.north - II-- I II I I . I - I I I I : I 11 VII 11 I 1 I I I. tr 1 VOLUME IX. . iXXHINGTON POST ADVER. j: TISING RATES. 1 Viftv rp.nta ner line for the first in- I A.vj , " A 1 ..ertion and twenty -five cents per liae 1ar each additional insertion. ' . , : I ? : :!-; ' Eight (8) Hak, Nonpareil type, con- stitute a siuare. . j .. ..j .V ' A i al vertiscmciits will be charged at Utj3 above ratos, except on special con- ir.to ; -v; '; -;".- ' Special rates -can be had for a longer , time than one week. ' . ". ; c j " All communicrtions on busincs should he addressed torim : Wilmington .'Post,; Wilmington, N. 9.'. r "! The subscription priee to The Wjl- mi.;ton' Post ' is $1 00 per ' year; ix months 75 Cents. - ' t '.i Kennedy, Business Manager. ' THE N15W POPE. -,,"-r' Cardinal Gfovacohino Pecci has been ' elected i Pope , on the second ballot, . and has iwsumed the .duties ?. under the j title of Leo X MI. He wa3 born in 1'SIO at jCarpientc, and id of patrician K family. 'He succeeded . Arntonclli as v:Cnnarlingo, and has since been the : intimate -ad vUcr of the late Pope, lie rhas been at t'h'e head of what is'con- tillered the moderate party, and also ,has the' confidence of the liberals in tlie Sacred College. ; Itjs said that for ,-le.irni'ng and piety no better, selection - ts.ultl liuvc been ihade. - $ 1 1 appears Jtliat the obstructions which were anticipated , to, the JTiual conclu . Ao'd of peace between Russia and Tur key are Wauidlv disappearing. Mostofi tho indications are pacific, and it is probable that an . adjustment will be :irriv,ed at that will fatisfy as well the -roat powers of Europe as the interests , o lv.iroiean civilizitioii. The cxprcs- sS niof the chief Cabinets of Europe, aVw-lL as their ollicial mouth-pieces Irvvc greatly moderated within the last f. w. days, and by common consent there aipears o be a geDcral deference i) tho approaching con Terence of tlie l I ir) U I S I s a o r V I G I A L1 . j liact of a lotte r fro 111 ov - AVel 1 3 in KepJy fo Deniocratic Falsehoods His Portraits of ili'e Men Who are ' Persecuting Him -jf-Cliarapter of the ' JiiJse .and tho lVosecutius Officers. - J. Madison Wells prints a' column :ivn a half letter) in the New York tb,m, in which he says; - ' :,.: ;"V lieh it i3 known ( that five succes i :sive grand juries have.firmly refused to j iiud a. true, bill against meat the"behes1; J of the Attorney (general,, and that the ' prosecution gainst me aind my associ ; -atcjs is; based upon information, some mblic interest may attach to the per sonal character- of the-informer. 'The central figure in this -conspiracy is Judge William It. Whitaker. Ilje con spired to defraud the government of the United States of $000,000, with which lie was chtrusto( as Assistant Treasurer. JJe succeeded ?u the conspiracy, and stands indicted for the felony. Judge Viiitaker lias conducted himself in the jato trial of Gen. Anderson as though :! he had urndertaken a contract with the Democratic party to do their dirty work, aiid receive as hi reward full rehabili tation into theirj society. "' "He stated to-several persons, and to lawycrs-of high standing, beforo the Ufa I of Gen. Anderson, that .the jury Twas packed for the pu rpose of his con ; yiction. He stated 'fuubcr that no , motion, having for its object v tho re-' 1 i:iuval of the cause from his jurisdic- (ion, would have h is sanction ; that 'all f aio' ionsfor: that object would be over ,; ' ruled, ; !. '':' - V : - , -6 j i"Ninc of tho jurors in the Anderson : "irfartwore they were prejudiced against ihe rj)risoner, yet they were made to - Vrve1; . Two declared openly thatAn ; ui r.son ought to be hanged, " "During the greater part of the trial Judge Whitaker was in a beastly state oi intoxication. . ; . t' 'Attorney General Ogden was also aivaie that the jury was- packedand, ; ajUod and assisted in the nefarious I suicnic by'whicb the packing was ac- - cum pi jslii il. "' i 1 le feaid he i n tended to ' 1'inve a trial, because he. had his jury l' arcd for conviction; that he kept ,:;.eJiieoakMitvlii3 room - Ijftlleueld, to .-. i-cvo!:t his testimony being taken in ; lacrson s.tnal. This attorney gene hm h wholiv unreliable. As a sworn oilccr he had speculated upon the col kylioii of taxes, lie I attempted to ' faree the grand iury, last summer, to : Jiud bills of indictment 1 against the Tllclurning Board. He appeared before the grand 'jutfy, - insulted the wit lieases, a'ud threatened ! them with . " incarceration if they refused td swear tiactly what he desired. Failing 10 pfocure such' evidence from the wit F. uisses as he dbired, he accompaniedf tlie Judee before tue grand jury and hd him, (the Judge) to reprimand ; vainesses ana uireaieu mem wiyi iu- ciirceration if they did not give? such testimony . as. was. required by him. Xhe Judge attempted to force the grand - jury tou nnu a true oiu to sausiy ine ; want3 andAvishcs of the attorney gen ,1 eral against the Returning Board, but, r finding ally their extraordinary efforts ? futile;1 they were compelled to fall back upon 1 the alterative mode of informa tion.. k-M . - - "'v.' ' 'Assistant Attorney General Egan Viands indicted for the murder of his vbrother-indaw." 1 1 I . ' ' iQf the witnesses he says, "Charles Cavanac U a man of bad reputation v veracity. Wra. R. mait would yuiiX no lie he- could utter that would bHkely to convict him, (Wells). Dur ingthe rebellion he stole my stock vote to hi3 company if they would kill me and burn my dwelling over the heads of my family. Burke is an ab sconder from Illinois, : , "Tire names of, the jurors that were empantfelled for the trial of Anderson and myeelf were furnished" by the Dem ocratic committee. ; Their political sta tus, as well as their views as to proper punishment, was: canvassed by the Judge, Attorney General, and the Dem ocratic committee before being placed on the panel. One of the Jury Com missioners testified before court that the list of jurors j placed in the jury box, from which talesmen were drawn after exhausting the panel, was fur nished by the Democratic Executive committee, and this fact was known to Ogden; Eagan and Finney." , ' i )Vells says it the Vernon Parish re turrlfi were altered they weres altered by the Democrats, j "These are samples of the principal toolsind means applied to secure the conviction of the members of the Re turning Board, in the case improperly called 'The State-tf j LoiibianaTsrJ Madison Wells and other? but really and truly it shoula be called 'The case of Samuel J. Tildenj vs. Rutherford B. Hayes It is a contest for the office of President of the United States and he patronage of Executive Depart ments of the Federal Government. It is chiefly managed by David Dudley rieia, witn tne advice ana pecuniary assistance of the National Democratic Committee. The verdict of a packed jury of Louisiana Democrats, procured in tne manner above pointed out, will, it U expected, be accepted by the peo ple of the United v States as a iudicial settlement of Mr. Tilden's title to the Presidency. It is a bold and desperate game for a great stake. Myself and colleagues 00 the Returning Board are merely the outpostsf on picket guard which they hope to capture, and then they will surprise the garrison if possi ble and plaim the I patronage of the government as the spoils of war. "l or corroboration of this view I refer you to the; movements all along me line or tne enemy's camp; to the well-grounded, reports that large sums of money have been sent here from JNew York to be used in! the trial: to the fact" that the National Democratic Committee has been hastily called together, though no national election is pending ta the fact that several of the officers of the Court, including the Judge, Attorney General, Assistant Attorney General, Sheriff, principal witnesses,-several jurors, and many ot the aiders and abettors of the proceed ings, are stained ) with crimes of j one sort or another, including those of mur perjury, libel,! attempting to defraud voters at the pollsand other serious offences. Few engaged in the prosecu- tion have clean hands, ind :Tet tlie I 1 f ' l' 1 ' I .1 spired by MephisjtophileanlDavid Oud- . . - ... 1 rZ . 7 . I ley Field, hope by the employment of such oqU a a place and in : a case j where- the other - side lias no possible t chance ot a lair trial, scarcely any to be heard, to make up such a case as ;k-Ti .n'u fUiiw tn Ku u shall enable them to wrench the seep- ter from the hands of President Hayes and give it to the henchman "of their Aemoci,y. v - ' i.-i'i. r il i j r ai i auo eves ui iuo icauera ui tue re- l-nl 1 1 An o a n IfAoYtr 4-trri lirrn f hA hivh I places ot government, which they feel aaiirril are an trnrwl a a in fliAir nrtcaoa- sion already, as there is nothing serf: ous in the way now but Wells and Anderson, for whose " conviction they have contracted and the contractors national, not a personal . question. It the tremendous conflict of 187G, per- hap$ of 1861. It becomes the Repub- licans of the north to be on their guardl ana give our omsiana; nierarcny 10 oniiipf nr be nrenared for ooen. de- termined and unrelenting war." 1 . . German Syrup." so other medicine in the woiid was ever given such a test ot its curative qualities as Boschee. German Syrup, In throe years two million four hun- dred thousand small bottles ol this med- cine were distributed free pj charge of Druggists in this country to those afflicted -with Consumption, Asthma. Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and other diseases of the throat and liing3, giving tne American pcupio uuuema- the American beciple undenia- ble proof that German Syrup will cure 1 i. ' a rx Mam Tlia rosiiH. haa lipen that Dniff- gists in every town and village in the United States are recommending it to ilu.;r riTsrnmprs'. Go to vbur Drucririst. and ask what tlrey know: about it. Sample bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75 fpnts. Three doses will relieve any case. The following item of information from the Rocky Mount Mail will inter- est more people than oner "We have money,. but got no relief until I pro David Schenck, who! will make us a cured a bottle: each of yourAgue Spe- Chief Justice, and a Worthy successor of Ruffin and Pearson. Judge Schenck is the first choice of the entire State for a place on the Supreme Bench. Being the people's first choice, he is entitled In fVia ref WIoPO t.hnf. nf fJhlP.f .Tllstice v , ,'. , . .1 . .1... . Thos. IN. Hill, nis equal, is me vuoite ij- 0,1 r nrna ni!n, l Cpflf. bpSid J Shoots HimSelf.-Ou Saturday ,Po. .. - mm. xom. aiu juug wvu, u leaders of young men. Now let the young- men of the State rally around them, and all will be well. Col. John H. Wheeler, of Washing- City, arrWed on last night's boat. He will remain here several days; As the "TTifstorian of North Carolina" he hs a world-wide reputation. He is stop ping at the Albemarle House. Oaro WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 1878. MWWilillim llll milllinHMUliuM.ilMI Ulllll WBWIMLwWBBWWBiMiBBWWMMWBBMWMMMWMMMHMMM igt CITY JTEMS. It rained yesterday. . Si . -Examine the Financial Statement of the City Treasurer. The street cars have got out a lot of brand new tickets only f 3 XiO per one hundred rides. ' Mayor Fishblate gives the city offi cials a holiday, this being Washing- on's birth day. ; The whisky distilley at Mclihenny's J mill, near this City, has been started. Now wo can all get a drink. Capt. Isaac- B. Grainger, President of the New Hanover Bank, returned from New York on Monday last. j uol. Juoi W. Atkinson left on Wed- nesdav nirht for Savannah. Ga . who he goes to aiJjut a heavy loss of cotton by fire. 1 ; '."-;";...-. ; - : The imuranee case of. Colonel E. R. Brink vs. certain insurance comnanies j , . I I- in New York, was to be fried oa Wed- nesday last County bonds are in demand at $70 per hundred, with no sales. They are worth at least $S5, and will sdl atJthat in less than GO days. Hon- Daniel L. Russell has beenab- sent for the, past week in Raleigh at tending the Supreme Court. He: is expected home to-day. r ; ; p When you want a comfortable and easy shave go Werner's barber shop on Front street, next door to Boatwright ee JMcIvoy7 grocery store. Mayor Fishblate is: giving general satisfaction to our people in the very pioropt and eScictit , uiainneh in which he manages" th'e: city .affairs.' : 'j,-. . 1 r 1 - . -. ; ' . City Tax Colleotor. Don't fail to read the notices of the Cily Tax Col lector in this issueand our people will donvelLto heed the warning. Mr3. Register, a very old lady of our city, wa3 knocked dow n and run over on the corner ot Market becondsslicct. The receipts from the Concert given at the Opera House for the benefit of - yj.. Wf Monl'j I .hnrnh nnir.mf Ajl r r. M ' .) 1 Very complimentary to the ladies who had the management of the affair. ' 1 i . . A Fiee at Meaees' Bluff. A fire , ... AT ,ir , occurred at tne Navssa Guano Works, at Meares' bluff, about six miles above the city, bn Sunday last and damaged their property to the amount of about- ro nnn . .. i . , ' We evil attention to the ad of Rev. Jas. u.U'ry, .Minister oi pi. Dtepneu s A. M. E. Church, giving notice of a concert at the citv Hall on Tuesday ,ri,f n i,mii,i na ftir excellent purpose Females suffer -from many diseases which in time may make life a burden rather than a blessing. Dr. Harter'a Iron Xonic corrects all functional de- ugemeuis itim iucreubca w muu by retoring the health. ISad New s. Messrs. Sol; 13ea r & Brothers, the very popular dry goods firm of this city, received the sad in- telligence by telegraph on Monday last 0f the death of their aged father, who resides in Germany. Thev have the gympathics of the entire community. To those who are so unfortunate as to become prematurely gray, or whose hair exhibits a tendency to fall off. we recorn-nend a trial of Hall's on, cou. i.euu " Hair Renewer. V e do so with the ut- i 1 . ; i i mnst fonndenec because it is tverv- where received with marked favor, and has built upon iU own mcnts such a I sure foundation thatvit is kijo"-u and used in all civilized countries -AdJi- son (Ar. Y.) Jtfczrliser. Bradford Crsborne, Kane, ill, writes: 'For sixteen! years I suffered dav and night with Neuralgia and Dyspepsia, and tried all the doctors and spent much cific Iron Topic, Lung Balm, and a box of Liver Pills, which cured me . of more suffering than tongue can tell, and, I have no doubt, saved j me from an early grave. I 1 """T" An Intoxicated Policeman I ceman Frot went out hm tingiand 1 . . r IVTnrlrp-f, sf rpfc fav lie - , r; - , wu"" . , " " . city he went home, and persons living in that part of the city in which he re? sides, sav he attempted to commit sui cide buy shooting himself with a pistol. Tlie ball took effect just above the heart.. The doctors say he will not die. The Mayor jshould investigate IMS, u of , WP n0 doubt he matter at once, as we nave no aouou uc Will. . . Two funcrat yesterday1, both chil dren, who died from diptheria. - Howard Relief Fire Engine Compa- ny had their anniversary parade i yes- terday morning at 11 . o'clock. The Company was out in full, under com-, mand of their very efScient 'Foreman, A.' Adrian, .Esq. The Cornet Band furnished : the music for the occasion. The Company, take them . altogether, 's the finest looking set of men in the city. The Engine, A. Adrian", (named after their beloved foreman) was beau tifulI dnratftd th 0rrrr.0a flowers The bail at the City Hall was :n m j A Gentle Hint .L , In our style of climate, with its sud den changes of temperature rain, wind d sunshine often intermingled in a sin?Ie day it is no wonder that our v""u' anu reiauves are m irequenuy taKen. from us by. neglected colds, half the deaths resulting directly from this cause. A bottle of Boschee's Gprman Rvmrv 1 ' J ir -vw JUUi UVUiG for immediate usa will hrAvonf nni sickness, a large doctor's bill and per- haps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing consmption, hemor rhages, pneumonia, isecvere coughs, croup or any disease of the troal or lungs, its success is simply wonderful, a .your druggist will tell you German SVTITT IS TlftlW ia rifW csrlA in Annnr ninn J 1 uyn aouvlf OV1U iU CVblJ iunu and village on this continent. Sample bottles for triai, 10c; regular size, 75c. ' ; . 'Quarterly Meeting Rev. L. S. Burkhead, D. D.: Presiding Elder, has m?de the following appoint ments for his first round, during the present Conference year, for tho Wil mington District sion, at Bethany, Feb. 9 10 Onslow, at Mt. Lebanon, Feb. 1G 17 Elizabeth, at Elizabetht'wn, Feb. 23 24 Bladen, at Soule's Chapel, ' Mar. 2 3 Topsail, at Prospect, Mar. 9 10 Clinton, at CUnton, ; Mar. 16 17 To the District Stewards of Wilming ton District, N. C. Conference Dear Brethren : The District Stewards, meet ing will be neld at the parsonage of the r ront btreet Church on Fridayi March 8th, 1878, at 11 o'clock, A. M., instead .. 1 r i pit. n t 1 1 1 i this change. 1 H L. S. BtJRKIIEAD, P. E., , - Magnolia, N. C.i Tho Wilmington & Seaside Kailroad m sllincr f.ilrof o wli on o norann faVoa are selling tickets (when a on take3 an hundred rirl fnrS 00 i hnnflrA. "every person can now ride on the street cars u ' ; 1 W. & S. R, U' Co? has now a School whiGh ol(f at twn opnift a ,ri(lp nr 9i j ridys fot 50 cents. Every person who sends children to school should have i i . tneni. NEW AD VEli 2 ISEMENTS. To Where Hie Banners Hang Upon I - 1 . - : . , i The Outward Wall, - AND BUY THE CHEAPEST ! -' ' .V i:';V- ' , ' DRY j GOODS 1 . : : 1 - . - . : .: :" ' . I i . .Ever offered in Wilmington. ' - . ' - V ' -r ." Note the Following Retail Prices: 3- 4 Brown Cotton .............. . 4, cents 4- 4 Brown Cotton.........:.: cents 4-4 Heavy Brown Cotton..:.;..........,. 1 cents 4 melichd oSZZZZZ enS 4-i Bleached Cotton (good).....:........ 8 cents 4-4 Bleached Cotton (oest).... .......10 cents naMe.ma vnrui - ' .i Antj Calicoe, very good..... Calicoes, best... 6 cents .-"Scents 75 cent Worsted Dress Goods at...oU cents 50 cent Worsted Dress Goods at.37j cents 10 cent Worsted Dress Goods at...,.S0 cents 30 cent Worsted Dress Goods at...22J4 cents 25 cent Worsted Dress Good at...-18 cents 20 cent Worsted Dress Goods ,at....lt5 : cents Needles 5 cents a paper. Coates' . Spool Cotton 5 cents. Fins5cent. Hosiery very cheap. . ; .. . - r . A Large Stock of every kind of - DRY GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. . 1 : t " "Our greatly increasing sales en courage us to make t new additions to our stock by eyery steamer. HEDR OK! N. W. cori Front and Market st., feb 22 i Wilmington, N. C, JOHN WIKNER, HAIE DRESSING SALOON, No. 11 NORTH FRONT STREET .(South of Purceel House.) rarticular attention given to Ladies'and Misses' Hair catting and Shampooing, eith- er at their resldences or at tnQ saloon. GOME! 4nly- ...!-, - NE WAD VEB TISEMENTS y. RAII CONCEET. ; ' Theke will be a grand concert, . . . . - . , TABLEAUX, AND CHARADE given for the benefit cf St. Stephen's Ai M. E. Church at the City Hall oil Tuesday night, the 26th Inst. Doors open at 7 o'clock. . Admission: Adults 20 cents; Children 10 eents. ! jas. g. frey, - Minister St. Stephen's A. M. E. Church, feb 22 It ' Manager. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. C?TY OF WILM1NCTON, N. C, OFFICE CL.EKK.& TUEASUREK, February 10Lb,lS78. r iIlON. 8. II. FISHBLATE. . r Mayor City of Wilmington, . - ' i Sir In accordance with your request, I give below a statement of the Financ4al candition of tho city on the ,12th inst. Tlie iteinj of Coupons past due," and the value of the "Back Taxes," are- based upon memo, and statements mal e by the former administration. The amount of outstanding Bonds not due is $178, SCO. .: . The Liabilities of the City now due are the Floating Debt audited...- $ W.700 00 Coupons past due, including those of February, 1878, estimated. 58,100 00 Interest on same..... ; 2,500 00 Bonds past due........ 70.050 00 Interest on same.. 4,575 27 Total Liabilities now due f 141,925 27 " The apparent Assets are as follows: . Balance due on Tax Book, fS7.7........iO,000 00 License Taxe due........'. 3,-500 00 Back Taxes on Real Estate....... 21.700 00 " .Personal Property... 12,150 00 Polls....... 7,925 00 Assessments for Street Improve ments. .10 812 00 Cash on hand....... 1,300 00 Total apparent Assets........ $111,887 00 AH of which is respectfully submitted. ' HENRY SAVAGE, . feb 22-It - Clerk and Treasurer.- OFFICE TItEAS UUEIt A COLLECTOIi, CITX OF WILMINGTON, N. C.,. ':-. . ' February 16th, 1878. : ASSESSMENTS FOti STREET Iil PROVEMENTS AND SIDE-WALKS, re maining. unpaid on the FIBST DAY OF MARCH, 1S73, ivill be plpd iu the hands of tho City Ajtiorney for collection. 7 . '-. 'r' ' HENRYAVAGE, feb 22-5t nac Treasurer and Collector. OFFICE TREASURER A COLLECTOR, :. CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, K February 19lh, 1S78. toxics. : In ACCORDANCE WITH RESOLUTION of the Board of 'Aldermen, I shall, on the FIRST DAY OF MARCH, 1S7S, advertise for sale all Troperty on which the City Taxes for the year 1S77 shall then r main unpaid. HENRY SAVAGE, I feb 22-5t nao Treasurer and Collector. 1 0 Roses Mailed Free for : $ 1 Splendid Assortmont of Plants sent safely any distance.- Satisfaction Guarranteed. Send 3 cent stamp for" Catalogue. . . Aaaress - - R. G. HANFORD & SON, Columbus Nursery, f ; Colamous, umo. REASONS WHY PMN - KIELEE xs tui; Best Family JilGdicine of tlie Ago ! And why it should be kept always ne--ir at . 1 hand: ' !-. 1st. Tain-Killkk' is flie ino.st "certain Cholera cure that medical science has produced. ' 2nd. Pain-Kil-lku, a&a Di.vrro?a and Dys entery remedy, seldom if ever faii 3rd. PAiifrKit,rRB will cure Cramps or Tains in any part of -the. BystViii. A ' single dose mual ly'.aflec'ts .a cixrc: 4lh Pajn-KilLeii will cure dyspepsia and Indigestion, if used according to direc tions. : 5th. Paix-Killer is an almost never-Lul-ingcure for 8ndden Colds, Coughs, &c. Cth. Paix-Kili-ek has proved a Sovereign Remedy for Fever and Ague, and Chill Fever; it has cured the most obstinate . cases. . '.x...; 7th. Pain-Kiixer as a linament is im equaled for Frost Bites. Chilblains, Burns, Bruises, Cuts; Sprains, tc. 8th. Patn-KiixeB; has cured cases of' Bheumatism and Neuralgia after years I standing. Dth. PAIN-K11.1.ER will destroy Boils. Fel ons, Whitlows Old Sores, giving relief from pain alter tne nrst application. 10th. Pain-Killkk cures Headache, and Toothache. ; ; v 11 1 h. Pain-Killer will save you days of slcKness ana many a uoiiar lu .time and Doctor's bills. , . : 12th. Pain-Killkii has been before the public over thirty-seven years and is a purely Vegetable preparation, safe to keep and use in every family- The simplicity attending its use, together -- with the great variety of diseases that may be entirely eradicated by it. and the great amount ot pain and suffering that can De alleviated through its use. , make it imperative upon every person to supply memseivcs wun mis vaiu able remedy nd to keep it always near at nana. The Fain-Killer is now known and ap- nreciatea in every auancr oi tne uiete, Physicians recommend it in their practice, while all classes ot society have found m it relierana comioru - uive u a trial. ; . Be sure and buy the genuine. Every Drus gist, and nearly -eyery Couniry Grceer lUrOUBuuM" tue rauu ittn oiuci ; i jan W-ly ! 1 . Single Copies 10 Cdnts. NEW AD VER TISEMENTS SOL BEAE & BROS., -18, 20 MARKET ST.. : . -. - , . - . .. - -. . -. . . . -. " ...... . - - - ' . QFFER TO THE PUBLIC, AT the LOWEST.NET PRICES, ONE OF THE LARGEST1 AND CHEAPEST STOCKS OF' , READY JADE CLOTHING ' AINTD GENTS FURNISIIINQ GOODS, Boots, j ' Shoes, 1 ' ' ' ' ' " ""! j 'Hats, ' . 1 ! ' . 1 . ' , Caps and Dry Goods, Carpeting, Blanket, - ; - . Give us a call bfore purchasing else where, t , ; s dec 21 tf. D, M. DART. PRACTICAL PLUMBER, STEAM AND OAS FITTER, WILMINGTON, N C., QAN STILL BE FOUND AT,. HIS OLD stand, Journal, Bulldin?, Princess street, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, cheaper than ever before offered to the public. Has constantly on hand Bath Tubs, Water Closets, -. i -- L . i , Wash glands, ' ' - Pumps of all descriptions, Drain Pipes, , ; r Gas Pipes, Gas Fxtures, &c., &c. Personal attention given to all work. Satisfaction guaranteed. december 21 tf .. ; ; . - NOTICE.' . - .FULL LINE OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, Chemicals, Fancy Arlicres.TolletSoaps, i6., &t the lowest cash prices, . CARS IND TOBACCO In great variety.- V, : ' The utmost care and personal attention givcu to preparing prescriptions, ai, BURBANK'S Pharmacy, dec 21 ly cor. Front and Princess sts JAMES C. MUNDS, riRua-GiSTi , ASI) DKALEK IN TOUAut ARTICLES AND FANCY GOODS; Prescriptions compounded at a l hours'. day or night. - ; . ; s . PURE' WINE AaD LKlUuliS -' ' - c-' for Medicinal use. " ' 3RD STREET OPPOSITE CITY.- HALL. B, D. MORILL, Uaiertaier. Carj enter : anfl : CaMnet V - ? Mater. " OPPOSITE CITST 5IAIiIi On Third Street. 1T7 ' XW ILL FURNISH COFFINSCASKETS, with attendance, at the very shortest notice. ' .- - ;, . All orders from the country promptly .at- tenued to. j . - '.-.., Orders for Carpenter and Cabinet Work solicited, and work jjuaranteecu -Work as low as any in the city. ; jan lS-ly i ' WM. EUTilELL. Nov 10 . MARKET ' No. 10 SELECT FAMILY GROCERIES, 1 FOREIGN ANp DOMESTIC FRUITS, CO UNTRY PRODUCE, -, dec 21 ly CHEAP FOR CASH NUMBER 11 2IISCEL.ZANE0 VS. SPECIAL PR0CL1HATI0N. TO: TUB GOOD PEOPLE OF WIL" . '!-.' ' I. . . 7 .1 JF YOU WANTTIIE VERY BEST 31EEF, . PORK, SAUSAGES, ' ; f &C, &C., &C. CALL AT !i KINGTiS MARKET, On Second Street, between "Market and' Priuccs3 streets. r7! jan I ly ISAAC W. KING. Country ; Mcrcliants fpHAT AllE IN WANT OF CASTINGfS, X iloes, Trace . Chains, Ilames, Collars, rkacit-uauus, noveis, spaues, ork!, Axes, Grub Hoes. Hollow-ware and Hard warn generally will find it to their interest to go and examine goods and prices at therQld ii.suiuiisuea Hardware House of .rnuw mwienw a, m feb l-t, - id, 20 and 2 Market Sti D . Ii .. RUSSELL Attornov at Law, Office at residence, cornerof" Second and Dock Streets.- mar28-tj - -' -V ' : ; V : - '' ;- -- JUST lOEIVJSJp. rnilE1 BEST QUALITIES OF POCKET JL Knives, liazors, Table, Knives, Scissors, Carvers, feteels, fcc, and a keherajl variety of the best HARDWARE. For sale at lowest prices, at - . N. JACOBl'S j . Hardware Depot, if '". dec 21 ly No. 10 South Front street HOUSES " AND LOTS 'FOR SALE-CHEAP. TTOUSE AND 1 LOT ON CORNER OF XL Fourth and Walnut streets, known as et ,5 the Divinehouse. House and Lot on 'cerner of Walnut and Seventh streets, known as the Finlayson house. -. "j. -:'-'-'-.'' - i House and Lot on north side of Market, near 11th street, known as the Densoh house. House and Lot on east side of Third street- i" near Hanover. ; . . : House-and Lot oa Third street next ad' Joining the above. : i A very nnc Buildin Lot on . Brunswick between 2nd and 3rd streets, size 1W by W ; leet. ,-,'; i -'.Vi:" House and Lot on north side of Castld v hear 7th street. . 4 i' ' JVi House and Lot next to and adioinlns Iho.: above. - - ' . - - .-'. Lot corner of 2d and Mulberry streets il one of the finest in the city. ' . ; ; ; -. Lot on Front street near Wopslcr. 1 i f i Small-Tfojit;fi iintl lint, nn Nixon ne&rfltli- fetreet. . . ' ., '. " Ilousc and Lot on an alley near Dlckerson between Rankin and Miller streets. . Lot on Brown street between Taylor and Howard streets. . '- . - . v House and ; Lot on west side of 5th street : near Taylor street. s . . r - v House and Lot on -ltli street between" Queen and Wooster streets.. -v. M The above property will be sold cheap for cash, or very easy tefmjs . Now is the time to purchase a house for about what the rent would costr The demand for proserty is on tlie increase. There has been at least forty. sales in the past three weeks. , do not con thiue to pay high rent and die poor. Buy property while you can at a reasonable price and thereby secure a home in your old ; age,. If you should wish to do so, apply to dec 1 w . " wVX A DA x . ' S2OO,O0O WORTH OTP " r . Gold Plated Jewelry,! FOR ONE DOLLAR WE WILL SEND as below, all wakbat?tbd gold piated: 1 Pair Gold Stone Sleeve Buttons; 1 pair En- f raved Sleeve Buttons; 1 set Pointed Studs; set Amethyst Studs;"! Wedding" Ring; 1 , Engraved Band Finger Ring; 1 Amethyst Stone Ring; 1 Elegant Ring, marked "Friendship;" -1 'Handsome Scarf Pin: 1 splendid Silver Hat Pin: I set Ladies' Jet ' and Gold Pin and Drops; 1 Misses', set. Jet and uoid; l jadies' .ret set, ornamented: 1 set Han fl some Rosebud Ear Drops; 1 Gents' Elegant Latoe George Diamond Stud; I Car dinal Red Bead Necklace; 1 pair Ladles' Pearl Ear Drops; 1 Ladies' Ornamented Jet Brooch; 1 Fancy Scarf Ring and Elegant Watch Chain. Take your choice, the entire , lot of 20 pieces sent post-paid for L or any 8 pieces you choose lor 5q cents. - Club Pre miumAny one sending us a club ol twelve at one dollar, wo will senda COIN SILVER WATCH FREE. J 4 .' i i. Fl STOCKMAN, feb S-13t-incm 27 Bond St., New Yoik.-? 25 'ASHIONABLE CARDS no two alike rithnamc, 10c. 20 Scroll, with hame- ' ... ., II r V, T;i;"t. 5 so 91 s'ij o-j'ij i?JV ; ;:i't"il : ,2 Pl!irpiSS31:-':-:'i V-p : A slfllllllll!ii ' -i:G :UX i '4if "iSfeilll Sq ' m -! - 10c., post paid. Agents' outflt.lOo. 3EO. I. REED & CO., . octl2-52t . Hubbard Nassau, NY. GOOD WHARF between Mulberry and J. Walnut streets, to rent for a term o years, by ! junet j W P. CANADA Y. killed my hogs and poultry, and put a Unian. .1 o