VOLUME IX. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1878., SingteCspfes 10 Celts NUMBER 18 r WILMINGTON POST, ADVER TISING RATES, f-' .;. - - I ' ; ' ' j Fifty cents per line fo,r the first in sertion and t,wejttty -five cents per line tfor each .additional insertion. ' i ' i I -' 1 Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type,; con stitute a square. A (I advert. ill be charjred at f the above rates, on special con- . tract".. Special rates can be time than one week. had for a longer The sulweription price to The Wii MlNf ToV i'osr 00 per year; mx ni'Hiin cents. .1. -r . . All coinuiuiiicrtiorw d n biiiines should. lie addressed to I Hip Wii,minto( Post, Wilmington, N. . i It. Kennedy. IUmihess Miiuaeer. , irNFUIttlIK ojD VLAU. v It i apparent that the republican p:irty in the north - is everywhere awa jkerjing ,t the ncccjssily of unfurling the. ;ijr, under which it has won so many victories on the Congressional and Pres idential Held, and following it to fresh conquests, The major principles of the party are unchanged. Equal bights to ai.i.Lmkn liferoUETHE law; THE GUAR AM KKS OK Til CwKHTITU WON, AVITII I A F.I- ITS AMKNHMUNT3 J,N VIOLATE; THE ! causi: or education; aid and foster inki.i ences for the industries of ? tiik h'ntkv; protection and ,ex 1 passion of American coStmerce on i iii; oci'an; the purity of the elective Irauchisc arc all the same-tb-day as ui la.-t decade, and have the same claim upon ' "republican loyalty ,,and devotion now as then. The men of the republi can party rnay have changed," but its lrmc;iplis are vs unchanging :is the natural laws of creation, until by a mutation of circumstances they may Income temporarily elfete. This may ' ensue, 'bill republican principles arc 'immutable." They are steadfast as the foundation of the government to which they relate. - ; We hint; (he time ha Virtue km put the yy, ((( nn army umkr tlritt, jireparalory l.t Ihe full campaign. II 'lira the roll' is ("(it lit rrrry man fall into inc. Let th'oxe ieho fore the caime vianifexl their devotion, ? r irf: for himxetf. if there be (hone who .th ail ate make room for them in the line. If th'n I'lCt'idi-nt i ... true, republican he will In found among (he republican forces, Xo word nhoald he uttered to entreat him to duty or to reiki him therefrpih. Ike hue of political' gravitation will control hU art ion find that of hit Vabiaet and hi '.army of official throughout 1 lie country. Uen t hi force begin to more,, if (hey belong in itt rankt, (hey will tale up step to the reiniblicvn mime and . move on in h'irinonu. . It thru betona rlxewhere 'then will goon ek' 1 heir vol Meal atfinitiea and their fuco'rile cam an if ground, and by . .. that tig we shall I now them. ' i We copy the above from UiatVxcet- Itnt paper, the National Jiepublican for the purpose ol showing those of our iiivmbcrt who have become weak kneed . tliH feeling at the north, ai4 as a ..strengthening plaster to their weak backs. The republicau party will most sutelv carry tho next election, and those who doubt it have but a hort time to .wait to ec our prediction verified. v Peuson a i. DiFnctri.rv. On atur dFayitast, Judge Fowlo and Judge Tour- gee met al the H. C. iKqwt in this city, and the latter was asked if he was not the author of the "C" letters. To the inquiry Judge Tourgeo replied that Judge Fowlo had no right, to ask him &wf such question and that he dvclined to answer it. Whereupon Judge Fow.'e t rue k J udge Toil rgee w i th a smal 1 iick. Several blows wcro thcu ex-( i tiaiiged, without indicting much Uaui sge and the parties were searattHl. Jtnlj;e Tourgecw'as'oii his way to court in tirccusboro district, ami left on the train immediately after tho fight. The Htlack was inado'by Judge Fowle Uoh the well settled belief that Judge Tour gee is tho author of the "C" letter. Jiafeigh AVvwT. : When the news of the above men tioned ditliculty was received here, one of our ablest lawyers remarked, "I fUpjHwc' that Judge Fowle has com menced his campaign for the Supreme Court Judtreihin with a cane, but he ill lind it a very harv campaign if lie undertakes to cano cVcry lawyer who will not vote for him." Judge Fowle's uame will bo handed down td iosterity in' disgrace for at tacking a man who was physically dis abled while fighting the battles of hU vouuttv. He has incurrel the same Ji"grace that he would, had he ii a like ' manner brutiUv CjIIHM a woirian. SUiinm vu him. will bo the verdict f every deceat cr9n in Norths Carolina. NVe will publish I he letter sigued "C jo cmr ncU H is a good letter an4 our ; ttadcrs hall have IL KAlLUOAl) ITBM 'ihe Wilmiogton, Columbia A Augus UlUitroad.it is reponeJ. will b sold by the bondholders in a few month. . the Wilmiogton & Wcldon RaUroad ill be turned over to tht stockholders U 1 rumored, in a h wt time by 4vtiee, The ad railway U tUl in th aaads of Receivers, and U likely to re- saiia so for soma lime. The Wilmington and Sea Side Rail read U tiU carrying all tat rsegert tl can get for 5 ceoU each. Ydtow. of all shad U verv oh ia torus with blondes and brunette. hit with yellow, i accepted, ijutead W BUCK, i CIT Y jrrEMS. Mayor iehblate ia having a remark ably easy time in court matters. ' Wilmington was visited by a splen did rain on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. ' -' -' j i ' J.. ' - j Superior Court of Bladen county, .II19 Honor, Judge Eure presiding, is in session this week. Mr M. M. Katz has returned from the north, with a splendid stock of j spring and snmnier gocdv There is a paper in thU city which feels complimented by having the "priv-! ilegu" of publishing gtale items. r ( Jen. Allan Rutherford left for Wash ington- on Wednesdays He Beemed ta j enjoy his visit to his friends and home, in this city, very much. ; ; . , Thanks to Hon. u. 11. 1 Brogden, member .of Cgngross, for a copy of his speech, delivered in the House of Rep resentatives on Feb. 27th, last. An excursion party went dewu the ri vt r yesterday. The weather being fine llufy evidently had a pleasant time, untjil ihe ;thuder storm come on late in the af'.crnoou. im3ds should always be particular dUTing excursion seasons, and not use second class steamboats for, pleasure purposes. They might succeed in get? ting a free ticket upward without the use of a balloon, j . The new Deputy Collector, with the approval of the Collector, Intends to enforce the law concerning the entrance and clearance of vessels more strictly than it has been heretofore. So it will be bcncGrial, financially, to shipown ers to, comply with the same. Chicken Thief Arrested. Jno. Brice went to the lot of ote Jno. Wil ljams on Tuesday night and stole a lot of chickens. Williams hecrd him and give chase, and Brice was. arrested and taken before Justice Hill and bound over to answer to the charge of larceny. i m : The . Posjal Commission is expected to return from their visit to Cuba in a few days. We hope they will-be in duced to make a short stay in our city, and if so, our citizens should take them lown.the river to see the river and bar- j . . .' ''. i . - J .. nr improvements, i tori fisner ana other places of interest. lVrscms front the north contempla- iiiK viiiling Jacksonville, i Florida, Hhouhl 'be certain to "atop over in our cUy,f(rre8t'' aft"! recreation. Messrs. Cktbb ISrolhers keep a firet class hotel, and We cau guarantee that visitors will be well pleased with their accommoda tion. !'!.'" ',!''':''' D k m o c ratio Excitem ejtt. The Democratic party is very much excited over who are to be their candidates this Kummrr. Well, the Republicans Qteod to let them have a free fight, so go in gentlemen, aod mace it lively, it is a family fight, and so far as the re- ublicans are concerned, we don't care which ship. - 8mktiiixu WB0NU.4-Mra. Mooiei who died very suddenly on Tuesday morning last, we understand that, after let death she swelled as large as two arsons ought to have been, and when buried she had turned perfectly black n the face, and some of oar citizens express, the opinion that fthcre was sonKthing wrong. There should have beenWn inquest held over her body by the Cbroner. i The Raleigh Register is certainly in teresting thb week, and ahows conaid r.l.I .nl.mrU In the Mailer ftf news . ,! ' . . , conccrniogne'sapreme court campaign, a in. in ms i asm. w u u uraci m wj uid , . : ii...: to Am.mmm V m V tt alt the cmod mod1 of the state for keeping up with all thedoiogaand aay ingi of the aspirants fori office. It ia becoming very disgraceful indeed. The waters will be atirred p before the campaign h over by the candidatea grabbing for mud to throw at each other. ! Jyo, N. VakSoeuuc, U. S. Dtrmr Ma tUAU-Oar half crown city papers are Very much concerned about the re- wgnatioo of J. N. VaoSoeleB, U. 8. IVputv Marshal. They try to be enter- nrklBC br rablbhiae rnsaora instead .. f. Tk Km nuKliX.l w Ii --v ---- w '.. tImM or ekstnr ther I " " V ' need aoWtUa lo fill a vacant paca ia their paper, that J, N. VanSoelea has reigned as Deputy XI. & ManhaL The bets are, Mr. VaaSoeJens aawoi reslfned, nor does ht iatawl to do ao; and we are are pleased to aay that there is no one who stands higher with Ida aueeriora than Derate Manhal Van Soelea doea. We have area aereral The Board reassemhWd al theap tetters from Marshal Hill, coeiraala- nted hor, bnt the Wnrss traaa-iin- Mr. VanSoclea oa Ida faUhfalacee acted era bcA ao of a chiracUr to be and tacceat as aa cr. The Produce Exchange. At the annual meeting of the Produce Ex change,' held on Tuesday last, (he fol lowing officers were elected jfor the en suing, yean : "j President C.1L Robinson. Vice President R. E. Calder. Board of Managers Geo.f W, Wil liams, D. G. Worth, James Sprunt, E Lilly and John T. Rankin. Inspectors of Election J R. Chas ten, S. R. Birdsey and Oscar Pearsall. We undestand that the Postmaster- General has appointed Mr. Thomas U. Stovall, of this city, a route agent on the Carolina Central railroad, to run between Wilmington and Charlotte. Young Stovall has been absent in Bal timore for the past twelve months. The vacancy, on the Road was .caused by Mr. Porter, one of ; the route agents, being transferred to sooie Road in Ala bams. The new agent will commence running at once. U. S, . District CouRT.-4-The fol lowing comprise a list of the Grand Jury.to serve at the approaching term of the U. S. District Court, which meets in this city on the 29tU inst i New Hanover B. F. Hall, M. P. Taylor, John E. Lippitt.lA j Weill, T. H. McKoy, J. I. MetU. D. R. Murchi- son, Jesse Wilder, W. A. Martin, R. S. Radcliffe, J. W. Atkinson, J G. Burr, Donald MacRae. :" I , Brunswick Thomas G. Drew, F. M. Wescott, Francis M. Moore John M. Bennett, William Dpsher, Thomas W. Gilbert. . ;: . Dap i i Jmes G. K-.iuo, A. G. Mosely, W.H.Sloan, J. C. McMillan, A. D. McGowen, George Midtlleton, 1 We understand that the above list ? jurors was made up by Mr; William Larkins, Clerk of the U. Sj District Court, in this city, and we r.wpectfuily call the attention of His Honor, Judge Brooks, to the fact that there is not a single Republican on the jury. Tf the names had been drawn it would be dif ferent, but they are arbitrarily selected by the Clerk. His political ; prejudice is exhibited So plainly that! W i hope the Judge will take some notice of the fmatter for ths sake of fair dealing. , Good Samaritan Celebration. Star, of Liberty Lodge i of the Inde' pendent Order of Good Samarilan d Daughters of Samaria, of this city, celebrated its anniversary on Tuesday last, Queen Esther Lodge, ofjWilmirig ton, and Queen Grandee and Excelsior Lodges, of Charlotte, which arrived here on Modacy evening, participating in the ceremonies of the occasion. The different Lodges formed a procession in front of the hall on Front street in the afternoon and marched up Front to Red' Cross and up Red Cross to St. Stephen's 'Church, where the ceremo nies were inaugurated by au address from the R. W. Grand Sire 6f the Na- - ! tional Grand Lodge, which is said to have been quite an able and interest ing one, who was fallowed by; the Grand Deputy of the state, Henry Ellis. At the close of the ceremonies at the church, the procession was I reformed, and headed by a band of music which accompanied them to the church marched down Red frosso Fourth street, down Fourth ro Castle, down Castle to Front and up Front street to the Lodge room. The visiting Lodges returned home on Wednesday morning. Cot'STt Commissioners. The The Board met on Wednesday fast in adjourned regular session; present, Mr. Wagner, Chairman, and Commis sioners Sanders, Worth, Atkinson and Holmes. Application of sundry .citizens pray ing the Commissioners to build a small nOUSe 01 WOrsnip Wt U us Uliuo house of worship for the use of the I n,niun at t) tYitintv 1'imr ITnute. i i i - - " : " " ' I ora f ITU IS1U on me fame iwr tue prre- s - I CD intuition 01 i. vt, cijipb, iu w lowed to transfer hii privilege license ; to a partv to whom he his sold hi buaineaa, was not granted. Canaday , Blue, a man who bad lost an arm, appuea lor transportation to his home ia LouLttana, and be was or dered granted transportation as far a I Florence, S. C. Sheriff Manning reported 2,025 19 roll tax collected on ustyear'a list and of this the amount of W waaap- rrepriated by the Hoard w w general I school fund of the coantv. I Tits Mntrart lor the barial Of th I . . . I niuivr ded was awarded to iwncan . . . ' . . .., ft wtaco. a ii. Thomas waa appointed Over- seer or iaWic Keads ta v.5pe rw sOWasaifS ' lKWi niMa, ... . - e- -Wl. imw f--.-. The Soard thea cock areceseeatua I o'clcck p. m. 1 mada pahlic We call attention tolthe bankrupt notice, meeting of ere liters on 26th of April. See W. P. Canaday's ad of houses for sale, in any part of the city. . Give him a call. ..' ' ' 1 . ;; Wont the Mayor -and Aldermen plea se have something done for Market street? it looks as though there might be some little improvement made on it. Mayor Fiihblate has gone to Bladen to attend Court, Alderman Voller? acts as Mayor pro tern, during the ab4 linse of Mayor Fishblate. Splendid vacant lots, suitable for dwellings or stores, for sale by W. P. Canaday, on long time just such time as will suit a poor man who wants a home for his wife and little ones. Re member that every man should pro vide a home for his old age. Wilmington Cotton MiLi.s.--The fourth annual meeting of the stock holders of the Wilmington Cotton Milk was held on Tuesday morning last, at the Bank of Kew Hanover. Mr, B. G. Worth was called to the Chair and Mr. R.'E. Calderx requested to act as Secre tary. The, Treasurer of the Company and , the Scretary of the meeting were requested to verily proxies, and report ed 571 shares represented in person and COO shares represented by proxy, mak ing a total of 1,171, which being a ma jority of the 1,253 shares, the meeting proceeded to business. The President read his report for the past year and explained the financial condition of the corportion; after which a resolution was offered providing :for the appointment of a trustee with full power to adver tise and sell the property, stock and franchise of the corporation and with the proceeds to pay its debts. After discussion a stock vote was called for, and the resolution was unan imously adopted. Au election of officers was then held, which resulted in the choice of the following gentlemen: , President Donald Macliae. : Viee-Presidenti Wm. A. French. Directors Edward Kidder, James II. Chjjdbouro, F. W. tTerchner, Nor wood Giles, John W.'Atkinson. On motion, the meeting adjourned. ' 11. E Caldeu Secretary. The, Atlantic" is the name of a very handsome weekly paper just start ed at Beaufort, N. C, by, Capt. James This gentleman is a practical printer, a good scholar and with all a spletuli-1 newspaper man. . We hope the jt'mkI people of Beaufort will cive him the needed assistance in order to make ihe enterprise a success. They have long nee led a first class paper, in tact the place has suffered for the want of one. Beaufort is one of the very best and prettiest, as well as the health iest sumrorr resorts in the south, and nothing has kept it in the background but the Rip Van Winkle style of its inhabitants. If I they will now wake up (they have been asleep twice as long as old Rip was) they can, iu a few years, make Beaufort to the south what Long Branch and Newport are to the north, and the. first step in that direction is to give substantial aid to the local paper; give such assistance to it that its editor can make the piper not only interest ing to the jcitltcns of Beaufort, but to strangers. Every dollar spent on the paper by the citizens of Baufort will bring to them in return. We be lieve they will render the necessary aid to Brother Pool to make bis enterprise a success, aud his pride, as well as his great love for Beaufort, will cause him to put forth extraordinary efforts to make the "Atlantic" a first class newspaper. He has our very best wishes. l Vr m'uU linon ralam an.1 deen I ..r. . kt. .1 I vuu? TZ 't x. , I meu wna uuu vt wire wvuvu -v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JOHS WERNER H.C. TREMrERT. Eormery of Ktcbmond Kormerty of Holds va.- ooro. .-n. v. WERNER & PEKVPERT, lr-onally ia attendance at HAIR DRESSING SALOON, No. tt North Front direct. Sonlh ot Puree U tloose, and No. 7 bontb Front Street, WILMINGTON, H. C , None bat the most experienced work men employed is this etbUamest, M ManslscUireTt of Tonnes. Hair Oil, Cologne, Keoovators, Drea, Rata- tlners, Ac, A. 1 aprtl IS--U trr : -r: """"" . "" 1 'iwi m noue umoww 3uty -.1 rfMKv.l.nwrra.t . I NerUt fncotina araM the estate eg Utartea I XJiJZtiXJiZl nesrM siasknH kfM w ersuMej Illwry eg way yeeoerty Hlatat V sstsd I IttMrn MMatSrKVStlBH,ftSftfe 1 trmmmrt e ay 1 nsity ty tummf SaeArert.ta swwre Uer Mn. aad mm eessnre SMiUJtieen eg ats ssiaiSk. I etUst a4dsd a tVari eg tarw-r saei ms al.rayeurrtiia. St C sessee wTsa. A. n. UL'tM't ta rarr eg tMrw. ea ia . dag eg. Aswvi, A. SMscSnrft,a.ea. UtKN J. tt. ntu. ateWw C 1 Osraal ksr aseg Ixntnes, f said NEW AD VIi TISEMENTS SOL BEAR & BROS , 18. 20 MARKET ST.. QFFER TO THE PUBLIC, AT the LOWEST NET PRICES, ONE OF THE LARGEST AND . 1 CHEAPEST STOCKS OF READY MADE CLOTHING and a- GENTS FURMnH1N GOODS, Boots, , Shoo, , Hals, C'niif and Dry ioodi, Carpel iti. i:3aiiktl Ac, &c. Give us a call before purchasing else-, where; dec 21 tf. 'COAL- COAL.. If YOU WANT TO KFEl WAKM AND get' the worth of your money; buy your Coal Irom the unlcrsiitU. -'We have the bout GRATE end STOVli COAL. in the market. Also tbat eurerjor ENGLISH COAL. for quick and hot (Ins. Bend the cash aud orders will be lilted promptly WOUTII a WORTH. jan ii-ii - D.-..M. DAHT. PRACTICAL PLUMBER, STEAM AND GAS FITTER, : wiLMiifGTox, x a, rYN BTILL HE KOUNI AT HIS OLD J sUind, Journal r.tiiltlinc, IrlncfR-s tree I, where he is prepared to do all klud4or work lu his line. cheaper than evi-r before ottered to the public lias coustautly on band Bath Tuds, Water Closets, WashStaud, Pumis of all de'rii'tiwus, Drain Pipes, H lias l ipcs. 1 . Gas Fitureit, fcc, he. l"cnnual attvufion elvrnjloall work. Kattsfiu-Uoti cnsranlveU. f december -I U notice:. .""" 1 KUU. LINK OK PltUUH. M KDK.'I N 12 ChenilcsU, Fanry ArilcIeisTolet Huaps. Ac, i at the lowest cush i-r --. CliiARS AND TOBACCO ''.. .'!-.! In sreal variety. ; Te almost rare and personal attention . . given to preparing presrrtptloos, at r-URB VSK sl ITiarwacy, dec J ly roc. Erout and rrioeess sis 13. r. voiziii Dilerlater. CarfsiUr ui Ciliiiet Haier. orroiTK C1TV UALU On Third Strettm i iu. rvRXisii orrissv cakkt. tth U(iatct, at ta very Alt orders &ws the cwewtry rrvmfi&r - tcwdewtn, Or4rt tsm tarsrslr and lWlat Week eeitclted. and work (sum teed. WtrkMleeMM) IstMctif. jpjm tlf.. Irtrrtrt?oiP'rHEiiitil!r:VTKaL 1 - - - a rt r nunu I I ..;V,l'MiLii I M?," - XOTICC ! A tX PABTtE T WtaaM TUn C IfcO- 4 AOaual tiwr were Iws-'y ta abased Sew anr hrmm rt m rem e rtia lw mm wtsm -wta. i t, iiani atw ssisse ' sstMS a4 faywa t. tv i.K.MxiTr. Kert - NEW AD VEB1JJSEHENTS. HENNING & TEEL, j DK1LEB3 nr FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE. AGRCUI-TrjRAL TUTLEMWrTS. IROH. ! 8UeIT MalU, Aid, SpMtM. horl,Col' ! lara, Himet, Trae Chains, Ploughs, Out. I ng, Carpenter's Tools. IMacksmlUx'a Bel- ! "'7B. icsa. ABTui, wajoni and Cart " ttuns. Hpoaea. Hub Axles, Hol low Ware. Rooe. Twin ViItm rwki 8poooa,BroahnihUnei.HookaJBkeri: coiion setae Twine, Flax OiUiac Twin, seine RpeScalea.enn.PcXKByidera, Ove-nn, Fry Pana, . - i We invite especial atteaUon to ear lam an t extensive assortment of IRON, selected UVimil Nf DBIIUUUa fMUIW .Ml mil " . " cq nvre,- we oner at low est prices, at the - New EstbUahed - Hardware Honaa of t Wa 9 ZXarkel Si, Wllamiactoa. W. C. inarch I PARKER & TAYLOR, DEALEBS IS . Kerosene Oil, StoTes, Hetals, 6us, Lanterns, Fairbank's Scales, PUMP3, BRASS AND IRON ROSIN STRAINERS. J DIPrERS AND SKIMMERS. Manufacturers and wholesale dealers TIN' AND: SHEEf IEOH if ABE. Jan 11 ly Wl LMINQTON y. c. Visit or Communicate With Us.! 'E INVITE AN EXAMINATION OF samples, prices, terms and oners. lave on hand and reoelvinr dall v umnlo f . . . . . J. . wmjbb, oujr, moiasses, t ioor,. usn V Exeenta nrdnra fnr 11 mrtn(i, r Uons of prodnce. r incrcuanaise. Keceive urn mm rn.il rfiHi want a purchaser tor one 160-Hone Tower Double Enrine. and Tnbnl&r Pnm suitable to drive a Cotton Factory, Mill or tisUHery. Also, three pair H feet 8tones, witn ljJ?kr' Shaitlna, tc-; wlU sell low down! VWe negotiate for the purchase and vi a urpeuune iisuueries, e. -s.Haniplesot Merchandise sent to any ! . PETTEWAY A SCfftTLKEN, mh 8-tf Brokers and Corn's Merchant. a s 2 W ( S5 Cllf,HflU vvlLMteTOf, N.C. II ti and Liquor for Medicinal Uc, inarch 1 tf . . . ' 1 . .''..' JOHN DmONJ IURDW1RE 1 IJERCniNT. HAH THE LAIUiEHT AND BEST AB- sorted stock of 11ARDWARK In this t-art of the Ktate. IfToawsstUUUUUOOlM and IW PRI03t.be snre to eali at the old -iailuUieu UslUIWAKK HOUHEof JOHN DAWSON. 11 NnrUi Mukal liiwl deeply WUmincton, N.C. . REASONS WHY PEUDY DAYI8 PAIN - KILLER IS TBB , Hsi Familf Medicine of the Agt ! And why it should b kepi always near at Is? rst?-KiLi.Kn la the certain Clxta curs that snedleal 1 r reduced- 2nd. r...K.u, as . Msrm. and r. enterr remedy, seldom eve tail.. 3rd. rAiM-KiLLKm will en re Crantps or I'ams In any port of tb systesa. A sinaie nose usually assets enre. th rit KiLtra will enredyii i ysla and I od igestiost, tl need neoorxung to diree uena.. 5th. ratscsttixaa Is aa almost ae.feit- tog ears far Sadden Cofcia, Concha. a. (ih iP.rr?3'553 rerer; Uhasenxed tnentoat stlnsls ?tsu rst( Kftxrn as a ltal H aa- 1 ettSJcd tor T BlM. Itulfclslas. uuroM. urateea. ou i'psisa,e. Mb. Pau-Kitxaa has enred mms eg Khromaiuaa and yraraigVaaXUrytars Hh. rilr Kilub will destroy MU. Pes- - v nu. WktUowe t&dliarea,girtac:tiie m saui nnev toe uu asfHwauosu Tsta-Kitxaa carve Heednraa, ad HI h. rt,SLit-tjra will ear yen dale as nfw sM snany m stounr im um liA. rats.Kttxam has Wis Wjcs the sa4iiarMrit(us pnbtte ems uutty-oveeei years a4 is ' wnrety VmmsM irn rslisn. ens : aeest and eae ta every Skamity. The tmpuctty nuesHilnc Its eeo. tarM wiva ia grwsi rarwy g imai 1 n 1 Mkjr seureiy sie luaied w n. ad tm T isiih es ririXwBW . im as a ai em led isieew tas - . moke ts tarraiee as weerr urns mrt ssaii Ken wti taiU enlw 1 w a ere a aj ways 1 TVs i:mcs Is mm reectatad ta eery ejwsruw eg tka tM rrr rui msii n tn taeer ,La'ai tKt4taWV UttttirM. ra a aa m taagoaaraa. Keery rn. aa SMarsy a kmnmt Mil the- taad aeeyHlee a k-ty a swmwrAaar StaCewi t aad a twaaaar t faaa r.CAXA&AY, O rAMJw dJt A SUss awt-wan: atwWL MS . la. ar ra la. r w It3-A . tlauart si a-1 2 5. MISCELLANEOUS, DAGG1NU, TIES, &c J 5Q BoUs and HaU Holls BAGGING, wo candles TICS. SS Tons HOOP I EON. So Kegs NAILS. S BUs KEROSENE OIL. IJQUORS, TOBACCO, and C1QAIU4 a pedal ty. . dee 21 U ADRIAN VOLLER&. Ploar, Sngar, . Meat, -Molasses. 1000 mU FlxUBof wtous brands. 230 BbU bUUAR, of sundry grades, 130 Boxes MEAT, Hams,' Shoulders . Kides. btrtps, Uellies. , awUhdsandBbUMOLASSE?, Call on or order diiect trout dee a U ADRIAN A OLIVERS CnniSTJflAS GOODS. RAISINS. ORANOhS LEMONS, CANDY. vlTBON, rRUNEH, CURKANTH, NUTS. COCOAJUTS and FIRE CllACKERf , , Fortale by . " ; : ADRIAN & YOLLEIW, Wnolesale Grocer, CJor., Dock and Firoht Street. dec 21-lr COOTS AND SUOES. j CST RECEI VXD AN Im Si- mense stock or . LADIES' FOX and MOROCCO SHOES I ." ; ' - ' ' " " ' of all varleUes, styles and descriptions; a!o - GENTS' SHOES In every imaginable style. ' CIIILDBEXS' SHOES A specialty. , THOMAS II. HOWKV. la., dec211y No. 49 Market street. SALOON, THE OFFICII SALOON. QN THE STEET WHICH LEAIW UtOM the Dawson Bank to the Custom lloutr, IS THE PLACE To cet the very test NEW RfVER OYSTERS and GAME. All the delicacies of the season si wsys on THE THE VERY FINEST LIQUORS I At the BAR, and every attention paid lo " j xuiiomers. . , CALL CHRISTMAS AKI) GET YOUR EGO NOG. A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALU dec SI if . i W. M. COUJSM. JYirniture, Carpets. URGE STOCK, ILL GRADES. LATEST DESIGNS, LOWEST PRICES. AN KLEUAHT AHMiKTM KNT K CHILDREN'S CHAJIW AND RAT TAN UOCKEIW. , Just the thtas!fur CbrUltnas GifU : : - " - D. A. SMITH A ext., - j;- ,. " . ' -I. ' decSI tf North Front fUeet, FURNITURE V A S C I U T 1' E . I -fa,e J V a i soirrii fkoxt street. K ECTB TltE LAitT KTOCX or cflinBEtt ISO MBLOtt 1 , FURNITURE Ia ta &. and eadirltsaa etawiaaUaa, For Xsnaa, (UadWMt and Maiis UaUaa NICE LOT OF CAUrETH HATrrXfie aad wtnWti weeally Kaiad' ia o-arxtit rv kji 1 1 vu mruauu dee a a - j ' - . i rut ' i ) '' : . 1 If Hi CaTeUta ai VlTTliU s- iXX til tatVllf Tl4 - riTE SM0KO3 ALT lCU- Ac, . - 1. IriUi Cat Otir UtrtT ,1: Country 3Ierc rfnOAT i3 VAXT imtm. 1 av T9a Caaaa Itawi, (a.iae, Ca - . awaw sas. g m . A a ittii Heieew .aa laa Jrortw I'tvwrv a $,m aad a jaataag a