4 '.. '. '-':)' ' . ; - ': i. I - '-'. I - .a A f11! 'i' lH ' .;- : i : '..-; !'-'' C. - 'r '.. . -"-ll. -!-"- t "" ' ' - - - I t : - c 111 1 VOLUME IX. WILMINGTON, NOlttll CAROLINA, FRIDAY,; JANUARY 25- 1S78 . Single Capiesr 10 Cfents. NUMBER 7 ! V&mMW':: mm : : ' : " : ' " ' ' T r.,' 1 1 " - . " " 1 - - i J ; : - 3 1-- ' 1 -' .-' -.-'.'--K: .. . . . . . t: : !-..!'.'; -.Li- -.rr-.T iVLIINGTQN POST ADVER. TISING HATE f'i- I-'iltv cents per line for tlic first in- 1 j-.orti'i -atitl twenty -live cents per lin: I ''for eufli adtii.t lonal- insertion. - Ki-tit (S) 1 itics, Nonpareil tyie, con- i ji.itvilc a itf'iuarc. I AH iilycrti.semeuts will bd charged at ; the above ratc, except on. special con-- I i t;iei'ial "rates can bo Uatt j; unic,t ia!i one week. or a longer - All comtnnnicrtiOna On'buiine.5 'U 6 ivldrecd , to The Wilmington oST, Wilnington, N; C. I The subscription priec to Tjii: Wil- tiiNtiror Post is li. Jil) per- year; I iiiontlH to cents. II. KknxkDY, JJusiues.-; Mauatrer. H E p It E "T A IITT 1 IS 11 1 STOWS i SipfX'Il" AT JJOTON :' .1 jiu e, tu i fie icatiKJir- cuizcnn oi liosf .ii have, cnicrtaineu uon. insiow with u huju ;;ct ,jjt the Kevere TIousc,' and th j (id x't ion v,ras taken for a number oF lcs on the financial questions 1 ' -I ..-fV . i vlicn nrc iiguating i lie, nation, ilia oDervp. tion of the ex-secretary on the bfi 'r. soundl ami stable circii edium to the laboring classes usi'. . h( cUat'and conclusive that we r it td our .columns, aslcing every i l.u sine h,; i boring nvan to read it: an tlu'incntary principle, of po ceoiioiny that a. stable currency i-s rviiitial tb substantial prosnerit v.-f- r fl.iolJser.vaticeiOf this principle is im j;jfait to all sectionsjiof the. country v : .ui'l, to. aiL classes oi in,t? people, it is 4 Xi X ryeu,yreia(,r -importalnce to: the' pro-v 't't -iiiieind atiJ laboring classes than to the ..lieM of accumulated cftpitaj,. The I'iitt JJfS uwufluvi'.uuvu iu una uuuuuy V;Vin the discussion of What is called the ciurt,ni,y;,qucslion, is the one whicji at- lo tlcluue tuc people into the :li at there is an antagonism be labor and capital; tiiat theaccu ;b Wealth of the older , states is C:iy of the laborer and producer 01 U.H3 newer ana growing states. In pyuiL 'A lad they arc mutually depen I'l lent. ,upon bacli other. f Capital ."re miiijrvs cuiploymcnt which will be found : jiii .1; jauily in the west and south,. ' I ivhix tlicre ifemains so much-to be de 'J;fvc!'.;jtl by the combined power of labor arirfifp5al.! i.Th'ese Ktetions require , the aid of the accumulated capital of i lac ca.it to open mines jilautandather crops, Jiuld cities, and -in a thousand ways!) develop the latent wealth of a :' vii-it and Tortilo part; of our- common ciuutiy. lie h ) attempt to alienate 'Liq sections-by appeals! to passion, or -PUcife' argument on , the currency iMitiOu, j.s the enemy of both sections, ;uM siixtulu bo trusted by nqither r; 'fcfilarccliV less mischievous and certainly . iiijt- icfcs -luisounu-. is mav a uniiorm .'.statidafd o ;'. values is a'deyice of ca ' l;d.,i adverse to the interests of the If.'.rer iud ..producer. .The? nearest p "l siWo aVpn'ach la absolute stability la bs- in I t-iio standard of. value is boat'for us all. -j iK'part ire Trorn such stasndard and ye-:',hU- to a currency of varying and uu- Xviuly value works general injury to I' iU.--ectitn and interests. . But tUe , ' l- -.g-rcales.t loss at last falls 'up'on the J'rO j ' Iluceri forin. that caso caoital vill 1) divortctii Injm its "legitimate employ-. , :H:.;iLwi aid-ol j production and Used in i culaL-itin; bnltheinargins and tluetu " .alion.s.'-whidi'ifcli a currency inevita : r'My-cry'utesiior is anything to be gained j ;tyr;- "aiivjn tercet or-; section or to the j -;;ibvcni!itut itself. by the Introduetioiu " o' hvo sUndards-one to be made the 'iia'Mr(j;prVaWe';.fr thd holder of tlic ;!liou'? bonds: ami: the. oilier for the I 'ti.l.ltr of tho iinicdee'med "Treasury Vijitcs 'iiiM for '.the people at large. "Log iiii!";iy -.tli sccm-j to me thc ieast ueten- i a- I.!: i '. the "man v . nronosiiions "and rcstilor.s that have', been advanced, 11U : ll put into, piact lee would work very section Oi the country and r pvecNVinicresi or mo people. ,ue use " ' I ' . V- - : - I : . I.' - . i t) eumfifiry uOi : unequal 'vaiucwjuiecis r wore iiuunoiHly Ilia laborer autl4roda- r c br of rii w iite rial. ,1 Je" neither . ihio:;, nor DpjnartuiutyHo : receive tlej I ifitplji-e iufn-inatibn -Irom money cpu-4--;v.iju;:';wlien paymeiits are received by ::1 " s - -j s j v.r la i ii tlie.vahW of what he : liiis;ikCu iloilar. : dfUhe. piiper be "'urrc!!''. ir.i'Lrged i. lnuiiiato'd bills and ; tLv-.; . iiu of dotibtfal banks g into ; hi; :1;ui:i; ,,,1 -the. laborer and pro ;- dmicr, -uhiio the u;ilt edged."- pape 75 je-iVuigly .'away : in tho yauUs of bank- - 4 !uid capitalists i tha. currency ie ciii n.wf two kiiidJ and of "unequal V V,lui'- t'h-3; cheapejwi ahi'av; find its way into tin? pockets of the laborer, fa tithiil" case, lie who produces wealth by;his labor is subject t'y constant clip I'iugs, -and the toss falls directly upon -mill.'' :.- - ;; .- '.;- y ' . y ;:Xot only the' best intercuts of all thisfcCii of citizen,' 'but a patriotic re gard, for the preservation and prosper ity of our commohcountry require that the 1 nation hall keep faith with all of its creditors j Haying promised dollars', it must pay dollars; but the -promise &eshot attach alone to the i nterest- roearing obligations 0 the government sHt applies equally and alike to Trcas-' i Urv'nritrvn iccnuil in n 'tirrif of rvi". r;llh- lie exigency. To fail ol. full and com plete performance in cither would bring utscrcdit.. and dishonor on the govern -mejit and disgrace upon us as a - Ky-orv dftvicn.- 'or sr.lip'mft ".wherebv 'it is Jllkut . to discharge a public! promise J W. a dollar by delivery of anything sj'-t'liin- a dollar is practical repudia tl,,It, and merits, as 1 believe it will "eeivQ, the condemnation of a majority thepcople,' ; m X X :X -';:. . r . , ..."! ;'":.'-1 . V; U.' !7bwuA3 & Sons. Go to D. 'Wvman & Sons and buy your - ! D;y Goods, Clothiug, Hats, dec ! ot Caps, Shoes, &c; ,AU events portend the close of t'c Russo-Turkish war. The Rus sians are,, at Adrianop'e and, ! unless a trialy catigfactory to them is ! agreed to tin tbo part of the Turkish entoys who are now near the Ru-sian lines, their main column will push on to wards Constantinople. If now" in the final adjustment Turkey is obliterated as a government from the' map of Eu rope tho -rar will have served' the in terests of mankind. V- - "ii m WASUINGION 1TE.U . The Pacific Railroad lobbies are around Congress in force, demanding addition privilege?, some of which are very un reasoiKible and some unreason able. . ' . '-. -. J:' ', . . Col. Wagner, the Tn. Re.v. Collector; writes fYonr Greenville,. K G.r that Wa do Ham ptoh will a va i hinisel f of any pretext to avoid aiding the llcve-' nue oliicers. , . i There is a )ropesitibn i utrod irired by Senator Dawes to ptirchase the Freed mdn's Bank building at a price not ex ceeding ; $275,000 for the use of the Court of Claim i. - A requium fo.r the repose of the soul of King Victor Emanuel of Italy has been su jig i n the St'. Aloysius Cathpiie, Church. The scene was one of unu sual grandeur; ; : -;- i f" "Senator E.uon has introduced a bill to suspend ' the operation of the j Vene zuelan treaty, of-Feb., 25, 1872, provi ding lor a Mixttd Commission for the adjustment of controverted claims The, controversy about the silver re moneliUion seems to be assuming a more conservatliv phase. It is pro posed, instead of the Bland bill, to provide for the coinage of a silver dol lar which is a legal tender only; when paid jointly with gold in equal portions, and thus prevent the-flufctuatians. of either silver or gold. . (Jt'f Y "JTEMS. . The 4 Twinklei" says Market street is improving, that is so when the sun Shinei Aiit a day or two,-arid dries the water up. . : A young German was drowned in the river oh Tuesday night last, lle.was a deserter frotn one of the vessels now in port. ' Vv; , . ' j ' ! 'c call attention to the ad of Messrs. Zimmerman & White. These gentle men are accomplished workmen. All who have tried them can - recommend them. . - -.! ' We were glad to meet in; our ciy a few day 3 ago his Honor, Judge Henry, of Asheville, who paid us a flying visit on his way to Tarboroj to hold Edge combe court. He is' in -splendid health iMui spirits, and says everything is in splendid condition in the west. -v : ' x : r--tT- ' ' !l : ' ,' . Bichard Waters begs tojiufprm his old patrons and' friends that he can be found at thte corner of 17th and Mar ket streets, where he is prepared to shoe' horses and mues, repair carts,, wagons, buggies and " carriages, and . to do all kinds of wood arid iron work. He is cc itainlyoue of the best blacksmiths in theci'y. X"-'' --i ' " :',";; No It I I l CA IIO LI N A AI-EDIC'A L JOUR NAii. Tl!s '-.valuable medical publica tion for the month of January has been laid on our table, .It is conducted by Dr. II. J. DeRosset and Dr. Thos. F. Wood, aod .is printed by Jackson & Bell of this city. It is in all respects a publication creditable to the medical fraternity of the state. The I'u reel I House is o tic of the very . .. - , .". J)est hotels in ent rily refitted basement -to g? best hotels in the south. . It has been and renovated from garret j and everything is per feet ly clean. The proprietors set a splendid tabic and ' make their, guests fee! at home, while stopping with them. Messrs. Cobb Brothers arc ) certainly model hotel men they know how to please the public. v - i :"; ' : County Com MiseipxEKS.-The Board of County Commissioners met in called session on Saturday last: present; Jnb. G. Wagner, Chairman, and Commis sionprs D. S. Sanders, B. G. Worth and Duncan Holmes. . .. . X '. The Board being called to order, :th Chairmau madev some statements in reference to an order passed at a; pre vious meeting of the Board in regard to the delinquent poll tax, when it was ordered that the Clerk of the Board be required to make the necessary exaroi nation of the tax books to ascertain the Vml'mes of those parties who have not lisled their poll?y and 'that the said Clerk appear before the magistrates who were authorized by this Board to prosecute and force the collection 0 the a;bovc tax, and make affidavit to j,ne same 1 I The Board then adjourned. ur able and aentei Associate, i an, i interesting account, of "The Tattle :jf Elizabeth i town," in iiaucn c ounivi which wii IcMillan hds appear next:-week. -Jr. bestowed a irreat deal of labor nd bought upon the arJicl ; was for tun nate in .securing tlic ytlry authoritids needed, aad his version o jthat impor- ant historical incident is theonlv. coj rect one extan t. Iul';y;i 'in- 11. J. Gill, Esq., was very huddouly epiieiitic flt while ' engaged' at Lis, vcakj at theVi. mingtoii .oi- V,v!i!ua railrbdd maclu!; shops,, o.n ' last Monday, was taken honie and" on -Luesd ay cvcr.-ing it o o clocjk died, lie! i.'erer suokc IVoiu the tiinle he was; taken tick until he died. M Gill had jiived in thi.s city irjtLe ast (55' years, ana uaa .i)eC'n.em:iovea in tqe shops for CO ''veai's.- lie was1 hilih re spected "by iul vh; knew i hi'in. H uiiCral took piace yesterday afiernooik SiiJ'Ki:iOit CoiJiiT. r-Tiiis ! tribunal is still in session ,his Honor, JudgevMooff residtng,..,iWe '.'are. sorry' to scej ihle Judge in Kuch.vevy it-eble, health. VIS lids .'at tended', -to hia'dutics-'when: Ld r illy was not able, but. being a mat) of very -great renew, 'b'S- contijiuc li s Court h;.: ms coivaitioik tit v.e liop wis't -iiisiMrove, as w oeaieve'li-v Le will. There is certainly no better or more Tmoar.ial Judire oh ... . '- 1 the Leneii of Ntirth'. Carolina, or oiie who has.mUrc-ri-al legal .tbiiity. ljAXD-.f-oij) voxi - - lAXi-H-.-'-A-ccortj ing to section i. oh uter i -. oi Uie aws of 187G-'7V' hV cases hvh-. ro tile state bvco nes t!:e ; Xx sold: Tor taxe-J , dho. s ; oi -laiMU c 1 . 1 yr'V.T 1. lc re deemed within - two '-months aftei- tile sile, oft!'.3r.w-:se the t tans fir wld beeoni perm a 1. is. i'l L'. J '.f ..ti-siie ai'iowld hereto- ore, has bet-n Uvelve monliiis, and w call the attention d:f tho;e iiite rested i r . 1 i- :rl 1 i t ivn . niii'lm i f i t i ent -arrabarement Clio oei iod ; or- reuemra - -1 Mon expire .' by ihc r.r-,.uie of-nc.it mouth. ; 1::.. ixcru. - aeKpov;elu-f or . ol. ,ioiiiii L. ' Cant wellV ai.i.'!al i-x.'-ct table. 1; ing a "statemv iit of ih j principal a; ti des of produce and .manufacture1- ex ported from .'the ri of 'Wilmington N. C, to points out of -the.; stale, fc the year ending. -31st Dceeu.bcr, ISfy: aqd compared wilhtho- years IS7v, 1S75 and JS71.. Also tho 'receipts of lew articles lor the same iev;.J, withia note of the-, shipping.; for 1877," Froai - ... - . . 1 thnV it appea rs- th a t t Si e 1 0 1 a 1 h u'mbe r. 0 f vessels arriving at the port .were 507, 4f which 217 :vrerD; foreign. ; The tonriade was G2.0ol. .This very va'uaUe table exhibits onsotie sheet in a condenseid form the .entire -commerce, of our Wr Reuoict of tiik Asylum foii tii Iksa'n'e, Tho report" gives some star liner facts. It stale's thai the capacity Of the Asylum builaiiig is .only barelly sifQIcieiit for 22 patieaLs. and yyl therp arc nov 27S, and.iii.earljf'ja luiidred ap plications diirimr the year which coulkl not be received. Vt. Cnsh, the very accomplished -S'u pc r 1 n t e n d e u t i ? 1 hi s re port appeals, very lceli;vgly to the Gen eral' Assembiv for..ari'er itcuominodi- tions' -and nfur.e aniplb cl-ni forts lor the patients. ... He tears..--unit uiitur tiie ;i tionsVof "false-.eeqnQ'mj'.7' tbo'r'e. may be utter degeneracy and ruin of the Asy lum -'and all the idnd hopes that have been based upon its success." Hall's Vegetable' Sehiilian. Hair, lle- hewerdias ; f)r maiiy years occupied an honorable place in the to i lot of Ameri can women, and has alf o attained-pop ularity" in. 'foreign' CQultitrie. This-is because it does i kufoum what-ii promir ges. its -warm-esi menus are i.nose yvno have.-, 'used.- it. longest, and Uiosc who sound ; its risc the loudt.'.-t are thosfi who from .-'actual experience and. per sonal, jtrial hiiyoVdamonslralcd, that: by its :usp'gray ha'if is; 1 vsk)ret'l to its nat- ural lcolbr and -dry, harsh, and wiry hair is made soft and lustrous, a thing pf beauty, anil a matter of'ji. and pride to the wearer.-- 'it'? .soi!:r and Dchiocraf, tor hi I ft, JK ' ."Uormau is'yrui v No other medicinsdii thu Nvoild was eVer given such a lest" of its curative qualities as Bofchee's German iyrup. In three years two mi iioii tbujr hiln dred thousand small bottles of Uija. m;ed cinCHwera ; distributed free' Xf '-.ckarye of Druggists in Hhis country to tho;e afflicted withCoiisuaiption, Asthma, Croup, severe- .Coughs,- lejttiiqnFa and other jdiseases of the throat and lungs, giving, the American people undenia ble proof Uut German Syrup will cure themj The result has been that Drug- Kgists in every town ami village in the Uuited:State3 are recoiumendiiig it to their icustomersj Go' to your Druggist, and ask what they know about it! Sample bottles jlO cents.! Regular size 75 cents. Threie doses will relieve any case. : t Foil jcext Wei X . ! For the Tost,;1 AN OUTKAOE. -! XX M : ::- r ' mmX:. A City-Fuliccmfta Commits a Brutal i Assault upon two - Dclenceieis Women. . - - - 5 On Saturday, January 19th 1878 a colored woman' by the name of Hester Swannj the wife of Sandy Swann, who' ayes : in the southrn part of the city, observed while standing ih the door of h er house that her little : child yf about to be run oyer in thie ; public streets, by a baby carriage id the hands of a girl somewhat larger, and the daughter of Wm. Frost, a city Police Dan, who lives opposite the house of Ilcster j Swapn.y i Hester SwaiiiSvehi across the street and took her child up, and requested the policeman's daughter M . ...-f I'll- 1. . i ll ! ' 1 j wiui ,xier cnna any. more; in answer to which the littlb girl replied in vulgar and obscene Vpiletitf,i.a IhJlTKTfE ii, ' Hester Swann thereupon went I to the house of the policeman and in formad Mrs. , Frost, of tie miscon duct of her daughter. Mrs. Frost, it seems denied the; charge, and called Hester fewann a liar. Hester Swanh replied, she was a liar in return, and no lady either. A few raoro hot .words passed between the two women, after which Hester Swann returned to her house and proceeded to attend to her household matters,; during which time Mrs.' Frost mnc.rpApA in nwal-o linr husband, the policeman, Wm. -Frost, who performs night duty, and was asleep at the time, and thtreuoon in formed him of the affair between her self and the' woman,) Hester S wan 11.--The policeman then proceeded to. the house of Hester Swann and without a warrant or any complaint whatever, ordered the woman' to come out of her house and, consider herself under arrest for insulting his wife. Hester Swapn thereupon' remarked that she Wa3 put ting on her dress, and attempted to ex plain the affair to him.' Whereupon the. officer pressed into the womae's house and seized her violently upon the arm and commenced dragging hei out-of the door, and in the scuffle tore her dress from the waist. Thereupon a woman named Molly Waddell caught hold of Hester Swann and held her back. The policeman finding he could not "get her out,; took the woman, Hes ter Swann, bodily up and forced her iiito lier own private bed chamber, threw her violently upon her bed; and then choked her and beat her with his ftt in the abdomen, and threw;her upon the floor and stamped hernce ot twice. By this time Molly Waddell and Alice Bland' succeeded in pulling the officer off his victim, who, owing to the-fact of her haying given birth to an infant about a month previous wasrl from this "violent treatment - internally injured ipd almost helpless Thepo 1 iceman tl.cn pitched; into Molly Wad- deli and choked her in a shamefuf manner; he then left the house and: went home. Hisjvifo iqcpiircd why it was he did not .arrest Hester Swarm" arid confine hpr in the guard house; thereupon he went ofl aijid having pro cured tjie services of two or three other police officers re'ltirned to the house of Hester' Swann with tne officers and arrested; her and Mollie Waddell, and con fied them in Ihc .guartl house, withi out allowing ' them any opportunity of filing a bonl.' Sandy Swann, husband O.f Hester, who was hard at work upon the-;. wharf, having heard of the affair, prpqecded to the city hall and succeed ed. I jf filing bond for his wife and Mol lys Wadden. During the day Hester Swann and Molly Waddell both sued out warrants .again -it William Frost for an assault and battery upon them, be fore J. 0. Hill, a Justice of the Peace. The defendant was arrested and ar raigned for trial on Saturday .last,, at 3 p. m., the cases were, however, con tinued for the defence until Monday at 9 a. hi., at which lime the trial was heard. Upon the examination before the Justice, the facts were clearly es tablished as above set forth, by three creditable witnesses, contradicted only by one witness, who was for 1 the de fense. After hearing the testimony on both sides, the court ordered the defendant, William Frost, to pay a fine of $06 dollars in each case, or be com mitted j for 30 days. Whereupon an appeal was "craved which was readily granted, and a bond of 200 required in each case for his appearance at the nest term of the criminal court. By a Wits es 3. Something New. In order to in troduce our Big Seed Spring Wheat, The Wheat of Taos, in your locality single grains measuring inch in lDgth I propcse to send a sample of the wheat I free of charge, to every sub scriberto the paper who will state ''the name of the newspaper and send a 3 cent stamp to pay postago. Agents wanted in every couuly to sell this new wheat, j j..- Address L. L. Osment, 2t Cleveland, Tenu. u Quarterly Meeting Rcv.L. fc. Burkhead, D. D., esiding Elder, haa made the followi appoint ments for his first rouujd during tho present Conference yeaiv'for thq Wil mington Districts Duplin,fat KcnanaViiie, . . Jan. 19 20 WhitevilLe andWaccatr.aw . V Mission, atjwhiteyille, Jan. 2G 27 :SmitiyHle;iitfehalolte,' 4 Feb. 2 3 .C0Kcsbury;and Cofcane Mid- ' li " "sion,at!Bethany,- - Feb. 0 10 Onslow, at Mt. Lebanon, , Feb. 1G 17 Elizabetht Elizabetht'wn; Feb. 23 21 Bladen,1 'it sfoule'a Chapel, Mar'.' 2 3 Topsailat Prospect,' .-..: Mar: O'lO Clintonp at' Clinton; -: Mar. lGJ17 f f To'theDktrictStewards of .Wilming ton, District, N. C. Conferenec Hear Threthrett iThe istrict Stewards' meet jng;will be neld -aP'the'parsonaga of the .Front Street ChU'rbh'ioivFrklay, March" Mh, 1 a 8 , at 1 1,0 c; oQk,;A. M ., instead of February TSth; blatters aver which 4 iiiifo ii'j tuuuuE cuaij'Oi -niu jo inaKe T u .-.iJ 1 li. 1. 1 ".L- this chanire m'yi 'M'-"- ; ; ;!Mag;iolia, N. C, NEW 142? VEli'llSEMEKTS. xxmimmnw vmmn, " -': !..:'.. , ; . '-. ;;.i:-, yi i ii. : ty GGSaral Upliols tors & PafifeTHaiiscrs, ? Nl Wt fer'epmi lid Frinccss Stsl,; , WILMINGTON, N. C. ; Mattresses, Feathef ik-tWVrnto.ws and ' Roisters, I'liituri t-Hamds, Curtis, A.v ':';' '. Tassels, ;NaiIs&.Q.,'&e. , ; i i' LOOKIN G-CJ liASSr rLATI!, A LL, bIZES. ' ZiminGrmau's iinjroved HtLyc and dow A-iiintrs, very iQwiTor c'u?h. jan 2j-if v . - - - t - THE PUROELLHUUSE JJAS lAS3Kp tNTb TfLti UAXm OP ' '; flic ujidc'rstgne'ii,, iis b3u '.'newly fur- t ... - - . .-- ; : . -nUhad hrotv-limit; ?ndf rk heretofore, will be ran strictly .;s a ; . , :: :.''::jp i irst-Glss Ef otel I 1 Board redeced as 1.11 0' 5 5- -oi and ?3 per 'day ; Ayith nooms, per 'ijibnth, $33 - Table - - m; ! - -i yt i- ; Board, per. monUi.fJl,.;-. u: ,i Best oWinos, Littorond uigars V ALWAYS t)NMTAD AT . iCgHl-it C? I y ' IF i'l ecu, , " ,-- -'. ," ; . : Wc lippe to sco all the oil patrons of the house and ALL Tili'Ji; Fil mi3, promis ing them that no paln r.halt Ocf Spared to t ' 1 if 1" .'-'.'-. . . - ' . i - - ' 1 - . nlfnsonU 1 , 1 1 - ' - 1 Jan IS- I COBB BllOS.y Proprietors; iiliAv:'JlD VV-til ,' 'EE Best Familf Mediiiie of j the Age j! And'jv1iy-it Should be kept away near at hand: Int., Pain-Kiitviu is, tho. 'ast cprtalii 1 Cholera care that mediciai, science ha4 :i produced. . . -. ! r.2nd. TAik-KiiiLER, as'alDiAfVb'n. rind JDys ? .- eatery, remedy, scKtoiMf everXails.- ; - '."rd. PAZrKlLTKij will -euro Cramps ov lVitns in any parte of thd, system. A f ; 5 . single dose muuUy. alloc ts a ciu e. r iliii rAiNTKiLt,KJi. Svili ciire Jy&pei!.ia.and" ' ' . : lndigestic-ii,iii6ed according to direc ' :' lions. i . . . - - 5tii. PAix-Ki,f,T;n is an"alniost ney?r-fail-, , , ing euro lor Sudden Colda, Coughs, &c, Ctlr1. PAlN-lkiT-i-tai has iiroved a Sovereign . Ileaiedy for Fever :iud Ague, and Chill ' Fever;, it has cured tlic mor.t obhtiuate ' -cases.. -i . . ; 1,; - ;'; i. . 7th. PATr-irirT.Kh as a lipamcut is itn eiuafed for Fxo-;t iBiley, ChiJblaiui., V Burns, Bruise, Cut, tSpraius, tfre. ; 8th. PATiT-Kir.T.Kjs ' ha . enrjed cases of V .Hhcumatisiu atid Nc'tiratiria snifter jars . " standing. -1 - OtU. Pain-Tv fTiTKR will Oestrby Itoil., Fcl , ons, Whitlows old HoveSj gi.viug relief , 5 from pa tn after the llrst application.. lOtb. PAiN-Krt.l.ER cures; Ilcniaielic, and Tootliache. . . I :-r. y. '. 11th. PATiKii.TKn wLli save you. days of sickness and Many1 a dollar in time ' and lkc tor's bills. . ' , : 12th. PAir-lvir.T.KU lias been before f be simpli'.ity altcndi!g its use, together' vr i y 1 tile great -variety of d i. eases t hat may be entirely, erarlie ite l 1 jt, and the jjreat iirnount or paitv tmcl suffering , : that cau ic alleviated lUrd igi its use, " maKo'ltl fctperatiy e -upon q very person tp supply tlicmselvcii with rthit . yala i ablcreiueay.audtokecpitaTwaysincar .".;-.' : at hand. f-::-y.y': ; --' '- Tlie 1-Aix-Kif.TJoi; i s now "known and ap preciatcd in every iuavter ol' the Glt-be. Physicians recouim.3ud it in their practice, while all classes ot .society have found in it relief ami comfort. . Give it a trial. Be-sure and buy the geuuiue. livery l)rug gist, and nearly eveiTiCoa.'siry Ureccr throughout tho land keep1 it fi; saiv. - JAM-ES.-; 1 -DRUGGIST, ,:' '; , ; ' axi deUleU ix' -' . , .- 'y TOILET ARTICLES ANl PA HOY GOODS, J: Prescripns cOmpoiui.ded t- ill hours, day or night . , .... - -: : . ; PURE i W WE AND II QUO ES for Medicinal use. , - f aitD STIfEET Ori'iS.rTE CITY II A LB. UMer 1 at or. G af d eutgr;; vaB ft i C abiiist O PPOSITE IT J? IjIj, On Th irtl S!ec!m ILL FTJUNISII COFFINf?, CASKETS. with - attendanco, - At the very shortest notiee. - All orders froih the country; promptly at tended to.,;, .. . : -. . ; . Orders for Carpenter and Cabinet Work solicited, and work gtiarantced. . Work as low as any in the elly. : - jan W-Jy - publi(j over tbirty-jevcti ycaio and is a purely-'' Vegetable preparation, 'safe to keen' ukd ; use in ovcrv liunily. The mi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. o MOBTHERE. --:o:- USTMAS IS -:o:- Wrise people will keep before them CHI mm Best Holiday Goods and Family Qro- oeries From f . i Or E O R-.Gh E 11 and 13 Soutli Front Street A T W II OLE8AILE PKICE8. :o Wja A XI ON. i YOU JSEFOKi: PURliASING to - - ..x-rx. IK If We offer ; special induceirleuts" in COOKING ARTICLES, and. Housekeepers ., -''...'- will sec the necessity of getting the f ; '! BEST GOODS FOE TlfE LEAST MONEY. The Finest selected Cooking Butter, AVinc, Brandy, Citron; Currauts: Kaisins ; I l Atmore's Celebrated Mince Meat, Plum Pudding. M OUR STOCK 18 IMMENSE and THE LARGEST IN THE STATE, and : n " we ir tend disposing of it during the Holidays. ' ""; ; 1 ''" . '"" --".. '-. I'. .."; " '".)-' ; . ' '-: "i ' "' . -.: )"- -'X 'X Pon'ey Whiskey, Blue Grass, Delmonico. Club Housk Imported Jamaica Bum,' - ; . .iieuuessey aau utara joranay, uoraiais, Champagnes, :'.' Table Sherries and native Wines. ;;;- : .. X -. ' : -j , , V, xX-X . . y. :";: X X.X Our Celebrated BRAND OF LIQUORS are so well known that we only men tion trem. to remind "EVERYBODY", that we have over THREE THOUSAND BOTTLES put up to ! supply the; demand and avoid dely. :.; l' ,: '.y '!' " ; : : - " I "-"'. ''."' . '-::::-r -' . "--' 1' V' Our well 'known "SWiEET MASH," at $3 00, is perfect and requires no im-T luuvcuicui. iiv vua n aguiusi "'.' 'Xxim: xxxm&d 300 Barrels ami Boxes of Apples, Conges and Lemons. 800 Boxes Francv Crackers. " ' A- r --'..'' : :" V' -' fi- r i - yX- - ; ' ( :.'t" .; .: ' 3500 Lbs French and Domestic Candies and ' t . i !.- i ' ' i . ' 1 '-... ':. ' - - --' : ' ; I - i; j Fresh Broken Candy; ... ! ' "' ;! " r . i: 1 .' ,' :- .'. ; . w" . ' ASSORTED NUTS, Ficjs !in. cartooni, 100 Boxes FIRE CRACKERS. !-' - I - i -r r, -. . -..-'., 1 "" We have on hand , a line lot of IMPORTED CIGARS, iuid Um. tinU nf HU i Havana uomestic . . " . !' " JCtH)ur Three Carts will lieavc the prompt uciivery ; . '1 Put y ,ur money out to best advantage, and you can.do so only at December 21 tf -.; .; f JOHN ' piiR dressing; S ALOON, ;: . No, 11 ORTH FRONT STREET, I ; South of PurcectHouse.) 1 ii Tarticular attention given to Ladies' and misses' Hair cutting and ShampooiD, eith er at their residences or at the aaloou. jan 4 ly. ; , 7 SPECIAL PR0GL1HAII0N. '!' - " ! -" ":' ".- '"-' 'f ."-,"- " 7" TO THE GOOD PEOPLE OF WIL- ) . . MINGTON: , F YOU VVNT THE VERY BEST BEEF, PORK; SAUSAGES; J &c, &c, &c. CALL; AT KlNGr iAEKET, On Second Street, between j Market and -- . -'.; rriacess streets. -;",- " .. ' j jau i ly ; 1 ISAAfJ V. KING. " jOYSTER . SIiaOX. T VASOELEN has. opened a first ) class .-'-.! if OYSTER SALOON,. '.-; r "' " ! ' '- : .- i-. ' On ast side of Second street; socoad door south of 1'rincess street, where lie is always prepared to FUHNLSII MEALS to his cus tomers and. others. nIleceiyins fresh NEW RIVER OYSTERS DAILY, i 1 -i : and -will furnish them in any style desired. None but the very best Cooks employed. D& not fail to give him a call dec 21 tf . A 1 GOOD WHARF between Mulberry and J. Walnut street, to -rent for a term o years, by 1 - r Janeli - !W P. CAN A DAY. 1.; ALMOST HERE. the fact that they can buy the I M YE R S. Ts. . i ' -:o:- any $o uo v uisicey in ine otate. Table Raisins, Muscatel land Scedl es -itaisins, aneilcd Almonus. - - U -.'' ',! :'": - . - ' ; i '. "1 ' "v -' " 4- ' V "J - . ?- - xmo yry , . ro ooo touprimipk: : Vigar3 in Uie State. r i ; - i J - " - 1 L rr" ' ' - ' ' X Store everv fifteen I GEO. MYER'S II and lSFliONT STREET f OUR 6 WN MAKE Saclcllcs ami Harnetn -OK EVERY DESCRimON, t ' .-.'-.-. t r . .- m I Mad and Repaired at Hayden' & Gerhardt's Third st.. between Market hd Princes? .. : jan 1J tf. . ! . , .. . - -BIGGEST THING OUT. I .- ... ( -r. . ,-r 'f ..- . - r j : '-''--" GRAINS OF WHEAT MEASURING QNU 11 AH? INCH IN LENGTlC SAMPLES FREE, to every Farmer i n the United Stale Greatest Curiosity In Seeds eyer seen. . I S. Y. HAINES & CO., ' ec 2t J - Sweetwater, Tenn. J JOHN DAWSON, - HARDWARE MERCHANT. HAS THE LARGEST " AND BEST As sorted stock of HARDWARE in this part of the State. If you want GOOD GOODS and LOW PRICKS, be sure to call at the old established HARDWARE HOUSE of V JOHN DAWSON, V) North Market street, v. dee2ily Wilmington, N.C. I 1 D. L. RUSSELL i! Attorne v at Law, i 1 Office at residence. coruer?of Second And i Dock fcJtreets. .... . .. mar26-tj - V' 1 1 i i - 1 i' i I