-rff i mm.. x V , vs. Mr W VN. A. i I I L J V VN. y W 'M M I rAY ."-TOT'S WY II I rTNT rlW n n : Ay i 1 1 I I I I 11 1! II II . J i kw llll ll X II II volume ix; WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FIUDAX, APRIL 19, 1878. Single Copies 10 Cents NUMBER 19 WILMINGTON POST ADVER .-..'! TISING RATES. Fifty cents per lino for the first scrtion and twenty-five tents per in-, ine for each additional insertion. Eight (8) liaea, Nonpareil type,' teon Uitute a square. . .' ; - ; j ;1' ',11 AH al vertisementa will be charged nt the above rates, except oii. special con tracts. ;' 1 t ' :. ' , - I";.. . Special r;ite 'can be had for a longer time than one week The subscription priee to The Vli MlX(iTo.V l'OST w. 8iV months 75 cents. I$l 00 per year; AlIc"Hiii.U!iicrtioii.s'6uusiuesHhould' ! bq ''addressed to The WILMINGTON I'OdT, WUiiHiigton, JN. U. ;r . Mrs.; Theodore itTilton has made a confession-' at last. Now for another investigation. '..' ' Wtit Mr. Otyvep, our fellow citizen who is - a great admirer of game cocky, order one of the new breed of Fowle, commonly called Ihe "Dan." Daniel was the great lion tamer in the days 0 Uic Uld lestament, and Darnel ( I'owl.e) intends to be the grea.t Keiiii)Mc.aH tamer in ine uays ot Hayes, We wwnder if the new game Fowle f'Dan" was hatched with spurs? Will ;our Raleigh contemporary, the liefhft i-, if its editor is not afraid of a spurring, give US the djsired information. KESUMPTION. .The 1 bird National Dank ofCincin- nati,U:is giyert notice that it is prepared 'to redeem alt of its out stauding - bills in irold. This Is the first bank in the 'country' to resume specie paymcntsj - i Mai. lVM,SiEAlM.VN,-Thc new po litical aspirant for Congressional honors. had bet'er iro in his hole be Aire '.the campaign opens, or he will, get the bark taken oil . before it closes. 'ou li:iv vour weak i.oiijts Major, so: look i foul lor shells. The Vttizem cf R ili igli have a hew (Sain! I'owle, 'known' -among, poultry raisers an I game c irk lighters as the r'-'lhs." IDs spurs arc long and he is a splendid igtterj without gaffs. There Was ijinle aJurnoul, last wceK, at the llepot in Raleigh' tci sec this new game ! cot kl show bis lighting qualities. !". "' HKNATOlt DOU8EY. l( Siiiiie' time ago1 the Democratic pa ; pets were 'a'rly raging over the report that S, nator Dorsev had been iruilt v of . . , ... .. . I miriutig hoiuis wiiu- man contrac- .. .. .... i i. .1 :.. i u ihm, uii'i limb iic.nan luicirttcu iiv tuc I dored un iuyestWion. and Senator Dorsey wa-t completely conerated. - tint not a single Democratic paper has i Iliad ilu niiuiliness lo'cohio out and .( state tbei laet. It is no JusO to expect j fairness ironi such n source. -.U MajiCba-s. Mv Steadman has put .j";Hinielf up as a larget lo be shot at hy 1 'newspapers and oliticians, wo shall 'ffiT,jR few interesliitir items about his AM - ".' ih) it ieal career lor the past twelve years, - in the courso of the campaign now jopenihg. We know ;uothit)g agaitist ! him, ersonally, but politically wo propose t ) shell Jura; lie is a radical Democrat to the bavk- K.mU tA U', 1.111 r.on In be. from f j lie pnhjiean stand ptintVgreatJy. to be U.fi.rr,,i from the fact that ho U very !enrv1.tiv . hi iwakeuo. - ; I ! i . - pECKKTAHY MIKilMAN - M't- I KSS AND 1 1 KfcfFKCT. tUiin irt ...,r iialional finances are I , I Mpidlv approaching a solution. Secre- tr. s..,A-- ...rmln New York . . In Jis.in,. f tlftO tXW OOO of 4 PCf w. . cent, bends, and the appreciation vf le- J SUtendhs U within onequarter ol a ct of ipold. has convinced many .ol he opponents of resumption that no rsuuawoii uosuie mi IVsuui-mw y i lt of January next can now be t tmptd. It is believed in Washington i tkt the House rwumpilon act i dead. U is iiaid that tho &nat ciromittw I wt aRtccd on a settlemenl oi me bol question of which the following Jt nhl an iMnrfct summarv W-Igl unders shall be accept- 1 at their face value for Customs du hes after July I. . ; , , (Swnd Authorising the Secretary Treasury to sell tuading bond f r lertl tenders. l IW-lleeaJiog so much tr the "lTnT tf W.l undr for additional circuU w muea 10 national oanas. i IwtWFixine tne amount ot legal Wader, to be mataincl in circulation. tad Muhibitin th. ScrtarT of the Treasure fmm rlirln at hoardint for , . n ' " a. I UJ purpose whatever an .portwn of y purpose whatever any. .portion of amount of teral tenders so estah- L&.i S . The above maybe to aomeoi modified, but nothing will be admitted Uk tilt prertnt U return o a gold aad thertby brleg to the country CITY ITEMS. Fosr only one dollar a year!1 ' - ' ; - Gold U scarce in our market. Buy a house and lot, 1 and be happy, T . , ; It m healthy to ride - on the street .c trs. Every man should -have a home of his ow.n. Doctor's recommend riding on the strejt cars or health. Gei n peas and strawberries4 are plentiful in this market. (. : l .1- : '. :.. One dollar will .pay 'for a years sub scription to the Post. .' Don't forget to send a dollar and get the Tost for one year. If .you want a cheap home do not forget to call on W. P. Canaday. Pont fail to call on Mr. James Wil son if you are without a house. Now is the time to subscribe for the Posr-- only if 1 00 for a whole year. , Wilmington Street Cars are ahle and willifts lo carry passengers at 5 cents each Y"ii tan get nosted by taking the Post during the next campaign, for one dollar a yeiir. Fggs arc selling in Beaufort, N. C, al) cents pcii dozen, and in Wilming ton sit 12 cents. Acciuent. A few days ago a man fell, on Third street, into a house hej had jut purchased from W. T. Cana day. ; ' The United Slates- Government has .at last; recognized the. Diaz povern ment of Mexico. They should have done so long ago. : Our Republicans friends at Fayette- ville ara requested to post us about the political record of Maj. Cha M. St ad man, late of Fayctteville, N. C . Si.'apen .Coy N fy The teadman men claim that Bladen county has gone for their man, cr iu other wordsthey claim the first blood for Steadman. Every man may be his own physician if he wmply takes the free publications" of the Dr )r. Harter MedidoeO and uses the remedies tbey presence 'AU druggist and dealers have tbem. :o .uv iviucuivi iwir incotuw i 2t. ' " ".'' ' ' ' ' vv ii Lv, ' a is T i r iiuT.-iue Drat - t . i t t lli!i'! voll hrRr 'in the (streets when VOU I " . . i iro out is, arts you lur cicaumau ut vvi. i - i I ilV'gVt your head cracked ! before you get i n . Will tho licgiftrr send us One of those new fightiug Fowl(e)s commonly called the " Dan' for our campaign is just aboin to open, and before it is through we shall need something to do our fighting. Ali;s. iMOORE. e staiea iasi i -We stated last ' week that there was something wrong in the j death of Mrs. Moore. Since then we j have. seen Dr. Norcom, the attending J family physician, and he states that she I died from natural causes. Pi; Youn Ows LASiLOBD."-Sce ad f Mr- James Wilson, he invites the nood H"ople ol Wilminirton.iwho'have been paying rent, to become their own landlord by purchasing onis of his cheap lots, or hooso and lot. " The heart bowed down by grief and . -.-.- I . : 1 - It- 1 T .1 CAUso ue uotiy is ukww. ivil. ... 1 - r s icr iu.s, .m vr. warr Viv Tonic will, in most cases, reinvigorate 1., , l t - U l . .U Vi 0 u uuSwuij uvP y.u muw f v M Tweed, the treat New York lK,mut raljc thief, is dead, lie died on lhe jh inst., at 12 o'clock, in hUrell in Ludlow Street Jail. u sioie LDOut$12,WH000 but could riot carry - r u s.h h:m to nu ionsr . mf L(Jl . warni0- to wroeg j, : j. , r i yu aim i rwdcoce 01 uoi. ltt Jioore, cxpioa - ed on Tuesday nigkt and the clones of hi little daughter took fire, and before the OoWncl could UtfoMbk Ihj tantfa .(VT,!"T-T CX Up the tax UsU lor 1S77 was tften maoe burned. 0)1. Moore bands .TL,taIWatolWlofCW j burned very paiaimiy aw. ; ; fG,urcedurei-Jxa . av t.i ni book, inst i wu-ki .r iK nahlkbiae noose 01 I . . v- t ..hv.tnrtar fl.ttQ 21: wkkb was Job kIo liaie.g-, . .-r did boWk. and we ttmlemana tna near- 1 1- 1.-.-r -is iKI eitT has a , , H.-Utratet and , A Magistrate and V ' i . , rr. .v. ri- I all bines ntn stoi W,!,!teWia2 n ttw day jp, thai tt was tbett thij of iU k nd em rUHatht SJate, an4 tbat the book bad long been feiu Query, lias .not Commolore Smith np North got a second class Steamboat he could send down here. We would like to run an excursion up Town Creek, as second-class boats are irTde- marid. When some of them blow up, as tney are likely to do, and kill a lottf citizens they will not W so' popular. The Lcmbebton Times. The first number of this paper wai issued twenty-two weeks ago as a four page paper about Cx9; but to-day it has the look of an old stager. It is now an .eight page journal and lake i all in all is one of the ablest weekly papers in theS'ate. Messrs: Barnes & Thompson are enenre' ic newspaper men. . W. & W. R. E. This important road has been leased by the W. C. & A. Railroad Company for a number of years. On the first Of January last, theyf failed to pay the interest, and in accordance with the terrcs of the lease the road will be taken charge of by the stockholders on Saturday next. Jcs. E. Sampson publhnes a card in this issue of the Post announcing him self as a candidate for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds, for this county. Mr. Sampson has made a very excellent officer, Wit- we do not admire the siyle-of his card. If he means that he is a candidate, with or without the nomination, Ve wpiild like to know it, and so would the Republicans of the county: Explain,; Mr. Register, no dodging. i W. C. & A. U. R. -Oii the applica- tion of the bond-holders of the Wil-' mington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad Company. Ilou. Hugh L. Don-I, U. S. Circuit Court Judge, placed the road in the bands of a Receiver on Saturday, April 13th, and- appointed lion. R. R: Bridgets, the best railroad man in the United States, Iyeceiver. IIe also ap pointed Hon. Daniel L. Russell, of Brunswick county Auditor. His lloncr couli not have made belU r selections for those important positions than he did. Judge Russell has our best wishes in his new field of labor ; may he he as successful a railroad man as he his al ways been a lawyer. ,j Gov. Hampton & Party. The great" Confederate' Chieftain Lieut; Gen. Wade Hampton, made by force cf irm Onvpriior of SKoiil ti Pnrfilina ar . ;. i: . r.:.... 1. i'. i,, , of last week, and went immediately across Waccamaw lake and encamped . . '.i- i m l . on the eouthcrn Danw, wnere, tney hav rfmniii(rl pvrr sinff pnioviinr the v "'-' spori 01 nuuiins uuu iisuiu. i e uavc . Fletniogton.; that;., Ae ;i prty had a splendid time Waccamaw Lake is fast becomiug a fashionable pleasure resort, and justly so, for it is certainly one of the prettiest lakes in the count'y. A llemarkable liesuli. ? t It makes no difference hoy jliany Physicians, or how much medicine you have tried, it is now an established fact 'that German Syrup is the onlyVemedy which has eiven complete satisfcetion Jn severe cases of Lung "Diseases. ' Ntt is true there are yet thousands of persons who are predisposed to Throat aod Lung: J Asthma, Severe Colds, Coughs, &c., who haye no personal knowledge of fioschee'a German Syrup. To such we would say that 50,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint. Con sumptives try just one bottle. Regular size 75 cenu. Sold by all Druggists in WlLMIXOTOjr, Nr C., Arril 17th, 1S7S, To the EtUtor oj ths IW, i a Dear Sir : I wish to present a; few facts for th information of the "Tax rayers.' ";:.;V About a year ago the Board oi Com I m'tssioners of New Hanover county in vited proposals or bids for taking the lux lists, ana masing ana computing I the tax books foe the year 1S77, doing I ii the work necessarr to complete the tame. These bid were as follows: E, fil.McQnigs, l,000, Wm. L. Smith, I soO, Crosier MorrU $750, ami Jo. R Sampson, 1750. 1 n.'... ... ...rded la Messrs. MotrU Bl f75Q. After the I rV nUi-j the t?30 was paid I . rf- i. makUr : ' - . k I misMOOCf for 25 bf Cronley Moms, wbkh was also rid. Tbe Board f CtommMsloners f v i 1 ioe dook nt ?v( i- Tr" ' w Kkl - " , I IM aa WOT C. I Abont the tiate lb wk was given ontby the Board of Commissioners 1 tent a written ,Hiposal t Major Daw ton oiTtrieg In aiaVe out and compnte the tax list the city cf VTUaiiegWo tit t&e Tear 1ST7. lor t4. I ta4 rtfTisj to the records cf tt Hoard e Audit, that Cronley & Morris were paid $250 for makirg up the tax books for 1 877. I find also that a bill for $ 282 25 was also paid them afterwards for extra service, vr making np said books. ,vv '."' Now the two jobs of work were given out for $1,000, and $1,56 i 50 paid to the contractors, giving them a bonus over their bids of $564 50. Now by referingtolhe official minuets of the Board of Commissioners for De cember 3d, 1877, 1 find the following: " Ordered! That ' the proposition of Cronley &, Morris, to list, compute and deliver the tax books of Wilmington Townxhip for 1878, the same as prepared by them this year for $650 (six hundred and fifty dollars) be accented, as final with the understanding- tftlt it cover the returning of the delinquent list." Now the Board of Commissioners agree to pay $650 . for making up the lists for" Wilmington Townthip" 'alone. The other townships of the county, Cape Fear, Harnett, Masonboro and Federal Point are not included, and it is not to be presumed that any one will make them up without compensation. ( We have here not only an unlimited indefinite margin for " Extra Service 'j as paid for 1877, but a definite extra contract to be made before the work can be completed; that is to make the list for the four country townships. I will state this concerning my own bid, that I had been through the work for the county twice, and that , my bid covered the whole work to be done. I am Sir, 'i Truly Yours, E. H. McQuicg. MARHIEO. WOUTH-BRINK.-In this city, at. the residence of the. bride.' father, on Tuesday mom in g, the Kith Inst , by Ilev. E. A. Yates, Mr. Jas. B. WORTH, son f B. G. Worth! K8j..and Miss GBAtIK, Uaughttr cf Cor E. II. BrlDk. i NE WAD VER T1SEME. 'NTS : A Cnrd I EGISTEK OF IF.EI'S.-The un.lersljrn t etl uuiiouiicph bliUNIf n candidnte tor Uei.ter of lceds for a secoud term. 1 hank ing my fricuds Tor haviDK eloctctt me to ihe honordv position, which 1 have modestly en deavored to till acceptably to all for two years, I now wry renectfully ask you to do SO tIKltll). -apll!l-2t JtlSEPIl E. SAMPJSON. Snn aweok l.t your own town. f-iOut-QQ lit free. No risk. Ileader. if you w nuk UUMUIM UL WIIK'Il HTIWI1II OI either Kf ban make great pay all the time in-y wnrit, wrne tor particulars to 11. II vl- kt r a: t o., t-oriiano, Maine. apt l-ly . U e;n i fin n quirt make money faster at work for us inn ntanythlug olite 4 ipltal nut re. eu;wewiu 8UiTti. u prr day at liouin made by the Imlastrious. Men, women, ooys ana gins vania everywhere tow'i'U for Ha. Now la the time. Costly outtitanu terra free. AUUrctus Tuck A Co., AiigiiM.i, Maine. . npi iv-iy 1 WIr v business you can engago In.. $" DljOl'to iJO per day made by toy worker !' either sex. rlchl In their own Ih cixUtien. Iarticalars and Kamnles worth S3 free. Improve your spare time at this busi ness. Add rem S ftssoN i Co., Port land, Maine. , -! , apl 13 ly U . : : BE YOUR OWN- -LAND ; LORD. : DUILDINO L)T HOU.SK-J A FUli SALE At t-, $Tj, l'W. and '' each, on the Instalment flau, , j On Castle. liuroh. Nun. Ann. Orance. Clieslnut. Walnut, Mulbtrry. Ked CniMt, Xlwyno, lUnkiti. trout. JMjsUi, Seventh, Wllnoo. Klsnt, rtintn, vimhi, inariott, Tenth. Kleveulh. Twettb. Thirteenth, aod Fourteenth street. Terms aecinniowtlnj. Money loaned to those wlxhin tobaiM Apply to J AMKH WIl.so.N. apl la tf, - or DAN. O'WX Null. OFFICE TUbU!JUHEH AND CO LLXTO B, Citv or Wit-MiJOTos, N,r April ITtb. l-CS. ARTIE- who waved the adver1t.iiB rf X levlrTAXBs foe lrr. noliflxl to ecus forward iHime,llalfy and ran;tleAwe, and avoid further col sad adrrrUaln;. HENUY KAVAOr. pi l-U Treawirtr. JUII VW KRNER . II. t. riiKMrr-iiT. For n cry of lucbuxtad Farwrly f WERNER & PRESIPERT, lVnonlly in attendance at 1UIR DRESSING SALOON, No. It Nortls Frost tftreet. Sooth ot t lnrcell Ilme, aado. 7 froutb Front Street, iWlLMISGTtl; 5. C " yn bat thewost xperiencrd wrrk men em p loved in thu eidmblwdnaeot. ttjr Manafsctarers of Tonka, Hair Chi, CVkgti, IooraiofSylm, B-an ti&ers Ac, Ac. april llt w tt(Taic that m IW SsAday at hml lx a warnuit ta haarry wkKMwl out tt i wrtH txrt tf Paitsa yLatrakar tMCac Kvar isrt 5rth Catruiaa atsMiMtM csT t tuuUm T. WM. of He.t ssaay 4 RjiMtna. la aa4 rastrt.wtv kaa Sswai aV tsht4 a Waarap mposi hbt w fwtuaflsx; tatawivssttaayss. a4ta4. HrtKT M aay Dakrr, tuaa r Hs Ws iiar M mi aa lsrertT T srti mssv Sw. wt taw. rutsawi acta a k or saua ItukraK. tw Mstr Hia. asiU'i'S ea as mil. anas a raywtrttM. U .. w STav A uuntv sa tix va taraaary 4 trM, aa ta a ajr as A A aV ; C Mariai aaS tKt lots mX NEW AD VER TJSEMENTS 80L BEAR & BROS., 18. 20 MARKET ST.. o FFEU "BO THE PUBL V, A f tlie l LOWEST NET PRICES, ONE OF -THE LARGEST "AND CHEAPEST STOCKS OF READY MADE CLOTHING AND : .;; GENTS FIJRNIMIIN GOODS, . ' , ;'.' ' . ' ' j Boots. -..-. .'.'. - i Slioex, EI at, . - 1 ni and Dry Goods, ; ESla iikcl, Give us a call before purtbasiu? else- wkere. dec 21 tf. COAL CO A li. 1 F OU WANT TO KFEf WARM AND get tho worth of your money, buy your Coal lroui the undersigned. We have the best ! ' I - . '' GRATE cud ; STOVK CUAL. In the market. Also Unit mpirior i ENGLISH COAL. for quick and hot (Ires. . tend the cash and oiiUr&'wIU be tilled prouiptly WORTH A VOSTIl. jau Il-ir D, M, DAHT. PRACTICAL PLUMBER STEAM ) AND GAS FITTER, WILMINGTON, S C, riAN STILL IJE FOUND AT HIS OLD Cluti.l l.uirn.il lNill.llna l'rln. tlru.l where he is pretuired to do all kinds dr work in his llne.eheaier than ever (M-fore ottered tome public lias cvMtMlnuliy ou hand BathTuos, Water CloseU, Wash S:aud, i I'umpa of all dearri''tioa!t, raiu l'ipes, Gas 1'ipe, Gas Fxtures, .Vc IVrsonal atlcutiou given (oall work. SatltiiUon cuaraute-d. decern ber -I it NOTICE. r . v 4 FULL LINK OF DRUu. MKDiClNti. CbetnicslA, Fawy .rticlcj,To.letSoapf. Ae. at the lowest c.u i rice, WiRS .D TOBACCO la great variety. The u taunt rare aad t.rtoaal attruttuu given to preparing preTiptlot, at ; ' KCRUANKS iniarmaey. dec 31 ly cor. Front aod Prior U " ' '. ' ' v.. " Osierlatsr, Carpsalet CaMist Halcr. OPPOSITE CITV II ALL, On Third Street it '' 11 ll-t. Ft'KNISH CVFVTX?. t'AKEW. wfc attewdaaww, at iter wry bonst All orders Oram Use roaaUy frvtafi'f al JsTssMpaisl w"9"V Or4rr Sw Cxp-lw-r a4 CjMact Wa aWtta,sai wt ratfsateM. Wr- aa low aa say ta Use rly. satlT . ' .4 omcstorntK car. in rKxntaLt tttiuu orsv. i xoTiria, IX rAKtimTsWaTUsI THE C tK la.tiniS Sa r-w "f-4 ar wra stnM arts aataa lmmA yamiiat tta max amtn aaasast -JSr I ansa teiaaat ta aaasa mi aw tm eaaaa aitssa sntatM L is. t.ajtixv.rn. HsSMartt ;''"'::''.; .Bltt KEW AD YE&1ISE1IENTS. HENNING & TEEL, DKAXXXS IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE. A KcnrjLTrjRALiiarMErT8. iroh, XiSteel. Nails. Aim. NhuIm. Rlvnil fVU. lars, Hamea, Trace Chains, Plourbs, Caaw IngiS Carpenter's Tools. UlaekannStn'a Bel- oy. I5e, AnvUs, d-oWacoa and Cart tC4Waon and Carl t, Haba Axles. Hol xiaua a xiea, xioi n. Kaivaa FArka. aes.rianIJnea. HookLKInkm Cotton beine , twtns. Flax OllliBf Twlne, Seine Itppev8cale. beam. PoU,felders, Ovens, Fry rans, Ac . : We invite csneclal attaaUoa tn nnr Um ant extensive assortment cf iron Miarz,i ? &&g&XVS w paicea, a wia New Established Hardwsvre Xloase of HUNNIG & TEEL, . Ifo. 0 SXaxkot SU u ' Wilmington If lutircn i PARKER & TAYLOR, DEALERS In! Kerow Oil, stores,, lelals, Buns, Lanterns, Fairbank's Scales, TUMI'S, BRASS AND IBX)N ROSIN STRAINERS. ; i DIPl'ERS, AND SKIMMERS. Manufacturers and wholesale dealers '!-.": M i TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. No.' 19 FRONT STREET, ijun 11 Iy WILMNGTOX, N. C. Visit or Communicate With 'Us. rK INVITE AN EXAMIXATION OF T j samples, prices, terms ana oilers. Have on handand reeeirin? .dattv umnli of Cotlee, Kugar, Molasses; 'Flour, Candles, j a- r.xecuie oraora jot all MwrinUnn, nr lions of prodace. , Want a purchaser for one 100-Hone Iower Double Encine. and Tubular ivif suiuble to drive a-Gotton ? Factory, Mill or 1 Isttllery. Also, three pair i4 feet H tones, with i;eur, Bbafting. c.; will sell low down. 1.We nofcoUate for the purchase and sale of Turpentine Distilleries. Ac . Samples ot Merehandlsa sent Lim, point when renuerted. , - ' vl c PETTEWA Y A 8CHULKEN. inhS-tf Brokers and Coui n Merchant. 5 9 I ct 5 a. N.C. Uincs and JLiqnoru for ; .llctheinnl Ue. march 1 tf ' ; JOHN DAWSOX, UARDWARE MERC DINT. 1I.VSTHE IAROEST AND BEST AK I I sorted stock ot HARDWAKK la this kpart of the KUt. If voa wsnt(HX)l)OOUlH ana i a iw rau i-JS be sore to call at the old established 11 AUUWAKK HOUSE of JOHN DAWSON, v 19 North Market Btreet, dee Jl Iy -. WUmlaton. N.C REASONS WHY P -Mill Y D AY I8 PAIN - KILLER Dal Faailr M?dlciae of the Age ! And why H ahoold'be kept always near at j '- j . band: - " j' !!. ri Kil.u Is tb most cwlaln i liol.ra ears tnat medical sctrace has I proottceo. - . -ud. rai5i-KtjLta as a tHatrnsa and Dys rcsaeay, aeMsoaa u STev saua. 3d. Pt!-KiU-:a will ear Crass pa or Iatus to any fmrx of Um systvso. A Ith KtiUsa will cwfvdrsMtala iu4 i i pai(niiw, u usea aororaia; to currv otb. rais-KiLtjrjB Is an almost krrswatl. I ins ear tHuca Colds, Coks, e. e;h. 1 Va i ji-K i ixtta has prwmt a Jtorsr i KeaaiT fcr rr d Ar. sjh! Cbul f trm;llBMewMlMsMis XiU. Pais K ii4.s aa. a tt asamt ta av . r.Batel sur Fms ttltM. ladlUaisM, j-: uwsns mm,, vsuav Pfwataa, are, . Mhw ratx-Kitxaa tuui cr4 r a ut HbvwsBwitaai asM JifwradgtaaAsvytars tusqisf. ,,Tst,r msas Mia alter lb or asttseaiiaav . k. .... . . . . . . . . aad tawatsr atua, 12k. i-aia-Kitxaa aa lBMWtnr Lkirtv waa km a IT HAlT aartfy agveaata saesaiaiiaa. aaa will' kapst aa4 aaa ta ewer auauhr. TVs I LJ atatamy aiisaiaisui ivs asa na taa craat tirMt at da aay aarwiataly araasrasa ay H. i ist4Uaer tuaa, at aaa4. ' Taa rataKnaasi it . prwti ta ewarr l-aymariaa yfii,aa tn M ta t- et.il ail tsaa awwaty aas saaasi as H i t tat sal aaatv . St a If. ! aar aa a tawgaaaaav verrCsraa I i fw. aiks stw y rwj taa ssjps?fcssla"SssssJI wsVra -isssssl .aJWJ 14 SsswT f a o.ownii j wfciSMB airawaa. aa ran gar a ytT -a r.cujutrAT r Alt K a tL t a Ua swtwwajsa I aa,! I Caaasart iissaaswuV, 2ILSCELLAXEO VS. DAGGINU, TIES, Ac j 5Q Roll aad Half Rolls BAUaiNO, . 9DQ i Bundles TIES.. S Ton HOOP IRON'. SO Keg KAILS. SSBbUKEBOSKXE OIU UQUORS. TOBACCO, and CIO A OS a eialty. dee 21 U ADRIAN A VOLLEfiS. specialty. Flow. Sugar, Meat, Molasses. 1000 mU PLOUBr vriou brands. BbU 6UOAR, of sundry grades. IjO Boxes MEAT, Hants. Shoulders eidctvblrlpa, ttelitca. n Ubds and BbU MOLASSES, QUI oa ox order du set from . " . dee a If" ADRIAN & VOLLEIM CHRISTMiSUOODS. U-VISlJiS, OUANUaS LEMONS. ' CANDY", " CITK02, PRUNES, CURRANTj. NITS. COCOANUT4 and FIRE CRACKERS, For tale by ADRIAN & VOIXEIiS, Wholesale Grocers, . vor., Dock and Front Stm ts. dec 2Mt BOOTS AND SUOES. JUST RECEIVED AN Im If mense stock of LADIES' FOX and MOROCCO SHOES of all varieUes, styles and descriptions also GENTS SHOES i i . . .. UIIILDRENS SllOFS t A specialty. -'" ' -i ' THOMAS H. HOyKV, Jt., dee 21 Iy No. 19 Market slfecl. SALOON. THE OFFICE SALOOiV. i QN TUE BTEET WHICH LEAD FROM the Dawson Dank to the Custom House, IS TIIE PLACK To get Uie very t est NEW RIVER OYSTERS and GAME. All the delicacies of the setHn always on nana. THE THE VEE FINEST LIQUORS At the II A It. and every aUrnlion ald o , cusutmerk. i - C1LL CU IlISTM AS aNI GET . ' ; YOUU IX1G NOG, 4 MERRY CHRISTMAS TV ALL 1 1 - ce2!tf W. M. COLLINS. Furd uarpets. LARGE STOCK, ALL GRADES. LATEST DESIGNS, LOWEST PRICES. AN ELEOANT AKfSJUTM ENT OF CHILDUEN'S C1IAIIW AN II KAT TAN IUJ0KEIIS. Just the thioffor Chrutma Gifts , V. A. SMITH & i.X)., dec 21 tf North Froht Sir -t, FURNITURE F. A;SJI UTTE, SOIJTII FRONT STREET, JEETJJ THE IMlr KpJOi OF CDinCEU AND r.lDLOQ FURNITURE la IW Msls, a4 HikiUM ssasttiis. rr Jkasaa mm atam waitaa CSAira. - NICE LOT OF CAOPLTh I . jAin a e--fta. mmmr s8 I " v X. G KEEN W A LI). krixai3f tjMJ3frt asd smivo ci sins am &xirrs. I lit rt a CarnliSA a3 Ylrf-llS Fa- wrcgjiOKosi Act; Vi :: Jotxr try cixiuintsi rrtltT tS WAJTT CTt50Ha, 1 avsw Xrmmm Vbm, ttatwiw ia.-i.fc, fmr-t a a. aaskaaa taK a ., Sjrraa II ah aasa'aia.SMaa aaS tUt-ttumr riiiai a-s tv-asw a wat . ti ttsaaa a -fjMtw Mtwrtt t; '.,; aa4 a a4M "a - Jptnir.

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