' -! Wife Mlimftiiii nm JIMft i ' v. VOLUME IX. WILMINGTON, N()UTH CAllOJJNA, Fit I DA Y.EBIIU A H Y I, IS7S. . t Single popics 10 Cents. NUMJr3ERi8 "r" :-. ? p-H'r::' !' -vs; -. f odi i:.rtw"-i --I-;; - : '"V . - i ' ;-.-, r . , ;.-;: ..... . ; j 4 1 '5 WILMINGTON' POST ADVER TISING RATES. ;, Fifty centa pcir line for the first' iri rrtin and twenty-five cents per line j.ir each; additional insertion. 'Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil tjepe, eorif aiUife a spiare. , I ' : :'"' ii t .. : . - All advertisements wil be charged at JXi"SS " . . ; .Speeinl rates can be .had, for a longer time than out week. ! , . AM coinmunicrtibtH on busi ties should addressed to The Wilmington lVKr,;Vilmiugton, N. C. ; . ! f V.' -: , ' r. '.' v I'lie subscription prieeto The YrM MivdToN i'o;3T is $1 00 per yar; . -ii x months 75 cents. . I - . j " - - i , - - ' . ! II. i Kennedy. Business Mauaeer.' ALL SORTS; -' l'he ! Kothschild family lias invented ,ver :2,OUO,000 in fceehold land this ve.ir, ati'l land f hat produces nothing in ere park laud. 'j,, ' " p-V " 1 'h ' Senator Thurman advised his son in .'. .I.iw,! '(lov. McCormick, not to accept the position of Conimissioner General to the , l'aris Exposition. ; ' ,U Ta;ihionablc girl irt Button, and ) wtliithy, has designed, cut,.trimmed and . yvq her own wedding dress, taking Ivvery tHeh herself; jTli.e richest point J:ti? a wedding gift, Was the" only orna ' .nKMit, . '' ". !' . : . - - L r '. '.- i : . ' . y: Vol, .oli'f T. Tetliw died at?his plau i t.tliun in Be 3 county, Texas, in the 79th yeHof hi3 a,ge.; The deceased was one . of jtht origiuar three hundred colonists. Who 'camo lb TeXa? with Stephen T. ' Austin in ' :. . . . Wi . Norinan Atkins' has found under ;i large pinei stump, near Munsville, N. UY-IM auc cut axe:head, believed, to have been made and used by a raeo of - people who inhabited this country be- d f1ie'luTaI,3V,- j 1 t ! l iar lacre says of Elisabeth Gady 1 "rtanlon's hair : "1 suppose she has the H. uretiiest ha r InAmerica. Spun glass J-r 'ii could not be. whiter, ireah snow wreathii :'.'V' xfetell'nvcr lighter, thHtlc down was . ' never softer than the, rolls, and rings, . jfomliils of her locks." : J : . i t - - ; I . . . : j: hA; LliiabstU Clapham, daughter orabcottishadv)cate,w the authorof : ' r tfiUlk. f11 ym'JlM'' V" 4 liialy and; Nine. it was wn tlen mi . ihc impalMC of the moment j for the , UlMms Jhur, a juvenile paper pub: v h4ied b y;l ler cousin,, and, with no .thought of its future 'popularityi. STATE ITEMS. Itichafd Wooten, a promiuent iilit4i of Golumbus county, died on the I Jtu uit.riu his auiu year, , Vtl see tha"t a trood many of . our ex- changes' have copied the article from Hhei Ac implicating the mail agent Iiourke in the difhculty which recently i i vu t riavv-' uvivj v ivi v u .i. ipro loif nvo . t.iiiAii tn notice our correction. We hope that ?-uch papers will notice our correction, and- thus remedy an injustice done a iui-ft; peaceable and deserving man. jK.iiLi- i i i C,i:AN;t'J lhc btate y i range will meet in lireenshoro, . on 1 iVi J nU ': Cooi ifl'tviih ih f nrAn 1 z.a.'l .-1-t - I :. . ..... . - 1 l-next. ''Tlie different railroads in vthf tate will sell return tickets to -nil pcrf Wnlf wishing to attend the meeting, at reuuc 1' ed rates AHtluImteUiaGreens uvc agreed to aceonuncdate dele- i - .. . ! ...... 1 upon very favorable terms. j . rAi'ja.TKvn.ii-K i. TIVO.1Y t iiiretin-rf the friend of this road wai? i held oil Tuesday flight last, at, the l iSmtLy House. The- meeting was ad- -MrKe-Ibyb Vy " ? x rri " l ' ' ' C. Bcnbow. The subscrip- D. W. , HMv wasi released at the meeting, and - VHlClU,iy II- was J,iaivuiM. Bu.uv.vu. in uht had been siio-icnueu to warraut 'i . . i : . -i v . u stateuiriit that the road woub ver- t:tnly be bnilt. -Xvrh Mute. " . : '- ' ! r-jTJt .soil of the nppvr portion; 4)is the Unl?: u mi and Uib,th :i II . . . , ., i : (Pufli Uauark ciay , ana; urn ec- jiMMu h known as tire celebrated 'Jersey rSr'Ifbliuiif " -This is the. irreat colton jM-tHfucii'g section-. I 1- - The: soil is easily i,.n,r ,veU by fcrUHz. ?d rcta.n9 , . . - vell. Iriids are very e,he.lp just nor, . varying in prh, according to quality,. :6V , .- 1er acre. Good laud can be bought lor ' . There are splendid meadows in dm iounly with hefds blue top; and i i?hM grajses.--( i 'hlmn Record t j The horrible murder of a womau and lies tiaughter, whieli came' to light in 1 Uurkc county, the dped jbaying been an :ine warues uaiuu num vuwu county U ;,v t ncr ilPn interest Ahd in - diguation ion in the public mind, Sccries w. UvvliVrOV haiebecn arrested and confined iti jail at uL JtUkW el Che ought to be burnif for tbedread- ful crime.' He married the lady one dav, at Newton, and murdered her and Jher daughter the secondday afterward, . v., v me PWerty. The bodies were first levered by dogs having scratched theta u from the shallow crave made , f ' - . ; ' . i ia the wQ6d.Sfate8ville American. - A Manilas Perforinauce. Some lime ago I gave au account of an accident that happened to. Mr. llani mcr, the tragedian, at our little theatre in New Uaslle, vhi!e he was represent in's 'the "Demon of the llarlz," and waff engaged in desceqding through the stage to the infernal regions. A super- SaWi tafrdful ,of red firef iiiiuugn me uuie as ;ioe uemoa was going down, and five minutes later ani underdone demon was bcinjr carried home on a stretcher. Well, Mr. Ham uier has; met with another disaster. Last week the manager put on another cniuieu, "wiia. jiii, or;iiie ecout ol the Rocky Mountains' and in this Mr,! Hammer was to be tied upbh the back ofSin unbroken hor:e and sent hurling o vc r th e edge of a preci pice. As nobody 1 in lown wouia lena a norsc lor the pur pose, the manager hired a miile from the captain of ttje canal boat, the Roar-1 mg Maria. During the rehearsals the mule did well cnoughj but on the first night of the play the footlights must have scared it, for as soon as the sav ages had tied WildrBill upon its back, insteadjOf charging oyer thejiwful lath and canvas precipice," it refused to budge. . ... "And when the Indian, chieftain prod ded it in the side with a tin spear, it not only let out its heels and kicked that, unfortunate brave into the wings, where his spear jammed savagely against the stomach of he prompter, but it icached its head around and made an earnest effort to chew Wild fill's legsi; Failing in this it stood upon .three feet .and endeavored to reach up to Mr. Hammer and scrape him off with the hoof of its near bind leg. The manager . then came out and tried to start the mule with a whip. - But it merely began to wheel round and round, until the tragedian felt sea sietj and then it charged up against the scenery, and Jacked a bran new sunset to rags, reduced the entire preci- pi'ce to splinters, upset two mUslin trec ' ,,,1 finally brought up with one lo (,man2ied In the r Sea of Galilee. whicih was pressed intd service on this occasion to represent oalt Lake. This frightened tl?e, mule so that it jerked the Hea of Galilee clear over the stage and went into a fit, during which itLtumblcd, and after rolling over and over Mr. Hammer three or four times, itjplunged into the orchestra, and ex- pired with its haunches in the bass dnim and its fbnrlegs tearing the fiddle jnto kindling wood, S i Wfen they untied Wild Bill Jie arose, wi led the l,iood jVom his nose with his sfccvc felt his legs to see that they WCre unbroken, and then went around to an alderman's offict; and recistered egistered an oah never, to ply anything again but low comedy it he should live U,000 years, "lhe bcout ol the Itocky Moun tains" has been withdrawn, and the captain of the Hoaring Maria is abput fo enter suit for damage? to that mule. ; William Hagsdale, the president off Leper community of the Sandwich Island, is dead, lie was m many re spects a remaruauie man., luany years nnrn he was an lnnueniiai lawver ai w . Honolulu. Oue: night he sat ia his office at work, when the Chimney of thcj lamp beside him fell upon his hand, but did nbtburnj .himJ Ho: . picked uw the Chimney wimoui experiencing auy I pain iiuu iuu i uin.n. uu iiiu laiiijj. Jin he repeated several times, and sufier-f , . . : . n . -a ' I- mg nopain was convinced that he was affected by leprosy. He immediately sicians. and they pronounced him-- an incurable leper. It was owin to hisj high social and profpssional .standing hiisinrss nflairs. parted from his wifd no ice .aim eAiictt. ajlg scuicu up ilia ! ...... . . ..11 I 91 V 'It . ' 'I ahd children, and went into voluntaryj exile to lhc lsiauu set apart ior inosej exile to ine, lsianci set apart ior inosej -f au it0 w sionJ thropjst in.his way and did; much toe alleviate the suffering lie found aroundj Jdmt Ere long he w as elected to the presidency of the community, and as a ruier conducted himself generously andj honorably. . Ue-tried tQ divert the ".VV -"-" T V -."i-ii a if .? J i isiKiA --irnm-' a. coniemmauon or inein r . T r . T i J :n,instr:pJ. monr them whercbv thevl could provide themselves wiin means 't J t J 5 mitigate their abject condition. Itags-f j, n the course of time; married a; haWiome n.4ot bop,, afflicted bv eDrosv. She jj irloUdly had husbands, both! of wll,lin dicd cf the loathsome disease ti -lis woman tiroved a valuable assistance to Kagsdale in the furtherance of hi r .tn..r; monraii "hd rlnnth nf .1,0 made Qnf1 hfnoflront a ruler, is deenlv lament . t ed by his people, who know .not where to look for aworthy successor to him, The Ilussiau Court invited Dr. Aycr and family to-the Archduke's wedding iu the lioyal raiace 1111s uisimcuon .l IVim nhf ATI 1 17 lionancu Vio was an American, hut also uecause his name as. a physician had become favor- oiiiu l-nown in Russia on its passage j ' , . l JrOMEruilSU kw. -iu vivtvc win FoMEflUKG I.PTm.r life Seed -SDrinff Wheati I II v U w 'w - - t T The Wheat oiiaos, in your iucamj RinrrleirrainsnieasuriD&i inch in length propose to send a sample of the wheat free of charge, to every sub- scriber to the papar who will state the name of the newspaper and send a 3 ..f0t,mnfnWnosto. Agent wauled in every county to sell this new wheat. Address L. L. OSMENT, ,i I ' 2t Cleveland, Tenn. ' A Uentlo Hint In our fctyle of climate, with its sud den changes of temperature rain, wind and sunshine often 'intermingled . ima single day it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglected colds, half the dea'ths rcsultiug directly fVm this cause W f 3 's nnPm t!r,, i.!;,;.! ..., ...... ,. ? "P nuu.e or mediate use will prevent serious sickness, a large 'doctor's bill and per haps death, by the' use of tliree or four doses.- For cu ring eon?m pt ion, hemor rhages, pneumonia, seevere cobghs, H croup or any disease of the troal or lungs, its success is simply--wonderful as. your druggist will tell you German Syrup is now' is nqw sold in everytown and village on this ent,ineiit. Sample bottles for triaiV'lOj.: regular sizel 75e' r . ITEMS; Board of Aidinnen meet next Mol- day. : ;.- ':;;'i l'riiicosi street .hi bein;! iinpiovc-l the city, J 1 1 County Con.nnissipucrs iiiceL ivlonday, February i'.li. Major Lynii.s' lifj wai in?urtd.for f 11,000. f ' Supcriviv jLAnsit ;,t Moore presidiii. ii in sesiitm, Judge We had a very hard wind and rain on Wednesday night hist, - ..Goal (wangled the very beni ) , for e by Worth & Worth. ptoves of ail "'.-deseript'ioii.i,v'aud. .at price to siiit, eati he hadat I'aikcr & Taylor's. : ;:':..' .' - . '' ' Gows seeni to be allowed to run at Iare, . We can inform the c,ify authori ties that April lias not yet arrived. Messrs. Jas. 11 Gluulbourn A Go. has just linished a very nice two story resi dence on Ked Gross, between Front and p Second sCreet, - '. Don't fail to' examine - the, advertise- ment hi ..uoi. li'-un", :;na tiiep pur chase your dry g )0'i!i of him, for heHviil sells thciu to you e'dap. . . 1 . 1 r . 1 1 iThe throat of a (polore-d mau naii:td Highsniith,- in render county, was lent w itli a razor by . auojther colored man so badly that he is rlijcely lo die. High- smith was attenintiuir to oueli a row. . Maj. J us. A. Engelhard, trtcretaijy of ate, is in : h ; cityj looking remark ibly we if. lie seems to: enjoy the llaleigh atmosphere hugely, or it may be Dr. Iflackueli's splendid pryara'tions, arc warranted to -euro appetites-of standing:1 j that loner 'Mr. John .Dawson, the oldc.-L (mer chant in the ci'y, imd we believe ii the S'ate, has associated with himself in tlie hardware Uusintta Mr. W.' II Springer, under the firm name of John lawson &1 Co. AVe congratulate 31 r.' Bpnaiger oh his success. Our play-going com m unity is getting very tired of the stage trash which is IValii 11 i1 1 rl 1.5 m liiiin flii.in rr' , - ' . i x 1 ; . i .1 I ..... 11. 1 , . .. 1 .1 1.1 here is fearfully second hand, and shabby and is an imposition upon. us.- ;-Ae'in- tad to go for them" bv ami by unless they keep ..away from here. , - . ti The Colo ii El) M i lit a ri y.- We no- tice that the llich.rtiond Li'pch :-peaks In a very complimentary manner of the soldierly deportment and discipline of Colonel Mason's Ifattaliou which pa-; the The rmlpil nr. T?nlr -h in ., nmi-.rv -1st v,v'vv "v v .... Ti;.,i,L in.u h.pJ ,iiva sun, rV ;r to I . - i' the colored Dal tali .. JLt , t .. A meeting of thp: -stockholders' of the W, W.TilroaU wa. hehl i. thi ,ity to take into consideration tne fain to of the W, C. & A. Railroad to pay tie Oil .'cr ccnt. dividend due nl the stok oil m .i ' fir:!.. i r, vr .11 .,. : ... . , i . . " - ' " ! McUat. 1. K. Murd.i,,,, V. OaW.r, miltce. COUSibllUlI. Ol iUtWIS Ayunaiv t r u.d. W. II. ll VUWUJjjVlJ ;j - McRarv were appointed take such! h, .remiscs as )U;lv jseem lo them most advisable in t!ie interest of the stockholders resident in ilming-j io. I t gome wects - , unAissioiie rcmlcr couny dccla! ,a tiiC Superior; l . . , .,1 . J , , ',-.-,. . w ri uuu r." -V"' T". t" 1 . i ! fice in the gift of the A men can people W1 1C - .3 succeeded in obtaining one, applied to Judge McKoy, who is now oyer anotheristne , iur teplac.;anj as the Judge seemed very anx.ou, to appoint someone any w ay appo. nte the afforcsaid patriot, bryant. His Honor J as Judge of this District, very properly filled the vacancy by the appointment of Mr. A. V. Horl. ; j " A DlSThESSIKG AcciDENT.--One of the most unhappy events occurred last Monday , which We have ever been com- pelled lo record. ' -Three 'gentlemen 'of our cityf, Majo J. A. Byrnes Br? EJ A. Anderson, and his son William Ander son, went to Masdnboro' Sound, duck- hiiuti ng. i Anderson was artftngjng the decoys and , Major jB. Jwas in k bath house watching for a shot,'; when to the surprise of the former Byrnes gun was discharged. 'On hurrying to' the "bulld ing he heard cries of distress and on entering found Maj. Byrnes lying pros trate with a terrible gun-shot wound just below the ribsVbove the abdomen'.' It appeared from Maj. Byrnes' broken explanation tfcxt the gun was' at full- cock and tliat he suddenly leaned upon fit to look through an aperture for ducks; when he'slipped and the gun'exploded. !rTw- - i-i t-i5 s t,xl" ale was aa speedilv as rwsstbm bronchi 1 id llH rpsiilptlCO in Irtwn nrlino i,fl.. I" . . . . v 111 ,VMU, IIUKIC) RUilCl- jing excrutiating bgorty,' he expired at aoout b o'clock the 1 next morning. The report ofs the affair had spread wildly at night over tho community in which Maj. Byrnes was very favorably j known both in; business and ' social circles, and which was only to be shocked in early morning by the an nouncement of his death. . '.' ; Major Byrnes came to America at the beginning of the late war from Ireland,, where he was born, and accepting 'a commission in the Confederate army he lost a leg in that service, but afterwards served creditably to the close of hos tilities, when he entered into the In surance business in this city, and marry - ing iue aaugnier oi Uen. ii. u. UoJston, now in the service of the Khedive of Egypt became an esteemed and valued citizen here." ' It may be said with triilh that his friends were numbered among all classes of our citizens, and that his loss will be deeply felt in business circles where his energy and integrity had rendered him conspicuous. Lightly may the turt rest upon his bosom ! 1 'German Syrup." No other medicine in the woild was ever given such a test of Us curative In three years two million four hun dred thousand small bottles of thismed- cine were, distributed free of charge of Druggists in j this country to those afflicted with Consumption, Asthma, ("roup, "severe Coughs- Pneumonia and other diseases of the throat and ! lungs, -0 ryr uvui- ble proof that German Syrup will cure them. The result has been that Drug-: gists iu every town and village in the Uiiiied States are recommending it to their customers, . Go to your Druggist, and ask what they know about it.- Sample bottles 10 cents. Begular size To cents. Three doses' will relieve any case. ; ' '' ' -' '. f When yoit want to be shaved, don't fbrget John Werner's, the champion barber shop of the city. ; The Jollowing are among the latest rulings of the Ppstoffice Department : ''Jso person tp whom any publication is sent without his cousent or request is a regular subscrtber within-the mean ing of the law. '.. "." .,' A- postal card with a printed slip pasted thereon may be transmitted through the mails instead of an un cent by stamp affixed thereto, provided mere is no writing otner man ioe aa uiuas ou luciaiu. -.-.' . Ihere is nothing in the postal laAS ... - . . ""'""'""S rwoiuiajreijo. iciuoiug w n r ri 4 . n rrtt 4" Bt fl"t.'li . a-i -v issue money OrdjprS in favor of persons n.,' '. K lnlMr AV. AUUUU ''J , ululf"' " "tu Called Upon' to do SO. LOWever, POSt- mir, t-. t U t1,1 Ua rui-lu. . .v Well tt mate a! written slatemcntOI the IfoM- o.;.l-'VWa1 il,n .nmn in tl,o nV,;f aiivio uuu av. f cuuiv i J nv VUiVi ' of special agents, Postoflice Depart ment. ' V.":. -..- .'"' ..- .y : ''-. "- Sunday Bcnooi'TiCKiiTis. W. & S. 11. 11. Co. have now ready a Sunday School Ticket, which is good for JSUU Av oliillron nnW nnrl for wliinK , i . , , Only tWO CCniS-a ride IS CUargeU, or Ad rides for 50 cents. (Quarterly Meeting: lie v. L. S. Eurkhead, D. p., Presiding Elder, has niide the following appoint rrients for his first round during the present Conference year, for the Wil mtngton uisirici : SmithvillcatShalotte, Feb. 2 3 Cokesbury and Coharie Mis sion, at Bethany, . , Feb. 9 10 Onslow.' at MtJ Lebanon. , Feb. 16 .17 Elizabeth, at Elizabeth t'wn; Feb. 23 21 Dladen, at Soule's Chapel, Mar.' 2 "-3 Topsail, at Prospect, , Mar. 9 10 Cliuton, at Clinton, . Mar. 16 17 To the District Stewards of Wilming ton District, N. C. ConferenceDear i Brethren : The District Stewards' meet in win ne lipid ;il inp. narsnnasreni mi 8th, 18 8, at 11 O dock, A: M., instead of February. 5 th , Matters over which T hnvp. nn rnnfrnl rnmnpl itia tn main i' - - mis cnange. ; ; ! L. S. BUBKHEAD, P. E., ! Magnolia, N. C. 'IN JEW ADVERTISEMENTS CASHMERES AND .ALPACUAS, r'A'New Lot Just lleceived. t .! llEDIUCK. Good 2 Buttoa Kids, G-3 cent ; I est , 'l " 'Button'Kids. U 25: Ladies', aud Gents' Buck Gauntlets, A great variety of Gorgets cheap. I t ';' '.''. " H EDKIOK. Bleactiei-Stieeliuis- ayil SMrti iiiss. , 4 n, ni n V r , , t- pleached Cotton, G cts. to 12 ' ents. I . . lOjinil 1 0 V Ml.""! f'll Oil JIihl i n I - i ..v.. r. v.., parlicuar allentiou eallid io our Ilu- gueuot braud of fShirtiug, very heavy. ' ' ' ' ' ' i To' close our'sto.ek of Winter I)rtss Goods we offer them at cost. rcat bargains may be expectcJ. AVIiol?rti iliBvf Can do heller with us in itrictly first-class IinEs;-, GOODS than at, any liouse in the tf tate. feU'l tf ' HEDlilCK. wiiAGK&iiirrfii AND i HOIlBIi S J J O E I N G . T HAVE OPENED A HIIOP AT TlIU corner o' Market and .Seventeen lb ttreels, Where I am prciK rjJto shoe houses aud j aules., repair earls, wagons, buggies and carriages-botu wood -'aiild v work'. I nopo niy piu menus wui -remember me when they have any- work 'Jn my line. I giiarAutee cutlsriiclloh ih price and finality of work. IIICIIAUD AVATKUS. i i feb 1 tf OLD; TM AND feopteiore getting jvcquainteli-an.l ijiuue who are not ought to be with the womlcrful merits of that great Ajnerlcau Remedy, tho MEXICAN UEUStailg 11111116110, . T?rT wViw Awn tjuact. I XUXV ilUUI LLiXM . Thlsllnlmcnt vctvnaOtraily orh;i!iattiia Anuri J ca, where Naturo provides in her laboratory such surprisms amiuoies icr )p.-iaMicui ; then. Its fame has'bocn spreading for C3 years, until now- It encircles the habitable globe. TOe . Jttcsican Aiusiang wnuncnt is a maicme. rivc.1v for all external ailments of maw and beait To tock ovncrs and farmers it is invaluable. A single bottle of lcn saves a launan Jife or r- i a - - ,-.-."11 v;- i -,- I; ef .tt-rid 4iin litjofninnca rr fir itiV ! 'Ilr. IK rsP I . ;cow,or sheep.- . - I ' , It curc3 foot-rot, hoof-ail, hollow horn, grub. : screw-worm, Ehouldcr-rot,' maige, thejlites and ; stings of , noionou3 reptiles and, lnsectsiland every Btieh drawback to stock breeding and busa life.- It cores, every external trouble or horses, sucu ; as lameness, scratches, Etvlnny, sprains, founder4 - d windfall, ring bone, etc., etc. The Mexican Mustant: Linhnent is thtt fiuickrst I cure in the world for 'accidents occurring in the family. In the absence of a physieiah, .such as Lburns, scalds, sprains, cuts, etc., an4 for rheunia- tism, and. stillness engendered by exposure. Tar ; ticularly Talaablc to Miners. It is the cheapest remedy In the, world, for it penetrates the muscle to the" bone, and a einglo application is generally sufficient to cure. ; Mexican Mustang liniment Ls put up in three sizes of bottles, the larger ones being proportion ately much the cheapest. Sold everywhere. febru'ary 1 ly R . COPARTNER SHIP NOTICE I HAVE THIS DAY G1VKM VILLI AM E. srRINQER an interest ia niy AaUD WARE BUSINESS. The styU ot the lirm will hereafter be JOHN lAVvON & CO. -';:.Y, -' '' ' JOHN DAWSON. 'Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 21, lSTsf fob Mm - Gonntrv Mcrcliants , i Bick-Bands, Hbovels, Hpsdles, Forks, Axes, iStA BHeiV... f ti,n ni.i I unit eAamine guuua nu ii iut - tui, v.v. i Estaousnea iiaruwix v. J6HN DAWSON & JCO., 19, 2) and 21 Market 8t. feb l-t, -'-': k i-tl"' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. y SosiSbke '- ; ''!''.-"'"'."" . i ; : ' - -,i-";:y-.' I ''' , i . ! - ' . i , .-.!';:;' .'. -j;, i. , '. . - 7y: ... - - ?;;- CHRISTMAS IS Vio.j people will keep before them the fact th?.t they can buy the Best Holiday Gods anci Family CJroi- .uox iua G- E OiBvG- E ; x 1 -.: r - .- " 1 1 .and 1 3 South Front Street, -V rl? W H O 1 IS .'. We oiler specjial iudneemeiits an COOKING ARTICLES, and, Housekeepers' win sec tne necessity ol getting the ; - . EES r G0(H)S FOlt TI he rhicot selected (looking Butter, Wine, Brandy, Citruu, Curiants, Raisina : j j ; Atmorc's Celebrated Miuce Afeatl'Ium Tudding. 1 .1 . :, OUil STOCK 16 I , m "n-iiu viiu.-3-ixj ten irlntwl ilunv.rit ..IV Pouey Whiskey, Blue Crass, Delmoiiico. Club Uouse, Iraiwrtcd;' Jamaica Rum1 7 Hennessey and Otard Brandy,, Cordials, Chsmpagn'es . r l' , r ! -layiu cuerrics Our Celebrated BRAND OF LIQUORS' arc so well known that we only u turn item to remmu yiuv mi XIjVJJY" that we have ovpr" V- THREE THO US AN D BOTTLES put up to ' . ' ' ' supply the demand' and avoid dely " ' ." ' ' ' ' : I ' . 1 -: 'v.;.-.'. ' : '; '..v-''"' " ' T'-T'-- : Onr well known "SWEET MASH," at - ; 'f rovemcnt. AVe offer Jt agaiust I , r 300 Barrels and Boxes of 4ppl(es, Oranges and Lemons. , 800 Boxes Francy Crackers. j . , 3500 Lbs French and Domestic Candies and ' " -, ', Fresh Broken Candy. ASSORTED NUTS, Figs -iu- cartoons Table, Raisin,, Muscatel and SeedleU Raisms, Shelled Almonds. 1 i KifcViMlcr ,,:.-:rL;...'..j:.i.:..,.:r IU0 1OXCS llL AAUilitv.. "We have on hatid a fine lot of, IMPORTED CIGARS, and the fine&tW Clear !.. , aiavciiKi xumesiic '!'! - I : 'V fcOur Three Carb will leave piuuij't .4eiiei v. ! 1 y- , Put your money lit to best advautge and you can do so only. at Dceembci 21 tf .JO UN .WJK fil Jtf 2 IS, H IU, D RE S S I N G ,. : ;ikIOOIN,' No. 1 1 1 NORTH FRONT TREET, ! ' (South of Pureeel House.) . Tarticnku attention pi ven to Ladie' anU Mivses' Hair cutting and iShainpOoiitrrl eith er at their residences or at the tfaioouu -jan 4 ly. 'j ' ' SPECIAL PlClMll6y7 r mi - . i y - : TU THE GOOD PEOPLE OF Wllr : HINUTUiN: TF YOU WANT THE VEllY UKT J. bi:ef, . ' ' . . PORK, 8AUSaGE8, &c'., &c., &e. OA LI-AT ! KINGr'S MARKET. On Second l Street, bt ween Market and Princess streets. jau 4 ly ISAAC W. KING. i - . - -N. VanSOELEN J. ha opened a first class OYSTER SALOON, du east f-ide-of Second street secoad door south of Princess street, where he is always preparedjo FUUNISIL MEALS o his cus tomers aud others. Itece'ivins fresh ( N E W RIVER OYSTERS DAILY, and wid furnish them in any style desired. None but the very best Cooks employed. Do not fail to give him a. call dec21tf GOOD WHARF between Mulberry "and Walnut streets,, to rent for a term o years, uy juneli ! W P. CANADA Y. ALMOST HEReI :o:- x1 rum, IsL T ES R S. - '- 1 -.- ..SV.'Sci lil PRICES; :o. -1 1! Tf IE XLE AST MONEY1 ymm s - i, I, A - ' ' ; . . " V V MENfM'j and THE LAGlr IN TH P. StAttt -.' uiii uuiixig me xioiiuays, ' !l .1...:.... ll. J II I i) anu native WlllCS. $3 00, i perfect and requires no im any 5 OO.'Whiskey in the State. J- !,;;-' il, (HMY 'I'miiiriri' cigars rn the btate. " the .Store every iiftecn; mrnutes to "insure GEO. MYER'S ' 11 and 13 JFltONT WTREET, , OUR OWN MAKE atlflles and - Uarnes PF EVEIIY DESCRIPTION, Made and Repaired at . ' . ': Hayden & Gefhardt's - ... - - '- . ' :. ".'- ' ' ; 'y ' Third .st., between Market andTriuces? jau IV tr r I3IGGEST THING OUT. I: i l:.:l' GllAINS OIVIIEATMEASUKINa ONE f J1A LE INCH IN LENGTH., 'SAMPLES I FltKE, to every Farmer in the UnltedStats 1 . K S. Y. HAINES t CO., dec 2Si't Sweetwater, TennJ JOHN DAWIS0N, 1 '. ! k 1 HARDWARE MERCHANT. HAS THE LARGEST AND BEST As sorted stock of HARDWARE In this Fart of the State. If you rant GOOD GOODS and LOW PRICES, be sure to call at the old established HARDWARE HOUSE of i . JOHN DAWSON, - j i - ' 19 North Market street, l dee 21 ly Wllmlngtotf, N. C; D. L. It US SELL r Attorney at Law,- . . 1 Office at residence, corncrof Second jjock streets. 'HJ nil Li I '- f?: i 1 r i ! 5 i1 .- .1 . . ... . , ... . - w-. . i f

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