WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. JUlM. 4 VflY 30,1 1875 VOLUMK VI. Single Oipiw 10 Cents.' WM f WAV uriT.MlNGTON POST ADVER - TISING RATES. - - -hv;i'-'"-,':t,hc s 3 " - Z -- 7 C 2 2 r i- i- li J -I ! 4- 3 X. - . i . i: i: i: b - - 1 ' - tit; i - 1 - -- - j a. . - ? r -1 V - 1 in. -1 . i jecial r.it-- rail be had .for a longer Ifffli- t f :t II "III' wick. I Kijrlil iNI ln-. Nonpareil type, coii--tiPite a ii.irc. Ml ailverti.incnl- will be charged at tin- alvc rate, except on Hpecial contract-. II i -mi uiu ii i i I ions mi Implies should I- addrr-i-d Pi TlIK Wll.MINl.ToN 1'if.r, ViIiiiiii'lini, N. C. rh- -itil- ritini ri tt Till'. Wll. MiM.r I'iii i i'l ht year fiir-in;l con-; Inr clubs ot 111 nr 20 . in rr riipy. Tin circulation "of the . I - r i- the larrrt of any p.ier in Ni-rlli I ar liu.i. if I VITV Vote! U it. Ii f..r ti.in.l ! l .n't ! intimidated! Wad h tin- hiII li.il'lrr- ! 'rMv t t lii'.ttini; al tlic 1 1 . Wlu-n vmii ;ii to tin- i.ll- iIciimiuI 1 1 yL nc'it l' Vutl'. K.Ti-ry man xli' lia- livcl in Ihr rotate Inclv- nn'iitli" .-it-il in tlicconnly thirty ilatsi:. a ri't vi'tf. Vit-vinvn of Nuttli 1'artriin.i, K-t not llir t'Mrnir f falirtr .nnl rhfurm ili-oi-iro aii'l lr.nl xii into iin'H.-airr- Uignel lir niir lrtnictioii, anil lor their i i.il rli valiiiii to unwarranted jkiwit. n I in. . ihlI llio iiioi liatiic :iil Ialori-r tin. I in tlir'i'ir-'i nt 'nititiitioii ninplr prut, it i.in luriii!; . p-ttitl rt-iirity against niaim- (ii.l liuiKlinc -vrnilrr. ? A Mrn i nntikution inav wi-ep jiway all nt tln-M- lih--.itij:i a lir denuHTat ami consorvn- fic t i.-milir well llu- wicktil i-lieine i t fraud an'd dt:truction Uierv in in tlic tailing of t ho piopoel conwntion .Vauit the will th people. lk-w.ue of i heatinp at the oll. - m Fighting Waddell, who Ibuud the at iimi I tot for him, :ot a Mlt plaee at lni!i' ninli-r the t.'oiifelerate UoTern nient tifpu vent coiiseription, as all the law yer di 1, i out eaiiva.in for the vVnvcMiim ami another. war. Wi-aL-whi-key WaildeM, the man who ''.i in tavor el r.egro Mitfrage in loT, is nv canvaoiir; th litrict for the !, reni eaudidate. ! a to j;et a con Mitutmu tn prevent iieuf--. ami oor hiN- in, n troni cer votiiij; or holding iH-- stain. Mlhn. tin- W:ir candidate for Con-i-niio-i m luplin ountjr. ?.iy he u'. I bt ai,vtc juat n . .piick as In- errM. W,. hould ihiiiV for he .i. .nt ,,. ,,.u, (l hrin on a war m ' I. old th, m ,i (nhin I pulpit '"' : ' "I he fi-hl. I low i.i that, r white men, lor iir--t el.tvj tihtin 'i.liti ' - m K. iy man who h- lived m the State !wrlr mouth ami lit the eouniy thirty ! ha a njcht to m .- I K- t'oiifeilerate Altotnry-liener- i' a tandblate tor iVntrntion to k ".mil the t'omtitution thai the Ipis- lainn- .Jin ukc North larvlina out ul th 1'iihmi at any time, and make hint t'onfedrratc Attorney ain. Teple -f "i-rth rardia. watch lhi game? 1'ixler ;he vld rteni in Virginia a orih-IU.1 to call vtil th n.fthe famlirvate Rr whou br ''1- In ihU war thousand were in '.Liirvl with thevats of being dia- "Jrrred if they lkt tA to pi raw lW artMoeralk; las 1 ami alate owners. IV y,m Ban xbii jtew tl tting in Norta (.aroliaaT If ni Jo sot, then oie (if liefvbteaa deWgmtc, tyxaue t certain that if the lVaworrat have a AajorUy . in t I'onTnttow ikU i. -vatmllaa of rotief will be adofteU, The lemocralic leader arc o-wd to Civil-Rights, but are in farorofKielai Equality. A leading Democrat gives np ltruns- wick County by at least fifty majority against Convention. Young Dortch of Wayne ha quit the stump, lie says he don't like his name to be u& so roughly. "The Lawyer Convention" intend to establish the old county court for the purpose of making fee for themselves. Ik-ware of the lawyers. The Convention will coat the people of North Carolina t5OO,OO0, and the poor iepio will have t pay the amount by the poll-lax system. We know an ex-Deinocratic Gover - nor of North Carolina, who ia the fath- or of negro children, and that man ia always ranting about Civil Rights.' The Democratic Legislator disfran chised EIGHT HUNDRED white men of the City of Wilmington, aud then , c.tlh-d a Convention to try and disfran chise all the poor white men in North Carolina. Cowan, the Democratic candidate for Convention in Brunswick connty, 'is chacged with having poor white men arrested during the late war, and laced ntider guard of hrs negro slaves, until lie could send them to the army to tight for him. Mechanics of North Carolina, if you wish io ik? i yru can lorce aymeni ior your labor under the lien law, you linulil vote fur mrn w ho are nrtrd ... I to any changes in our present Lonsti-1 in our p tution, thereby retaining your right". Kverv man who has lived in ike Slate twelve months and tn the county thirty lays h;is 2r'Kn Tote. I'.Mir white meu of Ilrunwlck conn tv, it iw chargeil that David S. Cowan, antlid.de for Convention, sent to CJcor- I cia and got a lot of blao-I-hounds to J hunt up iHKjr while men to send them I to the. war. while he Aad a no a con- trai t to keep out of the army.' IWr people of North Carolina, labor ing men of North Carolina, if you wish to Ik- imprisoned for debt, vote for men who are in favor of Convention. If your are oposcd to leiog imprisoned 1 for debt, vote for the candidates who I arc opHcd to any changes in the Con stitutioii. White coplc of North Carolina, Enecllmrd.lhe .man who started the convention movement in this Statc.and is really the lather of it, refuse to P7 t lor lalxiring men a livingprice for their w ork. And this is one of the men who is making great pretensions of being the oot man's friend. Toor inople of North Carolina, the Democratic candidates arc openly ad vocating to arrange the Constitution so that no man shall vote unless he has paid hi poll tax, ami they intend to make the or men ef North Carolina uport the State and County Govern ments by the poll tax system, thereby taking all of the taxes off ef thclaml piocrty. ! . 1 - C IVIL llltlllTS 0 UHEltK Why is it that the nc-r i parents of the South are put to so such great trouble about their daughters? Be cause lVmocratic money and deceit arc trying to ruin them. And this ia not Civil Rights. worn: ati childreh. I'mW-r l he prrnt constitution the husband may insure hi lifo for the benefit of his wife and children, nJ no -f Morsr .Vm . nvfi.'or '!; r.ic Aervec.s f,om fAn.. Thus it is, that the Re publican party provides for the women and children of thv land. ' What a con trast when we think of ihe dryJAkn brought non tin jibe) iHtMtfc Convention of lSl '' , VAXCK, TlIK HAllLE(jtT9. Z. B. Vance, who said that if the lcnocrats got ower it wonld le more tolerable for, Sodom and nomorrah than for RcHiblicans, and 'who hang deserters from the Confederate army up by the thumbs, and who is mors re sponsible than any other man for the continuance of the late war, and who thrvatcned t coerce North Carolina if he offered to vote for peace, is stamp ing the Slate, hoping to again ft 1 m m niRBalltti. Our news frttm varitwas pvrttons of l he S-ate, North, Sooth, Kataad WeM, b xitively lefreshing. even in this warm weather. And owrriend may rely that onfeit Thursday the rero latioaists will receive anch n lenn nt the hand ef an indignant people thai the bare ateation of the iwnwJtatkrti wSPmake thews politically wick for years to coaae. I With Cowan behind a wood-wile end I Stalling behind a palpit la the way J thej went firtinj Tankew. Thero were fbnr negro children sworn I to young Democratic men ia thla eity in the past twelve months, . yei Iheae ame men are actually of poeed to Civil Right. I et every man, Democrat or Republi can, who is opposed to Convention, go to the polls on the 5tb of Aagtnt and cast his vote for the candidates who are pledged to an immediate adjommenf Watch forfrand! Zeb Vaneesays "he that saya that that white Democrata will abolish the homestead, ia a fooJ and a liar," and in the very next sentence he say the law m unconstitutional, which Ihows that AW-Is a fin and liar. ' fW White Laboring Men of Xorth Carolina.ff yoa don't wtah to be whiped at the whipping post for selling a water faction or a peck of yonr own potatoes, vote for candidates who are infavorof the immediate adjonrnment of the Convention. The owner in fee simple, of tArre hnn'trrd arrr of hrnd, can vote, after the election, if the Democrats get a majority of delegates. Wonld this disfranchise any of the respectable poor white men of North Carolina? If there ever was a time in the history of North Carolina when all Door white men should stand together for the protection of their com mon interest, it is now. The nrnme of rtnrtti in h-lt m. ahadnir mmiiirfl with ' . . 1 the reel isne. When yon go to the polls demand the right to vote. Tho Asheville AVmrrrcorne to ns full p with goodaplcy matter on the Con- vention. The Ptonrrr is a wide awake journal and is striking the advocates of convention right and left in the West. influence among the poor working men U felt everywhere west of the Blue Ridge. The Convention Candidate Cowan, in Brunswick C,muty. had a wood con tract, so we have lieen Informed, dar ing the war, to keep hltn eat of the armv, while he did all he con Id to in the war, keen inxsr white men and this man is the war candidate for t A. 8. Merrimon,' who so obseqaionsly 1 begged for Republican votes to place him in the United Htatcs Senate, is etumping the State for the Convention cause, knowing, as he must, that such a course is aiding to oppress the peo ple who honored him. What is this but base ingratitude? Our war newspapers in this city were well represented In the last unpleasant conflict. -Engelhard was a quarter master and Berrrard was behind a type case. Stallings aqd Cowan, war candi dates, were behind, one a pulpit and the other a wool pile. Bnlly for our fighting boys. re of cheating at the polls. W. T. Dortch,' the Democratic can didate for the Convention from Wayne county, voted in the Legislature of ISO? I for the Indefinite postponement of a wVmbill, and when he failed to kill it in that way, he rwMf to Imj on ii, thh . When that failed to kill it, he then vo'.cd aJnt the passage of the bill, whKh was defeated. Veas 49, nays 60. See pages 443, 444, 44., 445, session leViS-'JI. Hats" vs. Journeymen. The fact ol two and one-fanrth col u.nns of one copy of the Wilmington Jer tl containing, by actual roant, 3i r Avji'rrf mni term errors, forcibly Hirratc what we have alway held that boys employed on newspapers, to do the work of men who have worked for years- to acquire the artpt printing, cannot fill the places or the latter. In the per mentioned above, mistakes occur of so gvosa a character a t de stroy entirely the sens of the sentence ia which they are wsed. The reader I quick to detect snch mismanagement, and m paper can exist whiek al lows such errors t appeSr in ita exdumna. Cb4rt7M. Whitt' nten of Bmnswiek nnty, laev cktaeve it m THvki K Cowan the war candidate for coaventk that he J pruesMcd ynn in 1S1 If yon wrmMjoia lh army that he wenhi fred yowr fawri l"S and then after yon wert ocTin the war he drove yonr punt starviwg wive from hi Jor and Ir4d tWas to depart Their hnwntl doty van to tgfct and it wesl hi (CVrean's,) daty to reed thjeas, tWetrby foHciUng hb proea W toyon. Canyontma hiaa again Ue sent yon tm th . army and he hU behind i vwed-pito. cm ITEMS. 50 HANDS WANTED To cut wood."! will rive rapgnlaV eni ployment to the above number ef gbod working nrevJ, for the next six months' ef W. P. ClKAtW: -i - I wish to purchase a good milk Cow. Persons wishing to sell will please apply to Robert Kennedy, office vf Tub WlMflKOTOlT rOBTr i ) See every vote! The Wilmington Amateur Dramatic Association will give anothett.oiS their. entertainment at the Orjerrf llbtido this evenrnr, wheir they will ' re-enact 'the thrilling Irish drama.RoBEiiTJuEtErT. which was received by an-appreciative audience in this city trkh - sW much fa vor. Several new specialities and i roaring farce will conclude, ht enter tatnmcnt. " County Commissioners. A special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held on Wednesday at S o'clock P. M. Present, James Wilson, Chairman, Com mis slonirs Morris, Wagner, VanAmringe and Pfixon. The following was passed: Witrreas, Section 9 paragraph 6. of the act known as toe machinery act, requires every cashier and treasurer of any corporation or association to fur nish a list of the stockholders resident in the several eeunties of the State with the amount of cash on the first of April in cachlyear, to the County Com missioners of the county in which such depositor or stockholder resides: and Wherrah, C. S. Ellis, Treasurer of the Real Estate and Ian Association; Riehard J. Joscs, Treasurer of the Wilmington Mas Light Company: Walter O. Meftae, Treasurer of the Wilmington Building Association, and C. S. Ellis, Treasurer of tho Mechanic's liuiMing Association, have been re peatedly notified to ewmply with the act so made and provided, and they having failed to comply'wilh said act : Ordered, That legal proceedings be immediately instituted against the said parties. A communication from W. H.French, Ishlng to know what the Commis sioners of New Hanover arc willing to do abont running the two parts of lines between New Hanover and . Pender, situated in Cape Fear and Harnett Townships, and stating that the Com missioners of Pender were willing to take eno of them and have it ruri, If the Commissioners f New Hanover would take the ether and have it run. he snrreyot to furnish a report to both .ia oi v-oinmi-TMOiiris. . iv . . v v. iV chairman with power to aet. The matter of the work house inves tigation was taken np, and various re- :orts were read in relation thereto, and statements in regard to the manner in whieh the prisoners are treated, were made by Messrs. Mathcs tfc Bro. Btatc- ments were made also by Dr. King, Lane and Wood, and a lengthy dis cussion ensned. The following prcaiublo and ;rrso!u- tions w eve offered by Commireioner Van Amringe and seconed by Commissi. ncr Nixon : Whereas, It has been made to ap pear to certain members of this Board, that a course of svstemalic crueltr was being practiced en the prisoners confin ed in the Work House of this county by Messrs. G. K. & B. F. Mathcs the contractors and snperntendents there of : and SVhereas, The Work House Commit tee of this Board, having viaiied and inspected the said prisoners at the Work Honse, and found that there had been very cruel and nnneccesaary punish ments inflictrdion a numler of them ; that the provisions mad? for their care and safe keeping were, entirely insuffi cient and inadcqnate; that there had been a great many escape f prisoners, as many as eight having escaped w ith in the space of one week because of th inadequate guard placed ocr them; and Whereas, Dr. J. Francis King, by re quest of certain members ef this Board, had visited the said prisoners and has . A. . . mri lltA WM1f t Vt t a A W feM fl lSJtl iTlI VsTsJ tUC i x tu i a ut as so aamiiiniivHt from which it appears that great and unnecessary cruelty had been i4rticed on certain ef the said prisoners, inflict ing injuries on them that are likely to prove pcrroancnt la their charactenand Whereas this Board derm it incom patible with jostice and humanity long er to allow the prisoner over, whom they, w ofifo, have the oversight and control, to rentain under the ujerin tendaoey and management oi prrwan who wonkl thus cruelly abuse and ill use them ; therefore be it X(Wrrf, That in consequence ol the facts hereinbefore setfortb. the contract made by ard between this ird et County lAmmisioners be and the -me is hereby annnled. , JTraVcrf, That the ptHoners who may be ander the control of this Board be placed in the ccaMnoa Jail f this connty for aafr aeptng. iPros-W, That the (lotrriw of th State and the SuperlaleasljuU f the tate Penitentiarv at Caleach, be tar nished with a cwpy of these prraabk snd rrsolnttana for their iafor-naliua. jPrsarrW, That the enairactefw, Messrs. U. K- Mathband R. F. Malhhs be efficiallj served with a ctT7 these pnxTrdisgV and that thej he allowed a proyer tiaae 1 vacate the Work lion premise and rvasct theur propertv Carrirosa. JTaWrei, that the report of Dr. r ' V ' t vw ii v an uiuno ar T,B4jardftkodiMl, liowever, to fate no aclion for tire rcTrtiiKl referrtd L.l.il t . 1 , ..w . . t f i T . T r meruur, qu.,mo ursi muimisvib aii gttsi. ; - ' ' ' The (Jbakman ' reported Ithnt he had advertUcd for bids W the repair-of r?mjtji'afntk bciUgp and tiie construe tipit oXa-ncw Jjridgc over Green's mill DOia! Dmican Jfotnwtt Imt inrr nut. in 4te lowest Lid for . the construction bridge, the contract !was awarded t04Jim for tlie-siiin of iJir. .ek.i.'n... i -j. i .1 . e phau-flniu, submitted tho report ocfae, CJera jiimomtwl to investlcate sne tnattei ol. the efujcntjii of Jama C. Mazioi late Smerior Court Clerk. of . . w - - i. -jv..ih.. w ; : : ' ' " .vVierep, mat immeuiato prwettl- .L n.i . . ... . ingsi be taken JUyMVt hia boml. . . I'. 'T-'. The fallowing Chajigca were made; in the Wi,tr- T.,i Af V.U ,. o, ' i 1 t4on r Third Ward -JuhtiJ Jla'rgi'ovt , ap- noilltml in tllun ,,f.. VAn r.i ltnw.nl nxriiMtl. - 4 J .. Masorruuro lownsiup vnii.uu a m m i mm mili i Pratt was lybsiituted or Elijah Hiw lett. . '. i' , . ,. Federal Point-William II. William: was suustitutet as legi$trar, in plate of 'Stephen Keys, inti Joseph Pepper lace of W. II. Wil- was substituted in iams as Inspector. Application of James D. Williams for license to retail spirituous liquor.-, Tfas granteil. The Board then adjourned. Sec every tote! Wn miN(;ton, July 10, Is? .. Vhairni'th lirrrttfirr ('omiiiiffi-r of AVm Jtmotrr t'liuniii . DkAR SIR: Through you I odcrmy thanks to the Convention of New Hano ver for the nattering evidence of their onDdcnce hi nominating me lor th- toiiveiuion, rioiwHiistamiinjr my re peated refusal to be a candidate. 1 did not consent to becomn a' candidate then norean ldo so now. I have no Icjial residence in the County of New Hano ver and do not propose to chlini any. The Ix'giskttive Convention Bill under takes to fix the (uaIifieati'H of mem bers of (licCon vention. Whether ueh a provision hn valid, wiMild lte;i ipicliou for thcOHivrntlon to determine. But, If the people of North Carolina prefer freedom rather than to,. .wear llie yoke so soon that there will he no occasion to pass on the jualiticatioH of, any botfy. If the people of New llahoxcr per sist in volinir for me.'thev mnM lo no with full know ledre of tiicsnj fuels and of the further fact that my piivate ami professional business is such ah to rcn der U almost inipos,-iblc to sit in tin Convention, should iiuufortunalely be gin the work of breaking up ihe Coii stitntion. . In tho latter event however, it will matter but little whether the 0fe, have any representatives in that y, for they w ill be Miwcrlcs, aaiu.st the designs of successful revolutionists, who seek to establish an irrepresiMe Oligarchy on the ruins of human equali ty arjd ojMilar rights. My opinion is that the safer and wiser course will bo for your Com mittee to select some other name to stand in the plaee of mine on vonr ticket. Very liespeclfullv. DAN. h. Krj-N-KLL. Don't le intimidated! a) no I'oaniy. Dt ln:r. .f C. July 7, lr... EpiT-h- PoT:lnr -.mdidaler. met again to-day at this pinev. it w-n a lively tioie, I asore yi. li-teh." Ihe Democratic randklate.has asertcd from the sinmp at Fremont, I'erk aud Grautham Tow nships that Im inlr induced and alwayc, f;voaiI . hrmesleal ami lien law. Fa ire lot h pnHcl the irc!d on him (Jourwal of the le gislature 1S52-'0S, of which lwc, LiviUh, was a member,) and he bad tho f.uc to call ap as witness sonwi oldrnvo' bucks (who wca down to hrrp the. dd man on,) to prove Jfh at bt s r. 1. ?e id that- ia voted for the bilaW When m-h atcaas areuscsj to carry an cscvtnei j oi nrjry be sure they are baJly fr ightcnvJ. Wc were also favored with a lnc, dirty, filthy me fnm that wdl le-oWn gas bag. J. M.'- liCaveh. Iliwp preh compuirl wholly of bsccstty. and mifgbtUate J-m cr-lil 10 a inouer Ax sork bawdy hnv. jnl a b-ci led failare.nhen delrrrel l 1 Urre rrd of good sturdy wll IH-ak. cim 1 agia Us eflect brtlrr than I can wni i it. UU tf f nr kUwUnj: - l sill mUialy reuVcs retil Uw uw. r j are all uiWdf-and v w"l Laid bearer are iapl m inlnthe IVssorrsxy. Inw... Kvery who bsHv-.t In lU u- .laaJ I 4.... ti,t. day aha right to ve. When f f the p4t mi tV 5 right to v4. i -sr :t- : " . - '5 ' I ; Ck tw trrml t Vtn vu mil j , jk i Kor the Post. W-VsIIINi.TOK:tvlTY,iJuIy L'. V7. J Epitoks oV nn: l.r': "alil:!g- I touCitv is tiinnitstioiiabIv tin- w i.n: -.t of the lower niun. - i i - r - r . I;..i 1 1 . . . .... - i in uie snaue, it is nu luiroiiuiuiv it a Tar, lit tl at loa-t, to do any tl.inu but strive to iind-a tTHjIif i t. Untt'lor the I heated .sc;lo;i through which v. cl::ive - Ju-t passixl, you fchinld" 'have hear; frtun me some time since. To.dav old I col is a little tinder tho wc-.il In r ami I of I shall take advantage 'of it. bo hue goes. 1 Win. John 'A. jtymau, i:icmbcr ot Con-'ie.-s elect, wa.1 in the city sjiort lime since on .1 nvinjr visit. lie , ....., i :.,.i;,;.. ..f 1 i,.. ... riikll 1 ).n rl liiili 1 1; I tllfir est qf his l oii-IHiirut'-, l i urU u man "r s '""i" "I'V U tbink ,anI to I .1.1 ...I ?li a;V inai in is i no ii 'rii man in me 1 ritrlii nln- I n r. ,n i Ii l i imri'- m-l li v )Ki ai noititnicni ijave Lec.i secured 'LSI" - ...v,..rt.. k I ftir citizens of t lie State and others arc I . . .. ... .v.- J pro-a'sen imu ni nn earn- nsy. vi course nc lias nj yei huh an opporiu- nttyto estabiKti hib-'reputauon as a I hntional le rislator, bnt tnoso wbo Ifare f utchui-liim during th) lew i,y sjK-nt 111 1 III Is CKV. prcaicl , IfiM li -tRMn-Soiiai Hy tt keep votir f . i 1 Lis iloing-. aii'l li'ipe iiv- in. iv U p-J i.! course as ti nu-rit imni m s con :iuu :;td tho plaudit "well ilunc.V' ml and fa.il h 1 ti 1 servant aud Uuit thuy JiMiy Jibu k to be to their intom-l to peiirtjt him t :i-.;co the Halls ot Con.-i-ss ku lllOii- liable on u- I ; ::io lloody naiui? o! iban one term. 1 niu-t now r ami lor o n m-'int'iil la.K in o i- i i . .1 oral ic inenm niu; ii;o chu.in." MesM. rjdit'f! -, lin- Nonllioir, the om ieioii'li nt "t the New York' -, ii'-l, Im Jliv our Democratic frjetid, been li..i'!i- l'.:i:ii!i.:i to iei'y man,, vom:iu and rin1.', al le.it th run i'i i. lit t!ie South. Hi- leliei . Hi n CJipi.'d into ciiy ihmiv jr, and he hini-oll ti.ist.d oil t;i.- lal ol the kind throii Jiout his S-mlu :h t-nr. I. a vour reader-- mi- what he has to., -ay lioni Viri.li.i, M i - i J j i. t!t.;i:il olii" l.ielnoi i ,i I H- jfit iu; win ii.( ;i that lie i - a "Soiilln in. .oHti.! -!- "iind . . ... . i . '. i i ei, ati't tin y muii reuiciuo-! iii.e. tmi e V ideuee, 'in i i:r f roin one ! ' e r own wi( in -i-i . i ! ! I;e i i .'i : '" . dale. i' im; to tie in il n i not x j ! . i i I i.i eoutliiyi lel. c.ie tlicni a i-l .me,-, .Mes-si s. Iliters, by all m..'.a. Tl. ; i- what In ha to a : 1 1 ere is a U'.tlh. i incident i" A! i.wi- . ii t- i sippi Ii le. . Con i i. n i u i i - a;.'' i a in i;- l.ilf.. ..ill ,...! I ' i l.l,,, I. ,.l I.. . i; n '.le fof soiili l i lie- i - -i l a !! i -it he a fariiiei-, two and a I, an ii Iroiu i if 1 1 a in. Wrona. in la e e iiiiiy. h :i !, n nil went to . I. V, le l. a house s, i .ii;i III oldi b to ailind an J i" i ii :: : in I eveniii;-. -.Ho,i. new phr e a v. e farmer, in r ,iij i l, i ! oil,' , l.l t I lie oVei, ai'i'om j a'ded hy lie! 'hhor. .!l aii'ied apiH .ire i In. n ' ihe his lather and a. with hol ,,nis ho-4(S. j'w i il e men e.-.iue i:; an I 'iftiWitl: r,' Vx -'hi say Li-. and deel.ti ed t hat she w a 1 1 1 e. able,, k iii ,i i.i , i bet . i : ..e Ja 1 hi i 'l.-.'e ' ;: was U lie, ol i tilli'se. 1 he down, to-.k hei by tie ! . thus th:,.ai . 'h the 1,, ! . vard, into l!i trc! , ! r , !::: and del .III-TimI HI tii IUi.'- . raid w i m in.,! ii , ; i K-re.gniim lor I.i-V, and this open iia y i m ii: . mi , u : : n i . ftlellK'- ',, W llllell .'.II I III.,.! 'her on .1 b 1 i ... : ' I W hen thi-v hc,i is. i two ,,t :l. ,a tied lief In .i Uee ,i:i 1 1'J. 'I ni, I .u b.n k w i! h .-:( , . '. ' h ui ' , i i ... i a. ran. Tlten t!: v t . i e : and ch. imed t :i a 1 1 a 1 1 po-t. I h rha,:! I in M d.vv h.ur. si I'p adloel. to I he hi she was tinned to w -rk. .e.iin at in.,!;'.. A 'l- r made In r i -1 a j. , and lo a Soil t In rn luau, the e II d ,e la. 4 , .u I I; !:l. . W :lii u : ton, lent ot notice, si nl lucat ion, w ho. ai1, r fo'i r ini to ihe "I inlisl ..iU disti ii t J'.V.oi m ; . I : , ni '. ..i ti-rrey's lip;, 1 1 , 1 i ,1 ',! 1 1 1 1 . li: l.l -e. Si w. rill, I'. '-' a may and do hat n in av - .1 t :o il I - I :,.rt nt t:te w in I ' ribU ;' nr. I . lore t be di- r , : . ' ' I I r 1 f 1 -i 1 ' 1 1 . ' a - t peace, i ard t'r v.r' - r in, 1 hlril. al , 4l. not inUfU li : thoiijb: ii w lo- knew s-if .1! eliier Ntwnl in tin r dra?lfi by In ll M 11 li'ii:, ,v 1.1 11 1 ,f tin.iilv I r'V: -! ' - : : cralic .lube l ' t!j n tho folate II rj i si t-. t wa ioo-il ev , ji ii-. N ,. . a4 S.Utb, aud I ". i ' effort . appsr ni't vn ' Hland thai wb.-.l i i! dive i Ikhi and :iwiu Uiet n W ifch tl. jiel il - i. t-i.'. t .e oH-t :- ", - mhi Sit-!--" :' ! ! .,U(, a lit t; d!iei !e ha e ni- i t 1 . , l.. hate tw.s,'!i u-i . n: i aid I . w lo i . - bad ! 1 ir" :') h a f 1 . 1 0 11 n- 1 t .'ei U". ei! av n : linc i - -T!t .iiiin,:evr .f in tberali-t. , ii t,' - 11" t.,f . f i , i. . r-. I .-nr .. i 1 ' ii . t l.---l i - ftir - v ry -is- 4n t W ii ; r ' t4l-SU -- 4i 1 . ' ..Kr k s Dfls A fr r-rr s- I . f I t i t La'lt..' . raiio.i.ainr ne l"rr;'!-: nt a;i lh.- ininuiH:te- r.vuuiv.ii vi' til. tary, witlioui an opjirhmity ! low.'! l,i:u t, !i., the; :.t!hv t.i- eiKtTves, After iiakiii Uip at the T.irioni Agei'us. ear thiopie tnend iA c'l.. i I w--. v . as the 1'oy to pui the bM ii. m : i -i whiio Prof. Marh. vi'li :!;-a -s :!;... AtiOies i i v, li.. ?u 1 Ii e .r. ';- alllltU I wele to jilisiih i ituthe W'Jiil' 11oUm t:d demand i.i tl;e ...-t:e lmui.inity, liuvitiieiai teal ( of l r. 1 K hum. llvcrythilig w.ukeJ- well nut-, the President was i e.u lied. v hi t li., asUniishineiit of Prof. M.ii!i and l.i K.lliiwcn,n0;CL of an iv.r.iv di.ite iuvi , ligation, by a co'nmissi ,u ,,t proMt:;. ., irentJemeii . Lri(.u :!iu,i. 11. w ,, a t-ttiiiiK'V.' I; was iet i . : . . grata, and n av Prof. M.i: ! ;. I hfiliielt' alone. lit-. 1 toriilv fiieinL; di-x.ru d iiirn, hf. irr, to h(ii'd the in wis:. !i tin . , , v.. to b caii-l.t. ' He is till to.' witli the aid ol a in.iV e ' , .. cratit--) publishe! v, :;. - . endeuvimr to fljsb ;bu l.li i. hold it, Messrs'. i:i:- ,i . e . "1 . port of the Cum:.' V-I.-J. , , v kiiuxvn, and then jvy a !, t , IHentt 'Cajif. Jack. Any ..it. ,i,. bones can be loiiud ia t.i.iL , , i an I a warm rce, pliou uv is i.i . . ihe 1 1 i ,i a ; i ,-i vii e, a I .Ml si -s. 1'leU !n T. 1 la: -. : McWiJ'. and s, ii.it' is !,,!.. .. .Maim, iiid II. we, id -r-; :: ( men. a'.l : l.K Adl. ;s. i. -V. IT A I) I ' ';''! J-.'M j EXECUTIVE COMMItm, y IK Mi.M.;. i:s . -i ti, I V yv in t p,s, ill i :i imrl I ' ; . s.v ! I,, In ,l .,i i!., i ,,uri llf'j i v. i Mil, . i. , - 1-,, , .-. .. M. I'-. ,,r !. ' ( ;,,: M V MN, 1 1 . I '. . . i : . -. . i , i .o i . July ", ; -." CIVR'AHO MECHANIC.: i ' 1 1 1 1: i:i in-: H, . i m-: ill - li ' o 1 ' 1 1 ' I'll , , I.i. el in. !'. 1 1 1 ji . , , ii it'l'i nr, eioi . r Ii I i ., I. Pay Your Cify 'I'm V Pi. i i" i . i 'i. 1 14 1, 11. 1 in. i .. Mi 1- 1st Mv idu.v Il l I CAliiTM m f !. : Hi s , a;!', 1 j i r i'l 1 I , 1 : V AIM ll JNO. Sin 1 1 1:1. i I i.l ';' 1 s.M..,. ft I . I" a Si U " inaft . t. .E4M.$ JMk-. i u 1 7 1 L