-J : ' li ! r '4 ' I 'HE WILMINGTON POST, WILMINGTON, N. C, Morning Feb. 22, 1878. ALL SORTS. ho liltlc daughter of 3 leading .liysieian m a certain country town presented tiro following as her first school essay: 'There was little girl ''mil lilic was very sick. They sent for r';iirpSpand she died very quick." During 'the recent civil war there uere two volunteers lying beneath thein lilanKCis, louKing up at mo stars in a ' "'Virginia sky. Says "Jack: -"What . ' i 1 1 .1 it: i I made you go irito,thc army, Tom?" "Well' replied Tom, "I had no wife tid I loved war. What made -you join the army, Jack?" . "Well," he replied, 'I hail a- wife and loved peace, so I Vent tq )var." '.. ", 'Mrs. Cie;. SlKfman reee yes on Tuos v' ' t-" vii j aoimiwLi, I vie.ui. - .uMua.iti?,ausi hr visitors pn tiio.se days! 3 uil up into I llib huiian U. 1 1 :r asHitan's- Are her I jjtjugliters" Jm EUie is very bright, Hiwl iier lairjics-j is sniicij iu;ii n is a jviu-ure to ioUk at her, f it r loiletori iTiTj'tll' occasions: is ot ruse colored nk, , Vviiii ' uriipiii-gs oi - ,; rose ;ceuare u.i niui6.se very 1 re uv h ami . most be- ''. ''A t'ia .ci'i'i m house me in New York n ,t lltly, iut old oiT painting, without f'brti'.uth, tone or eiltct, ' and with a U:,c hawchtd in the forjgrouud: was i lor-.p, and it was considered prct- y dear at 4hut, as it was inipocsibie to tvIlavTicth'eV it was a battle piece or the ,y.afrait (T n olkd monk. The discov- : lcry has inOe hcen made that it is a . MuriHf JUiU lis price IS lisetl at SW).. 'Aecoydii.g to this valu'aUon a.panel of O (J. UCllCC W imnCWSSncU UV (JJlUrillO . would be worth 00,000. f- ; r j . 'r:ipni!iiflfr fif flip TLnifrd Stntoi jj j io;uoKgic:u-commission, who. nave is libelled and prosecuted in the District WMun for alj pointi north via Kicbmond, been . operating in the western states Court of the United Statesj for condemna- If... I I - l ...-Vw ' ii'.iwtiffot;.; thn lncf tion, for the i causes in the said libel of in.'. and tci ntoi ics, ll yctigaUrig the locust formation set forth, and that the said causes f : . ji'agmv haS'e applied lof. .an additional will stand for trial at the court room of Sleeuiu-' Cars ' ticked to all 'Ni"tit 'Um of $25,00i to complete the present v nrr Sifh-nrffi1 Trains.. " ' ' : r , . r . ' iii ii DAI cjf AruiL next, if that be a junsdie- ' a , nnDn- r t -work ami to extend the scope of their rion diy.and, if not, at the next day of ju- Votm nurrvvTU LUFE, G. I.. A. ft risdiction thereafter : where and when all I JUtUl F. DiViML, Qenerai Bun't. ;:;nd arm worm.. It it is -known that iausti vvliy condemnation should not be de ' ; the' S Uth loses annuajly -OjOGOjOOO creed, and to intervene for their interest. i UM i i t cvv v t . w' i hi w xvw-j!' t t ; - . , .iy;i ; l. llJ V--l-.i.t . y 4Ak A. . lUIVQUVl iteilley belitv;a that it is possible to I huc-ly cheek its ravages. I ' .J.-dm inc. cotton worm, and I'roiessor Mr, Ifcary M Stanley, since .Jiis re? tiirnJ'rom Africa, has been 'described as 4 ;i liiau ( slightly beik under a burden of ; im-'Mofie-H of. levers and cramp?; with a A LL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEK ; U,y m luce, crowned yith a shock of 4uls arehcreby notified that a Privilege j- ir.on i vuVup tuuuaa., ui ; ;i ; ro,; . i ouittv. lhiswiciu , wiiu Tijj.ii .check , bones, a tanned Sm, and tio.. iftpius .oi a uacKwoouirman, rougn- ; Vu wi-ih to denounce one man as a ly lV;it a'.ul a fraud'and - a bushwhacker. That is liiijathin Franklin. Our life ; has been .made miserable by "doing all : iurts of things to day.whieh ve could a rrfcat clear better have put off till to iiiorrbwj and Altogether ,;thc old mari, yiui iiiv. vujiiouiiueu uuuuiisiiia, , iius . liung li!ce a p&ll over buryoung exist- iMiec; A lid ibw it appears that he was iiie originator of the, suggestion lb ;(ro- i ihiee the -anny to ten thousand men" :Tliis i jh a getting loo , much. We call i.'njaimn to order. Norrhtoicn .Herald. At a Newark' masquerade ball some v iv!ifrhir.L- 'tho thrAmrof dances UDOn ; the iloor. Prcsentlyshe darted into ne - iYowd tiiid caught in a relentless grip Hie coat collar oi au lnaiviuuai WJio '. l)y. ctitti i'.g a ay through lorest giving in their purchases the law now com-iii:,f-:'j.ing.!c, and .carrying! an elephant pels payment on all purchases made within if i:rin.a iwo ounce uaii. tne slate as well as out of the state. tinclUd- ' t time ago a middle aged woman pushed iandy toys, sugar fruit, ffpaTjt'ih'e doorkeeper, and i entering! the V , , istmas Tree Ornaments, ! Lm L mf. koinlv Assorted Toys, Bananas, Oranges , , - . ,w.wi.wvur, i,u,uuu tut . vy". i i. . , ' ijtrancs. DniGSi t ;rLiiiornia. rears. ":-' was flirting with a fair maskpr., 4tAnd .': ; t tins is the way you go to the lodge, is d his capturcr, in loud land ;-ii?'' inquired - I unry tones. "Uomo home immediate- iy, and you don't play this' thing on ' y.)Q more than once in a lifetime!" The jmsband seemed to lose at once all .. interest in the inspiring scene, and do: r ; j'p;rtep forthwith, '; :Vj"7 UleTreasury.-.'jepa.rtinent ; alone is " "aid ! to employ somethinjC; less . than f t (vyv.uPh 1m nd rod tadip's rano-in"- i w caiy-scven Jiunureu. lauies, rauaiUo i in years .from seventy to seventeen and :.-au IP. ni, wucii uiey g-tu uusu, ki'jyr and start down uie avenue, ine iM'ec't is simply heajt-harrowing. It is . i:claled as. a remarkable ufact, f that , among all the femalesemployed in the . diiFercnt departments, amounting to OSQ, there is not one. that r has the slightest impediment in her speech, H while the men who stammer are. so j numerous here, that many of the Con -', gressmeri cannot wait to. hear j their story while they arc urging their claims - lur V place.- This- may seem uuac- . . i . . t 1 , 1 1nf mtr infnirnhnt vlia alllf.. '.'tor m iiH.io' iinr.iarpa- that'. it Jis as v ' t-tr-true as the g-g-g-g03pcl." : ,f- 1 . Z T I KIIMAN & WIIIT, j (icucral Mscrs:& Pan cr Hauprs, 1. L N, V. -Cor. Second and Princess; Sts., Wl LMlNCi I ON, N. C. Hnlkw, ades, : vai l ! iIaper .MuttrcwsseHS Feather Reds: Pillows and 4 Dolsters, Picture Frames, Cord .p , lasaeis, ivaiis, jiyc.j cc. j I f .0 1 1 v 1 N G G' LASS PLATES, ALL -5IZES 'imnierniaii'.s improved Store and Wiu- w iiwnliiffs, very low for cash. jau-tf L ;J0ST IN TIME FOR !?7 : XMxlS ISTl riii'lE 11 EST SELECTED STOCK OF FOR-; j I E1GN AND DOMESTICGUOD in the- t iiy, consisting iu part of ' . Candies, 1 i lave or Dead f Raisins, Poultry Currants Apples; Fresh Eggss, ; 'Citron. Ina O f .nic TTIrklir nk 9R ."vl TiOT llbli. " I'ilK 3t lilHlli) Jl IU... u I k - Uu'uors, : VV ine's, etc.; etc., of tho best tfual at! ' . . GEO; C. SCIIUTTE'S, liive Flower Store, 7 N. E. cor Market and Princess dee 21 tr . -., . ; COPAltTNERSIIIP, NOTICE. la. WE THIS DAY GIVEN WILLIAM . E.SPRlNaERan interest in my HARD WARE BUSINESS. The style of the firm, will hereafter be JOHN DAWSON & CO. ! ! I JOHN DAWSON. iretr VERTisEEmiTS. CITY GROCERS AnLJQTHERC RE INVITED TO EXAMINE GOODS ; received by us on consignment : CIIESE, CRACKEPJ3, FOUR, CANDLES, soaps' riikr a-a TOBACCO, CIGARS Ac.. . ( '- SAUSAGE, EGG& POULTRY, &c, V jPtES, FLOUR, &c. . Wo encourage cone but best quality, and scIIt,1CTerJifft market prices to close, Wehroins'ructeaiottoho!dgoodV.butsell. i I''... rKTTF,WAY & SCIIULKEN, ''. Brokers and Commission Merchants. Next north Princess and j Water strects.- NOTICE. Having this day qualified- as "iui ui vm viuiu ui oumuci ihauu, ..leceascd, notice la Lcreby given to all parties , , r ihatbUnl to said estate to make immodiate J paj input to tbe undersigned, and all parties j3Jvi.i;; chiliiiRasahiBt the same to present on or before the 8th day of December, : . t A. !, . 137S, or. this, not ico will be plead iu bar ,"1 i I ' ' ; '; .1 of tii r rec ivery. y - . . r MAGGIE NIXON, Executiix. Wilmiugtou, N. G, Dec. 8, 1877-jan 18-6w DISTRICT COURT qv UNITED STATES, ea.stejbn district ov nothcakomjja..-. ) United States Eleven Barrels Whiskey, Wid to be the - property of Bevis & Fraser; ' .' Libelof information; "V"" "."4" -No(iso hercbv f:ven thal vhe a)OVft mmilionrd nrnnp.rtv was vrIvpi! l.v T. TVT smith, Dcpuiy collector of Internal ReW nne at Wilmington, N.C., as forfeited to the uses of the Uhited States for -violation of lflt; j."-"f t. , ,Y. "Vw - ."uia . J.B. HILL, Jan 18 tt United States Marshal. NOTICE. Si3SaEUl.l3 55, TAX. Tax was levied by the last Legislature of Flve Dollars (the same levied by county), in addition to he Schedule Taxes proper. wholesale dealers are also notified that in ing timber, lumber, turpentine, spirits tur pentine, rosin acd naval stores oi any kind, and cotton; a so wood and coal dealers). All hotels,, boarding houses,r iretaurants and eating houses are required 10 pyataxof oiic bait of one per cent on gross receiptet Tne Tax will be due .Tannai-v lstanrl nava. blewliuin the. first, ten. days thereafter, on all purchases siace the 1st of Julv. 1877. AH parties interested 14 the payment of 1 ScheduleB; Taxes will sa ing to the. same at once, ; save costs by attend- as; the law will be strictly .'.'dec 28 enforced. J, E. SAMPSON, llegister of Deeds. Chris 'mas Varieties. 'Cocoa-Nuts, candiesof all crades.at 1 dec21jr Fh and SrSinsoVe: u ii n fill RCTRT'a RIttffRV in. uiuuuui uauuu y AKfltlSRE Y k . ,r(, nu fou will Always find good fresh BREAD, CAKJES .of jail kinds, nnd nflipit mnf firinl.'' Alsni frpsli hnmfimade " w. . - - n wnv tr mr ww T),f, dec 21 ly i "i South Front street. MiMlf DIKPDV r HAVE - OPENED A PIST CLASS BA lTERY: at Thorbufn's Old Stand, ori Front Street, next to Adrian & Vollers. . ! fresh BkEAD, CAKES, and CONFEC tionery. Weddings, and Parties supplied ,? BliWAn .unri n"-rrt evprvmornin . Everything in my line 'prepared in the BEST STYLE. i A TRIAL IS SOLICITED. , R. KOSTKA, dec 211y Next to Adrian & Vollers.; PARKER & TAYLOR, , '': ! DEALEES IN V ; . , Kerosene Oil;stoT Mclals, Gnns, Lanterns, Fairbank's Scales, rPU MPS. BRASS AND IRON ROfeIN I -. ' , STRAINERS. DltrERS AND SKIMMERS. Manufacturers and wholesale dealers TIN AND SHEET 1IR0N WARE, No. 10 FRONT STREET, jan 11 ly WILMINGTON, N. C, COAIi -COAIi. T V YOU WANT TO :FEP WARM AND J uc 3ru f ur Coal tram tho undersigned, we nave me 'best .. ' : 1 GRATE find STOVE COAL, in the market. Also that superior ENGLISH COAL. for quick and hot fires. Send the cash and orders 'will, be filled promptly T WORTH A WORTH. jan 11-tf i ;' , ..(' ; PROSPECTUS OF THE STATESVILLE AMERICAN, t ' . .. . r " ' so tu Volume1877 Free Speech Free Press-Free Vntlno- THE AMERICAN, NOW in the 2ath- year of its existence Without ever having changed hands And is one ol the best newspapers pub llshRd in tne siaie,-wimiuui, moj Xuhw the subscription price, i T4KT TERMS OF THE iAMERlOAIN. Forjone copy kia iuuuwb.......... ....5 7o For one copy one y vai... - i ao Address ' . r I Statesyille, N, ,C RAIL ROADS.. Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company, Ofkick Gknicisai. Superintendent, J Wilmington, Nj C Nov. 10, 1S77. j CII1NUE OF SCHEDULE. On and fcfter Sunday Nov. 11th, 1377, Passenger Trains on the W. & W. Railroad will run as follows: DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Daily. Leavo WiliaiDfrlovV Front Str cct -i . cpot. at. .. Arrive at Weldou at ......... .. 9.05 A. M , . 3:10 P. M Leave weldon daily a..... ill:45 A. M Arrive at Wilmington, Front 3t. I n . , t 4. . . L...7:C5F. M WlIT MAIL AND ixpress TRAIN, Daily except Sunday Loairo WiiiiiiL'.i t. i'ront Stic ot. Dcdot at. . ............. Arrive at Weldoa at .-. .' . . Lfave Weldon daily, &t Arrive at .Wilmirrtcu .Front ...7,05 p. y . . ,y.20 A M . . .3.35 A. M St ' ..10.25 A M epot at.... ........ .... ... r X 'Yhe D.iy Train makes closo connection at Wfeldon for all nointR North i bia Bay Line. datlytocept Sunday, and daily' trfa.Rich- myuu auu. aii ia.u rouie NiKht Trait nukes cioo connection at nOv 10-tf G EN. SUPERINTENDENT'S OEFICE WtlriljagUii'. . t alumina :& -An- Wilmington, N. C, Nov, 11, 1877. v CHANG E OF SCHEDULE, "VN and after Suuday, Nov. 11th, the fol- Jlowing schedule will be run on this read: DAY .EXPRESS AND' MAIL TRAIN (Daily except 'Sunday.) Leave Wilmington. . . . . . Arrive at FJorence Leave Florence. . '. .T . . . Arrive at Wilmington . . , .1 "0 41 A M ii.l7PM ' 1.20 PM 0,40 PM NIG So. T EXPKS33 Tii UNj (daily ) Leave Wilmington . . Leave Florence..... i... Arrive at Columbia, ... , .... 7.24 P. .ML .;..11.20P. Mi .... 2.05 A. Ml Leave Columbia. , ...ria.50 A. . .Jf'4. IS A. 8.45 A. Leave Florence. Arrive at Wiimimjton . . . . . This Train v.ili oaly stop at iTIcmiaffton Whiteville. Fair lilud' Marion. Florence! I Tim tt1u On IjV. i.H I i. 1 L1A KlItL. kjUaiLVl ttuu V LI . I) l. I tween Wilmington ana uoimnma. I Through Freight Tnun Daily (oxcej Sundays.) I Leave Wil micron . . 11.00 A. 3 .17.00 P.' M ...... 3 10 A.'M .... .. 12.15 A. M .. s.oa A M i Leaye at Fioreace. .. Arrive at Columbia . ve Cnmbi ... Z Leave Florence Arrive at Wilminston;.. ... J .4.00 P M Passengers ; for Amrusta and beyond should take Night Express Tram from Wi mmgton? v Through Sleepincc Car;on ni ibt trainb I tor Charleston and Augusta;: :-;:-v' '- a. -rops, 6. P. A. JOHN F. DIVINiS, Gen. Bup't. nov 11 If. i Carolina, Central liail I - r way imp any. f -- j ' , . : ; : ; i OFFICE GEN'L' SUPERINTENDENT,! Wilmington, N, C Oct 1, 1670. -3S ti. : I CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER I FRIDAY, 4TII inst.; 1S77, Trains will be run oyer this Railway as follows: , PASSENGEP, MAIL AND . EXPRESS TRAIN -:-'' ' '' ' '- i Leave Wilmington at . ,1 Arrive in Charlotte at. .u Leave Charlotte at.....j. Arrive in Wilmintoa at 5.50 A. M ft 30 P. M 7.45 A M 0.45' P. M J3UELBY DIVISION Leave Charlotte..... . 7.d0 A. . . . a of shlhv nt. : ll.4o Leave Shelby aL. V. X' . . . .12.45 P, "... 5 00 P. Arrive at Charlotte. Thee Trains will leave Wilmington.Char lotte and Shelby, Daily, except Sunday. ';'. ) ' ': '-.- ' '; ' Tirt5nrtif train will leave Wilmington and Charlotte on Mondays,' Wednesday sand tt. - j $ -inara f .a n rl nh.TiTtr ftn TnCdiVS. - Fridaysand leave Launnburg on Tuesdays, i Thnrpdavs auu Baturuav. 1 j I V. Q. JOUNSON, Chief Engineer and Superintend int. oct 4 , ' , tf PROSPECTUS.' ost IS STRICTLY A REFUBUCAH PAPER, KfffiSSK wS Tho Great Principles of the Na tional Republican Party,, In accordance with the CINCINNATI PLATFORM, Independent as 10 Men, But Not as io Party, It Will be devoted to exposing corruption Wherever found, in any and all parties. . It will stand up for the good name- ol : ; .1 i ' " " - North Carolina ; We shall join hands with the prebrf ol I ... 1 North Carolina to encourage immigration bell jvins that is the only true way to build I up our g-sol old State. NKW DEPARTMENT. We shall give tho latest 9 1 Local, National and Foreign News We will thank: uir friends to send us all the hews they have for publication. ; Qreat pains will be taken to give A Correct Slalement of the Market in A i- val Stores, Cotton and Produce, , of Every Description ; 1 ' ' Also, a correct Commercial and Marine Report nommiinicatiins on manuCac'turiDe will be published. We will publishl commani cations when accompanied by responsible name; not otherwise. AIL Communications to be addressed to the Post, ! WILMINGTON, N. C. Snliscrijtion Price, $1 Per Annum We have reduced the subscription price so that every Door man can anorato suoscnD for it. The paper will positively, not be sent apei rho to any one wno uoes no pay ior iw uwueu your paper stops you may know your sub- scriptlon Is out. No paper can be run unless j i a n1 ftthCl' TKLtmnS ItV their M aaes promptly. It is important tojiave . IHK... a . . f. WWA... vww " a. ax 1 narcnanirii in the land, tnereiore every M person whois in fayor of civiUzaUon should M i do all he can to encourage the publication sts many ucwo10 rv00"!1 I (Postage prepaid bv us.) HOUSES AND LOTS. TTOUSES AND LOT3FOR SALE FOR 1 CASn, or on long time. X riTl v tr i . W. x. UAIM AlviV J . December 22,1876 l MIS CELL AN S THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, . i THIBIY-TH1BU YKAC The most popular Scientific Paper in the'World. Only $3.20 a Year, Including Tostage. ; WeekiT. 52 Numbers a Year. j - 4,000 book pages. The Scientific erican is a ; large first class weekly newspaper of sixteen 1JU"PS TiriTlttifl in flio TV ncf ViooJltifill v engraYings, representing the newest in ventions and the most recent advance advance in' the arts and sciences; in clilding mechanics and ensineerinsr. fly. "W-g. dTlW gasand faydraal- ic jengineenng mill work, iron, steel and metal work chemistry and chemical, processes; electricity, light, heat sound; technelogy, photography printing, new mcnmnT new processses, hew recipes, improveiuenis pertaining to textile ln- dustry, weaving, dyeing, coloring, new industrial products, animal, yegetahle and tnineral; new and interesting facts inp agriculture, horticulturte. the home. health, medical progress, social science, natural history, Geology, astronomy etc. '.' , I--: i The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of science, will be found ia the Scien tific American; the whole presented in popular language, free from technjical terms, illustrated with engravings, and so arranged as to interest and inform a11 classes of readers, old and young. iue ouienunc iimcrican is promotive of knowledge and nrosrress in i everv community were it circulates. It should have a pice in every family,; reading room, library, college, or school. Terms, $3.20 per Jy ear, $1 GO half year, which includes prepayment of postage. Dis count to 'clubs and agents. Single copies ten cents. Sold by all newsdeal ers. Remit by postal order to Munn & Co., publishers, 37 Park Rowj New York. ' Patekto. In douuection with the Scientific American,' Messrs. "Munn";& Co. are solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, and have the largest establishments in the world. Patents are obtained on the best termsr - Models of new inventions and sketches exam ined, and advice free: A special notice i3 made in the Scientific American of all inventions patented through this agency, with the name andi residence of the Patentee. Public attention is ,. , , , .. -rr,. thus directed to the merits of the new and salc3 or introduction often effected. ; ; Any person; who has made Ja new discovery or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent' can probably be obtained, by Writing to the undersigned. Address for the paper, or concerning patents, ? Munn, & Co., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F & 7th ; streets I "Washington, D. C. 1 ' CONSUMPTION0 i . . All sufferers from this disease that are anxious to be cured should try Dr.Kissner's celebrated uonsumpuve Powders. These Powders are the only preparation known that will cure Consumption and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs indeed, .so stronsr is our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no humbug, we will for ward to everjrsuuerer, by mail, post paid, a free Trial Box. we don't want your money until you are f erfectlysatishedof their curative powers, fyour life is worth savinsr. don't delav in giving these Powders at trial, as they will surely cure you. i lrice, lor large box, $j.(R sent to any. part of the United States or Canada by mail uu receipt oi price. ASH & -RQBI$ra,. 360 Fulton Strkist, Dhookl.yn,N. Y. March 301 y. " NEWSPAPER IAD VEittTISaWO; AbooT containing a list of towns' in tho U. S. having 5000 pop.,.and the newspapers, havinging largest circulation. All the Re ligious, Agricultural, 'Soientilic and other si . i . i . - rt. . . l .V . . c . t . special ciass journals. lauies oi raws, showing cost of advertising and everything which an advertiser would, like to know. Mailed on receipt of ten cents. Address GEO. P. HOWELL & CA.; 10 Spruc.o St.. N. Y., opposite "Trilune" buildio'. ??' to have anon iikaith TnE t ivsR must ii.Ei"T in oril:k. ; pySJHFOHDS 2UV DILlCySSESSig' FOR DISEASES CF &DySPFEiA.w UVERST0MAC1 J, For Pamphkt'i address Dk. Sani oku, New York., august 31 ly R $77T is not easily earned! in these times, but it can be i made 111 three months by ah y one of either six, in any part of the country hois Willing to work steadily at the employmentthat we furnish; 500 per weefc in your own town. You need not ,be away from home over night. You can give your whole time "to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents wno are miaKing over sau per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made so easily an,d rapidly at any other business. It costs nothing; to try tt e business. Terms and S outhtfree Address at once, H. HALLETT & CO., Portland. Maine. julyl 9m PRINT AND PROSPER. X HE NEW1 iTATiE, PUBLISHED AT GREENSDORO, . ' Is one of the LEADING REBUBLICAN PAPERS OF NORTH CAROLINA. It enjoys a large', circulation, 1 and offers superior facilities to the advertiser. Its col umns will contaiu original articles, choice selections, items for the larm and houses hold, summary of the latest news, etc.. in fact, everything to make it A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. Published every Thursday at Two Dolbars per Year. ' oct 12 A PAIR OF VERY FINK MULES AND ONE HORSE, for sale. Apply to T June 15 W, P. CANADAY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHRISTMAS IS :o:- Wise people will keep before them the fact that they can buy the . .. ,': ' ' . "- . - ;V . :- :V; , - - .;l'..--'--'"' Best Holidsuy. G-o6c3.s and. Feimily Grro- oeries From , Gr E O R Gc E ML Y E,R S.' 11 and 13 South A. rF W II OLE SALE PRICES. -:o:- WE CAUTION YOU RBFOKE FURCATING TO We offer special inducements in COOKING ARTICLES, and Housekeepers BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAS'l jilONEYii i i i . i ' ." j -..;'!. The Finest selected Cooking Butler,, Wine, Brandy, Citron, Currants, Jtaisins; , AtmoreVCelehrated Mince Meat, Plum Puddingr OUR STOCK IS IMMENSE and THE LARGEST IN THE STATE, and we iEtend disposing of it during the Holidays. 1 .-' .,'.''' ' "! ' " .i' ,-: i . ..." -',:- Poney Whiskey, Blue Grass, Delmonico. Club House, Impottcd Jamaica Rum, Hennessey ana utara lirandy, uordiais, Uhamp:.gue3, : . , r , " V Table Sherries and native Wines. - j ' -" " - Our Celebrated BRAND OF LIQUORS are so well known that wc1 only men- ; tion tltpm to rp.minfl " RVF,iT.YT0)Yy, flint.' wAiIia V THREE THOUSAND BOTTLES put up to ' , ' ' H ; supply the demand and avoid dely. j Our well known "SWEET MASH," at-$3 00, is perfect and requires no im ; provement:- We offer it againsf any $5 ,00 Whiskey in the State. 7rl 300 Barrels and Boxes of-Apples; Oranges and Lemons. v ' SOO Boxes Francv Crackers. ! - 3500 Lbs French, and Domestic ! ASSORTED NUTS, Figs An cartoons, ivaisms, blielicd Almonds. 100 Boxes FIRE CRACKERS. I- ' . We have on hand a fine lot of IMPORTED CIGARS, and - the finest of Cler .Havana Domestic' Cigars in the State. : " ; . J '- -' JCSOur Three Carts will leave the Store every fifteen minutes to insure prompt delivery. ; .i . . '" Put your money out to best advantage, and you cs.u do;sofoWy at ' ' ' December 21 tf THE REGISTER FOR 1877 ill prove, i tself to be c ne of the cheapes and best newspapers in the State. It will be print.' i upon large type, and no eft fort will lv: lucking to make every depart ment of f laadard excellence, so as to com nand th . . j, -. ; r . . SUPFOIIT, CONFIDENCE & APPROVAL of the best classes of the community, with out regard to politics, i . I The news of the .day will be carefully col lectel and piven in such form as to keep the reader fully posted in 'every particular. 1 Mr. .1. C. L. HARRIS hag editorial con trol of f ' '. ' . i and every subject of .interest and impor tance will receive ntlentian irom nis pen. '.J . ; ON ACCOUNT OF POLITICS, Not being the organ of any man or meni, Tiik Registkb expects nor desires any sup port other than such as it may . merit as a Eublic Journal. Its publication is purely a usin ess enterprise and will be conducted strictly upon business principles. . THE KEGISTEU will be issued Semi-weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays, and I the Weekly on every Tuesday. ' ; y. TERMS; Semi-Weekly, single copy, one year. I S-T.00 " 1 six montns, z.uu " ten copies", one year each, 2.50 " twenty conies, one year, each, 2.00 Weekly single copy, one year, 1.50 ' " . six months, 1.00 .,r "j j three months, 50 ' " clubs of twenty, one year, each, 1.09 Invariable in advance. Postage paid at this office. I' ' Advertisements inserted at the regular rates, 10 lines of Bourgeois to the square. (See advetising rates.. l i W. M. BROWN, ! may 17. ' Publisher and Proprietor. clipi tn QOnDerlay at home Sampie iiJ LU -wu worm si iree. sunson a Co., Portland, Me. march lO-lyj HERE. Front Street, o:- ALMOST will sec the necessity, of getting, tho : ; ( 1 Candies and Fresh Broken Candy Table Raisins, Muscatel and Seedless 50,000 TORPEDOES. 0EO,!MYER'S n and 13 FRONT STREET, Mer'B gmmrtiG Pills, For all LIc i:iirpose3 of a Family Physic ; and for curium Costiveness, Jaundice, IiSdigesticnl, Foul Stomach, Breath, JiJ.caaacnc,irysipeias? Kheuma .' ' 'tiani.Eruptions and Skin Diseases, -IMliou.'mesf?, Dr 1 psy, Tumors. Worms, Neuralgia; as a Din- V ner Pill, lor purifying the Blood, Are the most ; gg.. i cfiectivc anil 'fAv? congenial pur- ; arc mild, 1 but effectual in ; t heir; tip ora tion, moving j the bowefsl sn rn V v . fl.ii.il Mi te 7i 7'' v.: v Wiif 3i wiutouu pain nttesll tla in their op eration, they are still tho most thorough and search ing cathartic medicine that can be employed: jeleansing the stomach and bowels, and even the blood. In small doses of one pill a day, they stimulate the digestive organs and promote vig orous health. . I . A. Ayer's PiLts have been' known for moire than a quarter of a century and have obtairied a world-wide reputation frr tlif!r . vlrt.nps.. TlifiV correct dlS-1 eased action in the several assimila tive organs "of the body,- and are so composed- that obstructions ; within their range, can rarely withstand! or evade them. Not only do they cure the : cverv-dav complaints of every body, but also formidable and danger- ons diseases that have named me ocsc . of human fektlL While they produce time, the safest and best pnysic ior, children. By their aperient action, they gripe much less than the, common purgatives"! and never give pain whfcn the bowels are not inflamed. They reach the vital fountains of the blood, and strengthen the system by 'freeing it from the elements of weakness. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates, containing neither calomel nor any. deleterious drug, ' these Pills may be takei with safety, by anybody. Their sugar-coating pre serves them ever fresh and makes. them pleasant to take ; while being f purely vegetable, no harm can arise i from their, use in any quantity, PREP ABED BY n -'i n ! j fVfri ! i ' 'A I It llJ ur. J. Vt Aicn a v,t Loweii, iasi. Practical and lAnalytical Chemiit.. SOLO BIT ALL DRVCCI3T3 . EVEfiYWAtii 1 ' ix ti ; Wilmington, N. C.. Jan. 21, 1878-feb Mm I oct 12. - i 1. '1 '- ' . i ; - :'

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