V - -- - . - w ... . , j i. - w rr a- m .. . I f y S IS I r w-- VOLUME IX. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. MAY 10. 1878 Single Cpfes 10 Cests NUMBER 21 11 " WILMINGTON POST ADVER TISING RATES. Fifty cents per line for the first in sertion and twenty-five cents per line (.ir each additional insertion. i Kight (8) lines, Nonpareil lype, con stitute a square'. ' -' , ' All advertisements. will he charged at the ahove rates, except on special con tracts, f i I t, . ; ' . . Special rates can be. had for a longer time than one week. - t' The subscription priee to Tub Wjl- urVIITllV 1YISIT 14 1 (Ml rrr . -twr. i AlWminuaicrtion.sonbu.siiieHalioulJ T ln 'iililrpatA(1 to " Tup. Wii'mvrmv ' 1'orfT, Wilmington, N.-C. '. Cli Y H'EMS. The Cape Fear Artillery had a drill on Tuesday.. ; ' .Splendid,.; rajn .'since last-: issu in lie-c parts. . IV. Col: John ( lordon had his b;itlil- ion gut for drill.on Wednesday. i ' ' ... . -Marshal Hill made a short vii t to Wilmington Wednesday night. ; .l.udgo Kure, left for Onslow on Mon ".day last,, where he goes to hold court. Col. W. S. Pearson, , of Morgantoiii -Miti the city attending) the'.'-Episcopal convention. : 'Mr.jW. FJ Lcssman has opened a rr r; .J-iirif tit..... fi'irlinr .if Mlt-lif " :itlll ater streets. . , ..K?k Judge Cantwell went! to stales villc on Wednesday to'- delivpr the me morial adilrcss. . 1 " M r. lvugene.'-Malttqt, was idected a KiciiU naut in the Cape Fear Artillery on' Friday night last." S ... Mayor 'Fishblato is .in Fayctteville on ahort visit. You had better hurry home or thingsr will get right. Fishey. - , . Chas, iKiuK was before U. tS.Coinmis- VtomT '.c'liuigg, on tho charge pf pass ing : tountci fciymoney. . No decisiioii. lr. T I!. Carr has invented a dredg ing macliine which is verv highly s.ok cti of. We hope ho will make a fortune . out of it. Col. J. W, Atkinson refuses to be re i coneiled by the Waddell men by being h the delegation to the Cingri'6sional Convention. ' - j, A .small house belonging 4o .Mesrs. Northrop Sl Cirmming on 1'th and Ann streets, .was ".burned on Sunday lasl. l.-cs about J lldO. Fully innirtd. The Tlook'nnd Ladder "company was it on parade on the 7th, enjoying their . .' i I ii i m versa ry: Jiiey tiau a gruuu umu cr the.good things of life atnjht. Uohii Merrick was very badly hurt by Tailing in :i tar barrel at Messrs. Ulos- Uom F. vans'- d'stillery iu the tipper part of the city. - It is likely to prove (tt'riiur. . : - -. i ; ' ; The store of Messrs CUrk & Curr'io at Clarkton, ou the C. C, 1. ail road, was entered on last Friday niht bv bur; glars and goods,; watches, knotjey, Ac, . taken therefrom to the value of. 0. ..To day being the 10th of May, iis. Confederate Memoiial Day. There, 1 ill be !a larire turniut of the ladles and cUiMrci i,' us well as the businese nitMi o 'will be men of; the city. Most of the stores losed. . j . : Mcssik Fd. Kidder. Donald MclUe, A. 4. DeUosset, Uco, Freuch, Lat Minor, V. A." Wright and W( H. Mc vtc. re elected directors of. tho Wiltu'fugion (jai-Light Company cn Tuesday, last. -" I A pronc by the name of lajwi 'Uud toj escape from Special iVputy aentrpavi, on last Saturjay, when quite f lively hae took place. The Twttisthe prisoner will be kept in cWe confaicmeut by the SheritT. The tirej at Mr, jJohn F. irrall plutiiiv ncr thlJcity, on tat.Frida nigbf.diUroyevl hi smoke house with about worth of idovUion. The . buildiu' was Valued at $100, and the ; insurance on the property wa tSOO. I The llepublican par ia North twin, and the pliicee toy rub" lihd at, are as follow : ; Wth Clt ; Spirit tftk4&iK,VZxXig Utt ;.4W(vi. SUtceTille: NtSitUt lirtaboro ; Pivmttr, Atherille ; Rfjb ; futu, Winton j Pwr, Wilmlogtoo. i- ,.'... ' - ktr. O. CurU. out Try tffiCKot Uuraatine Phyxlcian, ha (fne to New Uaaphire for a wife. We report him Yaece be ahould be turned out at it hitios to import a carrel fn.m hv Uaaapahlre foe a tct 1t ialf-Un Wifcj the itaU tkt ulor AhWt U froh. ;. ; ;:, t.;. . - I , -r, ' ; A young Democratic lawyer, a friend ' to Sinj. Ste'dman, says he does not mind I beins beat by Cot. Waddell's friends, but "be does hate like ;thnnder having to go down into the grand jury room and swear before a new convert to Democracy for admission into? a Dem- ocratic convention." Jle should not mind that for the ne.V converts seem to be managing the Democratic party. . The Episcopal convention forj North Carolina, met at St. J&mes Church in this city on Wednesday, the Stir inst. The Kt. Ilev. Thos. Atkinson, Bishop of Noil h Carolina,.called the conven- tion io . order. The Assistant Bishop, Kt. IU-v. Theodore B. Lyman, was also prcsent. The convention will be in or of the citVj a Dcmocrat wa3 repeat-ses-si -h ell this week. Wre will give a iv i-n,i k tuk Worl,inti condinscd account of the proceedings in our next. . s . '"- .... . Cannot tlic Ulayor'and'othcr officials do something to stop so much crime in our city. We are afraid they'are entirely too easy with criminals. When you find a person is guilty of violating the law punish him properly and he will not be so apt to do so again. ' But if you suspend judgment on the many promises they make, you will eucour age crime. Heavy fines arc the only re'lO'dy. X The Republican campaign in this cou 1 is likely to be a vcr lively one; Tiier; are at' least forty aspirants for e:ich ofiice. The Democratic party, in this respect, beats the Republican par- ty, for every Democrat you meet wants a poa'iibn, an'd thinks JMr. Hayes ip- tends the republicans to vote for them, In this,' however, they will be siista- KlvX. for republicans wil.l. VOTE I Poll ONK HUT CiOOD.ASO ION IlEPUIlLICAks. 1'RUF.; UN- I'iie proprietor of the Wilmington Ssa JSide Railroad is extending his track oil Fourth street from Fourth and Red Cross to Market and Fourth streets, which will make it very con venient for peisons living in that local ity. The line will then-run from Hil tun to Castle fitroct, a distance of about twV' inilef; the other cross', line from -Oakd.ile Cemetery, around Front street and up Market stroct to Canaday's Fark, the length of this route will be about three and a half miles, besides this lie is having all the street cars put in thorough order. Voung A. P. Howe, a soa of Mr. Al I lied Howe, of this citv. is a candidate for Register of Dejnls, or as he. says in this iMie of the rosr.hc is a candidate fdr the nvmination from the llepubli- J can Convention., l oune Howe is in every way fully qualified, and we know u4 no one who would " fill the position I better than he can. Then he comes out like every Republican should doj and j says he is a candidate for the nomina lion; If nominated, then he w.ill run, j otherwise he will not. We call the present incumbents att ution to the wording of young Howe's card. Messrs. Petta way a Schulkin. We call attention to the ad. of the above firm in this issue and it gives us pleas ure to state that these gentlemen are meeting up with great succesi on ac count of their fair and prompt dealing with their customers, and no one who deals with then once Will ever leave them. They are prompt iu attending to business, and beius well posted they are able tJ give perfect satisfaction to those who patronuotheni. Ihcy keep on Water street mine very pan oi ine .... ... .. . . r .1 business center ot the city ana conven- Idetto their country friends, as well as to mercantile community. - Give Messrs. retieway j?cuuiih . . . ..... . .1 It! call and be con vinccd of what we say. tLr.n ..ir.nro i a matur V'a x J - - - 5 1.5..1. .inr frlond and acouaintances have a right to a: rh.iu whether we shall iiitlict upou them an exterior" un- a nance mirrcd by a neglected grixaled . . - - .titi. f rinP a.. iinair -1 l ra am. a -a in l...lf I tV.Mh.l with whltA v f . i.i i ..i.kl. U lr. Thr more accepUble than Hal la Hair lie- uore aci . . newer aou uvu5.. whiskers. IVUi thes preparaUons are TV. -11 j 5E .ri icali ..i.t make, note of lU , .V T We tHiUlsh the rroceedinss th er column, of the Democratic Coaxta Won' held Satardiy Ut wrt room to this city. The most iatemti atiiacUott that took idaca, was Ue wtta. field as aa aptrani we WOOgTW. aa llaior took the orPrtT T7 fd WaJdeir Pa Ut week in this city. The; speec'i of Maj. Sted- man ia very pointed and was not rel- laheJ by the Waddellr delegates at all. H"e told them in yery plain language that they , had lied on him and his friends and they knew it. And while he acquitted his opponent, Coif Wad- dell, of haviag any hand in the lymj: business, he did it in such a manner that every one could see that he thought Col. Waddell was at-the bead and front of the whole of it. It was, take it all together, one of the most scathing speecheB we hare heard in a long time. The Convention was boistrious in the extreme.1, The delesratea on each side exhibited the most intense -and bitter Leline towards one another.1 The mav- and theit rriemu nt Col. Waddell has gained a strong hold; he now leaves his county with a unanimous delegation, which is a grand send offid the District Convention, and in our opinion, will give him the nomination for a fifth term.. His friends, are very jubilant over their success in carryiitjr, Xew Hanover for their" favorite. CurTiso ScrApe Twp Bad ly hacked OJr 'jsu. bERiovsLY Wouxded A serious cutting scrape occurred on Tuesday night, .about 12 o'clock, at the old W'hitfield house, on Front, between .Church and Castle stre:ts, between two nien employed on the Revenue Cutter Colfax, named John Wesley Foley and William Yer by; Jfoley got a'cut on the right side of the leg, extending nearly the entire length of the thigh, and reaching near- ly or quite to theboue, another cut on the right cheek, penetrating nearly to the cavity, and still another cut on the right ear, a portion of which was near ly eyered in twain, altogether consti tuting serious and dangerous wounds. His under garments are badly slashed upv, Foley alleges that Yerby com menced the assault on him with a razor, inflicting the wounds already described on his person. Justice Hill had Yrby arrested and ordered him to give ajjus- titied bond - in the euuisof.$300 for his appearance befon? bis court on the 18th. instant, in default of which he was lotlgcd in jail. Foley, w bote woiicds are considered very serious, as we have stated, is con fined to his room, on corner Fourth ana vasue sireeis Cutting Afhh No. 2 A WiiiTt Man DAXGEnoisi.Y Wounded Ar rest of his Assailant. On Wed- nesday evening, about 7 o'c'ock, a so nous aflalr occurred at the saloon of Mr. John Haar, Jr., (u FroutiStreet. A corn doctor, who gives his name as Charles Brown had been playing cares in the back, part of the saloon most of the day, with tirst one and another. During the afternoon Mr. George Sul- Iivan happened in tue saloon, wnen tne corn doctor bantered him for a game of euchre. They played for some , time, being pretty drunk audi very Brown irritable, when Sullivan left the table. Brown commenced abusing him, charg ing him with taking advantage of him. Sullivan denied the accusation, remark ing to Captain McGowan, who was try ing to quell the trouble, that he did not want to have any fuss in his bar. The corn doctor kept following Sullivan up, cursing and abusing him,, and finally called him a "d d Irisnsonof ab h," upon which Sullivan knocked him drtwn -nd punished him'vcrv seterelr I . ' . . ' about the head and face. Capt.Mc 0owan 8UCCecdcrl in separatice them. aod guuivaa 8urted to leave, Brown bean repeating his remarks, when he . . w&, knocked down and beaten b Sullivan until CapU McOowaa sep- tcd them. They got together the I . wut, rwni B Sullivan up ana curaing mm, aad as the latter was about turning on I from him Ikown Ubbcd biro in sete- a - . tbe blood -the wound.. The wounded man was taken I "P vu wi v . , I I C.1t:. kr.ltri t.r.Mlv I mm 1 IOUOU chui m" """V " 7 " luicrr onUl other rhciao could be . - 7 - ""for. poa ur were drtwed., Aneffictr of the police bo Wpcd label. tbeb- bothood.ari" , ..t - t. armed with a targe rasor and a Usee bat was fcnallT Ukeo oiT to the guard I hotue ol Kxked. npC - 1 jjn Sullitaa kit great deal of I Wood, Hit ulea to hi hoae, ia 1 ut4 ether fart ef the eny. cn a Ut- 1 1. I tUketa fwba a MNnda takt haadred rid) lx3fJ a hkadrvd. ttttj rema caa aow tide oa the street Ladies who value their complexion should preserve their health, and should guard against a torpid liver. Dr. Hartcr's Liver Pills cleanse from all impurities, and the Iron Tonic gives freshness and vigor. j 2t It is only in the most fertile sections that Fever and Ague become a scourge. Happily for our. race, Dr. Hatter's Fe ver and Ague Specific is an infallible remedy for all forma and degrees of ma larial disoruer. i. ' , , 2t. The Supreme Court of the State of New York has decided that J. C. Ayer I s. r t li i -L ii l t . , I , vu,, ui uoweii, nave me boio ngnt 10 I . V-V..J I medicino. and has issued an injunction I agaiust F. V. Kushton, of New York CltV. fnrjSpltinfT P.llBVilr'a 1 J w " .M0uwaa a vuvii J- a. vv . toral or Cherry Pectoral Lozenges, or any other use of the name to deceive the public. This decision of the high court includes all dealers who sell any similar article. iVr Jeffttson IL. I. Leader. An Astouiahinir Fact. A large proportion of the American people are to-day dying from the effects of Dyspepsia or disordered liver. The result of these diseases upon the mass es oi intelligent ana valuable people is most alarming, making life actually a burden instead of a pleasant existence of enjoyment and usefulness as it ought to be. There is no good reason for this", if you will only .throw aside prejudice and skepticism, "take the advice of Lbruggists and your frieuds, and try one bottle of Green's August Flowers. Your speedy relief is certain. Millions of bottles of this medicine have been giv en away to try its virtues, with satis factory results in every case. You can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents, to try. Three doses will relieve the worst case. Positively sold by all Druggists on the Western continent. Meeting of the Carolina Yacht Club. The regular-annual meeting of the Caroling Yacht Club was held on the 6th iust.. at the residence of Com modore Wm. A. Wright. The.minutes of the last ipecting were read .'and ap proved. ' The Purser's report was received aud approved. . An election of officers being entered nto, resulted as follows : Commodore Wm. A. Wrights Flee Captain U. A. Wiggins. Flag Captain E. K. Burruss. ' Purser Jown J. Fowler . All of the above are re-elections. (.Joverning Board I. B. Grainger, Waller Coney, John M. CazaUx. Measurer Wm. A. Wright, Jr. Two new members were received, and one more yacnt, the Restlcs, was en rolled in the yacht squadron. The meeting then adjourned. After the adjournment of tho tnect- iu of the Carolina Yacht Club, the Governing Board held a meeting, and elected upon the Regular committee Messrs. John J.' Fowlor, Norwood Giles and S. P. Cowan. V'vil btiv vvi iij ivvv vm tiawuitviiiij' Messrs. C. D. Myers, Geo. A.. Peck ana Berry Gleaves4 The annual dues were then establish- 12 00, the saras as. last year. The meeting then adjourned. SE )V AD VER TISEMEXm , ANNOUNCEMENT: . 1 HKKLIU" anu uuee in Mir as a caudt- ante for Sheriff. ulject to the approbation 1 of the BcpuMlcaa Convention. :i jonx liTNonwooD, To the Voters of New ' County I HEUEBYaonouuee taiyself a candidate for the om of nftt?rf IVtsi of 'fW Hanover Ctouuy. tubject to the decision o the llcpub lean Nominating Convention. A. r. HOWE. WILL OUR FRIENDS SUSTAIN US i By Vout liberal patronarje jo enable us to keep price within reach of alL Call and examine oar stock and prcce oar gooos. Meal. Drr Salt aad ikaoied Haaw Sdc,j aad Shoaldera, Lard, totter, av, Cracker, Floar, Sagar. WoUs- sc Co5ce Mscksral, Canned Goods 4 M MtUr Saa. CaaJlcSL CUimIT. i r," x ' rJL IWJMV vjaJis, awawn. i"-p, Dried Applet aad reaches, reaUrj. ISS'Ae., Acw- : 6hteee. all aaaUties aad rue. At WheleJiJe aid EaUiL rBTTEWAT 5CHULKIX, Brakrni aaJ Coaamisaa Ucrxhaats kfrs.u yeVW'e him w w ta. a l"-a mms a VTaUf ttreet, ",., NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TAX LISTING. J WILL be In attendance at thp Cily Hall oa SatarUfcjr, Jane 1, 1878, l 3 o'clock, A. and for the next twenty working days there after, for the purpose of receiving the Tax U3t of the Inhabitants of thl3 city and 9 ' township upon all subjects of taxation which axe to be listed for State, County aed City purposes. C11 nd Mtbetwee4 9 A. if. and l p. if. and 3 toe P. M., cacV working day. - JOHN S. JAMES, J. F ; may-10,21,31. Tax Llater. . JjUi, iJUJAli & 1)KU0., 18. 20 MARKET ST.. QFFER TO THE PUBLIC, AT the LOWEST NET PRICEs, QNE OF THE LARGEST AMD CHEAPEST STOCKS OF READY MADE CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Boot . Shoes, Ilats, Caps and Dry (iootls, Carpeting:, Ac, Ac. (Jive us a call before purchasing else where. , dec 21 tf. 1), M: liART. i 1 - e PRACTICAL PLUMBER, STEAM ! AND GAS FITTER,' WILillNGTOX, x. a, c I AN STILX. BE FOUND AT 1113 OLD I stand. Journal lUillding-, Prlneess street. wbere ne is prepared lodu an sinus oi worn In bis line, cheaper than ever before ottered to the public , Has constantly on band BathTuos, Water Closets, j Wash Stand, I Pumps of all description, lraio 1 ipes, i las ripe. I Gas Fatures, &c., Ac Fersnoal attention siren to all work. Satisfaction guaranteed, dwember 21 If , NOTICE. A FCLL UN E OK DKCO-S. MEDICINES, Chemical, Faney Articles, Toilet Soaps, ae I at the lowest rash prices. v "i "j." "" " ." : 1 CIGARS AND T0B1CC0 In (real variety. t , The utmost care and personal aUesiUasi (tven to prerejrins prsactlpUoB, at . ll.l: ! ' nCRBANK"Ji rharssacy, deca-ly cr. Front aad VHs 13, r. MORILL, j i; " DiiertaiiL Cumter ui Ciliist trVsv I ; I asl OPPOSITE CIT V QAIssU i . " n. - i t , f tUrvRNSU ctnrtx CAKET. Jtt wy w-fr i csmu sai tsMMt Vett I swMCMml, aM wew SM I Weaelswsytatsetty. I Ja tr Fkef. Ssar, Mat, Htlissri. I rui IU IXOCsVes mrtw 1 QlISVuAK.sf U aWaes MtXAT. jw am s sm swan i.n I ChaeesrsrS&ei NEW AD VEJtlJSJSMENTS, HENNING & TEEL, " DKiXESS TJt : -I-;- FOEEIGN AND DOMESTIC iARDWABE. AGSCULTUKAX. IMPLEUESTTS. IROX, Siaei, Mails, Azea. HfmAem. ShoveU.Ool lara,Hamea. Tracw CtuUna, Ptonrha. faat inra, Carpenter'! Tool, ltlaeksnalth'i Bel lows. Vloea. Anvils, Ao-Wacoa aatl Cart Wheela. Rlma. SpokaaTaab Axloa, Hoi low Ware. Rope, Twlae, Kalves Forks, Bpoona, BroaheeJlsh Unea, Hookalnken, Cotton Belne Twine. Flax OtUlng Twine. Seine Rope, Boaiea. Beaxas. roU.Sylden, Orena. Fit Fajoa, ate. We larlte eapecial atieatloa to our lanre anl extnsiTe assortment of IKON, .elected expressly for Smiths and Farmers' use, all 01 which, and much more, wt offer at low est pjicea, at the Xew Established n&rdware Z.mae) of nENNIKO & TEEL, Wey Karket St. Wllaaimctoa, If. C. "march 1 PABKEE & TAYLOD, Kerosene Oil, Stores, letals, Gms, Laatern 1, Fairtuk's Scales, PUMl'S, BRASS AND IRON ROSIN . V STRAINERS. DIPPERS AND SKIMMERS. Manufacturers and wholesale dealers III ADD SHEET IRON WIRE, HO. ! IV X ISUIX A QlKJViUl. jan 11 ly WILMINGTON. N. C Visit or Commnnicate With Us. TE INVITE AN EXAMINATION OF f T samples, prices, term nd Oilers. Have on h&nd and recel vine dally samples of Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Floor, Candles t oap, Meats, Lard, tc tp, Meats, Ezernt Kernie adlse. orders for all dmicri ntlnns nf Aiercnaaaise. Hecelve and sell all descrlp- lions of produce. Want a nurrhasr fnr nna lfln.Hvvj rower Doable Engine, and Tubular Power, suiuble to drive a Cotton Factory, Mill or Mstlllery. Also, three pair 4U leet 8 tones. " im vnw, oiuuudi, wiu sen low down. . We negotiate for the purchase and sale ol Turpentine Distilleries, 4c. . Samples of Merchandise sent to any pvuii wueu reqneriea. PETTEWAY 8CHULKEN. inh8-tf Brokerand Comn Mercliant. 5 SB aa e S i isjrviui" r " N.C. llines and Miqnor for. Tledieinnt Use. march 1 tf JOHN DAWSON, HARDWARE MERCHANT. HAH THE LAIlOI"ST. AND BEST AH- sorted stock of HARDWARE tn this part of tbeHtate. If too want UUUD UOODH and IjOW PRIC, be sure to call at the old established liAKDWAKK HOUHE of JOHN DAWBON, It Korth Market UmL dee 21 ly Wilmington. N.C ' REASONS WHY PEQRY DAVI8 PAIN - KILLER W THB Best Familr MedicUo of the Aga ! And why It should be kept always near at hand: 1st. rAtx-HiiXEB Is the most certain Cholera cure that asedtee 1 ad core baa produced. 2nd. pAix-Kiu.ra,ssaDUrmaaadDy- rawrf resneoy, seioons u ever win, 3rd. PAnt-KtLXJta will cure Cramps or ivas w any part of lae system, a single dose usually ail acts a cure. lh.Pai-KtLtwtnenrsdyeTaaI i voirasuuBv, u Bseu aeeoraB( u uirvc- I iteaa. s ith. PaiK-Viu ra I. an almost never mil- lo swre foe Sudden OoWa, Cmhs, c nemeoy war rrer sjm atjm, aava taiu i- I rmi it has ourrd the mart eM Ttb. raiw-Ktujm as a tt'ameat t aa- equaled w ro kim. cattbtetaa, vara, m aieis. tais, vcwauM, sc. ia. Pant-Kttxaa mm cared nm a Rbi eisilsm andewrataaneeyTare svasxtag. Mk. rstKtVxa will destroy ttott. rM . Vktimers od Aeemcrnna rrle i rrusa ysua anst ia am srvuauioa. aw Ptjs-Kiixaa cam Hmdstke. swnd II t h. P Ais-Klixta will aw yaw Aar d sseatSMsa astd as, ay a eVaUas In Urn ttk, rant-KtiAsas yaoa erwr uartyeea ywasaas4 i a nr VeawsaMe sessawaiiasi. aa ae fcsw and use ts ewery aaawly. TW stwpltctty stieaSlac tu sm, W with tkwsTast ttrwraf lii .i in say be ewuraty ia ti iaisd sy t. aa : lew wa l ke H tsssweaUew 1 1 in i tjsMMsB afwaye TW t sos-atrutsca is tn ewesT H ta vatr snM $ lka aTSss, Kecry twta it rwrr nsar 1 tv Aot JMnT - -" " w 1 i rut rlisii rns.sasx im ii i in luMSilamMaJsairt iHml'w 1 1 1 1 m Tii ill I ,asM JSS-V Aao09VstAKjr kesweawi awr awl 1 rrliar tS W 3Tf f 'TVi., WaAstsA ssjsus be fwas ksr s is as ell a. tmn eaw ttw, I mix . - jeswii w r.raArAT 0i rwsw saeaife t s4 s-saaatei aims, im mjt s J enl aavassv ska, a sl arna tmss S 1 1 aaiS i maul Hare mafe li imaa ed sMfusa favkd, Arwr eurs Ma I adUoGI ttnanri ssask.Y- MJSCELLJNEOCS. BAGG1XU. TIES, Ac JQ EoUs anO Ualf KolUBAOUI.NO, . Bundle TIES. V S Tons JlOOr IRON. 230 Kec NAILS. 25 Bbls KKROSKXK OfL. LIQUORS, specialty, dee 21 U TOBACCO, and ClOAliS ADRIAN A VOUXia cnnisTM a snoods. RAISINS. OUAXUfcMI LEMONS. CANDY, CITRON, PRUNES,' CURRANTS. NUTS, COCOANUT4 and FIRE CRACKER, For sale by ADRIAN & VOLLERi, V , Wholesale Grocers, Cor.; Dock and Front Streets. dec 31-It COOTS AND SHOES. JUST RECEIVED AN Im mense stock of" LADIES 1- FOX and MOROCCO SHOES ' of all varieties, slyles and dscrli Uon; alo GENTS'- SHOES In every Imaginable stj lc. , CUILDRENS' SHOES A specially. ; t THOMAS 11. IIOWKY. Jr.. dee 21 ly No. Itl Market Mrct t. TOE OFFICII SALIOY. QN TUE STEET WHICH I.EAl 1 1UM the Dawson Buk 1 the t'Utoni Huum-, IS T1IK PLi A,CK To get the very best NEW RIVER OYSTERS and GAM E. V "' All the deliraclcs f tbe b!v-ou nlj. uu nnuu. TEETHE VERY FINEST LIQUORS At theBAIt. aud every atK iUn.n iti t tu;r euKtomero. CVLL CUUISTMAS AND A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO Ml.. dccSltf V. M. tXUa.lNS. .Furniture, uarpets. . 1 " - i LARGE STOCK, ALL (.RADIX LATEST DESIGNS, . LOWESf l'RICKS. AN ELEUANT AH.iiTM KM" t CHILDREN'S CiIAIi AND KAT- TAN llOCKKKrf. Just the thinfor ChriiUnju Uifti I). A. SMITH A OA, decSUf North Kront ireet, flhls Is to give notice that a warrant in 1 bankruptcy ha last brvn tuiml out i the IMstrtrt Court of Uie UnttHl Klalcsfcif Inw inperear Dtstrlrt of North t aroilna acalnst.the estate of William I. Cem and John Leavcti of bo Heel, la the enuat r Kobeaoa, lu said District, who tmxm Iwn d inarsu abaaarupt upoatbetroWu muu.i ; thai the payment of any debt, and ihede- ' rrooertv behanla l. aail Bankrupts, to them or for thrir uc. mad liic transfer of any property by them.ar forbid den by law. That a milu JX tne crodlUM of said bankrupt. u prove th'(r debt, and v choose one or more sMi(wa( thHr rt'. wiu be beta at a (ourt of l'-uikruw-r to boldea at KsTel- tu. M t harv Wm. A OuUirie. Eat IWUIm la IWmkroM-f m aaia ansuict. on ie iu dy r-J May. w. a re a cioc, s. m. (nay 3-$w V 8 Marshal U .d DtMn t N. GKEEN W A LI). lXKAL-Eit IN IUM13II0 AMD 1M1?U U TtD . tlUlUb AMI I ti-u r..ti.. ..1 t'l.'.i.i. tr.. 't v4wi aau uiM8 I 9 .ft(l i:hil0r Tohirr Tlkz SfMOK KIW AltTICU At . I IBOiiJl Girl CiKix" Stcre. xSO. MAflkET BT1UU.T. ttetatui. jf.C swSU BE YOUR OWN LAHD LORD. KUtLDlN XmIjv j- a sfTT i A fs.friv w a t mm itj.rntrsj aa. hruaa. t-w4L 3Ti, W I ywstiwsaia Twss siaiai m.i tt- e.ty Ai!f ta ltt . a4M. Country MctIaaxnt i asimty'vii"infs, iu-wm. i ' wa aas a a uw aaeasmws Wt r I tswv-mmL Jaaa 114, in front of hU .mideacw a Jrd stmt can. i -,

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