volume ix. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAIipLINA, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1878. Stogie Copies 10 Cents NUMBER 23 Wilmington post adver tising rates. , Kiftv ci-ntl per line for the lir.sl iit- u-ttlon and twenty-live ..'cents per fine, pi .ir t-acli :iUliti-onal inserLioji. i Eight. (S) HuCm, Nonpareil tyj.e, con . Uitiitt' :i i-t:iro. . ;'' . ; VlliiilvortNeijH'iils will . t-lurol at i! j n- ,L : HI I 1.1,1 i, v....... j'v.iii Vlfjt- Sj.c( i:tl rutiM t art. lie h'.i'f ifur ii longer tiiiit tliii.n ie wjt'c!:. I'he Hiilfteription j.ri'ee to ; Til ic V 1 1, yvisiov Viy.ir is ii (mi ,r jv:r; ..jx liiii'it.in 1" cents. ' ."'.j-;! ' ,M I - tin iinj n it; rt ions on liiiiric.s.sho.tihf' , u.;lrisV'cl W Till: .'Wjt.MiNtiTM.N I'li.-,!', Wiliiiiiilo'ii; JST. C. 1 -., Xiri'Y ITEMS. '.liHiji n ll.irriss lined .Eliza lirown f ' .:UMl.eoit- lor . maltreatiiiij her eluld. i'liU ( '"Hi vcntiou was one of lite most li'iiynoiiioiH ever lield in New, 1 f anover, cnfity, and he ti kcj. will l.o ileeted lirHv iiKijoril y l at leant J ,-roo. . V... 11 -" - --- :-- - '"I.adie.i. ittit' not read litis T -tj y ,s'jkOiiiiis Aniono.i;. iid.. iiaij A (u.t.w jo.t iim jo;im i: hf)itj.) ii.ij, ' Vi.)jiiii. . (i s,tiJi;iixm: .ip:ni:. 'mj A'u ) 'snjj in s-jiM.tos "ni'niu'' f .. ).i..ins;,.,i!i s.iijj i;d '-"iV" : ,'. v : ;-'..'. ( ! I' li'ontr. Hewlett Iteld ait i'nijili-sl over h t oloied eltild, 'aed jiltoiit' tyo years", )y I lie name" .f- Miii t1i;i 1 foliiu:,- i ver jlic'C ol' tiie jury was Unit tlie rhild C.pur to its deatli " Iroin-siuiit; jnilttra r,i'i-f . ' ' - v "' . "! . -"' ' ; .-. -0 ,: ,lt w .inn wealliei" i-eojile T'el'i-'r-i idinj . oil tlie-street ears, rallterj titan walk jtlirofiLiU Hie Uu.ily streets, and We. will Kt ;le to all. tliH.se wli'iiit il niay ebneeni, i'i;i! the .-dint Tar's ai:'. -now ready to yon to any juil oi' tli,- eily yii.i IvTUi.. lo '.' I'oi- lite Mil ill sum 'oi'-live Ah dical sscienco is no longer eotd'nud ilio educated fewtrnt to. the ma-es, leinole totn idiysici:ins1? may -vrosere their he;iUIi, or irstore when -dost , lv liiiiacciitidin; to direetions the 'mituble remed'nk of, the lr.' littler ledieine i.. jet patty. . "''. ! , .UvivviinXii the,' lveu.t . -live l.pv 'yefs in Che city, eighteen aio 10j'ts-r. .j!ltWHH, or that way tneli'ned, lour I'res: iI'vtV"riansr;Hvu Uailutlies.i and one .lew. There is not a.1 Methodist or 1 i.ijiliit l.iwjer in ttto city. What a grand " junenUi lor llio Met.liodi ft and HfipliHt, v..ulhs. - : Ij ': .. .. ' , '" . i j'Tni; ViriNti Mil l i auy -'riie I l.tiw-ikid'l.i-ht inlanlrv, Company V," lite 'Fayetti villo - Miile Guard, Company. "1, " aitl tliel'harlotle Uliies, Company Ijl'.,'' f-' expected to bo in this city to participate itt the Memorial services oh lite ."."th, and will join the command of i.t.-Coti. MabsoiK j hiimn Mills, At a .meeting 1" itrhe -: : i Su.i kholdeisJ of the Cotton M ills. rnrwiay lat, the following otlicers rir V vh i teti:' 1 onald MeUae, .President; W. u r f . Mi liae, Secretary ami Trea.H .' 1 'iuctois. I'd. Kidder, F. NV. i .-r'- Jkeiiltner. .las. II. Chadbouft; and Jno. W. Atkinson. - ;. - ' ; ! .... : I'ite' Cape Fear Light Ai tilU ry vimI- f U'ltaLlolte, N. C, with ; their beauti ful battery on Monday last, the -VOi'hof 31.iv, the" anniversary of the Mecklen iurj; 1 Velaratioii; -of Independence.- thf Cenipany "returned en Tuesday iliglit, "and . were deliliUd with their vint. -'' : '. . - -' ' '" ''" ;. ... - - i 'j j ' . .lu". H.ni);h, I v-jip, wlto has been iiij'I'eitiKd by the I'lcident as .M "mister t l.ibeiu and coullrnu tl by the Senate, ckaims his u VuU nee in this ei'ty. r Mo appoinied on aectunt of hi ability, tor Mvml mouths yAi he has wryitl m -a-A-U ik in the . Trcaury jVpartment LWa.ingion,,' whero ,ho performed I ty Juti'so.very sjitisfaclorily that th? .' tV( adiiivnt rcunnietuled hiut for thU iihtUnt place. ! The Fnidenl ftp iviuted , hi in as a; i-omplimeut loathe -1 vwle-nd Hiple, and, M such t'o colorvl lVplo t f North Carvdiua itould re- .witeit. It -dum. that wbcii they are ; qualified to (A positioui . there j no I'frjudice on i account of color. Wu.v.; Misr.vKtu Why i it thai irCify Fathersi fut the pioperty in .vie 'iry a Hril ty lire, by K'adio tb ""stoe hor-$ o far away from the ;Wue . happeued t the time C( the jma on the ltiriuon of the KtU s;fuai'-;-; ,.- -v ;-.r ' - a' j I Tie horcs of the Cape Vt pA vl j $UX ttreft, on ihW. ysf .'t' trio's I .-t the ecgine, eleren iniuute Ser 1 -tUfas tj4 ! wuoded cotuiog frita fhc Xorthertj rrt of Ihe city ; ol r tUtiaer AJrUa wis usable to get tiirti tixxn iMt block in fswwWea presume from iheMuie Better judsmcnt and Uu rbk ilt. NATIOML MEMORIAL SERVICE, Mayjhc 30IIia 1878 Jicoraliou Day is a holy day which eralits every clasi of out citizens. liich had . its' 'heroes. All rdjoieed in the victory, and can mingle in the trihnte of syinpalhey and sorrow wliich on each recurring year we pay to tile departed valor of those who died tlmt the j-ation might live. - lii-rt." ti 1-iirUen ol i iefou the breezes of prlntr, - . i1 : M.i'i; rturtt fiem the bird on -its '"n . . ' . ' iv;i -ull on the Viuihlilnc and over the t..nr. ' mI a trluulow of graviKou tlieae vpiritsOf our-." ' ' A 1. 1., the Lklh and the C)BEY,are re- etritlly i n viftd to assemble at the uiufcil C'enietery at 1 o'clock p. m., the "Dili in.st., to participate in, or tneo tlr ct reruotiy attending the de eokati'in of the irrtives of the nation' dt td. ji'he military,' under command iff Lt. 1. G.-. Ij. Mabrtpu, andi-all orvaniza- li' us, wiH assemble at their usual p'ape of nieeliitg at 3 o'clock.and march to the c nu leiy ly such route and manner as llit v "inav choose. "ite dixeelsior j Uo.se Hud and Cape ti: li tnds, will discourse Appropriate ;ic en route tj the .-cemetery.' . KX r.Kt tSK AT THE CEMETERY. . I irge --Excelsiir Rose BudTBaud 1". i I'.y'-lhe Choir "JUst .Soldier 1'i.iyer V. A. Green, Chaplaiu I'lttlalion. i;y (lie Choir "Honor to the l.t Oration (Jco. Z. French, Esij. 1 'iige lOxceJsior llose lUul and. ry the Choir'' Cover them over wii'ilt beautiful llowcrs.'l 1 . lox'oioiry )iy the.peoph'i ; IJeiieilh lion. '" If'.' 1 Ueoraiii'ii ol" trraves. 1:1. Firing a salute by the military. 'the ground will be in charge of the Marshals who will assign each organi zation to a proper position, and preserve o,,1 er. : he Sirieiiuletideiit ("ll cemeteiy t. lests i hat no carriages will enter the l '-!- '- ". cr.v K'MIIV, --,: .. iSsptct fully, i :. ji. M( iii.(i, ;, Secretary of Cornmittee. .' f; :ti-A' i te, please copy. , - - epiihlicaii Towuship aud Ward tiegswere hehl on. Wednesday night iwhen I he following gentlemen . I iiiti lal w ere elected as delegate.: rst Ward Duncan Holmes, Lewis Ni.on and W. II, Holmes, Sen. k'otiil Ward Jen. II. Manning, Jle4 srs. J. F. icott and - Washington McNeal, T lird Ward-, Jos. K. Sampson, Jos ersttn andaJa.-i Dry. . '.;.; ' Aii ltiurth Ward Jas. K. Cutlar, Iewis IJryjiut, and William Johnson. ; fib Ward H. H. llankius, Jno. Moore and .hn. Winlield. C ty - at Largej-Gvo. W. Frice, Jr. j no. ,11. F.rowu and Henry Green. pe Fear" Tow nship, (two delega- C.i gathuis). 1st. The Manning Delega- tun i-oiisitetl pf Messrs. Johu rieas aud C. H. Thomas- autsJ .lack Mooro '2nd, or icjott delegation, consisted of Mcvus, H. K. Jxt)U, Klijab. Talo and ilollvGradv. II ivh .ritett Tow n-hip D. C Davis Ja- cry ami Jos. Ticket. M Jtsonboro Township Messrs. Jno. G. Wagner, Ftijah llewlelt and Jos. fNtlll l" leral Voint : Township Messrs. I ".til km Wade, Henry (l.JDavis and W. 11. yilliaun. Thk ro wr re oO delegates in the con- veniiUn, 13'fronf. the city aud 12 from the i iiintrv. au.vntini: Matters. ---Dr. J. M. Woo4 worth of Washington, tjupertis- ing i'irgeoii of KcVcnue Marine i?er vieo, arrived in this city on Friday morning to consult with the. local au thorii.ies in regard to increasing the eta cienov of the quarantine. An act of CongjrsA has recently passed placing all jhe tpiarantine matters under the authority of the United States. Dr. WoodwortU held, a cbn sultajion with Mayor FUhblate, Lr. W. V. I.anf. of the Marine Hospital. Dr. A. F Wright, Superintendent of lleafth. and Aldermen FUnncr and Kioof the Saniury committee. He then ;vrx.led to Smithrille where he field a equitation m ilb Dr. Curtia, tb tat naranlioe ofacer of tbU port. unoe of r. Woodrortb tisit The lj w. ii .ubtth auch relation with ex- litinJ quarjiatine authentic a wtuld W mauily Uctory and eeur -ratir eCicleacy io aaaUary matter. We leirtt that Dr. Wood worth waavetl .-vtfa bU 9aaluUoai be, d that we way look for increae4 Ca- ciiiU by which to roteet the port from jrpSdeeak. The weather for the pas ftw aya ha ba Try wra. Republican ' Cos veittiox. The Itepublican County Convention met at 4 o'clock pt ,m. yesterday. It was called to order by S. H. Manning, Chairman Couty Executive Committee. ' On motion, lion, George W. Trice, Jr., was made Chairman and Joseph E. Sampson, Secretary. Hon. Geo. W. Trice, on taking the chair thanked. the Convention for the honor, after w hich he made a very able speech. He cautioned the Convention to let individual preference be subser vient to the good-, of the people,! and the great wsuesfcomiBg on in 1850, and he pledged that in filling the position of Chairman, no one in or out of the Convention should have any cause to complain of hi'! having ' acted unfair in the ; responsible position of Chairman of the' Convention. . The first position to be filled was that of Sheriff. S; 11 Manninsr ' was nomi nated and received) 7 voles out of the 30 cast in the Convention, and was de clared nominated. The following gentlemen were nom inated for the positions set oposite their names. -. : ;:-'.' :.- ' ; S. VanAiiiringe, Cleric of Superior Court. . .' Joseph E. Sampson, ... Jlegisler of Deeds. , v Elijah .Hewlett, Treasurer. Edward D. Hewlett, Coroner. Jco, Kent-Iirpwn, Surveyor. II. E. Scott and W. H. Waddell for House of liepresenlali vm." , John T. Sampson was recommended for the Senate, and the following gen tlemen made delegates to tlie Senatori al Convention: James D. Dry, Dun can Holmes, J. C. Seoll, W. Howe, J. Sampson. . 1 jTLe following gcitlieitten were elect ed as the CoitulV'Execulivc Committee: 1st Ward, W. If! 1 1 o-.ve. , I!! Ward, S. IF Manning. , .3d ,Warl Jos. E. Sampson. 4th W'ar'd, Win. E. Johnson. 5th Ward, James Winfiel 1. Wilmington Township, W. T. Caua- day'S. VanAniritigc. ' Federal Toint, II, W, Wa.!e. , .' .Masotibon,... James Smith. Harnett, D. C. Davis. ' Cipe Fear, IJ. C. Tate.. , Ii'nui'nf, Thai the Executive C"in- mutee be empowered to lill any vacam'y that may occur on the ticket. On motion, Col. W,' T''? Canada v w .ts sent for to address the Convention. A committee was appointed to wait upon Col. Canaday and , inform ..him of the wishes of the Convention. The Com millee to wait upon Col. C. w ere Hon. James Hcaton, Dr. 1L E. Scott and John II. IJrown, who appeared in a few minutes with Col. C, and the Chair man, Hon. George W. Trice, introduced him. Col. Can ad ay spoke for. about 15 minutes iu his usual happy measure, insisting upon harmony in the party, and congratulated the -Convention on their harmonious proceedings. After Col. C, finished.' Pieaking, the Hon. James- Heatou addressotl the Convention. At the close of Mr. Hea- ton's speech the jl'aiivc uioti gave lhr.ee' cheers for the Republic urn parly The Couveution then adjourned JOfSEl'H E. S a m iso m , Sec. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Office WrLMtsuroN Cemetery Co., ay 21st, 1S78. At a meeting of the Wilmington Cemetery Directors of the Company, held on the 20lh inst , a committee was ai- pointed to draft appropriate resolutions exprtsiiveof theorrow caused bv the death of William A. Wukhit, Ei., one of their number. Ihe following was unanimously adopted : That where;us-. Almighty tGotl has re moved, after a long lite of honor and useful uets, oue of our icst highly en teemed members, we desire to add our tribute to his memory. Connected with this Company from iU inception , the Value of its charter and franchises are due in a great meas ure to his thought and services, always cheerfully aud,gratuitouily; rendered. An advocate at all times for improve-; incut, our present beautiful fakdale stands a an emerald mouuiucnt to his taste, lti oaks, which he planted, shall be typical of his firm 'character and strong heart ; it willowy of his tender aflecuou, bow ing in true (y mpAtny with weeniog friends; ita eviergreen shrubs shall be emblematical of our unfading admiration and reverence for his noble qualities ; ita flowers will remind us of our ueceasea meoa wuo mue mew bright and sweet to all around him, and will teach that though I i if be transient each may make its .roadside less dreary to other.-' ' i ' In life we recognised Mr. Wright as the eaiCHxlinienl of curtey ao boeor, poscesiog virtues and accomplish taeat which made hinj coospJcooa, evra amone Cpe Fear ceatletaeo. . la death we revere hi memory and feel hia losa to be an aCictioo, not oa' to this CVMnpAoj but to the entire cot nwaUv. le U ttsertMr. EtmtntS. That our mincer symrithy la with the fRiUy of wit dccxd That t par or Refuel be ia cribed with hia naae and are : that otherwb it teataia potk . was tbe life of atat to wfcos ledjMcated. That a corr of the (jerstaxbetraa- uiUed his Umxxtj aad farwUhed the pa-' Ptra wr wcmw i TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. . WiLMiXGTOK, N. C, May 20, 1878. j At a meeting of the. Directors of the Wilmington Gas Light Company, held this evening, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted ; 1 : - The Board of Directors of -the Wil mington Gas Light Company have heard with unfeigned regret of the death of their late member, the Hon. William A. Weight, and in token of their great esteem for one who for many years has participated in their councils, and lo whom they feel indebted for the aid of bis talents and great experience in directing the aflaira of this- Corpora tion,' who has ever displayed a li beral and statesmanlike spirit and earnest effort to promote "and foster all works of internal improvement in his state, and of whose kindly disposition, genial How of soul and hospitable character they, will ever cherish a pleasant recol lection ; therefore, be it Ites'lecd, That the Board of Directors of the Wilmington Gas Light Company recognize and appreciate the eminent service that Mr. Wright has rendered during many years to this Corporation. licsolccd, That in his death the Board has met with a loss which they deeply and sincerely deplore. Jtcsofved, That, as a mark of respect to his memory a page of the Record Book be inscribed with his name and date of death. ' Iieml6cd, That )hc members of this Board will . wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Jicsoccd, That copy of the pream bleand resolutions be sent by the Sec retary to the family of the deceased, aud to the city papers' for publication. E. S. Martin, Cliairmau. Just to Tlease the Boys. We have just received the above new and beautiful Serio Comic Song, composed by .the popular song writer, W. A. Huntley. It will surely become very popular among the ladies, as they arc willing to please the bojs. First Vkksb. Some people hvo peculiar ways And I have some I know, I ilou't like swell tociety, Ueislraint I cannot to. I've done and will do as I please. Keep still or make a noise. I Jove to please tlie ladles but. Prefer to please the boys. 1 Ciioars. Just to please the boys,! J usi to please the boys. I always meant w.th good Iitteut, To try and pleaje the boys. ' . Trice 35 cents per copy. Will be sent by mail to ary address by the publisher, F " W. Helmick, 13G West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 'DIED. IIALLIn this city, Friday, May 21th, IsTS, SAMUEL G. only child of H. G. and M. F. 1 1 all, aged 11 rtonths and 17 days. 'Ills well with Uie child." ' NEW 'ADVER TISEMENTS 8STATK OF NORTH UA KOL.INA, . i SEW UANOyiCU COUMTY , : i ' ' MAV 21st, 1S78. To the Voters of Hew ; Hapyer i; uonnty. I N aceord;tu e ith a Uto!utiou passed by (lie Hoard .of Justices of the lVa-e for Sew Hanover couuty, ii. iint'tiii ulentbled. May "d, IsTS. and lit oodietu-c to their order, I hereby give notice that thercwiH bo "An Entirely Sew, ncgis'.raUon of ''oter"of the Couuty of Sew ILtnoVcr, to comnicuee on the twenty cevenla (-7tli) day of June, l-Ts, and to continue for thirty ( days (Sundays rxcerted.) prerediUK the election to be held on the first ThursJay in August. I:. i JOHXWWAX. WcoreUry lxird of Juntii- uf Ihe re:vc for Sew Hcnover ctunly, tuy3i.td POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 1UflXALS w dl be rereivd l th Oni trarl Oitlca of ' this dcparlmcal tintil 3 P. l. of July '-Hh. 1-c, for caxryS U lualU of tho In Hot HUtot. upon Uie rvutc and aeeording to the schedule of arrival and dprtur llU-1 by the tH-partmcot In tli Mate of North Caiviina. from Wtuer st. bTJ, t Jane anh, I Jt ot route with clicl4te oC arrivaU addcprlurr, UudrucUtm to bidder, wtth airm U.t pnptKals, and bonds d alt other evsrMArjr InKvnualtoa itt he faraUhcd ttpoa apptlwttoa lo the Second Adlt rvtaiatr GetMrraL '-. "-." . I. M. KEY. - ', ', '" t34HIlcr Glw!.i ; TAX LIS1ING. 1 WlU.bc la atlU at the CUy 1IU NatorvUy.Jane t, t m of k. A. U. a4 kr the sst tsrtmtr wwrkiag tr thw aWr. aw the piJT-o f rtndiaa the Tat Ltn. f the tatefeUMU T -thss lf 4 WhMHh art to W IK4 4W iVtJ a4 oa 4 ut ms ju m.s4 1 r. u. jhI t P. Ueseh wwrtua JOtt . IAMBS, 4, P- '' HEW ADVERTISEMENTS Receipts and Disbursements on 1c connt of the City of Wilmington - r 1 1 from July 9th, 1877,toAprU 1st, 1878. RECEIPTS. Is77 July 11. From Bank of Sew Hanover, lxxan lb"77 Anicnikt 2. From Bank of New Hanover, Loan 1877 Aug. U. From T. C bervoea, fnrmap TrMunrar 300 00 2,090 00 273 65 3.U 00 575 00 Kit 53 711 W 319 10 WO 20 119 75 . 4U600 1,001 27 81 7 From Merchants License" Bar Koorag.... Market KenU. Market Fees Mayor's Court. Fines and Drays an d'lj iiidjies Pound Fee............J. Public Bulldtngs.. M Iscellanoous... i Expense. Advertising Tax Bale 1877 " ...i.- Street Improvements, for paving Front street with Belgian Rlocks .4. Keal and Personal. Back Taxes... 4. Keal and Personal Tax of m 60 5,108 60 6788 82 1106,009 99 $ 4,006 12 - 187S. April 1. Balance brought down to new ac count, DISBURSEMENTS. 1S77, Aug. 10. For Overdralt ot T. C ervoss, former Treasurer, at Bank of Sew Hanover, paid by me this date 4 1S7S, Feb. 211; For loans from Bank of New Ilrtuover. paid this day- Fr Street IteparUneut " Police Department " Salaries. ..: .'s " l'ublic Buildings., .; " Fire Dep't, iucluding Hose Note ... ... " Prisoners. i " Light 1 department .....Li " Printing. iStatlouary and Ad vertising.. .., " Sanitary Department J " Miscellaneous...;. J " Extraordinary...... I " 1 ntret$t on Note given by WJ P. Cauaday, former Mayor: to Cias Co. for 12,021 I " luterest on Note given by W.l 1. Canaduy, former Mayors for New Fire Hose for 12,-i 21 1 iW 85 1 00 Afi OK 10,O 00 2.R07 25 17S 99 5,631 H V, 20 4,99V 04 230 29 1U 81 512 70 1,1 HU 26 1SI 89 61 83 R.3I0 65 12.150 00 1.1S8 4.5 3.6I2 00 3.2i 31 270 72 50 00 4,006 12 " Warrants for bills created prior to July 1st, 1K77. " Bonds paid " Accrued interest on same... " Coupon n paid. .... ' Accrued interest on same " Premium on Uold Coupons. " Taxes overpaid, refunded...... " Balance to new account..... 1106,009 99 HENRY SAVAGE, Treasurer. E. A O. E. Viliniuglou,N. C, April 1st, 1S7S. Having carefully examined the books aud . : ' ' - - 1 I accounts of Henry Savage, Treasurer, 1 hereby certify" that they are correct, the above being a true statement of the receipts aud disbursements. 1 . i NORWOOD UILES, Chairman Hoard of Audit aud Finance, may 17-11.' 1), M. DAKT. t PRACTICAL PLUMBER, STEAM AND UAS FITTER, WILMIXGTOX, N. C, QAN STILL BE FOUSD AT HIS OLD stand, Journal Buildinr. Princess street. where he is prepared lo do all kinds or work lu hi line. cheaper than ever before ottered to the public llaa constantly on hand Bath Tuoa," Water Closet, Wash Stands, Pumps of all descriptions, Drain Pipes, , -' I -Oas Pipes, Gas Fxtures, tc., &c Peraonal attention given to all work. Satisfaction guaranteed., december 21 tf NOTICE. FI LL LlStfOF PRUOt. MEDICINES. CUenilcaK Fancy Article. Toilet Boap., at the lowest eh j-riee. CIGARS 1ND TOBACCO : .! . ,; : -I? . , . , In great variety. The utnit rare and' personal attealloa given to prrparlng prescrtpUon. at BCBBANKH PbanotMy. lc a ly ( cor. Front and PrtnsU 1J. r. MORILL, '" 1 I OPrOITECITV aXtlala, On Third. Strtei. l Vtix' n-Rststi nrriK-w ujket. with sUa4rv. at . the wy Alt (rssi th eewstUy rssBtfOy 4e 9 farvrsur a4 VhMaH t Wer s aayla Ut ty. last ltr Flir. Ssar. Mat, JltUssjfs. V IXVa 4 SMS MOU9IX tst;s44siMt-srJS sctSU AttUSaVOLLUa NEW Ato VE&llSEUENTS. HENNING & TEEL, DXJlLE&S Ef FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE. GBCULTUBAL IMPLEMENTS. IRON, . Steel. Nails. Axm KnxtnL fthnTnli Hil. jars,Hamea. Trace Chaina, Floogha, Cast ings, Carpenter's Tools. Blacksmiths Bel- ws, V ices, AavUs, eWagoni aad Cart Wheels, Rims. BpokesTHnbs Axles, Hol low Ware, Rope, Twine, Knives Forks. Spoons, BrosheaFlsh Lines. Hook stinkers. uotum seine Twine, Fhut OllUnr Twins, Seine Repe. Scales. Beams. Pots. Baidera. Ovens, Fry Pans, Ac . ; . , -We invite csnecial attantlnn to nnr lam ant extensive assortment of IRON, selected expressly for Smiths and Farmers1 use, all ol which, and ranch more, we offer at low. est prices, at the New EaUbuaked . I ' ' ' r UArdware House of Ifo. 9 Havrket SU : Wllmiafftea. IT. C. march 1 PARKER & TAYLOR, DEALEBS IN Kerosene Oil,! Stores, Metals. Gees. Lantern, Fairbank's Scales, i UMPS, BRAfeS AND IRON ROSIN ! STRAINERS. DIP1'ERSaKD SKIMMERS, i Manufacturers and wholesale dealers TIN AND' SHEET IROH f ARE. xi 0. 1a, rnur eiisiiKr, Jan lily WILMINGTON. N. C. ! Visit or Communicate With Us. ITE INVITE i AN EXAMINATION OF V V sample, prices, terms and oilers. nave on hand and receiving dally samples of Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Flour, Candles, Merch&BdlflsV RMalvaanrl tall sa 1 1 oaiIw. lions of produce. ( i Want a purchaser for one 160-Horse Pnwir TVuihls rnstn. ..a ti,.i.. i futtable to drive Cotton ; Factory, Milt or ,?. ..' iure pair itei h tones, with Gear, Shafting, dx will sell low down. W9. We negotiate for the purchase and Bale ol Turpentine DUUUerie. Ac. ' Samples of Merchandise sent to any point when req netted. rtntWAY SCHULKEN, mhg-tf Brokers and Corn's Merchants. ; 9 2 5 a e for IF inrs and Liquors 1 . Hedifinal Use. march 1 tf JOHN DAWSON, HARDWARE HERCDiNT. HAS THK LARGEST AND BEST As sorted stockuof HARDWARE Jn this partof theKUte. fir yon waatOOODOOOIW and LOW PR1C1X1, be snre to call at the old established HARliWARK HOUHE of JOHN DAWSON. North Market stre. dee 21 ly v 1 Wilmington. N.C REAWNS WHY P E UR V DAVIS PATNllKIlXEU 'l TBI h B:st Family 11 dicino or the Agt ! And why It sbontkw kept always Bear at - Aiiaad: :. ' . '. IsL PAt-Kiui.kaU the snoat certain ClKtlcra rar dial medics! science has prodsjced. ,ypEr 2nd. Pais KitxiiuaaarJUmmasdDTs eatery remeai, seidoas U ever (ails. ard. Pajh-Kuluut. wtU ewre Oaaaps or Pains In aay part ol the systesn. A single dose asnaily affects a care. 4th. Paiv-Kitxcm will ewred ewre dyspepsia SMording to di aad lodi(esuo,lf dlree- at. Pat!-Kitxca Uaa almost sever -sail-lng cure for Soddesi CoMU, Coogh. ae. 6th. Pai--K ttxrajtas ptxrv-Ja Wef ifn Rseaedy tor Fever aad Agwa.aa4 CalU . Fever; It has cmrvd tke saoat eUnat Ha, Faix-Kitxam as a lisasorat ts nsv eqasded few Frwa Itiua. i'saittUjaa, Barws, Bmisea. Cnta, npraiaa, dr. th. Paut-KrUJESi Imm eared ease es Rhsesastissa adearaigaanTyvrs fta. rat-KiLura wta desanqr tuataL Fa watuvwe t ad norea. givtag rrii i patn aner toe arw ayp ucatuost. Mis. rans-Kraxaa lit a. FAis-Kxujca win eave jtAJca IIU save few m mm wmmj a dW bs asys d UUs. rara-Ktaajas I fB4tc over thirty vstrety t sgsi is 9 stsepitesty siaei'n iws 1 wtthUNSS-rwat vartasyes any uraty stUirsjisd try H. adsd te It tsai 1 stive si (PlWr'sy wsMMMsWsVVi van taes. twle IH nalwaysaa TWr'stv-stttJ-nls tisid ta d t la lr fw4sea. ttmr swi h i m s wSkUeeat rvCMeasMl MMHstrui. ea4 ewy is s s. we. rvevy Hrw pw, StSSSJ SWf VWT Utmmwtimmt the lsvaf fteef lev jsstwiy , ;.i . j : - a nmuiVSlkf' a. gafaea esjNsvaaJ ss swaa Sw c & r,UaA t c A sun estae emjfcsnnv, sat; saiu,wiaa esrrvsv t. fcj ts a cr ' bem hedare the years SUM M a ruiwiiesu saws vvey sasntiy. tm upp-a ski 12-21 Sit Sara I'M ' II ') 'V MISCELLANEOUS. DAGGIXU, TIES, &c 150 Rol?n,, Half Rolls BAGOISG. - 500 Bundles TIES. 25 Tons HOOP IRON. 2 Kegs NAILS. ; ' Si Bbls KEROSENE Ol L. - i T lit rfr ba . : - 1 fpeciaJty -wiACW, and CIGARS a dee 21 If ADRIAN A VOM.F.R CHRISTMAS GOODS. PPLES, R.US1SS. ORANtitS CITRON, LEMONS, CANDV, PRUNES, CURRANTS, NCTS.I COCOAS UM and FIRE CRACKERS, 'fjForfaleby ;.'';' -;. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, : WholceiteYirocerH, Cor., Dock and Front Streets, dec 21-1t . ?-' -. "j - DooT8Aiir"sinrL J UST RECEIVED AN Im mense stock of LADIES If FOX and MOROCCO SHOES of all varieties styles and dc&ripUons; also GENTS' .SHOES In every Imaginable st vie. & .. , 1.11 1. , ! THOMAS II. HOWEV. Ja.! dec211y No. 19 Market streL SALOON.. the orncii saloojv, fXH THE STEET WHICH LEADS FlttJM the Dawson Bank to the CuMom House is 'tiik place To get the very best . NEW RIER OYSTERS and GAME. - -. . . t All the delicacies of the season alwsys on ' hand. . i. . - THE THE VERY FINEST LIQUORS At the BAR, and 'every attention paid to customer. 1 C1LL CUIUSTMAS AND (JET YOUR EGO NOG. v A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO All. dec 21 If w. M. COLL1Xh; Furniture, uarpets. URGE STOCK. ALL GRADES. LATEST DESIGNS, ! LOWEST PRICES., AN ELEGANT A.SfoUTMENT OF- CHILDREN'S CHAIRS AND RAT- ': TAN ROCKERS. i Just the thinrffor Christmas Gifts D. A. SMITH & CO., 21 f Xqrlh Front Street, rpiU Is to give uoUre that a warrant In a. mnarapu-T naa u( ttrm luur.1 otit of the liistrirt tXurt of the Unttd Main for the tape Fear lHstrlet of. Norm lulmk aaalnt,Uieeatat of William I. Cume aad John Learh of tohoe lint, to tbeeouatrcrf KotxexMi. in said li&iri-i ho tun . ..i lodged a bankrupt ion ihclrowu pntUon: w any uji, anti toe un livery of any property belonging 0 sajd IteakrapU. to them or for their use. and the Iran tier ol any urxiM-rir bv iiism V desi by law. That a tncx-tlng of the eradltar of said bankrnpta. U prove their debts, aad or wore BuksigtuMof taetr ltv wilt be held at aCottrtof Itankrntcr lo be , boidea at Fay ettv lite. H IV. before Wn. A UotliHe. J., lUl.lr la tWaarvptry of mtM t-baa . a i . . & - - Z . 7TT.-' .r. , r r. &s a w w ctura, a. m. i . J. it. HILI majr 5-2w U 8 Marshal for said Dutrtrt N. GItEEXWALl). DK-tl-EIt IN I.M1T1C ASD IMPOR TED : CIGARS AND SNIFFS, Ntrth Carolina and V1rpi2.I1 Sso- inj? and Chewiar Tobacco, riTE SMOKERS ARTICLE, Ac. ?bdian Girl Cicar Store." o. MARKtrr mrnxxr. dee 21 U 1 stiatM.a.t: BE YOUR OWN LAHD- LORD. 1 A m. I!! SiiotFn a um Al turn mm t"m mm-mm t e Caie, ntuwrrst, K-. aa. - iir.s. aeui es, wrajste, MaiMrvy. tied . TftasOt m, rm-K w mi m, jrM. jrieaak, wml cfcwxim Tvel. larvwstav I.:. t.itaiav &4 FastfsjFta' sfi'esa ' StfiVtf JtSfcll.., Country 3fetx:Uxaiit 2 tT K t: WAJTt rdr CalTTtW. I ins, yvmtm OhM4 Ifww, tr .a-. r-K IUm, WHimm eg e Weies j us in 1 ae4 st batinar sws Hmwmr tm mm mrm a tK . lastMCXsttd f

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