n VOLUME IX. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, F1UPAY, APRIL .26, 1878. Single Copies 10 (kits NUMBER 20 I II II II Ay It x- a WILMINGTON POST ADVER TISING RATES. "t Fiay cents per line for the first in- I ruAirtllT.- ,er."Be lor tiltu iiuuiuuiiat nnciiiuii, i t Plight (8) lines, Noriparejl tyje; cou- titute a square. , ? -" All advertisements will be! charKcd at ,'thp above rates, except on BpeciaT coo Special rate can: be had for a longer .li'hie than one week. - ; - j; The subscription priee to The . Wilt ; siiNuToN xoHi i! t uu per year "Sx months 7$ cents. All com munitions on boHinus should be u'ldresHcd to; The Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. C. r CITY ITEMS. j. Five cents will 'fay your way any where .yon wish 'to ...ride on the streeC We had a slight shower" of rain on Wednesday' n'ghf, . which was very much heeded Wc are. glad to learn that the revival at Fifth street M.' K. Church, is 'still p on the increase, and hope xi may con- tlllUC Hl." A regular free fight occurrtd on the corner of Front and Market streets, on ''Wednesday, between two colored boys, Vroin yhicli they wtre stopped by li 11. King, whogavo them an .invitation to jialk up to the "lock up." A( ii:NrLY Killed. We regretp to : learn of tjio death, of Mr. John V. i Uevvlelt, a son in-law o f Mr. Asa A. iiLiitslieldwho was formerly a rtsident of this city, but latt-ry an engineer on 4 tlie Atlanta and Chattanooga Uailroad, ivlio was kiiled on Tuesday flight la? t, ;Vy lijn engine plunging into a col vert which had be on washed up by the heavy M,'raiiiV - . '.. . '-.' i v The body is expected to. reach hvi'e " t'lis evening; i Fire. The akrni of fire on Tuesday, j was caiiMil ty tne caicning oi inepim : if ithe (hl, wooden building used by ' ! Mr. T. J. .outherlaud for a blacksmitli s'iop, aa fie corner of Third and l'rin- ce, street?, lortunately it was extiu gushed belore any material1 damage wa done. ,. : ' ' ; "And again, on Wednesday, the lire alarm sent forth its shrill notes to warn the good people that there was a tiro on : - ' .r n .1. ' null tfativi. uvai mw VUIMV. ?'v. I rvet, in a store occupied by, Messrs. iliycviVNolatid, as a junk -establidi 'Wirt. The- fire of ignited- in alot of .;laina'gel cottonand , the propTtetors hiiik it initrit have been cauicd from a , nimtk from' .stnne steamer,; passing f through an epeu window. . Ii' estj- final ed at, about $150 No iusilranc?. The following gentlemen comprise stryof the various Episcopal ?s of this city - for the ensuipg j ij t . tlie v j clui relics rfer. We aUo append the names of the WegiitU to the Con veu tion : ! ST. PAI L'S CHUBCH. ?. 1 T W A tL iiuiri IHiI luHrul. Cutlar. AV II. Bernard, IK 11. Mitchell, U. E. Hcide, li. (5. Kankir, W. 15. tales and Hubert Wowl iVhvatos to the Convention-J. W. Alkiiuoi.' Iul$rut Cutlar, V. 11. Mitchell and li. 1C Heide. -Alternates Ii. (. Rankin! V. II, Bernard..'" Hubert Wool and T. H s r. j a m bn ll Vwlrymen-Dr. A. J. DcUoaet,Ja.. In.,...,.. n W tl TknmM W L I itvowt, .1. ll. Uurr,- Alirea iuartin, Joha- L. U'ltwriht. 1L E. Calder, il-rimi i :,!.. z l iiimer A. II. Van- t twiteHeu and James Dawson. Wtrderi and - Delecatea not yet Yennmen-S. L. Fremont,, Jaaiis 1 Wi(i..-i i it..i n iv' Jtr, J ,t l.irritt, I. D. Grainger, IV V II M t irll. II. vmuu, ... x,-...-, - Sttilsh.i t i n-f ai a meet- - . k.r ih- . v.r A -ubAHiuent W Uttir ,w,U Krmont. wa " " . " J I 1 tW vl.i, Mr Wil- HJuator Warden. Atthetawo time Hi. John w wt.nl from ... !toomUon a Swretarv to the , vs avv ... VVd Mr. vEomaa C, DeUo-ei &.u.i f DtlM,.liwM,;..!l.r S. t fcw5kie to tooeuiion- IkFrMknnl 1. 1 ' Twill. . rAk f . Ki-ea..Ji c7: ..., AiatcwO n iier. J H Lid tr W.U. cireen and T. C, Dev , Hrjea Mesara. Alfred Howe, 0.Ntjna,U. C HtltjAbncr Mor lTtioaey, John J. Oeytr, 0. Ason and II. D. Sampson. Mem. -ru.L.i -AlfwJ " ---- - O. Xcnrood. Samuel IUiJ, ai-4J. 11. Jack jn, Joha II. Jrvh D, Saatpwo, 51. a 1UU Brracts while Waddell jokes. Rije on tne strcet care jf y0u wish to become rich. -' ..V Superior Court convened en Monday last, Judge Eure, presiding. 1 A monument will be erected to W. J I', Uariaday lor selling nouses and lots so Very cheap. When are our friend in Raleigh go ing to have another cock fight? "Dan" will get out of trim if they; don't pit him KOtn. . : -h . . ( : Our rpstmaster attended ithe State Capitol while the Executive Committee were session . . Ui course he could not take part in the voting. i hanks t,o Dr. Grim, Superinten- j dent State Insane Asylum, for a copy of his able annual report to ihe Board of Directors of that institution. it ar 1 jh Aft mt lilt i, u. nnt .J nraal. ing law and gone to railroadinir. He thiaksi of trying both as a matter of Variety. ' V ... ' E.veunsLON. There will be an ex-, I cursion party on Saturday next, on the steamer Commodore Jones, around the city to look .at '.hose cheap houses and j lots f James jVilson. ; t We.urulerstand the hardware estab lish uKut of John Dawson & Co., have hl upwards of 2,500 plows darirjg the past season. This is pretty good for one house; and then they jwere all of homer manufactured This ont in cUideivstings,! &c., for plows., i i fn:AMnoAT. We understaud that the tteaiuer Underbill bursted her boiler a few, days ago, buj tfbrlunately no c , , , 1 becond class steam- , ,. . t o used for arryiDg , r T- ' damage was doue; boat) tihould not bo oiucr tiomnvworo a ooau nuiwi iuiauu- ,:"8r . . .i. .: . i I The Alamance Gleaner says i The fly I is tvlxmt to eat up all the tobacco plants, I i and Vio expect it would be 'a good thing I fur i n r farmers if they succeed! provid- I ed they make their work of destruction genera.!.-., JUay be lue loss or one crop j wou'd causo prices to advance to a fay tug price. ; i 'l li ' Robesonian aavs: MaDatrer: Means" seems to ba catchini it all' . . . I ar..una ; acueocK s menus are parucu-1 lar!v heavy on him. We regret that :,ilpr m:iibrH rmwd uut muchi that we I i .1- wouui like to luiousn on- inisi suojeci. There is no estimati.,K the value of the .... 1 1 ... i 1 1 . a opportunity to uapt. cnuiweu. Cvul is so very scarce in this market tli.it the meichants here have te tele graph to New York for t ho necessary amount to pay the duties on their goods. This dont speak very well for Gur large J and : extensive rjanKs. n qeeras as though they nwght , have a sufficient Amount on hand for the acccjmmoda- tion Of our merchants. TIB. Peterson A Brothers.rubUsning Il'niiu in VU n.1nlnh a I'll . IX ODfl Of the most substanUal and rellail6 book ....LU.i,;,rMfaLl,ahmt, In the United i,... Tiri i'rimnn Ksr I world vv..r- r wide reputation lor the very excellent character 6f their literature, They em- ploy none but the best writters, nd hereforei'are entitled to tbe pitrodage Tii Tin- ln I n rerwuition of v him -- - . ----o ; . i ) vshiabl services rendered m pt lfes otthis country in cslablUhing .. -..: I.,..;iihi inil it l 8i;ght acknowledgmentl my apprccia- 0r .iie mnr i.Tori recei ted from ..i .,..hius.M 1 rive the first WIWI ' f ' O . . n..ilT.. , " . ' .i Hd' aud TourUla' Hotel, to i reaa, pril 2tth, 1S7S.T K. f 1 IEBCE. I . ' I . , THE CoSGKESsioXAk CAStASt i wailng warm la the DemocraUc camp, and tluy are not altogether aa lOTtly aa brother ahouia o. me c-uia I - . . . A. . 1 vi. 1 U. .a was a ring master claims uniwvw u.w t . . . . ... him ia the otn waru rwns I . . . i . a a: , kt The Waddcll rtog man naa no j p ina claiih for adrpof tho bteadmaa blood, but frrn all accounts and from . . . av ahki tho lone exptneaco anu no kt mr I , t it . a i !l 1. iy of th Waddeu nng mr, , generally oeUeted thai U U prerrin, Stead man I a rrand amboaCade. anu tnas w"l.ni twnsslbikiiT M. W aTPi th nir tbe 8Haman t 1 w 11 be completely, awprw-. "-r- - - - t,w tur TheWaddellmca eeem UaBOw a. i he aaueu c " T, thai there are other .U i this DUtrici beaUe.' Xw . lttf, imm while they are not aurstag o M1' are workins aht an4 day. WUr their rarorue. r rmm a dwintewted atanJ point, wa are oVthe eplnioa that th. tht h tft ?ab.T4y deteml.e4 oa boO, aUea. andthewtani. TS ta aoa r1" a " m ... - - - .1 . aaMMfWM hat a -tj t. -He w-.- k :M "A w .. - ttiaa fair Cihvceauemea a ww " -dont care ahlchahlp. : . The (Republican State Executire j Committee met yesterday in Raleigfy. J ; , , According to Dr. Griasom'a repoit, Wake county has more insane Iban any other county in the State. We were of Ihe opinion that the popula- tion of that county were' insane and the Doctor's report about confirms our opinion.j ite loung naa Deuer return I tiuranvtlle county, or they will have him in there next, for if any one pre- fera charging that he is in ane he need- not try t prove an alibi by uk, as wo shall not take any such responsibility, t! " . " ' " f $ - - . ' , f I .!..,.. . , omns lopvnicn we taie mucn pleasure in reierrmg our reaaers, oecause we Re lieve it l and can conscientiously and heartily Recommend it. We refer to Hall's HjMr Renewer. We rcmemW j many cases iu our midsti of old and middle aged people who f6rmerly wore grey hairpor whose looks were thin and faded, bit who now have presentable head pilces, and with no little pride announcl to their friends , that they hav'nt aferey hair in their heads. It is a pardonable pride, and the world wnlrl hf hpft.r r.it if ihPr morp of it, for Ivhen the aged make them- selves attractive to others they are more certain win and retain the esteem and respep to which a burthen of well spent years entitle them. Try Halls Hair Reaewer if age or disease has thinned or whitenep your locks and you will than us for our advice. Putt HanMe1S'ms, Wt!!burtj, West la.. Last evtfntng two men iocrpssiog the Cape FeaiL jnst below the mouth of the Brunswick! river, discovcreed a, dark object on r the surface, of the ivater, moving alg slowly. They werfj very much frizjiteiied at first but a.4 tlie ob- ject did nol seem to rnnJitate on attack X , - . ! i ' , i k i i tney rcnjained quiet and watched the ,r . . , - movemenls of the unknowh stranger. ,u;., a i. Kt fKft lnntr ilylrlr form nn Ihn acir' or mnvin! along agai at the current.. ; Ons of the men in the battcau, getting baldei- as the dangeriippcared to lessen, struck his' paddle lin the water, upon which the fish made a sadden dart below t'io, water and came up spouting at a little j distance farther oft,1 and was soon out of view making diagonally toward tie ie eastern shore. . There is jemes on u no ooudi dvk mat it, was a sman uiaa wKala wliirft nrp MomptiniPSS-Oll oflT Olir v r r- ------ - - coast, but rf Dc lieve one neve oeore u u ov Snm nf mir oldest inhabitants mar " V, V I . , TC snowieoge o, .on now ever lUa put in an iappearance a lutie nearer Fayetteville The Story ok "Elizabeth." TBy Miss Thackeray, daughter of William M. Thackefay, Esq., the author of Vanity Fafr," is published this day DT p. B. Tetserson i & Brothers, rhiladelr . . m; Thrlf.rsv noaesses nhia. Miss! Thackeray nosesses the happy and liare faculty of writin aad narraleJ briefly, without bei ig well, being in- Lu.iinri Ll describes succinctlt. without beigabrupt. hurried or un- VW''r P"UJ tioo are happUf exhibited in her ''Story of Elizabeth," ana in me aescnpuTe scenes in-it, shows her intense Benso , -. ...i ..! ...i,.:. Prw" " "l? oeauiy. . " - - Hrr."" ' vw jbmDg freshness, a re- hibts a fine jprccepliou of the various I shades ot character. The volume is I i also juu oi tenaernew ana aeucacv, I exquisitely told, and U altogether a rhirmin- storT. for' DO One PiaU a i sense oi wext ac 1 no bn Kites the thrilling suPrcoriiie with a truer touch. No one could rchh 1 I - . . AM i.Ksrhiinc' hoot thread tnan I -... . .t i Tk..t. I "ine ttory t.iixaoeiu, oy eray. n ia puoiwacu a t1"--.-" decimo Tolume, paper cow, price Fifty Mnt. cloth corer. one dollar a copy, in l,B:frtrm lUL w;th Mrs. Burnett'a i. Miaiiieeu," and rretty IVlly with Dasi'ax uottt a - - . . I - 1 .... i ilh Two War to Aiauimony, wtua i . . . . . n, of Ukline " and "lnat LOTtr 1 - ----- I ' -. 6f M:M. with TTt Aojoora of liHip- . - . odato FruilleW and with I gth ne nd popular i a a m Bovel. "The Red Mill Tragedy," wi h I " . i, . fHlo4 t bj all bookwuera, aU w copi of it l noat-paiJ. o tremiU'es iiajcw-v. I ftaa dollar in ft letter W tae f uo.unn, Z"-- T PtcrJ A Erother. rhil4tt. I T, B. 1 etcnow w I , roi:Md. by P. llibcrtr. ak hU Ut, Ikwk aa4 Mask sere. o I jjMket, Wtwtiea Front a4 Sw4 J ,trtU, WHaalaa. K. C Uaj AwT i i?iaeaUy aaae4 i ataj j, j - T f TLJi I . sk a a w- a W. w W a mm mu uu 1 CT 74 U-?:.ta lAIMIMUI. aa vw..., - ik! W naira!t V Ce- I ta ta Coejrf- A nemarkafcle Besali It makes no difference how many Physicians, or how, much medicine yon hare tried, it is now an established fact that German Syrup is the only remedy wffich has gifen complete satisfaction in BeTCre cases of Long Diseases. It Js trae there are TCt thousands of persons who are predisposed to Throat and Lung Affections, Consumption, Hemorrhages, Asthma ftwra Holds Cono-h wno haye no personal knowledge of Boschee's German Syrup. t To such we wouu 8ay tnat 60,000 dozeu were Bold year withoat one complaint. : Con- ait ev f wra .1af Ana Knltlft -' T?flrrtl1av OUUlUTCO IJJ JUOV WUV WVVIOi AWguaaaa, size 75 cents, Sold by all Druggists in Ametic;!i " The heart bowed down by rief and care " is too often wtcjuHed, merely be- cause the body is diseased- Dr. Hart- er's Liver Tills, and Dr. Barter's Iron Tonic will, in most cases, reinvigorate the frame and banish gloomy thoughts For sale by all druggist. 2t. ! .fery man may be his own physician, " "c W pi"u "c auj, and uses the remedies they presence- All druggist and dealers have them. 2t. ' The Elizabeth.. City Carolinian says : We bad supposed that ability and puri ty of character intellectual and moral fitness were the essential requisites for candidates for Judges of the Supreme Court, but on reading the heatod con troversy now going on in the Demo- I -fii c'i : l .1 V?vi " accui mail no uiau nuu iau i iu uiira partisan has any show for the noaiioa tipn. Because Chief Justice Soiith ha3t ia the exercise of the functions of his high position,' resolutely ignored all po litical influence and partisan bias the " - Bourbons , from one end of the btate t , , . the other, are denouncin' him. J - 1 NEW AD VER TISE3fENTL, Notice. ' : f NV ILMI NUTON, N. C. Arril 25. 1ST. IAj IV-UU Liquor Dealers are hereby uotllledLthat their Licenses expire on the 30th lnsl.,und before engaging further in the buinc8-,4Ue Law, under scc.il Revenue Ai, requires them to file a IVtltion to take out Llccns, RnJ, If granted, obtain an cr- tier the Sherlfl, from the Board of County Otinhils&!oncrs. .Sal 1 License daii begrant- .'"...- i "... .j oil for twelve months and for not lees than th re monthi. j J. K. S.VMrSON.X ;11M-I ' . I Itepistcr'of Deeds. 'IMiH Is ti elve notice that a warrant In L l:ukru-y ban (ustbren Ihui1 out of the IMhirU't Court of the United States for ! tbe.Ow Fear ltistrict of Nortli Carolina H 'in.tt the estate of William I. Currle and Jphn Ixnch of rfhoe Heel, tn theeounty of Robeson, in ctid Histrlet, who have been ad Indeed ai-iinnrupi upon ( net r own petition: that the im mcnt of any debts, and the de livery of any -prwerty beloneina to said lunkruptioti meui or lor ineir ukc, and tne roperty by rhem.are forbid- j (nn bylaw, rh That a meeUni: of the rredllom of said bankrupts, to prove their debts, and ehnotte one or more aitsiguecsof their estate. win be una si nvourtot ifainKruicy to be holden at rHi elteville. N t. lefore Wm. A Uuthrle, Vn-. Itrgtater in Itankruptcy of said ;uifirici, n toe lMn day or May, A. I. 17S at iu o cioca , a. m. ! J. U. HILU may 36-2w V Marshal for said District A Card. F.uISTER OF DEEDS. The undersiso - I V ed announces himself a candidate for Kecisterof Deds for a second term. Ihaok- I Ids my friends I Ing my friends for bavins elected me tn the .-"S?, on, wnicn i nave moaesuy en nil acceptably to all for two fno ter very respectfully ask.you to do so ajrain. ' apll.a JWEIllE.!i.lMPStN. a wreck In your own town. ,.CKit I nillltfitf. risk. IUader. ir you V want a business at which personsof either sex can make ureal pay all the lime they work, write tor wniruiars lo ll. iiau- UiTr tv., twwana, Maine. aplhKly , i T"r ran make money faster at work for us I I than atansthtuff else Capital not re IJ quired ; we will start you. f CI per dy.l at home made by the Industrious. Mro. women, boys and flrls wanted everywhere m wrk ft us. ' Now Is he time. 0rty hiai mnA i.mi freK. Aildros Tin a CO I " m . " . - - . . i AuxuAta. Malua, apt y BE YOUR OWN LAND LORD. j, v CU1LDIXO U)T, RH! 19 LOW Hi ULl 1. At !.rMi tw ad w. ta tastalmeat pua, Ostle. 0.arrh. Naa. ,r! Waiaut. Mattwrry. Red Om. uwyaa. Raakia. Ftt. sta wH. .1 . . vtk asL (.tartest. 1- TVtss naii"it. MdKT aa4 1 wt.i "jtU;. iiSiC! joiix w note a Fwnawry 4 Krhaaaae Vs. I it, c rntJirrRT. wvaety 4 tM wravN.C PRISPEST, rtnooiily ia atlemliare at HJUR DRESSIKG SALOON, ia U Not Froat ln&Me4 1 ... Mi-M- v t jii WILillXGTOK, X.C . u av a, battm ttr ivwe wm aw w11- w- " ka exrWyed ia tib eaCaUsatat. t.-f lAaaAtarer eC Taaka. Halt tXUO'Ca. Jeraae. Pre, liaaa- UirtH afrU 15-u ' M ; KEW ADVERTISEMENTS SOL BEAR & BROS?, , i .....'. 18. 20 MARKET ST.. QFFER TO THE TUDLIC, AT the LOWEST NET PRICED, ! ONE OF THE LARGEST AND - : CHEAPEST STOCKS OF READY MADE CLOTHING .; AND , ,r ,V' -CENTS i FURNblllNU GOODS, , 'X - - 1 . Doo(f. ' ' ;.!: ' . . Allocs, . ' 1 4 : Hats, - Caps stud Dry oodT Carpel in?, ; j . H 1 Give us a call before purchasing else- w aere. acc Zl li. t COAL COAIi. T V YOU WANT TO KVfcl WARM AND get the worth of J our money, buy your Coal lroru the uutlcrblsnei. We havo the best GRATE and STOV1-: COAL. Iu the market. Also IuhI snperiiw ENGLISH COAL. for quick and hot Ares, Send the cash-an-ltordt-rs will be filled promptly WPUTM A WJr.TH. Jan ii-ti. I), Mx DAUT. PRACTICAL I?LUMBElV STEAM AND GAS FITTER, WILMINGTON, N. C, i QAN STILL HE Of ND AT HIS OLD stand. Journal lUiildinr, Princes html. where he is prepared to do all kind oi work In his line. cheaper than ever brfore ottered to the public lias constantly on baud Bath Tuna, WaUr ClostLs , Wash S'atid-', l'uuipa of all dcis'-rirtiun. 1 Draid 1 ipes, I ' t iijn-. I v,s 1 'P"; i uss riiurps.vr.. v. rcrsonai attention given to all work. Satlftthi'Uon rusrantocd. deccmber 21 tf I 1 " . r. - -y xotic:i:. ll'C LL Ll N E OK DR LTU. M E D.CI fi C'hctn lcsl F ocy Art lclcsTo( let aw p4, a c at the lowest cn-ib prices. CltaiRS AND TOBACCO In great v-irrty. TVntBol careasd pcnonal aileatloa clvca t rrTria ptwcnptioa, at ' r.VRr.ANKs 1-hArmacj, dec 3 ly cor. Kroet and tSinrua sts lOiierlaUr. Carpiler ai Callist opposite err v ualu On Third Strett iu. rrRNteii arris. ca.ket. wtlh attcaidaac. al t rn Hrt All eeOers (ruai tk eawatrr peaasMiy 'a- teaaed x twites ft. Cra!r as4 tU4t S'tk j I uthrltea. aad t Waraaslwwaa ay la tbe rif . i orncnoF thk t, ncTnai. 1 IUILWAT vi)rtT. I ariun.ai 3. IV, Mr t. IV. J ASM V1 a fvOWVkCLPtoewvXacswrraake sawraaaA mttw a:-a ( w?i w nffiw i atMaM prhw a taw mm m turn fmmmt tv Arm iat. m aa nmm fcat easwit A4ri NEW ADVERllSEMENTS. HENNING &TEEL, ' ( DKXLESS IS ''; :v FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC . HARDWABE. GRCULTTJRALIMPLKMENT8. IRON. Btet. Nails. Axe. BMdML KhoTeU.Ooli Ura, HimM, TrM Chains, Ploughs, ilwU ing, (Jarpenler' Tool. KlacksmiUi'a Bl- iow, vices. ADTlii, dra. Woa aaacmri Wheel. KiiHB. SpokeHaba Axlw. Hoi. low Ware. Bod. Twin. Knlvaa rarki. Spoons, Brushes-Fish Lloec, UookaJslakm. Cotton Seine Twine. FUx OiUiniTwtn. i-elne Bepe, Scales. Beams. PoU. 8idera. Uvena, Krjr ran. Ao. We invite especial altemtloa to oar lam ! an t extensive assortnteBtor IRON, selected I expressly for Bmlths and learners' nse, all ! ot which, and much more, we offer at low- e uices, at tne . . New EsUbllahed Hardwr House) of If o. EXajrkei St, 4 Wlhrnlnctom, XI. C. march 1 PAREEB & TAYL0D, DEALESS 19 Kerosene i Oil, Stores, Metals, Gnus, Lanterns, Fairbank's Scales, ' PUSH'S, BRASS AND IRON ROSIN I STRAINERS. ' VIPI'ERS AND SKIMMERS. Manufacturers and wholesale dealers - in v ' TIN AND SHEET IROH TARE, Jan II ly WILMINGTON, N. C Visit or Communicate With Ui.! WE INVITE AN EXAMINATION OF v.? Ha of Ce sample, prices, terms and oflera. Have on hand and receiving dallr samples of Collee, Sugar, Molasses, Floor, Candles, t otip, Meats, Lard, &c s Execute orders for alt descriptions of Mercbaadlse. Receive and sell alfdncrln. noun ui pruuuee. " I . . r . . . want a purchaser for one 100-IIorse rower Double Engine, and Tubular Power, suitable to drive a Cotton Factory. Mill or i isiuiery. aiso. mree pair 'i lel H tones, with Gear, Shafting-, tc; will sell low down. t"L We necotiale for the nnrrhiiM ud sale of Turpentine Distilleries. Ac Haiunles of Merenandlse seat so mt point when requested. rrnTEWAY k SCHULKEN, . ruhMf Brokers and Oom'n Merchants. a. vvaMtNGfo,, N.C. If inch and , Liquor for Hcdu in al Use . j march 1 tf j "-. JOILN DAWSONj .--J niKDWIRE ISIERCpiNT. HAS THE LARGEST AND BEST AH orted stock ot HARDWARE la this part of the State. Ifyc and UW PRICKS! be established HARDWARE HOUMEof JOHN DAWSON. U North Market street, I WllsntatVon, N.C doe St ly 37 REASONS WHY PEURi DAV18 pain-killer . M TBS . j . . i :, Bjt Family Medicine of the Ag ! - i - i . .- And why It should be kept always near at lt. r.U-KiL4.u U the bmbA ecrtala iltoU ra car that kaedleat sdeaee aa produced. ?id. raix-KiLLca. a a tHarm-a aad Dys- rutcij irbhj, milium u ever sans ltd. pAtx-Ktt.Mua will cwra Oraaapa eel i nin in an j pan or um ayainaa. iole do usually affects a care. . tilt rAix k'ttua will cure i I od tatioo, if used aseoruaa to dlrcc- tMSK. Mb. rAi-Kit4-aa tsaaalasostaeverlall- , iaaaure tor Boddwa Oirtda. Ota. 4U ! fcib. rai-KtUMai baa prwv4allovtreiw Reaaedy aw 1'rver a4 Aa,sd oJil t ever; n naa cwrra we : rib.. rAix Kttxxa as naateat ks aa- i 'equaled- aw rw Bitsaw tlaiMatas, irus. nrj, wwta, rpraiaa, a, (ftk. Pi-KttXJi tut ewred eases - Xhewttasa aad rwrmtiaaasytair 9ta. fjnv Ktt4atwia lnw BoUs.rs- 1 on. afcttkestMIeris,tivto(Niief iw paiw sorer yaw am aapiMiMiiaa, Mkv rsrv-Kttxam rarrs lit h. FAtv-KtLLaw wta ae ywsj dayssd . aes-e and aaaay a dudaif ia Uase ' a4 tttr4 bAua, UUs. I'ata-auutaw haw bssa kwAwa taw pMjewuurnrwaaa ewy assaJr. Taw SiSt4iSUr waatates'ssi1 aretpa . - My sw Aaeey eewtonsied a? M. ia f I saake It Is w A4a aw i MmMlASiMUlf Slnrl Tsw t sis-atiLxaa ta'aww fcawwaM i fnastaw ta wwary owanaf M "aytAfawa fii.inisa mi I Ml tanr et a eaaawe mmT aw latll mm ti aa ii.taw. uwhsbmi. t wmMHtnpi ia, twrrnn r. aa sweaty t a iwa wj i tinl m taw aaw kef mim. , jmm - i yaaw'-s . w r . . JtX AEa T l . "- .i 1 4) F inlX aae 1 waata !. aaa, a . .wL,w-wa) saK.fMttk4. k. kw Jrr. ttk4 : , . i.walfaun att4at MISCELLANEOUS. DAGGINU, TIES, Ac 50 Ud Balf rvoX1 BAUOINUf 500 Bandies TIBS. S3 Tons HOOP IRON. SO Kegi KAILS. S Bbl K EROS EX K OHL UQUORS, TOBACCO, and CIGARS a- specialty. deeXltr ADRIAN VOLXXR8. Flour, SngWj Meat, Moltsses. 1000 &ttorLOURrvarlous brands. ' S BbU SUUAR, of suudrjr crsdes, IjO Boxes MEAT, I lams. Hhoulders 1 ' idee, btrips, UeUlee. ' a Ubds and Bbls MOLAUSCf , Call on or order dliect from dee a U , ADRIAN 4L VOiXRd CK1CIIST3I AS GOODS. lUVLStNS, KASUl.H LEMONS, CANDY, CITRON, PRUNES, CURKANTd, NUTK, COCOANUT3 and KIKE CKACK Kits, ' For sale by ADRIAN & VOLLEKS, ' , Wholesale Grocer, Our., Dock and Front Streets, dec 21-1t BOOTS AND J UST RECEIVED AN Uu mense stock of LADIES' 4- FOX and MOROCCO SHOES ' 1 of all varieties, styles and deacrii'tloas; also GENTS' SHOES In every Imaginable style. CHILDREN'S SHOES A specialty. TIIOMA II. llOWKY. I:, i dec 21 ly No. 19 Market street. SALOON. TOE OFFICE QN THE 8TEET WHICH LEADS FROM the Dawson Rank to the Custom House, 18 THE PLACE To get the very best NEW RIVER OYSTERS and GAME. All the delicacies of the season always on nana. ''.'--" . I THE THE VERY FINEST UQUURS At the BAR, and every attention paid to ' customers. C1LL CURISTMAS AND GET YOUlt EGG NOG. A MERE Y CHRISTMAS TO A l.U deeltr W. M. 11WLL1NH. Furniture, uarpets. LARGE STOCK, ILL GRADOi. LATEST DESIGNS, LOWEST TRICES. AN ELEUANT AKKiikl MENT OF CHILDREN CHAIRS AND IUT- TAN UOCKERJ?. Just the thlojfor Christmas tlifU 1). A. bMlTll A. C., . dec 21 If s. North Front iiUec!. . FURNITURE. " R A. 1 SO JI U X-r E, SOirrU FRONT STKEET, K CQIHESR AND P1R10U FURNITURE Ia ta Mt, aawl Jrt eaaaaattisw. Fas XJava,La4W a4 Mm l.ailAJi .' . ' llsair. - xicc lot or cAnrtTH MATTTNTS 4 rwrjiMM wtissJ'r M4 ta a CUKTU.-IC 1 UJJVK4i lUt. eata at : -..--.'!- - N. GItEENWALl). I U tJO - i.; V; HSIES 150 WITS, nrxiaioKixs aetiox. a. Ctrl ' Ottr: : .:''JUrC!: xa xrjcrT ataxjT. eSslBSsiftaaHasf )a Cs aa miiT ar t wast cjrniim. 1 at"1.' Tw tiidwiL bcHSSv fmt fc.f lpa, pii-nalM'. 'rk. a . aarf mi a ma m-wwuii r . w tia ' s1 ""' aw smm aa ue ). shaAjji rttwd iuafflL'ras IliWiwa ss lK :: - , - k,awAarMai.' ;