr. They fear lo make i:iicatio or ri.'.rr.Rtv t vi aii- ll IIIH f.r voting. It w; i d -Irntirlux m-nr- WILL NOT VHKVK K '.VAKf. Aa4 itM S. in . 1.1 III. n 1.. a i j imIhi InrM U nmki. BEAUTIrTJL I1XE OK NIIUKt mix i! titi! H e II. 4.. k I -1. I, -t iu,i. lilt hjll.Jl J,yof AllfU.I p. l , et for I irn! !r mm ti u.. TiTVn tor iti'n. , . -,j ' T' Tfn mn "t.lff I I biitlr,-n unilr lJ irtnnT (, uol vr- I Utl ml i vntt ,'.nni!iiln Utrni:'.-.. frr. ,1, Ihtw wfi.uirr.l n.irn.l i.-ui.tlDti c tiiroitf HI i,rr noi.iii. m ir.a t LiOt 1 I tt I CJ LI fW t Tb: eeii.-lo an ec!.j t ?sr to j j lp !-.- t- a. 1 X T i.l I I t:rntlHMi Mkkvu'U.n iw..v.uar riTY I'ftllTs in (traa. I rl Vlli iMirvU'f II Oirl I lr lvmti:'.l iMt rra tti ri M t t a!i sii.wm t-rrna. !ll bo 11 awi a m .1 l-aM( ' Iv hilft.l I'.. U in .-r.i , ..a.,.. I K,. .e r rr.Sa4aatbll 4... !' AkviiIn Waninl, it; mav attempt to !i;!alr t!i coolrait I letwecn i-iMplfje an-J enipSaxer, a ha hern d.nc in Arkanva xnA ,Tea. i an-J thrrrby put tic nr-m back into J virtuat slavery. j The IVraocralta.- ftj hi had ca trol of the l-.--iiLUr LtAntL id tbi jovemmrnt since l?7t. It ha. Lti-i , frrcduta haU called bmt- thje,-ta of rticr. mnd no. l wrraJr,. UehIivrsliatheBUJM.a awh.to f B-;b,;S' " 1V- i coold mt flo U cc the wfJ co.- HlrS,K l 'Li larW roraUtion l iiblcrat rvr 1 2? Vt ir4icaJT. Jt i j-M w. brawUnr. IwkutO who wre the rcoru f " VrT.4 WJ u,.. rrotaaw idroU who ake the Kth a uvthinr but coUrptuo i&imrl 'ZL Zl li. Tt dace to be ahanaew ami depb4. f fr the - ariatorracy . an4 .. . , ! : T " 7 . rr 1X4 114 timwMtwmrt i w Aai mm Wm wriw tn - " i J . .v.- i. ,' t.k.;.L.A.. I i TV. - L i rcvl pvra!si wr Z a ( AKI'K;rKR & K W . i'KJl K. tv. i. i.-sra. H I. It U:o w II. Ul.JUil- t tnaail .. W r-i . aj J . 1 1 MALLARD. tmtr. g-citlrcn of Ykk- to wlmb rlasrx be refen fvrl- n rlv, ami wrew wertl caa be trestcd - ...... .- f i i J ."V Ibi A C "l i iafr. X e J I aw, rVtaoasaa. I . rr w .re s t-... l(iat to UXUM ltw jl.M.luM aajwa mmd rS" tx fM i aTf -m ' WjiarfW A44Ja ta'haWuY. EDWAItD IM.oriS Wttil2tI. x j TniAM K BLANKETS TlIK ltl J4 VjjT A-inril i Tntk ii ll Ciii. iU. Ki-!v TouorUI..nrro.til a a hm i,Wr aJMfc v nat Warn. tats right. The fellow who wrote tbe 'bailie- above, we venture to say. opfMs free uwwJ this, amt. rtr 1 1 . I 1 A lac nnwni r-rTT ummfj- ... . , . t . edwratwa j . v, - ' tnat I K.Tlt I. l ms it aa HORsxa. El 4llgn i " : "Trl"""' M.k.w. - tin aw -thirds anJ heartily bate everything aid clf-rrfwxt were tbe Srrt cwataaU TW Mw&t mtH k l'.t au Mji iiiM. witb tbe prtfit free. TVwb JiUikmc til iwr4a iwxcrr-a al tsoastwrvtr. i ... T! vl JTaT"tf-!!... . . to iatrod-ce acb ,Ue rexala.ity ami 'Ar bt Ueir cluVire. absVI Z, j" Mum trwlara . ia I Wa i4 lit.t ( iaii i a4 .-. V W t- nm a a xf !.. at r

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