:1M ilrnSil J IL I II I wi ? Ay t . III 1 1 I I 1 wo - " " - i - 1. . lv VOLUME IX. I WILMINGTON POST ADVER : TISIWG URATES. i iVifty cepti icr .Jinc'for tlie first in Ai 4crtin and twenty-five cents .per lice 4 jur each ltlitioniil insertion. ", J IiEight $ Hue, Nonpareil type, con ".litute a square. .- - . ; ( .y. , .. .. i ' - y i I All ';ilv;erti3nietiU will bo charged at t' "the abov.e r;t to, extent on special con- ' v- ' ::'.''' i)Cf i;il t;ite can be Dad for a, lon-reir time than one week. , The sulwVripttoti priee'to-TiiK Wil miSm'toN''" Vohv is $1 )) per year;; six in')" t'fis 73 cents.' j .:' -. ' 'AHc'M-iiisuHHcrtitui.soa biHnieasfiouM 'fe aM'.el ' to Tub Wii;MlsVn;ON: VVilininston, N. C. i., ; .,.' "1 U. Ki;NN'id)Y, RusincM Manager. J i(.'(iiiuii.-!ioiicr McConijkk Las ar rival in i'ari-i. ' : I , ".lt .J.i j'iMv 4o :it lwic!i iii'n! is kc'.ur-' ., i cu tl.e l'.ible. ;' . , .-.' ; ' jlnl-iit'I w KetUtt-5 rtaJy lor' war, and Kus-'i:ijs growing more and more .dog-'-; ' 'j every day. . ' -v , . " " :. -h'. mi' American inerchaiiU are re .(iitc l to be in the C'o61ie Iradr, which iv'(H'r l.iwi is piraevj. . ; y 1. 1 tin1 rprinji rltc'iun.s out :wet thf Urpiildieans. Iiav earrinl i.caily cu.t'.ni.!'; in llu- l:rr-e towns." . r-Ir. Murriso.n,; a lK-Hiocriitie. tmnibvr, Ins w.i'lf iv se vere speech t xping t!ie ' "irft '-:i I. nit iv.v ' of '..Doorkeeper Tolk. i ii tli"ii.!(t .liut I1l1i wiil jr, wlnie Filiiniuoiis, the 'bigcr in in tliaup!d t ; r.tn't , went. ' "5 'I he' runaway i case of Col. Vance, f.inncrly. a ryi'inb'T of Congress . from ().n , is a sad and remarkable case.- ,It minis now that he UorrowedlO.OOO 'r . jii ihH)' i.l frionds, and ihci eloped ttii'i a u:itfc: Uai iu'Vrt wife, who'b la in us lor her personal (.harnii. Prince Uismarck! is - entirely alono in ( ! -rinany ,". not only from intellectual n'l'iiMinritv'aiid ibe emiher.e of an ex 'i'lti )ii:il p )4lion, but from thjf liabits of bis hu;. -IUi ucvl r w rks with any one, never kiiowvauy oiiiria viT trusts'any - tni'.' He. is nut even' satisfied witli ui '"jiimted- dictation; his ."'favor- canliot be purcliasod even by lite blini'ost acqui escence in his wishes. II oti'.y feels truly liitusell', when tan blly his ,asils and mock at, honest, plodding siilxiri'itiates. B or tJeruiany this is a l mthliM'tiHie. ' ' TH initor, Davis of Vest: Virginia, he nl tlie mania, for Treasury figures, has sal ltd upon Secretary Hicrman ngaiu t..r a n poit of the alh-ged delaleatious in tlu tnternal rcyenue fetV'''- This ..il.l lVniocratio ga'nie is about exhaiit y, lor tho pettplo ufiderstand after re peated xplanations made evejy yiar fu aiiMu r Irt simihiry demands, that the iliilm iue between the amounts chargtd admits the , Collectors of inrernal reve . titie as to be 'collected 'anil the amounts , collirtt J, 'do not really show a dcfalcao Hon. liut Mr. Davis has got the figure pliol'i.i baif, and somcUiing. must be luiit" to satiate his appetite, even if it Hues lost the government a thousand .lallars or so lor (jerk hire. Sat. tie i n' it in. ' ' ., . t 4 . .-. v' Hie House CoiniuitUi on Commerce lii completed the l iver and harbor ap-pro-priation bill, which, in the tfgre- Kile, providfel for the expenditure of .about Jr,'HH,WO a tmall . iimoiiht, iu Ui-w of the fact that no appropriations were made by Congress, for tbe currcut liieal; vear, thus causing public w'ks t be ' lu-ghvU'd and injured for waflt of proper Httention. Tho bill will bo re Krted within a few days, with the uiinuiris indorseaiMtt of thj. c jiii imitee. It aiiroprlates f."H,HK) tor eon uiuiim; tho improvement of the harbor atlVashiugtaa aud tieorgetown. The estimates of tho Chief ot Kngineors .callesl. lor ? UHi,tHK,-- Hu.Ay( Jit I H'-.loj'i. ... The North Carolina lVmocruticCte Cjnwutiou ii to be held ia llileigh, on Tu.-div. June 13. Ths 1U eigh Ob crver aj a that tbe Demoerttl'c State Comiuuice decided-to secum if ll Vtfjigislatiim ly Cougreii validating vhe fleetion of member of C ingre-Ji iu November, if held under the machinery provided bv the leilaturi for the election of members of the IJeneral Auewblr. This will relieve that mat i wr ot unccrtaintv tn which it i now m Solved, ! , hi sad tothluk thatAVhUaket teveuue defalcation In Xcvf Or team till be iutelited tor the benefit of U lVuiocracy4alUcu1arlf when it i itioowa that the heaviest allesl re- 1 vou , deUdlter in that locality waa a wptiMjjer from Ohio and a lVmt cru ru Uct will, of course, b de vtioprvi by the invevtigauoti in qusf A a exchange has ao artic "lUw matches are made telUns WVaup- r,d everjbody knew it ws by Ulin j juo: oiia and . young woman, equal and M thorn it up- together shout six months, tellin uUat a few u in this interval thai they should Mm ha v each other. Sail there may tr way w ha v n't heard oC CITY ITEMS. ! tien. Abbott i baa ret urn wl from bis visit nort'u. The criminal court.rf" thi now in session. , I county is Jisboi Hood passed through , our citym Monday last. i , '.. fc?e:oiid class fctoainboata lare in do ma ad for excursion purpossu. Mr.1 V. F. Wenz jl is erecting a resi den : on the. corner of Seventh and Cli stuit s'.reets. jL , ' V (If-n. Allan ltutberford is oh a visit to ins ii iuds in this city, lie is look in;r in good fieallh. Tltcre' is a newspaper in ibu city which will hereafter. be know as the ' (iiarantiiie Siar." I ' j ": W'e uudiTbtaud r that tome of our but-iiitss jucn are contemplating getting up another Compress for this' city, ; The ne w Collector of Customs, for the port of Wilmington, W. P. Cana da), eiik red upon his duties on Mon-- day List. " ' ; ' . .- 1 - 1 .' " - i Mr.' M. M. K ilz has returned froin his n gu'ar; spring visit nri.lij,Mvh?re he i-.'s iievii purchasing goods f.p his many cu-t im rs. V- : Tl. ? l'urcell House has" been doing a spit lidid business during. the past winr t(.r, ; n - till continues to d well under Mi'fis. Cobb Urotocrs. .": .1 M'.irnhal Hill is also in the city; ao we shculd think from the appearance f i hi igs that the North Carolina offi cials arc on the "war path." J - - m f J. J. Cassidey, former editor of this pa jitr, is on a visit to his old home only for a short time, llespeaiis very highly of his new.home, Peoria, III. ' mi m r :..'!' a ir ... ' L t 1 . 1 : l iue uiaraei nouse now nasgaa iiguw The butchers can furnish gas enough Jor the' proiie in arouna ine marKei without the city aiding tnem. Mi Jno. T. Vann. a former resident ; I of Wilmington,- has been e ta vs,. 1 I t.-ni nf .i iniliin rv rnmnanv Bt Win- l.uut.ot a - military company, at win 8 0f N C his newly adopted home. ' . -r . .1 l.Ll.U . I1D, When everything else has failed to iye relief in persistent cases of Fever and .Ague, Dr. Tlarter's I- ever and Ague L Specific has effected a speedy and. per- manent cure. I L.MMtSSIOSEI BY THE WU. -John 11. Allan nas oeen . appuinteu .. ... !. . ' i.l I as (i-iartcrmasler, witn me rank oi Uaptair, in me i-irst nuiery oattai- I ion, &. u.,voi.n.w. i-ianuer, oi this city, conimanding. i Tluv. itv taxlitfbr 1871. 1872. 1873. 1ST I 1875 and 1870 wiil . be found in J i - -.1 i.:, '.. n.....mt; nni-N in this citv. advertising pn.perty lor aie uoieaa me Uxes are paid on or before. May 1st, 18l., IJolowi Li. Ef.Iiica h'aa received the no;.,t.na,,C ofDermtViColtcctor of c.istomslo;' t rrt 'of Wilmington, Col. Uicc is a t horough business man, and no amiuintnient would be more satis- r.rtor. t.i tka merchanU than his. r i- ' , , .. The city authorities hayiei always al- lowed cows to run at large after the first .f April. There is plenty of grass aud there certainly can be no valid ex- ciuo for coiapelling the poor people to keen 1 voir cows penoeu np for another month. t-s -' ; . .' ti - Tl4 Magistrate of New "ioover county jnet on Saturday last ana or- gahuM by electing Mr. Jno. S. Jmw, one oluf most highly respected citi- ew4 i Foreman. They ; could not ha,fected abcUeror more worthy gentleman to fill that petition..1 ! U W..k; Mr. Nutt, who .ilkWnesafbr J1 k A 'k i ... 1 .:-w.. 1. ,,r I W. MacRae, I. li. Grainger. II. A. lJurr. PIC Ili umwi. iv..-. - f w T -V man could nave done, ana n eauurai tothe thanks of the bosine. utly for his enerjetic behalf; - service in our r-l !!"! tllb wiwi ; i.v.-w. t.K iwrti l!iiin- nnvnt order of tho ltmaater-Gssneral jvwvidiog that -piloted matter of wry kind or dcscripUon offered ;for mailing at third class rate must be Ttceited Into maila for iranraiHtt therein al toe baWn. rementerws in e rate of one cent for each ueeo, or two mthin . Ltct, w worn ta rm, both Ar frtloa thrnoL aa th csm ia the aoriaaad veaiBf, hot it is Lvbel ThUarplk.10 rrlottddirech tioo or reue or any rted mattet upootha eottloras well a. the la- cloaure therein. Bepe r upon sample ef merchaodjen they will a A eabjeci such samples - teal . .lU mA price mark. e aal Print. Thu ruun u real and otttwi aay rvuas sow lore made iacoemtteat vita the same. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRID Ay , ' Pa lata b l e Mediciges. Ayeir Cherry Pectoral is a honeyed drop of relief; his Cathartic Pills glide sugar shod, over the palate, and his Sarsapa filla is a nectar that imparts ?igor to life; restores the health and expe!s dis ease. Walerford (Pa.) Advertissr. ' Dr. Richard Ildlland, of Butler Co., Mo.,, writes: "1 have been pract!aag medicine over twenty years, and I mjust say I have never used anything in jmy 'practice equal to Dr. tlarter's Fever and Ague specific, I fully eiidorse it, and say to the public, thit as a 'Speci fic' for Fever and Ague it has no equal." 'Judge Alberteon, our iiewly appoint ed District Attorney nvas is the city on Wednesday last. He is making an official visit arouud his District, and we thiuk, from whatfjiew words we heard from him, that violators of law may look out for a very vigorous pros-ecution-vparticulariy the internal rev enue violators, lie has instructed the Deputy Collector of Internal llevenue, of this city, that ho must collect the taxes due the government, or prosecute those who refuse or neglect fo comply with the law. - " " - ' . A Remarkable Result. It makes no difference: how many Physicians, or how much medicine you have tried, it is now an established fact that German Syrup is the only remedy which has given complete satisfaction in severe cases of Lung Diseases. It is true there are y;t thousands of persons who are predisposed to Throat and Lung Aljections, Consumption, Hemorrhages, Astb Ina, Severe Colds, Coughs, &c.. who haye no personal knowledge of Boschee's German .fyrup. To such we would eay that oO.OOQ dqzea were Bold last year without one complaint. Con- hsumptives try jiist-oiiu buttle. Kegu'.ar Bize 75 ceuts. Sold by all Druggists in America. i ' , - The Post a i. Commit ;ion. On Thur8Jay morning Postmaster General K , Senator Uan.lin, Hun. J. M McGrewf. Chief Clerk Knapp, of the t .. i.m i ' . .' .-' i V i l j .. . . i ? - I'-'H'ut, wi autui tuir- v..,..- ty others, ladies and centlemaiK c m- ' I Psing officials and gentlemen, of li e i , ,j ,uAni Pre&, rf achcd 111,3 c,t ?" tlltlr way t0 Cedar Keys, Florida, via, Charleston, Savannah, aud thence to Havat a by a steamer which will be in readiness for tbem -They were received at the station by President liriueoie. Mr, A. I ope of the Weldon Road, and a few other srcntle- mp Tlwv stonnP.l l.nlf n hour for breakfagt; beautiful one which all ""'t " t0 enj0y. All were in excel lenf spirits, and had hus far : enjoyed theit lrip; Very much, CoL Uridgera accomoanied the expedition. IhVpur- Pe of this expedition is to open a n postal uue to me isiauus aim w ii t:-j.Lifj 1. l -i South America. Wilmistos Compress ank Ware- 1IQirsF Company Attheaonualmect- n- nf 1 1. -"o - - 1 j t of New Hanover on Tuesday morning, 1 ' clock. Alex: bprunt, Esq., was called to the Ch air . and Mr.. W'illiam Caldet was requested to act in con nec "oa. WilQ Pf "I ueorgj cioau as i f - Secretary, whereupon mo meeting was ueclared uuiy organized ana reauy to I proc;ed to business Mr. Donald McRae, President of the Company, made some explanation in reference to the affairs of the Company, j and also presented a fiuancial state- ment of its coadition and prospects, which was discussed and accepted. A resolution was passed approving taiSonm lhe aclioa of the Vtoird -f DirfCtont iu increasiDg ibe capiUl gtock, lhe Compauv from $00,000 to and l urchasing and ericUng ! . ... ! The following gentlemen vere then elected Directors for the ensuing year D. R. Murchison, Alex. Sprunt, J. ir m - Iv . AtatuWeouent meetin of the new --. : . - Xf.. owon w itviw.i.iw Hmw sinrn KocrMArt ana lreasnrer. 1 -'l. ..'v. . . V.i- t I I Ytmrnmuon H u ire wrr nwa . . i. ,1 .1" An -k;i th rrst are bril- iioUt distinct and ofte t th rat delicate tiota. , , 1 v . . . friBrt. 1. I Macrawe lac work, lathe ajrmjof tidfce, baamau aadchair w,j SI Zil-i 1 . I ' ' . Tlascl rakoo aad "cloth of fold l.M Mnnim ki nm (1 ranabatl 1 , . . ? " . , 1 ioe ptaiaw r r I nm are pwerre fashion Notes. r Rich favor. articles of lace are growing iuto Cut jet beads are very much in de mand. .',' j - : j . Duchcsse lace has taken the place of point lace. f J Sleeves are as email as may be worn with comfort. . j Among the choice idovelties of lin gerie 'are "Duchesse ends" on Mull ueckties. ''''.' ' , , ". The latest style of dolman has short, square Hungarian sleeves and a peler ine fron. . r : I iv ' - - ; . "I Yokes and pleated . and gathered waists are very becomiog to tall, slen der women. ; j Many polonaises are accompanied with pelerine 'dolman, to be worn on cool mornings. I j Half blossomed flowers, with scant loiiage rs tbe latest traasikcu for br daj garnitures. x , 'Yokes, or trimminjrs produclne voke eflects, are very popular for very young ladies' dresses. ,- ' 1 j Scarfs of crepe lisse, with the ends embrodered in silks of Oriental colors, are pretty novelties. . ; " , ; j Handsome wedding dresses or corded pearl white silk are trimmed with pleatugs of English crape. I NE W AD VER TISEMENTS 'Phis U to give notice that on the 2Sth day J of Mrch, 1878, a warrant tn bankruptcy was Issued out of the District Court or the United Slates for the Cape Kear District of North Carolina agalst the estate of Charles T. Willis, of Khoe Heel, in the county Of Robeson. In said District, who has heon :ul- jndged a bankrupt upon his own petition; tiickb witiciii. ui uuy oeoiH, ana ice ue livery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him or for liU use, and the transfer of any property by liun.are forbid den by law. That a mweting of Hie creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and choose one or more aniinevs of his estate, wilt bo held at a Court of Hankrutcy to be holden at Fayetfeville, N C, before Wm. A. Guthrie, Esq.. Register in llankruptcy of eaia Liistrici on me .1'iin uay ot April. A-. Ik 1 n. in .'..1 .... I- . J. 11. IlILIi, aspr 5-2w U 8 Marshal fjr said District I lui", clr V US . 1 VV A , . 4A. 111. OFFICIO OF THE CAKOI INA t-KXTIlAL KALI.. WAY COMPANY, WilSiington, N. C, March 1, IS 8. . .1 elkrcn 1 xotici;.; . lAj iAUTIk3 Tu WHOM thi: CAttO- 4 - '.lNA central luiiway were justly in . I .. .1 .... f..i- c r w- n furaUbed prior to the Itoad passing lutothe hands of ueceivcrs on April f.ih, 1S76, will Plse present the some at once for examl- uatiuu anJ 1ayn,ent i. bgrainger. i dented for sor vices rendered or supplies tnarch tf. Receiver ZIMMERMAN & YVMTtf, General Upholsters & Paper Haniers ' v ' v " c H. W. Cor. Second aud Trincess Sts. x WILMINGTON. N. C. T. lNlniW .SHADES, WALL rATER Mattrissi-s, Featiier lleds. I'Hlows aud liolatcrs, l'iclure Frames, Cords, Tassels,1 Nails, Ac, Ac' IAXK1NU GL.V.S3 JPATKX, ALL HIZEK, Zluimerni oi's improved .Store au l Win dow Awnln-. very low for cash. . jan ji-ii; C0PARINERS1UP NOTICE. in AVE THIS DAY GIVEN WILLIAM i I E.srRINUKRaiAlntcrcsit iu my 11ARD- i WARK UfINESS. The ntyle of the flrhi will hereafter he JOHN DAWSON' & Ci. JOHN DAWsON'j WlliiiioetoD. N. C. Jan." 21. IsTS-feb 1-l'io SPECIAli PR 0 C L I M ATI0N . TO THE GOOD PEOPLE OF WIL- ! MINGTUN: r QV WANT THE VERY BEST nvv-u . ' l)UK, SAUSAGE, Ac.,' Ac, Ac. call at KING'd MARKET Scconl SUvfJ belwc-n Sljwkft una rriosxw irt. j ISAAC W. KIXcS. 1 1 I) T1CC V Tf 1 ii i tv u v u u AttoHiev at Liw, I -mm mm W B Ml tM m m fm mm w m w m v " ltac trr. CUTLKUV. JUST UEGEIVED ikmf)M,tNtMtitM aj lk hmm 11 AUD W ARK. 1 amvi Now M ta nrwtS MrrtV HOME MADE CANDIES. I t A rrxxtsd rrR ax r i wa It tDwuuwiww Kulom ITt h - 1 rrst a4 Cjftoonr a, APRIL 5, 1S7S. HEW AD VERTISEMENT? SOL BEAR & BROS., 18. 20 MARKET ST.. QlfFEll TO THE PrJKLIC, AT the LOWEST NET PRICES, ONE OF i THE LARGEST AND ; CHEAPEST STOCKS OF READY: MADE CLOTHING ' '"'T- ' ' -;f AD GENTS HfilMsIilNG GOODS,- Boots, Allocs," C'aits, and V .. -' K ' ' ; ': '-'-1 I Dry d, . . . - 1 i . ; I51.ui kc??, &tv, &c. Give us a call Lcforc purchasing else where. - dec 21 tf. 'COAL COAL. JF YOU WANT TO KFK1 WARM AND get the worth of your 'money, buy your Coal from the 'unifcrsigucJ. Yc have the best . - ' i ''" GRATE end STOVE COAL. In the market. Al;o t hat mi per ,o'r EKUEISII COAL. '!.'. i for quick and hot fires. : ' iSchd the casliT-aml orders wilt be filled promptly ! WORTH A WUuTII. : jan li-ii . D, M. 1)AKT. RACTICAL PLUMBEK, STEAM AND GAS FITTER, WiLMlXGTOV, X. a, Q-VN STILL UE FOUND AT II IS OLD stand. Journal r.uiUlinir, lYinc street. where lie in prepart-U to do all kinds of work 11 his line. eheaier than ever before olTered ne.oli to the publics ll;i constantly on baud Bath Tubs, Water Closets, - Wash Siaud-i, ; ! Pumm of all deTii'tious, Drain PijK's, . . Gas Pipes, ' Gas Fxtufes, &e., Ac. ltrnal atteution given to all 'work, j Sali-slaclloii guaraaloed. december Z if NOTICE. A FULL UN EOF DKUuS. MEDlCtNl. ChtiulcAls, Fancy Art ides, ToiH-:Soap. Ac.-, at the lowest cah f-rievs. L ' Cits ARn and tobacco In great vjritjy. ' Tbe utiuofcl care aud ix-rMikal ulUDlion f Ircn to rrparlnj precrlptlou, at r.U RILVN Kt lnarmary , dec 3 Iy ror. Front and lYlncess U I. MORl'LL, UEier ater. Carpeiter Hater. li ZMll OITOMTE CITi II ALE, On Third Street. w . - y IU. FfKXlSH 0irtNH. rA-KETA. wtta. mxKmiicx , at bv cfy Mori4 nouos. All ordrr troca lit ucttrr rnur.'r al Orim t&r Carrvate asJ CMot Wt oilrlUd, aa4 vwl fw?aatd. Work as low ae mmj l U. ri-j wstT JOI1X WEttXEIt, HAIR DRESSING saloon; Na, U NORTH FRilNT TKECTl v CS4J 4T rKvI Hw. fviVtt mMmimm tSra 4a tlm 4 ty. a rim r . nc wrijst x9 iK UtJCMs ar Arry tl w. r. CAauaY. Single CopIeslO Cents NE W AD VER11SEUENTS. IIENNING & TEEIi, , ' ;'; DKALEE3 TS " FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC , HARDWARE, Plmir lfigs, Oarpenler's T00U. Blacksmith's Bel. w. View, AbtIIb, 4j Wcon and Cart ea. uai Axlea, HoU low are. Rope, Tw Spoons, BrashekfUh Unoi, HookaJSlakan, ' seine ' Rope, S Wine. Flax iMllln Tvina. Heine Rope. Scale. Beam. TZ1?!???: BeMa- Pota,S,We, as. t Par We Invite especial atteatkm to bur larse ; . . 7 - an i extensive assortment of IKON, eeoUd cijMtmij iur Bmiuu ana r aimers ase, nil 01 which, and much more, we offer as low. est pjices, at tbe New EstabUahed ' - Hardware Houso of ' UENNING&TEEIa No. Havr kot Si, Wilmington, K. C. marrb 1 PARKER & TAYLOR, . deaixbs nr "'s 2 Kerosene Oil, iXmi, letals, Gnus, f Lanterns, F&irbank's Scales, PUMPS, BRASS AND IRON ROSIN STRAINERS. : DIPl-ERS AND SKIMMERS. Manufacturers and wholesale dealers TIN AND sIeET IROi WARE. ! No. 19 FRONT STREET, Janllly WILMINGTOy. N. C. Visit or Commtmicate With Us. WE INVITE AN EXAMINATION OF If sample, prices, terma and oQers. Have on hand and receiving dally samples of Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Flour, Candles, t oiip, Meats, Lard, Jtc . Execute orders for all description of Merchandise. Receive and sell all descrip tions of produce. - Want a purchaser for one 100-Horse I ower Double Engine, and Tubular Power, suitable to drive a Cotton Kactory. Mill or 1 stHlcry. Also, three pair i feel Stones, with Gear, Shafting, tc.; will sell low down! ' V- nBotlate for 4h0purcnase and sal ot TurpenUne DlsUUeries. Ae. Samples ot Merchandise sent to any point when requested. , PETTEWAY A 8CT1ULKEN. inn Mr Brokers and Com-n Merchantu. I SS r- ss. 55 t Si w 5 5 .5 - Si N.C. I .1 a II iitcs and Liquors for 1 - . -TIedtelnal Use. march 1 tf - . ' ; . JOHN D.VWSO.V, ,. HARDWARE MERCIIAiNT. HAS THE LAROEST AND BEST AH sorted stock of HARDWARE la this 1 t of the Htate. If von want LKXJ1) UOOIM and l a W PKk m, be sure to call at tbe old i-labttBhed II AllDWAHK HOCHK of JOHN DAWSON. W North Market Ur-l, Ue Zl Iy Wilmington. xJU REASON WHY PERY DAVIS PAIN - KILLER is tat '' lijt Family Medicine of the Agt ! nd why 11 should be, kept always near at - band: f l rAi-l.u.t-na la the ntost certain ttiuiunt t are Uiai medical science has nroduced. d.r Kiut.r,aeaIl.mmandD. cn!cry remedy, setdusn I mx ix rver tails. 3d. PAiit-KtLLU will rare Craiope or i itid in any part or tae eyetcsn. A tnie wm usually aOecu a cure. lih F.ix Killkh willmred, I ndcctldn, U need 1 ' Un. . 1 j todlrec- .h. rAis-KitAkatsanafmonerer-Cil. lot care fo suddea Colas. Cann, AC ,fSi,sra; T.h. rAim Ktuuan a M unral t ea roAiea lur Fro4 Wm. mUMaJiaa, iww, nnuses. nu, traina. . Nk rAi-KiiXKn mm emt . at Kttrctttaium and rersaafirryf art stanainf. -U wwueC; i SiTrS ftwsMls after UemreUcuas. 1Mb. Paix-KilUks emrrn ttenJerb. aaJ Tootbacn. 11 1 . rAtW-KltXS vttl a y of a4 maay a eVoUar la Usx I an4 Dnrtr bU-a. 12a. rA!.Krtxm (a vr tatrty wr VuM vrr. eaa rnsH a tws and In eT Saaai!y. TV ln4Mty slIiaSTns Rs ' WtUlUM 1 Uae area arMr ' mr kw aury n.t T,l,T. tf mvyif mtXM aM a rrMdy4 M kve n atvay 1 . at 1 Tfce S i -aIttJUta Ss aaUi4 M iw e lt-MrMr rin in I a la vyr wktla nU rta mi ml. m st t8atnai. fe r aa4 mmf tWl I tM. aa4 ssi-y twf vamwftkMKt Uw mUmi SS H a tlwril KWiW j miv s r.CAXAXUT ?- r..BK.lHirt agy laiuestfaM. NUMBER 17 MISCELLANEOUS. IJAGGINU, TIES, Ac j 5Q Bolls and Half Bolla BAGGING, i . 500 Bandies TIES. S Tons HOOP IRON. ' , 230 Kegs NAILS. . 35 Bbls KEROSENE OIL. : -idSH0 TOBACCO, and CIGARS Specialty, deoaiif - ADRIAN A VOLLERS. t Flour, Sngar, Meat, Molasses. 1000 FlUB 01 wtous brands. . ..' .- . . v .i' 1 ..'.'' . J 230 llbis SUGAR, of sundry srades, ; . 130 Boxes MEAT, llama. Shoulders. Sides, Strips, IMilea. a Ilhds and Bbls MOLASSE. Call on or order diieet front dec 21 U ADRIAN A VOLLERS CnniSTJlAS GOODS. ' l ' PPLES, RAISINS, OllANUtS, CITRON, LEMONS, 1 CANDY, . PRUNES, CURRANTS, NUTS, COCOANUT.S and FIRE CRACKERS. For sale by ADRIAN & VOLLERS, v ! ' Wholesale Grocers, Cor., Dock and Front Streets, dec 21-lr BOOTS AND SUOLS. JUST RECEIVED AN Uu- mcnao stock of LADIES' FOX and MOROCCO SHOES ! of all varieties, styles and Uesf rlrtioat; also - GENTS' SHOES " '"- ' s In every Imaginable style. CHILDREN'S SHOES A specialty.' THOMAS II. IIOWEY, Ja., dec 21 Iy No. 43 Market strcrU i SALOON. THE OFFICE SALOON. 2N TUE STEET W1IICU LEADS FROM Dawson Bank to the Custom House-. . ; IS THE PLACE r To set the very best . ' NEW RIVER OYSTERS and GAME. I All the delicic'.es'of the season ilways on nana. ' THE THE VERY FIHEST LIQU ORS At the BAR, and every attention paid to customer. I tJ ALL. CIIUTSTTM AM aK'II UBTf YOUR EGO NOU. J A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. dee 21 If W. M. COLUNS. Furniture, uarpets. i .-' ' ' -' ' LARGE STOCK, ALL GRADES. LATEST DESIGNS, J J LOWEST PRICES. AN ELEGANT ASKTMKT UF CHILDREN'S C1IAH-S AND RAT TAN ROCKER. Jut the thlnfor ChrUtroa Gift D. A. fcMITH A CO., dec 21 tf North Front Street, furniture; W K O. 1 1 I I TT 1 . M -' SOUTH FRONT STREET, .-'"'?...'- ' ' ' :-' ' ' TTEETw THE lkiUJT KTW.H OK TV cniuBEtt and imoB - . r I FURNITURE ta the ictajui, aa4 aattdu a eaasnta stiew. For uatslMln nam Mim Wat tan .Ctair. - NICE LOT OF CAKPETH I - I I MATTTStfi 4 rrrytk!t f a4 tnnCiiMnjat ft.viixsvt;rv I w . . ' : '. V . :. N. GREEN WALD 1 TEAL-Eft IN LOU tarn C A XXtVB 1 XJ TLif j cicabs lvd isrrrs; I Knrtk CixtUit til Vlrfizla 3 Ixx ai4 tlnrix TeVicca, rtrt siioKDa aeticle, a. rutin (hrf Ciw tun." k as maxsct srnuctT, w.rats-Min.3,C. jCoantry ictuxatjs3 rrtlAT 1 AT r rslfTtSiNess. 1 flaa. (nm CThaf ttaii Cla, tTMW-.ft a.aa. xxeaa-SW, f. Ak. Ij -,.a t nina, Hi mmm mmtm a4 t-W I T-jrT'.. . r, , j 1.. L s VA-V 1 ' tk.S HM O ft 1 1 ?3 Ml 1 J i 4 ! H Irf 4 'I 1 1 i k 1 . 1 f . 1 51 - t f. ft 1.1 ( 1 . ill

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