A 4 a 4 nrYVY VOLUME IX. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MARCH 1J87S. Single1 Copies 10 Cents. NUMBER 12 4 W': H n n I I 1 1 t. 2 I it t m V. fl: t; IviLSIINGTON' POST 3 AIVSIi'- h-V j TISII? G RACE'S. .' ; f -Fi ft 'cents per line fur t Iiq iir.-.t ..m -niin and twenty-five" cents pji-r. 1 we jbr -each Additional insertion. " '.' 1 Kii;ht (8) iincsvNi?!ipareil ijr Jatute a satire. . ' ' " f: C, I'OIl- ir. "i'I.l averlHeuie'uU vviil- Vp- ch:u -r d at he above '.rat erf; exempt 1 w c I con- 1 ract s-jpt'cjlul i'.itcs c,iii i-y for". a hinder :5k' than one wee':. ; ; " i . - Allf oui tnu n ic it 'nns o :i ttt-1 1. is ;-.ho u fd. a 1 dressed 'to YTiih Vilmi NraN j-osr, Wilmington, N. tV , ; I The 5ubsciiptiolurieG to. Xiiil: Vvi.i. MxMiiomntva ceuw. -v ?"j .rU5t icj: i THE V i;iA;:s:x. 'Mliimoi-i'il to t,he Jtuentiv .trembly! i t 'T ot i'ISO-' 'i.ny'ri:.'. Answer" "to- , j;4iie.'.Iilionttt'ton3 A's?uiut Itimr, ' ; f 4 v- i.rii;-,'EoiTqr.':'l -"feel it U be a tiij y ; I' .Hjvhiclijovve to the memoryoi' my father?: lr l- band vein tor publication, the Joilaw i'ng 'sheet-.?, wriitin by iims.eUin ,1-SfO, sin nnswrr-to the vravt? i'iniutalior;si that rco.rrt ":Jr.ni.-p(l hii'l bv ef !hi decisions in tiu1 -llabea.-; Oo;rjiu.-;ca-cs- il k,t thai yc:iv. :,. : ::.;.:". - : If Yod w'iit 'observe Jh"t iU: $.yi.c?,r-$ a lilciiro fo perjK lUtiio io;e.vieiiee: or I miriernf M)!i i n :ea 1 1 r. t l.i U" 1 1 1 think 'ih at tl, jiiyVeii-t "i vi: ijp.Vr;-. f-j; liucie inotn-f nt 'ab'i'iviit!) the.'- pisbiie liiH 8 :(wwcr to "the. gmve eh;irgesaii;it were I ! 'iisia.de and believed by nfany j a 170- J ;., If" ; lna: i;"a Up w;i.nyHelr ti lr fl Jvnuiieaiion .'otUila- eli believy lha tuis burse and 'liiotivcs If $ml be'Eeal avUJi interest' 'y. every ctli-' itH'M&Ot' .'-No'Tih darai'iiiavbo regards the.. i iiirootl rfcmVe f the state as closely iiiikcd Iwith the good ! 'nain'e ot. lkr- pbbtic scr ; y.iuts. - ' SLi ' I am. sir. Your obc-tk iit .v.-rviiiit, i.- 1 F.ici(Vj')M ri:A!:Cox. - ''(' 'X' ) rih Cdrolinxt: . ,..' : - ;v . iii'V:Ohief ' justice :ot the; bupreaic COiiitJ'espectfully'tisk that the'lul-; luiif-rifdmorilil be put uou your jour !nlt'.airLilhit s.iicli further action be h-ad "iiiKbu icuiises as .may seem to be pro- in'l'. ' ' . . - .; . if A ii i nip a lay on- o f cf rr v y.lyj i .a ud v e m j:ty -i i jinvoine:ab conduct as -Chief 1. f juk.ee'' has been made, Jjl is -without fir.'tlie! seaiblaucdrof ltimdaton, :bU;t-' the ? iluWic- mind ist this taura excited ;- and f j. it may letberelis .now no 'adequate re Jk i lif fof the g'tfivanee-; . My purpose -Is i-' to peFpetuatc the evidence Ibr eoissid.er il ijatiou in calmer 'tinic. Jn;18G7, alter bi6-ug . on the beisca P 'ihirty two yealsJf I -.was re-eki-isd .Chief f fi josuee on me. uvwnuia.no n ot uoiii j';;r- .1 ties," by an almost ': unanimous' vo-te.-'ul the pooplc. This iiuiy bela-uiued to bp it s u 111 cient y oueber of.th (- e s ti a i Xi iort'iii vvhich my oihcial conduct waij licld up Ijolhat'dae. ... ; -V ' ' IThc several opiui-oui' deiiyt -red by ui-e f .iu'the "Habeas Corpus' casts'' and iiiy fledRrespoudence with the Clover nor are l ii reuorted ((rX. C. Iv'pts. .-Aj)pcudix). T JVc opinions speak iortueiu-oi ve. , The imputation ;;.bcin jin ' irencrai fcms,Ac ui ou'y. be niet by a' separate j notice of the several ; p;irii.-ahir. on which if is made. . - , - ' ; IV III the iaU ot 1GS I pu'bii-hOd"a! iddress.gcttii)g out my, reasons for i '! lending -to -vote for Ci.t'ni Urant;. save 4iU exception, if it be one, Ihave'takeii vlio'sctive part in politics, suie;C I .had ijhe"hohor ot being J ade. . I have nev-j U:r riiade apolitical speechfce.vcr.attch-l ll'S-ded a political, meeting nevtr written! ! ia iiue.4or a newpapci. i lh tivjvnyy i plone and said as. littl-o auo,tu. pontics as fi'iinvman ih the stiite- vYvl the charge ii -i-L ln Tiln T jini-n i:irti.s:ni .1 ud'ire. i Upoiiithe refu'sar of Cel. Kiiiq to ft Moore Ivnd othcr.s, as he said, by the "orders of Gov. Uolden, Inc. .counsel lor i'lths; prison era , moved for an attaclmicht ! laiuinst k'irki and for an order , to the vhcrjtrof some county to take the oodles I with nowenout of his custody: and af- 'liter much excited "discussion -.at the bar, I ;idklressbd :icuinmunicatioii to: his Ex-' cclleney,; Ukitig to. be int-mcd, if ho iivowed tlio order to Col. i-jirk? 'rii;it night, tu ircvent'a ivpctitioii of excited discussion, .and to confine' the:' counsel 3:to the points on -which I desired to hear 'j argument on. the supposition ironi what !hra.s' 't 'out in: the idiidavit of;scrviee . ?tlVatile Governor would avow his Order . to Cbl. Kirk-,'l drew; up, four questions, til liatehdiuiir- to announce- -.theui on -the $ V-6'tuing in or the Ciovcxnbr s -reply 1 '. .it "should le as I.r.ex'pecteX The lbuf II ;puitits we anuouneo.d on the ueit inorn- jiihgV.i This saved delay I had' $6 com Ll mhicittioii- with Gov, JloldoiKdire-'tly f or indirectly in rcg;ud t the matter. ; tiokhe particular of myetirig iii'qom-. !licity with U'l Exceileriey. ha, no f ' HO'foundatioiJin'fact : 1 r 3. Oa the- argument lor the motions Pjaud thei foijrpoinls,: tl?cre:wcie' live ! i j. 'Counsel , : IOV lUO pusiiicia hmu vmo r 1 1 aiguuieat cofisumed lour .days; Mr. ?1 -M lobre ; occupied olia day, 'M. : liragg another. I The three otlie'r o;unsei, I read in court on Saturday morning. Ir 'TITI- .1. ' .1 ", f ... . rfotnf fill it tk tvnne tuo aiuuuici'i vicj q'?iub I 1 was published, .fThe Habeas. Corpus - f! easegjhung lire." After the opinion -was r, I liled thfi! greatest abuse was I hulled at I thft nhiPt .fntice for the delay ;ueh : I 'a Judge is a curse to the countr-y. ; j : J Cln tlie. opinion, referred : to two ii t riniht-s nro made. I decided the "firs t r ft the state. . , Doing asUed uy me pusou- r tf $ r. cr s couubci, ii ""un -w fMlj address imeI replied pl it be your tl -wish.' but -it 'Will causi . delay The UL (with Mr. Bwer who'aipearti lor tnc -state and g.poke about aa Ipiii ) two !-f JdayV, "and' it was closed on 'Jiusday. i llnThe oniniou was wriitcxou Ffday, and 1 Jf I iwhieh is preliminary in favor of the II i Ooverdor,to-wit: that under thesLatute I he was authorized lo declare a county l-to be in a state of insurrection, and to farrcHt suspected persons. I decide the secondwhich is the inain one -against tnc position lanen on me part ot His Excellency, to-wit: I declare the law to .be, that the pmelege of the writ of habeas corpus' was not suspended, and that it was the duty of the Gorernbr to adow the Prisoners to be delivered up to the civil authorities for trial. This prevented a trial by a military court; and ous;bt to have been followed by an mediate return of the bodies of the prisoners. The motion of an attach ment against -Col. Kirk was not allowed because. he. had a reasonable excuse ihe order of his commander in chief. The motion for an ojder to the., sheriff oi' &mie county to tke prisoners out of tue .''".custody of Coljj Kirk was not al lowed and an ordejr was made to the Mai:hal to bring the prisoners before mo, and he was instructed to exhibit iU crder, togetheriwith a copy of the oi'liiion to His Excellency. .This was done - f or thei reason, that uuder lue Uonstitution all of the pbys ieal power of the state is vested in the Executi ve, and the ji Judiciary has not the power to call upon the f'tosse com- itatus,"-es.pecially ofja county declared oe in a state ot insurrection, or to uiv.i-w .viumctio jwwuicm wiimuu uiib a military force; called into active service by the Executive.- As against (Jo!, Maliett or Coli Napier during the war, jt was my duty to enforce the writ h id the power, (because I had the Mo.vcjnor to fall back jack on. But as Jwho is command- 4 at list the Governor,! Cyio llJUSt See it. I I i 1 I i.lt ri ' . Ii . I i .Hsu iuii uuuitjrtute wun xne lour i IlllQ J USllCe: !Wfi ll mnmrroH in I thy 'ninion that the: nower of the Ju- I . ' I in term as explicit as I was able to if tU uHVAf1. aot haYedis- " Thatial But it' is said, should hot closed my want of power!" ought to have tried a hand at bluff, inj supuo.oi me sarea wnc oi naDeas i Lorpui ! : ! . i i , I and let his Excellency see that the uiioic icojjuuaiuifi oi rtiuaiug to re I voke his orders must be j assumed by I iiiui. ; 4ic uMca,iu ma uoiumumca-1 tion on the receipt of a copy.of the oi-inion. This : communication recites that his authority to declare a county to be in a state of insurrection, and to an-vt suspected persons, tfas conceded i rr in r.timt or all ahl hnriipri men in I vnftan nnf nn;i. i.k u I the s afe, it was otherwise; that is the next day it is charged that the Chief 0 ;cPy' l i:il -vcry man juQlcsi, ho shuts his Justice allowed the entries to be ante. Sant assortment uai ii v. a-aiust iu? uoyernor was ex- uourt room, tne crowd was so dense ,ri Le u e TT- hausted, by declaring the law and leav- that the counsel suggested u adjou?n! ffr , m f Grant, Hinton the lesponsibihty ot declining to inent to the Senate Chamber or court Go- fel dead yesterday at about 4 ; obey it upon himj the law was declared house: we adiourned to mitet at tha o'clock p. m.. at his.residence on 7th .- 1 -r '-w vv "v vuw ut ijvuvu ntmuausi xuvcAauuuuuu v I .1. -11 1 l jl.'.l -..IT. . m . . I Ula-V rn ?ADl aeaiust nim, ana tnus me action of Mis Exctl'.cncy is made to be in appearance less, at variance j with the Jaw as de-1 ciared by me, than it was in fact. In- a ecu many; .read ins .tool refusal to revoke his ; orders, and in the delay eouscquent there on. To correct this. faloc impression, ;I take occasion iu-nty' com mu mention, hxmg the time when I would., receive the returns, to a y that I had not in any way: concur- red ..m.tuo ueiay, ana tne wnoie respon - Muimy v-resicu on nia excellency; yet this false impression is persisted in to ccrf, us to the extent of my power under 4 I v . t iliiMAn ! iv nl nrm f-k rrm'Sffi new ' did not belong to me, made the order Vandxaused a icollision, I should jtreal exhibition 6f that virtue: recep - r . . i ;i:J. i.. c ' 1 SaV5 u ".J!0 d'er and other known felonies. I was told, "grant the order and ten thous- and volunteerg will rush to execute it." Thank God. lhad the firmness to atoD when I had goner tq the extent of my power. I believe! some day or other, at'ter prejudice passes away, every one wili sive me credit for doine: my duty without fear or favor. By its proper discharge, trial by military court was prevented. A seciretorganization. dan- geirous to the very existence of all gov- ernment, and making ithe arm of the' eh-il law powerless has been exposed, uuu u uuai cjk-miiiuioiicu, auu uiuau- ger oi civil war ,iias been avoided. persons upon supernciai I having Heard tne evidence against the j-,' w TAifair ti w n anA ATn i up the: impression that 1 1 prisoners in a crowded room, when the L ; sa. ttsii-ij a 0,-t0nt I . : " i j ter. presiuiDK. oos. v. jouii. jurauu oeu boiler up . we grounaiess cnarge or a conspiracy is proved, each individual W f, Prpai(3pllt t,;,., A,t,,rftV. in complicity.. , . is name lor tne acta 01 tne outers done i T T r ' , on s , iiiu j, wuuaij lv my yvru juug I Iu ialLU null Oi a common purpose. ' I w. y. , 4V6uv I nietit. and that of the Associate Justi- I Here it had been Droved that Tarnlv President has made a snlendid selec- Jan i u.nu icn mail uiuuu imauu ujj uauus Uft&v uub Uis aiib, aibuuugu id uuuiu people are to be COngratUlateu on this umnoeg, nouow-ware anu iiarawaie for the want of moral courage to refuse not be proved that he was present - , 1 -T a ia een,erally win find it to their inuresfi-.to go i ;lin,oi a t.;,- i. u,'7",v tcocuu appomtrnent. Judge Albertson had and examine gqpds and prices at the Old to make an illegal order. Firmness was when Outlaw was hung. But as the . . , r . n - Established Hardware House of required to resist the clamor. , It could witnesses had been examined on a the indorsement ot Judge Russell, ot ,. j have been ! vieldea to without a.verv ch&rcrn of misdemeanor! the i nrisoner our citr. and all who know J udsre Rus- , .-JOHN DAWSON i&. CO., Hie delay or a iev Weeks was a matter which the general imputation of corrup oi' which the responsibility in no wise I tion and venalitv in mv official canaci- f,.,V. n'mo TKJo'ia moin nsrfv. a" f-.V rvi:. uiar on wnicn xne j amputation is put; the others seemi to be thrown in as mak e weigni. i H . . a. Jlis Excellpncji, in avowing his orders to Col. Kirk, takes the ground, that the public safety did not allow him at that time to allow ! the writs to be obeyed. Mr. Badger; oh the argument took the same ground; the prisoner's :ounscl reiterated f'fiat justitia mat olum." In. the opinion referring to this matter, I express the hope that as evil as tiroes are it; was not necessary to resort to that extreme principle. brought sore throat and severe symp 'salus populi suprema lex." It charged fma nr w ThA rnor1 wife asserted had already tanen i t ana xne ODjecc was to induce liiny to rief oe his orders, and permit tnetuarsnai xo execute mine. '' ite-1. i: the code commission, the Associate Justices iuiormid ine it was their wish, ..e momKo r ka Kor that I should accept the place.. After a conversation witbj the ofeer cbmmis, siohcrs I concluded to have nothing to uo W-HU ii. nis was paraueu ucf J lore the public as my. motive. This reward I was to receive fbr-compUcity with the Governor j in refusing call on an illel force ad for; refusing to usurp power which did not belong to me under the provisions of the Consti- 7 Vr;i ivprft issued bv me in "Wilev s ptession. but without any communica- Jion with thf GoTernor, that he would Strafa were requested by me to attend when netifitd of the time, and aid in the ex- amination of the question of probable cause. Accordingly upon an official notice that His Excellency was ready to allow the return to be made, I re- paired to Ealeigh, as did Justices Dick and Settle, and the return wfes made. Inthic J am charged with being a :.iteiSf 5 ?fcTnS5'' Tt6 T11' sibiuty of the delay did not rest upon me. I receired the return becauseit wjw' ray duty to do so. His Honor, Jud Brooks, pt;t a rule for an atUch- ctct on Col, Kiik for not making f he iltnrn to him, bat after argument be- came satisfied that it was made proper- If to me, and could apt agreeable to law Circuit Court, U. S., takes the same view as I did, and overrules His Honer, Judee Brooks, in the matter of inris diction. (8ee opinion in the matter of Bergen.) o, jluo Douiea 01 loe prisoners were returned by Col. Kirk and put intathe enstody of the sheriff of Wake at ten o'clocka. m.f Mr. Badger, had written a general return on one niece of naDer. I suggested to him that separate entries should 'be made on every writ, fortv- nine 1 believe. The entries were not dated. - .. . . . . ' v. un tne examination of the ques- imn nf n.A.kU A.l,rn..; T..: I Diclr' Rtt.U onri mVuif n'SnnvmA v , iavmu wu J AM tuw&VUAO court house.. On Tuesday, finding the ZSZS wll a Tu were removed; on Wednesday theie was a lurther source of annoyance, workmen were hammering upon a struc- j ture some nfty yards trom the court house, and the witnesses could not he I Justices, Upon .consultation, were ot opinion SlUing at UnamDers, mat tney j had no power to enforce obedience. It was men announcea mat me next meeting would be at the Supreme Court room to avoid tn nniA. and tW t.hA Marshal would only admit' a limited number besides attorneys, parties and witnesses, to avoid suffocation. No ob- tne witnesses ont me part of thestate I wai resumed in th court room. Unon this state of facts, it is published to the country that the Chief Justice was guilty of corruption in office, in this; he adjourned to the court room and ex- eluded all save limited number. 10. I was compelled to go home, and on leaving the bench, announced that the Justices had concluded there was probable cause developed by the evi- 1 dence to make the prisoner Tarply lia- i Die ior tne murder ot uutlaw, on tne I principle stated by Mr. Boy den, When proved that Tarplv was a member of ,the order," and at a I -11 : X" A . . 1 1 1 A. 1 I This showed! death as well as scoureine was a purpose of the order, and woulH. 1 had a rieht to have the evidence all i- -wm .. I neara now. ii tne opjecuon was be heard at my residence, and j Tarply must enter into recognizence for his appearance. '. in A or Rattl tTirAimnri rmn.r)cp.A. fie had advised his client that according toN that principled law therewas probable cause, and it was of no use to go to Richmond Hill to hear the evidence I over asraln. The nrisoner entered into recognizance to answer the charsre of murder. On these facts ! it is charged the Chief Justice acted oppressively to one in his power and intended to take him a ray from his friends where he i couia nnL irivn HRP.uriLV. i ; These are the ten particulars upon I I t. I ' i,jrirpufc I , i submit they do not. taken separate- ly or collectively, make out the sem- blance of a foundation to justify or ex cuse tbe imputation, : With high respect, !T R. Mi Peaeson, .'- Chief Justice Bupreme Court, m i m ' v We were exposed last week to a pitiless Ltorm, that wet our feet and stockings, ! !oii "Tn wv j fact we took a cracking cold, which i "vvi nFpH 4m j sent our faithful son for a bottle of jg qhebry Pectoral. It is a "Plendid medicine-pleit to take. and did the job. We slept soundly through t,he night, and w ng morDiDff. We know we owe our quick recovery to theectoral.and i sha l not esitate o wcoiiirnend towho needjuch a medicine,-uacana( Tex- i - : t ' ? . iv-. j.-0k Females suffer frorn mariy diseases which in time way make life a burden rather than a blessing. ! Dr. Barter's iron Tonic corrects all functional de- rangement3 and incr)ase3 the. beauty 1 bv retorinir the health, s it CIT y; items T : :L u "uuc tlZlZZLZ J TM elhard was on bystreets Tuesday. 1 , , . 0 ' ' . 0 ,r . Tbanka to Senator A. S. Merrimon fyr a copy of the report on Agriculture, ' v. ' Brunswick Superior Court is in ses- sion this week, Jndge Eure presiding, . " ' - The Presbyterian has. been removed 'to the.building in the rear of the tele- , raPh office . x?- ? . T T Mayr Dlate looks aslorely as a brand, new rose, occupying-the chair of the city Judge. ' County bonds are still on the rise, we to Bay, on account of the fact m " 8nows wel1 1C7 of .our county. .uaw Duuns wen ior me nnanciai poi- Messrs. Henning & Teel inform the readers of the Post that they have a finpsHnrfmant ftfv.amoMfi. n afforfem0ntiiof hardware for sale.-, Ulve them a call. ' U -tr 7 7' - u 1.A3rsEIN & Co. Ihe senior member of this firm has just returned from Philadelphia, where he has been for somft tim; R Ww -fv,r th . ------ . - VVMm V V He has now -an ele of goods, . and is prc- Dared to Se.ll ihp.m VPrv nhpnn fniwaeb ' '"J . r "Per t Tloi-ni- Hf - T;UJ tj ni- rAi. . III I IIH IPHIlin7 I'M 1 7M II T 1 f 1 iSPTlinr street. Mr. Grant was about 65 years of age- 'H a wife and dr large - - ,.,C , ,,-,1 family of children v and grand Children to mourn his loss. r I Condition! of the Bank of New over for lthe year ending the first of -c curuary, xotof is jlijj an in lueir pre vious exhibits: exceedingly creditable to tha manflwmpnt nf bp bant Tn , ?! i Vv- ct this i Bank is the only one in this -cty tpatl has imade a bona fide dollar for its stockholders during the past year, .U - " XUOUV1UC1 SWUCUlOtiiOUUU B vUUIVUi formerly known as t i the Christian Chapel, . . "i . . . ' W1U De iam on a6 3 p. m., by the Grand Lodge of F and A. Ai York Masons of North Carolina, tetary, will deliver the address on the Oscasion.! All the necessary prelimi- nari i,eea arraigned by joint A u ' i Ko.la -a cominittee8' 0Q lhe Par.1 of Ma.son3 and e Church. The affair promises. to be I a grand one. President has made a splendid tion. The Judee ia a splendid lawyer. I ' - 'I a true Republican, cood citizen, and in every respect a perfectly upright gen- tleman. The President, as well as the baII nr wpI! t.hnf. Via fnp tint, rpp.orn- mend an n0 for oMce who is not toth capable and honest. , - . NEW AD VER 11SEMENTS. " Statement Of Condition ot Bank of New Hanover Including Branch- T , , 07Q ,-8S, on Uepruary 1, 138. , RESOURCES, ifoans and discounts $ 726,601 S2 office fnTtuTe and Bes'.Z'U'ZV Bonds and siocks... SSlietherBanis''''"' subject to check.. H3,030 50 6,354 97 y,308 'JU 543 06 .117,764 97 230,793 47 Sl,052,f!96 59 LIABILITIES. I CaOltl BtOCk. 300,000 00 63 1)29 92 Undividedaroflts... Bills payable L a5,000 00 Due depoeitors . 651975 97 $ 1,052,896 59 STATEMENT OF OOKOITION OF BANK AT WILMINGTON, FEB. 1, 1878. I. BESOURCES. Iioans and Discounts...... .S 581,773 95 . 73,793 48 3518 66 j office mrniturc'ad'sa"""". Real estate.. I SjiSf001"--' " rSsiath'er BkV tOCK8..... s...... her Ban! heck..... " 9.W8 Zi 425 10 -vubJectto check......s 68.448 83 J caeh on hon 111,017 98 ?809,8G7 40 LIABILITIES. ...S225.000 03 prol .... 54,863 86 i buis payan SSe dMB?i ... 35.0UU UU branches... 82,202 04 Due depositors ......i.. uuui ou 8809,867 40 I. B. GTAINGER, Pres. S.D. WALLACE, Cashier inaroh 1 2t - JOHN WERNER, n g ..JJjfc 0 K. E S S 1 JN ll No 11 NORTH FRONT STREET, xxo. xx oritli f Purrppl l-inuHe 1 (bOUtn Oi irUrceei nouse.; t-iioi. af pnf inn iriven to Ladies' and Tu7.V'HfLirrnt eriStheir residences or at the Saloon. Jant ly, .Tiirlco 1 A IKortcnri Vina hppn iinnninlpri I ATJ5TF AD VEtt TISEMENTS HENNING & TEEL, DEALERS IN ' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC j AGRCULTURAL IMPLEMENTSIRON, Steel, Nails, Axes, Spades. Shovels.Col lars, Ha mes, Trace Chains, Ploughs, t ast ings, Carpenter's Tools. Piacksimith's Bel lows, Vices, Anvils, dc; Wagon and Cart Wheeis, Itims. Sgokes, Hubs Axles, Hol low Ware, Rope, Twine,- Kmves Forks, Spoons, Brushes.Fish Lines, Hooks.Sinkers, Cotton Seine Twine, Flax chilling Twine, Seine Rope, Scales. Beams, Pots, Spiders, rhrDYifl Prw Pane Art We invite especial attention to out large an extensive assortment ot iuu, selected expressly for Smiths and Farmers' use, all. ot which, and much more, we offer at low est prices, at the New Established j Hxirdware Kousb of : No. 0 Market St. Wilmington. N.C. march 1 ft I oe ce 6 3 . 5 - ft 9 FILMING N.C. . Jf incs and JLiquors for Jtledichifil Use, march 1 tf .' - HOME 1MA.DE CANDIES. WARRANT KD PURE( AN D F LAVOR ED with the very finest Essential Oils of Nutmeg, Lemon, Cloves, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Sassafras. Wintergreen, Aniseed and Hoarhound Herb. A lull supply of uauanas, uranges and Apples, on nana. S. G. KORTHEOP'S, r rult and coniectionery Store. - march 1 SPECIAL PROCURATION. TO THE GOOD PEOPLE OF WIL- MINGTON: JF YOU WANT THE VERY BEST BEEF, - i rORK SAUrfAGEtf, &c.,.&c. CALL A KING'S MAKkET, tuuiia oireyi, ueiwcen .uarnei, auu, .1 ' 1(1 - A. A. . ... " W . . t - A- .1 I rrmcess streets. t ly ISAAC V. KING. VOlintryf Mercuan , mr-,- - -w ' : , mHAT are in want of castings, AUe& ; REASONS W1IY! - . P E'RR V --'D A Vi 1 &9 PAIN EILLER i ' '. is xiii; , Best Family- Medicine of the Age ! And "why it should be kept always-near, at r- hand : 1st. Pain-Killer is the- mojst certain unoiera cure iuai mcuicai stcienco uus produced. 2nd. Pain-Killek, as a EUrmra and Dys entery remedy, soiuom ii everiaiis. ."rd. Paik-KilCer will cure pramps or Pains- in any part of the system. A single dose usually aliects a cure. 4th Paix-Kii-lek will cure dyspepsia and Indigestion, if used according rVKlirec- . tions. " ! ,.-" " 5th. Pain-Kxlleu is an almost liever-fiil ingcure for Sudden Colds, (J ugDs, -&.c. 6th. PAi?r-KiLi.ER ha,s proved a Sovereign Kemidy for Fever aud Ague, and Chill Fever; it has cured the mosit obstinate cases. 7th. Paijh-Kiixek as a lioanieut is un- (Jualed-for r rost l Bites. Chilblains, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, bprains, 4.e. 8th. PaiN"Kii.leb has cured cases of p.heumalism and Neuralgia after years standing. Dth. Pain-Killer will destroy! Coils; Fel- ' ons, Whitlows Old SOres, gi ving relief from pain alter tne nrst application 10th. Pai-Killek cu'rts Ileailache, andv 'rootnacue. ,. pain.Kileek will save vtou days of sickness and mauyja dollar in time and Doctor's bills. I 12th. Pain-Killer has been ibefore the public over thirty-seven years and is a purely Vegetable preparation safe to keeD and use ia every family. The Eimpiieity attending its use, together with the great variety of diseases Hhat may be entirely eracucaieu! py it-, anu the great amount ot pain and suffering that can be alleviated through its use, make it imperative upon every person to snnnlv themselves with! this valu able remedy.andto keepjit always near ThePAix-KiLXERis , nowkiyivnandap- at nana. preciated in every quarter ol the Globe, I fchvsicians recommend it in their practice. 1 while an classes oi bocicL uavcwuau iu n. rL,ief and comfort. Give it a trial. - Be sure and buy the genuine. Every Dru?- and nearly every couniry urocer throughout the iana Keep it 10 saie NEW AD VER TISEMENTS SOL BEAR & BROS., 18, 20 MARKET ST.. ' ' ' - , - QFFEPw TO THE PUBLIC, AT the LOWEST NET PRICES, ONE OF THE LARGEST AND I ' CHEAPEST STOCKS OF : - v REJtDY AND. DEISTS JFURNIseiNtt G00DS - i Hals, v."rV'. Caps aud Dry oods, , " . .. Carpeting;, - - ; . i ? ; : ': . ' Illaiikcts ' , - ! ' , ,' v.- ' " Give us a call before purchasing else: where. ' -- ' dec 21 tf. OFFICE TREASURER & COLLECTOR, CITY OF WILMINQTON.N. C, February 19th, IS";. ..Ifb'IICijB". ' In accordance with'!.besolution oflhc Bourd of Aldermen, I shall, on Ihe , FIRST DAY OF, MARCH, kf, a Jvertistrforaie all rfbperty oil which the City Taxes foij the year 1ST7 shall then re main unpaid. . JIENRr SAVAGE, feblTJ-jt ac Treasurer and Collector. 10 Roses Mailed Tree for . JJ '.Splendid Assortmont ofPiants sent safely any distance. Satisfaction Guarranteed. Send o cent stamp for Catalogue. Aaaress R. G. HANFORD & SON, t " 1 "V - - , UOlUmDUS JNUrsery,. -. . , Colunibus, Oliio. 1). M. DART. PRACTICAL PLUMBER, STEAM AND GAS FITTER, WILMINGTON, n. a, C AIS" STILL BE FOUND AT HIS OLD stand. Journal Building, Princess street, "where he is prepared to do all kinds Of work in his line, cheaper than ever before oflered to the public. Has constantly oil hand Bath Tuns, Watci Closets, , Wash Stands, , Pumps of all descriptions, Drain Pipes, j ; , .. . Gas Pipes, 1 . ! Gas Fxtures, &c, &c. Personal attention given to all W ork, i ! Satisfact ion guaranteed, december 21 tf NOTICE. ivULLLl'EOFDIlUG! MEDICINES, Chemicals, Fancy Artiles.ToilctSoaps, &cM at the loAvest cash prices. C?0iRS AND TOBACCO ' . "'..' ' r - - - In great variety. ' The utmost care aud personal alt cut iow given' to prcparins prescrip'.ious, at .' ItUIlBANK S Pharmacy . - - j .... dee 21 ly cor. Front and Princess bw J3. T. MOBILL, UuderlalLer. Garjenter ana Cabinet Mater. v : ' oprosirri; cits: uajjIj, On Third Street k AV IllL- FURNISH COFFINS, CASKETS, with attendance, at the very, shortest notice. - a n nnlsrs fi-Ani tVio winntrv nrnmnllv at- tpt7ded to . , , Oruer ior uarpenier ana uoinci oi. solicited, and work guar anteed. Work as low as any in the city. jan 18-ly WM. FUTltELL. t 1ST0. 10 ' MARKET NO. 10 Q ELECT FAMILY GROCERIES, , FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, CO ENTRY PRODUCE, j doc 21 ly CHEAP FOR CASH MADE CLOTHING MI1SCEL.ZANE0 IIS. COME! 1 . S i . 1 . " 1 T . . i. To Vhere the Banners Hans Upon; T The Outward all, AND BUY THE CHEAPEST DRY GOODS Ever oQ'ered in -Wilmington.-'. "': -u - - -. i- :-- Note the Following Retail Prices: 5-4 Brown Cotton...J...'.........-....v.... i ceflts: i 4-1 Brown Cotton.. .. S-i cents : 3-1 Heavy Brown' Cotton. .............. 714 cents ; 4-4 Bleachetl Cotton ...:......... 5 .cents 4-4 Bleached Cotton - cents 4-4 Bleached Cotton (good)... .8 cents i 1-4 Bieannea Cotton (best)... 10- cents : Calicoes, good .'5 cents Calicoes, very good,. rC cents Calicoes, best...... A cents - to cent Worsted Dress, Goods at....J0 cents 50 cent Worsted Dress Goods at cents , 40 cent Worsted Dress Goods at...Jt0 cents . 3") cent Worsted Dress Goods at...-22K cents ; xa cent Worsted Dress Good at. IS cents ; 20 cent Worsted Dress Goods at.....l( . cents Needles ; cents af naner. Coates' Spool i Cotton 5 cents. Pins'o cents. Hosiery verjr" cheap.. A Large Stock of every kind of - - . GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. j, ' - . , ' - !.-. . . jSOur crraatly iucreasiufs' sales. en courage us tq make new additions to our stock by every steamer. HEDRIClv! N. W-.'-cor Front and'Market st.,' ' feb 22 Wilmington, N. : d: l. r usselil ' V ! Attorney atLaw; . -' j . ! - l ' , ' Olfice.at reside ivce; corner;of Second and Dock Streets. , . marS8-y ( JUST liKOElViliP' " ' ' 4 " ' '''- . " .t ' rtMlK BEST UUAL1TJES OF - l'OCK'ET ' J. Kniveg, Razors, Table Knives, Scissors, Carvers, Steels, ttc, and a general variety of the best HARDWAREv For sale at lowest prices, at . v N. JACOBl'S i laruware.ijepoi, doc 21 ly JSo. 10-South Front street HOUSES AND FOR SALE CHEAP. TiTtoUSE AND LOT ON COUNKlt OF l ruuna wiiu vr uiiiut otixviPj-Jiavnii ttni Walnut str-e the Divine house." House and Lot on corner if-Avalnut and Seventh streets, known as the Pinlayson' house. ' s . v -. " . - N. " ' - " ,' House and Lot on north side of Marke, near 11th street, known as the Dentdn&outje .House and Lot on. east side of Third street, near Hanover. '- '" -' ' ' ' - - ;:-! i" House and -Lot on. Third .street next lUb joining the above. - A ; 'A very line 15-uildiug Lot cn Bruuswiclt between 2nd and 3rd streets, size 100 , by U0 ! fept ' :'.' : House ami Lot on north "side of Castle near 7th street. ' . i t ' House and Lot next' 'to and adjoining tiits above. " ".:."' .V. Eot corner of 2d and Mulberry stiects one of the liuest inthe city. : ' ' , Lot on Front ' street near Woosteil. House and Lot on an alley 'near,Dickersou between Kankin and Miller streets. " ; . House and. Lot on 4th street between Queen and Wooster streets.. , -: The above properly will be .sold.clieapfor cash, or very easy terms. Now is the .time to purchase a house for about what the rent would cost. The demand for proscrty is on the increase. There has been at least forty sales in the past three weeks. Do not con tinue to pay highrent and die poor. Buy , a residence while you can at a reasonable, price and thereby sedure a liome in your Old age. If yon should wiKn tpdAKjJAlyrto ! dec 1 On I'ri ncess st. bet. Front and 2d CFFICE TREASURER & COLLECTOR, . , f CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C., February 10th, 157$. f ALL ASSESSMENT Foil STREET IM-, PROVEMENT3 AND SIDE-WALKS, re- niaining unpaid on the FIRST DAY OF 1 MjARCH, 1873, will be plfwi ia the hand 4 j of the City Attorney Ior collection. - . .t i f HENRY SAVAGE, P'. feb -ot nac Treasurer rvnl Collector I - . !,.",. : 4 i '6 l:f o H A If-: : ll Ml i i ' i : 1 '3 1