t I, i 1 'J H H AT- N TV Y I AYwY I ! (t I JAT7- ""." I I nM - rT-7 . hmi . V V I y II M ,i I I I . J 111 l.il Ii4 I . l I. I l in i" i l M- IH l fHi .y ia , rrt nl J lk!UII I I 7 I I ,: I I : . ; V .-, s VOLUME VI. WILMINGTON, N0KT1T G&ftOLl ' ' ... . . - if... 1 1 . , Siogle Copies 10 Outs. NUMBER 42. 5!( . WiL-lINGTON POST ADVER TISING RATES. - - : -r; : "X l- ri ? a .-7 s r- r.- x -j i J J r. i.' r. - - -" - -1:. i i ,: v: r: - r. a. : i i 1 - - - I - I - -3 --' f. 1 1 1" !-. ! i V"- -1 . : 1 1 1 z -ii- - - it : - uni ; ;i .- r - , ; z. C Z ,it m! fjlv ":n 1U fur :i Iuiiit tl'IH- th.ui w vk. l.izhl (s) lia-, Nimpariil ty', coii ,'ltulf :i i ir.'. All j'lvcrtiM i m iits w ill Ik- cliaryol at llif alv' r.iti.', r rt on ct i;il con . irn l". AHfi innMiii'rti'iM on lu im.-.lnultl W a.l.ln--t t. Tin: VirrwiN.ToN I'or, Wilmington. N. C Tin--!' -rii'tion rKc to TilK Wli.-ii..r-. l'-r i-. t vr yvnr fx .iiiili" r'ics l"r rlnlc ol' 1 or 1J0 12 tT ropy. Tlie rirtuliitioii of tlio T.t-r i' the larj;c-t of any p:tcr in N".rtli Carolina. Sv iiry Viit! Watt Ii lor Ir.tn 1 '. ISm't Ih- iiitiitiil.it.ti! Wal- Ii the .U-lniMvr- ! IV.ui- f chi-ali:i;; ;t tin WIm ii Voii to tin.-oll il hhimI llic nlit to vote. x Kvtrv in. ii nli'i li.. livnl in llic.latt' trlvc iH ti(U .ui'i in llii" foil nly thirty l.tpti.t a nl'l voir. WWdvm volutin' hiU o in.ind tin--iiht to vote. Krrry nun who h.i- livitl in tlu-tatc IwcItc oulkl hi Ihv i-otinty thirty Jjt h:v a r.ch I to vote. Krcry m.in who liai livid in the l;itc tt lv- HKiiitht iikI in the county thirty il.ii' ha.- a rijht to vuU Kirrj in.ni who liatlivitl in tin- Slate turlvr month' anl In tli i-ounty tliitly h.i 4 ri.uht vulc. 1'tn.in-of tluatinat tl;c 1HU. Il tin- jt oplc want the Mono .tt al -irti-i.ni, whith iiaMi'i tlu in to have hn'4 lor their Ijtmilif, alnlijhel ? It ote lor lHmocralic IeNc.ite!. Im pnpl want tin ohl c'. r. n'npr iM.iuin iit lot K lt. the inlioii' hipping t, pillVy ami .--Itxk.-, re .llihtl .' If im, vote lot IVmo' ttatie l, h;tv. W.il, h ..r Iran. I ! Utbe eiplo want 'pit'iti"-.! oilraw;e jn-l a I widol onalifieaiion in order to k"ll a i'jl in tho Ynate or IIoiim f lupicM ntal i ve ? . If f. vote for lViiHvratie delcglc. !. IVnllonl Ilrov.;: (who wan at thai iim-tin- SviKtlor m the tletieral V"Ui fr i.i I'.i.wi ll ttintvl w A wrmUt .( eonveiitioii of ISil, aud ltl 1l l-V.. Io it tW linn- a nntt.Ur of v IIiu.c of (. emn.i.h, frun CaniJeii. W'fcrti uu p, u the oll eVuiauW rfo sht to ute. - CutUBtlNHlAU. The IVntticraU made a Rival (u9 htl the eUbtihnicutuf aludeCuin- Miwi.a i,y t),a lJe'ublican, and jet, Wn IH Wln-cUrr wrterrd an amend Mt to the lVRTention bill forbidding lW crration v( ih otBcu of idc CVm tiwiooer, rrtry Vawero rvVl i:mi lK)wini; 4hat thrjr' IdIhJoJ I r r law CitpHntwent for otu idle IV"cr4tic lawyer, ia case they car rV4 the I'ooTenliot. iVe every TtHe! V, IVmocratic CjMdklatot ltk ignorance, fell llx bow thry "Tlrrd the Mrbool fnd which the Mtking ci'!c ha I laid up to rfckcaa rducali n for their children. 'TrtliWw thai Ih? lVrali arty k rrp4MftMb!c t.r the haJrvls of p "olfaUl children o ia the Mate taf poverty, wtis out loe the et ( w kki ihci hard rami ft f parrwt were PWjileird iwiWt tcuai vwfal ciliieaa. : - - w Wood-Pilo Cowan, e understand is sick. lie it ccrtaiu of a xlcfcat. Union, Aiiton, Kichniond, Ilobinpn, lila.len ami Iklintw ick are cqrUily ax.iinnt the conTntion.j ; .SLiilliucH is a whipping-poet man. While lie knows it will be for the. poor man. the rich can pay their way.' Engelhard say that Leach wacan v.Ksifip Duplin atid Sampson forLcacfi. We ln-lievc the Major' head it leveL ftaiidy houw each hiw gone to the wet. lie will not conic cast any more, and it i well for him that he wont. Jai. Murchidon Leach, the , great iK-(iveM'-cr cauvasscr, had to resign his poitkn in the army under charges Ik-ware of rlicatin at tho potN. l'rodueo Your Tax Ilecclpt, ; This w ill be the requirement uretcry voter, if the conspirator succeed in amending the constitution. Scavenger Leach, the man who got from the Unked routes Treasury dishonestly, was on yesterday nomi ii a ted for (JoTcmor by the Democrats of Tender county. - mi Kev. SUillings says now uiathe wants llic colored peoidc to voto for him. He said la.t week, nt Faison, tliat ho did not. Now, at which place did you lie, Kee. Stall'ng, at Fa i sou's or at Duplin Ktiadn. Iin'lle iulimidaled! lion. (JeorgeZ. French has been res'nK nt of Pender County ever nince it w;n in-tittitol, an l if thi Journal' Deputy, tlie Star, will read the Post, thvu he will bo better Post cd. I Lie L Pay Ixach, jKor Leach, chrou ie eandidaU: for Congres. Ix'auh, bil- linggate Leach, dHger- Leach, slip iK-ry .Iiinmy Leach, MiTttla (.Jenoral ieach, coward iA'ach.tiovernor Icach, has gone. gone, gone' Let the bells toll. Do you wish to tell everybody how ynu vote? If so, elect the convention candidate, and you will cvt a cons'i- tutioii that will prevent yoii from vot ing hereafter by ballot, ami yo4'r inde- eiideuce will be destroyed. Beware of cheating at the olK (iuv. I each failed to meet his apjoiiii meiit fat Shoe llctd on k'ond.iy. Ke- jH.rt w.i he w:u of the opinion tliat some one would meet him who would take his hide olf. lie lias not forgot his old riming tricks that he learned in '61. Olfice seeker Stallings said at Fal con's lh.it he wanted the whipping Kt otuli.-dud for the l ent lit of the negro ilo mid at Duplin Keads he wauled it for both poor white and colored men; becau.-c, MHr iniu of Duplin, the rich men can pay their lines, but you, t men, will have to le whipped Ye every vote! The Wilmington .Vir, a trolg Con vention journal, advocates the election of Jelf Davis to the Presidency of our Sta'.c lniverity at a alaly of $S4(KK ler year. Think of that, Union men of North Carolina. If you are ready to 1j laxeil again to supjort JetT Davi-., vote for the Convention candidates. A majority of the delegates (o the Cotiveution of 1 Sl were clectetl le causo they were I'nion men. And yet theordinacce of seci-sj'iori' was ' (hissed iu les lhan six hours after tho Con vention assembleil. Can w-q put any more faith in the pledges of iVmocrats to day than iu thooe of IStil? ttov. Vance. This gentle ma a aooouuees in his pitblic eeches that the Homestead is not gvod agaiatt DId.Dvhis. Every Democratic lawyer I w ha. h '' asked . tho question, will be compelled to auwcr ia the same way. Let the people as them, when I hey make their rche, aod see if it is not so,' mm - One of the objects the iVmocrati hare in view is to strike from the Con stitution the school section rrqulriog that free schools shall be taught in every township for at least font months in each year, and place them at the mercy of a hostile Legislature, whkh might it a single blow bloc out the en tire school system. Sakl a iVmcrat on edaeLiy : Four years agwhen the qncrtion of Convention or Notnventioa wa sub mittal to the eoplei I voted; " NatVo-vi-tiiion," and Rc lh iVmocralic can didates. Thn rear ny party friends have dented me ibe right l say wbeth- rr I wUheU a Cunt en two oe4. Aa I am an 4d-4kieed lVntoeral and ttpiusrd u the rulo tae few. f shall voce k the Krpnblican raadklatesnlio kav 4ed(ed lh Ivy, t adanm the laenlkHi. 1 ' - l.its II ' Tll3 , y IxEPUBUCA-6 Of DurUK AnoiMkb.-i-Thc Kepublicans of Du plin County are certainly in earnest. and they are determined to carry thcfTocul wood. I vrillgirc egol; V'o'hnty tliis time. There were large iiiertimrB at Wurxaw and Dur.Iin Koaihs yesterday, lion. Or W. Price, Jr., o ' fairly wore out Mr. b'talling at. Duplin Rfuilf, and made him take water on the Convention .jwestion. Kvery Democrat the late Legist- tdro voted aiu,t au auieuJmeut ivr- biddi. the. Convention .from' striking out that claiMo in our present CoiiBti - tuiion which declare that " aTl e'ec- li8 ought to be free," thereby proy- . Will Ukp ii tf iiimim ill tluiy Twittrtfr til prevent the eoplc from voting as they choose. . ' lite Leirislature ciilled a Convention I'll ,!. .North Carolina in IStil without ub- iittni" the question of Convention or No Convention to the people, llesiilt: Secession, war, conscript act, tij.be law, intny inousanu 01 our oesi men Kiiieu, live liuiiureti more witn legs ar.U arms shot off and one half of the property ol the State destroyed. Are our people ready-to repeat the sad exeriiicnt. In 1871 Col. J. A. Gilmer piteously apcalcd to the people to call a Con vention or be would be com felled to vote to levy ft tax to pay the interest on the Stale debt, resign or prejurc himself. The eopJe didn't call aCon- ventioii. he didn t resieii, Hie tax to pay the interest wi s not hviid, and Col. (lilnur h.-is nol peijurid himself, beeau.-e he is the Democratic candidate for Convention in Guilford, and he "is an honorable man." It is charged that the Trustee ol the 1 University, at iheir late session iu Jial- clgh, were about to elect. Jell" Davis President of our State 'University, and that they only postponejl e'octing a President until the votcil the Conven tion bill could be had. J "Union men tff North Cajolina, it' you want Jeir D -.vi-to instil sieesion into the luiiid? of the voiind men of the Suite date- vote for the Convention i:'idi- Ia I the people evcr wliji-m in North Carolina benr iu inind, iliat the Demo cratic press ha e diflared their detcr- luinalion to overthrow the -Supreme Court, because it Ji.-.s pronotiueed the (diamcfol gerrymander of tiiis city, by which the eople were d"privcd of the Kwcr to elect their olln ers, unconsti tutional, and because it declared that the people's hoinis tliuuld not be sold to pay old debts. 1 liability l'iceevUaiis The Demoeiatie Japersyire mm h dis tnrlel In-eausv Judge lSuxtou :s a can didate fur Convention with a pledge to adjourn at once. When Judge How ard of Kdgccoinbc, and Judge Osboinc of 3Iccklenburg, announced theni. clyes and sat in the Secession Conven tion of lv'1, nothing was s;iid about their eligibility or "soiling their judi cial robes." Jell Davis has declined thy Presiden cy of tho lexa-s University. He is wniting dotiblle until after the elec tion iu this Stifle, when he "w ill be elected by the IVmocratic party Presi dent of the University of Noith Caro lina, to spend the Slf-VH of bonds appropriated by the last legislature to cdacalo rich men's oiia. So the next generation arc V be taught trvasou by Jcu" Davis. Does anv man in North Carolina want the- old county court system re established? Py an estimate made. the present system Is cheaper by hun- lr.bi of tliousamis of dollars. Under tho present tonusl.ip system letters of administration can be obtained mime- diately after n man'sdeath. Under tke old system it couhl only be done at a prrgnlai seion of Ih'c cotialr court. Under the present system. Ibe people caa elect tkeir own Justice und txm- tntssionen, thetby Lolding to accoon tability ihosMi a ho tax them. Under it nLI nvIrrthiMs MarUlralew were elected for liJ ami they might act ia Ui most tyrannical manner withont fear of removal. i Who. rcckitt? with the siwalsof ot5ce. revelinc in monev wnnjcKl I root tuin and State's rniw, are f.rrver talking of their Wve lor the foot man r - the Ildkals.---Ca4rTr Ummrrrrr. Who, nntVd np and arroraar, with their skirts dripping iln tnc hJ ef innocent men, murdered in an ottWy attem4 U break ap the jro rem meat nf the United Statoa and etabladi npoa iU.rmins aa Intolerable depUmt are m addini: innlt to injary, by again htteminx topen the At galea of revrdntMn. and tnereby rednce the t Mucde ol No lit Candiaa ta slavcrT ing tliat if they havli ii majority luey.M, t ,. ,T v.r v- V- CITY ':.EI38 ' - 50 ' HANDS WAlfTED" I ployment to tlie above TWimbcr of arxnl working men. for the Doit'tux iricilths I . UJTV.., COUKT, 4.U8 totlowm ,-casc. were dis'osvd. of . yesterday Jbyt e uu a v.r: I'..,Marcud, cbtirged with a viojata'pu oi u.c city . oru. .ance. ...Auc ,ca dism'sseJ 9" n5,0. - 1 1 , !'!'" ' ' U.u charged., with larceny as lounu guuty. ixuua ovv'r ,to tn, i nnriiir m kiiri. in inn kiiiii ti j ihi t I o tt'tm iitiii 'iiifi iirv it ivfin f'li'i I (Tin I with disorderly conduct,, were found guilty, but judgmeut )y 4a suspended 'oil the payment of cost. I . " ' -Jcorge Aldrtch, charged with drunk- otuie&a.. Judgement suspedd un. the" payment ol cost. Watch for fratid ! Ueuistuatiox. id Ward Dan O'Connor will be in his olllcj iiextn to .fo. curt House, from JO-A.AI. to 1 1'. M., and from 3 to 0 P. 31., everyday for the Yegist ration of voters. .' The following arc the hours lor Jlw- istralion in the Third Ward ; From 0' to U A. 31. : from 5 fo7 P. M. Every day until election. . The Challengers. The city ex ecutive committee have selected the fol lowing named Republicans to act :is challengers at the different voting places on eletliiiii day: First Ward,' Upper 'Division. J W Whitney, John Statelier, Win H Hovrc,, Dc L Towers, Win Hcnryj'llowe, Johh Evangelist, George H 'Adams) Henry Kuhl, Edward Ancruiri, J () NTxon, Jake 1'ordeaux, Henry Neal, Stephen Kiehardson, Kichanl ; J'roVn, llobert Phinney, Eli Currie, John Gates, Win Holmes, Henry 3IiddIeton, v"illiam Walker, Green Smith, Geo Llabsoii, Saml Norton. ' ' ' ' ,' First Ward, Lower Dlviaiohf--'J W Telfair, John Hooper, George Lifling ton, Owen Dove, Owen Burncy. Jfil:e rxotqr, jas . bowery, w iuj lveuogg, tr . f. a r it r i 11 1 E McUride, Saml Keed, AUcii Eyans. Elijah' Line, Hcuiy '.Lucas, Mahiui Njchols, Wm.TiTcker.lDuiiciiii H'o!mcs, Chas Sampson, .raincs am Sweat, Jiihy JfoseleV, Daniel Cliad- wick, John H Lewis. Fred Brown. Richard P Hall, Stephen Ballard. Secoud AVard.1 Joseph A Ashe, George II Jackson, George E P.eiden, J W McNeil, A McKinzir, E J Penny packer, Thad Howard, Wash Howard," Saudy Stewart, Moses Whiting, Saml Sterling. Daid Howard, George Mur ray, Win We.-t, Fred Brow':i, Jt.hu W Hunter, Robert West, Edward Joyner, Win McWilli.uns, J N VanSoclen, Gury D.ivii. Ivhvd Malktf, Jaspir P.ishop. Win N Mallett. Third Ward. James Heatoii, J W Spieer, Gilbert Telfair, John SM", Washt Tucker, R E Jackson, John Davis, Win Cowan, Saml .Merrick", Chas Wilhorn, Thos King, Raudil Jones, I John Lewis, George Hayes, Mathev. t 1 -. ... i..n... rr...; "i 1 .,r . she, lias Anderson, 1 1 ay wood lu-V ,. . v kin-, I r.mk Atkinson, N 111 John .n, Cieti "Mi seley, David White, DWhecrer, Archie William?, Jac.b Wo.xi. ' Fourth Ward.-Josepli J Cutla:- jiii n .-1 i. r j 11 f Wm L Uall.Ml.is N lVain, Jcs- t 3Iar- Un, jotin teat?, w a .Ionian. iaMw'ul. Price, Robt Leonard, IVier Mclvfcvef. King MeCall, Josh Moore, A L Brown. Amos' Brown, ISmdy Jones, W 11 Kellev. Win W.hite. Washt Howr, Hanover Johnson, Jjs II Harris, Alex Ulrj ant, Henry Hill, Nat Conner, Cha Sutherland. John II Howe, Tlrf-s R-,vd, 3IoscsGiairgcf, Jr.' Fifth Ward. Hiram Hanlm. ILtris Jones, Ja II Davis, E D Hewlctr, Janic K'Xinr, Halifax T Ixu.trd, lM Ieonarvf, " bKicharusnii. "vngsn opinions, .ne c-unuiun. 1... ea.or- UH lot'l l.u. jomi uiti. u 11 Marun, Henry Loftiii, Joh Ru., Tld Bird, A J lXnlon, Washt Howe, Hbnry Kvkht, Mows Connor, Alfred Conner, Moses Grainger. Ukl K non Onl mt mis alir vf lb ltebellton. ' Cuto. Joly Sf, 17 The greatest mas meeting Ware tLd war was held here t-Ly. tewcral Manning siecesa Hv 'met au!" com pletely netted the great war-hvc: of the msoUin, Gen, Lracb, and gate him snch tremendons Uti Uu kin friends raised a rwltt ifrBTt him. bt It was mi gw (Vn. Maania &W ta film jivmwj w . v i kandk-d him Hh tcl J matte na&ay fVirtnl ah ability. Sampson cveaiy UI go cva txt iWxi, and wc Ul evre (ct crtll In tic a. Jtaiuaa i-r its ecoru in train, irnnr tv nf r-arc-( htaan tT if t--arci it ' laranmn The d jrvastll to tt aad trne IUrblrsnm IVkrat nuy Ud Utx .; .n-.-.' 'linTon Tost: 1 regret to set that Committee placcU my name on U.e tanilidalc for 'the" .Constitutional ' KjOU- "'' 'r "the JlejmLIIcaa Executive ar eltH' Ra .niaccd 'in v iianie! bn Ihe ticket as ; Comuiiitoc tif elUtfi tieain. before thott eWciLkj, I.ftho'd decline it, but as it iH'l.Bi';a 1 inij t- accept the numi natiotk; o:!i mi.'i I'aia always willing to, do anything 'in iniy iKJwer to tlie-iirpiiblican ti ty,'bot tny f ilii-Tr dulic3, uiy private unaiiicbe aim niy neaiui iiiuku n. niuiuei L! impossible for ne to spend' much time !0'12a1i:iffh:!ad'th"at was theSciyon foul5!it3dfowaiirtic'to''l)o- tewd fa tlie County-Nominating Convention. i . ' IfJjie Republicans succeed in elect j'a oiajority, vvlieh now appear to be wxillcceitaiu. of course it ia all ricbt. , I - ll.. , ' ' . i ,; .w but' iCothc:.wi e n.v eonstiiucnU ruust HO!ticci'iiiLiHi il l do" not M'tnd alt 0 .. L-.U:.'..rr'4s..i.,t.!V.' '..:V...l .1.. ..n,:rf or tlie Convention. . ' Veiy resjotfully, -' 1 Grx). Z. FnKstu. .The .Cliai lotte C.) DunwaK In discussing the proositiou to call a con vention to amend the Constitution of that State, uses th"vs language , If a convention is called, let it be unrestricted let there be no pA'ndering rr promise t Jkadicahsin or imported r 1. ,1 riinKes nieart let me oiu-iimo prae lieeb be restored, umJuaImu; the vliij- pipg:po3i. and 1nalnK.d sullrage. This is progress backwards, mid tluit is what the Democracy of North Caro lina are a fx r. tljJtjition to "import ed Yankee ideas,"' and their desire for a restoration u "'old-time practices," lu.iy ualuruiiy- be expeotevl from such a source. . tipcakiug of the bill for caJl ing. tho eonveulion, il adds: ."The resti ietioiis iuiHscdiu the bill as It passed the Senate are degrading ami disgraeei'ni to tUe. people oi" the SUile,u.j'k.eiai;y in iis p;ui'dering to the prejudiced ut" oar fanatical enemies at the North.' No North Carolinian should ever Kiy thul he is w illiug to surrender his ciaim jr damages in the unlaw ful CinaueijvU'UU of am.1 dv ivatioii ol personal. property, although we are all jiow O'josed to le-establiihing slavery iu any fh.ije."' 1 A" very much like a de sire- for" uconciliation ! Not oniv ia the 1 f-, dciiotiiiecAF "'" 'latical ene- iii i-, ' lull tho chiiui for compensation fo tliL'l'l'.ite t-'Taves is hcvor to be sur-. iVi.dcief' i j-ui- yet we are. toJd the war is over, and -.should be forgotten. t'ioiV1;. . The Jtccsml ' In lw! the lVmo'ci-atle patty piling ed il: j country into civil war without s-ulnnttiii tlie iuestiori to the people, again . t an express u'nder.-t.irnlingto the ecMitraiV at the time of the election for delegates- lu.Lhe Coiivenlioii. 'A'iiey forced a lluod ol" money upon the-people and aflci w.ij Ji repudiated it, t hole by bringing iu.aieuse di-tre-a upon all ciases. They sqiiandcied the linking f:in-l of the Slate' which had been pl.u-rl in their bauds as 11 sacred Oust, and nivenletl it III worthier CouJVdeiale bonds. They .. inyesti d 'rne entile seluxd 1'uiiilof (Tie State in Con! derate securi ties," and thus dctr.iudcd ioor nicii's t . 1 1 ... .. i . . . cinirtreu out 01 1 ntvKiutus oi etiueaiiou. "'They proiuLil iliv por meu that if they Wyyld eali-l .l"o.- twelve m"nths, i - thev would, at the expiration of their , ' . . 1 . . . i truis, be nt'nWiil to return home, but i.tca,l "cuniplying wit li their promUe I tliey had them' etw-ipfr.l and h it 'eir wive- and children to sni!er. -Thclpwa; mi l. of North Catotina xvvre .;untel , doii by , Democratic bhsl- h , , , ( , j fhev itP.ivd' t furnish 'itiUral linil tor th pr s:jldu s nlm eve: hi unf rtuuale a-to 1.m ihrit n itur.il ones, in b ligiit hieii the. had 110 heart and iu which Uu IwUl no .interest, ' They lvva taxil lUopor man ou ail ot'hU piuct:y ovr iitWjf- tlirfLrt, r.lale Uim aHio time lUry allowed thd ricJb, mau an exemption of jil? n They w w l!A.nteu to require a p-il tax m ijUaiilit r.lio for voter, ainl farther tiireateu to allow the rich mail to have an addition Vyic fur every live Ttuudred d dlar-' uju which he ays taxes, thereby pLicing ;he privilege of ti chxlive fVaaeJiisc entirely under the control f the pncrtT holders of the !r.to. Tlvi-y threaten to overthrw the Suprwu.o Court of North t'arvliuA oiiirriy becau-c it Iims given a decision scaairt tlto tyr-nkal attempts of uiali ciJUrt partuans tadepriy Uic hsj4c of the right to elect their public otltcers, and. becau it has drcUred that th money tdtarkj of the Land have no right to deprive lit r r man of hh lilUe hoiac for nld dcW. They have pard I a taJkmI-aul tenant act, by vtuca ihk land bwncta vf the Slate can lord it avev thoptior man anl toiJ htm in puxLirt tittle ir4iJ I tm that ia which they itdii vkciv1 pe-ir ic$re lire war. , The I K-r. lie pariy ka ctM&ststtlrd ail thew rreat traut and nom they lieiv K l,e ol Nrfftb Cjtros,i H, that w 1 Ueiw aa ali- 0ts:k Jmm te th g i peer Jc la rUUva cpo a eras aat j lttj te pniwejr cvyr-r &y tie KfUca vrty. Ivrt 1 tiffs- c: , i.-w lv- I -! h deIre lo rrtsla tWIf n&u pt ? Xm .fcf, t.W T vk. Thianr aiW l .f atvt W I djr of fM' rate la o-sr si arr at ! ie haH-wotiiiag; Carnarr and ! aa tL N4 5 the tissc irf r free ! rcfcanic rranenthrr theW lh!r aal f : . f . m - m .:. a. Fill at f m -A a a . The Conspiracy JKxposcd. t It has transpired within tho last few days, that one of the schemes of tho convention-ploUcrs is to establish in North Carolina, a system of ri'ru rwe voting, the same eystem that ibrmcf- !"' "' y revailed in rirgtnia, Kentocky arid pcrhaj Isomc otbent ot the Southern' states. In o'het 'words, those who are entitled tjo the suffrage, instead of vot ing by bsil lot as they' are now' permit ted by lajw to do,' will be obliged to tel the judges of election tbo'Oucs for whom they role, so that all bystanders 1 - 1 . 1 s. . r may near, auu uio tow ho given is to be entered into a boolHctpt by the poll- holders, so the same may be inspected The purpose of this infamous prop osition is apparent. By tho system of voting ov uauoi, me pmren can cnoose his -Candidate and no one but himself can know who tho person may be. In this manner the voter is protected from prying curiosity, auu can givo bis un biaased suffrage without fear of.TCaultA That is. he is absolutely free trom out- i Jo iuUueuces. But if tho rira voce system is adopted, many a man, hot having the moral courage to act nide- iHjndently of outside interference, will either vote contrary to his inclination, or will not try to givp expression to his choice at all. It is One of the most oucnsive restrictions tliat can be im- posed upon freedom of action, and places many men (such is their natural timidity of disiosition,) within the jtower of those who have stronger wills. The first application of the rira rocr plan is to be made when the amended constitution is submitted to the people for ratihcation or rejection. Ihe con vention bill provides as follows: "Nor shall said convention pass any ordinan ces legislative 111 their character, ex cept such as are necessary to submit the amended constitution to the people for their ratihcation or rejection, or to convene the tcneral Assembly. - . . . . . . ? , . .. 'llic plot is simply this : The Legis iturc that passed the convention bill is to be a,rain called together: and by the tcrtns of the law, the convention, if it has a majority of democrats, will sub mit the question to the people. But ho'.v? TJje voters will be required to come before the poll-holders and sneak out how they wish to vote, instead of casting a secret ballot as they. now uo. In addition to thi, tlm convention will require voters to produce- their tax receipts belorc they can vote at all. By these appliances, thousands of citi zens will be prevented from giving ex pression to their freewill, and the "sub mission to the people" will become a ree. This plan bus been seriously licu.fic.d by the leading conventioii dollerls. and its adottion agreed upon. Tho jotily method by w hich it can be lefeatexl is to elect delegates to the convention who are opposed to amend ing thq constitution, and who will ad journ the convention so soon as it shall assemble, the people should not de lude thk'insclvcs by supposing they can rote ddwu an amended constitution il it does not suit them, lor it maybe many 1 1 them will nave no opioriiiy, but tlujL one now presented, to vote at ill. IVt them lie warned in time, A.-f Xhiih .y.f. . Another Falsehood. Another Falsehood is being told to prevent coloied men Irom voting, to the elicit thai they will bo obliged to pay their jkI1 tax before voting at this elcc tii.i. This is living induilriously cir etilatei, but we would say to tbacolor ei folks there is not a won! of truth ill it, and they ought not b allow'thcin bvlves to be deceived. It the democrala amend .lhe constitution, however, they will put this in, and after the present election, uulcssthe republicans succeed, it may le the law, that no matt ran vote unless he produces his tax-receipt. The. .Wilmington (N. C.) W calls at Untio i to the fuel that twrcnty-hvc of the uiembera oi the couvcutiott of 1W1 tliat look North Carolina out of the Union are caudidaU-s for the cut ca tion of lT'i, besides the ex-t Vnifeslcrate ?U-tl4- Attorney tiviieral. It should be reiaemlierrd that these men itt ldl pretended to lie lovt-rs of the Union. They pretend now that the State Bights issue is dead. What can reasonably be exported of them c&crpt a repetition of their former treachery if they shall un fortunately get omtral of the conreo lion? W'ttitsn-ftom RQubttfli. . A vitc for the anli-cnarentiAn can di.Lilra is a vote agaitfl saddling aa rnrutouj debt upon the peofde. If you do not wth to be boon. I hand auj fH ly Ihearmeinee and dicta tno of the old-time "ra'ing cUmsea, vote against ronvenUan. - - - .Democratic lawyer well know that thousand jnslgwtenUi are now chain ed up by virtne of the dri-Mxt of onr lpnbtican prrtna Conrl in rrtation ta lhe rHrrprcttve action of ibe If wne trad. iVmocratk' lawyer well know that lliojio-l of mimS wykr now away wilt Ue pUcr-l in ihctr bamla far enikctMm if a new apeeaae Ovnrt can beLadwhkh wt! declare the retro pectire fcalnrc olf iW hMne?ed cMttilatMMttl. frry Ivnvwiatk: lawyer U in favnr f tke rtwtvtrwiMat i.Mri mmm tbt tW kpiiHi, peyii. Mnaf Ifhlkan twmHHmXmn V-M ant 4 the revWaueniHCA. Tvi mU TWnr rnm lUn4lrh cwa4y a 4 a r 4 a that Cran A Unsart vd rvwm. TW ciSa a t ngjwttJ'ialHagfw Tt - - - ' t . V - . . I www sy tim afnaatuwa mm . (-"ti:. Mil r Tho Way Di. Cook tcntl toi- Ibe .1 ,!TmlUr Glenn. ' That brazen renegade, Glenn, of Yad-1 kin, after having betraved the Unjon f men of Yadkin twho elected him, ii now stumping' for the DemocraLs. litis Is the way Dr. Cook of Wilkes took ' him down at Yadkinvillo last Friday : "Gleifn, tho Lieutenant (fovernor, so called, wrote Mr. Myers, of Yadkin, a few days before ho betrayed his ; party. In this letter ho said tho Democrats wera thieves and were stealing tho peo ple's money. "Now," said Dr. Cook in his reply to Glenn, "too Lieutenant Governor aays lie wast the whipping post, and be says thai when thieves arc . convicted, yw should take them out and cuktheir infernal hides.' Thia was Glenn's exact language. Now he says the Democrats are thieves one day and the next day he is found in the den of thieyes. What did be, go there for? Wa4 it to partake ol the plunder? Was it to gel the benefit of the stealing? If stjj, who will 'cut kisiafemal hide?7" Have not Democratic lawyers tried to have tho 'Homestead law declared unconstitutional? It is certain that they have, and it is known that Judge Merrimon, who is now slumping the State in the interest of tho Democratic party, was untiring in hiscitorts to hare Ibis great outrage commuted. XE I V A I) i'WISEAIKN JT2 CLI1T01M) HOUSE, OX MARKET STREET, BKTWEEN 8KtX)Nl AN1 TIIIKI. IN the buNluess iMirl of I ho ell v. Vnlemlui Ikmo-U both traiiblt-nt' anil iTruianclit. House newly furnit hod.aod Inl.le well iun- plled with every luxury the niurkt l uHoi J. xermif tuouoraiv. mt - auf I 11 iu DIVIDEND. TA MEETING tb' Till". lIIIKf-rolt.s ot tlto lUnk of New Hanover, Ii. lU thu Usy. aiviuenu 01 nvo Hr ent. wnx nlnr'l out of luc earut;iK ol U10 lUnk lor I hi ho.1 nix moiitliR. rxiyable mi uii I H T AU- cant loth. H. 1. WAI.UVCK July oltl, 1S71-81 Cll M1I1 r. ORGANS STAR ly iiuraiilllly aii.l woilli. m-n for HluMruUsi cuLnloKUu Ixloru biiylutr. e inuiiularluri-r. ' KUWAItl I'ULITH. WuhIiIiikIoii, N J , Jolyt-oui EIECUT1VE COMMITTEE. r MIK MEMHKIW OK TllK KKl'L ML.It'. N . KxreuUvr Coaimltloo ut ISow llaiiuvrr Hd 1'endcr Ctouatlv aro rMiui'ilH lo Iw iirtwrnt at a inocllni; of iuUi I a mill. to tf belli hI llic t'ourl llou' in WIIuiiiikIuii. on MiuiiUy, A us 11 si l7', allu o'riuck. .M. ny order (tommiUts-. is. II. MANNINGS, (.'halruian. II. K. Si-orr. Kcrri'lary. July M. ls:zi CIVIL AND MECHANICAL KNGIiVKKIMN(J AT Til K HENHEI.A Kit lDbYTr ( II Mr ISNTITl'TE, TKUV. N. V. Jiiktrucl'on very ;rartlt-al. An vai- uQriiirt-il In Hum ixnintrv. i.hwlu.i.. obla'n .xiflli-nl inaill.Hiii. 11iiiB s. it Itilli. rurllii' Aiimitl Iti-ulkU-r. foiiImuuki: Improvnl Cuurtvf ul sl u.l . Pltl lull ittrtirii litrs. addrvii I'not. CIIAIIL.1-M liUuW.NK. lnrurior. worn' mm Nw an. I tn.-iiru! ilri.lL-ii A. i Au.btiui kkwauu i"crns vvmi.uik. ton, N J July !-.! Pay Your City Taxes. OOJlI o Tmkasikii. m Chi i.tilni. ! CITV or W ll.m.MT.is. t I July j;ib. i: k I'HK city 1 ii( Imcii 1 TAX JatKM rll Im'. Ii w . rmlM.ll Ml tllU ..111. . II... n. drrKiied in now -ri .ttit to i,Or-rt !!. liyiari. imi Hl Klal at. Imm uJ rnriy hf !.'. Al.l. I'A Ityi 5S urr ll.virt.Mr iHiUMnlaa l n-ttsl I.. e VP III l MialUrr ObltirUialr ml tv-aU.Hi. ami U. l m llila uOmm uad "i-ay up ' ailltoul lurllK-r delay. 1T ItH IM.N.S at mtm, tw . . iajuitit ufCtly Tav. Hi T C, NJIViav . Treasure mnilUiiu Jlir . ti 'IMIK L'NlVKIUslTTir NiiTil l .M.n. TaUliifclilultuu wilt b',c(.u .mi Hm, 1st Monday of Saabr neat. IhelrrmrndlnfUia ?n. Ttianty in Jut,. '""S ViMWlloo .4 two Wn-ki al 11,0.1 ma4 U baa bivo ro-oncwolanl on tlx. Drajilnn.nMnMnlht. Iwivrvir. tlarrvcar rtewlar Art, Mrtcy and Aettmiiut. In.UarU.Mi vlliUgivtn In ta br.nrh,, Immiae usually iaothl In U. ort (Wirt. Hprrlal Inctrorlioit wklrl in A r lewllnrv and ll. Aln-tBiile Aria. Aa at-l rltt baa twa aptmalrdl. TVa aotMn.c tt tout lily rrpmltni lor Uw rryUoi of f al fa a ltd mj ktaafptita. Kar rimitniiUMbn .4 iK . ry KrCHlIMiTTl Mrrrvtarr ' Tto. NOTICE. pii Km: wiii.ni ax i4.ia-ritN-111 1 1. I M in ooal iwllmr pta wo lk rt 1.rlay la Aaaoat. i Sww llao roomy lor la cSmtw. mi mm mmmwmtmg lowaMthlfi oArm, tU - witjixrroxTtw7oMtr-.o m-v Mnlw, ot ToMlily t1mk.Mw 1 mmm aod tavrve WOwid CoaaaalUo. rmCRALi lirr.atAnilhi, Itaav 1 2fKTf ASt C.rK -lt Tv ail Vn ataoraov ao lint, ooat oo Uowitto owa. Jtnr iiaaiovtaa a jii rriuta n TI n-TWo !! lo to ac Ua mmU a. It atAli nWrtff of Xeo ltaooorcoot. CaO TO A tXKjra AXt oct convvni. it. f- May a- ToaortaJMQYciail. p A kTt mmt fnooa aaaoTtrtal of iux Cawsooov lMrWMOorawS Waa.to t mt U rVntl laaoao, ooo htmmyutrnHkUmmiiimmpmAAmrmm. mrtft? eoS on ftao MoaoT to 10 Mao aoayt ao4 ooaata Uaot Conun tyyaaan. ts-nt 1 ! -