. ; ' ; i i 1 ' 1 1 ' t VOLUME VI. WILMINGTON;lNQBTH-;Cto lif f-,df..P WBfiici vvrira iU M.iw OFFICIAL VOTE OF NEW H1NOVER COUNTY. EIXCTION AUGUST 6th. 1875. II a 4 X. . x-.irWri:-. Z ll Ft . -.i. ft MB i-J r- 2C 9m in ll 1 J im o: in 54 Uf W mi 1 ' ifrl JJI .-mi -jl " " f '-V ,,VJ.tiUty.itn ,v- If i.. fl . . ... 'IT . I I . . . . . i ;' GASTON qOUNTY. ; t -i i' t tn : ' ! ' . 1!i;l -iffi If? Yv. il'il s. ..... t.. It .(jwi;ff i .. if ia m a I a W- a T..I.M' .nll M- Kav . 11 K 11(4 iKil lM r - II tl-l . iV H ill .-.I. i it .w . , .ih-Im. . n - . h.c- I "-. J- 'I ' .1. 147 a4 177 Hi it I 1 21. in ll' CONVENTION! ; . . , ' (tI0M0U ; SKWS FttOM I'ENDVK- Vcli.ivc infin luatioii Irom rx-uth WiiitKi" up -,, M.yistcrday, it whM.li timo tho Krpubticui candi .iatc fr I '..uv.nti'i were 10 -rules jhf.i-1. Hutir l.'cpubliciin Township ti Let rlct led. Il.i- tin t.iiirt iVniocrutic Ku-bip in the coiiulv. WAKE C1UNTY. iTt - iv r7y0 UcpuMic.ii m.t- .rlr ;VJU HIC! UlUNTV. limWil oMinly lif-- mic Ui publi i ,n 0 I U N () Jf f U 0 A U 0 L I N A. - m I - - TKVt: TO Till: L.XST. Pier M Secure h T&elr Urn steals. MKrifAMCy 1.1 EN LAW SAFE Kioui iiif.-rmalioti wo have received from ill p.irti of the tate, c feel safe irivjiii.' that a in.ijority of dvlvgattai to the Constitution! Convention have brrn rh-vti-U who are pledged toiuinie lute Adjournment. North Caioliua Haj e:ic against Convention candi Uloi by more than ten thousand ma fifily. IVk Joi-rn.il calUil Couvcution . City Election, aud has faih-U at UhIi. "Let u. have l-cacc." IVr-tm who know of any intimida tion during thctUvtioii oil jo'ciday, ill please couiniunii-ate with the 1T .tt nce. l'.xo toNVK.STION EutL!IARl riimrti. i-w fatep, vfrnn ani m li ihw wiiting up due VU io printers. V A I K 1 1 1 r E W ELL- ENUEL UAKI. rlMiEIW ANl THE JoCKNAl., VMNVKN ITON AN1 THE CITV HILL. LKAClI lijlr' xit.- Ltaih Ij gone boine kL. Wv kui the lVmvcratic E-lcc-uimc tNMtNKtc la scud the valiant tiracfal fruui Ihnhlwn rvuaty to make -- -ect lcs i tbc East. M , . ll.lRtlC IlASCAUtY. At U llerl jrtUTlay a luaO went up to vote, dthi hI1 hvldcrs 'kept hiM (tmi vrMia; uatil they ru uf and gvt a IVpity hcritf tw havim (th man) it td (ot mi'4 alkdcrd crime, t'kaip ptacOce. " and cettainly JJow nen iVnaocrat u lh iweaDcst U tWn rttiuva. ' Tm CVLoa Ltxc We Uara that VwkavlWa, wbv metat4 aa the (acalWU) Mayvr vf Wilaii(ta al the tV.ik.Uv iVMiraial,haiHtit tWlM(c Ma's party ami waltared the nippa, wt awl herb. ll ia mm4 thati vvt 'C Lk tow whip m&crr ih llMtkvoble ,WVWjUy -eraUWd'tW attea , f evwy wkltaWaa a tK-J Ut WHcma tkixt ad wd fur every aerr IW.ly WyiwkiW- the Ump -WUs Mil I Wra, tW rVrf tut nttaxa. - cr.j?a'A ' ' . . . ' . . r.- , .-.'' '-'-.'- - ! ! ' . : - ' . T . . ."I."., ;v-;';' " . I7 ?l ! SU iiaiimntfi.-tii !- uu. lzr tntT 1SK III .tos.'iiiiiiL., (i I T1 lirx la vilr-AsH 3 L :nfct:- i. a..:.... - f- ti; -if-'-- ..H WAKE COUNTi. Wale 700 lit juT)lUn majority. We liave swept tbc t?Utc so far as beard from T. B. Kkwii. WAYNE COUNTY. AH tin- townsdiij's Iiiaid from. Fall- cloth ni:d Ciantham, rtPUhl'canS, electcM,v ;o m3ivtUy. NEW 1IANOVEU AND l'ENOFR iivtip. i inc anu-i.onvc!iuou .anumaua ia Ncw Hanover aud I'tndor couuticj rrc ckctel by about 1750 majority. The Iwilowinir i the aggrcjatc rote iii the live wards of the city for Town- ship ofliccr : MA(iISTKATK. J. J. f-isljrr )M 1J. l . Hill Henry Hi 2W7 v cwliipOtw S. Vmi mrliice V. II. Mtmrr A'ci. Kdinpnou Anthony llun f'M'.UK. H. T. Toils VOSUTA hJ.E. u. W. Nneli . SOIIUL COMMITTEK. Alfrcl Jluwo A. II. Miirrln J. K. Hiiison , SB3 aHJ SiM iwrj Em;F:i ii ami lNiHRi-rf. f?tate gone against Couvcution by at least 1Q.000 major'ty. WiiiMiKtiruN Ihm.k I. O. G. T. The following officers were instilled ou Wednesday evening last : W. C T. James Alderman. W. R. 11. Mhs Mattic Orr. W. Ij. II. t. Miss Elira Jones. W. V. T. Mrs. YirK:uia A. Orr. W. W. T. JoncJ. W. A. S. Miss Mamie skipper. W. K. tf. W. R Willis. W. T. Mrs. Msggic A. Kcndrick. W. M. S. F. Yopp. W. I. U. Miss Iau Yopp. W. O. t. Chas. Erwell. W. C W. M. Hays. II 0 l T !" W Vaw , , . -T-i... :.,-;.... ...i I. nr..-i.l..l l.vilm I Si? . - r i ik..,., rcadv for circulation. These several present constitution of A I aba ua cm- Utlcl u replace nutw of braces a declaration that the voter who UC SJnK. ,it.nt,u,ii,ati.ins now lu circu-auWcriU-a to it as a prerepjirito of the Uition. Tlie signature of the new exercise of the right of suffrage shall Treasurer is a plain, legible autograph solemnly swear to support the Constitu- MJh" C. New' tion and laws of the United States. It x. , . n . f ,, triiJi m among the plana of the Democrats of k Col. VaUuUno Baker, of th Rnth that Sute who are .kw advocating a AiJ. mXn7l. revision of the institution to abolU fffS. this oath bcea.se it is virtually au ac ,ch btlV Lkffi He ccptance of ihe rtvil and political P"" t a jeai at the cast. He :..i:. .i. . 1.1. t .i. ' i. was found uiv of an tudevcut aaaault they are willing to accept only so much f the ConstiVution aa Heasea them. lUit how bout I he oatkv K. worn rsJimillnt ' tt ! . . ;r; . : V... I icr moreoeiiioa. incy nave wro. mem rcpcaicuiT. aiiu muia nut ii"" I pa ign. XVmWwMt . ...- . - . . . . K . - . . .-k. l , l i--k. ,mnm I - v- ..w - -aj jj,e ua&uocBui cor rage oi jbujc that the war should be terminated, I gad jury maj apear aomewbat re cither bv thesMselvea or the intcrven- I BM-rtaUa. Bui that the Rritbh pablic ti- of . forvig- rower, ami the U.ite! CtalCS OI . meruit is m iuwi diihiii ally a ad protect or, and we avia lae I l'rmdeat and hia Cabiart may, with- I bU thai Ik reWl iKwuicratk oatdeUy. ukc the Uiac in haad. and I Wrty k htokiaft t ymew ia greea ia ae decrew attme .W fucmer aejr- I Uck tor f ir mi.llu-M ( I.W.0t.0) of leet by aa uaoualifted; rroilMa of - their asternal riatmv.-Clar- W . - ! - TWMiIwaakeSaaUael mjmmc- what trcMkallr. -Vhea a v)ornl maa coasmiu a evi Im the Swth. ihe AM-ulr4 !- agrwt aeads aa ae- tvmnl vf Hand the telegraph cdltora thruagboatt the rouatry add deCfij- tioa uf the lyikchiac lnp W- Kwk This aarea the pre- eWklera- hW la Irtettaphio bUUT If Nuttherm I adlkm hoU aeeideatallr hear f a ata4acrt wf cUored atca by Dcatucrata, I uu Um mw ai Ik. Vtfth'af Jih I re4beatK at VKkUar UycaaaM, f : a-k-J. atrrmLrdL aadl I "allaaiet ow I they wiU hitil ' . . Uaaton county has gone Repblicau AVIUON COUNTY. It, b hikld tL(.(,Vilson oouolyUal elected Sinclclor, drm., by.SOOuja joril. ' -w, w - - UK ION COUNT.'. Iodic ntioii.i iirc l but Uniuu county ha- cone fur Hti.-tr. Utirfiblican: by about rOiiijnrity. NLA DEN COUNTY. Lladcuboro G lii pubii .n uuijority ; AbbttUbu.-c 7 t-ublican innjorily. Browo Mnrvb ffvw a Republican ma jority. lllClI MUX l COUNTY. Richmond county c i ta;-il' gone anti-Deiuooratic. The Ncr Firo-lollar LeKl-Tender Isuc. Tlsc new is-nuo ot iivo-dll:ir United States leal-teudcr notc bempaid out by llio Treasury. It i.s the first uovcrnment i.ue ujon winch the new Treasurer's signature appears. This note of almont entirely new design. I 1 he face h. hi irenerai appearance. i i . l -"w -rrrr. cuJa(i0-f ie cx(vpn being an im- provement and inrrcflso of brilliancy producel by the omission of the green tint which covers alt of the upper part " , . . ... Uio riglit-lmnd end of the note, the lat ter having Jwcn replaced by a very beautiful combination of "b!aek-Mnc I latlie work." printed in nl ink, adding 1 beauty ami greater SHHiirity against I ...r..:.i 1... .1... ril.. 1 nw note i'in ;;d of niHntci "trans-i I fen" from the name di which faciii- I tate the con nter fetter in Iii- work by I ouab'iii li tin to roimti'rftvt the back by aimpl v eopyiiij; t nnr 'r (ur pieces of I lath wdtV) evetv iikkv lathe work tliminetivc in il character. The I large pietv in the ivnto- of the note has I . n.s j:.r. HI 11 SOOH' MHin II 1 1 v- Il l ufiifjliiviin ..1.. 1...I... ..... , akI. tn.irr.ul Kv ..itknr i2 I figurcH or Mt-iw. The tour corners are axjojniadoup of distinct peecs of lathe work, two letters V anl two lignrew o being plaetxl on respective comers, all uinering In ueigiiN ami tnc same may b said of the foiir mall piix-es of lathe work two at the "top and two at the bottom which help to form the centre of tin; note. The legend ami all other lettering and scroll-work were evident 'y en grave! by master bund, ouch eing crfect of its Wind. In addition to sharpness and distinctness in alt parts, tho back of tlo' new note bears less -f tlie gTccti printing and shows more of the fibrous quality of the pcipor than any.Jjther h-jral-tender note. It pre sents a degree of crfcction in engmv- The uew issues ef the ?10, 1 2 and itno hral-tender notes will soou le f"? 7"- f,,rV "f c ,anJW" ,VlU " . - . i wf li Doajpneonr iconaa orue is o. ni. oi. I an ilVHIltlimIHIi lllSDlHV OI I lit' utiv.." - ' t " i -f t . ' l vet heacapt nitCMesyryiooannwne a not heretofore atUiiuoL Ti.e face of , h eriiAdtsiUlll.rto-o the note bears the imprint of the iv . trilN4,n' vattpai" iihcfuhjidili o eh! crnment Engraving aud 1 nrtjng h,tI,tvUoihdac a?airCun og t,t m reau, and .the back that or the t . urn- vlHpficanli'iceouT eraegS't o es biau Rank note Ooniiaiiy. of W ashing- f , . Vnt , d fil. Ih, muu' I ti 1 I iiVlrillUOIlt DIINT I . . -T .. . i Jiit tnrc wh-it'l imprisonment twelve months, Upay SiS TaS ie of XOOO and the oo.t of proaccu bSSiEfi oo. Wb wt colder thairtheirU: tion. Wlten wt coasulcr lft me p ----- i fnrlt uf ih T, lKj f ,v . ,:-- ,.f Amr. with whom ho had Iat beep diaiwg, Iaa4 whiae fioa old Cwguac and lrnaMT mav nave occa suuiewua ' m ..." . , . I "'I riMin,T wr L'irdtabXfcT ice Oeaaoeraite tie heme. Uvra rauacipaled Wy la, war.. , Taey are aU kmlviag rTwf t the rty ;.H ivc -ol tt mf. Amjth-r aflhelr Wa to rive rtHis la the vrlctl and tt- pka of those wh- Ml U the war of H rxWUioa, Already am tat LZut- i-i f oJd hiSof h:. ia whiew ft wW be V'wn that aera aw wW were e- thaain sM t'lriee raitr frm twe V tj ltxtd dollars They are 0vr h-utfr to w e4at IA eoastiietkia lr(wate .M rv; Uee etal-s wklefe. if al-wel." wnfl U.knrt tM waUoa a4 rmim the evaatrr. it tey raa iieev a rrei4eav wha UI B4 ttU Ueir bill iWf Wll ! . J . ! tJobd aevs' from bid' lltcklenburr. fib b. as redeemed Lcrscl V0et bobly, nd liuc Kepublican v300ma Mecklenburg bas one BepUblican. Oood news from erry1rhcr.'" ' LtVOIR COUNTY. J Lenoir coutity has gone 800 irajority tor no Convention candidates'. GREENE COUNTY, . . Circeuo county givi 200 majority 'jrairiHt Convention candidates. CHANdi-J. The following counties 5cnt Dtuio: Crals tj the laat, Legidluturo- lUid now olect aiiti-Convtntion delegates: Wake, Wayne, Ouilford, Oa.ton, Mccklehbnrg, Lenoir, Orcene and Richmond. I5RUNSWICK COUNTY. " . Brunswick county ha.- gone for E. W. Taylor, ant'.-Con cot ion, by obout 173 mjorilr, ' Ze.3 Ciioimet &iyj; "Honors may create price, wealth, self-will; but it tukei ago to conlirui prejudices." REJOICE J REJOICE : J Every lover of good old North Caro lina. will rejoice with us because of the sterling defeat of the destructives in tlieir attempt to ove -throw the Coneti ution. Iet us all rejoice. I SHieth of Waj. Engelhard. The following is a verbc'.lm report o!thesct ch of Major Joseph, A. Eu gcihunl,. editor of the: WMmington Jof'nir, delivered',' at Town Crtek Crutibwick county,' July 31st,Ts5. "J, I oTE. ill's civquculjtfpt ecu lasyp: pored to have lauscd the IState to ga for Convention (in :i horn ) F-x-i -Lr-o-w-C j-r-i - v- v-a-i, TSZmVl suw mbD icnahu Jtsihn doaji ohnvefvoii reo ybr eo o.drk rad ebnet Aa dm rt atsg a m. rea tiV yo Trlavaee hna ho2dssrw ia cj i't tmeiitye htotnet ei non ;or T f ct tnt cosh an ncrt ha wnah rn rkh heti eitt oncburrnidh ltvwsniaf s. m poeuts he akhaccirnni bsgtcaheliibc othne aRat wCndnmco o 1acotefgtUnleahn"th R staclonTnniiulI lianopr r mn to 's cletsewnihinn isi ,wteitsa sh ni f peb aauvxii b cnlfwhhmrwa tiwe enn (o 'ttb chhgbeain osct-e Ihasor vTtiuodroTd neo en odlobn nc MrwSepmtno gtdlas plan nsadoyendetjawe oisjjdur u era am nr scui ttlny S-bZaahet UlieiUivcr hWatccZh pULta! etne d titd :iaout ofhciittaudotnuig re re us oe iionhtcSr hohrtetyn ixnauctA'e tg . hsJpne frsilAccc pahaesl n-i wpngo pnhn m hweJOC,eseeyndo mnty oo Dowssa ahsmdhchsc iigt cc,fse e, in jura mf eJbt p-ao ' urtorack-t otch aada si hteewiponortK-r IV nlety fcVh MhaotolerSn Acts siitljds iic.o kip;te cy ,cUnb ilshwutti o e one oco obhl ,a f comwrtss tJrvu blrhafalWo nerom ae fSnscae a t t iedef alofnlcl t dvbp thcuo ttscrti ur su-J bfjmog l won.,b x nfoe Jhtlt eitiecdsnoc ctw r tclsPchl s.lhcryr jrvrji rthoOne scan rthtnndeco tbta-na ' bcengnctpaaM yg JuRuE32Uvanwfda aid a cncKetin .trrtwt ifOJTKxr h-e swere'i! arsenS te ws f If alJTtO hlaw rru ea jw r' edpf?t eh. s Jus r j J iiraa ul, raJtp ojH-wnas e,o o-i g tlrrld JUat atlcr llndlr "agta, tiettnoiml, ato mil r injniarila nca.M o wo rfef m' sfllhn twaq nBh ' i hu? uwe. niuimceegti ?fj-mlim fK-nm e Hicfhohtrr nr m'J Sla.il in I Je vn hil . iliral r i-a ) !ct t-ollo, rirm I es p I hara tev se; itgtuAut ,ts lj t ty r ix ti I r e .bre a . Ceaaaa cf Wv Tot CHy. The ewamcT-tkia tf the inhabitant f tie chy of New York ha l-eew sa neatly completed that a el-e awnssi Jttiea to the rt-wh h aMt-he4 ia the New York IfWf -f the 'lt itM, It IT' popVatl i 1. I ThV. fc a rara the ta-4 ten t rriH tw"??!. awd M t-eta- vwc-. , the rera9 af 1CW 743 Ihe re k eeat fcf pjr waAta ataie a Alrrea ad4 Nw Y-rk. aa Neat Yak araa-miHially. Hac avar ; ek5 uvr wataiaa XlM-.U UaiJ, Uirt?.(rw; w 4 ' awi Jnm4 Mj : k fWa. H 4t.ce. aaa-wae-jimjM' VjtMi a. I iksMl &-f4 fctftx! J" Laa ttv i3g&e. The (irw4f ssras ts Ihtah la a Uatafrtr pcrt-i UaJfiaw tf-i m, am Aw vatteee ara a r. . uawa) UtSST. .aaihe t-ad kma heaai ta . aarirlsa vraald . yM .J1:I .,,11.1.' t, O) I I. Jluwivirt Vucccssut bully for RaU. . i : ' ; . i .. ..'i f Butn-ajo. . , It fcUould ho t kept steadily xu view tbatoac of tbo main objects of the Democrats' is " an; abridgment of the rights of the cojored voters so ''far. as re-' kites ta -suffrage, r Thu leaders of that party koow full welt that colored men will'- rfevcr act" with tlicmj aud there fore, every votcr.of that class of our eiti zeus who is dir.fraucliiod is so much gain to them. The first sUp to accom plish this end will be the requirement of the payment ot a pti'I tax as a quali fication to vote. Ii i.-i clear that this will ojH.ralt maiuly aaittst the colored cilif ns, bel'niRe being the poorer class ofonr prii-tiation many of them are compelled to ilvc from Jiaud to mouth, and may uot at the roicr time In.' able to Tiav their taxc.-. There is not the slfght'ct 'doubt, that if the lX-mocrats have a unjorily in the Convention this will be one of t!ic Jirjt measures passed. Mr. Warini'. of Mecklcnbur, ollcred a bill inthe late Legislature proposing such a change iu the Constitution, but it wa aily Hjstjom-d, doubtless, in view of the cail for a Convention, and because it was thought that . an agita tion of the quei lioii at that time wouM prove detrimental to the interests of tho partv. Let the pc plel therefore, be warned in ,tiine,and rally an one man to thwart the schemes of tho bad men who seem determined to perpetuate parlV iutcre-jU even at , the cost of the liberties of pur people. We now have a chance tJ Tebubo the authors of such tyrannical measures. We should ef foctuaHy do so, but iw order to prevent a 'renewal of their attempts it is neces sary for the anti-Con cntioii men at the coming election w curry me r-iaie by such, a majority as to completely disarm the rcvoJuuontsis win piacc cv cry depart men t of the State govern In fif llovu TI rlio wil UIV1I. . ' ..... rcsiicet the rich's of all men, hovever : i - - - , . . . huiuoio. Ju. They Mean Tioabon nml beeet;s.ou It is a favorite threat with the Demo cratic party that if the government should psus under in control, a'i the reconstruction mua.t.ares ttf vsiitgress will be set a.-.ide. fH'etwioii,-altliotigh a fulure m 1S'.1 is ti!l one of tlieir cherished objects. One of the iiit tcps towards the accompli dinieut of their threats will be gained when they can wipe out a' I of tho newly made const i tutPMH of the Southern States. In ob- taintnr pose.ion of .the local govern ment ot the outii they can so remodel their constitutions as to recocni-e the principle under which they attempted the disintegration of the Union. There fore It is. wc have alwavs claimed, that the convention movement in North Carolina meant something more thao a scheme to amend tho constitution. It m a nrellminarr step Uiwards the.over- throw of all tho measure enacted by tWrrcs., rcsultins fruv Ihe war. It is easy Urealixe what tot condi tion won Id he if this and her vexed qocstions are again opened. The pco- pr? now have local er-ewerrrnieni in its widest scope, eiui-inicut with the constitution of tho United State-. If, be a violalkinef ftitli.the people shoahj comid the geueral guwrnuH'ut t take charge of our alftW it uiuv be many yean hvlurv the civil btw wul te re- florcd, and nu!jt.iry rule will jerhaps be jKrmunentiv es!ah!.iei. ieeaTl upon the lep. there rv. to come forward an.l cranh this at:eMft L be tray thui, iu iU iueipivMty. IfencalU lhiicall't,r a nuivciaion lyrka the rpKu uftrcwai and seevwion. It will V t el to reiucmWr this aiKi by i vliurt rra-d the revofutionUtrf an Uuiul lieltire taeir msdMbctHe can W p t fcCted. II this cnre hal lei lopted in tnil!ii of treedtufeaad ocean of Woosl wtmWI have been pasl ur ede. Let thews n4tveat to Wly Uieo eomiUed.1 LHt them learn wfc" d'JW from the it- A bM and vigor oo fi-ht araiost the rvJtioiU f 1TA wi! eO?etuIhrverihr-r iam that w wjll d4tMh-hea pea aad rilet al iea fee tat Mt Ursde. el keotdtae w e arat-lfW la- let xj.'. ii-.i--.4r ta i a f.te j hk.eaJI -vi U-fl-rrJ. al I -tatl nai.tv -I a rfe-a( n.af i i: lit. A Ipui.l t - - . - - a. . caaatat M -Wai T Ma fmrnmrnrrv .A4b ua Tie l h--m ftp ' litkraMt Iwtet 14 lk W It fltr, t f ft . CaVls-MaaMi Bm Om : atrt a ffaae tftetr i riesda. at4- i a Sr1 1 ' rimi Wir Lraai ihwn(k sa.ua I'tov, Ki-niicr addrvi .to the "Rkl-, ond 'Knisrhts on their return Trom win: imnivr iiiii icieomno'coiii""c- folio winjjr ej extract -from it ..hawi sistuken fcundatibn ths'fu- fairy rest:'' '" -1 i'. what a mist position real ioii went a Vlrgtaians-shQutd go W Bot iu urracnts of ackch)th..with. the u;iniinirfc nuctiiion, iiiainiy ihth'I'aj oc B geacraM) supipea.tt,i4. at-eveacun ..t! .. v:. .. . K 4 ti, ashes .of, humiliation. on Vwed heads, I jJili city Tix: ixxiks tu iiav but with uplifted heads Tirbud' crcct'I?4 ?,."s ,M.'a vtviAi at .wh.v. u.i;iu- pttfance tor tk3 tnut ,- some tyott tvitl the smoke ot baMieaLUl uplrourrluv . , rk , ,wt"'f"'r onniMl ..ents, proud to be grcetcBJtWrnera j'nl " of New England, not humbly as infer- pl wlu.ou iuii r uiaj-. wrs, but with pride as the peer 01 tho loftiest." Efi,ubliea. - f - . - -1 - - - - i - WILMINGTON POS11 ADVER TISING RATE3- w i- . n - r- ?5 S 3 2 E i 4 3 S S - TC w J W l 1-3 c oc. c. ii ti c t -t r. - ?'??'?c?'? g f T i;iitci-ii-- O w l - tC O JlCiM- U c k. a o o 3 ii 1 1 o ii -J il3 9-1 - ii .-- i: li. IC li k ' - i I - iC iC ii I Z I i COCHSMiW Ci'lCtlCil) i.i. C i' C i ' Jj ' i i i 5' I V"" C I? p -si- -r i - 1 . i i 4 c cca ( I- -4 l ir ir. cn i in r U coticiiiOMOiscsem I ! M Cl I 5 C O t li 1 C i- w i t Special rates can bv had fir '$ lonjv time, than one week. Eight (S) Hues, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. . , All advertisement wiU bo .,ejutrgt-d at , the above ratos. except o.i s;ajeiai cou- , . tracts. ' ' , ; Allcomiiiuiiiertions on husinc jiiouul 1 bo addressed to Thk WitMiNf.tus PoT, Wilmington, N. C. The siilMcription pric to 'Tin: Wif.- 1 Mi';rov 1'imT - is :t on ier vear ) f.r single coiio; for clubs of 10.iV J - " ht copy. Thevirctifathm oflho I Tout ii the l:ir-it of any pn-r i-j ' v I. i: . ' ' .icirii v oroiina. ' " xi:w AiVKnui;ui:srs. ., O.V MA ttKET S1RFKT, . i. . la.te. M. . . f . 1... ... . . I - "lie ruy. f-1 . atiis f. 7 lioac uewiy luiolxuaiiU t.v.Jv utJiui illod Wllh i-vcrr Itflury tlie ti:.rfte:frvir. Ttrni aitJ(rt!. I J-ilM DIVIDEND. Al A lIKVTINt; IK THK Ii".K-rR Of llie IllliU v.r NcwIUuvirf, Ul Hi.k Uaj tlivW.l rtve -of roil, v dirl.nof out t( lui CJUPI i. w Ui iiii (ui tU ut tx nittrtlhr pnyab'c u n 1 .'.t Ah fn imt. I m. u w.U.ACK Ju!y ili. 17 . - ii ij.li'.j SfAU ItMiiMne b ily UortJ)lll! y ttn4 watlU. Hr4 fr lllMlrtt.l ruKvu UrUm l-t. i !t . AAlrHn 1h n mntita inrrr. Kls'KI -LorTM MWilaciu. .4 jiy mm IEC0TIT COfiMITTCL 1 'IIK MKiti.HKt Till; Kl l t lltii a I KtrroUw (V..!Hrw f '-Mew ltir...T -tnii l lt rl k-la M UtMMttei tat A MwHu.i. A. St. Mr trr f DMlS.r v II. UA.NSIM,! iwM.a. II K. tkrtrf r. rwVmtf. cmt auq atcnanicAt ENGI EKTtlXG. txsTtiitc, rmrr. x. r. ainniwt im u in fay. . lain i UmIM. fc I ln mtm . . - n. -, M g ,- V w a Totiorla.rrmwa. v - . r ? - W.f-H rir-,-aJ - . HMa.aSt i L nT r'7 a- 4. .a, i . 4 ll -i. tit AajaVW-ta s1 !'"' at taetfaavrs aMKjbnt aft.-4 ; i - uimTv ii nnnii'v riiiuiiii -isiAk viiuiiiin h pcwuwDCkuuniiiMUitiK. .ccotxnut- ., AdOrcae 4WAigL 1XITIX. V aUHii- Pay'Your Cn v Taxt'S. fVrr : XT, f . .7. ,Y,' , . - 4icor Tasauaaa a'i i.j.beroi;.f ctTv Or WIUSIINTON. i' V 1 . 1 11 .? -i ? July ltC j. MTlH-ny ror i7 . , i4TY W1 t oft lfy Tnses ' 1 - ' i Trv"4Ui-i- ;iCl l'i:.i i lm . : ii jn!y JS 'I'nE I'NIVElt'MTY OI' 1 1J.NA. Nf'TtTIf t'Alio. ; t'niisiiiiilr.:im n oi bv rt -ej.. it. tl .u Uu ! 1st Mouday of Scptcaibcr next, tho term cmlln itic 2n-i TlminUv In Juno 187U, wiln a v.icj'.lo . vi no ' i. :it In i.- raac 1. U;e: l.ri-n t.' o 1 on tli.' tvli- lle hVklcai. cvH.l-.iUjkt. Ji.nvv. . Wjio cur rtutilar m AH-. 'S-o,tv an. I A jUuIiur. Ihstrsmiou wilt W ..iv. ii in l.i t e.i.rlits m !earulir; ui.ii.ii'j l.im i .i.. i. u .U. j o-l.i In tr.lnu rnv.Jol in A iietiiloio miU Uiu Mi .h.iuic A. ;s. A mI..v l.'..tull Ums tee ii rjp..iri!e'. !'. Iw.l! ;;); ti ion jil.ly i..iri lo. ifce iivij.Mun vl HXiiil tiuu.Jii-il iu I. n! . Kor 1 1 1 mi mi v 1.1 mihtv ..i .1... . i . . . 1 i:y to k im1 r. r.A i l ; i.. Seerotmy iioo.li.i Tru-.-td. . . . : t ' ill', S.A'. NOTICE. ''iii:i;i:.Wii.i. ;:u AN ; i.! : .: in t.n I Ul rlie ll-;i:0 tueritn; I'l.K-e. i!i.li. .. 'Xu ui ;.0ay .u.Vkl-i.1.'.'., iu .Stw llj..vi.i ii;ii,ty i..r i.i.' on -f!u; 1 1 tla r-n !, . :i" UJVUAill oliieflr., MIL ... ... . . .. ..w. ...... ..... . . . iru.iii.uiii.i 1 1 1 ( jsiu r :' , n.tix- i(.t ntvt-s, one Towi'W. . ! i k.i.m.- i:.l.so.. tntl tmi- sjliool f'onuiiliit-i KF.DEUAI. IHMT. MAfVi:oi:n Hu. ixfii AMi ai-h r ka li row.N.'iiuiv- t mt, i i.i vmi:iU, u.i- iieii.. on..- Cn.sliil.il aiol IU rut sfoiiixH Cotutuiiite nwii. Nl-nv H ASV.VKR AXIi Pl-Milf: (,iv. I I tfc-S-J'lirej IK l4lv lo ihct .ui..i..ti- ur.i. iiai i,ouw iiiiuii, r. II MANMXU. .licril oj t w Jl.uiovtr .''ui.ii . July M-tw. 0 TO A LI.tN'x AN 1 1 OL"i A l.Ni i;v. iAl. ;!F0R THE 1NF0BMATI OK.-'lllIw- v r 15 LIC. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, C11Y OF WIL.Ml SCION, . c. Aorii I l:ii. I T .i. .. i Uc. : u.i J.v. ..,t ir,-i th ii -i'. t ih '. u iia .ia-- l.nl U Ju lit ciivu. Till' 1"1!"T I tj:i- TI 1 1 KCON ! ) I J I Tf l C T I . . I . i , . .. I. i r ., , t : : V . i ImI Wf ( of 1 Wiii 'ft- . TUT. THIRD DI-TIU'il Iu cir:i f U.m uil-i r .; t..uu . Hul.rjt . n.'.' si'!miiu. '. .;...; l-nlri f ao't fjM of l-'tl I. ! e- Tin: lot'wii t : -ti:: r la i t.IKe of lit . Ill K.r. r.- ....i, imu;tilU.ilii:'.lwa U 11.'; .- t.rVl Wr! o' -;rt ?rrt Tbt lfe:iiora.mi ttiay ( a - o .i fr Ih I r ! , 4 v u. i w u.i tl lnwl tlmt lf i r-a.ly wt' l WMfmW Willi w Ui I .1" t k , M4 Via tit 'ii.4.- rti..- r.n.. ., .vl fw r axa jr rt faei the (- w ll . M-alii iiiiiU 4 ! i.'. m ,w i. ' to -.a, w. s , ta v "J ;. i . Bu-wat TtV4U f IM lull lf ! u t ;.,l). K.ltk.'W. Mat t(' bl 1 nii tw tvwltl in t(.t Um raj bi-vf . Imb, ij n.iil.. ) 11. . I ' v-V . A ' Wgseh tf rar , l4e rerf y tv!r 1 1 m- - a a V rT'jf?T?i''. . aaaAaaala-aaa1aaa.iai ?

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